RA1975/07/1575 -73 ANAHEIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION July 15, 1975, (1:00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Pebley, Sneegas and Thom ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour PRESENT: ACTING ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: William Griffith CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts SECRETARY: Alona M. Hougard REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Ron Contreras PARKS, RECREATION AND THE ARTS DIRECTOR: John Collier Chairman Thom called the regular meeting of the Community Develop- ment Commission to order at 1 :00 P.M. for the purposes of sitting as the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the Anaheim Housing Authority. MINUTES: Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held July 1, 1975, and adjourned regular meeting held July 8, 1975, was deferred. I. ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: The following matters were con- sidered by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency: ANAHEIM CIVIC THEATRE - INTERIM USE FACILITY: Director of Parks, Recreation and the Arts John Collier briefed the contents of his memorandum report dated July 7, 1975, pertaining to exploration of alternatives for an interim use facility for the Ana - Modjeska Players. He noted the major recommendation was for the construction of a permanent geodesic dome structure on La Palma Park at an estim- ated cost of more than $100,000; the advantages being the obtainment of a long -term permanent facility. Also suggested was a temporary tent /geodesic dome at an estimated cost of $80,000, which would require the.provision of maximum security; and the use of store front type facilities., which would require major structural repairs in older facilities. Chairman Thom pointed out that any of these proposals would constitute a major expenditure, and there was no indication of community support; and although it is a constructive and posi- tive report, he could not favor the recommendations at this time. Responding to question by Commissioner Kaywood, who felt the former Zion Lutheran Church building would be the first choice, Mr. Collier advised that Mr. Andrew Deneau's committee would submit cost estimates on the least expensive procedures for bringing the former church facility up to earthquake safety standards within one week. He pointed out that the church pews are being declared surplus property for auction. Commissioner Kaywood was of the opinion that the pews should not be sold until a determination has been made on the possible use of the facility. On motion by Commissioner Thom, seconded by Commissioner Sneegas, the report submitted by the Parks, Recreation and the Arts Director was ordered received and filed. Commissioner Seymour was absent. MOTION CARRIED. 75 =74 Redevelopment Agency, July 15, 197 Con tinued: Further discussion ensued, during which Commissioners Thom and Sneegas indicated they would hesitate to proceed with a project of any financial magnitude without identifiable, broad -based commun- ity support. Conwtissioue Sneegas felt that the facility which formerly housed the church had been offered as an interim facility for the theatrical group, due to the fact that it was vacant and available;.whereas since that facility was determined to be unsafe by earthquake standards, the City has now been placed in the posi- tion of becoming responsible for obtaining another facility for the group. Commissioner Kaywood was of the opinion that inasmuch as the City offered $20,000 to rewire and refurbish the structure for theatre purposes, and for some reason the facility was not inspected for earthquake safety before that work was accomplished, the responsibility for an interim use facility lies with the City, although not to a major expenditure. She felt that there was interest in the group and support on the part of the public. Commissioners Thom and Pebley noted inquiries received from citizens regarding the residency of the Ana - Modjeska Players members. Commissioner Kaywood stated that the various segments of cultural arts groups should unite towards their particular goals. She noted the unique requirements for theatrical facilities as opposed to facilities for other art groups, just as a tennis court would not be feasible on a baseball field, even though both are sports facilities. Commissioner Sneegas pointed out the difficulties exper- ienced in obtaining enough public interest to effect the construc- tion of a new City Hall, which would definitely benefit every citizen; and he felt there should be some method of gaining support for the theatre facility in such a way that it does not become a burden to the City. Chairman Thom suggested support might be gained for a complete community center to accommodate all cultural arts. He commended the committee who surveyed the possibilities and pre- pared the report. No further action was taken. EUGENE B. JACOBS AGREEMENT: Redevelopment Director Knowlton Fernald reported that when the Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution No. CDC 75 -36 on July 8, 1975, approving terms and conditions of an agreement with Special Counsel Eugene B. Jacobs, a Professional Corp.; to render legal services and assistance necessary for the planning and execution of redevelopment projects, the resolution should have contained a provision limiting the compensationr said services to a $3,000 monthly maximum, as recommended by the Community Redevelopment Commission. The City Attorney advised that the necessary language could be inserted into the agreement. In response to question by Commissioner Sneegas, he advised there was no minimum amount nor retainer provided for the Special Counsel; payment is made for services rendered only. By general consent of the Reec—jelopment Agency, the Ci'-.y Attorney was instructed to insert the provision for maximum com- pensation in the agreement with Eugene B. Jacobs, a Professional Corp., as recommended by the Redevelopment Director. 75 -75 Redevelopment Agency, July 15, 1975, Continued: REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - ADDITION OF PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION: On report and recommendation by the Redevelopment Director and the City Attorney, Commissioner Sneegas moved that the addition of the per- sonnel classification "Planning Supervisor" in the Redevelopment Department be approved in concept. Commissioner Kaywood seconded the motion. Commissioner Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. INVITATION: Redevelopment Director Knowlton Fernald briefed the con - tents of his letter dated July 11, 1975, extending an invitation to attend a presentation of the first phase summary report for Redevelopment Alpha's Downtown Area to be held Wednesday, July 23, 1975, at the Chartres Recreation Center, 222 East Chartres Street, at 7:30 P.M. MINUTES: Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held May 13, 1975, were pproved on motion by Commissioner Thom, seconded by Commis- sioner Kaywood. Commissioner Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. II. ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY: The following matters were considered by the Anaheim Housing Authority: ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY - BUDGET REVISION: Mr. Fernald reported on revised budget submitted for the Anaheim Housing Authority, in_ the amount of $97,091.17, as opposed to the $114,098.00 budget originally proposed, based on 400 units to be leased. The revised budget is based on 200 units, and notification has been received that Anaheim has been approved for the 200 units, which it is anticipated will be leased in approximately six months. The projected income, based on the 200 units, is a total of $81,957.00, leaving a balance of $15,134.00. This deficit could be made up by the Redevelopment Agency or the City, which is legal and would be justifiable, inasmuch as the Section 8 Housing Program will provide housing resources for relocation, and will alleviate redevelopment funds for that purpose. He explained that as funds are received from H.U.D., they would be adequate during the first part of the year; however, the deficit would probably occur during the last two or three months of the fiscal year. It is hoped that during the year, there will be participation in some additional program which could increase the available funds, alleviating the expected deficit without assistance from the Redevelopment Agency or the City. He advised he expected to come before the Authority with a revision to the budget prior to the end of the fiscal year. In response to questions by 4��t ity members, Mr. Fernald Ili foo advised that the projected amount of $251888 for services of five an' advisory commissioners was based on the amounts paid to Redevelopment Commissioners; that it is anticipated the Housing Commission will meet twice each month initially, and possibly a monthly meeting will be sufficient later in the year; said meetings to be scheduled at a time established by the Commission and /or the Housing Authority. On motion by Commissioner Kaywood, seconded by Commissioner Thom, the amended budget for the Housing Authority was accepted. Commissioner Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business before the Anaheim Hous- ing Authority, Chairman Thom entertained a motion to adjourn. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Kaywood moved to adjourn to Tuesday, July 22, 1975 1 :00 P.M. Commissioner Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1.29 P.M. SIGNED �_' _ //7, Secretary, AnaheimAommunity Development Commission