RA1975/08/1975 -81 Conununi_ty D(_ .v(21opment CommiSsioii Mi_ - Augu 19_, 1975, 1 P.M. Redevelopme Agency M C ontinue d I. ANAH Rl" DEVELOPME N T AGENC The following matters were con- sidered by the Anaheim Redcv6.6pment Agency: LLv,t:HL IM _ C YON .� REA. (La Pal:..a i Y,Asti,. ��JUOli.l Jefferson-Storm Drain Facilities) Mr'. Fernald reported that the Redevelopment Agency is currently completing a study intended to indicate the storm drain needs for the entire canyon industrial area, and the projections for development in this area, both with and without the storm drain, to arrive at a justification for the overall cost. The particular storm drain project under discussion this date relates to a potential development of a 20 -acre industrial park (Park Jefferson) which would be served by one storm drain improvement. It is recommended by the Redevelopment Commission that this developer be allowed to proceed with the project via an agreement with the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to construct the storm drain facility at an estimated cost of $350,000. He reported that the first phase of the planned industrial development consists of 10 acres and would generate approximately $42,000 annually in tax increment funds which would be sufficient to retire bonds in the amount of $350,000. He added that it is not expected the Agency will go into bonding at this time for the one project, but that a bonding recommendation would be submitted later. Mr. Dan D'Urso submitted copies of a report to'the Redevelop- ment Commission on the La Palma- Tustin - Jefferson Storm Drain Facility, dated August 13, 1975. (Copies of said report on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) He explained that there are two proposed solutions for the overall drainage problem in the Canyon industrial Area: The long range solution would be to establish a drainage fee for the entire area. It is estimated that the 19 systems needed to provide drainage for the entire ar_ea.would cost $4,350,000 to construct and broken down on an acreage basis, a drainage fee of $3,845 per acre would be necessary. However, since that amount would be considered excessive by a prospecti- "e developer and would thereby deter growth, it is recommended that a maximum fee of $2,000 per acre be established with the remaining funds provided by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. Mr. D'Ursb noted that the Agency is not being requested to allocate funds at this time inasmuch as the financial analysis is still under way. Mr. D'Urso further reported that a solution for the more immediate problem of providing a drainage system for the proposed Park Jefferson Industrial development and 35.6 surrounding acres of property would be to construct the facility from'Redevelopment Funds with the cost defrayed somewhat by establishment of the $2,000 per acre drainage fee. It is estimated that the cost breakdown for this facility whose total cost is estimated at $368,000, would be $329,155 from Redevelopment funds and $38,960 from the developers. Commissioner Sneegas reported that he has taken a lease and hopes to go into escrow immediately for one commercial acre of ground located directly across the street from the site which the proposed drainage system would service and asked for a ruling as I to whether or not this is a conflict of interest. Mr. Watts advised that while it is appropriate to declare such a business interest, he did not believe it constitutes any conflict since the project, if it is approved, would not benefit Commissioner Sneegas or his property any more than any other property in the area. MOTI ON: Commissioner Thom moved that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency approve, in principle, hsth the snort- and lone -term solutions to resolve the drainage situation in the Anaheim Canyon 75 -82 Community Development Commi.ssion Minutes - August 19, 1975, 1:00 P.M. Redevelopment Agency Minutes, Continued Industrial Area as recommended by the Community Redevelopment Commission, i.e., authorize the implementation of the necessary procedure to establish drainage fees at $2,000 per acre and authorize staft to prepare a;i agreement between the City and the Redevelopment Agency to provide funds for construction of the storm drain identified in the Master Plan for Drainage as Project No. 1 and reimbursement of the acreage assessment. Councilman Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST FOR ADJOURNMENT TO AUGUST 26, 1975: Mr. Fernald requested that the Anaheim Community Development Commission adjourn this meeting to Tuesday', August 26, 1975 as there is a possibility that the Annual Contributions Contract for the Anaheim Housing Authority may be forwarded from HUD by that time. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Seymour moved to adjourn to Tuesday, August 26, 1975 at 1:00 P.M. Commissioner Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 2:32 P.M. BY: Deputy ANAHEIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION August 26, 1975 (1:00 P.M. Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Pebley, Sneegas and Thom PRESENT: SECRETARY: Alona M. Hougard The regular meeting of the Anaheim Community Development Commission was called to order by the Secretary and adjourned for a lack of quorum to the next regular meeting, September 2, 1975, 1:00 P.M. ADJOURNED: 1:01 P.M. SIGNED - �` / ✓`� ��CS/�I Secretary, Anah4im Community Deve opment commission