RA1975/09/0275 -8.3 ANAIIEIM COMMi7NITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION September 2, 1975, (1:00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City hall PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Sneegas (arrived 1:07 P.M.) and Thom. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Pebley PRESENT: ACTING ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: William Griffith CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Linda D. Roberts REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald HOUSING DIRECTOR: Rosario Mattessich FINANCE DIRECTOR: M. R. Ringer Chairman Thom called the Regular Meeting of the Anaheim Community Development Commission to order at 1:00 P.M. for the purpose of sitting as the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Anaheim Housing Authority. MINUTES On motion by Commissioner Kaywood, seconded by Commissioner Thom, minutes of the Regular Meetings held August 19, 1975, and Adjourned Regular Meeting held August 26, 1975, were approved. Commissioners Pebley and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRIED. I. ANAHEI RE DEVELO PMENT AGENC The following matters were considered by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency: PURCHASE 01' SERVICES - BROCHURE PRINTING The Redevelopment Director reported on informal bids received for printing 2,000 copies of a 32 -page brochure with envelones,_entitled "What Redevelopment Means To You ". The Community Redevelopment Commission recommended that the quotation from Hutton /Roach in the amount of $4,660.00 be accepted and printing services authorized. On motion by Commissioner Thom, seconded by Commissioner Kaywood, the low bid of Hutton /Roach was accepted and printing services auth- orized the amount of $4,660.00. Commissioners Pebley and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRIED. REDEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT PROPOSALS - APPRAISERS, TITLE INSURANCE AND ESCROW S ERVI CES : Report dated August 29, 1975, was submitted by Knowlton Fernald (copies furnished each Commissioner) reflecting recommendation by the Community Redevelopment Commission that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency enter into a contractual agreement with the following title insurance and escrow services companies to act as consultants in the acquisition of properties within Project Alpha: Title Insurance & Trust Company, 800 North Main Street, Santa Ana; First American Title Insurance Company, 421 North Main Street, Santa Ana; Safeco Title Company, 825 North Broadway, Santa Ana. Mr. Fernald advised that proposals had been received from the companies listed and were attached to the report, and he noted that no commitment for the amount of payment was included in the proposed agreement. The agreement would provide an opportunity to work with the three recommended title insurance and escrow services companies over a period of time. Commissioner Seymour questioned the reasons for the limited number of companies recommended. Mr. Fernald replied that proposals were obtained from these companies which have major full service facilities and resources in the Orange County area. Commissioner Seymour failed to see how the proposed agreements could be limited to three title insurance companies and questioned the type of services which would be required. 75 -84 Com Development Commission Minutes - SeJ.?tember 2, 1975, 1:00 P.M. Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Continued Commissioner Sneegas entered the meeting (1 :07 P.M.) Mr. Fernald stated that the list was a starting point and he 'eforr_d t^ t1-2 summary cf fc th diffarent servi (_t:� in$.Iluded in.the report, advising that the fee schedules are substantially the same, although quoted on differing bases. The Agency can enter into agreements with additional companies in the future,if desired. For clarification, the City Attorney and Commissioner Seymour advised that title insurance rates are governed by the Insurance Commission and cannot be discounted. TITLE INSURANCE AND ESCROW SERVICES Commissioner Thom expressed the opinion that any title companies having offices in Anaheim should be solicited for quotations. He thereupon moved that proposals from the title insurance and escrow services firms be accepted and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an agreement between said companies and the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency; further, that staff be instructed to contact those title insurance companies who have offices in Anaheim now,or who may establish offices in Anaheim in the future, for their proposals. Commissioner Seymour seconded the motion. Commissioner Pebley absent. MOTION CARRIED. APPRAISERS Mr. Fernald reported that from a list of approximately 7 appraisers, the Community Redevelopment Commission recommended that the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency enter into contractual agree- ments with the following: M. H. Byer, M.A.I., & Jack R. Strobel, M.A.I. 2192 Dupont Drive, Suite 116, Irvine, California 92664 S. J. Difi,lippo, A.S.A. 2545 East Chapman Avenue, Suite 112, Fullerton, California 92631 Eugene E. Gutierrez, III - 180 South Lake Avenue, Suite 455, Pasadena, California 91101 Cedric A. White, Jr., M.A.I. 292 Wilshire, Suite 106, Anaheim, California 92801 Commissioner Seymour questioned the method used in soliciting input from the various appraisers and was of the opinion that a greater number would be needed to process the work which is expected to be involved in Project Alpha. Mr. Fernald reported that considerable staff research was con - ducted to determine what appraisers had been working with other redevelopment agencies; in addition, some proposals were accepted at the request of the appraisers themselves. He envisioned entering into agreements with other appraisers in the future as the need for such services increases. On motion by Commissioner Seymour, seconded by Commissioner Thom, proposals of the four listed appraisers were accepted and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare agreements between the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and said appraisers. Commissioner Pebley absent. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT - ASSESSED VALUATIONS, PROJECT ALPHA: Finance Director M. R. Ringer distributed report dated August 22, 1975, indicating the calculated revenues for the current fiscal year for Project Alpha. He commented that the projected $57,607,646.00 increment was greater by'approximately $32,000,00.0.00 than the total increment for the.first two years. In response to question by Chairman Thom, Mr. Ringer reported that he had not checked to determine whether the area had been re- assessed by the Orange County Assessor and did not anticipate doing so this year inasmuch -,s a consul`:nt had been retained by 75 -85 Community Develolment Commission Minutes - September 2, 1975, 1:00 P.M. Anaheim Redevelopment Ag ency, Continued the City last year to check the legal boundaries, precedent to establishing the project area. He was of the opinion that the projected figure would not change. Report of the Finance Director was received, and no further action taken. REPORT - PROPOSED ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT Redevelop- ment Director Knowlton Fernald reported that a draft agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the Orange Unified School District was under preparation by the City Attorney's Office for submission to the Agency, and the School District Board requested that a copy thereof be provided for consideration at their September 4th meeting. City Attorney Alan Watts advised that the document was proposed to be presented to the Board with the caveat that it had not been reviewed by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. In response to Chairman Thom's expressed concern that there might be a potential problem if the Agency and School Board did not agree on the provisions of the draft agreement, Mr. Watts pointed out that the document closely followed the letter agreement formerly executed by the two agencies. Chairman Thom indicated he had no objection to the draft agree- ment being presented to the School Board for their- review. II. ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY The following matters were considered by the Anaheim Housing Authority: ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY BUDGET year administration of Section Mr. Fernald referred to copies submitted to each Commissioner been received from HUD and wou the execution of the contract execution and returned before REPORT In connection with the first 8, Housing Assistance Payment Program, of the Annual Contributions Contract and advised that this agreement had Ld require a resolution authorizing which must be forwarded to HUD for the Program can be effected. Mr. Rosario Mattessich, Housing Director, recalled that on August 26, 1975, copies of the Administrative Plan were provided to each Commissioner, which must be reviewed and approved by HUD. The Plan included the first -year budget for the 13 -month period September 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976. He advised that the proposed contract is standard for all Housing Authorities and briefly outlined the three sections thereof. He stressed the need for early approval of the contract in order to effect activities under the Housing.Assistance Payments Program. Commissioner Kaywood questioned the proposed agreements desig- nation of the Housing Authority Staff as the "Agency ", the City Council as the "Authority ", and another entity as the "Council ", and that she felt this would lead to a great deal of confusion. Mr. Mattessich reported that the nomenclature was as set forth in the HUD guidelines and did not apply to the City's own designations. !^ Commissioner Kaywood was of the opinion that the various groups should be very clearly identified. She questioned the wording contained on page 2, which sets forth that the difference between the Housing Authority's budget and the HUD maximum contri- butions would be absorbed by the City. According to the Community Development Commission's Housing Authority minutes of the July 15, 1975 meeting, the deficit could be made up by the Redevelopment Agency or the City. She had been of the opinion that the Redevelop- ment Agency should be the body responsible for absorbing this difference. 75--8G Comm Development Co M inut es - 2, 1975, 1:00 P.M. Anaheim I-Iousinq Authority, Continued Mr. Mattessich concurred with Commissioner Kaywood's recol- lection, adding he had further noted the possibility of the Agency getting into another program this year and reclaiming some of the money. Commissioner Kaywood then referred to the proposed contracts wherein the Development Services or Redevelopment Department Staffs are to provide assistance during peak periods, and she noted that staff is already overworked in the Development Services Department. Mr. Mattessich pointed out that there was a CETA position in that department which technically could be utilized in a peak situa- tion, however the Housing Authority staff will, not be depending upon that assistance. Within a year, it is anticipated that Housing Authority staff will be able to manage the workload. Commissioner Kaywood questioned how it can be assured that, because of the rent subsidies becoming available, rental fees will not escalate throughout the city. Mr. Mattessich advised that the initial program is not large enough to affect the rental market in the city; however, any in- crease in rental fees previously charged will necessarily be justi- fied by the property owners, and they will be liable for criminal penalties if any misstatements are made. In light of the material submitted for review, Commissioner Seymour moved that the execution and disposition of the.Annual Contributions Contract and the financial plan for first year administration of Section 8, Housing Assistance Payments Program, be continued to September 9, 1975. Commissioner Sneegas seconded the motion. Commissioner Pebley absent. MOTION,CARRIED. BYLAWS - ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY Housing Director Rosario Mattessich reported that the proposed Anaheim Housing Authority bylaws would be submitted for review on September 9, 1975, and he advised that these were similar to those of the Redevelopment Agency. There being no.further business before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency or the Anaheim Housing Authority,.Chairman Thom entertained a motion to adjourn the Community Development Commission. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Kaywood moved to adjourn to Tuesday, September 9, 1975, 1:00 P.M. Commissioner Sneegas seconded the motion. Commissioner Pebley absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:37 P.M. Alona M. Hougard, Secretary, Anaheim Community Development Commission SIGNED: _�__� -1 _— Deputy