ARA1975-025RESOLUTION NO. RA 75 -25 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING AND APPROVING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1974 -1975. WHEREAS, an amended budget for Fiscal Year 1974 -75 has been presented to the Redevelopment Agency, said budget set forth in Exhibit "A". attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, changes in the previously adopted budget are necessary due to changes in the amount of anticipated revenue; and WHEREAS, 1t is in the best interest of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to adopt said amended budget as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed amended budget be, and it is hereby, adopted. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 4th day of March, 1975. a 1 7 ,.-� PMENT AGENCY ATTEST: SEZRETARY OF THEX ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MES:in r STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ALONA M. HOUGARD, Satretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. RA75 -25 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, held on the 4th day of March, 1975, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Sneegas and Mr. Thom NOES: None ABSENT;, Mr. Seymour AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, approved and signed said Resolution on the 4th day of March, 1975. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of March, 1975. SECRETARY OF THE ANA EIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEAL) ANINUAL BUDGET - S11101TIiARY ACCOUNT No. 520 -255 GENERAL GOVERNMENT REDEVELOPMENT ACTUAL CLASSIFICATION EXPENDITURES REDEVELOPMENT BUDGET BUDGET 100' SALARIES AND WAGES 381 ,50 200 SERVICES 300 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 2,3 400 OTHER CHARGES 17,800 OPERATING TOTAL 401,185 500 CHARGES TO OTHERS 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY NET OPERATING TOTAL // J `i 401,185 2 "598, 815 - 900 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS s TOTAL 1�$ot�t'>�'' c 2;000,000 TOTAL NUMBER OF REGULAR PERSONNEL t _ . ri CITY OF ANIA CALIF'ORFJIA ARIl1111A1 ntinrr 1 MIVIrUnL UU4+U4-8 DETAIL ACCOUNT N4. 520 -255 GENERAL GOVERNMENT REDEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT CODE NO. ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET SERVICES 211 Printing 2,000 212 Duplicating Service by Ci y 2,000 216 Legal Advertising 4,000 221 Light and Power 4,000 222 Water 200 223 Telephone & Tele. 8,000 242 For Office Equipment 400 256 Legal Services - City Att rney 16,000 269 Misc. Professional Servic s 344,435 Total 381,035 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 346 350 Books, Mags., Periodicals 361 Office Supplies 1,200 362 Postage 800 Total 2,350 OTHER CHARGES 421 Travel & Auth Expense 12,000 422 Travel & Auth Expense-Conp. 4,200 423 Dues & Memberships 400 426 Special Training Expense 1,200 Total 17,800 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 910 -73 1,800 Conf. Table & 12 chairs -74 5 chairs, 3 tables (recep ion area) 500 -75 2 filing cabinets 270 -76 drafting table 230 -77 drafting stool 45 -78 1 secretarial desk, 3 executive desks, 3 executive chairs, l typewriter attachment 1,400 -79 2 layout tables 400 -80 1 map file 250 -81 3 bookcases 300 -82 1 supply cabinet 150 -83 1 drafting lamp 40 -84 mist. furniture 615 -85 1 35 mm camera 350 -86 1 polaroid camera 105 -87 1 Mayline parallel rule 6 ft. 60 -66 1 Norelco transcriber, 2 locket records & icrophone 900 -67 1 Calculator 360 -68 2 Typewriters 1,200 -69 1 Projection screen 50 -70 1 Projector 175 rITV fir. ARIAIICIA11 rAI irnnRIIA -- - - - -- ARtRnIAI RIInrCT D ETAIL ACCOUNT NO. 520 -2.55 GENERAL GOVERNMENT RE DEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT CODE NO. ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (Con inued) -71 Miscellaneous equipment 800 —72 Automobile 7,000 Encumbrances 2,995 935 - 51 Office Remodeling 5,000 937-51 Redevelopment - 7 � ' -'> 0 - --1'.573 820 I Total , �l� C.._.a,5984815 PITv nl AtIA111:1RI rAI trnDIMA — —_- ACCOUNT NO 100 -255 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CLASSIFICATION 100' SALARIES AND WAGES 200 SERVICES 300 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 400 OTHER CHARGES OPERATING TOTAL 500 CHARGES TO OTHERS 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY NET OPERATING TOTAL 900 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY REDEVELOPMENT ACTUAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET REDEVELOPMENT BUDGET 1974 -75 9 16,159 113,123 10,312 123,435 123,435 I TOTAL NUMBER OF REGULAR PERSONNEL I I I Redevelopment.Director Assistant Director Associate Planner (ECAN) Associate Planner (Red.) Assistant Planner Redevelopment Technician Senior Secretary Steno Clerk Relocation Specialist 2,400.67 - 2,917.20 1,605.07 - 1,950.00 1,355.47 -- 1,646.67 1,355.47 - 1,646.67 1,171.73 - 1,424.80 852.80 - 1,036.53 812.93 - 988.00 703.73 - 854.53 1,605-07 - 1,950-00 2,917.20 x 6 - 1,684.8o x 6 - 1,516.67 x 6 - 1,516.67 x 6 - 1,357.20 x 6 - 906.53 x 6 - 941.20 x 6 - 703.73 x 6 - 1,950.0o x 6 - CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA _ ArAMIPLI DtInCCT DETAIL ACCOUNT NO. 100 -255 GENERAL GOVERNMENT REDEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT CODE NO. ITEM ACTUAL BUDGET - BUDGET SALARIES AND WAGES 110 Perm Full -Time Emp 80,964 Expend. To Date 16,000 Total 96,964 OTHER CHARGES 459 -02 Estimated Fringe Benefits 16,159 Total 16,159 CHARGES TO OTHERS 577 Indirect Casts 10,312 Total 10,312 TOTAL - 1'13,435 CITY nF AFJA14FIM M irnFiiliA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BALANCE SHEET JANUARY 31, 1975 ASSETS Cash - Active Total Assets LIABILITIES RESERVES AND FUND BALAN Accounts Payable Due to General Fund Total Liabilities Reserve for Encumbrances Unappropriated Fund Balance Total Liabilities, Reserves and Fund Balance $ 3,056,413.10 1-3,0-5 � $ 3,978.41 2,507,053.81 2,511,032.22 4,989.83 540,391.0 $ 3,o56 ,413. 10 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE MONTH ENDED JANUARY 31, 1975 Unappropriated Fund Balance, July 1, 1974 $ (21,978.01) Add: Revenues 629,164.06 . Total Balance and Additions 607,186.05 Deduct: Expenditures $ 61,805.17 ,Reserve for Encumbrances 4,989.83 Total Deductions 66 Unappropriated Fund Balance, January 31, 1975 $ 540,391 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT JANUARY 31, 1975 January Expenditures Bud et Expe nditures To Date Balan Gener Fund 110 Salaries 459 -02 Fringe Benefits 577 Indirect Costs $ 96,964.00 $ 7,068.07 $ 24,123.03 $ 72,840.97 16,159.00 1,177.89 4,020.08 12,138.92 10,312.0 824.59 2,814.31 7,497.65 40.42 ` 20 Legal Advertising 123 x±35_00 S _ 9,0 70-55 $ 0, 957. 42 $_ �2. 1 4 Rede velopment Fu 211 Printing $' 2,000.00 $ $ $ 212 Duplicating Service by City 2,000.00 40.42 122.97 20 Legal Advertising 4,000.00 2.21 Light & Power 4,000.00 222 Water 200.00 223 Telephone & Telegraph 8,000.00 115.31 391.30 228 Gasoline 182.11 242 Office Equipment Maintenance 400.00 244 Auto. Equipment Maintenance 32.88 32.88 256 Legal Services -City Attorney 16,000.00 257 Appraisal Services 1,300.00 7,795.00 269 Misc. Prof. Services Consulting Contracts WMRT 80,000.00 MKGK 35,000.00 WSA 35,500.00 LS 50,000.00 Other 20,500.00 2,837.06 3,773.69 City 123,435.00 9,070.55 30,957.42 2.99 Misc. Contracts 19.90 19.90 346 Books, Magazines, Periodicals 350.00 38.00 143.86 361 Office Supplies 1,200.00 222.45 1,255.57 362 Postage 800.00 421 Travel & Authorized Expense 12,000.00 1,353.71 6,218.71 422 Travel & Auth. Exp.-Comm. 4,200.00 12.77 84.62 423 Dues and Memberships 400.00 194.00 194.00 426 Special Training Expense 1,200.00 910 2 Executive Desks 603.00 602.93 602.93 910 -54 1 Secretarial Desk 212,00 212.00 212.00 910 -55 1 Typewriter Attachment 76.00 75.26 75.26 910 - 56 1 Posture Chair 67.00 66.78 910 -57 2 Rotary Arm Chairs 151.00 150.52 910 -58 5 Drawer Legal File 280.00 279.84 910 - 59 1 Drafting Table 2 240.62 910 -60 1 Drafting Stool 48.00 47,70 910- -61 1 Drafting Lamp 41.00 40,28 910 -62 1 Conference Table 401.00 400,68 �3 10 Arm Chairs 508.00 507.74 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT JANUARY 31, 1975 January Expenditures Budget Expenditures To Date Balance 910 - 65 Tape Recorder $ 212.00 $ 211.42 $ 211.42 $ .5 910 -66 1 Transcriber & Access. 900.00 890.94 890.94 9.0 910 - 67 1 Calculator 360.00 357.75 357.75 2.2 910 -68 2 Typewriters 1,200.00 1,200.0 910 -69 1 Projector Screen 50.00 50.0 910 -70 1 Projector 175.00 175.0 910 -71 Misc. Equipment 800.00 800.0 910 - 72 Automobile 7,000.00 6,5 +8,68 6,548.68 451.3 910 -73 Conference Table & 12 Chairs 1,800.00 1,800.0 910--74 5 Chairs, 3 Tables (Recept. Area) 500,00 500.0 910 -75 2 Filing Cabinets 270.00 270.0 910 -76 Drafting Table 230.00 230.0 910 - 77 Drafting Stool 45.00 45.0 910 -78 1 Sec. Desk, 3 Exec. Desks, 3 Exec. Chairs, 1 Type. Attach. 1,400.00 1,400.0 910 - 79 2 Layout Tables 400.00 400.0 910 -80 1 Map File 250.00 250.0 910 -81 3 Bookcases 300.00 300.0 910 -82 1 Supply Cabinet 150.00 150.0 910 -83 1 Drafting Lamp 40.00 40.0 910 -84 Misc. Furniture 615.00 615.0 9 i 0• -85 1 35mm Camera 350.00 350-C 910 -86 1 Polaroid Camera 105.00 105.( 910 -87 1 Mayline Parallel Rule - 6 Ft. 60.00 60.: 935 - 51 Office Remodeling 5,000.00 5,000.0 937 - 51 Redevelopment 1,073,820.00 1,073,820.1 Encumbrances 155.00 1 1,500,600.0 24,1�6 � 61.80-5, -7 L