ARA1982-006: P82-6 1'. �.,n� T T TAT. r,��., I(I V r, ' 77 7 -1 7 T r, C p - _ _ - r, , 7'l�T', T? r''l t? rr, ?r1T TmTrli -- - •' 7 ' T7. � ^ � �r r,_r the Anaheim Feceve! o=ent 1 and receive seal ed nrOpOSaIS for e^o__i inn and S e ^ O +Y1 P_ n'_'o^erties, Demolition, grading and site clearance of the following Agency property: in accordance rf t h the s - ecificatlons on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Agency; and ii?rFnFAF , the Anaheim Red evelonment _4�-enC y ' d _d sol C sealed T1rorosals for the furnishin^ of all : lane, lad or, - ! cos, Sery materials and ecui..ment, all Utilities and transnortat:i.on, in- cludinfi nol9er, fuel and hater, and nerformilnF all i,To ll ne._ceSsar`.' to co7,nT -ete it a P_'ood and worP,manl. i'r'e ;'fanner, the demcllt_'_on and clearance hereinabove more particularly mentioned and deacr -bed, and vihich notice slid state and declare that pursuant to the nro- visions of Section i'T'7C of the Labor (ode, the Redevelonment Agency had ascertained the nrevailinr- rate of wares in the locality in vhich this tyre of labor is to be * er- formed for each craft or tyre of wort - man or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and v�Th-ch wa7,e scale is on f in the Office of the Secret3ry of the Agency; and ?FF: T the A,rency renresentative did receive the following° sealed proposals on the 9th day of February , 1 82 , i t response to the notice aforesaid iry _ tin~ sealed nro- T?OS? 1S , to V, i t : -1- Agency Item No. Street Address Block /Parcel 1. 608 E. Chartres Street 11/12 2. 610 E. Chartres Street 11/13 3. 612 E. Chartres Street 11/14 in accordance rf t h the s - ecificatlons on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Agency; and ii?rFnFAF , the Anaheim Red evelonment _4�-enC y ' d _d sol C sealed T1rorosals for the furnishin^ of all : lane, lad or, - ! cos, Sery materials and ecui..ment, all Utilities and transnortat:i.on, in- cludinfi nol9er, fuel and hater, and nerformilnF all i,To ll ne._ceSsar`.' to co7,nT -ete it a P_'ood and worP,manl. i'r'e ;'fanner, the demcllt_'_on and clearance hereinabove more particularly mentioned and deacr -bed, and vihich notice slid state and declare that pursuant to the nro- visions of Section i'T'7C of the Labor (ode, the Redevelonment Agency had ascertained the nrevailinr- rate of wares in the locality in vhich this tyre of labor is to be * er- formed for each craft or tyre of wort - man or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and v�Th-ch wa7,e scale is on f in the Office of the Secret3ry of the Agency; and ?FF: T the A,rency renresentative did receive the following° sealed proposals on the 9th day of February , 1 82 , i t response to the notice aforesaid iry _ tin~ sealed nro- T?OS? 1S , to V, i t : -1- NAME TOTAL PRICE E & G CONTRACTORS, INC. . . . . . . . . $ 4,987.00 JOHN HINTZ (HINTZ WRECKING CO., INCA . . 5,300.00 1 , the Ac;encv renresentat_ ve dl _ d, thereupon er- mine and tabulate said sealed proposals and did report to the Anaheim Pedevelonment Acencv the result of his er..a7innticn and tabulations; and the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency finds that the sealed proposal submitted by E & G CONTRACTORS, INC., P.O. Box 1656, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 is the lo�%est responsible proposal submitted for the furrishln of all nlant, labor, services, materials and enuir.ment, all utilities and transnort`,at_(on, includin7 poT;Ter, fuel and `.'rater and nerfo- T-In.- all work necessary to complete in a Brood and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the snecifications therefor on file in the Office of the °ecretary of the Agency, the demolition and clearance hereinabove rentiored and described, together with the appurtenances thereto, and as specified ir_ the notice in- vitin7 sealed proposals, and that said proposal of said above - named bidder should be accented and a contract awarded to said bidder in accordance therewith; and 1 , the Anaheim Redevelopment AR7,encv finds that the above - mentioned sealed proposal is the loerest responsible proposal received and that the person, firm or corporation submitting* said proposal is a. resronsible'nerson, firm or cor- poration and that the proposal submitted is the hest suited and fitted for the demolition and clearance to be undertal {en. Im RFFOLVEn by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency that the sealed proposal submitted bT contractor for the furnishinq of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, all utilities and transportation, in- cludinr power, t'uel and water, and nerforming all c orl necessary to comnl.ete, in a food and workmanlil-e manner, in strict accord- ance , the snecifications therefor on file in the Office of the 1 of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the notice 'y- C h ri cl — eorarce 'n-r i r inVi � n6" Sealed rrcp aa_'_S i , e r.emOli. lOn ar �._ �_ �.. ., e 1 above more narticularl� ment_oned any; described, toMet.er with the annurtenances thereto, be, and the same is here'tiy, accepted, an,, that a contract for the ccmnlet of SaiC' derolit_Or. cl earance te, and the Same is herebs', awardeC to the Sc =d ra':ove- named birder. n T Rr Tm T" RF,Cnr`?' -'T1 +-11 the Y';r",, ' 1-. _ _ i i. _ v L i. L 1, a t J or r,_drArS tlnon each contract awarded as _1erelnabove Set forth, sh be, and thev are he e',', recufred to execute a contract it the required form with the Anaheir Redevelopment — erc'.' unor the terms and conditions snecified it the notice invitir.:r_ sealed nronosals and the rroposal submitted by said successful bidder or bidders and in accordance with the specifications for said Imnrovement 'hereinabove described, and in accordance ,­I th the terms, conditions and nrovisions of this resolution, and that said successful bidder or bidders to whom each contract is awarded shall be required to furnish a surety bond in the amount o FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY -SEVEN DOLLARS AND N01100 for all labor, materials and eaui.nmert to be furnished and per- formed, as set forth in the sealed nronosal submitter. b7 bidder for the Improvement, torether �. the Pnnurtenances thereto or such nortion thereof as is covered by said contract, as security for the faithful performance of said contract, anal a senarate surety bond ;_n the amount of FOUR THOUSAND NINE H EIG -S D A NO / 100as security✓ for the payment of all persons performin- labor and furnishing~ material for said Improvement. BF Tm FURTI ?; 'RESOLVED that said successful bidder or bidders be and they are hereby, required to furnish to the Anaheim, Redevelopment A97ency in companies satisfactory to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, public liability, property dam a7e, cornensation, and other insurance in the amounts and for the nurneses set forth and specified in the notice irvitinr sealed proposals, and subject to the arproval of the general Counsel of the AFency as to .form and sufficiency. BE IT FTTRT'IIER FFSOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelonmer:t Avenc,y be, and they are hereby, authorised and directed to mare, execute and enter into, for and on behalf of the Anaheim Redevelopment P_,r",ency, ? written contract with said successful bidder or bidders for the furnishing- of all plant, labor, materials and eauipment and perforrnin7 all :,tor?-:, as hereinabove more particularly described for the completion of said demolition and clearance hereinabove• described unon the terms and conditions as snecified in the notice ir-vi tinges sealed nron.osals, the sneci.fications, and all addenda thereto, and all modifications incorporated therein prior to the date of the onen- inr of bir'.s, on file in the Office of the Secretary of tre Anaheim Redevelopment AFencv and in strict accordance with the terms, conditions and nrovisions of this resolution, and in accordance with all of the contract documents herein snecified.. -3- —T T- TA T. 7-rr-T 71--r17 P.n7-- eC, ar-n -i,' ,. 7 t P.nahe - -'Ledevelorment Ap thf-1 s lfth('a February, 1982 LINDA D. ROBERTS, 1,7 pr y - '> SECRET4, Y ACTING FFCRT'-'lT ANAHET" P7T),"FV, FT OP117 p '�Fl ,!Cy 1 ,7- A 77 r. /in STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ARA82 -6 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency held on the 16th day of February, 1982, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency signed said Resolution on the 16th day of February, 1982. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16th day of February, 1982. LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BY GL ACTING SECRETARY (SEAL)