1914-05-28ORDINANCE NO, 2711, -- ---
"-" --
--' Section 37.of
An_O a
dllnan hAmerding
of the Y of _
Anahelm, Entitled "Ar Ordln encs . _.. ..
Providing for the Llcensing of Beal•
_._ i
,.. nese Carried on In the Clty. of Ana•""
Bili Day a ed a, 79pdgptad an the
.... ._.
The Aoard of Trustees of 'he City of l .,....._ _..
elm do ordaln as follows
Section 1, That Sactton 17 of Ordinance
170 of the City oP An¢h 1 t, entitled "- -
'An Ordinance 1' oviding for the Moon--
Ing of 13USlnase C 'led on in the City of
An0.[tei and adopt d aon the qday oP
August, 1006, heand the same 1S hereby ,. ...,. .__. ... _
- amended to read asfallow e:
10 Por every alrous tlr me-
agerle, $60ry Per laN
"Por every aide ehaw to a atr'ed,-
a _. ..:.
- here separate jiti sii,o is charged,
...... .:.:._
$6,00 per
"Por everyshow exhlbltlon other
than a clrcue or menagerie or aide show ......,
to a clrcue, given In a tent, having. a"----"-".--"
seating rap&city, 0E qua thou. and
an or eve uch show
X26 —ilbitlony,
it oapoeity
r ax a eve. ..._. ,..:
thousand, $10.00 per day,
kor than one
m Y go-round, $1.60
day o $7 00 pe we k
"p lad 7 r, tb¢t no elrous
menagerle tent show or exhibl(,1,- ar-
tnet ) gq-rgnn d, of anV appal'atua 01 ^^•"
equipment connected with or accompanyy
ing the same ahnll be ppermitted Cobe
Placed within the m•e itmlts of Sold MY -- "-""
__.. 9actlon 2. All oml"Dui— or purls ol
oral nanges In ccnfllot with the orov4alona
of this ordinaries are beteby repealed, -
Section 3. The City Clerk of the City
of Aelm shall cer[IPy to the Passage
I nah
of Chia ordinance. and cause the
be published once In Cho "Anatrelm -
G&aatta." u: weekly newepaner o[ general
circulation. bllah ed rind lir---
Pt aria
---- - cu laced withhl Y and thirty d"i -
after Its Anal paeeage IC $ball take of - -.
fell and be In lull force. _.."..
Tha Foregoing ordinance Is elgned, _...
_...... proved ¢rid attested by me lila 22kh day
....... of M¢Y, 17114
1Seap J. H. COOK
f'maiden, of the Board of Trustees o, Cha
Ckty of Anahelm. - -
it Mf
Att t. DDof
G[tY Clerk of the City of Annhelm
the An&hT
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