AHA-2010/09/14 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 The Anaheim Housing Authority met in regular session in the Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. Present: Chairman Curt Pringle, Authority Members: Lorri Galloway, Bob Hernandez, and Lucille Kring. Excused Absence: Authority Member Harry Sidhu. Staff Present: City Manager Tom Wood, City Attorney Cristina Talley, and Secretary Linda Andal A copy of the agenda was posted on September 10, 2010 on the kiosk outside City Hall. At 5:14 P.M., Chairman Pringle called the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order for a joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council and the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS (all agenda items except public hearings): No comments received during this joint public comment session related to the Housing Authority agenda and the meeting was recessed. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 5:52 P.M., the Housing Authority reconvened to consider the remaining Housing Authority Agenda. Chairman Pringle removed Item No. 7 from the consent calendar for further discussion. Authority Member Kring moved to approve the balance of the consent calendar, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 4: Chairman Pringle and Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez and Kring. Noes — 0. Absence — 1: Authority Member Sidhu. Motion Carried. 8. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meetings of June 22, 2010 and August 24, 2010. END OF CONSENT: Chairman Pringle commended staff for moving forward with the purchase of properties within the Avon /Dakota neighborhood as well as for formulating a plan to encourage present property owners to rehabilitate their homes. 7. Approve the Neighborhood Improvement Rehabilitation and Rebate Program for the D155 Avon /Dakota Neighborhood to provide incentives to property owners within Avon /Dakota to rehabilitate their properties and authorize the Authority Executive Director to execute future agreements. Community Development Executive Director Elisa Stipkovich explained this item was a follow -up to actions Council previously took relating to the South Street Request for Proposal (RFP) that was approved this June for an affordable housing project. In conjunction, the Housing Authority also authorized staff to work on Avon /Dakota, an adjacent neighborhood, and had approved a request for $4.8 million in funding. Today, she stated, staff requested $500,000 of those funds be allocated for a rebate program to encourage and motivate Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of September 14, 2010 Page 2 of 2 owners in that neighborhood to rehabilitate their properties and help in the revitalization plan for the area. She emphasized staff felt this effort would supplement the program in the Avon /Dakota neighborhood. She added that as part of the neighborhood improvements planned, the City had made purchase offers on four properties in that area; one had closed, one had accepted an offer and decisions had not yet been made on the remaining two properties. Authority Member Galloway moved to approve Item No. 7, seconded by Authority Member Hernandez. Authority Member Hernandez pointed out the funds allocated to this project came from the Federal government's HOME program and had no financial impact on taxpayers. Ms. Stipkovich added HOME monies were also restricted to use for affordable housing. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 4: Chairman Pringle and Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez and Kring. Noes — 0. Absence — 1: Authority Member Sidhu. ADJOURNMENT: With no other business to conduct, Chairman Pringle adjourned the meeting at 5:56 P.M. R-.pe« ully sub ed, Linda N. Andal, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority.