Public Utilities 2010/09/22CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES September 22, 2010 Board Members Present- L. Cahill, K. Murray, J. Brandman, J. Machiaverna, C. Peltzer, P. Carroll, D. Morgan Board Members Absent: None, AGENDAITEM 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 25,2010.* YInTRUAT �'0* , 77 =Piectintenor, site development, transportation services, recent activity, upcoming milestones, funding, and the high speed raii. The project is slated to be completed in 2013. ACTION TAKEN comments portion of the meeting, Recent budget cuts that were reviewed ild»»!2!y mid- year cut and the 201 ten percent cut to operating and maintenance budgets. On top of these cuts, additional cuts we made this year including freezing all remaining vacancies, further reductions to oLierating expenses, and QroMm-&fey-als. F*r' t=­ r'_4'tVffrj mx r",rcs : a se ' �ar� ITIT&Snop tT 11scuss Ene long an plan. M. Edwards felt it was a very viable suggestion and will have it agendized for the November PUB meeting. ux aj . g XSM tam-m."wo Wa all all L aj I -of the ainion that somethin needs 4 ¥»§» ne; th r fnre it w 4 0 I F DIRIVIRTM UMI MI a" IND r 8. APPROVAL OF ISSUANCE OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2010 (CITY OF ANAHEIM WATER SYSTEMS PROJECTS).* 21011 O 164 U1, -,W' AGENDAITEM Colorado River Agueduct Inspection Tour D. Calkins reminded the Board that the Metropolitan Water District Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Tour is on October 8-10 and there are still a few spaces available. If interested in going, please contact P. Oviedo. ACTION TAKEN S. Sciortino also added that last year Anaheim had 400 customers re-classified from the large industrial category to commercial, which was not reflected in the budget. If those two categories were combined, a more clear indication of the net impact might then be presented. Continuing with the presentation, E. Zacherl provided the Bo with the results of operations expenses for electric, as well as water revenues and operating expenses. I this year. S. Sciortino also indicated that 593 MW was the time peak for the Utility. I ACTION TAKEN -TTaZFT7fI7'*=,, =teaa, review, and ask any A clarifying questions between now and then. She also mention that the same report format would be provided to the Board at the October Board meeting. i Ali. Edwards thanked J. Lehman who is the Public Utilities Department Chief Risk Officer and supervises the transactio out of the wholesale area for her work in preparing this summary report. i J. Machiaverna offered his thanks to J. Wei for the tour and presentation of the Canyon Power Plant. He shared his hopes for a positive month in November regarding legislation, C . Pei t74r com mented on how i mpressed he was with the Canyon tour and felt that Anaheim will be very proud to have that facility. He added that J. Wei and staff had done a good job as well. D. Morgan shared that Anaheim is a place where good things AGENDAITEM ACTION TAKEN NOW 1IF"I" 11111101 and mentioned that part of the Project site will be used to recharge the groundwater, which is another example of combining different services. He addressed the Project cost impact and inquired as to whether it would impact residents, IMMIN inticatea trIaL ne enjoytu me Mnyun cower 1'roject tour ana felt that the discussion on status of the electric utility was neeM,ed. 201 .- 68