Public Utilities 2010/08/25CITY OF ANAHEIM PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MINUTES August 25, 2010 The agenda having been posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010, the Regular Meeting of the Public Utilities Board was called to order by Chairperson Lon Cahill at 5:02 p.m. on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, in the 11th Floor Conference Room, Anaheim West Tower, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Board Members Present: L. Cahill, K. Murray, J. Brandman, J. Machiaverna, C. Peltzer, P. Carroll Board Members Absent: D. Morgan Staff Present: M. Edwards, A. Kott, M. Ward, D. Calkins, E. Zacherl, S. Sciortino, B. Beelner, J. Wei, L. Quiambao, P. Oviedo, R. Dowell, S. Welch, L. Davis Guest(s) Present: David Wain, East Neighborhood Council AGENDA ITEM 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING HELD ON JULY 28,2010.* There was no discussion regarding this item. 3. PRESENTATION ON CANYON POWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION. L. Davis, Project Manager responsible for construction at Canyon Power Plant (Canyon), gave a presentation regarding the status of the construction of Canyon. He interfaces between the public and the contractors to ensure all is going according to plan. His primary responsibilities include the safety of employees on the site, insure the quality of the work is being done to specifications, stay on schedule, and meet the budget. The project is currently on schedule and on budget. L. Davis indicated that Canyon will provide the peaking power needed in the summer, a local resource in the event of a loss of ACTION TAKEN L. Cahill closed the general public comments portion of the meeting. L. Cahill moved approval of the July 28, 2010, Public Utilities Board minutes. P. Carroll seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1(D. Morgan). 2010-56 AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN transmission lines outside of our service territory, allow Anaheim to increase its renewable resources, and will also meet the required 15% reserve requirement once the facility is operational. L. Davis indicated that about 60% of the construction work is below ground for such things as the water chillers to cool the units, gas lines, and an air line to each turbine. Additionally, the generator transformer foundations associated with the four turbines, including the oil containment, a firewall to protect the turbine and all the equipment in the plant from the transformer are below ground. L. Davis answered a variety of questions from the Board such as, how many people would be hired once facility is completed and when will it be online. He responded there would be no additional people needed as the facility can be remotely dispatched if necessary, and is scheduled to be online in the Fall of 2011. 4. APPROVAL OF THE POWER CONTENT LABEL AND ANNUAL RETAIL ELECTRIC PROVIDERS REPORT FOR THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION. * M. Edwards indicated that Anaheim Public Utilities has been providing this information for almost 10 years so it is not new to the Public Utilities Board (Board). Thus the Board is being asked to approve the Annual Retail Electric Providers Report and Annual Power Content Label, and authorize the preparation and submission of the 2010 quarterly projections of the Power Content Label. 5. UPDATE ON WATER SYSTEM ISSUES. Grant for Landscape Resort Area Water Use Efficiency D. Calkins invited the Board's attention to the Informational Memorandum in the agenda package. The City was selected as a recipient for a $100,000 Grant to improve landscape water efficiency in the Resort Area by installing new centralized irrigation controllers and replacing 40,000 sprinkler heads with more efficient ones, which will reduce water use and improve staff efficiency (Project). Applying for and implementing the Grant was a joint effort with the Public Works Department. M. Edwards indicated the Public Works Department is fully supportive with reducing water use. For example, Public Works is currently testing the use of artificial ivy at approximately six sites including electric transformers and traffic control boxes, which are frequently tagged with graffiti. I. Machiaverna moved approval of this item. C. Peltzer seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 -0. Abstained: 0. Absent: 1(D. Morgan). 2010-57 AGENDA ITEM Metropolitan Water District 2010 Integrated Resources Plan D. Calkins indicated the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) recently issued its draft 2010 Integrated Resources Plan (IRP or Plan). The IRP reviews the water supply challenges facing Southern California, and identifies a roadmap for ensuring water supply reliability over the next 25 years. The Board received the Plan's executive summary, but the entire report is available on MWD's website. There is an MWD Board workshop on September 14, 2010, and the MWD Board will consider approval of the IRP at its October Board meeting. Nohl Canyon Tank In response to a question from the Board, D. Calkins stated the contractor is wrapping up construction activities for the Nohl Canyon Water Storage Tank, including final grading, landscaping, and demobilizing of the staging area. This water storage facility should be operational within 2 -3 months. 6. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC SYSTEM ISSUES. System Electricity Use M. Ward indicated that the Anaheim electric system has been operating well, and today the electric demand went up to 530 megawatts which is the peak measured for this year. There were about five outages over the past 2 -3 days during the mini - heat wave. Anaheim Public Utilities has approximately 110,000 customers overall, and of that number, approximately 100 customers experienced outages due to transformer failures. 7. UPDATE ON FINANCE ISSUES Budget Reduction Plan Summary E. Zacherl indicated that budget reductions of approximately $4.3 million have been identified in response to revenues that were less than budget as a result of the sagging economy and the cooler than normal weather conditions. The reductions include approximately $3.1 million of operating expenses and an additional $1.2 million of labor expenses. The labor saving represents 25 vacant positions that will not be filled this fiscal year. M. Edwards sought to provide context to those present by explaining that 75% — 80% of General Fund expenses represents labor expenses, however only 12% of Anaheim Public Utilities' budget expenses represents labor. As a result, labor reductions can only provide a small portion of the expense reductions needed to respond to the revenue shortfall of the Department. E. Zacherl indicated that discretionary expenses including ACTION TAKEN 2010-58 AGENDA ITEM travel, supplies, and advertising were minimized or eliminated where possible. In addition, a line item review of all expenses was performed to examine spending patterns in relation to prior years, and reductions and eliminations were also implemented while attempting to maintain desirable vs. acceptable service levels, if further reductions have to be made, there is a strong possibility that service levels will be impacted. M. Edwards indicated that options to reduce even further are becoming markedly limited. She indicated that the possibility exists, that legislative and or regulatory mandates could affect the way Anaheim Public Utilities does business thereby impacting service levels. E. ZacherI reported that Anaheim Public Utilities has begun the process to issue bonds to fund a portion of the Water Division's capital program. A Request for Proposal was issued to solicit bids from investment banks seeking to become part of the financing team. Ten banks responded and one will be chosen after the bids have been reviewed. Market conditions are favorable as interest rates continue to be historically low. Resource Adequacy Plan for the Month of August S. Sciortino reported that the forecast for September's peak is 535 megawatts. He added that forecasts are based on normal weather conditions. By way of example, he explained this week's weather was higher in temperature than what's been experienced so far this summer but it was still near normal for the month. S. Sciortino commented that there are sufficient resources capable of covering next month's load requirement. 2 "0 Annual Green Home Expo S. Sciortino indicated the 2 °d Annual Green Home Expo is being sponsored by Filipino - American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County. He will be attending in order to accept the Emerald award on behalf of the City who was designated the Greenest City in Orange County. Harris Spice S. Sciortino indicated Harris Spice (HS) is excited about their solar panels, and is having a dedication ceremony next week. HS is the second largest solar installation sponsored, in part, by Anaheim as a recycling source. ACTION TAKEN 2010 59 AGENDA ITEM 9. AGENDA ITEM(S) FOR THE NEXT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2010. • Artic Stakeholder Outreach • Electric Rate Workshop • Nohl Canyon Water Storage Tank Update is being moved to October • Agreement with the Orange County Sanitation District for the Water Recycling Demonstration Project • Transmission Service Agreement with Los Angeles Department of Water and Power • Green Power Program 10. ITEM(S) BY SECRETARY M. Edwards announced Margie Otto had a baby girl, Mikayla, who weighed 6 lbs. and is 20 inches long. M. Edwards indicated that in October, Don Calkins is being inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Alumni of the University of Missouri. M. Edwards indicated that the monthly billing pilot program has caused a series of problems so Customer Service will be returning to bimonthly billing. For those customers that prefer to remain on monthly billing, APU may be able to offer the option of Smart Meter service. M. Edwards spoke about the overall economic downward trend that continues to impact the Electric Utility, which has been exacerbated by the historically cool summer. The July sales were down 10% or about three million dollars from 2009 levels and 20% below July, 2008 levels with similar numbers expected for August. Because of the continuing drop in sales and the fixed nature of the Electric Utility's costs, Anaheim Public Utilities will be proposing an electric base rate increase of 10% spread over two years. This is in addition to further budget cuts. M. Edwards indicated that due to the mandatory public noticing and hearing requirements, the earliest a rate action could be put on the City Council agenda would be November 9, 2010 with the rate change effective December 1, 2010. During the workshop scheduled for September's Board meeting, staff will go over the proposal in greater detail. M. Edwards also indicated that APU is a not - for -profit agency and all investments are solely for the benefit of the citizens or Anaheim customers. ACTION TAKEN 2010-60 AGENDA ITEM 11. ITEM(S) BY THE BOARD. J. Machiaverna indicated that APU should not be uncomfortable discussing increases in costs, noting that Disney raised its rates and ticket sales as well as increasing package rates because it was not selling products inside the park due to the economy so it was increasing pricing in other areas. C. Peltzer commented on how pleased he was with the construction progress of the Canyon Power Plant. K. Murray reminded the Board that the MWD Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip to be done in conjunction with the City of Fullerton is coming up in October. K. Murray added that the Fire Fighters have put together a team called Rescuers for the Cure to support the Race for the Cure. 12. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE REGULAR MEETING DATE OF SEPTEMBER 22, 20]0 AT 5:00 P.M., IN THE II" FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM, ANAHEIM WEST TOWER, 201 S. ANAHEIM BLVD., ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). IR,e,spec¢ll'uIly submiute(], Marcie L. Edwards Secretary, Public Utilities Board ACTION TAKEN P. Carroll moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:34 p.m. to the Board's next Regular Meeting date of September 22, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. C. Peltzer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED: 6 -0. ABSTAINED. 0. ABSENT: 1 (D. Morgan). 910MIN