Senior Citizens 2010/03/11Citv Council Chamber 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 Senior Citizens Commission March 11, 2010 1:30 P.M. MINUTES SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION Commissioners Present Antonio Rodella, Chair Judy E. Huitt, Vice -Chair Lvnn Cudd Mary BroN-,-n Ed Repic Commissioners Absent (Uneicused) Isabelle Goubran Madeline Jensen Staff Present Cathy Glasgow, Community Services Superintendent Jan Branch, Community Services Supervisor Eleanor Granflor, Senior Secretary AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION A. Scheduled Public Oral Communication B. Unscheduled Public Oral Communication 4. CORRESPONDENCE A. Incoming B. Outgoing 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 2/11/10: 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Advertising SCC Meetings: B. Future Presentations: ACTION TAKEN The Senior Citizens Commission meeting for March 11, 2010, Nvas officially called to order by Chair Rodella at 1:35 p.m. Chair Rodella led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ellen Lopez, Disaster Preparedness Manager for the City of Anaheim, gave a presentation regarding disaster preparedness in the Citv of Anaheim. None. None. None. Commissioner Brown made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2010, meeting; Vice -Chair Huitt seconded the motion, and the motion passed. No discussion. Jan distributed flyers for the presentations in April and May. -I- ITEM NO.01 NEW BUSINESS None. REPORTS A. Senior Transportation & Housing — Commissioner Repic provided the agenda, a roster and notes Commissioner Repic: from the meeting. He indicated that the chair suggested that evervbodv should take a trip on a bus. They also had a speaker from the Transportation Advocates of Orange County who noted that OCTA Nvas going to cut 300,000 hours of bus service in Orange County, but after compromise Nvill be only cutting 150,000 hours. B. Senior Citizen Advisor`* Council - Commissioner Jensen Nvas absent. Commissioner Jensen: C. Human Services Network - Commission Goubran Nvas absent. Commissioner Goubran: D. Health & Nutrition — Vice -Chair Huitt: Vice -Chair Huitt reported that the committee is re- evaluating their goals for 2010 and Neill be including a nutrition survey committee to Nvork in conjunction Nvith Community SemorSery to get valuable feedback about the nutrition programs. E. Legislative Committee — Chair Rodella: Chair Rodella reported that the legislative committee Nvas cancelled since most of the members Nvere out of tovm. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Commissioner BroN -,n Commissioner BroN -,n noted that she received a notice in the mail regarding the upcoming Census, and she encouraged even-one to complete theirs and return them. B. Commissioner Cudd None. C. Commissioner Goubran Commissioner Goubran Nvas absent. D. Vice -Chair Huitt Vice -Chair Huitt reported that the Office on Aging has three types of radon testing kits available. After you return the kit to them by mail, you Nvill be informed Nvhether you have radon present or not. E. Commissioner Jensen Commissioner Jensen Nvas absent. F. Commissioner Repic None. G. Chair Rodella Chair Rodella reported that he Nvas in Sacramento for the Area Agency on Aging Council of California and attended a briefing in the governor's office about the cuts that Nvill be happening. He also attended the Senior Summit at Laguna Woods hosted by Supervisor Pat Bates and said there Nvere 500 to 600 people in attendance Nvith several interesting speakers. He indicated there Neill be another summit for Central County in August and he Neill pass on information Nvhen he receives it. -2- H. Staff Jan reported that the annual volunteer reception Nvill be held on Thursdav, March 25, at 5:30 p.m., and reminded even-one that bus transportation is available from Brookhurst Community Center or the DoN -,ntoN -,n Communitv Center. She announced that CareMore Medical Group is holding a contest for senior centers to have an event on March 23r and the center Nvith the most in attendance at their event Nvill Nvin a $1,000 cash prize. The event for Anaheim NN be a dance at the Brookhurst Communitv Center from 10 am to 12 pm, and she encouraged even-one to attend if possible. Jan announced that the City of Anaheim has applied to OCTA for additional funding for transportation in Anaheim, and the senior programs are hoping to tap into that funding and provide additional service for the seniors. An outside consultant, hired by OCTA, is studying applications to see the best use of funds; as an example, Jan reported that there is a lack of transportation assistance in the Anaheim Hills area. They Nvant to get out in the community and talk Nvith seniors to see Nvhat can be done in the future to make the transportation system better, and Jan is setting up public meetings and Nvill provide the information to the Commissioners. She anticipates meetings at the folloN ing locations: Brookhurst Community Center, Linbrook Court, The Fountains Independent Living Complex, the DoN -,ntoN -,n Community Center, Tyrol Plaza and Anaheim Independencia. Cathy provided an attendance log for the commissioners in response to their request in February. She also announced that due to budget reductions in the City of Anaheim, our division is going through reorganization and restructuring, and as a result of that the Senior Commission Nvill be Nvorking Nvith new liaisons beginning in April, and she introduced Lvnn Smith and Moses Menchaca to them. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Rodella adjourned the meeting at 2:47 p.m.