Budget Advisory 2010/04/21BUDGET ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2010 - 3:30 PM ANAHEIM CITY HALL FIFTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Trevor Austin, Jeff McNutt, Pat Pepper MEMBERS ABSENT: Jon Dallas, Arjan Sachdev STAFF PRESENT: Kristine Ridge, Blaze Bruney, Debbie Moreno, Tania White GUESTS PRESENT: Pete Bos, David Wain INTO I ME 0 Mr. Pepper called the meeting to order at 3:40 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There was a Motion by Mr. McNutt and a Second by Mr. Austin to approve the Minutes of the November 18, 2009 meeting. MOTION CARRIED (3 -0 -0). FY 2010/11 PRELIMINARY BUDGET OVERVIEW: Mr. Bruney gave a budget presentation that discussed assumptions for the current fiscal year and for the proposed FY 2010/11 budget. Citywide General Fund revenues are expected to be lower than budget by $12.8 million, or 5.4 %, in the current fiscal year. TOT and sales tax will be down 2% and 14.9 %, respectively. General Fund expenses are projected to be under budget by $11.8 million, or 4.6 %. General Fund reserves will be about $29 million at the end of the fiscal year, or 12.1 %, which is higher than the amount that was budgeted. Every department is under their year -to -date expenditure budget, which includes savings from anticipated work furloughs that were included in the budget, but did not materialize. The Police Department and Community Services Department will have the greatest expenditure savings. Mr. Bruney stated that TOT is expected to increase modestly (about 3 %) in FY 2010/11 due to an improved economy, the expansion of Disney's Grand Californian Hotel for a full year, and a one -time boost from the MLB All -Star game this summer. Sales tax is expected to go up about 3.5% according to the outside consultant hired by the City, which is an increase of about $1.7 Page 2 of 3 BAC Minutes April 21, 2010 million. Property tax revenue is expected to decrease slightly, about 1.5 %. Full -time authorized positions will decrease by 162 in the proposed budget, which includes 30 police officers and 12 firefighters which was achieved through natural attrition. The reduction of positions was accomplished through attrition, an accelerated separation program, and layoffs. Mr. Bruney discussed the various cost saving strategies that have been or will be implemented in the next fiscal year. Ms. Ridge briefly discussed some of the changes for the proposed budget document. The new document will be streamlined to provide a greater focus on core services. Departments will be grouped into five categories: Keeping Us Safe, Providing the Necessities, Ensuring Quality of Life, Serving City Council Directly, and Supporting Activities. Key Performance Indicators will be incorporated into the Department sections. Mr. Bruney stated that the budget document will be published by May 14 The Commissioners requested that the next meeting be pushed back one week in order to have sufficient time to review the budget. There was a motion by Mr. Pepper and a second by Mr. McNutt to change the meeting from May 19 to May 25. MOTION CARRIED (3 -0 -0). ITEMS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS: Mr. McNutt asked what the service impacts will be for customers and also wanted to know if the eliminated positions will be added back in FY 2012/13 should there be an improvement in the economy. Ms. Ridge stated that the impact on customer service was considered when evaluating positions for elimination. There was an effort not to impact core services, such as public safety. She also said that it is important to the City Manager and the Finance staff that a restoration list be created, so that when City revenues start to increase, programs and positions will be restored in a prioritized manner. Staff recommends the first thing that needs to be done will be to replenish the General Fund reserves, along with the Internal Service Funds. Commissioners and staff discussed revenue projections for the proposed budget year. Mr. Pepper announced that he is still eligible for another four -year term because he replaced another commissioner mid -term when he joined the commission. He then made a motion to have Mr. Dallas removed from the Commission due to his unexcused absences. MOTION CARRIED (3 -0 -0). PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Bos requested to have a copy of the budget presentation emailed to him. Mr. Wain attended the meeting on behalf of the East Anaheim Neighborhood Council. He wanted to encourage cuts made in libraries to be restored as soon as possible. He was Page 3 of 3 BAC Minutes April 21, 2010 concerned with the bookmobile being taken out of service because the bookmobile is generally used in lower income areas of the city. Mr. Wain asked how much was saved from the library reductions that have been made. Staff will email the information regarding library savings to him. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING: The agenda for the May 25, 2010 meeting will include: • FY 2010/11 budget review • BAC recommendation to the City Council Chairman Pepper adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tania M. White, Secretary