Budget Advisory 2009/11/18CITY OF ANAHEIM BUDGET ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 2009 The agenda having been posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, the Regular Meeting of the Budget Advisory Commission (BAC) Nyas called to order by Chairperson Pat Pepper at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 2009, in the 5th Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, California. Commission Members Present: P. Pepper, T. Austin, J. McNutt, A. Sachdev Commission Members Absent: J. Dallas Staff Present: B. Svyeenev, B. Brunev, D. Moreno, L. Navarro, R. Smith, S. Berg, J. Lutz, M. Roberts, B. Logue, T. LoNve, S. Vander Dussen, H. Jones, S. Seaton, C.J. Amstrup, L. Gonzalez, J. Welter Guest(s) Present: D. Wain, P. Bos AGENDA ITEM ACTION TAKEN 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BUDGET ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON MAY 20,2009.- 2. PRESENTATIONS FROM MAJOR GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS The Major General Fund Departments Nyere invited to present to the Commission information regarding organizational structure, budget issues, projects and possible future budgetary concerns. Presentations Nyere made by the folloNving departments: • Fire Department: Roger Smith • Community Services: Tern- LoNve • Planning: Sheri Vander Dussen • Police: John Welter Staff from the Fire Department, Planning Department and Police Department Nyas available to respond to questions. There Nyas a Motion by P. Pepper and a Second bv T. Austin to approve the Minutes of the Mav 20, 2009 meeting. MOTION CARRIED: 3 -0. ABSTAINED: 1 (A. Sachdev). ABSENT: 1 (J. Dallas). ITEM NO. 05 2009 -1 AGENDA ITEM 3. LABOR RELATIONS STRATEGIES PRESENTATION Human Resources Director Kristine Ridge gave a presentation that Nvas focused on contraction and containment of labor costs. She discussed the steps that have been taken to reduce salary and health and Nvelfare costs. She also shared the 2010 insurance reneNval rates and CAPERS employee contribution requirements. She talked about future considerations that are currently being explored and further actions that are going to be taken to continue to reduce labor costs. The Commission asked for a copy of the presentation. 4. GENERAL FUND BUDGET UPDATE Finance Director Bill Sweeney gave a presentation on the General Fund budget update. He discussed the changes that have occurred since the budget Nvas adopted. He stated that sales tax for 2 a quarter is doN -,n 18.1 %, Nvhich is 15.4% below budget. September TOT is also doN -,n by 1.9% compared to prior year, and still forecasting a 6.2% annual decline from the previous fiscal year, Nvhich is 5.7% below budget. B. Sweenev stated that staff made a recommendation to the City Manager to reduce the organization in order for the organization to get back on budget. The City Manager agreed to the recommendation. The Commission asked for a copy of the presentation _5. ITEMS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS The Commission expressed interest in submitting a letter of recommendation to the Citv Council that the Commission strongly supports taking all means necessary to reduce expenses on an ongoing basis in order to reduce the structural deficit that currently exists. The Commission believes that, at a minimum, the deficit should be reduced to the level anticipated N-, the budget Nvas adopted. ACTION TAKEN Staff will provide a copy of the presentation to the Commission. Staff will provide a copy of the presentation to the Commission. Staff Nvill draft a letter for the Commission's review. Once finalized, it Nvill be submitted to the City Council for their consideration. Per Ordinance No. 6066, P. Pepper is recommending the Staff revieNved Ordinance No. 6066 removal of Commission Member J. Dallas. and discussed Nvith the City Clerk. No action Nvill be taken until after the next Budget Advisory Commission meeting. 2009-2 AGENDAITEM 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS P. Pepper asked for public comments. D. Wain thanked the Commission for their time. P. Bos also thanked the Commission and Citv staff for their time, and congratulated B. SweeneN- on his retirement. 7. AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON MARCH 17, 2010. • FY 2010/2011 Budget Review P. Pepper requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT: (TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON MARCH 17, 2010 AT 3:30 P.M., IN THE 5 TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD., ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA). * On item 1 indicates item Nvill be fonvarded to Citv Council for approval. Respectfully submitted, Lettv Navarro Secretary, Budget Advisory Commission ACTION TAKEN After the public comments, P. Pepper closed the public comments portion of the meeting. There Nvas a Motion by P. Pepper and a Second by T. Austin to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting date of March 17, 2010, at 3:30 P.M. in Anaheim City Hall, 5 "' Floor Conference Room. MOTION CARRIED: 4 -0. ABSTAINED: 0. ABSENT: 1 (J. Dallas). 2009-3