Senior Citizens 2009/12/10Citv Council Chamber 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 MINUTES SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION Commissioners Present Antonio Rodella, Chair Mare- BroN-,-n Lvnn Cudd Isabelle Goubran Madeline Jensen Ed Repic Commissioners Absent (Excused) Judv E. Huitt, Vice -Chair AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Senior Citizens Commission December 10, 2009 1:30 P.M. Staff Present Cathy Glasgow, Recreation Services Manager Jan Branch, Recreation Services Supervisor Beth Lapkowski, Senor Secretary ACTION TAKEN The Senior Citizens Commission meeting for December 10, 2009, Nvas officialIv called to order by Chair Rodella at 1:38 p.m. Commissioner Repic led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. A. Scheduled Public Oral Communication None. B. Unscheduled Public Oral Communication None. 4. CORRESPONDENCE A. Incoming B. Outgoing 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 11/12/09: 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Advertising SCC Meetings: None. None. Commissioner Repic made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2009, meeting; Commissioner BroN -,n seconded the motion, and the motion passed. B. Future Presentations: Commissioner Jensen suggested a speaker from the Sheriff's Department about Emergency Evacuation Preparedness that she heard at the last SCAC meeting. Commissioner Cudd also mentioned Jacque Lauder from HICAP, and Commissioner -1- Goubran suggested someone from Senior Citizens Legal Aid to speak about services available to seniors. NEW BUSINESS None. REPORTS A. OC Roundtable — Commissioner Repic: Commissioner Repic distributed some brochures that he received at the meeting. Since this meeting does not have information that is relevant to the Commission, Jan indicated that she Nvill find a different meeting for Commissioner Repic to attend. B. Housing & Senior Transportation - Commissioner Cudd indicated there Nvas no meeting in December Commissioner Cudd: and asked if Commissioner Jensen could cover the meeting for her in January as she Nvill be out of tovm. C. Senior Citizen Advisory Council - Commissioner Jensen reported that the meeting Nvas held in Laguna Commissioner Jensen: Niguel Nvith a report on the nutrition program and a report by Tami Descoleux from the Sheriff's Department about emergency preparedness plans. Helen Grange from SCAC gave the Near -end report and discussed some programs that they have, and SvIvia Mann spoke about the summits and upcoming events for the new Near. Commissioner Repic asked if he could receive a copy of the information that Commissioner Jensen discussed, and Cathv indicated that they Nvould scan the information and email it to each commissioner. Commission Goubran inquired how the information could get dispensed to other seniors who may be interested, and Commissioner Jensen said the commission has done extensive outreach in the past to try to encourage seniors to attend the meetings and have had limited success. Commissioner BroN -,n also stated that she Nvould like to continue doing outreach to try to get information out to seniors. Commissioner Jensen asked if the meetings have been posted in the Register, and Cathy indicated that she Nvould check into that and report back. D. Senior Programs — Commissioner Brown: Commissioner BroN -,n asked Nvhat Cathy found out about a project on Magnolia. Cathy indicated that there Nvill be a Nvidening project, and the new lights Nvould not be considered until after that project Nvas completed. Commissioner BroN -,n read a portion of an article from the Long Beach Press Telegram about the long -term care and health bill to the Commission. E. Human Services Network - Commission Goubran indicated there Nvas no meeting. Commissioner Goubran: F. Health & Nutrition — Vice -Chair Huitt: Vice -Chair Huitt Nvas absent. G. Legislative Committee — Chair Rodella: Chair Rodella reported that he Nvas out of town and did not attend. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Commissioner BroN -,n None. -2- B. Commissioner Cudd Commissioner Cudd reiterated her desire to have Jacque Lauder come before the Commission as a speaker. C. Commissioner Goubran Commissioner Goubran spoke about some laNys to keep seniors from being taken advantage of She brought a copy of the Legal Guide for Seniors and asked if it could be copied for the other commissioners. D. Vice -Chair Huitt Absent. E. Commissioner Jensen None. F. Commissioner Repic Commissioner Repic distributed a flyer about the Senior Olympics and talked about his personal experience in participating this Near. He suggested that other commissioners may like to participate next year as Nyell. He again questioned hoNy the information from Senior Citizens Commission meetings is dispensed to others, and he also feels it Nyould be good to go out and distribute information and encourage them to attend meetings. Commissioner Goubran suggested that information about the Senior Commission also be announced at gatherings and exercise classes at the Senior Center to let them knovy about it. G. Chair Rodella H. Staff Chair Rodella reported that he attended the Area Agency of Aging Council of California meeting recently Nyhere they discussed senior issues, including cuts in funding and staffing, lack of volunteers, and isolation of seniors in rural areas. He reported that the City of Los Angeles and County of Los Angeles are going through a reorganization of their advisory councils; they previously had 190 for the county and 50 or 60 for the city, but they Nyill have just 40 members for the entire county. Thev also discussed the fact that grants are getting more difficult to acquire. Jan indicated that the Community Centers Neill close on December 24, 25 and 'I I" and January I ". She reported that over 650 unduplicated athletes competed in the Senior Olympics this Near. She also informed the Commission that a representative from WE Care is at the DoN -,ntoN -,n Communitv Center on Thursdays from 9 to 5 to help seniors Nyith employability, resumes, interview training, etc. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Rodella adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m.