Senior Citizens 2010/02/11Citv Council Chamber 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 MINUTES SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION Commissioners Present Antonio Rodella, Chair Judy E. Huitt, Vice -Chair Lvnn Cudd Mary BroN-,-n Madeline Jensen Ed Repic Commissioners Absent Isabelle Goubran (Uneicused) AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION A. Scheduled Public Oral Communication Senior Citizens Commission February 11, 2010 1:30 P.M. Staff Present Cathy Glasgow, Community Services Superintendent Jan Branch, Community Services Supervisor Beth LapkoNyski, Senor Secretary ACTION TAKEN The Senior Citizens Commission meeting for February 11, 2010, Nyas officially called to order by Chair Rodella at 1:34 p.m. Vice -Chair Huitt led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. Carl Czerner, Paralegal LASOC, from the Orange County Legal Aid Society, gave a brief presentation on their services provided at the DoN -,ntoN -,n Community Center. B. Unscheduled Public Oral Communication None. 4. CORRESPONDENCE A. Incoming B. Outgoing 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 12/10/09 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Advertising SCC Meetings: None. None. Commissioner Brown made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2009, meeting; Vice -Chair Huitt seconded the motion, and the motion passed. No discussion. B. Future Presentations: No discussion. -1- NEW BUSINESS None. REPORTS A. Housing — Commissioner Repic: Commissioner Repic reported that he attended the meeting but there Nyas a lot of information disseminated and he Nyould like to take the time to put it in writing for the commission. B. Senior Transportation - Commissioner Cudd reported that they received a spreadsheet Commissioner Cudd: about the funding for the Senior Non - Emergency Medical Transportation programs. C. Senior Citizen Advisory Council - Commissioner Jensen reported that the meeting Nyas held in Garden Commissioner Jensen: Grove a Nyeek early due to the Countv holiday. Communitv SemorSery reported that they have 45 people on a Nyait list in Garden Grove; a speaker from the Census Bureau encouraged even-one to complete the census forms N-, they receive them; and Mallory Vega reported that the Acacia Adult Day Care Center may be forced to close due to lack of funding from the State. Commissioner Jensen indicated there is a petition out to encourage funding to adult day centers and encouraged the commissioners to sign it. D. Human Services Netvyork - Commission Goubran Nyas absent. Commissioner Goubran: E. Health & Nutrition — Vice -Chair Huitt: Vice -Chair Huitt reported that they discussed the presence of radon in different neighborhoods and Nyays to test your homes, especially if theY Nyere built before 1978. Free test kits can be acquired from the Office on Aging by calling 1- 800 -510 -2020. They also had a presentation about Complementary and Alternate Medicines (CAM) and discussed the reactions between medicines and herbs and vitamins. She suggested that this Nyould be a very good presentation for a future commission meeting. F. Legislative Committee — Chair Rodella: Chair Rodella reported that the legislation is in recess, but if anyone Nyishes to check on ongoing legislation for seniors, they can do so at NvNvNv.4CSL.org Thev discussed the upcoming CSL (California Senior Legislature) election and created tNyo neNy committees: Revievy Committee & Informational Packets Committee. Thev Nyill be sending information to the senior centers about the election so anyone interested in running can get an information packet. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Commissioner BroN -,n Commissioner BroN -,n inquired N-, on the commission planned to attend the Volunteer Reception. Jan gave information about bus transportation that Nyill be available from the Brookhurst Communitv Center and DoN -,ntoN -,n Communitv Center to The Grove for the event. B. Commissioner Cudd None. -2- C. Commissioner Goubran Absent. D. Vice -Chair Huitt Vice -Chair Huitt reported that the Council on Aging has reported a long -term care insurance scam by an organization called Home Health America. She also reported a potential census scam and suggested seniors to ask to see an ID and badge if census Nvorkers knock on their door. She said they are not Nvorking Nvith ACORN, and official census Nvorkers do not send out emails, ask for Social Security numbers, banking information or credit card information. E. Commissioner Jensen Commissioner Jensen announced that the senior summit Nvill be held in Laguna Woods Village on Friday, March 5, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm; call 1- 800 -510 -2020 for reservations. She reported that Mission Bav Senior Center has a collection center for prescription and over - the - counter drugs no longer needed. She Nvould like to see if it could be done at the Anaheim Senior Center as Nvell. She suggested that a Deaf and Disabled Communications Program demonstration Nvould be a good program for a future commission meeting. They can be reached at 1- 800 - 806 -1191. Finally, she asked if it Nvould be possible to have an article about the commission in the Anaheim Bulletin to help inform seniors about the meetings. Cathy said that she Nvould look into it and report back. Commissioner Jensen volunteered to follow up Nvith the Mission Bav Senior Center to get information about their collection center procedures. F. Commissioner Repic None. G. Chair Rodella Chair Rodella reported that he highly recommends attending the senior summit and encouraged them to call early for reservations. He also reported that he gave his Near -end report at the SCAC meeting and attached the goals and achievements from the three committees, Housing & Transportation, Health & Nutrition, and Legislative Committee. H. Staff Jan reported there Neill be a Valentine's Dance on Fridav, February 19 "' from 1 to 3 pm Nvith $1 admission at the door. Thev are offering income tai assistance through AARP volunteers on Monday mornings, and Human Services Nvill be having the Saturday tai assistance at the Communitv Center as Nvell. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Rodella adjourned the meeting at 2:23 p.m.