Library 2010/02/08III ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE /TIME Sunkist Library Monday, February 8, 2010 901 S. Sunkist 6:30 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92806 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1 CALL TO ORDER - The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on February 2, 2010, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Carolyn Bryant at 6:33 p.m. PRESENT Roberto Baeza Carolyn Bryant Laurie Crawford ABSENT Linell Mathisen Lana Barlow STAFF Carol Stone, City Librarian Audrey Luj an, Library Operations /Branch Services Manager Jennifer Foxx, Division Secretary GUESTS Helen Carter, President, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library Brice Brown, President, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. FRIENDS OF THE Helen shared that the Friends purchased a table for the Mystery ANAHEIM PUBLIC Author's Luncheon as well as an ad in the program. Carolyn LIBRARY REPORT Bryant is balancing the Friends books and helping with their taxes, this is the third year that Carolyn has helped the Friends. In lieu of payment the Friends donate money to the Library to buy books in her son's name. B. FRIENDS OF THE Brice Brown shared a list of financial and volunteer support CANYON HILLS that the Friends of the Canyon Hills have given to Canyon Library. LIBRARY REPORT The silent auction does very well, however it has been hurt by the closures of Canyon Hills Branch on Saturday. Brice shared bookmarks from the winner of a contest that students at Canyon High School entered sponsored by the Friends of Canyon from 2008. Canyon Friends are sending their books that don't sell to the Central Book Nook for the Friends of APL to sell. Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of February 8, 2010 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 2 L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS (CONTINUED) C. FOUNDATION The Foundation is working on the Mystery Author's Luncheon will REPORT be held on Sunday, March 14. Carol asked if the Board had any items for the Silent Auction to please bring them in to the Library. The Board members made suggestions for community contacts to solicit donations for the Foundation. D. UNSCHEDULED None. ORAL COMMUNICATION E. WRITTEN A letter from a patron thanking Librarian Rick Brown for his COMMUNICATION assistance was shared as well as a thank you to Haskett Library from FROM OTHERS the Census Department for the use of Library space. H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. JANUARY 11, 2010 The minutes from the January 11, 2010 meeting were carried over MEETING MINUTES for approval at the March meeting due to lack of voting eligible Board Members. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. POLICY Carol presented the revised Tutoring in Anaheim Libraries Policy to the Board. A discussion was held with many concerns raised by Board members. MOTION: That the Board approve the Tutoring in Anaheim Libraries Policy as presented. M/S LC/RB 3 Ayes Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of February 8, 2010 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 3 V. INFORMATION A. CITY LIBRARIAN'S Carol informed the Board that the Library is now restricting usage REPORT of computers if a patron has $5.00 or more in Library fines. Carol updated the Board on FY 2009/10 the budget and staff reductions. How reductions of staff will affect library hours and programs is still being worked out. However, it has been determined that the Library will be losing one Bookmobile in FY 2010/11. B. PUBLICITY Included in packet. VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. CAPITAL Carol updated the board on the Central Library renovation. B. CENTRAL ADULT & YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS C. OPERATIONS Included in packet. D. BRANCH SERVICES Audrey highlighted the Read & Recycle program that encourages new book and magazine donations to the library. Patrons donating such items receive a book bag that was purchased with funds provided by the Public Works Department. Audrey also shared various fundraising activities the branches have been doing to pay for crafts, etc. She thanked the Friends of the Library and the Anaheim Public Foundation for the new furniture in the teen area at the Sunkist Library. Audrey gave kudos to Marianne Hugo and Scott LaCounte for designing the Library's Facebook page. VI. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A. RECOGINTION OF Laurie recognized Marianne Hugo and Scott LaCounte for OF SUPPORT BY designing the Library's Facebook page. BOARD MEMBERS Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of February 8, 2010 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 4 VI. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT (CONTINUED) B. MONTHLY The Board recognized library staff for providing excellent RECOGNITION OF service. SUPPORT CERTIFICATE VII. BOARD ITEMS LAURIE CRAWFORD Laurie continues to bring in the donated books and magazines she collects from work. Laurie visited the Napoleon Exhibit, she also suggested an artist for the State of the Blues Exhibit. ROBERTO BAEZA None. CAROLYN BRYANT Carolyn attended the South and East District Neighborhood CHAIR Meetings and the Mayor's State of the City Luncheon. Carolyn mentioned that Canyon Library used to have the cement trash cans that could prevent someone from driving up the sidewalk and through the front door, the trash cans have been moved to the side. She asked if they could be moved back to the center. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be Monday, March 8, 2010 at the Euclid Library. B. ADJOURNMENT Chair Carolyn Bryant adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Chair Secretary