Golf 2009/08/27GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES August 27, 2009–5:00 p.m. Anaheim Hills Golf Course –Clubhouse Board Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Skip Keys Vice Chairman Don Heinbuch Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner John McCulloch Commissioner Bud Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, and Eleanor Granflor CITY STAFF ABSENT: Bob Johns VALLEY CREST ABSENT: Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Keys called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS –None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Schultz noted a minor correction to the July 23, 2009 Minutes. Commissioner Schultz made a Motion to approve the July 23, 2009 Minutesas corrected.Motion was seconded by Commissioner Gaby. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Commissioner Schultz asked for clarification about the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) changing handicap vendors from Integrated Data Company (IDC) to Golf Handicap and Information (GHIN). Michael Lautenbach stated the handicap computers are not tied into the current fiber optic lines and will switch to new vendor on January 1, 2010. Commissioner Schultz questioned if the SCGA hasre-rated the Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated the SCGA announced they will re-rate the golf course, but have not completed it yet. Chairman Keys requested a status on the new golf car fleet. Michael Lautenbach stated the new golf cars are working well although a few accidents have occurred. Commissioner Schultz requested if holes #1 and #10 can be switched atAnaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated this switch can be made since play is currently down. Commissioner Schultz questioned if Prolink offers GPS in the cup. Michael Lautenbach stated Prolink has no sensor to the cup. Michael stated pin locations are identified and the superintendent is notified of the locations.Commissioner Schultz questioned if options can be added to GPS systems, such as different languages. MichaelLautenbach stated more memory cannot be added to system, a new version of system will have to be purchased to have additional options. Golf Commission Minutes August 27, 2009 Page Two Vice Chairman Heinbuch questioned if the Golf Commissioners will receive a schedule of the new master plan of Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated City Council has to approve the project. Commissioner Schultz questioned if a financial study must be completed. Michael Lautenbach stated that a financial study must be completed. B.Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report.Commissioner Schultz requested a status on the tee boxes on holes #9, #10 and #17 at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Dave Johansen stated the work on holes #9, #10 and #17 will be complete in two weeks. Commissioner McCulloch stated the blue tees on holes #7 and #9 are uneven. Dave Johansen stated that golfers continue to use old plaques after tee boxesare leveled. Director of Golf Michael Lautenbachpresented Bob Johns’report. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach statedJulywas a dismal month. OLD BUSINESS A.None to report. NEW BUSINESS A.Golf Outing/Tour of Golf Course Commissioner Gaby made aMotion to change the September Golf Commission meeting at Dad Miller Golf Course from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and to suspend future golf outings and begin an annual tour of each golf course. Motion was seconded by Chairman Keys. The Motion passed. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Schultzmade a Motion, seconded by Commissioner McCulloch, to adjourn the meeting toSeptember 24, 2009at 5:00 p.m., at Dad MillerGolf Course, Clubhouse Banquet Room. The Motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:56p.m.