Golf 2009/09/24GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES September 24, 2009–5:00 p.m. Dad Miller Golf Course –Clubhouse Banquet Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Skip Keys Vice Chairman Don Heinbuch Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner John McCulloch Commissioner Bud Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns,and Eleanor Granflor VALLEY CREST ABSENT: Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Keys called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS –None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Schultzmade a Motion to approve the August 27, 2009Minutes.Motion was seconded by Commissioner McCulloch. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Commissioner Schultz stated some tee boxes at Anaheim Hills Golf Course are missing sand containers. Michael Lautenbach stated he will look into it. Commissioner Gaby stated Canyon High School Golf Team parents mentioned their children are waiting a long time to start play at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Bob Johns stated the team is starting at the scheduled time but individual groups are taking a very long time to actually tee off. Bob Johnswill address this with the coach again. Commissioner Schultz stated there is a lack of drinking water on the golf course and he would like to have drinking water containers on some golf holes. Michael Lautenbach has conducted research in the past and found that many courses nationwide do not provide these containers after a junior golferdied from bacteria in the water at a golf course in Arizona.Michael statedkeeping these containers filled up and cleaned all the time is fairly labor intensive. Vice Chairman Heinbuch questioned if all 19 hotels in the Anaheim area mentionedin Michael Lautenbach’s Activity Report will display golf course information through the Concierge display. Michael Lautenbach stated all 19 hotels are already displaying the golf course information. Commissioner Gaby stated the renovated bathrooms at Dad Miller Golf Course look very good. Commissioner Schultz questioned the status of the Point-of-Sale system. Michael Lautenbach stated he is working with the City Attorney’s office on a sample agreement. Golf Commission Minutes September 24, 2009 Page Two Commissioner Schultz questioned if the new system would make tracking the gift certificate status easier. Michael Lautenbach stated the new system will use gift cards instead of paper gift certificates which will be tracked through the system and can be easily updated. B.Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report.Vice Chairman Heinbuch stated the golf shop employees are performing good customer service by notifying players in advance that the greens on the golf course will be aerated. C.Director of Golf Bob John presented his report. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach statedthat unfortunately the downwards trend continued in August.Michael stated rounds at eachcourse were down slightly over 900 compared to the prior year. Michael Lautenbach stated the economy, combined with very hot weather,isresponsible for this trend. OLD BUSINESS A.None to report. NEW BUSINESS A.Tour of Dad Miller Golf Course Michael Lautenbach conducted a tour of the Dad Miller Golf Course with the Golf Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner McCullochmade a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Heinbuch, to adjourn the meeting toOctober 22, 2009at 5:00 p.m., at Anaheim HillsGolf Course, Clubhouse BoardRoom. The Motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:17p.m.