Senior Citizens 2009/11/12Citv Council Chamber 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 MINUTES SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION Commissioners Present Antonio Rodella, Chair Judv E. Huitt, Vice -Chair Mary BroN-,-n Lvnn Cudd Madeline Jensen Commissioners Absent (Excused) Isabelle Goubran Ed Repic AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS & PUBLIC COMMUNICATION A. Scheduled Public Oral Communication Senior Citizens Commission November 12, 2009 1:30 P.M. Staff Present Cathy Glasgow, Recreation Services Manager Eleanor Granflor, Senior Secretary ACTION TAKEN The Senior Citizens Commission meeting for November 12, 2009, Nvas officialIv called to order by Chair Rodella at 1:33 p.m. Commissioner Jensen led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rita Slab -rton, Coordinator for One -Stop, and Pat Thomas, Case Manager for SER -Jobs For Progress, presented information about their programs and answered questions. B. Unscheduled Public Oral Communication None. 4. CORRESPONDENCE A. Incoming None. B. Outgoing None. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 10/08/09: Commissioner Jensen made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2009, meeting, Vice -Chair Huitt seconded the motion, and the motion passed. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Advertising SCC Meetings: B. Future Presentations: Cathv indicated there Nvon't be a speaker for the December meeting, and the presentation schedule Nvill pick up in January. -1- NEW BUSINESS None. REPORTS A. OC Roundtable — Commissioner Repic: Commissioner Repic Nvas absent. B. Housing & Senior Transportation - Commissioner Cudd attended the transportation and housing Commissioner Cudd: meeting and reported it Nvas their holiday meeting. They discussed concerns about terms of service, absenteeism of members, and the fact that the two committees have merged. They also discussed the need to be vigilant in their choices for members. There Nvas a report from Orange County Community Resources (OCCR) about a neighborhood stabilization program, Proposition 63, and a program for multi - family rental housing opportunities for affordable housing. In addition, the Community Transportation Coordinator for OCTA reported that the State Supreme Court ruled that some of the funding expected to be cut from OCTA Nvill not be cut at this time. C. Senior Citizen Advisory Council - Commissioner Jensen reported that the meeting Nvas held at Commissioner Jensen: the Cypress Senior Center on October 9. Community SemorSery presented their monthly report, and an OCTA representative spoke about Agreement C -9 N ith O.C. Transportation Authority for $1 million to help the Senior Non - Emergency Medical Transportation Program (SNEMT) Program. Also discussed Nvere proposals to the Board of Supervisors on the OC Community Resources about Medical Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA), Nvhich Nvill receive $2,534 for the next fiscal Near, and California Senior Legislative proposals. D. Senior Programs — Commissioner Commissioner BroN -,n reported that she Nvas unable to attend the Brovm: meeting. She asked for some information about the California Senior Legislative proposals, and Chair Rodella explained the procedure. E. Human Services Network - Commission Goubran Nvas absent. Commissioner Goubran: F. Health & Nutrition — Vice -Chair Huitt: Vice -Chair Huitt reported that they discussed a new fee program from Linkages called Elder Care Solutions to diagnose executive functioning disorder, Nvhich could be a precursor to dementia. They also discussed that there are 460,000 residents over 60 Nears of age in Orange County, and over 92,000 over the age of 80, and their goal is to help them stay in their homes. Another program also calls the household monthly and helps provide respite care for the caregivers of the seniors. G. Legislative Committee — Chair Rodella: Chair Rodella reported that there Nvas no meeting in October. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Commissioner BroN -,n Commissioner BroN -,n reported that she brought information in regarding the crossing signals in her neighborhood around Magnolia -2- and Ball Road. Commissioner Jensen also noted that the corner at Center Street and Anaheim Boulevard does not have one of those timed crossings, and that is a crosswalk that many seniors use. B. Commissioner Cudd C. Commissioner Goubran D. Vice -Chair Huitt E. Commissioner Jensen F. Commissioner Repic G. Chair Rodella H. Staff Commissioner Cudd reported that she read an article in the newspaper about elder abuse and the fact that some people are fearful of contacting the ombudsmen to make complaints. Chair Rodella indicated that Bill AP -392 appropriates $1.6 million to help fund ombudsman programs and Nvas signed by the governor. Commissioner Goubran Nvas absent. Vice -Chair Huitt brought flyers about physical activity and exercise, and one that tells Nvhat to eat and what not to eat. She also mentioned that Cal State Fullerton sponsors a Nvebsite Fullerton.edu /wellnessresource that lists many senior resources. Commissioner Huitt asked Cathy if she had had an opportunity to look into the parking issue across from the Senior Center. Cathy indicated that Cindy Blake from Traffic Engineering looked at the site and recommended two signs be installed. None. Commissioner Repic Nvas absent. Chair Rodella reported that he had emailed the Legislative Report from the O.C. Executive Office /Legislative Affairs office, and he Nvould like to have that distributed to the commissioners. Cathy distributed flyers that she received about a new transportation program for seniors called Silver Streak and indicated that they are looking for drivers. In addition, Llida Hernandez gave an update on activities coming up at the senior centers, including free massage therapy on November 19, tree trimming in the Senior Center lounge on December 1 at 10 a.m., and Winter Wonderland Holiday Pageant and Luncheon on Friday, December 18 at 12 Noon. She also reported the Center Nvill be closed for Thanksgiving on November 26 and 27. Chair Rodella also announced that the City of Anaheim is seeking volunteers to Nvork on the Rose Parade float. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Rodella adjourned the meeting at 2:23 p.m.