AHA2007/11/27ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 27, 2007 The Anaheim Housing Authority met in regular session in the Chambers of the Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. PRESENT: Chairman Curt Pringle, Authority Members: Lorri Galloway, Bob Hernandez, Lucille Kring and Harry Sidhu STAFF PRESENT: City Manager David Morgan, City Attorney Jack White, Secretary, Linda Nguyen A copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority was posted on November 23, 2007 on the kiosk outside City Hall. Chairman Pringle called the regular meeting to order at 5:05 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Anaheim City Hall, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard for a joint public comment session with the City Council, the Redevelopment Agency and the Public Financing Authority. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No statements offered during the joint public comment session related to the Housing Authority agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 5:51 P.M., Authority Member Hernandez requested Item No. 5 be removed from the consent calendar for further discussion; Mayor Pringle removed Item No. 6. Authority Member Kring then moved to approve the balance of the consent calendar, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll Call vote: Ayes - 5; Chairman Pringle, Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried 7. Approve and authorize the Authority Executive Director to execute and administer the 4960 Exclusive Negotiation Agreements with The Related Companies of California, LLC for 4961 the development of the Choc housing site and with SADI, LLC for the development of the Manchester housing- site. 8. Approve minutes of the Authority meeting of November 6, 2007. END OF CONSENT: 5. Approve an amendment to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan AHA 177 which will help accommodate the implementation of Project-Based Voucher units within special needs projects. Director Elisa Stipkovich reported this item was a request to amend the Section 8 administrative plan in order to give priority for Section 8 vouchers to people with special needs. She explained projects such as the Diamond Street Project had been constructed for special needs individuals and in order to house them as tenants, priority was given to those qualified individuals on the Section 8 list to match them up with facilities. Authority Member Hernandez remarked he wanted to highlight the City's efforts to reach out and assist the special needs population and Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of September 11, 2007 Page 2 make the community aware of this program and moved to approve Item No. 5, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll call vote: Ayes - 5; Chairman Pringle, Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried. 6. Approve the Interjurisdictional Mobility Agreement between the Housing Authorities of 4959 Anaheim, Garden Grove, Orange County and Santa Ana, within the County of Orange, California for the interjurisdictional administration of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Chairman Pringle remarked the Section 8 program was beneficial to many as it provided housing rental assistance; however, Anaheim was obligated for higher administrative costs because the City provided vouchers for more families than any other Orange County city. Ms. Stipkovich concurred, stating Anaheim provided 6,300 vouchers for families, with the County providing vouchers for the remaining Orange County cities except for Santa Ana and Garden Grove, which oversaw approximately 1,500 and 1,000 vouchers respectively. She added HUD allowed voucher holders to find housing anywhere in the country and that the interjurisdictional agreement being considered handled the way the administrative fee was distributed. She remarked the City had been in this agreement for some time, and while she recommended it be approved this evening, she was researching whether it could be modified. With this agreement in place, Anaheim would pay inspection fees to other housing authorities if Anaheim vouchers were used somewhere other than in Anaheim. She added, normally Anaheim would get 20 percent of the fee for administration of the program and the other housing authorities would receive 80 percent, however, this agreement was modified to give priority to Section 8 voucher recipients who live and work in Anaheim. Therefore, Anaheim would keep 100 percent of the $830/year fee per voucher and administer the program and give a flat rate of $150 to other housing authorities for inspections. She added that HUD had cut the fee to $830 per year for all administrative costs which was okay when the agreement was originally negotiated but was no longer cost effective and she was in the process of discussing this. She indicated as plan administrator, the Anaheim Housing Authority verified income, qualified individuals for the program, validated all information received and re- examined that information every year in addition to cutting the rental subsidies. She added the City had the right to terminate this agreement within 60 days even though the term of the agreement was for three years and recommended it be approved while staff held discussions on revising the contract. Chairman Pringle concurred asking staff to bring back a formula which could be negotiated with other housing authorities, taking advantage of the 60-day cancellation policy. Authority Member Galloway asked if the $830 fee was per family; Ms. Stipkovich responded it was on a per unit basis even though staff might process more than one family per unit. She added roughly 20 percent of the 6,300 vouchers offered were for individuals living outside of Anaheim. Authority Member Hernandez asked what the impact would be should the Authority not approve this agreement tonight. Ms. Stipkovich stated it would be a hardship on the program recipients as the Housing Authority would not be able to pay for other housing agency services. She emphasized she would like to see this item approved and then return to the Housing Authority as soon as possible with an alternative agreement. She added those discussions had been started but no agreement had been reached. Authority Member Galloway asked if Anaheim residents received priority over those who work in the City. Ms. Stipkovich replied the live or work component was treated the same, although other preference was given for veterans and special needs individuals. She remarked that was a local preference and could Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of September 11, 2007 Page 3 be changed. Mayor Pringle stated Authority Member Galloway's point was legitimate and worth discussion. He asked how many names were on the voucher waiting list and Ms. Stipkovich indicated there were 15,000 on the waiting list, 4,000 of whom were Anaheim residents. She remarked staff could provide a report which included who had been receiving the vouchers, whether they live or work in Anaheim as well as other statistics. Discussion was held on the benefits of holding a workshop on this issue. Authority Member Hernandez moved to approve Item No. 6, directing staff to prepare a workshop for the January 8th meeting to discuss those points raised during this meeting including attempts at improving the agreement, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll call vote: Chairman Pringle, Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Pringle adjourned the Anaheim Housing Authority Meeting at 6:18 P.M. to reconvene the Anaheim City Council meeting. submitted, Linda Nguyen, Secre'ha~y Anaheim Housing Authority