AHA 2008/03/18ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 18, 2008 The Anaheim Housing Authority met in regular session in the Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. PRESENT: Chairman Curt Pringle, Authority Members: Lorri Galloway, Bob Hernandez, Lucille Kring and Harry Sidhu STAFF PRESENT: City Manager David Morgan, City Attorney Jack White, Secretary, Linda Andal. A copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Housing Authority was posted on March 14, 2008 on the kiosk outside City Hall. Chairman Pringle called the regular meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. for a joint public comment session with the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: Eric Altman, OCCORD, expressed appreciation to the three legislative bodies for their vision in adopting the Anaheim Affordable Housing Strategic Plan which had exceeded efforts of any other southern California municipality in addressing the need for homes for low income households. Specifically he congratulated the City with moving forward with those affordable housing projects described in Items 5 and 9 on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: Authority Member Kring moved to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Authority Member Hernandez. Roll Call vote: Ayes - 5; Mayor Pringle, Council Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried 5. Approve and authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority to execute the 5114 Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with SADI, LLC for the purpose of developing an affordable housing project. 6. Approve the Housing Authority's Streamlined Annual Public Housing Agency Plan for AHA-177Fiscal Year 2008-09 and authorize the Executive Director to execute the required certifications and related documents. 7. Approve revisions to the Housing Authority's Homebuyer Downpayment Assistance AHA-177Program modifying the program's resale restriction term and adding equity share participation revisions (Related to Agency Item #03 and Council Agenda item #17). 8. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting held February 26, 2008. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of March 18, 2008 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING: 9. This is a Housing Authority public hearing to consider a resolution approving an 5115 Affordable Housing Agreement with Lincoln Anaheim I Housing Partners, L.P. and Lincoln Anaheim II Housing Partners, L.P. for the development of an affordable housing project located at 1275-1287 E. Lincoln Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-002 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY approving an Affordable Housing Agreement among the Authority, and Lincoln Anaheim I Housing Partners, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, and Lincoln Anaheim II Housing Partners, L.P., a California Limited Partnership; authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate the terms of and enter into any Implementation Agreement(s) consistent with the Affordable Housing Agreement; authorizing the Executive Director, or her designee to execute and administer such agreements; and making certain other findings in connection therewith. Elisa Stipkovich, Community Development Director, reported this item related to an affordable housing agreement on land the Redevelopment Agency had conveyed to the Housing Authority for the purpose of developing affordable housing. Through a competitive process which ended in exclusive negotiations with The Related Companies over a period of several months, she reported the project consisted of 146 multi-family units which would be one-hundred percent affordable. In trying to address concerns regarding the current housing market, staff recommended the project move forward with two-phased funding sources but which would allow the entire project to be developed at the same time. She noted the developer requested a nine percent tax allocation from the state for the first phase and aMulti-Family Housing Program four percent tax credit allocation also from the state for the second phase. She pointed out an economic analysis showed the developer could provide a return to the City as much as $2 million depending on the value of the tax credits and the use of Section 8 vouchers. She further pointed out the Housing Authority would not be obligated for any additional funding for this project. Chairman Pringle opened the public hearing for comments. Kim McCay, The Related Companies, stated the project was complicated and it was in the interests of both the City and Related Companies to get both phases started as soon as possible. With no other comments offered, Chairman Pringle closed the public hearing. Authority Member Hernandez remarked this was not the first housing downturn the City had faced and asked if this project was consistent with past practices. Ms. Stipkovich responded the affordable housing agreement was better than most because the Authority was not committed to give additional funding and there was an opportunity through the ground lease to have a monetary return from the project. Authority Member Galloway inquired if there was a social service component with this project; Ms. Stipkovich replied the project included a 5,500 square foot recreation center which would house a variety of social service programs for the residents. Ms. McCay added Project Access was an affiliate of their non-profit service component and she anticipated having a person on site to coordinate the services offered. Authority Member Sidhu expressed concern that renegotiation of the terms of the agreement would be unfair to those companies originally bidding on the project. Mayor Pringle concurred Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of March 18, 2008 Page 3 in that it was important to insure bidders were not disenfranchised, but he also felt circumstances could change based on economics or a change in the scope of projects. In this instance, he added, the City could say no to the contract revisions and have the developer build what they could and finish at a later date. Ms. Stipkovich remarked that staff had suggested the second phase of funding in order to have the project developed at one time which would save in construction costs and have a quicker return to the City through the ground lease. Authority Member Hernandez moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2008-023 OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY approving an Affordable Housing Agreement among the Authority and Lincoln Anaheim I Housing Partners, LP and Lincoln Anaheim II Housing Partners LP and authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate the terms of and enter into an Implementation Agreement(s) consistent with the Affordable Housing Agreement, authorizing the Executive Director or her designee to execute and administer such agreements and making certain other findings, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll Call vote: Ayes - 5; Chairman Pringle, Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Pringle adjourned the Anaheim Housing Authority Meeting at 6:12 P.M. to reconvene the Anaheim City Council meeting. Respec y submitted, Linda N. Andal, Secretary Anaheim Housing Authority