067Affidavit Of Pab1_JC�:11iUY1- State (,,f, ) C. ss County of 0-,,anE0- charies! Irluchol of said county beinC, sworn says that d 1-.o is a citizo,,_1 of t is Unit, -1 sta-ess over the age of e_JEiiteen years; That he is tpo principal clerk of the An-ahoiin Gazette a weekly news paper printed an,"'L p-,iblishe-ft and circulated in the said county of oran6e a -,-id the city of Anaheim,that the ordinance of 2. printed copy was published in said newspaper at least once a week and every week for twO weeks coi(mioncja-,6& on the twenty third day of April 1391 and end t`1; '"h d', y f 1 se vent o i, i El I S11I)se-ri,Ded and swc)rn to �,cfore me, tYui S '1,jy of 1,*Lay 1391 Ak both days inclusive. OrdinanceNo, 67. An Ordinance to Provide for a 1! special o submit to the eters of the Ci eim the propurring an os os indebtedness of Ofteen Thousand Dollars for the construction qf _ a City Hall, for the extension -and com- --pletion of thp_ City , ff4ter __'Worh§r_;for th, grading and improvement ' of Streets within the CIO -of Anaheim, and the purchase of prop- erty for Fire Department. The Board of. Trustees of the City of Ana- heim do ordain as follows: WHEREAS, As declared by the ocdjuance number Go oassed be said Board of.Trustees On the 11th— 4&Y 11� and si orn to '�vY'cre me, It Uzi 3 a' ♦t':1y K nance No. aubs�ril ec An Ordinance to ,)rouide for a special o submit to the g eters of the Ci eim the nroposurring an indebtedness of Fifteen Thousand Dollars for the construction of q City Hall, for' the extension and com- pletign of the Oj4y Water Works, for th3 grading and improvement of Streets within the City of Anaheim, and the purchase, of prop- erty for Fire Department. The Board of. Trustees of t& City of Ana. heim do ordain as follows: . W11EREAs, As declared by the +0-1divance number 66 passed by said Board of Trustees on the 11th day of March, 1591, the public interest and necessity de. mand the construction of a City hall, the extension and completion of the City Water Works, the grading and improvement of thepubligatreets within the .-.oc+syrrratelimits of the City of Anih4im, and the pur- chase of necessary property for the use of the Fire D"artment to protect the property of said city and its inhabitants from damage by fire, and WuEREAs, The assessed value of all the real and personal property within the corporate limits of said city of Anaheim is six hundred thousand dollars and upwards; and W1IEREAs. The plana and estimptee of the cost of said improvements made by a competent engineer and architect, who has had 'successful experience in such work, are now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and WHEREAS, The estimated cost for the construction of a City Hall is the sum of three thousand five hun- dred dollars, and WHEREAS, The estimated cost for the extension of the Citv Water Works is one thousand dollars and the estimated cost for the completion of the City Water Works is two thousand flye hundred dollars, and ;WxEREA$, The fstimated.euftfar the grading and h4provement of L$$ iwi hin the corpor- ate limits Aft s thoasand,ve hondred 11 e ed and im- I _i,j I tugpthe . ^-^ -- Y c.,et ;for pradhig ,fr.- ---_.- .............................. 294 Palm street.•,••,•,••• '" •••••••• tx ,A Citron street...294.•••••• South street ......... ..........:............ 144 ' West street. ..................... 194 a'a Broadway street ............................. 294 o Sycamore street....... odLO les 344 ?�IOli Angeet, street ............................ 690 011ve'street ..................... CYpresa sEreet.........., ...V.........244 Chartres street .....................a ..•....• 194 ...... ...j........ 144 4hssthuE st}set.................. 'P.......... '238 North street .................................. 244 Adams street....... 144 Lemon street...:... �............. ... .......... 2S`4 E!m str::et........... Total.......... ...........$6,500 �. The figured given above for street �improvemente are given for the aforesaid streets permanently grad- . ` ed and improved, and W11HREAs,,The estimated cost the necessary propertV for,the Fire Departments tone thousand fivehundred dollars, and 1M+rugaRAa 'Said improvements are necessary and t e Ecoppt of t t em is too great to be d or out of the o d aPy ann, 41 incomeand revenpl the m4nfei pzlity,:and WHERMAs, The. Board of Trusteed rii the City of nd b £ .. S`• , of Anaheim '^:'^^,,,• e„ indebtedness of fifteen thousand dollars to pay the costs and expenses above ''m$utioned, and 1v1rEREAS, Sal d indebtedness cannot' be incurred r except by the consent of at least two-thirds of the r. qualified voters of said cit. t lea tion for the purpose rocurin votingata, special elec- g cotonaent. Now, therefore, the Board of Truiteps of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Secfcoet 1.--gi`hat a special election chill be held in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, and State of Calcfornia, on u, .the 2d Dau p f June. Tuesday, the 2d Day of June, 1891, yt which shall be submitted to the qualified �otera of saidcity of Anaheim, the proposition of iu- =,mg an indebtedness of fifteen thousand dollars 'or the purposes herein set forth. That if the propo- sition to create such indebtedness shall be accepted 3y the qualified voters of said city of Anaheim, at such election, bonds of said city for such municipal Improvements as herein set forth shall issue for the paynteut of the cost thereof, which bonds shall be issued in such amount as the said Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim may determine. One hun- dred and twenty of said bonds shall be of the denom- ination of one hundred dollars each and twenty of said bonds shall be of the denomination of one hun- dred and fiftv dollars each; said bonds shall be pay- able on the first day of August of the years in which they shall become due respectively. The bonds issued shall be of a character of bonds known as serials and each bond sliall be payable on the day and at the place fixed in said bond, with in- terest at the rate of six per cent per annum; said bonds shall as to their form and the mode of issuing thereof and in all other respects conform to the re- quiremeuts of the act entitled "An Act authorizing.. the ineurriog of indebtedness by cities, towns and urunicipal corporations incorporated under the laws of this State; for the construction of water works, sewers and all necessary public improvements or for any purpose whatever, and to repeal the Act ap- proved March 9, 1885, entitled an 'Act to authorize, municipal corporations of the fifth class, containing more than three thousand and less than ten thous- and inhabitauts to obtain water works;' also to re- peal an Act approved March 15,1887, entitled an "Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations incorporated under- the laws of this State," said Act was approved March 19, 1889. Section 2.—That said election shall be held accord- y ing to the laws of the State of California applicable,.,; thereto and the ordinances of this city. Section 3.—That the entire city shall constitute a; single precinct with one polling place and the polling, place for said election shall be as follows: At they: building on Los Angeles street now occupied by the; fire department and the Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheim, known as the City Hall. Section 4.—The compensation for the members of the Board of Election shall be three dol'ars for the. election and the following named persons, qualified electors of said City of Anaheim,are hereby appointed', a,Board of Election to act respectively as Inspectors;' Judges and Clerks of said election, that is to say., Inspectors, Theo. Rimpau, E. A. Pullen; Judges,: Otto Beat, A. Goldthwaite; Clerks, E. J. Pellegrin,' A. L. Lewis. Section 5.—That the polls at said election shall be opened at sunrise of the said 2d day of June, 1891,'. and must be kept open until five o'clock P. M., whe% the same shall be closed. Section 6.—That every ballot in favor of fucurrinT- said indebtedness shall have the words, "For Indebt-; edoess—Yes," printed or written thereon, and every ballot against incurring said indebtedness shall have the words, "Per Indebtedness—No," `printed of written thereon. - Section 7—The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause th&same to be published for two successive weeks in the ANAHEIM GAr.&TT a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulate in the city of Anaheim, unty and State afforesai THEODORE REISER, President of the Board of Trustees of the city Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance wai introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 8th day of ApriL 1891; that it was daly passed and adopted at a regular mjeeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 22d day of April 1891, by the following vote: -- Ayes --Trustees Reiser, Littlefied, Witte, Benner- sebeidt and Schindler. That the President of the Board of Trustees of thi City of Anaheim signed iheMsame on the NO day 4j April, 1891. Clerk of the City of Anaheim. /��I/t P 72 1-1 �'-�-�- ;{ p p 71 j � l 4 D o 9 I -�-�. �l�.�t �� � �f/Y-lid a -w► u e i �` G � d i a- Xt -I- �4 a- C -Z4 U