08311 0 --------------------------------------- _......
Superior Court, C).s-,,� • .�. �� �
County of Orange, State of 0� _ %�• ��g�
----------------- ------------------------------------------- ---..-..-----------
Plaintiffa �3 t' 1Ld➢tt
----------------------------- --- -------
--._.-......--------------------------.----- ---------------- .--------------- ................
- - ---------- --- ----- ----......... ------------------------
Received copy of within this ------------
dayof. ---------------------- ---- ---------------------------189---------
Attorney.' for ---- ------------------------------- -----------------
Anaheim, Cal.,
Attorneyfor ------------ ------------------ - ---------- _-------------- -----
state of California,
Co-!inty of Oranc;e, )
duly sworn ,leposes nand says:
Tiiat he is a citizen of tie United States, and Was '5A all t"e
times ruentioned h:;rein, over the aj;e of twenty one Years* that Ile
is ti -,e printer of the Ananeita Gazetta a newspaper, printed p-,lblis-h-
ed, and circulated in the City of Anahei��i (✓u-Unty Of Orange, 'Mate
of California;
T -_,,at tho- ()rjinaj-jce c wt-jici,, trie annexed is t1ne printed copy
was once, in t -tie said newspa-
per, towit, on the .........
day of September
Subser�'bed and sworn to before me this
..... IX lay of September 1393.
Notary ublic.
Ordinance. No,, 83,
An ordina, q i*Mug water
rates 1 ty'of-Anaheim.'
The Bosr4 of' he City of -Anshelm do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. —The awnthly water rates and charges
for water from M4 City Water Works shall be as fol-
For tonessentsecoupied by a single family of not
more than
For each
=Qn1&4I person,
L25 Cents.
For each horse, W* or mule kept by private fees.
ilygh ltnee of water for washing one buggy, 25 tests.
so bathtub inri,ate houses, 50 cents.
For each bathtub in hotels, boarding bouseo, bath-
in�houses or barber shops, ji 60;' ' c --
bakeries, according to monthly use of flour, for
each 25 barrels or less, $2.
For, building purposes, by speeial contract.
For fountains, by special contract; and in no case
will be permitted on premises *here water is not
taken for other purposes.
For livery, staWes, Including water for washing
carriages, $7.
For eaeb watering trough on sidewalks, or other
plaoes for public use, $2 to $5.
No person sh&U erect, keep or maintain any public
watering troUXk,,WanY of the following streets of
the City of A"hel*. within the following bound-
aries, viz: On Center strevt'fiom olive to Palm
streets; on Log 'Angeles street from Broadway to
Adele streets. on Lemon street from Broadway to
Adele street.
For each hotel where transient boarder& and lodg-
ers are accommodated, 46 to sio.
For each boarding or lodging house or restaurant,
02 to $4.
For sprinkling gardens or la gwN 100 square yards
or lose, $1.
For each additional 100 miners yards or less, 50
------ No person shall. erect, keep or mem a�n any p
watering trough on any of the following etraets of
the City of Anaheim, within the following bound-
aries, viz: On Center i i-e�t from Olive to Palm
gelog street
Adele to
streetsstr ots• oil Lemon stet from r BroadwaBroadwy to
Adele street,
For each hotel where transient Uoaders. and lodg-
ers are accommodated, $0 to $10.
For each boarding or lodging house or restaurant,
$2 to $4.
For sprinkling gardens or lae'ns,100 square yards
or lase, $1.
For each additional 100 sqtxare yards or less, 50
For stores, saloons `Amer other business houses an
offices, aeuording w amount of water used, 50 cents
to $-.
For steam boilers, byaspecial contract.
of the Mar -
For prurtin g offices,
ahal, with the approval of the Board of Trustees.
For lauudnwash houses, according
es or Chinese
to amount of water used, $4 to $7 1q).
For each public water closet, $2.
For each private water closet, 50 cents.
For water used for manufaeturmg or mwithhallical
purposes, at: the discretion of the marshal,
approval f the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees shall have power i sof
to ascertain by meters or otherwise, the quantity
are evidently W*stinnywater' consumer; the Marshalrshalleat
are evidently
once call the tof the offensn of the e, he shall cut off the ,I
ease of a repetition
water from gain mitil aapenalty of $2 steal same bha eebeeu
turned on
paid, iu addition to the legal water rate.
40 cents for each one thou -
The meter rate shall be
sand gallons of water.
For water required for purposes not specified in
Mar -
the about tariff, ghe rate val of tilelbe Boa dxof Ted rust es.
dbal, with the apExo
hall be payable monthly, in ad -
All water rates svance, and payment w111 not be received for a lase
paried than one month_
The Board e4 Trustees will insert the tap and fntre-
does the service Pipe to the line n the eidw for
$10, the Pipes and fittings remaining the property
the city. person or
Section 2. se stall front
unlawful for any 1
persons to use water from the city's rname for sprin-
twleet sball
u the hours of 6 to 9aA. rs-, and 5 to , other 18 r. oe than For
ions 0
be Ltiejulation Of ,17arslaal'stdutile yrto�eollo t a fine of $2u50ll tCur the
first offense and $6 for sacb subsaquont offense so
nxanruittcdded the Marshal shall If the saij scut off tis lot he water upaid whet' so do
p V
one I
from tto Premises of the. offending party, and the
water stil It fins
hall not be l aud: alsutuccL o the gainun'
pa alty
shall have been paid'
of $2 for restoring the water suPPIY • .
Yit ,tion __,In case case of a fire, necessitating the use oOr
water frons?.-`1>e�fuj for
rwratss Lo�ueel water from said Mabe unl ine
any palseii *�• persons except for the extfn-
for auZj, Purpose of adjoining
guislzpisnt Any
ys peen or the viol ting saving
provision Of
property.. uflt of a ntsdemsaner,
this seetlou shall be +leaned % y be or be e' sul -
and couvictiou
Yturbmore th acieof n $100,nor iu a sum
not leas than $ 30 days, or bo both
oned Fera period of not exceeding
ea fined and tmprtsoned.
section o . 1, The City Clerk shall cause tordi- !i
nonce be published once in the ANA1187M GA
a newspaper in the city of Anaheim,
and therapereu ant thereafter it shall take effect and
be in fullforce. WM A WITTE,
President of the Board of Trustees of the city of Ana-
hcEm. of
I hereby certify that the meeting of% ordinance was
introduced at a meeting
that it was duly passed and adopted e
'Prustees of the city of Anaheim hold on the let day
ees of
of August,1893;. Tru
a regular meeting 1 the t1Be 12th fday oftSeptereber,.
city of Anaheim held ouote:
1893, by the following
Ay es—Trustee W ills, Pellegrin, Rust, Cenral an
'L'Ua,t the Preel dent of the Board of Trustf'08 Of the
ued rte same on the 12t1s dsy of
City of Anaheim efg MAX NEBEL11Na,
geptember, 1895. Clerk of the City of Anaheim.
vy v/ mss L r u- — 74 v4 -o
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