09513 NO Superior Court, County of Orange, State of California. VS. Plaintiff Defendant Received copy of within this _------.--. dayof------------------------------------------------------------- --....-189 --------- ------------- Attorneyfor--------- ----------------------- ----- ------- --•-- H. W. CHYNOWETH. An ieim, Cal., Attorney for _-- 4. 4 SPOOK jo I odap -j •S gill f SQn(� Statema Sul po All"FIA-AVIT 0-P--- PU-UIk"'ATIONT. kranEe,) beinL. Ailly sworn,,deposes and says: 'a" 'Ie is Of the United ;;tutes,Over the --Eo of 'Ity on-- yottrat, that he is the printer of the Am-a-heim Gazette )w Op3j) e r Plriniid,Pilblished and circulated in the Cit."' of Anaheim Ity 01 or (Pri.."':Stato of California; That, t ce of which tjj(annexed is 11 Printed copy* e said newspaper, tD-wit, on The i363. S,, i b s to before me this dAY of Id 3. IN tay'Public. 3 tY Ordin ' ®.95, An Ordibane,e to Provide i'tu the Licensing of Pusiness 1,amici, on in the City of Aludleiln. The Board of Trustees of the Cit,p of Au:ah,,9ti do 'ordain as follows: - Section L—It shall be mlanvrnl" fol :MV 11, persons to couduct or cart• oil Iiiiii t ,nn iai limits of the City of Anaheim, eithe, m ti ,.n. ,,o names or as agents for ant other r p, -t n ,a- p t : o , _� or body corporate, or oth t wt amt a (%'tion +. u1 r, T �'- 1? T- L T ? T calling, .occupation or enipb,,00cat in this ordinaulru specified, without first procnrfug fi•ou, said crit Anaheim a license so to do. Any person•or persons, either for v<s r net agents, who shall commence carry on or e, on any- any vocation, trade, calling occupation or employ-- ment in this ordinance specified ,vithout first pro - demeanor, curing such license, shall be &5s;— t,, of , ro- ! �' - demeanor, and upon conn ctiurtl tiii;; jurisdiction thereof shall"b' -. or iiia not less than ten dollars " " dred dollars or beimpri' tic 1 i il- •� ; mg three months or s and impris- onment, and the lir .nen shill Lr ' deemed a debt due to :. A.Il Ce "11ho, ,md all such persons, bo0f " °thcir :a,cota, .,.� ore of h them, sh a�.ti to ii ih name of the bony cf A court t f tent jurisdiction, for, no,. ieuch business as he 6 armed ill, cost of of suit. s i rt 1 Section 2.That ti e' - f bus +! pursuits, buaine s, `', and employments same are hereby e of Anaheim, and s tthui the C11, ! id by the oturus ! _ or proprietot.:Lki it I: t� U tj For every perso rri o cool) ration , t -,;, , d it business of banking, <o. For every butcher shop or stall, .,2 j For e•,ery person It ho, ban u,, no butcher chop or I stall, engaged in the business of selling ,neat ;vithin the city limits, $7 50. For all persons or corporations not r. unicit,al, vending, sellimi- Supplying or f,irursinng water r r domestic purposes $5. For ei cry peddler of_go ds w u es '� per month, $7 50. or, pet 1:,y, if it, ,,te n i --t v, For every recta tut, ,,, �O #, For every hotel $2 50.' For every liver} stable, $2 50, For every laundry, $1 50. For every bill poster, per quarter, $1 0 For ever), photograph gallery, per qu l'bor ,l 50 - I ? For every Sta_elae'usc for t;r.tin .amt in_rchandisel $l 50 For every breweryi e For every shootang galleit" M For every person cooduc i -g and cal ry m� of I. "I'x eneral and regular incans of livelihood, lite ta.ulat i icily L sera rn, i; r s f s -n:1 s _iy s,c7zr;r ,r.f e Cf ,Le i%r inter ol, t ",,o An.,.ihe ipn C;."Z'tt e an -i circ?zl..tr�a it a �, t i+ of Ani? i i 'li C a I 1"o< nia; iYY;2i:�' * Ott: .rin�:Yt,':� 3.`3 ,}•,v't�? tiLli i 71ewsT),tper', tt <.g - calling, occupation or business of peddling 1., a ca , t or wagon upon the streets of said oiLV of Anab c'un lli- any kind of vegetal ilei• ino, t uth,acrd ev cry such oI,,rt, cle so employed, S . wagon or vehicle 80 used shall have a number print- ed or painted thereon or attached thereto ill plain arabic figures, not less than oue iconautl a half ill !. height and of proliortionate-Width, and of suc•ccAor as may be readily distinguislaeti; such ilurel cr shall be designated. by the License Colle -n who -lydl keep a record thereof. For every dray, cart, wagon or chrdt fill- f > the delivery of freight or goods in thect y fol hue `L f aid drays carts, wa ons or chicles copy And each o s. , shall be numbered in the inaunr designated ui vac- f o, preceding paraC'raph. For every i�rson who keeps a stallion, acid „b,� 6 1 J permits the same to be used for the purl o e oft :s I' ligation for hire, must pay a license of 1: v llol aa 7 for the season for each stallion - For every saloon, bar, store or place, n,tis,dm ;• clubrooms, where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed liquors are sold or givou away fu girantit;cI s than rd,at one gallon, per month 510• l aiev t ;tlrcitplaceor lfor � no license to keep 'it s eloon, or the sale of spirituous, viuous, mal_, or mixed liquot- shall beis'ued to any person u,1 ,-;,'i a permn it Iwrit - Fug from the Board of Trustcta of said city of Ali" - l a - beim, authorizing such issu", shat ll have boon fled The said Board of Trustees with the City Clerk. shall have power to revoke such permit at ally time and aftersuchrevocation shall havo'heen made by resolution duly adopted, the said City Clerk shall is- sue no further lieense to the party whose permit is i evo ke�,d until anew permit is granted to ,said party' by said Board of Trustees. ` is Fort/ GBa�pj'iof "rope a sola a auetier day, Ffrilicense pis tal`�,11 dollars per mouth. or, per Y, for one day, five. dollars. For every Chea -John s and, th i lvoioflitwelctis five dollars Fmouth tsken out for one day, five dollars. For every establishment where inferior, dauaaged, old or ke sum ofitwcn articles dive dollars personal per naoutlit.Vr .crit sold. _ . ._ s,.,•,1cr,. five dollars. pi.iblic For every„ •@kine - I :err ons property ar� at auction the surnof tionty-fico dollars per myth. or, per day, if license is taken r for one day,.ltve dollars, For every Cheap -John stand, the sum of t i cn five dollars per. month. Or, per day, if lire 3. is taken out for one day, five dollars. _ For every establishment where inferior, daint ed, old or shelf -worn articles of personal property' ar'e sold, the sum of twenty-five dollars per mouth. Or, per day, if license is taken for one day, five dollars, Section 3. --The wholesale and retail establish - meets, -stores and places of trade of every hued and description, Including wood and coal y;ud nal places for selling of lumber, within the Citi nbere articles of personal property are sold as a shall be and are hereby divided into the foPoo io 'classes, and the.. owners, proprietors or persons en- gaged in tine same shall pay the license hereill _Iwci- l• fled for each;;; spective ciass monthly, as folloNI, Provided, however, that this provision d,�es not sj.I IN to the sale of spirituous, villous malt or ur xoll liquors: First class—Those whose montlly ten thousand dollars or over, shall Pay a Ireells, J ten dollars. Second class—Those whose monl.hle s:rlos fivethousand dollars and less than tell thonsan-1 dollars, shall pay a license of seven dollars and fift, cents. Third elas5—Those whose montbl,,- s.deq avera;;o two thonsand•dollars and less than nvc thousand lars, shall pay a license of five dollars. Fourth class—Those whose monthly sales arcro,* le five hundred dollars and less than isotLnr. ;:.' ie 1 dollarsshall pay a license of two dollars dint 11fLy cents. Fifth class—All those vvhoso monthly sales a,rea:>~c. less than five hundred dollars, shall 1 ay a I c e �. f - pnedellara enty five cents Section i at the daily rate of liceuse c c pursuits, b, ess, trades, occu y established for ei1i of Anaheim, and the same shallbe too o„ie era and proprietors thereof is fel c u € For every circus oi• mc,n elle or 1 .1., - twenty dollars. - For any side show to a cirell,, it < c a, _, , i l - mission fee is Charged, five dollar, For every rope,'ivire, daucbig, lr1.1ric ar {.lieittirr.l entertainment or exhibrtinu tivjicro 9^c "i;edm is asked,threedollars. ifplayell b? iocatiaa :,,;e_ meat, $1 60. Sectionli --All licenses must loo paid ill The monthly licenses in till. orrlL, jj c .. sea}I her fable 6n the first Mon`dar rn cacti month for: persons, firms or corporati3 .0 Miro have for th0 previous month been license,: �o c,trrc on any such bn'saness, avocation or trade, and for persons, firms or corporations ivho have not Lues ,�_ tensed for the -previous month for the aide busu�eys, avocation or'employment, trade m-tilellcee c shall be due and payable and, inset he ocnre,_1 such person, firm or corporaiieu before carroi such business,avocation or cmldoyuichi.truck oil cal%ing, , The license for three monthsin till¢ ordirauco px o. j vided for shall be due and payable to the city !'on it, are per da y,1flalne s ia'1 e c nc.- arsr,-�7dfi'e"f day in advance. 1'`S c c:uh Section 6—It be the duty of tilt i a, a t lector to give to the City Clerk on or 1 'ore ri,,, day of each month a list of all pers,n.a dein¢ . within the corporate limits of the City of AnaheLns:ri,;m, who are liable fpr license. The City Clark shall thereupon issue tfcensos to the persons named on said list, and on tbe.Erst.nh,ndav of each month shall deliver strep lieenses to Tile l - cense Collector for collection, taking his leech I the arnount thereof, and the said Uity Ulcrk i„ p.t ing the rate of license for the several classes in this ordinance bereinbcforc spccifrcd shall "rad" tI, same according to his best information and I.111(MI _ edge, and may roquire ally person to file hie affida- vit as to which class he nray b(,!on„ nri "I”' in no case shall any mist-d:c GV the Uit;- Clo;•,lr i;; fixing the amount of said license pret oot the ;,.1':,__ tion of what shall be actual,c duo, with all ; against any one selling; orcarryin_ 'n said without license or refusing to pay sUclr *ae so fixed by the Clerk. Section 7 --All ordinances or pada of ordi'nan,,ce in conflict with the provisions of this ordiiiaueo :pro hereby repealed. ' Section 3.—The City C)crk stied c:jcsa leis ordi- nance to be published once in the ANAM,.'M GAzrr,T'M, -and.thareupon ala'd thereafter it shall 'rake effect auu be in full' tree. W -M. A. WITTE rres*cent of the hoard of Trustees of the CJTy of helm, I hereby certify that the foregoing ordhiaiicc was introduced at a meet;n,-, of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held oil the 16th day of asst , 1893 That it was duly passed and adopted at i reg' meeting caf t e Board of Trustees of the City of - kXuaheim bel 26th day of September, 1893i, by Ayes—Trustees V;itte, Yeller�rin, Rust, Cmu-ad and ;kindler. . That the President of the P,oafd of Trustees of the ityof Anaheim signed the sane oil the 2Gth day of !pteniber, 1393. M. NEBELUPiG, Clerk of the City of Anaheim, �✓ H"��L yr .G'✓-� G��:1 o -Y o�-� V / OFT • f.:c.� /G��L l2/2_/GC�C � �'L,��—moi op Ile 7 3� l Isvtiev7.N I� 1' /. � � !� - dJ' cz�'� `r �:�t �x�.E-� Gy � 'vim-G''� �...`�+Gi—� / '% o -o � 4 Sd 2.�b ��� k` . w =�� � � � � � � � ��` � -� �' � _ �. r �� � � ,�� w, '�%�`u �;,,,;,� � �' a� ��� _--- .i �r � 4ez��- '44 I, V, , 0 �t- 6 J4 -7 Y6N-21 71:p� ft