097U � . ion zia u.io+4 HZH.AOH.�H� '11� .Tod - -------------------- ------------------------ ------ -------------- 68T -----------------68 T-------------------- - --------------------- - ---- -- - -- To utIIIIAN Jo JCdoa paATaOa-T -----------a ----------------- -- ---------------- --------------- r �uEpua�aQ ------------------------- - F ` o � � •sem � j �i}uit;Id ------------------------- ------ ..........----------------- ------------------ YiLIIoFIRD jo 04 eiS `a2uu.zo jo ,C4Tino; ' JnO''--� JOTJo dns k - oxr w �, esrz� - PublitatiM 44 -Y STATE OI'' CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE. inance No�?x ���•� .. ................ ................... of said county being duly 1_n Ordinance palling a Gener�l� sworn sayQ That he is a citizen of the United States of the age of Municsipal Election in the City of A aheim, oet*blishi�l a g twenty-one years and upwards; Polll>xg Place, appointing A e Board of Election and p- vid- 1119 that notice of such Election ' > be girien. The Board bfTr eesofthe City efAaenet, That he is one of, the printers and publishers of the Anabeiin do ordain as follows. 8�t1an,1_-filti►r. n s.::e,..f �ir..w.,_ s_ � _. _. . Gazette, a newspaper printed and published once a week in the city of marl -ramex- Anaheim, county of Orange, State of California, and as such publisher kali ooaeti- ng Place for 'or Said elec- t y Sall on has charge of all advertisements in said newspaper. of the mem- o three dol - ie following the Ciof kard of Viso• That the-C,(",Y tiC= -- tore, Judges, Jgd"*B F. C. Smythe anu . Hiue. erka-'fhtlo. RimPsnan- .W Ballot Clerks—J. P. Zegn ane,.$aot#hrt ! ghat the gone at nesra Shall -be b 6d at sunries on the galday of 7 cityel ehaand mu e -t e*zvntlI Ave ikgi Flo ee of which_._.,(.:& ----- ..----- the annexed is printed copy, has been published S V117 OI nnenel$ of the residence o Moo address, as the er, rtes esmese ............................. _...... ..... - ... .......... - ...... _.. s, and rAuse e In - and ts of ['and ates Postofflee as in the above-named newspaper, i�p eaeh of eai v era rtt`rekfpes.00ntxi� sha71 ao�uAnsm aagt ictninthdaytff �� .. .................. ..�,, ..... - - y et said` a:idelePe. . ote :shall have been days' beioie`tha said iaau d oamme the Same to PPaaMMaaggMOE �` aA>tCuzTTz,aSaid ........................................................--..... --- --- . __ _.... -. .bawP Ctan upfen and there -,and after itahall�take efCeot and:be in 1111 force. further be sayeth not. WM A. WITTE President of the Board of Tritetess of the &ty of Anaheim. I, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance Board of was introduced at a; meeting' Of the Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of March IM- that it was duly passed at a ......................... .... .............. . -•...• •--.-....... .......... regular mels Q oft the Board of Trustees of, the CktT of Anaheim held on -the 27th day of March, ----------------------------------------------- ...................--...........---------- ......... and further he sayeth not. .......... .... ...... ...... ..... ......... .................... SUBSCR�3ED AND SWORN to before me this.......................................day of T- ................... - ------------- --)�� - ----------- .............. ...... ��,. r`-t,r'!�,-,,�y<; A- � ori - -- w oe mauea to we united 8tatea� Poatof$Ce sa � pprinted matter for delivery to each of said voters. The mai of an of said envelopes containing ismpple pa as aforesaid shall commence at _ _ -- bast tea s before the said ninth day of April, Y ' / IM, and rte so that ali of said 4'► .Jopes ..................... boataird sMsample ballots shall have been mailed ateast tbts9e whole days before the said day of Aqri18941 4 -The My Clerk shall certify to the paalage of We ordinanpe and cause the same to yeth llOt. be published Ones in the ANAHRIN GAZBTra, a and further he sa assnsa�por ,Pd:i- ated is said C}ty Of s hereupon and there- after t shall take effect and be in full force. WM. A. WITTE President of the Board of Trustees of the 61ty of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance ......... . was introduced at a meetin¢ of the Board of W or Marta 1884 that it was duly passed at a regular mob ng oi'the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim hold on the 27th day of March, ORS t0 before ills 1894, �bsy- -the follo�si 70te Cgq—Tyuptees Wm,.AA,, Witte, C. O, Rust, F. That the President of the Board of Trustees of the of pf Anaheim signed the same on the 27th day of Marsh 1894. . -----• day O M.. N$BELIINO, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. .......... ------ 114 , ORDINANCE No,— An Ordinance calling a general Municipal Election in the City of Anaheim, establishing a polling; place, appointing a Board bf Election and providing that notice of such Election be -iven. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as C follows: Section I,---- That a general election be hell in the said City of Anaheim, on Monday the ninth day of April I384,for the purpose of electing three rnerribers of the Board of Trustees for the term of four years, and one member of the Board of Trustees to serve for. the remainder of the unexpired term of E.J.Pellegrin, one City Clerk, who shall be ex -officio Assessor, one City Treasurer, oneCates �1x�G shall be ex -officio Tax and License Collector; y, City ;, Th t '' ;"`:""-- at the entire Cit shall constitute a single precinct, with. one polling place for said election, and the polling; hall be as follows: At the City Hall on place for said election s Center Street, in said City of Anaheim; Section That the con7pensation o the members of the Board of election shall be three dolla7's�for the elect ion,sna the following named persons qualified electors of the City of Anaheim, are hereby appointed a Board of election to act respectively as inspectors, judges, c�erks, and ballot clerks, that is to sav: In Wf _ 4441 the --,--polls at sai3 ''eleci; ion :shall be opened and 'eunrise on the id ninth day of April I804, rsust. be kept N Q-TT7X..-. inspectors, jl_idues, c)erks, and ballot clerks, that is to sav: r. -t n polls aid election shall be opened "-fie ct ion, 4, JI at sunrise on the said ninth day of April I894, and must be kept opera until five o' clock on the afternoon of said day, when the shall prive notice ofsaid Sectio -n the City Clerk election by caijsin-_, envelopes to be addressed to earl, voter in tile City of Anaheinit AAjitn the number Of rt; si_fence of said voter or correct Post Office -address as the same appear ^ 0-reCted at that tilfle as tile IAw p_,Oijides,and cause to be encluse,-I therein sawjple ballots and t:�ie lists of noriiin.ations Bled with j-1.irn and cause the same to be mailed in the United States Post office as for delivery to each. of said vOt(l.rs; the mailing printed inatter of all oi, said envelopes containinfsample ballots as. aforesaid ,!,all commence at le--ist ten days fore rjjFs.I_jd be�tv of April 1894,. -and coritthatin'le so that all - ninth Of said envelopes containing, said, sample ballots -_.riall have been wailed. at least three whole days before the said ninth day of April J394; Section 6, ----The City Clerk shall certify to the passage Of se the same to be published once in the this ordinance,and cau inted,published and. circulated in Anancim Ga/,ette a newspaper pr said e -r it shall take City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter effect anti be in full force; - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - President of theBoard of Triistees of the City of Anal,.e irri. I hereby certify ti -I -It the foreeoine,, ordiriance was introduced 041 Trustees of City oi' Anai,.ei geld at a vieetir.E- c; f' the Bo,,.i-,- on the .)'Lay of March J394, that it was duly passed at a inE of the Board of Trustees of, City of Anaheim, regijij- vieet f held On the day oby the f March 1894 ,oiloyiing vote: CIO, Ayes, Trustep's /_j That tree President of the Board of Trustees of the City Of day of March 1894. Ana-.'­�eim six)ned tile same on the t city_� 411'er' o:V the 0 C