101Ordinance Number 101, An Ordinance to provide for a Special Election, to Sbu Mit to i the qualified voters of the City of Anaheim the propositi incUrrin - n p ue U AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. State of California,> County of Orange, 2 �L` of said County of Orange,being duly sworn deposes nd says that he is a citizen of the United States over the age of twenty one years; That he is the printer of the Anaheim Gazette a weekly news- paper printed and published and circulated in the zxkdt City of Anahei704County of Orange, State of California, that the Ordinance of which the annexed is a printed copy was published in said news- paper, at least once a week and every week for two successive weeks commencing on the day of .. ....A..I894 and end- ing on day of September I894, both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. day of September 1894. Noty'Publie in and for 0rariget ar County California. Ordi< of ce Number 101. 1 ¢'_ An Ordnance to provide for a Special Election, to legbmit to i the ghalified voters of the City of Anaheim theproposition of i incurring an indebtedness of SevelThousand Dollars for the construction and erection of a ,f City Electric Light Plant. The Board%fTrustees of the, City of Anaheim do ordain aq'follows: WHEREAS` As declared by Ordinance No. 100, a passed naheimyohlof he tenth Board day of July, 18of 94, the pub- lic pub - ; Ed necessity demand the construc- tion and erection of a City Electric Light Plant; and - i WxsnxAs`'The assessed value of all the real and personal property within the corporate limits of safd City of Anaheim is five hundred thousand dollars and upwards, and a AFFIDAVIT OF FUBLICATION WHEEEA `e The pians and estimates of the cost fo rni a of said Cit IClectrie Light Plant. made by a 1 y c+oxga t.: engineer,, . Vfhp has had sub 1 cess ul e ie 'eel in such work; are now on �t the Clerk or the City of Ana- O ran e 1 heim and t1 �j f i Wa>z The estimated cost for the construc- tion of`ssid City Electric Light Plant is the sum of seven thousand dollars; and / WHEEEI IscoSaid greatvementAs paid for r y^J of Said County of Orange,being duly ' the coat of is too great to be paid for out of the `''-� ordinary a nual income and revenue of the r municipality; and W HsesA9; The Board of Trustees of the City says that 11 a is a citizen of the United States of Anaheird deems it necessary for said City of Anaheim to incur an indebtedness of seven thousandd nets to pay the costs and expenses above men oued; and kerity one years] WHsasA Said indebtedness cannot be in- curred ea pt by the consent of at least two- t thirds of ' qualified Voters of said city voting aseedsnlection for the purpose ofprocuring onconsent. @ printer of the Anaheim Gazette a weekly news - Now, Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: published and circulated in the Kxkd City of Section is -That a special election shall be held In the City f Anaheim; County of Orange, State of Califo on Saturday, October 27th, 1894, at which she be submitted to the qualified voters of the ear -City of Anaheim, the proposition of !Orange, State of California, tkat the Ordinance Incurring an indebtedness of seven thousand dollars for the purpose herein set forth. That if the proposition to create such indebt- ednessshallCitf , Anaheim at such election; bonds be accepted by the qualified voters of said *ed is a printed copy was p ubl ished in Said news�• ofsaid-Cltpsforsuch-m-anicfpai improvementas j herein set ,forth shall Issue for the payment of the cost thereof, which bonds- shall be issued in such amount as the said Board of Trustees of lice a seek and every week for two successive the City Of Anaheim may determine. Said bonds shalLbe forty -in number and shall be of ,c the denoingation W one hundred and seventy- five eventy five dollarsesch. Said bonds shall be payable G on the fir day of December of the years fn n the �e a day of • e o • ♦ • • • • • a�1894 and end - which the bali.become due respectively. / The bon] Issued shall be of a character of bonds known as aerials and each bond shall be id bond, with interest at the rale of six per pa able on the day and at the glace fixed in sab day of S ep t d!mb e r 1894, both days 1 n C lu8 i V e . cent per annum, interest pa able semi-annu- ally. Said bono shall, as to their form and the mode of Issuing thereof, and in all respects, conform taihe requirements of the Act entitled, t 'An Act authorizing the incurring of Indebted- ness by c lee, towns and municipal corpora. #bps; In. .rated under the laws of this State for the eo as, of water works, sewers; and all necsessdry public' improvements, 'or for any _ purpose whatever, and to repeal the Act ap- tS roved Mitrch 9, 1885, entitled, 'An Act to au- horize municipal corporations" of the fifth class oontainI �•pnore than three thousand and less rn to before me this thantentiibusandInhabitants, to obtain water= works; els _ to repeal an Aet approved March 15, 1887, entitled an ,Act authorizing t9ie incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations, incorporated under the laws of tember .1894, this State' Approved March 19, 1889, as emends by Ve ct appproved March 11,1891, by An Acta ppiroved'Diarch 19, 1891 and by an Act — appprove�lVisrch 1,1893 8eetion 2t That said election shall be held _, gocordingg to the laws of the State of 'California, thereta and the ordinances of the Publi-C lIl and for,Orange City of A kheiln• Section,- Tbht the entire city shall constitute punty California, a single r inet with one polling place, and the ppaelling p e for .aid election shall be he fol. loos' A e City Hall, on the 'south side' of Center Strdet in said City of Anaheim. Section 4 That the compensation of the mem. j,LiZara f+ l�@TX o Fbe P rd of Election shall be three dol- t?i prttPn,"and__tha following ran ed persons, iluelified electors of s d City of Ana- heim, are hereby appointed a Board of Election to act resp, tively. as Inspectors, Judges, Clerks and Ballotlerks of acid election; that is to say; Inspectors`John P, Zeyn, .F, A. Dorn; Judges, Theod, RNpau, S. Littlefield; Clerks, V. C. Smythe, G@o. V, Horr; Ballot Clerks, O. V. Knowlton, H C. Gade. Section &::That the polls at said election shall ane A snnria ni the_eafd 27th da of Qc o= O. V. liS Section , u• 6.—That the polls at said eleetioA shall oe Opened at sunrise 4. the said 27th day of Qct"- oer,'189�4, and must be kept open until Sve the ctrl n theshaU bete n�ed,of the sane day, when Section 6,—That every ballot shall have printed thereon the following words: Yes For. Indebtedness ......• No. Section 7—The City Clerk shall certify to the ppassaagge of this ordinance, and cause the same to be published for two successive weeks in the ANSHsiinu[ GAZETTE, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated In the City of Ana- heita,.County of Orange, State Of California. CHAS. OTTO RUST, Presidentof the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. _ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance the posed introduced of the City of lar Anaheim of obihe,1,4th dgy of August, 1894; that It was duly ppassed and addopted at an'adiourned meeting of the.Board°of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, 1 a..,, chw 27 at day of August, 1894, by the PA. Helmsen, Conrad and I m FYlllt4suae. het the President of the Board of Trustees of the Ci of of Anaheim signed the same on the 23d day et liugust,1894. M NEBELUNG, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ORDINANCE NUMBFR_/ ©/ _ An Ordinance to provide for a special Election, to submit to the qualified voters of the City of Anaheim the proposition of incurring an indebtedness of seven thousand dollars for the construction and erection of a City Electric Light Plant, The Board of Trustees, of ,the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Whereas,------ As declared by Ordinance number TOO passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on the tenth day of duly 1894, the public interest and necessity demand the construe- . , tion and erection of a City Electric Light Plant; and WhereaI,•----» The assessed value of all the real and personal Y property within the corporate limits of said City of Anaheim is _ hundred thousand dollars and upwards, and k Whereas, ----The plans and estimates of the cost of said'tity Electric Light Plant, made by a competent Electrical engineer, who has had successful experience in such work, are now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and Whereas,- -The estimated cost for the construction said City Electric Light Plant, is the sum of seven thousand dollars and Whereas, ----Said improvement is necessary and the cost of it is too great to be paid for out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the municip ality,and Whereas,---- The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, deems it necessary for said City of Anaheim, to incur an indebted- ness of seven thousand dollars,to pay the costs and expenses above mentioned, and Whereas, ----Said indebtedness cannot be incutred except by t 1. he consent of at least two thirds of the qualified vb ers of said City voting at a.special election for the 'purpoge of procuring' F such consent; Now Therefore, The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section, I�--�-� That a special `Election shall be held in the City of Anaheim, County of,Orange, State of California, on L at which shall be submitted to the qualified voters of,the ,said City of Anaheim,the proposition of incurring an indebtedness of seven thousand dollars,for the purpose herein set forth. kta: That if the proposition to create such indebtedness -shall be accepted by the qualified voters of said City of Anaheim,at.such -ejscti-vn -bonds of said city for such municipal improvement as here- in set forth,shall issue for the payment of the cost thereof,which bonds shall be issued in such amount as the said Board of -Trustees of the City of Anaheim,may determine., Said bonds shall be forty in number and -shall be of the denomination of one hundred and seventy five dollars each, said bonds shall be payable on the first day of_of the years in which they shall become due respectively. The bonds issued shall be of a character of bonds known as serials ea ch bond shall be payable, on the day and at the place e fi"xed in said bond, with `"interest at the rate of six per cent per annum,`interest payable semi-annually; said bonds shall as to their form and the mode of issuing thereof, and in all re- spects,conform to the requirements, of the Act entitled, "An Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness,by cities,towns,and municipal corporations, incorporated folder the laws of this State; for the construction of wate'works,sewers,and all necessary public improvements,or for any purpose whatever,and to repeal aax the qct approved March Vit, I885, entitled an Act to authorize mu- nicipal corporations of the fifth class,containing more ;than three thousand and less than ten thousand inhabitants: to obtain water..!-. works, `-also to repeal an Act approved March 15, 1887, entitled an "ct,authorizing the: incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns, and municipal corporations,incorporated under the laws of this State, Approved 'arch 19, I8899` as amended by an. Act Approved -47 March II, I891,, nd by an Act, Approved March I, 1893; Section, That said election shall ,be ;held according to the lairs of the State of California, appl nA�w_e thereto and the ordin=ances of the City of Anaheim. Secationti ----That the ,entirP,-.Virty shall constitute a single precinct with ;one .poi11j1,,leace,and th® rollingaca dor said p M election -shall be,as follows,-- at the City Hall on the south side of Center St,reetjin:said.City of Anaheim; Section That tihe compensation of the members of the Board of Election shall be three dollars for �,he election and the following named persons, qualified electors of said City of Anaheim are hereby appointed a Board of Election to'act respectively as es, Clerks and Ballot Clerks of Inspectors, Judgsaid `election, that is to say Inspectors,_ Judges,_ Clerks, Ballot Clerks, Section 3, ----That the polls at said election shall be -� 4 day of October 1894, opened at sunrise of the said = and must be kept open until five o'clock on the afternoon of the same day,when the polls shall be closed; Section 6.---- That every ballot shall have printed thereon the following words: Yes. For Indebtedness No. Section 7, ----The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the samato be published for two success- ive weeks, in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper printed, published, and circulated in the City of Anaheim,County of Orange, State of California; —President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim? I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a anakixg regular meeting of the Board of Trustee's of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th, day of August 18949 that it was duly passed and adopted at an adjourned meeting of the Board of Trus,tees, of,,th.Q14, Ctty of ,Anaheim, held on the day of August 1894, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim9signed the same on the day of August 1894, Clerk of the City of