115No...... ....
R Superior Court
County of Orange, State of California
-:..--------------- ---- --........... - -- -----
................. ---- ----------- — -- --------- ---- - ------ -------- ..................
CReceived copy of within this............
Aaf ................... ..........189....
Attorney.......... ............... .....
d �
Mtorneyfor....:... ........ ..........
k Ordinance No. 1 15,
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State: of California,
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-- — — — — — — of said County of Orange, being
duly sworn deposes and says:
That at all the times herein mentioned he was and is a
citizen of the United States over the age of twenty one years, that
he is the printer of the Anaheim Gazette, a welly newspaper,
printed, published and circulated, in the City of .Anaheim, County
Of Orange, State of California,; that the ordinance of which the
annexed is a printed copy was published in said newspaper at
least on e a creek and every creek, for two weeks commencing on
the G — *MP- * June 1896 and ending on the �J �da
of June I896, -both :says inclusive.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
-r (t
... day of July I896.
Notary Public n and for Orange
County California.
of said City of Anaheim, at such election, bonds
Of said City of Anaheim, for such municipal im-
Aerein forth,
Ordinance No. 115,
provements as set shall issue for
the payment of the cost thereof, which bonds
shall be issued in such amount as the said
by an Act approved March 11 1N1, by an Act
approved X4rch 19, 1891,, s Q' by an Aut ap-.
Boa rdmof Trustees of the City of Anaheim may
d every week, for two weeks commencing on
bonds shall be one hundred and twenty
Section 2. -That said election shall be held
Lin number, and shall be of the denomination of
according to the laws of the State of California,
applicable thereto, and the ordinances of the
one hundred and fifty dollars each; said bonds
thall be e der
the in while ch they t dayMall
to which theq 1Bhal1 become due
��-vz aT12ne l3gE'j and endingon the
years become e-
The bonds issued shall be of a character of
An Ordinance to provide for a
a,y s inclusive.
per annum, interest payable semi-annually;
,said bonds shall, as to their form and the mode
Special Election to submit to
of issuing thereof, and In all respects, conform
— — —
the qualified voters of the City
'�`construetibn of water works, sewers and all
t O before me this
necessary public improvements, or. for any pur.
of Anaheim, the proposition
of incurring indebtedness
nose whatever, and to xeoeal the Act annmo a
of eighteen thousand dollars
for the extension and comple-
tion of the City Water Works,
and the extension and con-
of the City Electric
Light Plant.
The Board of Trustees of the City of ALsheim
do ordain as follows:
Whereas, As declared by Ordinance go. 114,
Rby said Board of Trustees, on the twelfth
day of May, 1896, the public interest and neces-
sity demand the extension and completion of
the City Water Works, and the extension and
completion of the City Eleettto Li ht Plant, and k, )
Whereas, The assessed value of all the real
and personal property within the , corporate;
� limits of the as#d'City o! stnaheiviIlVe ]tun--,u
dred thousand dollarsand upward
Whereas, The plans and estiraat
id improvements, made by:
as had successful
f sWestimatedoost
won file in th
of Anaheim; an
cost f
of the w=
— — — — of said Count Of Oranges b@1n,
f the City Electric Lightn
thousand dollars; and
t79PRINEWId improvements are necessary,
'and the cost of them is too greet to be paid for
1 outofthe ordinar
and gays
annual income and revenue
1 of the municipality; and
Whereas The Board of Trustees of the Cit of
Anaheim semis it necessary for said City of Ana-
he times herein mentioned he was and is a
heim to incur an indebtedness of eighteen thou-
sand dollars to pay the costs andexpenses above
mentioned; and
Whereas, Said indebtedness cannot be in-
curred except by the consent of at least two-
Old States Over
the age of twenty one years, that
of the qualified voters of said Citp,voting
ata special election for the purpose of*tgetlr-
ing such consent.
Now, therefore, The Board of Trustees o� #
the Anaheim Gazette, weekly newspaper,
City of Anaheim do ordain as follows:
Section L -That a special election shall be
held in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange,nd
State of California, on Saturday, the first day of
i n the City o f . Anaheim, County
ual ided voters of the said City of Aa be to the
proposition of an indebtedneesstof
eighteen thousand dollars for the purpose here-
meet forth. -- •- - . _
... ______, _
that the Ordinance of which the
of said City of Anaheim, at such election, bonds
Of said City of Anaheim, for such municipal im-
Aerein forth,
copy was published in said new Sp ai er at
provements as set shall issue for
the payment of the cost thereof, which bonds
shall be issued in such amount as the said
by an Act approved March 11 1N1, by an Act
approved X4rch 19, 1891,, s Q' by an Aut ap-.
Boa rdmof Trustees of the City of Anaheim may
d every week, for two weeks commencing on
bonds shall be one hundred and twenty
Section 2. -That said election shall be held
Lin number, and shall be of the denomination of
according to the laws of the State of California,
applicable thereto, and the ordinances of the
one hundred and fifty dollars each; said bonds
thall be e der
the in while ch they t dayMall
to which theq 1Bhal1 become due
��-vz aT12ne l3gE'j and endingon the
years become e-
The bonds issued shall be of a character of
$ y
.,bonds known as serials, and each bond shall be
"'payable on the day and at the place fixed in said
bond, with interest at the rate of six per cent
a,y s inclusive.
per annum, interest payable semi-annually;
,said bonds shall, as to their form and the mode
Section 4. -That the compensation of the
members of the Board of Election shall be three
of issuing thereof, and In all respects, conform
to the requirements of the Act entitled, "An Act
authorising the incurring of indebtedness, by
— — —
cities, towns and municipal corporations, incor-
porated under the laws of this State; for the
'�`construetibn of water works, sewers and all
t O before me this
necessary public improvements, or. for any pur.
nose whatever, and to xeoeal the Act annmo a
C in anti for Orange
rut y California.
State," Approved March 19,1889, as amended
by an Act approved March 11 1N1, by an Act
approved X4rch 19, 1891,, s Q' by an Aut ap-.
Section 2. -That said election shall be held
according to the laws of the State of California,
applicable thereto, and the ordinances of the
City of
Section 3. -That the entire city shall eonsti-
tote a single precinct with one posting place,
and the palling place for said election shall be
as follows: At the City Hall, on the south side
of Center street, in said City of Anaheim.
Section 4. -That the compensation of the
members of the Board of Election shall be three
C in anti for Orange
rut y California.
srov —
Section 2.—That said election shall be held
according to the laws of the State of California,
applicable thereto, and the ordinances of the
city of Anaheim.
Section 3.—That the entire city shall eonsti-
tute a single precinct with one polling place,
and the polling place for said election shall be
as follows: At the City Hall, on the south side
of Center street, in said City of Anaheim.
Section 4.—That the compensation of the
members of the Board of Election shall be three
dollars for the election, and the following-
named persons, qualified electors of said City of
Anaheim, are hereby appointed a Board of Elec-
tion to act respectively as Inspectors, Judges,
Clerks and Ballot Clerks of said election; that is
to say,. Inspectors, Theo. Rimin. S. Littlefield;
Judges, John P. Zeyn, Chas. Hilae; Clerks, L.
C. Bailey, F. C. Smythe; Ballot Clerks, J. J.
Schneider, J. S. Hatfield.
Section 6.—That the polls at paid election
shall be opened at sunrise of the said first'day of
August, 1896, and must be kept open until five
o'clock on the afternoon of the same day, when
the polls shall be closed.
Section 6.—That every ballot shall have print'-
ed thereon the following words:
For Indebtedness......... • • No
Section 7.-The City Clerk) shall certify to the
passage of this Ordinance, and cause the same
to be la zamre a weekly newspaper printedtwo successive weeks in ,'
Ulm,and circulated In the C[ty of Anar
lm, County of Orange, State of California.
President of the Board of Trustees of the bityd
pproved this 9th day of June. 1896.
As Executive of the City of Anaheim
int oduced at to ameeting ofothe Boardno
Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on th
2d day of June, 1896; that it was duly passe
and adopted at a regular meeting of the Boar-
oarof Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on t
Ayes—Trusteesday of 89Rust 6, bytLewis, Couradhe following vOman
H slmsen.
That the President of the Board of Trustees
the City of Anaheim signed the same on the
day of June, 1896.
That the Executive of the City of Aiiahei
approved said ordinance on the 9th day of Jun
1896. M. NEBELUN6,
Clerk of the City of Aatal►eim.,^,
An Ordinance to provide for a special election to submit
to the qualified voters of the City of Anaheim, the proposition
of incurring an indebtedness of eighteen thousanddollars for the
extension and completion of the City Dater Works, and the exten-
sion and cor.Vletion of the City Electric Light Plant.
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as
Whereas, ---- As declared by Ordinance number 114 passed by
said Board of Trustees on the twelfth day of May 18989 the pub -
lie interest and necessity demand the extension and completion
Of the City Water Works, and the extension and completion of the
City Electric Light Plant and
Whereas,---- The assessed value of all the real and personal
property -within the corporate limits of the said City of Anaheim
is five hundred thousand dollars and upwards,and
Whereas, plans and estimates of the costs of said im-
provements made by a competent engineer who has had successful
experience in such work are now on file in the office of the Clerk
of the City of Anaheim, and
Whereas, ----The estimated cost -for the extension and com-
pletion of the City dater Works, is the sum of eleven thousand
dollars, and
estimated cost
for the extension and completion of
the City Electric Light Plant
is the sum of seven thousand dollars
necessary and the cost of
there is too
great to
be paid for
of the ordinary annualin-
come and revenue of the municipality, and
Whereas, ----The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,
deems it necessary for said City of Anaheim, to incur an indebted-
ness of eighteen thousand dollars to pay the costs and expenses
above mentioned, and
Whereas, ----Said indebtedness cannot be incurred except by
the consent of at least two thirds of the qualified voters of
said City, voting at a special election for the purpose of pro-
curing such consent;
Now therefore, The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim
do ordain as follows:
Section, I ---- That a special election shall be held in the
City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, on Satur-
day, the first day of August I896, at which shall be submitted
to the 4ual.ified voters of the said City of Anaheim, the proposi-
tion of incurring an indebtedness of eighteen thousand dollars
for the purpose herein set forth;
That if the proposition to create such indebtedness shall be
accepted by the qualified voters of said City of Anaheim, at such
election -bonds of said City of Anaheim, for such municipal im-
provements as herein set forth shall issue for the payment of
the cost thereof, which bonds shall be issued in such amount as
the said Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim may determine.
Said bonds shall be one hundred and twenty in number and
shall be of the denomination of one hundred and fifty dollars
each, said bonds shall be payable on the first day of December
of the years in which they shall become due respectively;
The bonds issued shall be of a character of bonds known as
serials and each bond shall be payable on the day and at the
place fixed in said bond with interest at the rate of six per
jcent per annum, interest payable semi-annually; said bonds shall
as to their form and the mode of issuing thereof and in all respect
conform to the requirements of the Act entitled , "An Act authori-
zing the incurring of indebtedness, by cities, towns, and munici-
pal corporations, incorporated under the laws of this State; for
' the construction of waterworks, sewers and all necessary public
improvements, or for any purpose whatever and to repeal the Act
approved March 9, 1883, entitled an Act to authorize municipal
corporations of the fifth class containing more than three thous-
and and less than ten thousand inhabitents, to obtain waterworks;
also to repeal an Act approved March I5, I887, entitled an Act
authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns, and
municipal corporations, incorporated under the laws of this State"
Approved March I9, 1889, as viended by an Act Approved March II,
I89I, by an Act Approved Iflarch I9th, I89I, and by an Act Approved
March I, I893;
Section, 2 ----That said election shall be held according to
the lags of the State of California, applicable thereto, and the
ordinances of the City of Anaheim;
Section, 3 -----That the entire city shall constitute a single
precihet with one polling place and the polling place for said
election shall be as follows: ----at the City Hall on the south side
of Center street in said City of Anaheim;
Sect ion, 4 ---- That the compensation of the members of the
Board of Election shall be three dollars for the election and the
following named persons qualified electors Of said City of Anaheim
are hereby appointed a Board of Election to act respectively as
Inspectors, Judges, Clerks and Ballot Clerks of said election,
that is to says Inspectors,
Ballot Clerks 7v
Section, 5 -----That the polls at said election shall be opened
at sunrise of the said day of 6 jj,
and must be kept open until five o'clock on the afternoon of the
same day when the polls shall be closed;
Section 6,---- That every ballot
the following words:
For Indebtedness
shall have printed thereon
Section,7,----The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for two suc-
cessive weeks
in the Anaheim Gazette a weekly newspaper
published and
City of Anaheim,
circulated in theCounty
of Orange
State of California;
'President of -the Board of
of the City of Anaheim.
Approved this
day of June 1896*
As Executive
of the City of Anai;eil&
I hereby
certify that the foregoing ordinance was
at a meeting
of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held
on the second day of June I896, that it was duly passed and adopt-,
ed at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
Anaheim held on the 9th, day of June 1896 by the following vote
Ayes, Trustees
That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of
Anaheim signed the sane on the 9th, day of June 1896,;
That the Executive of the City of Anaheim, approved said
ordinance on the 9th, day of June 18?),.
c `
Clerk of the —s—
aid City f Anaheim.