128No....... - ........... - Dept.
In the
Of _ .... _ _ _..... - .. Gounty,
State of California.
hereby certify, that the foregoing ordinance
Was introdnee.d at a meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the
16th day of August, 1899, and that it was duly
passed at a regular meeting of the Board cf
Trustees of the City of Anaheim, he'd on the
22d day of August, 1899, by the following vote:
,Ayes—Trustees Rust, Sehwenkert, Dickel and
That the President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the
22d of August, 1899.
27-1 Clerk of the City of Auaheim.
Mina* NO. 12
All Ordinance fixing1and levying a property I��
tax on all property within the torpoia.tt
Y of
year ending1899 and 1900.
rCity oo:tA
Boa folTrustees of the ahem
I. ...being duly sworn, deposes
SECTION 1—That there be and is hereby rjr of
and levied a property tax for the fi;_eal Year of
and says that a.. all the mos mentioned herein he was a citizen of
1899 and 1900, of Severity -one Cents ou ca -.:h Oi:c
Hundred Dollars of the asset—c1 valnatwu w
the United States over the age of twenty-one years; that he is the pub -
all real and personal property within the eor-
porate limits of the city of .analreirrr f,>r the ,
lisher of the Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper published,
ordinary annual expenditures of said city.
8E°. 2.—That there be and is fiscal
and levied tax for the fila i
printed and circulated weekly in the City of Anaheim and Count
� � y
a property � .ar of
ar of
1899 and 1900, of Twenty one Cent _ on e u lr One
hundred Dollars of the asst d valnat on of
of Orange, State of California;that the... � of which
all real and personal property within the cor-
porate limits of the city Sm heir, of the
the annexed is a printed copy, was published .... C� . time.... in said
purpose of paying u
annual interest of the
indebtedness of the City of Anaheim incurred
for the purpose of constructing a Cit: 11 ll for
the extension and completion of the City
newspaper, to -wit: on the.44 day of......., . _ . ,
Water Works, for the grading and improve-
ment of streets, and the purchase of property
for fire department
the together with one twee-
tieth of said indebtedness.
..... . .... ........ ........... .. ... ...
SEC. 3—That there be and is hereby fixe]
and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of
1899 and 1900, of Ten Cents on each One flan-'
dred Dollars the
- i
and sworn tO before. Iile this./L1.
of assessed valuation of all
real and personal property within the corpor-
ate limits of the City annual Anah re for the prrr-
day of...ebte............. I �.9
..Vv y '
d City of
f constructingand erecting
purpose g erectin„ a
for the pure
light togetherln ne
//"./'�;' �"-_
beth of such indebtedness, 'i
9EC. 4 That them be and hereby is fixed !�
"""' ''Y
Notalry Pubi,C 1n IOr Orange C
and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1
1899 and 1900 of Twenty-eight Cents on each
One Hundred Dollars of the assassed valuation
of all real and personal property within the
corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for --
the purpose of paying the annual interest of
the Indebtedness of the City of Anaheim in-
curred for the purpose of the extension and im-
provement of the City Water R'orks, and for
the extension of the City Electric Plant, to-
gether with one fortieth of such indebtedness.
SEC. 5—The City Clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and cause the Fame
to be publishe j oytce izi *he--9rarjge County
a er, a weekly newspaper printed,
published and circulated in the City of Ana-
heim, and thereafter and thereupon it shall
take effect and be in full. force.
C. 0. RUST,
President of the Board of Trustees of the City
of Anaheim.
hereby certify, that the foregoing ordinance
Was introdnee.d at a meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the
16th day of August, 1899, and that it was duly
passed at a regular meeting of the Board cf
Trustees of the City of Anaheim, he'd on the
22d day of August, 1899, by the following vote:
,Ayes—Trustees Rust, Sehwenkert, Dickel and
That the President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the
22d of August, 1899.
27-1 Clerk of the City of Auaheim.
(n p9quano6fis 089 Pu
[o pace 56 cqjjjjq Ut pellll[ QJOAIL 8% PgaP
alot[A& qqj 30 ItTea jod %7, U'Oql 'uuq,
-To '
Statue of califoi-r
C�ounty C)f
P T,
u lit
is a
citizen oi'
a i yj
D e al e, r n (D'a Si)
or r
Anaiioinl, 00","ItY of
14.1,of the a�dVeyltjSr�j,�,yj,f �- 4-
'T' � . . V" L,. s.-, l-_,%'t'fs,,apinr, and that the ordl-
Me of which the xit arL isz T) rD 1)
_,)A qgld newspaper, O_r[4
3004 lbed and sworn to s
daY of No v eriib or 166,
Notary Public i
Az Ordinance fixinL- and levyi-,,L, a property- tax on all property
the cco ru t a
li-filits of, vvj.3 City of Anaheii-ii for ti -,e fiscal
year (,f I31DWOOO-
The Board of Trustees of City of Ananeirii do ordain as
follows :
Section, I- -That tfiora be and is hereby fixed and levied a
prop arty tax for t -r -.-j fiscal year of kkkxk%ft 1300-1900, of
cents on each one k Od _Iollars of the assessed
vaiiiation of all real and pc)rsonal property :,'ithin the coiTorate
Iij_its of +, no city of for ordinary anniial jMendislures
of said City;
Sect ion, 2 ----Tat t -here I-Je and is Inoroby fixed and levied
a -property tax for, the fiscal year of 1390 and I900,of1 -
c(-,nt-- on eacIa one 111-1-,,,ndred dollars of the assessed valuation of all
roul and p: rsonal property within the corporate limits of the City
"thy (3 7 0 S e of paying o f - An a-.,,. - i m, f o r � I, _ tlnu annual interest of t`
of tla.e
of Anal-i-eim incurred for
tI,le p�'rpose of
a City
for tlr:e extension and
=_Tpletion of the
City 'Flat nor INorks, for the C�_radinC and il,,provement of streets, and
the 1- n t 1,
__LqnqI-ias.2of inerty for t1ne fire department tof-e er with
_j) rc.,
said indebtedness.
That there be, and is 1).ereb y fixed and levied
aprop ert y tax for t'lle fiscal year of 1300 ;Lnd ICOO,o-i'
cents on each one 'hundlre-d dollars of tip assessed valuation of 11
real and personal property ,,iie coy-I)crate liolits of —!-I c City
of Ananeival for tl-,a purpose of pal. -Tin- the, an-r1lual interest of t-1,
ii As
Cf ti -lee
indebt'�+.ness o' ttao cit; ofl:iC zr'red 'ar e i?'zr-
pose of ccnstructinE and erecting; a city elcctric list plant,
tof et gar 1vith one fortieth of such indebtedness;
?'e be d2ereby 7S fired -and laLiSect]on, 1i---- Tll.at 4— . 7
a property tax for the fiscal year of 1390 and I000, of
cents on each one 17nd-rdt011^Y'S)f' i1h� aSS'eSS,�d valuation Gf all
real and l;versa: a1 property wit'vir: tie cci-po-rate limits of 'the City
of Amu—,eim, for the P1,11 -pose of payin - t -he ann-.zalinterest of the
indebtedness of tl-,y laity of AnaheiT:1, 1nC.zrY'el for tYie p?lY'pCSe of
tho ext:3nsion and i :y.raveiner,t of t1,10 City 7"ater ''''orks, and for the
extension of the City Electric Lid -lit Plant, toy;ether with one
- ort i eth of such i.zdebt edness;
Section,S---- The City Clerk small certify to the passafe of
this ordinance and cap;_se the sars,e to be published once in the
Or:;ne;a Co-.inty Plain realer a weekly newspaper printed, published
and circalatod in tele City of Za-la-ioim,, and thereafter and there-
tzlfon it shall tk;s effect and be in fall force.
President of th 1,oard of Tr^a.stees
of the City of Ai ahei.,)
I :erel,,y certify, that t"lle foreroint, ordinance was introduced
at a T:iectiri,} of tl-ie _oar.d of Trk,:tsteos of the City of Anahaim,he1d
on the Ir;tla, lay of Aur,ust I1`3010, and that it was duly passed at u
reL alar meeti nLi:,; of the }o ..rd of Trustees of the City of Ana icirii,
lie ld on t':Ile4lb/day ofAu{ust 1390 by the followir,{-- vote: _
That the President of the 3oard of Trus to -s of the City of
Anaheim signed the sa ie o --,-i the 'of #w s I J.
Clerk of the City — - — .,eim.