129ti. W. CHYNOWETI�l� ktontns 2,4 and 25 Bryson Block, LOS ANG4ES,'CAL.0 Rttorney for the estate. , DINA'NCE r; No® 1.29 . An Ordinance granting to the Santa Ana Gas and Electric :Company the right to place erect and maintain polest WIYPC �re�3, v. iii l t OIMUCLUta .f©r the transmission of elec- tricity upon certain streets and highways within the , Ity,of Anaheim: Board of Trustees of the City of F Anaheim Do ordain as Follows: S'rCTtON. 1. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, hereby grants to the Santa Ana Gas and Electric Company, (a corporation, in- corporated and organized under the laws of the State of Callfoanta; and having its prinei- I palplace of business in the City of Santa Ana, Calgrnia), a special privilege to place, erect, maintain and operate within said City of Anaheim, poles, wires and other conductors for the transmission of electricity on the follow- ingg streets and highways in said City of Ana- hefm On Palm street, from the north line of North street to the south line of Santa Ana street; On, Santa Ana street, from the east side of Palm street to the east line of Los Angeles street• Qu Los Angeles street, from the north line of Santa Ana street to the south', boundary line of the corporate limits of the said City of Ana- heim. The rights and privileges her granted; shall be upon the teims and conditions nerin- aftnr contained: SEs. 2. Such: wires or other conductors shall be strung upon poles or other fixtures about grotrrid, in a workmanlike and proper manner said poles shall be round, straight and paintec a,uniform color; they sball be embedded firml3 in the earth on the edge of the sidewalks it safd eity, in a good and substantial manne. and kept and maintained in an erect and.}rp right position; The Bosrd of Trustees of the City of Anahein shall have the right to cause sojid grantee t moveole *henever sal )ioarrltofoTrustees shall location of tiny exminhat the put lie convenience shall require the location ( the same elsewhere, the expense of such n moval to be paid by said grantee; All poles, wires and conductors or an change in the location or extension thereo Shall be under the direction of the Superil tendent of streets of the City of Anaheim;. All electric transmission wires to be strun yin said poles; shall be strung thereon not le than twenty-five feet above the street surfac, fire. 3. The said grantee or assigns may mal all necegsaty excavations in any of said stree y*vd highways, for the purpose of erecting at �tnCaititaincng�aid poles or otigr supports for sa wines or e,on4iietors. or rep%itiug the same, ai ..,.....a.;,,p in emmtiliance wi les, may during the continuanceof se be adopted from time to time by ,fTrustees of the City of Anaheim, bard of Trustees of the 1 Y Saki poles, wires and conductors shall dated and maintained so as not to inter' with travel qn said highways ; The said grantee or its assigns, by the ac tante hereof, agrees to Indemnify and s ts harmless the City of Tilt" im and all d fere vers from all loss and damage, occur them against all liability that may aas�on of the erection, matntainance and c 0ion'oI sattl transmisawiti ine: Said line shall be so erected, maintained operated so as not to irate;fere with other tricity nearing wires now here grab treets ted to sa highways no authority NOT any, ele grantee or its-,asefgrtstQtAnaheim for AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE, I ............ ....... ✓fit. ::::..1....being duly sworn, deposes and says, that at all the times mentioned herein, he was a Citi ell- of the United States over the age of twenty-one years; that he is e IboLQuof the Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper p blished, printed and circulated weekly in the City of Anaheim and County of Orange, State of California; thatthe::which the annexed is a printed copy, was published..a`?---2... time.... in said newspaper, to -wit: on the..day of... ...................................., I° Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. SEAL da of.. -G ..................., Notary Public in for Orange County, Cal. the same shall be done to the satrsractionor ti}t;_j Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim; Said poles, wires and conductors shall be placeii and maintained so as not to interfere with travel on said highways; The said grantee or its assigns, by the accep- tance hereof, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Anaheim and all of its ME- cers from all loss and damage, and protect themagainstall liability that may occur by reason of the erection, maintainance and oper- ation of said transmission line; Said line shall be so erected, maintained and operated so as not to interfere with other elec- tricity bearing wires now in said streets and highways; no authority is here granted to said grantee or its assigns to deliver any electric current within the City of Anaheim for any purpose, except for power purposes. SEC.I. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as in any wise to prevent the proper authorities of said City of Anahcim, from sew- ering, grading, pavin„>, repairing or a,liering- any of said streets, or highways; the rights of vise herein given shall not be exclusive at:d the Board of trustees of the "ity of Anahoim, re- serves the power to grant a like right of way to ;tny other company, the saine, however, not to interfere with the reasonable and proper exer- eiae oStlie privileges herein granted. SEC. b. In eonsideration of the rights herein nraatted, the said City of _.uadieim shall have the right to suspend and maintain upon the I,L�ps.placed by ,,if i graut.ee, its successors or gs��ns; in...the'streets and public highways i a.loresaid, anv and alt whoa whioh Said city may require for lire Alain Electric Light and Police Telegraph service and said gain tee i is 5 succesosandassigns shall ill)(]wrill fortsh rollthe st d City of Ana ejm, the use of its Poles forthe rttaehment tijercto of its fire alarm boxes an.] its said wires without any charge to said City of Anaheim. f SEC. G. The ri_ght-and privileges and fran- ehises herein granted shall continue and be in force for the period of tnc-ity-three months and tntn-v-nijoedaysfrom and after tile e pas- sage and aoption of this o.dina.nce. SFC. 7. Should said grantee, its slicees,sorg or .assigns fail, neglect or refuseto comply taint any provision contained in this ordinance, then in that eyont all the riuhtl and privileges E;ra nt- ed to said grantee, its 'Ucee6Sors or assigns, :shall be forfeited and this grant shall be unit .and void. SEC. S. The City Clerl,. shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the OrangeCoon- ty Plain Dealer,,a newspaper printed and pub- lished weekly in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. C. O. R UST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City !of Anaheim, I, M. Nebeiung, hereby certify that the fore- goinK ordinance wits intre,iucc<1 at a meeting Of the Board of Trusteesof theCitvofAnaheim, held on the 9th day of .lanuary1960, and that it •:was duly passed and adopted'a't a regular meet - 3n xg of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- ,,,,, held oil the 27th dayof February, 1900, by tha follow ng vote; Ayes, m Trustees Rust, Schwenckert, Helsen and Schneider. That the President of the Board of Trnsteas of the City of Anaheim, signed the same on the 27th clay of February, l900. 3C. NEBEL NG, Feb 3tl Clerk of the City of Anabeim. proper m'omer; ~`said pot shall be rtiund ORDINANCE NO An Ordinance granting to the Santa Ana, Gas and Electric Company the right to place erect and maintain poles, wires and other conductors for the transmission of electricity upon certain streets and highways within the City of' Anaheim; -----0----- The Board of, Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows:-- , Section, I ----The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, hereby,. grants to the Santa Ana Gas and Electric Companyja cor- poration,incorporated and organized under the laws of the State of California, and having its principal place of business in the City of Santa Ana, California,) a special privilege to place, erect, maintain and operate within said City of Anaheim, poles, wires and other conductors for the transmission of electricity on the fol- lowing streets and highways in said City of Anaheim: On Palm street, from the north line of North street to the south line of Santa Ana street; &ta� On Santa Ana street, from the tet- side of Palm street to the east line. of Los Angeles street; On Los Angeles street, from the north line of Santa Ana street to the south boundary line of the corporate limits of the said City of Anaheim; The rights ^and pri)(vileges herein granted, shall be upon the terms and,conditions hereinafter contained; Section,2 ---- Such wires or other conductors shall be strung upon poles or other fixtures above ground, in a workmanlike and proper manner; said poles shall be round, straight and painted a unifq m aor* they shall be embedded firmly in the earth on the edge of the sidewalks in said city,in a good and substantial manner and kept and maintained in atxRXbERJ Wikkak an erect and upright position; I The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, shall have the right to cause said grantee to move the location of any pole when- ever said Board of Trustees shall determine that the public con- venience shall requiro the location of the same elsewhere, the expense of such. removal to be paid by said grantee; All poles,wires, and conductors or any change in the location or extension thereof, shall be under the direction of the Super- intendent of Streets of the City of Anaheim; All electric transmission wires to be strung on said poles, shall be strung thereon not less than twenty five feet above the st re et surfac e; Section, 3 ---- The said grantee or assigns may make all nece- ssary excavations in any of said streets and highways, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining said poles or other supports for said wires or conductors, or repairing the same, and said work shall be done in compliance with the rules regulations, ordinances or orders, which may during the continuance of this franchise be adopted from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, and the same shall be done to the satis- faction of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim; Said poles wires and conductors shall be placed and main- tained so as not to interfere with travel on said highways,; The said grantee or its assigns, by the acceptance hereof, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Anaheim and all of its officers from all loss and damage, and protect thein against all liability that4 may, Occur by reason of the erection maintain- Y anc e. and oP er tion , Of said transmission, line; Said line shall be so erected, maintained and operated so as not to interfere with other electricity bearing wires now in said street8 and highways; No authority is here granted to said gran- tee or its assigns to deliver any electric current within the City of Anaheim for any purpose; Section, 4 ----Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as in any xx)c wise to prevent the proper authorities of said City of Anaheim, from sewering grading, paving, repairing or altering any of said streets, or highways; The rights of use herein given shall not be exclusive and the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,reserves the power to grant a like right of way to any other coag any, the same however not to interfere with the reason- able and proper nxmm exercise of the privileges herein granted; Section,5 ---- In consideration of the rights herein granted, the said City of Anaheim shall have the right to suspend and maintain upon the poles placed by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in the streets and public highways aforesaid, any and all wires which said city may require for Fire Alarm,$lectrie Light and Police Telegraph service; and said grantee, its successors and assigns shall and will furnish for the said city of Anaheim, the use of iti poles for the attachment thereto of its fire alarm boxes,and its said wires without any charge to said City of Anahei4i Section,6-----The rights and privileges and franchises herein granted shall continue and be in force for the period of twenty three months and twenty nine days from and after the passage and adoption of this ordinance; Section,? ----Should said grantee its successors or assigns fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any provision contained in this ordinance, then in that event all the rights and privileges 4 granted to said grantee its successors or assigns, shall be for- k f a i t ed and this grant shall be null and vcn i d. Section,8 ---- The City Clerk, shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the Orange, County Plain Dealer, a newspaper printed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafterit shall take effect and be in full force�'of President the4oa;r�d of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I. M.Nebelung, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on theday of January L900, and that it was f duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the B,Qard of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim, held on the .2 day of 900, by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees That the President of the Board ofTrusteesof the City of f Anaheim, signed the same on thea —day ofd y 1900.. Clerk of the City of im.