138- State of 'Galifornia. J► r Received copy of the within __ ...... _ this... _._ _._ _._.day of .... _:. --....._:_. .. .......: ----- _189 -,- r_.Otto.:....: rney for_ .. _ ....... H. W. CHYNOWETH Rooms 24 and 25 y Bryson Block, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Attorneyfor..._........ __.._..---.--._._..------------- f t ORDINANCE N 38. 'P A N ORDINANCE fixing and lev in a r1) - erty tax on ah property within ghe cor- borate the oftbe City of Anabem, for the fiscal year 1901-1902. The Board dof Trus o ordain as followstees of the City of Anaheim a : k' SECTION 1. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal vear of 1901-1902 of Sixty-eight cents on each One Hun- dred Dollars of the assessed j valuation of all real and personal property within the torpor - ate limits of the City of Anaheim for the ordi- nary annual expenditures of said city. theree and l levied ed a property and ax for the fiscal year of 1301- 72 of Twenty-four cents A" on each One Hun. dred Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- ness of the City of Anaheim incurred for the purpose of constructing a City Hall, for the ex- tension and completion of the City Water Works, for the grading and improvement of streets and the purchase of property for the Fire Department together with g one of said indebtedness. twentieth SEC. 3. That there be and is hereby fixed and levied a property tax for the � fiscal year of 1901- 1902, of Ten cents o n each One Hundred Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and per- sonal property within the corporate limits of the e Ci t of Anaheim the annual interest of the indebtednesose of paying th City of Anaheim, incurred for the purpose of constructing and erecting a City Electric Light. Plant, together with one fortieth debtedness. of such in- SEC. 4. That there be and hereby is fixe(I and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1901- 1902, of Twenty-eight cents on each One Hun. dred Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal Property within n the torpor -ate limits of the City of Anaheim, for \ the pur- ppose of Paying the annual interest of the in. debte dness of the Cit of y Anaheim, incurred for the purpose of the extension and improve- ment of the City Water Works, and for the ex- tEnsion of the City Electric ant Li ht Plant, to- gether with one fortieth of such indebtedness. SEC. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the Passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper printed, pub- lished and circulated in the City Anaheim, 1 of and thereafter and thereupon it shall take effect and be in full force. JOSEPH HELMSEN, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of August, 1901, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of August, 1901, by the following vote; Ayes—Trustees Helmsen, Dickel, Schneider. That the President of the Board Trustees of of the City of Anaheim signed the same on the 27th day of August, 191)1 EDWARD B. MERRITT. Clerk of the City of Anaheim. r ORDINAT"ICE TIJ11 3T r; /3 An Ordinance fixing and levying; a property tax on all prop- erty Within the corporate lit.its of the City of Anaheint; for the fiscal year of 1901-I902. Ti -.o Bo<xrd of T-mi.zstees of tile City of AnWheim do orlain as follows: -- Section I.-- That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax fog° the fiscal ea- of IvOI-I9O2 of cents o -i each one hundr-d dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and pe_,sonal proper. witlhin the corporate limits of the City of 11naheim for the ordinary annual expenditures o." said city. Section 2.—That tile, • e be and is hereby fixed and levied a -property tax for tete fiscal ea=.• of I90I-1902, of cents on each one hundre I, dollazs r f the assessed valuation of all real and personal property w.ith.in the corporate liritits of the City of Ana}ieim, i'or the p'Lrposes of paying thF, annual inter ast of the indebtedness of the Ci 6.r :.f Anahe.Lm incurred for tete purpose of constrt�ctin a City J all, for the F.—tension alid �,orj)letion of the City T -iter l'lorizs, for t! -.o gradir. and irtprover:ont of streets artc #j& the purchase of ;property for tete FirFj Department together with onfj tWel .ti et'i of said indebtedness. Section 3. --That triere be and is hereby fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscaa year of l901-1902, of cents on each one hi_andred della-•s of the assessed valuation of all real and personal propecty within the compo rata littits of 't} City of Anal-leim for the pw�j)ose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of tLle City f Anaheim, incurred for the p,zrpose of constructing; and QrectinE, a city electric light plan, together with one fortieth of such inde?-)t(:)dn,ess. Section 4.- Tliat there be :.nd hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of I:JC)I-I90�3, 'of cents on each one hundred :collars of the assessed valuation of. all real and pers(:)nal propeety within the coil -orate liiiaits of the City of Anal.eim for the p-,Yl-iose of paying; the annual inter -est of the indebtedness of the City of Anaheim, incurred for the purpose of the extension and lig)rovetiient of the city Plater 17orks, and for the extension of the City Elect-•ic :Light Plant, together �,iith one fortieth of s'_a.ch indebtedness. Section 5.-- The City Clerk s all certify to the passage of this ordinance and c­.-_�se the Name to be P-blished once in the Oran-(_- Coanty Plain a_)ealer a weekly newspaper, pmbEkicS2Ka& printed, published and circuli -ed :gin the City of An' h,eim, and thereafter and thereupon it shall take _-ffect and be in full force. Prd's,ideqt of the Bloard of Trustees of the City of Ar.aneizn. I !.ereby certify that the for, e ;oin.g or-dinance was introduced at a m etinf-- of th, Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, hold -re:7- on the .13 day of AuLjist I90I, and that it was citzly passed at a Anal - regular meeting; of tr.O 3oarl of T-astees of the city of Anan,e1m, t�atild on the 2-7 day of AuF,, st I90I, .y th ti following; vote:-- Ayes:--Trustees ote:-- Ayes:--Trustees a That the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of _IL__ Anaheim :signed the samo on t' -ie a.7 .lay of August I901- Clerk. 90I.Clerk of ti -,,e City of Anaheim.