140State of California, )
( ss
County of Orange. )
Henry Kuchel of said County being first duly
)rd" .
sworn says: That he is a citizen of the
'il X tilted States over the age of eiteen
years; that he is,,the printer, publisher
�3 and proprietor of the Anaheim Weekly
�h{ . Gazette, a weekly newspaper printed, pub -
L lished and circulated in the City of Ana-
heim, County of Orange, State of Cali-
fornia,and has charge of all advertise-
ments therein; that Ordinance No. 140 of,
the City of Anaheim, of which the annexed
is a printed copy, was published once in
said newspaper, to--wit;in the regular
issue thereof published on the 29th day
of May, 1902.
Subscribed and swolm to before me thi
29th day of May, 1902.
"Fw( d"'�
Notary Public in and for the
County Of Orange, State of
California. 1
1 ry
r r10 0
Ordinance No. 140.
An Ordinance providing for the licensing
and regu,ating of the business of selling
ifquors rn the city of Anaheim, and repeal
fug all ordinances and parts of ordinances
to conflict therewith. -
TJLL } liUAi iji, rrtiUL�
Ij fitA i h,;im do w uain as follows:
�eetion 1—iof the 4urpose or this ordi-
nance a wholesale liquor establishment is de-
clared to be a puce ,mere spirituous, vin-
ous, riialL or mined intoxicating liquors are
sold, arrvect or given away in quautities of
hot less than one pint, and where such
liquors are sold, served or given away; not
to be drunk on the premises where so
sold, served or give. away; and ajWLpj"_
son who, as owner, agent or otherwise, con-
ducts or carries on, or assists in conducting
or carrying on any such a place or estabiish-
ment, tlrc same being co.uucted or carried
on citfier exclusively or in connection with,
or as a part, department or branch of any
other business ur occupation, is for the pur-
pose of this ordinance, declared to be carry -
in, on the business of a wholesale liquor
dealer; provided, however, that neither the
Provisions of this ordinance nor any of t.a
deiiuitfous herein given, shall apply to, the
sale by druggists, for medicinal purposes
only, upon prescription in writing given by
any regularly licensed physician, of any of
the articles herein enumerated, nor to any
drug store licensed to sell liquors in the
quantities and manner hereinafter pro-
section 2.—For the purpose of this ordi-
nance, a retail liquor establishment is dv-
dhed to be: First, any place where spiritu-
ous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating
liquors arc sold, served or given away by the
drink or glass. second, any place where
spirituous, vinous, malt or Mixed intoxicat-
ng liquors are sold, served OX given away
in any �tu�jjty to be drunk, either upon the
K idd8es or elsZwhere, or any such -dace
where such liquors are sold, served or given
awayin quantities of less than one-fifth of a
gallon; provided, however that the defi-
iiit;ons in this section given shall not apply
1.o any restaurant or eating place where
liquors are sold, served or given away as a
part of any bona fide meal, in regular sealed
packages, contafi.fug not less than one pint
as uereinatter prodded for, such restaurant
beingdut; licensed thereto; the term "bona
tide meal -for the purposesol this ordinance
Is dehued to be such a quantity and class of
toodas is ordinarily served for eonsump.
tion in establishments maintained for the
purpose of selling or serving -meals; and,
prmided,further, that neitner of the pro -
vi sions of this ordinance nor any of the
definitions herein given Shall apply to the
sale by druggists, for medicinal purposes
only, upon a prescription in writing, given
b3' any regularly licensed physician, of any
of the articles herein enumerated, nor to
tiny drug store licensed to sell liquors in the
quantities and manner as hereinafter pro-
Any person or persons, firm or corporation,
who, either as owner, agent, lessee or other-
wise, conducts or carries on, or assists in
conducting or carrying on, a retail liquor
estabiishmentas herein defined, is for the
purpose of this ordinance declared to be,
carrying on the business of a retail liquor
SLC tion 3.—That the rate of license for en-
gaging ill the business of a wholesale liquor
ueaier in the City of ._naheim is hereby fixed
at Ten Dollars per month,
that the rate of lievuse for engaging in
the busines,A 'If 3_ rVt U-IlQuor dealer in
Life City of Anaheim isl: ereby fixed at $50.W
per nionth.
That in, rate of license for engaging
Ill the business of carrying on a restau-
rant or eating place in the City of Anaheim,
where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed
intoxicating liquors are sold, served or riven
away in original sealed packages, containing
of leas than onepint,with bonafide meals as
hereinbefore defined, shall be a special
license of Four Dollars per month, which
shall be paid in addiuon to the regular res-
taurant license required by the ordinances
02 the City of Anaheim.
That the rate of license for engaging
in the business of carrying on and con-
ducting a drug store in the City of
Anaheim, where spirituous, vinous, malt
or mixed intoxicating liquurs are sold or
given away for medicinal purposes only,
not to be consumed upon the premises where
sold or given away, in sealed uackazes and
,rry Kuch ,l of s,= � r, , o ;tnty DeinE f'ir:,,t duly
s70rn says: `hat ale is a citizen of the
United. States over the age of eighteen
yep.—S,; that the 1�: the printer, puc:)11SilE'r
of ii'' An, '— i1� e,�tr11r
-)1'1i1te , -I)Ub—
s l shed end ciruulated in t . ' C `tr of k�a—
i he1_r,, ` bunt- of Orarfz�e, State Of Cali—
and has charge of all ad.vo2t:i.se—
I':P1it Ido. 140 of
n ry L. -
„i? _ 1 e, Ot Ana,--ir' OI '.°rl.ich tie ari--oxed
iS a 1)riL ted copy, was publ.Lsh,,:d r,nce in
s;aicl ne7sr),a.per, to—,pit; in the regular
ilosil,h, [„iereof publis led on the 29th :.lay
Subscribed ?nd. _;T,,orr� f'o--^e lie this `=
29tH day of P,!'ay, 1902.
k,C,C'- P,�X Cf, t, J�/�,,(
Notary Public in and for the
County of Orange, State of
Call !_ t )y'n _ �,._ •
Tt"ar,t I IcCllse reLl t
uire,t by he u
,ithc t of
'l u; t h rr to i license for engaging
in the business of carrying on an'i COP-
uucting COP-ductingt drug sLore in the City of
Anaheim, where spirituous, vinous, malt
or uilaed intoxicating liquors are sold or
given away for medicinal purposes only,
iiot to be consumed upon Lac premises where
sold or given C away, in sealed packages and iu tlu.alnlLiea of not less than five ounces and
i not to exceed one-fifthof a gallon, shall be
Four Dollars per month.
vone of the provisions of this ordinance
and none of the definitions herein con-
rained, shall apply to the manufacture or
sale by any person, persons, or body torpor-
atC, of anv wines or brandies produced,
made or man ifacturudLby such person, per-
sonsor body corporate; provided, thateach
wines or brandies are sold by such person,
persons or body corporate, in quantities of
not less than ohe gallon and are not drunk
<m the premises where sold.
Lection l,—Ihat no license to keep, main-
"' rev on any wholesale or retail
t nor estaulishmen..
'r, or any restaurant or
eating place, where spirituous, vinous, moo',:
or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold,
served or given away, or any drugstore
where such liquors are sold or given away,
as ;it this ordinance provided, sh31i be issued
to . sy peraon, until a permit in wrlttns
shall nave been granted by the board of
Trustees of the City of .Anaheim, authoriz-
iug such issue and specifying the particular
classification of liquor license for which the
permit is granted, and until such permit
shalt have Veen filed with the City Clerk of
said ciLy; and the Board of Trustees may
revoke such permits at any time; provided,
j however, that whenever any, person, either
as owner, agent, employe or otherwise, shall
h-Lve been convicted of violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance or of any other
ordinance of the City of Anaheim regulating
the sale of intoxicaLirw L"„1�_.g of he clos-
:�b of wlluiesale liquor establishments,
sa,00us, or other places where such liquors
are —ld, served or given away, the license
of the osvncror propriet�,r of such wholesale
liquor establisument, saloon, drug store,
or ower place or restaurant wherein such
violation was committed, shall thereupon t
b,, immediately revoked by such Board of
Trustees; and after the order of revocation t
of acty llcensc the City Ulerk shall not issue t
any further license to the person whose
permit is revoked until a new permit is
granted to said person.
Section 5,—The licences in this ordinance
provided for shall be due and payable to the
City of Anaheim at the office of the city 1 ax
aud Liceuse Collector on tile first day of
each ntoiith in advance.
Section (i.—That the licenses to be issued
hereunder- shall lac classified as follows,
Wholesale Liquor Dealer's License:
ltotail Liquor Dealer's License,
Restaurant Liquor License, and
Drug Store Liquor License.
Each class of said licenses to be applicable
only to the particular class of liquor busi-
ness. a:, hereinbefore specified, for whi h
the same is issued; it shall be the duty of
the Gfty„C,erk of said City of Anaheim to
issue licenses under this ordinance accord-
ing to ilial under the classification specified
in the Vel Lilts therefor, which shall be with
him filed in the name of the persons
designated in sack permit, and liable to pay
the license un_ ,r- rhe same; he shall then
deliver the lire,tsc to the City Tax and
License Colic( j, for collection on or before
the first day of cacil month, taking his re-
ceipt for the amount thereof.
Section 7.--it scall be unlawful for any
Person or person; to conduct or carry on
within the corporate limits of the City of
Anaheim, either in their own names or as
agents for any other person or persons, or
body corporate, or otherwise, to assist in so
conducting or carrying on the business of a
wholesale liquor dealer or retail liquor
dealer; as defined in this ordinance, or the
business of carrying on a restaurant or
other eating place where spirituous, vihous,
malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold,
served or given away with regular or bona
fide meals, as hereinbefore defined, or the
business of carrying on or conducting a drug
store where spirituous, vinous, malt or
other intoxicating liquors are sold or given
away, as in this ordinance provided, with-
out first procuring from said city a license i
so to do; and the carrying on of any busi-
ness or occupation in this ordinance speci-
fied '
fled, o,, any nay or fractional part of a day, 3
without such License, and contrar}r to the t
prosisions of this ordinance, shall consti-
tute a separate offense for every such day
or fractional part of it day that such busi-
ness is so conducted or-carried oiland shall
be deemed a separate violatio,, of the pro-
visiocs of this ordinance.
Section 8.—It shall be unlawful to sell or
giveaway any spirituous, malt or mixed in
toxicatiug liquors in any saloon, tippling
house, sample room, grocery, bar room,
drug store or in any drinking place where
such articles are sold, either at wholesale or
retail. between the hours of twelve o'clock
midnightand five o'ciock a m.;and said places
ha.l be and renfain closed between said
s; provided, however, that the forego-
ing provision shall not apply, to restaurants
or eating places in the sale of spirituous,
malt or i inous liquors in the original sealed
packages, contalnfng quantities of not less
than one pint each, to e served with bona
fide meals at the place where said meals
are eaten at such restaurants or eating
places, .Said restaurants or eating places_
havin�w a license for that purpose under this -
ordinance; and provided further, that the
foregoing provision shall not apply to the
sale by dnlggists of such liquors upon thee' +he purpose of this ordinance, � a retail li uor
prescription in writing of a regularly 3
licensed physician given for medical pur-
poses onlv.
be deemed a separate violation of the pro-
visioi;s of this ordinance.
Section 8. -It shall be unlawful to sell or
give awayany spirituous, malt or mixed in
liquors in any saloon, tippling
house, sample room, grocery, bar room,
drugstore or-in.any drinking place where
such articles are sold, either at wholesale or,
retail, between the hours of twelve o'clock
midnightand five o'clock a m.;and said places
hall be and remain closed' between said
provided, however, that the forego-
ing provision shall not apply to atstaurants
4 or eating places in the sale of spirituous,
rtg1palsealed ali+�eense
,son Farther, th%t`—
sale by, (1rurS-f- _
prescnptionin give
license dd physician
posesonly. violat
section 'J. -A Tovision
or anv of the p
stitute a ma fine of not
ishable by
dred Dollars 0 1) , impa
ailot.Axiall®i -' o
liquors upon tae
R of a regularly
for medical pur-
e of this ordinance
thereof shall con -
d shall be- pun
exceed Two Hun.
,,,ent in the city
or cuu�+......-
premises occupie and used as a wholesale
peestablisbmedrug rson or persons,
`liquor . rotall liquor store,
esLablishme' t, restaurant or g
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor eandded, olr
hi punish able abe revoked.ore sp arts of
his hcenee may
urSection 1(). -All 0Ydinances of the City otnAnaheim in con•
fiictwiLb the provisions of this ordinance
are hereby repealed.
Section il.-'rhe(,ity Clerk shall certify to
dinace, an
the passage o }pi's edroncen n the Anaheim
same to bGPzETEe, and thereafter. to -wit:
4peekly June, 1902, the same shall
Of on the 1st day
be in force and effect J BCBNEIDER,
president of the Board of Trustees of the
City t Anaheim. ordi-
1 hereUy certity that the foregoing
nanc introdduced at a me ofuAnaheim
Trustees of .Citi
Board of a 18th:.1902, and that it was duly
held ofi=lei Y tneetiug of said Board 2
passed at a regu a 27th day of
Trusteeah b vote: Aves, Trustees
the ioliovliug�rdrbw.. Noes, Trustee
Sc Weisel,
Rust.�ertlf that the President
And 1 itlzther of the City of Ana
of the 130ard of Truste
heim signed said ordinance on the 27th day
Of May, 1`902
Of Anaheim.
J Clerk of the City
An Ordinance providing for th^ licensing and regulating of the
business of selling liquors in the City of Anaheim, and repealing
all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith.
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as
Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance a wholesale liquor
establishment is declared to be a place where spirituous, vinous,
malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given away
in quantities of not less than one pint, and Where such liquors are
sold, served or given away, not to be drunk on the premises where
so sold, served or given awa*; and any person who, as owner, agent
or otherwise, conducts or carries on, or assists in conducting or
carrying on any such a place or establishment, the sat-ne being con—
ducted or carried on either exclusively or in connection with, or j,
as a part, department or branch of any other business or occupa—
tion, is for the purpose of this ordinance declared to be carrying
on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer; provided, however,
that neither the provisions of this ordinance nor any of the defin—
itions herein given, shall apply to the sale by druggists, for
medicinal purposes only, upon prescription in writing given by any
regularly licensed physician of any of the articles herein enumera-
ted, nor to any drug store licensed to sell liquors in the quanti—
ties and manner hereinafter provided.
Section 2. For the purpose of this ordinance, a retail liquor
establishment is defined to be: First: any place where spirituous,
vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given
away by the drink or glass. Second, any place where spirituous,
vinous, Malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given
away in any quantity to be drunk, either upon the premises or else—
where, or any such place where such liquors are sold, served or
given away in quantities of less than one-fifth of a gallon; provided
however, that the definitions in this section given shall not apply
to any restaurant or eating place where liquors are sold, served
or given away as a part of any bona fide meal, in regular sealed
packages$ containing not less than one pint as hereinafter provided
for, such restaurant being duly licensed thereto; the term "bona
fide meal" for the purposes of this ordinance is defined to be
such a quantity and class of food as is ordinarily served for con-
sumption in establishments maintained for the purpose of selling or
serving meals; and provided further, that neither of the provisions
of this ordinance nor any of the definitions herein given shall
apply to the sale by druggists, for medicinal purposes only, upon
a prescription in writing given by any regularly licensed physician,
of any of the articles herein enumerated, nor to any drug store
licensed to sell liquors in the quantities and manner as hereinafter
Any person or persons, firm or corporation, who, either as
owner, agent, lessee or otherwise, conducts or carries on, or
assists in conducting or carrying on, a retail liquor establishment
as herein defined, is for the purpose of this ordinance declared to
be carrying on the business of a retail liquor dealer.
Section 3. That the rate of license for engaging in the busi-
ness of a wrblesale liquor dealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby
fixed at ten dollars per month*
That the rate of license for engaging in the business of a re-
tail liquor dealer in the City of Anaheim is hereby fixed at fifty
dollars per month.
That the rate of license for engaging in the business of
earring on a restaurant or eating place in the City of bnaheim where
spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold,
served or given away in original sealed packages, containing not
less than one pint, with bona fide meals, as hereinbefore definedv
shall be a special license of four dollars per month, which shall
be paid. in addition to the regular restaurant license required by
the ordinances of the City of Anaheim,
That the rate of license for engaging in the business of carry-
ing on and conducting a drug store xkeaa in the City of Anaheim,
where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are
sold or given away for Medicinal purposes only, hot to be consumed
upon the prernises where sold or given away, in sealed packages and
in quantities of not less than five ounces and not to exceed one-
fifth of a gallon, shall be four dollars per month.
None of the provisions of this ordinance and none of the de-
finitions herein contained, shall apply to the manufacture or sale
by any person, persons or body corporate, of any wines or brandies
produced, made or manufactured by such person, persons or body
corporate; provided, that such wines or brandies are sold by such
person, persons or body corporate in quantities of not less than
one gallon wvi are not drank upon the premises where sold.
Soc�ion 4. That no license to keep, maintain or carry on any
wholesale or retail liquor establishment, or any restaurant or eat-
ing place where spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors
are sold, served or given away, or any drug store where such liquors
are sold or given away, as in this ordinance provided, shall be
issued to any person, until a permit in writing shall have been
granted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, authorizing
suah is to WId VV"ifYIM the part culel- claseifiaation of Ilquor
license for which the permit is granted, and until such permit shall
have been filed with the City.Clerk of said city; and the Board of
Trustees slsa►3iZ bmw powers %a and revoke such permits at any time;
Provided, however, that whenever any person, either as owner, agent,
employe or otherwise, shall have Ika been convicted of violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance or of any other ordinance of
the City of Anaheim regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors or
the closing of wholesale liquor establishments, saloons, or other
places where such liquors are sold, served or given away, the license
of the owner or proprietor of such wholesale liquor establishment,
saloon, drug store, or other place or restaurant wherein such viola-
tion was committed, shall thereupon be immediatelt revoked by such
Board of Trustees; and after the order of revocation of any license
the City Clerk shall not issue any further license to the person
whose permit is revoked until a new permit is granted to said person.
Section 5. The licenses in this ordinance provided for shall
be due and ]SayaVle to the City of Anaheim at the office of the City
Tax and License Collector on the first day of each month in advance.
Section 6. That the licenses to be issued hereunder shall be
classified as follows, to -wit
Wholesale Liquor Dealers License.
Retail Liquor Dealer's License.
Restaurant Liquor License, and
Drug Store Liquor License.
Each class of said licenses to be applicable only to the partic-
ular class of liquor business, as hereinbefore specified, for which
the same is issued; it shall be the duty of the City Clerk of said
City of Anaheim to issue licenses under this ordinance according to
and under the classification specified in the permits therefor, which
shall be with him filed in the name of the persons designated in
SAWU permit, and liable to pay the license under the same; he shall
then deliver the licende to the City Tax and License Collector for
collection on or before the first day of each aid month, taking his
receipt for the amount thereof.
Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to
conduct or carry on within the corporate limits of the City of Ana-
heim, either in their own names or as agents for any other person or
persons, or body corporate, or otherwise to assist in so conducting
or carrying on the business of a wholesale liquor dealer or retail
liquor dealer as defined in this ordinance, or the business of
carrying on a restaurant or other eating place where spirituous,
vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served or given
away with regular or bona fide meals, as hereinbefore defined, or
the business of carrying on or conducting a drug store where spirit-
uous, vinous, rialt or other intoxicating liquors are sold or given
away, as in this ordinance provided, without first procuring from
said City a license so to do; angio the carrying on of any business
or occupation in this ordinance specified on any day or fractional
part of a day--, without such license, and contrary to the provisions
of this ordinance, shall constitute a separate offense for every
such day or fractional part of a day that such business is so eon-
! ducted or carried ob, and shall be deemed a separate violation of
the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 8. It shall be unlawful to sell or give away any
spirituous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors in any saloon, tipp-
ling house, sample kRuRK room, grocery, bar room, drug store or in
any drinking place where such articles are sold, either at wholesale
or retail, between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and five
o'clock a. m.; and said places sha$1 be and remain closed bitween
said hours; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall
not apply to restaurants or eating places in the sale of spirituous,
malt or vinous liquors in the original sealed packages, containing
quantities of not less than one pint each, to be served with bona—
fide meals at the place where said meals are eaten at such restaurants
or eating places, said restaurants dr eating places having a license
for that purpose under this ordinance; and provided further, that
the foregoing provision shall not apply to then ale by druggists
of such liquors upon the prescription in writing of a regularly
licensed physician given for medical purposes only.
Section 9. Any violation of this ordinance or any of the pro—
visions thereof shall constitute a misdemeanor, and shall be punish—
able by a fine of not to exceed Two hundred dollars or by imprison—
ment in the City Jai-. of Anaheim for a period not to exceed ninety
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and any owner or pro—
prietoa-of any saloon, other drinking place, or liquor establishment'
wholesale or retail, or drug store, who shall permit any violation
of this ordinance or any of the provisions thereof, in such saloon,
other drinking place, liquor establishment, or drug store, or upon
the premises occupied by or controlled by such person or persons,
and used as a wholesale liquor establishment, xxx:k il![rjm:kxarxd] gxx
retail liquor dealer's establishment, restaurant or drug store,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as herein—
before specified, or his license may be revoked.
Section 10. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City
of Anaheim in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, are
hereby repealed.
Section 11. she City Clerk shall certify to the passage of
this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Ana—
hein Meekly Gazette, and thereafter, to—wit; on the let day of
June, 1902, the same shall be in force and effect.
TTn o a oar o Trustees
f the City of Anaheim.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced,
at a meeting of the Board, of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held
on May 13th, 1902, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting
of said Board of Trustees held on the 27th day of May, 1902, by
the following vote: Ayes, Trustees��
And I further certify that the President of the Board of
Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed said ordinance on the. 9:z Lit
day of May, 1902.
Clerk of the City of Anaheim.