147State of California,
( ss
County of Orange, )
Henry Kuchel of said County, being first duly sworn, says:
That he is a citizen of the United States, over twenty—one years of
147: age; that he is the printer, publisher and pro—
Ordinance- �To.
I( Alt^rdinance providing for the number- prietor of the Anaheim meekly Gazette, a weekly
i lug of builiUngs in the, City of Anaheim.
orAltJi,' mdo,orancestfolildin newspaper printed, published and circulated in
>lnano>ari, All entrances to buildings from , p f p
i{be ublic streets of the City of Anaheim
yyall be nubered as hereinafter provided.
i!he number of each and every entrance
ahallbe,pl ced upon or immediately above the said County of Orange, that Ordinance No.
the door o grte closing said entrance, and
each figure of said number shall be at least
tw ,Incite! in height and of eorrespoudingi /� of the City Of Anaheim, of which the
gec. a It shall be the duty of the City Mar-
lal to jt
said numbers on saidbuilrlings;
of -
' .lugs by the City Marshal ahall�be fur>rished ;'
by the Cityand sha11 be of such style and
device aatic Board of Trustees may from
Unit to time desiguate. _
Sec. 4. The starting point for all streets
running "uorth and south shall be Center
street; and for all streets running east and
west the starting point shall be Los Angeles,
street. .
Seo. h. The numbers on the northerly and
westerly .idea of REreets shall be odd num-
tate,. sndt>% nnmbera on -the aoutherly and
a bee meaning of this
portion of any street
numbers, or as many
assarv. shall be allot
ed to each block, exce t the first block from
.ach starfiing point,- w'htch shall be allotted
ninety-nine numUrs. or as many thereof as
may be necessaryp numbers 100, -800 and 80u,
b.f'VIC respPectively the numbers for com.
mericing tae blocks distant one two or
three rtreets from the starting point on the
aide deaignated for even numbers; and the
•umber.1Q1, 201 -and Sol in similar manner
for theopposite side of the street through-
out its extent; so that the initial figure of a
number placed on a building at the fntdrsec-
tion of a street shall indicate the number of
blocks such crosilug is distant from the
street used as-astarting point.
{` Not tess than twenty-tive feet frontage of
all vacant.lots of ground sball be allowed
j for eachnumber.
on all erose or :intermediate streets the
RUmberfug shallcommem a where thv street
begins, and shall conform to the above pian.
8. Ittba )* the duty of the City bfar-.
' ehal to des'f the fespective stating
points for n3}b to be placed on, and aim
the respOetiveu hers for, buildings fre nt-
ing on streets Heretofore laid out Qr iter, af-
ter to be laid 'oust or extef+drd_ A when-
ever the chduge or extenAon of any sweet
shall necessitate -a change iu the number.
Ing of buildings on said street, the City'Kar-
sbal shall desiunate the prt'per number.
ha}-I�eroon, firm or corporation
who shall refuse to permit the t ity Marshal
to affix said nuinbef s to the building or
buildings owned, a. Cki,fed e.r cautr:•I.od by
them, or who shall wilfullyremove said
numbers after h� s me sball have been so
amxed'. shall i , dec;tted guilty of a 'rdsde
meauor, and on conn ctiot, thereof, shall be f
punisbed by a Ill.e of not less than teen dol- i
or more than fifty dollars, or by im-
t,risonment in the City Jafi f r not less'ban
ten; days nor more than fif fydays, or by both
f .such fine and imprisonment.
Sec. 10. The City Clef k snail certify to the
passage of this oruinauce and cause the same
to be pub'ished once fn the ANA114 u WEEK}
r LT GAZETTa. a newspaper printed. published
and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and
t ,ereupou and thereafter it sball take effect
and be in tu�l farce.
President of the R• and of Trust(:,, of the
Ott), of Anaheim.
Ihereby certify that the foregolni ordt.
nan a was fntroduCed at a Meeting of the
Board of 3'rustees oG the 1'i' n , Anaheim.
held on April 34th. 9':i, .,ud that i; was dulJ:<;
at a regular meetiu of said It..ard of t
Trustees h, Id un the er-th 'fay of April, 19;3, ,
by the following vat:,:
Ayes -Trustees Schne:de!, Must, Ba-d•,,w,
And I further certify that the President of
said Boa +d of Tru.terssigned f,.:tdordivance
on the 28th day of Apri :9<3.
apsolt Cle,k Vr til.- a sty ut Auaheim,
annexed is a printed copy, was published in
said newspaper once, to—Nit: in the regular
issue thereof published on the t(I day of
4i. �
lyny llrf"c.,�
Sizbscribed2,and sworn to before me this
day of t --c 190.
County of Orange, State of
Notary Public
in and
for the
County of Orange, State of
Ordinance No. 147.
An ordinance providing for the number-
ing of buildings in the City of Anaheim.
of Anaheim do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. All entrances toblaildings from
the public streets of the tity of Anaheim
shall be numbered ashereinafter pr,,vided.
The number of each and every entrance
shall be placed upon or immediately above
the door or gate closing said entrance, and
each flgure oLsaid number shall be at least
1/ inc:ies in eight and of corresponding
Sec. •L. It shall be the duty of the t'ity dar-
shal to affix said numbers on said buihings;
provided, however, that owners of buildings
may. at their own expense, affix the proper
numbers to their respective buildings, of any
style or device, but of a size not less than
prescribed in Section 1 of this ordinance.
Sec. 3. The numbers to be affixed to busId
ings by the City Marshal shall be furnishe
by the City, and shall be of such style and
device as the Roard of Trustees may from
time to time designate.
Sec. 4. The starting point for all streets
running north and south shall be Center
street; and for all streets running east and
West the starting point shall be Los Angeles
Sec. 5. The numl ers on the northerly and
westerly sides of streets shall be odd num-
hers. and the numbers on the soutberly and
easterly sides of streets shall be even nun—
Sec. 6. A block within the meaning of this
ordinance shall be thatportinn of any street
between two cross streets.
See. 7. One hundred numbers, or as many
thereof as may be necessary, shall be allot -
ed to each block, except the first block from
each: starting point, which shall be allotted
ninety-nine numbers. or as many thereof as
may be necessary, numbers 1W, 200 and 601,,
being respectively the numbers for com-
mencing the blocks distant one, two - r
three streets from the starting point on the
side designated f, r even numbers; and the
numhers W], 201 and 301 in similar manner
for the opposite side of the street through-
out its extent; so that the initial figure of a
number placed on a building at the intersec-
tion of a street shall indicate the number of
blocks such crossing is distant from the
street used as a starting point.
Not less than twenty-tive feet frontage of
all vacant lots of ground shall be allowed
for ea,,h number.
On all cross or intermediate streets the
numbering shall commen,e wbere the stre,t
begins, and shall conform to the above pi -n.
Sec. 8. Itshallbe the dutc of the -ity Mar-
shal to designate the respective starting
points for numbers to be placed on, and also
the resp etive number, for. buildings front-
ing on streets heretofore laid out or nereat-
ter to be r„id out or exte d, U. And when-
ever the change or extension of ,env street
shall necessitate a chane -e in the numb�r-
ing of buildings on said rtreet. the Cite Mar-
shal sbail desienate th, pr,,per. number.
Sec. 9. Any per3nn: firm or corporation
who shall reiuse to pen.,it the City Marshal
't to affix said numbers to the building or
buildings owned, occupied or coutr,died by
viem, or who shall wilfully remore said
numbers after the same shall hrve been so
affixed. shall be deemedgui,ty of a misde-
meauor, and on conviction. thereof, shall be
punished by a`fiue of not less than ten dol-
lars nor more than fifty dollars, or by im-
prisonm.-nt in the City Jail f t not less than
ten days nor more than fifty days, or byboth
such fine and imprisonment.
Sec. 10. The City Clerk snall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and cause the same
to be published once in the ANAHEIM WEEK-
LY GAZETTE. a newspaper prim ted. published
and circulated in the City of Anaheim, and
thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect
and be in tuil force.
President of the Board of Trustees of the
City of Anaheim.
Iherebvicertify that the foregoing ordi-
nan a was introduced at a meeting of the
Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim.
held ou April 14th, 1903, and that it was duly
passed at a regular meeting of said Board of
Trustees held on the .8th day of April, 19(3,
by the following vote:
Ayes—Trustees Schneider, Rust, Berdrow,
And I further certify that the President of
said Board of Trustees signed said ordinance
on the 28th day of Apri . 19c3 -
ap301t. Clerk of the t,ity of Anaheim.
An ordinance providing for the numbering, of buildings in the
City of Anaheim.
The Board of Trl,stees of the Ci ter of Anaheit',l do ordain as
Section 1. All entrances to buildings from the publin „treets
of the "ity of Ar_a_heim shall be numbered. as hereinafter provided.
The number of each and every entrance shall be placed upon or im-
mediately above the door or ;ate closing said entrance, and each
f_ ii7ure of sa.ir-nixmber shall be at least 1 3/4 inches in height and
of corresponding width.
Sec. 2 it shall bp the duty of the City Marshal to affix said
numbers on said buildings; provided, however, that oilrners of build-
ings may, at their own expense, af_l ix the proper numbers to their
respective buildings, of any style or device, but of a size not
less than prescribed in Section 1 of the ordinance.
Sec. 3. The niLrtibers to be affixed to buildings by the City
Marshal shall be furnished by the City, and shall be of such style
and device as the Board of Trustees may from tirle to tiamc designate.
Sec. 4. The starting poirt for all streets running North and
South shall be Center Street; and for all streets running Fast and
Vilest the starting point shall be Los Angeles street.
Sec. 5, The numbers on the Northerly and Westerly sides of
streets shall be odd numbers, and the numbers on the Southerly and
Easterly sides of stren-ts shall bt, even rnunbers.
Sec. F. A block ,,rithin the meaning of this ordinance shall be
that portion of any street betv�reen t�m-o crops streets.
Sec. 7. One hundred numbers, or as mFr thereof as may be nec-
essary, shall be allotted to each block, except the first block
,,from each starting point, which shall be allotted ninety-nine
numbers, or as m r thereof as nay be necessary, numbers 100, 200
and 300 being respectively the numbers for commencing the, blocks
distant one, two or three streets from the starting point or, th,,
side rl sib, at ed for even nunbers; and the numbers 1019 201 and 301
in sirlilar manner for the opposite side, of the street throuZhout
its extent; so that the initial xmmlgmx figure of a nmiber placed on
a buildingr at the intersection of a- street shall indicate the number
of blocks such crossing is distant from the street used as astart—
ing point.
Not less than twenty—five feet frontage of all vacant lots of y
ground shall be allos;�red for each n_nbere
On all cross or i:.:terjrnediate streets the numbering shall com—
mence vrhere the street begins, and shall eonforrm to the above plan.
Sec, 8, It shall be the duty of the City Itarslral to designate
the respective starting points for numbers to be placed on, and also
the respective nwifoerss for, build_ngs fronting on streets hereto—
fore laid out or hereafter to be laid out or extended. And whenever
the change or extension of any street shall necessitate a change
in the numbering of buildings on said .street, the City Marshal
shall designate tYie proper nimbera
Seco 9. Any person, firm or corporation i ho shall refuse to
permit the City Marshal to affix said numbers to the building or
buildings owned, occupied or contrmlled by them, or who shall 7il--
r fully remove said numbers after the same shall have been so affixed,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more
an fifty dollar: , or by i"MPrisoil-Tient in the City Jail for not
less than ten days nor more than fifty days, or by both such fine
and i.raprisonment
Sec. loo The City Clerk shall certif�r to the passage of this
ordinan^e and cause the sarne to be published once in the Ana ieira
7eekly Gazette, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in
the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it ^shall take
effect and be in full force. '4/Zx_e_ �- t
President of the Board of Trustees of
the City of Anaheim.
I hereby certify that the f_oregoin7 ordinance mas introduced
at. �. r�eetili ; of the Board of Trustees of the "i ty of Anaheim held-
eld '
1903, and that it was duly passed at a
on s,-� Z 8 zt, day
regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the
Of. 2. 19031 by sthe follo7ri?_E; Vote:
Av e, s : Trustees
And I further aP'rt ify t!Iat the President of said Boar Of
`Lig day Of 000 000000)0
'TrtlstP,PS Siglf'd 3r':1C% OrdillaIlCF' on the _
Clerk of the City of Anaheim.