148State of California, �(ss County o -.F »- ,c, ) I U; 'n-il.11-1 -rirF:t dtll-,T s,,-.,ornq says: n I -One 77' citizen o-:-' the United r3tf�'.tesq over twent7T 7TC �� 1 0 is a c U VA at�e; that he is the of the Orange County Plain Dealer, -a treeklur ner.,s-p aoer printed, publish- ed and circulateC -1. in the Said '01..nt7T the Cit -,T Of 'IP that Ordim.nce j�,O.XoS ol Ana� irjy 01 which the Etr�nexed is -- -printed copy, Was I)Ub- lislfled in said newspa-oer once, to -wit: in tic re pular issue thereof published on the A day of 1903 Subscribed and sworn to before me t1l"is day of 1003 i3jotax-y Public in an f 03? the le co-umt7T of Oran,7- U State Of C�.lifor'i11a. t'i-tfDiNANC E P40. 148. for, it must first examine, on oath, the An Ordinance amending Sections 3„ 3 S 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23,21, 301 and 33, of Ordinance Na, t4, , Person or agent making the application touching the value of the pprroperty of 54, entitled 54, ordinance providingg far for levy such person. No reduction must be made an - less such person or the agent making the ap- em the assessment, and collection of city taxes for the City of Anaheim," and of plication i and answers all questions; the ordinances amendatory thereof, and ad- to he pertinent 7. to the inquiry.ta Seca S. That sectf said ordinance as -din a new section thereto. g The Boar d of Trustees of the City of Anaheim 2, 19 0, and the same is amended February re d as hereby amended to read as follows : do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. Sec. 21. The Clerk of the Board must reco-d in a book kept for the purpose all changes, cor- 54, entitled an Ordinance providing for a sys- tem far the assessment, levy and collection of rectious and orders made by the Board, and city taxes for the city of Anaheim," passed and during its session, or as soon as Possible after its ad}ournment, must enter upon the assess - adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on February 26th, 1889, be and the meat hook all changes and correct ions made - by the Board, and must aftix to said assessment some is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. The City Assessor must, between the book an affidavit subscribed by him as follows : „I first day of May and the first day of August in __r,kdo swear that, as clerk of the Board of Truskes of the City of Anaheim, I each year, make out a true list of all the taxa- ble property within the City of Anaheim, and havekept correct minutes of all the acts of the must assess such property to the person by Board t in hiug alterations in the assessment book � that all alterations agreed to or direct - whom Et was owned or claimed or- in whose possession or control it wab"at 12 o'clock M. of ed to be made have been made nentered i n aal the first Monday of March next preceding: but the book, and that no changes or alteratios have been made therein except those authorn- no mistake in the name of the owner or sup- ized„ posed owner of real property shall render the assessment thereof invalid. In assessing sol- See. S. That Section 22 of said oidinance as. vent credits not secures by mortgage or trust amended February 12, 1890, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows deed, a reduction therefrom shall be made of debts due to bona fide residents of this State- Sec. 22. The Board of Trustees must, on the fourth Tuesday is August of each year fix the Said assessor shall, during said time, also make a listof all male persons residing within rate of city taxes, designating the number of the limits of said City, over the age of twenty Cents on each aundred dollars of property levied, for each fund, and must levy the city one years, and shall verify said listby hisoatir, ' and shall, an or before the first Monday of taxes upon the taxable p property of the city. - August of each year depositthe same with the Sec. ncnew section be adder to said to b., ordinance to be designated as Section 22%, � Clerk. Sec. 2. That Section 3 of said ordinance De which section shall read as follows: Sec. 22j. The Clerk shall; as soon as the tax and tsame i, ue: by a n.u•le.: to read as follows: rate is fixed, compute and enter in a sepa.rgte. See. 3. He must exact from each person a money column in the assessment book the re - spective sumsiu dollars and cents, rejecting stateraear , under oath, setting fol tli specifica<- proLerip owned by iy all the real end peril L the fractions of a cent, to be paid`as a tax on h such person, or iu his assessron or l the property therein enuinerated, and '~ foot the es, and showing the total amount under his control, oil at twelve o'clock M. on the first Monday in March. Such el of such taxes, and the columns of total value of property in tSeche statement shall be in writing showing sepa- Sec. iocity. That Section 23 of said ordinance be rately the same facts, as far as the same may be applicable to said Cir y, as are required to e s fold the same is hereby amended to read as be slated in suth lists by county assessors, and follows: Sec. file Clerk mast, before the shall describe the property assessed and the value thereof. Said assessor shall verify said M o each fourth Monday in September of each year, � _ist, by his oath, and shall deposit the same liver said assessment book to the City Marshal, snd must charge said Marshal with the full witb the clerk on or be wa tine first Mondav of August of each year. Said assessor and his amount of the taxes levied. See. 11. Thft Section 24 of said ord'nauce as deputy shall have po't•er to aaminister all oat hs and. affirmations necessary in the per- amended February 12, 1690, be and the same is formance of his duty. hereby amended to rei d as follows - Sec. 24- Within ten days after the receipt of ' Sec. & -'that Section 8 _oS said ardinunee be and the same' is hereby emended to read as the assessment book the Marshal must publish follows: it notice specifying that the taxes on all per-, Sec. S. All personal property consign -id for conal property secured by real propertyand on all real property will be due and payable on sale to any person within this city from any place on'. of this city, must be assessed in the the first Monday rn October, and wEll be de - city as other property. linquent on the last Monday in November next . thereafter, at 6 o'clock p, m. and that unless Sec. 4. That Section 14 of said ordinance l,e and the same, is hereby amended to read aszo paid prior then eta five per cent wit be added follows: the amount thereof, and also specifying the Sec. 14. On or before the first Monday of time and place at which Payment of taxes may be made, . August of each year the assessor must eomplate his book. He and his deputies See. That ame as 190 of said .assessment- must take and subscribe an affidavit in the e try 12,Sectio the amended amended to readas follows: and the same i,6 hereby amended to read asfollows- assessment book, to be substantially as follows: 1I, assessor (or deputy assessor, as the be) t he City Anaheim, do Sec. 30. Oil the last Monday of November of ea en year, at6o'clock p. in., all taxes then un- ' ease may of of swear that between the first day at May and the first, paid are deiiuquent, and thereafter the Mar- shal must collect, for the use of the city, an - day of August nineteen hundred and - I halve made diligent inquiry and examination addition of five per cent thereon. '1 to ascertain all the property within the Cityl,f wee. 13. hat Section 30 of said ordinance as. be an amended February 12, 1890„he and the saute is Anaheim subject to assessment by me, and that the same has been assessed on t ie assess_ hereby amended to read as s: ment book, equally and uniformAy, according See. 33. Qu or before the third Saturday of December of eacii year the Marshal must pub - to the hest of my judgment, information and belief, at its full cash value ; and that i have lisle the delinqueut list, which must contain faithfully compliedtwith all thedutiesimposed tLie uames of the persons and a description of the property delinquent, and ±he amount of an the assessor un er the revenue lairs and ordinances; and that 1 have not imposed any ;axes and costs due, opposite each name and un use or double assessment through malice or description, with the Laves due on personal property added to taxes on real estate, whore iil-ivili, or otherwise; nor allowed any one to escape A just and equal assessment through the real estate is liable therefor, or the several favor, or reward, or otherwise.'.' But the fail- u,•e to take or subscribe such :iia aff:d it, of taxes a re due irom thesame person. See. J4. That Section 660,f said ordinance as any affidavit, will not in any manuer act the amended February 12,1890,be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows; vaffdity of the,assessment. Sec. 5. That Section 17 of said ordinance as. See. 66. The Marshal annually on the amended February 12, 1890, be and the same is third Monday in February of each year a ttend at the ofl?cse of the City Ch rk with the delin- hereby amended to read as follov#-. See. 17. The Board of Trustees must meet on fluent list, and said Clerk must then Carefully the second Monday of August of each year, at coujpare the list with the assessment of per - ro rt sons and 'marked notPaid on the 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and sit as a Board of Equalization to examine the as. asseproperty bent book, twhen taxes have been sessrnent book and equalize the assessment of paid must. note the ;aa t aid -ct in theappiopriate col- mnn the assessment Book, property in the city. It shall continue in yes- ,ton from day to day until' all the returns of . 1 he Ci Cl Sec, 1a The City Clerk 'shall certify to tae. passage. o3 this and finance and Cause the same, the assessor have been rectified and the husi- - ness of equalization is disposed of, but not later to. be published once in the tTrange County - Plain than the fourth Monday in August. Dealer, a newspaper printed, published and circulated in the ity of Anaheim, Sec. 6. That Section 18 of said ordinance be and file same is hereby amended to read as and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect follows: and be in full force. [Seat] J. J. SCHNEIDER, Sec. I& Tha Board has power to determine all comulaints in regard to the as- President of the Board of Trustees of the Cit y sessed valuation of property and may, except as prohibited in this ordinance, of Anaheim. I hereby certify tbat the foregoiag ordinance eorrect any valuation b}- adding or was introducers at a meeting of the Board of 'Trustees deducting such sums as may ke necessary to of the City of _inalteim, held on the make the assessment Conform to the true value 9th day of June, 1903, and that it was duly of the property in money: provided, that no passed at a regular meeting of said Board of reduction must be made in the valuation (if 1,rustess held onthe233 day of June, 1,903, by uulessthe Qarty affected thereby or 'nd4leswttlttheRoardwrAyes: thefollawrngcoteigtun1 Trustees Schneider, Rust, Berdroty. !roperty en aRplicatfon therefr,verified by his oatFletcher, li'eisehhowing°thefacts upon which it is claiined such Noes: None_ reduction should be made; and provided That the President of said 3narrl of Trtesteeb further,. that before the Board grants the ap- signed the same ori the 23d day of ,June, 1903. FDWARD B. IlERR£TT,. plication ar makes any, reduction applied Clerk of,thcr City of Anaheim_ OF.DINANCE No. NT An ordinance amending Sections 2, 31 8, 14, 179 18, 21, 229 23, 24, 30 and 33 of Ordinance No. 54.,. entitlecl "An ordinano^ pro- viding .:or a systerrl for the assessment, levy and collection of City taxes for the City of Anaheim,» and of the ordinances amendatory thereof, and addinE; a new section thereto. The Board of. Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section: 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 54, entitled "An ordinance providing; for a system for the assessment, levy and col- lf�ct _on of city taxes for the City of Anaheim," passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on February 26th, 18899 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. The City Assessor must, between the first day of May and- the first day of August in each year, make out a true list of all the taxable property within the City of Anaheim, and must assess such property to the person_ by iThom it was owned or claimed or in whose possesion or control it was at twelve o' clock Ise.. of the first lJonday of March next preceding; but no mistake in the name of the owner or supposed owner of real property shall render the assessment thereof invalid. In assessing solvent credits not sedured by rmort- therefrom gage or trust deed, a .reductionr`fg shall be made kkHr am of debts due to bona fide residents of this State. said assessor shall, during said. tiNte, also make a list of all male persons r -siding within: the li rits of said City, over the age of twenty-one years, and shah verify said list by his oath, and shall, on or before the first Monday of August of each year, deposit the same with the "perk . Sec. 2. That Section. 3 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 3. Ile must exact from each person a statement, under oath, Sett-InE forth specifically cally all the real and personal property owned by such person, or in his posscs.:ion or under his control, on at twelve o'clock 11. on the first 1 onday in March. Such statement shah_ be. in writing shmxrin�; separately the same facts, as far as the same may be applicable to said City, as are required to.be statPd'in such lists by county assessors, and shall describe the property assessed and the value thereof. Said. assessor shall verifrr said list by his oath, and shall deposit the same with the clerk on or before the first Monday of August of each year. Said assessor and his deputy shall have polr�er to administer all oaths and affirna-- tions necessary in the performance of his duty. That Sec. 3.See. 8 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 8 All personal property consigned for sale to any person within this city from any place out of this city, must be assessed .in the city as other property. Sec. 4. That Sec 14 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 14. On or before the first Monday of August of each year tyle :assessor must complete his assessment book. Ile and his deputies must take and subscribe an affidavit in the assessment book, to be substantially as follows: nI, assessor QiF (or deputU assessor, as the case may be) the City of Anaheim, do swear that between the first day of May and the first day of August nineteen hundred and I have made diligent inquiry and examination to ascertain all the property within the City of Anaheim subject to assessment by me, and that the same has been assessed on the assess- ment book, equally and uniformly, according to the best of my judgment, information and belief, at its full cash value; and that I have faithfully complied with all the duties imposed on the assessor under the revenur laws and ordinances; and that I have not imposed any unjust or double assessment through malice or ill -will, or otherwise; noT allowed anyone to escape a just and equal assess— ment through favor, or reward, or otherwise.1' But the failure to i take or subscribe such an affidavit, or any affidavit, will not in any manner affect the validity of the assessment. See. 5. That Sec. 17 of said ordinance as amended February 12, 1890, be and the same is hereby amended to rend as follows: Sec. 17. The Board of Trustees irlust meet on the second 1ionday of. August of each year, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and sit as a Board of EgIIa.liza.tion to examine the assessment book and equalize the assess!:,ient of property in the city. It shall con— tinue on— tinue in . ses sior_ from day to day until all thie returns of the assessor have been rectifiedan.d the business of e(paalization is disposed of, but not later than'the fourth Monday in August. Sec. 6. That Sec. 18 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18. The Board has power to determine all complaints in regard. to the, asses.sed valuation of property and may, except as prohibited_ in this; ordinance, correct any valuation by adding or deducting such stuns as may be necessary to make the assessment con— form to the true value of the pro--�erty in money; provided, that no reduction must be made in the valuation of property unless the party affected thereby or his agent makes and files with the Board a written application therefor, verified by his oath, showing the facts upon which it is claimed such reduction should be made; and provided further, that befog. the Board grants the application or makes any reduction applied for, it must first examine, on oath, the person or the agent making the ap,lication touching the value of the proper$y of such person. No reduction must be made unless such p/erson or the agent making the application attends and answers all questions pertinent to the inquiry. Sec. 7. That Sec. 21 of said ordinance as amended February 12, 18909 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SAW, Sec. 21. The Clerk of the Board i�,ust record. in a book kept for that purpose all chin es, corrections, and. orders made by the Board, and during its session, or as soon as possible after its ad j ournnrent , must enter upon the assessment book all ohal_ges and corrections made by the Board, and must affix to said assessment book an affi— davit subscribed by him as follows: "i,, do swearthat, as clerk of the Board of Trustees of. the City of Anaheim, I have kept correct minutes of all the acts of the Board touching alterations in the assessment book; that, all alterations agreed to or directed to be made have been made and entered in the book, and that no charges or alterations.have been made therein except those authorized." Sec. 8. That Sec. 22 of said ordinance as amended. February 12, 1890, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 22. The Board. of Trustees must, on the fourth Tue3day in August of each year fix the rate of city taxes, designa.ti ng the number of cents on -each hundred dollars of property levied, for each fund, and must levjs the city taxes upon the taxable property of the city. Sec. 9'. That a. neer section be added to said ordinance, to be designated as Sec. 22 1/1(19which section sYiall read as follovis: Sec. 22 1/2. -The Clerk shall, as soon: as the tax rate is fixed, compute and enter in a separate money coluMn in the assessment book the respective sums in dollars and cents, rejecting the frac— tions of a cent, to be paid as a tax on the property therein enumerated, and foot up the column showing the total amount of such taxes, and the columns of total value of property in the city. Sec. 10. That Sec 23 of said. ordinance be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 23. The Clerk must, on or before the fourth Monday in September of each year, deliver said assessment book to the City Marshal, and must charge said Marshal with the full amount of the taxes levied Sec. ll. That Sec. 24 of said ordin^nce as amended February 12, 18909 be a:d the same is hereby amended to read as follovrs: Sec. 24. Within ten days after the receipt of the assessment book the li-arshal rnist publish a notice specifyinZ that the taxes on all personal property secured by real propertyand on all real pro— perty luill be due and payable on the first Monday in October, and ^ri11 be delinquent on the last Monday,in November next thereafter, at six o'clock P. M. and that unless paid prior thereto five per cent will be added to the amount thereof, and also specifying the time and place at which payrrlent of taxes may be made. Seca 12. That Sec. 30 of said ordinance as amended February 12, 1890, be and the same is hereby ame"..d(d to rc!!,�d as follo7Ts: Sec. 30. On the last Monday in November of each year, at six o'clock P. ?.i. , all tares then unpaid are delinquent, and thereafter the Marshal must collect, for the use of the city, an adcti tion of five per cent thereon. Sec. 13. That Sec. 33 of said ordinance as amended February 129 18909 be and the sa.r:e is hereby amended to read as follovws: Sec. 33. On or before the third Saturday in Deee ber of each year the Marshal must publish the delinquent list, which must con— k tain the names of the persons and a description of the property delinquent, and the amount of taxes and costs due, opposite each name and description, with the taxes due on personal property added to taxes on real estate, where the teal estate is liable therefor, or the several taxes are due tion: the same person. Sec. 14. That Sec. 66 of said ordinance as amended February 129 18909 be and the sarsie is hereby amended to read as follo"nrs: Sec. 66. The Marshal must annually on the third Monday in February of each year attend at the office of the City Clerk Frith the delinquent list, and said Clerk must then carefully compare the list with the assessment of persons and property not marked paid on the assessment book, and when taxes have been paid must note the, fact in the appropriate colu=- in the assessment book. Sec. 15. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the salve to be published once in the Orange County Plaindea.ler, a ne*rsp�per printed, publi shed and circ- :ea - ed the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. �r E4Qp Pre' i mt of the Board of grustens of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certi fy� that the foregoi n� ordi hanoe was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the day of June, 1903, incl that it was. duly passed at a regular meeting of. said Board of Trustees held on the Z 3 day of 1903, by the folio,, --,ring Vote: Ares: Trustees / cam% • c o�u� % c , �J`,t�c aF, �t Noes:- That oes• That the President df ;aid. Board of Trustees signed the same on the 3 day of 1903. Clerk of the City of: Anaheim,