154State of California
County of Orange.)
first duly sworn, says: f
J. E. VaIjean of said County, einp--
That he is a citizen. of the United S*ates, over twenty-one years of
aga; that he is the proprietor and publisher of
the Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper
printed, published and circulated in the said. Coun-
ty of Orange; that Ordinance Ii-JoINAof the City of
Anaheim, of which the annexed is a printed copy,
was published in said newspaper once, to -wit; in
the reT-jlar issue thereof published on the ay
of 1903
Subactibed and sworn to before me this
&Y of ^ I903
Notary Public in and for the
County of Orange, State of
S"'tate, o- c"all for.,iia,
o -'
J, (Orange.
"i -
An ordinance providing for the'establish
ment of rates for,el-etric lights in the City 0
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim
do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. The rate for electric lights sup -
Vied to consumers thereof by the City of Ana-
ci. shall be such its may be fixed from time
to time b resolution of the Board of Trustees
of the ,n City.
2, The
of Trustees shall have
power cases,
at their option, to install
meters to measure the amount of light used by
See. a. - All electric light rates shall be ay -
able to the Marshal between the first and fifth
days of each mouth, and if not so paid, the
Marshal shall cause the light supply to be cut
off from the premises of delinquents. No
further connection of lights shall be made for
such del nquents until.,, arrears of rates shall
'cave been paid, together with a penalty 01 two
dollars and fifty cents.
See. 4. rhe charge for installing incandescent
lights shaJI be one dollar for each light.
Sed: 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordiwtncc and cause the same
to be published once in the orange County
Plain Dealer, a newspaper printed, published
and circulated in the city of Anaheim, and
thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect
and be in full force.
(Seal) I, j, SellNETI)FR,
President of the Board of Trustees of the City
of Anaheim.
Ihereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
was introduced at a meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on
� Line 23d, 1.03, and that it was duly
passed at a regular mectii g of said Board of
rrust, es held on the 14th day of July, 1903, by
uhefojlowing vote:
Ay(As'Trustees Schneider, -Berdrow, Fletcher.
I further certify that the President of
iaid Board of Trustees signed said ordinance
on the 14th . day of July,A1903.
Clerk of the City.of Anaheim.
said Cmintir first di
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Subsc bed
newspaper once, to -wit : i
"�-Of rublisli.e(I on the "day
sworn to before rro this
d for the
Pi.iblic in an
County of Crane, State of
ORDINAN�"E Tao. / S -11 -
An ordinance providing for the establishment of rates for
electric lights in the City of Anaheim.
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as
follo7rs :
Section 1. The rate for electric lights sulmoli�,l. to ^onsuiriers
thereof by the City of Anaheim shall be such as may be fixed from
time to time by resolution of the Bo -.rd of Trustees of the said city.
Sec. 2. The Board of Trustees shall have power in all cases,
at their option, to install Meters to measure the amount of light
used by consu_�ers.
Sec. 3. All electric light rates shall be payable to the M -r -
steal between the, first and fifth days of each month, and if not so
paid the Marshal shall cause the light sujpply to be out off from
the premises of delinquents. No further connection of lights shall
be made for such delinquents until all arrears of rates shall have
been paid, together with a penalty of two dollars and fifty cents.
Sec. 4. The charge for installing incandescent liLrhts sliall
be one dollar for each light
Sec. 5. Tie City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this
ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Orange
County Plaindealer, a newspa-1-jer printed, publi-shed and circulated
in the City of Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take
effect and be in full force.
-� Presid of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Anaheim.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance wasintroduced at
a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on
June 23d, 1903, and that it was duly passed at a rea-alar meeting of
said Board of Trustees held on the day of July, 1903, by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees '6) C -I" --/311
And I further certify the
hatPresident of said Board. of
Trustees signed sa.ica. ordinance on the i r -day of July, 1903.
. w�1-13. Wc,
Clerk of the City of Anaheim.