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1.,1 _.t ire is ,,, -) ' 4- '-In -' - -,1 ovni ti,'4-,-rj-7-rnre 'years of
CA J,� U 2 du U,
)RD'NANCE NO. 155. -T-,
An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordi-
dance No. 101, entitled "Aa Ordinance estab-
lishing water rates in the City of Anaheim."
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim
do ordain asTollows:
.SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No.
104,611titied "An Ordinance establishing water
rates in the City of Anaheim," be and the
Same is hereby amended by adding thereto the
lul low, n subdivisions, to 1ow iI1IIficdiKLe,Y
after a2lv1-1
ision'21 of said section:
2ZIrtt)y consu nier of ws ter shali fail to pay
the water rat< for three months, ushttll be the
iinperAtive (1.14tv of the Marshal to cut off the
water suppl,c-d to said delinquent, and no
wate sli.11 b - i h,,reaf er supplied to sKid de-
linque it until heshalt have paid »ll arrears of
water rates and Ape
I nalty of one dollar.
it shall be the duty -f the owner of
premises oil 'which city water is used to nofily
the Marshal immediately- upon g4id premi,cs
being vacated, so that the Marshal can turn
the water off therefrom. Any oil iter of said
prem;se.4fAillnx to,give said notice shall bt-
compelled to pai, the water rate due and in .
paid from the date of tne, vacating of the
premi-es tint I the -ovd rioii e is given, and no
water shall be supplies to said praniisas there-
after until such unpaid water rate is paid.
Sec. 21 The City. I'lerk shall eertify to the
passage Of this ordinance and cause the same
to be tubli shed once in the. Orange County
Plaineft r, a newspaper printed, published
and circulated fit the City of Anaheim, and
thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect
and be in full force.
President of the Board of Trustees of the City
of Anaheim. ,
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
was introduced at
teiduc"at a meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the City. of Anaheim, held on
June 23d, 1903, and that it was duly
passed ata regular
ossedstaregular meeting of said Board of
Trustee- held on the 14th day of July, 1903, by
the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Schneider. Berdrow. Fletcher.
Noes: None -
An J I further certify that the President of
said Board of Trustees signed thosame on the
14th d,,ty of July, 1903
dierk of the City Of AnaLeim.
t I'l e 0x F,,�-c e a
printed, ye cilct;het�,--rl i_. t' sai" Coun-
t -,.r O -K orance; tITA -A0AUCI G,1- e J I
-Ana leis, of amex-,(I is a printed co --y,
was r -eco -ed it said rews-ca-,ler orce, to -wit: in
the repillar tllle-Leof on Vlez—day
of __--.__1G0
Subs riled and snV'orn to before -Te tji i
as of JCOQ
Notary PuL-lic 4%.1- and for t'je -
Ccurt,-,7 of oran.2e estate of it
0. IL
An Orc'inan-,e seetioil 1 of Ordinan,;e I, o. 104, e„-.titI,,1C "Ail
orfti'_in�?_ :7e "stablifihin "Tr`)tE?Y' _"" a.tE' i 1. , ile '"'I t' 7f A a ,ei i 11
The Board, of `'rust c.,es Of th^ it J' of Ana:,.oirl d 0 ord ryi11 Rs
folloJ,Ts :
section le 1'li`'!; ata•^.t�_Oi1 1 of oi'ci111?i:CiG v0. 109, (:I1tltled An
r t e:�> .?ates in the City of Anareir_1,11 be and
tile, a1'1F. is hereby iil�ntied by ada ink the-_'Ot0 th(' fo110';:'�_i1 _ Stt'!JC'.1 —
visions, to follo,7 ir�re(�_i ntelY after subdivision 21 of said section:
2 I'' atl;� t^,Oi1:;Uv'1P,1' O ,,7ajt.r ;3i1�?l ; � i t0 ��L7 the rate for
three; rionths, it shall be the, imperative dut.r off' t l^ 1”-ITSyl`'.i t 0
P--l.at off, the 17,mtor supplied to said ,4 P-1 incluent , and no Tater shall
be thereafter ua � ;lry e;-_ t) s �_elinmaei�t l.antil he .� h�.11 have paid
all =arrears of water rates aria P. -1.0enalty of one dollar.
23. It shnl b, tile' of the o,Tner of pre -m-1 ses on ,71lich
city Tater is used to notify the I`= Om
prer.^.ises being Vace.ted, so that the i``arShal can turrl the ,.Tater off
tihel'e:%'r0ine Atly 0',,!Ii O -P >i.l ,il �)C'ei:7 seri f'2? 1'ni_' to give sS.iC�_ notice
sl.1,.1:!_ be compelled to -rear the rTater rate due and un-�)aid. J' -->o 1 the
date Of the V ?C2t1tl of tilepremises until the said notice is iven,
al1P . n0 ?Nater S 111 be Starelied toS`�.iCi ,)'?" nr ises thereafter until
such unna.id eater rate is I.)aid.
Sec. 2. Me City Clerk shall certif r to the y)asse. e of this
ord.ina.r•ce and c^use the s:l ie - o be r)ublisiled once in the Orange
Co"Inty apublished and circuia.ted
in the City of Anilei.':1, and thereuj�ort and tiler( --:-,.ft: - it :;hall t^I:e
F f �c t !)7, ,_ ,e in full force .
Pl-esident of the Bof7.r).. o 'r,.:t;;tees
of tyle City of Anaheir4,
I hereby certify :hat thr, fore�olilg ordinance 77as introduced
at a meetinr, of the of T--usteps of �he ' it,r of held.
U C ly I,, I -
on June 23d, 1903, y that it
vias duly Jt -a
of s,,)-16. ")nRrd of Trustees 2e12
on the Ll- day
of July,
by the vote:
/ ID
And I furthe-f xx± thf-, Prr-'.-lici.ent of s,?-ici 79oar(!
o -I" Tlril.stees G±Sae4 s,?—I(I or(iinq-.sce or, tile fA-, r of juty I
.1er'- o -r the Sit -u of Anai-ie-l'..a.