166`a �. j �� `a ,$ i M, 1 7 No, 166, ORDINANCE REGUtATING TH V I L Wa�_ I fug of trees on -streets in the City of Ana- I rhe Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to plant trees on the streets of the City of Ana- heim other than Those described as t6ilows, to - Wit: Coons PlumoSa (palm), COCUSL fleXU08% (palm), Phoenix reelinata (palm), Cliamaerops ftxgelaa <palm), Braheu robusta Washinglouis (palm), i,ractlialudiolea,gtere,dliadiverslidora, ili--- the olantin­- of oAn streets 4c;acia melanoxylon, Laurus camphora 'catin- Itbor tree), Pittisporum undWatum, Quercus" ur (English oat), Quercus paltres (pin. oa, !).,Prunuq ilielfolia (holly -leaved pplum),. V Hn. -ndiflora- Lanerunda mimosofoliA- 1 treeX, Giulk's bilobia (maiden halt tree). ng 11'1F1t1­S Of the, "li+"K" Of Ar:97"Pil"I do ". Provide However, that any person ta I I to plant trees on said streets not Included in the forepoing list of varieties may make e wr tt t application to the Board of 1Truatees of said of slating the variety of tree or trees *blebch r desires IAD plant and the place -,Aim._aad,' 4' U1 Il A bP t app[ cant a ii�ecial pe it t p aut sue Sec. 2. On all streets,in said olty on cement sidewalks'have, been, or may her be constructed, with parking ace, trees w 4&V _,'itY- Of AIM-11`j14till-I other tha'rl thofP df�S111-ii;f-d planted shall be placed witgark' said � � . I " VP spac%On streets where cement sidewalks hiLveoibeentonstructed,trees when pI nie shall be placed at such distancefro t e prop0 '11119, P I-" V-109 R, Pa I rq Flexuos 1. alvi orLy line as shall be designated ythe su r! tendent of streets of said city. See. 3. It abitil be unlawful for any person to tic any animal to any tree planted on any of the t streets of said city, or to cut, girdle, mutilate or iii any manner damage or injure any such tree. See. 4. Any person who shall violate any of tkoprovis:onset this ordluance shall be deemed P 1ndioi,,'_,a, Steroril-!P� guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, t porby imp- isonment in the city jail of said City of Auab eira for not It,, rtbpu two days nor more than ten days, or by both such fine and Impric- ollment. onk 1)'-atliist:rinq Pin , -Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances -o r t I*cont Liet, with the,provisions of this ordinance ,aid hereby repealed. See. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the Vassage, of this ordinance and cause the slime Jv�.be published once in the- Anaheim Gazette, ,and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be In full force and effect f I rsicAL I L C. O. RUST, ftesidebt of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim.L A regoing qjidinance �`* _ 20NII.c.d at a meetingof the Board of P of November., 11%, that it. Was duly + i -i I n lc� o ata regular matting of said Board of "A T. i, r_ oj a held on the 13th day of December, the followtut vote: Trustees Rust, Berdrow, Fletcher,J I i -t 0 A_:_ the President of asud ' I t ._3 --t r, i Of 1-_' t f, e F; 0 S !I ft certify er I t di d ordin nee on the F.'�+ -1 '-N- ��4eoj eys 6 e W a 1418 ay of Dee rM W4 D MVRUITT� I Jpt'4aahel d.P-3ir;�­ to tle plaip whorf, it is rt,,J r f -:d t(3 i; lan t t. oln nd ir 9 =;>!1t , fin; -fi )r 7-1.qtp�-mpy, ill their dr -mI-� tSI-11a-1"'ItD p,0"I 4:� r r(lit to "9, r On !; 1 -1 in gq-, J-1 oil -h i si;v%nt s id P, `r'1'.1 K's + " )II I'K I 111;_1 F; T,) Pt (' e, , tref--� S A IrIgy �l' , - -1 I , * .1,; !I ilia `31;a 1. brj oiii-lf-id said, pprl(in" 9P91e. On )4, trf.-.-n.,3 when, .1 ant ei� ��i N! n,. .1 1) e n on >t- tf�ci. A 'L' '3$� ci p sh5�2' t) --'at sll�'�I% b i n-'1. t e 1 1 -0 - 1, 17 t 0"i I rt PTi t Of S t r t :3 of ORDINAWT9 No. 166. An orditlano-e remzl.at.inU the 1)1antin- of trees on street the "its. of An a.?�Ai►n. m?iP 50ard of 1.11mistees of the ^ity of Anaheim do ordain as fo.11oivs : Seotion 1. it S be1znl.awftll for an," pPrSOn toplant t'rFPs on the streets of tl,0 Cit-- of Anaheim other than those desori:)ed as; tOlo,;' to-!7it: 101118 P1tuYlosa, (Palm), "011zs;'lexuosR (.Falrn), Phoenix renlillata ( Palm), "hamaerops excelsa (Palrq),FrahPn ronllsta " ihin;Yt�nia (Palm), Bracena Indioisa, Sterc1111-R diversiflora, Ar'R,iia rlelgnoxylor,, IORtxrt163 oRlTlptlora (�`R111-_ or tree), Pittis3porum. undulatum, Qtlerous robilr (En -fish oak), :1Rltlstr , (Pin o 1k ), Prunlas i.licifolia (h011y-1PRved plum), Magnolia Grandiflora, I,a^^r- unda_minosofolin, JR(1.aranda, Melia o?Rdarar*,h (Dixas umbrella tree), Gingk" s Biiobia (maiden hair tree). pro",i o(l h+3��df'ET )i', til.,+. Rr,J t)-mion dpsirinE: to 7?iant tree.,-,. or, said streets not inr',lu(1 ed in thie ro_r'f;y�oin`, 1 -.'-:.`it of trr`1ripti f g, rA„7 make written RpplicatiO to t)7 F. Board of TrllsteE's of said City, statin;; the variety of tree Or trees w.*Aih such person desires” to plant, and the place where it is dpsirNd to plant thom, and said Board of Trustees may, in their discrr-,tivn, issue to such applicant a speoial permit to plgR jt j'. ,11,1t t,rF?,!S, Sec. P. On all streets in said city on --,ihioh cement sidewalks have been or may hereafter bP ooristruot Ci., T77ith narking spRce, tree�S when LL,lanted shall be placed within said parkin; spice. On street.s whe,,re cerrtert sidewniksi have not been constructed, trees when planted shall be placed at stzori distil , e from tile pY'o?3<'Y'ty line as s3;IR11 be dPsi--na.ted by the Superintendent of Streets of said City. Sec. 3,: .It shall be Unlawful for any person to tie any animal to any tree planted on any of the streets of said ri ty, or to ^t1t, ,irdlp, Imltil=ate or in any man-ner darnagP or injure any s11eh tree. t en -Planted (,iistan"'� frOTI thn P:ra!),-�-rty line as s 11 shah be p,La(,*Pd at be -1,�,3ig( �j nated by VIP Superintendent of Streets of said mity. 3. It sisal_? be for any pergon to tie any animal to any tree planted on any of the streets Of gRid Olity, or to cut, Jirdleq mlltill:!te or in any man-ner damage or injure any siren tree. Sen. 4. Any --()PT.gon who S-hctli lfiolatf� an-y of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be puni3hed by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, or by inprisoiunent in the city jail of said city of Anaheim for not less than two days nor more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinan^e are hereby re: ea.lRd. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage) of thl-a' ordinance and cause the same to be publish Ad once in the Anlheiin Gazette, and then -upon and thereafter the name shall be in full force and effect. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of An ihe:im. eh�r certify that the ordinance was intrmduced ` at of the Board of Tr zst Pes of *iso "it y of Anaheim, held on a ay of Novei-zber, 1904, that it was duly passed at a regi r ting of said Board of Trusteesiiel on the 13th day of f Deoembi�,.3804, by the following vote: Aye> t'., Trustees/ l �� � q-,,, c�t c�t� � �/iy C Noes: none. I furthe'!r certify that the President of Said. Board of Trustees signed said ordinance on the said 13th day of DecPmber, 19104. Clerk of said City of Anaheim.