58R-4320 (16)
Ir,:SOLUTIC'I' NO. 4534
_> :C':CL:r:r .r' CY ':'I',,' CITY COUr;CIL OF 'THE CITY OF
.1.F&t..;;~I1:l AC';::;:PTIllC;' ;. GR,'eFT DEED COWrSYING TO THE
:;IT~f C? ,A.r:..~~!:-=In i~a::!'~ REnL .?HO:FERTY FOP~ AN
:2:1"c:::.EW2 FOR DR.aT'hGE;)Ui',:)CSES Arm AN EASEl,rENT
?or; PUBLIC U'llJ:LITY ~~:-~Ll1?C2,~=S.
r. "CE:iEAS, t "', 'C' ::;1 t/ Council of the City of Anaheim is
def:~irouc of '),n'ch::'sl["~ the rwreln,i.fter described. real property
for :c.ubl,ic purpcbes, to wit: An easement for drai!"age purposes
an(1 an ea2ement for "uhlie utility )urposes; and
1::8FJEnE" tLc m','ners of ,-'bi c; pro~)erty have offered to
sell ~7,n( c')n ey the F.8,f-1e to the Ci t:/; and
':'f..F'Z'\ AS, tr"r::a t,'. CouDe 11 of the City of Anhheim finds
th~t it if for the benefit ~na best interest of the City of
AL.,h.eir:: to ['cee:,t 8t1,~ off'er ,.,:ill ':U'C"'[,6e fJuid rea,l lJrOperty.
!'OV,""HI;-'.'FCRE, Hi: IT R:C:':::CL'r:::D b;,' the City Council of
t::s Cit'.' of "",r,r,eim t t the: offe~,' of J.il,:E'.' F. COHEE and ELEANOP.
E. CO'vEE, husb.,nc1 ane: ",'ife, to sell to t!-:.e City of Anaheim the
fellow4 n''S deseri bed ree,l Jroperty si tuatec1 in the City of Ani.;lb.eir"
County of Orange, St:te of Co..lifornia, to be used for an easement
for drc',ino..::e 'ur'Joses an(~ an easer"ent fo1'mblic utility purposes,
~,,.,,' 'Dore "c.rtl cularly c1ese 1"i b"",.J. de foJ 10NS:
An eacemer:t for c1rf"inc..'~',' 9uy':ones on, over, across ancl
unCer the 1:7e'sterl:/ five (5) feet of the fol10vl1ng
deFcribed yroperty:
Eee'inr,ing at '" ,..oint '.n th" north line of Vineyard Lot A-l
[,'" eh,~\"n')n (:, ElL;:: recor(led in book 4 pe,ges 629 and 6)0, of
reccls, l'ecorC,B of Los "~n.:;eleE CountJ', Californhl., said point
be'ng 306.5 feet westerly of the northeast corner thereof;
t~ence 8m t"'erly 21'sllel to the easterly line of said lot
225.0n fe",t; thence 1'leEtErly ')101.1'1011131 to the northerly 1j,.ne
e~ ~aiC let 67.5 feet; t~ence northerly parallel to said
euter1;' line 225.00 feet to G, point in the said northerly
line; thence eaf,ter"_.~' al~''rl'" ,,:f~i(1 nortLerly line 67.5 feet
tJ th~ Dolnt of beginninc.
.Anc. ,
An ear'.811ent forublic utility :,mrposes over that portion of
t~c e, f' erl}' ;74.00 feet of Vineyard LCJt "A-I", in the City
of An~heim, County of Oran~e, State of California, as per
rr,:;c re corcLed in book !f "x'f;es 629 ~'cnd 630 of Deeds, reco:t'cle of
Lac Anp"ple2 County. California, described as follows:
Peclnning a.t the northee.st Gorrwr of saicl, lot "A-I" B.nd thence
8o~th 150 4;' 15" East 225.00 feet alon~ the easterly line of
EE;i,~ lot; t,l-.,encc South 71.:0 151 48" ',teEt 120.00 feet :<1ara.11el
Id +;t +;hs nOl't}-~er1y LLne of s<,:,ic1 lot; thence South 1.50 431 15"
EaEit 157.00 feet ::arallel 1.lith the 8cJs;'erlJ' line of said lot
to the tru,8)oi1"7 of r,(ct;lnni rg; thence South 740 15' 48" viest
10 feet )Rralle1 with the northerly line of said lot;
tjencb South 150 43' 15" Eas~ 233.25 feet parallel with
t~E B&sterly line of sald lot; thence North 740 15' 48"
Saet lo.on feet parbllel ~1tb the northerly line of said
lot; thence North 150 4J' 15" West 233.25 feet to the
trtie po:1.nt of beginning. EXCE?T the North 65 feet thereof.
be, an(L the 8Lwue is hFreby, accepted by the City Council of the
Oi ty of AnE:heim, anc. that the City of Anaheim accept a conveyance
of saie.. :-:rr'Oy8rt,'''.
BE IT FUR'rL::-\ HEBeL \TED that the City Audl tor of the
City 'JT~ Anaheim be, ano. he i;c h,;Y>eby, authorized to Day to the
owners of 8aiC real )1'o',ert,'", O'1t of Genere 1 FundB of the City
of Anaheim, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00).
'I'!..JE ?ORSG'OIi"n I<=2CLU,,:,':rm' is av,roved and signed by me
thi 8 20th c1d~,T of l~ra.:r, 19.58.
1,:;',"0:'" or THE CITY OF ANAHEH!
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, Vity Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced
and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law of
the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 20th day of
May, 1958, by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCILM&~: Pearson, Borden, Fry, Schutte and Coons
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 20th day of
May, 1958.
IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, I have hereunto set ~ hand and
affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 20th day
of May, 1958.
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