1727 2 - ` h ✓1 C116- i �} t eb �' ri ORDINANCE NO. '172. Introduced Sept. 26, 1905. An Ordinance calling a special election to the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city several propositions to incur a bonded Indebtedness to pay the cost of several public municipal Improve- ments in and for said city, the cost of each of which will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city. Whereas, The Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheim did, on the 12th day of September, 1905, by a vote of more than two-thirds of its members, to -wit: of all its members, duly pass and adopt a resolution determining that the public interest and public necessity demanded the acquisition, construction and comple- ti0n of the following municipal improve- ments in and for said City of Anaheim, to -wit: 1. The improvement of, and the con- struction of additions to, the City Water Works and distributing system. 2. The improvement of, and the con- struction of additions to, the City Electric Light plant and distributing system. 3. The construction of a gas generat- ing plant and distributing system. 4. The construction of concrete cross- walks at the intersections of street cross- ings in said city. 5. .The oiling of the public streets of said city. And whereas, the estimated cost of said municipal improvements is sixty-nine thousand dollars, and such cost, and esti- mated cost of each and every item in said resolution described is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary an- nual income and revenue of said City; and Whereas, the Executive of said City of Anaheim, to -wit: the President of the Board of Trustees thereof, did, on the said 12th day of September, 1905, duly and regularly approve said resolution. Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol- lows: Section 1. That a special election be and the same is hereby called to be held in the City of Anaheim on Saturday, the 11th day of November, 1905, to submit, and at which election shall be submitted, to the qualified voters of said City, the following propositions to incur indebted- ness by said City, to -wit: 1. The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of twenty-three thousand dollars ($23,000.00) in Gold Coin of the United States of America, for the object and purpose of paying the cost of the improvement of, and the construction of additions to, the City Water Works and distributing system of said City. 2. The proposition to incur a bonded Indebtedness of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.09) in Gold Coin of the United States of America, for the object -and purpose of paying the cost of the im- provement of, and the construction of additions to, the City Electric Light Plant and distributing system of said City. 3. The proposJtlor, to incur a bonded indebtedness- of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) in Gold Coin of the United States of America, for the object and uurpose of paying the cost of construct- ing a gas generating plant and distribut- ing. system in said City.,.. - 4. The proposition to incur a bonded Indebtedness of three thousand dollars °3 ^.•00.001 in Cold Coin of J,he United ^tates of America, for the object and f_ purpose of paying the cost of construct- ing concrete cross -walks at the intersec- tions of street crossings in said City. 5. The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) in Gold Coin of the United States of America, for the object and purpose of paying the cost of the oiling of the public streets of said City. And said last mentioned date is hereby fixed as the date for holding said election, and the said several propositions to incur municipal indebtedness are hereby sub- mitted to said voters for their determina- tion at said election. 'Sec. 2, The objects and purposes for which said bonded indebtedness of twenty-three thousand dollars is pro- posed to be incurred is the improvement of, and the construction of additions to, the City Water 'Works and distributing system of said City. The objects and purposes for which said bonded -indebtedness of twenty-five thous nd dollars is proposed to be in- curred is the improvement of, and the construction. of additions to, the City Electric Light Plant and distributing sys- tem of said City. The objects and purposes for which said bonded indebtedness of fifteen thou- sand dollars is proposed to be incurred Is the construction of a gas generating plant and distributing system in said City. The objects and purposes for which said bonded indebtedness of three thou- sand dollars is proposed to be incurred is the 'construction of concrete cross- walks at the intersections of street cross- ings in said City. The objects and purposes for which said bonded indebtedness of three thou- sand dollars is proposed to be incurred is the oiling of the public streets of said City. Sec. 3. The estimated cost of the im- provement of, and the construction of additions to, the City Water Works and distributing system, hereinbefore referred to, is $23,000.00; the estimated cost of the improvement of, and the construc- tion of additions to, the City Electric Light Plant and distributing system, hereinbefore referred to, is $25,000.00; the estimated cost of the construction of a gas generating plant and distributing system, heieinbefore referred to, is $15,- 000.00; the estimated cost of the con- struction of concrete cross -walks. here- inbefore referred to, is $3,000.00; and the estimated cost of oiling the public streets of said City is $3,000.00. Sec. 4. That if the proposition firstly above mentioned to incur said indebt- edness in said sum of $23,000.00, gold coin aforesaid, for the object and pur- pose above mentioned, shall be accepted by the qualified voters of said City as In this ordinance and by law provided, then and in that ease bonds of said City to the amount of $23,000.00, gold coin as aforesaid, for the payment of the cost of the improvement of, and the construc- tion of additions to, the City Nater Works and distributing system of said City, shall issue as follows, to -wit: Said bonds shall be negotiable in form and shall be of a character known as serials and shall bear the rate of interest and be paid as hereinafter provided. And if the proposition secondly above mentioned to incur suid indebtedness in said sum of $25,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above mentioned, shall be accepted by the qual- ified voters of said City, as_hi this ordt- nane.e and by law provided, then and in that case bonds of said City to the amount of $25,000.00, Koid coin as afore- s4ld, for the payment of the cost of the { improvement of, and the egnstruction of additions to, the City Electric Light Plant and distributing system of said City, shall issue as follows, to -wit: said bonds shall be negotiable in form, and shall be of the character known as serials, and shall bear the rate of interest and be paid as hereinafter provided. And if the proposition thirdly above mentioned to incur said indebtedness in said sum of $15,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above mentioned, shall be accepted by the quali- fied voters of said City, as in this ordi- nance and by law provided, then and in that case bonds of said City to the amount of $15,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the payment of the cost of the construction of a gas generating plant and distributing system in said City, shall issue as follows, to -wit: said bonds shall be negotiable in form and shall be of the character known as serials, and shall bear the rate of interest and be paid as here- inafter provided. And if the proposition fourthly above mentioned to incur said indebtedness in said sum of $3,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above mentioned, shall be accepted by the qualified voters of said City. as in this ordinance and by law provided, then and in that case bonds of said City to the amount of $3,000.00 gold coin "ds afore- said, for the payment of the cost of the construction of concrete cross -walks at the intersections of street cross4igs in said City, shall isstie as follows; to -wit: said bonds shall .be negotiable in form and shall be of the character known as serials, and shall bear the rate of interest and be paid as hereinafter provided. And if the proposition fifthly above mentioned to incur said indebtedness in said sum of $8,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above mentioned, shall be accepted by the qualified voters of said City, as in this ordinance and by law provided, then and in that case bonds of said City to the amount of $3,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the payment of the cost of oiling the public streets of said city, shall issue as follows, to -wit: said bonds shall be negotiable in form and shall be of the character known as serials, and shall bear the rate of interest and be paid as hereinafter provided. The bonds authorized to be issued pur- suant to said election shall bear interest from their issuance until paid at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, pay- able semi-annually, and the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of America in the manner following, that is to say: One -fortieth part of the whole amount of the principal of said indebted- ness created under one or more of th; said five propositions shall be paid eaen and every ,year at the City Treasury of said City of Anaheim on a day and date to be hereafter fixed by said Board of Trustees of said City, together with, the interest on all sums unpaid at such dates; provided, that the interest on said bonds shall be paid semi-annually, so that there shall' be a payment of in- te.rest on all sums then unpaid .in esch and every half year, one of such semi-annual payments in each year be - in, at the date of the payment of the nnual installment of the principal of s:ch indebtedness as aforesaid; and pro- +'1�ufurther. that ssld interest shall be ea'der:ced by the proper coupons attached r, slid bonds, a separate coupon being ttached to each bond for each . semi- ­mull i) yment of the interest to become t'ne of ;,.(,h bond. �.'sl .t is further ordered that the total t- improvement of, and the epnstructlon of c- additions to, the City Electric Light Plant and distributing system of said A City, shall issue as follows, to -wit: said rs bonds shall be negotiable in form, and 'd shall be of the character known as serials, td and shall bear the rate of interest and be ig paid as hereinafter provided. And if the proposition thirdly above 3y mentioned to incur said indebtedness in n, said sum of $15,000.00, gold coin as afore- ur said, for the object and purpose above b- mentioned, shall be accepted by the quali- a- fied voters of said City, as in this ordi- nance and bylaw provided, then and in or that case bonds of said City to the Of amount of $15,000.00, gold coin as afore- o- said, for the payment of the cost of the nt construction of a gas generating plant o, and distributing system in said City, shall ig issue as follows, to -wit: said bonds shall be negotiable in form and shall be of the h character known as serials, and shall bear ve the rate of interest and be paid as here- n- inafter provided. he And if the proposition fourthly above ty mentioned to incur said indebtedness in S_ said sum of $3,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above ch mentioned, shall be accepted by the u- qualified voters of said City. as in this ed ordinance and by law provided, then and ng in that case bonds of said City to the ,id amount of $3,000.00 gold coinlas afore- said, for the payment of the cost of the ch construction of concrete cross -walks at u- the intersections of street crossings in ed said City, shall issue as follows, to -wit: >s- said bonds shall be negotiable in form is- and shall be of the character known as serials, and shall bear the rate of interest ch and be paid as hereinafter provided. 'u- And if the proposition fifthly above 'ed mentioned to incur said indebtedness in lid said sum of $3,000.00, gold coin as afore- said, for the object and purpose above n- mentioned, shall be accepted by the of qualified voters of said City, as in this nd ordinance and by law provided, then and ed in that case bonds of said City to the of amount of $3,000.00, gold coin as afore- lc- said, for the payment of the cost of oiling He the public streets of said city, shall issue in, as follows, to -wit: said bonds shall be he negotiable in form and shall be of the a character known as serials; and shall ng bear the rate of interest and be paid as 5.- hereinafter provided. 'n- The bonds authorized to be issued pur- suant to said election shall bear interest he from their issuance until paid at the rate Z of five (5) per centum per annum, pay - ,able semi-annually, and the principal and fly interest of said bonds shall be. payable Dt- in Gold Coin of the United States of )ld America in the manner following, that is ir- to say: One -fortieth part of the whole :ed amount of the principal of said indebted - as ness created under one or more of th; ed, said five propositions shall be paid eac❑ ity and every year at the City Treasury of Din said 'City of Anaheim on a day and date ost to be hereafter fixed by said Board of ter Trustees of said City, together with the aid interest on all sums unpaid_ at such dates; aid provided, that the interest on said bonds shall be paid semi-annually, so that and ' there shall be a payment of in - a d md terest on all Burns then unpaid in each and every half year, one of such semi-annual payments in each year be - I've ing at the date of the payment of the in ,inual Installment of the principal of re- slob inde!Aedness as aforesaid; and pro- Dve �.; further, that said interest shall be �"1- e,v'derce(' by the proper coupons attached At - ld ho*,ds, a separate coupon being in tt"c'taFd to each bond for each semi - the p--yment of the interest to become (Inc.. oii - tch bond.the - a further ordered that the total indebtedness authorized to be created at said election shall be represented by bonds payable in manner aforesaid, and that said bonds shall be issued in such denomination or denominations as the Board of Trustees of said City of Ana- heim shall authorize, and that said bonds shall be known as Municipal Improve- ment Bonds. Section 5. That the manner of holding said special election and of voting thereat for and against incurring said In- debtedness, ndebtedness, shallbe as provided in this ordinance, and that in all particulars not recited herein, such election shall be held as provided by law for holding municipal elections in such municipality. Said elec- tion shall be conducted by the Board of Election, consisting of two inspectors, two judges, two clerks and two ballot clerks, whose duties and powers shall be the same as those of Boards of Election and of such election officers, respectively, under the law governing municipal elec- tions, and in particulars not covered by such law, then under the general election laws of said State. If any of the mem- bers of the said Board hereinafter named fail to attend at the opening of the polls on the morning of said election the elec- tors of the precinct present at that hour may supply the place of any such absent member by appointment, as provided by said general election laws. At said spec- ial election the polls shall be opened at 6 o'clock of the morning of the day of such election and must be kept open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. Section 6. That for the purpose of said special election the said City of Anaheim shall be and the same is now divided into and regularly constituted and established as one election precinct to be known as and designated "Anaheim Municipal Election Precinct," the boundaries of which precinct shall be and hereby are fixed as and at, and eo-extensive with, the exterior boundaries of the said City of Anaheim. In said precinct, to -wit: said City of Anaheim, the polls will be held in the City Hall of said City, in the room there- in known as the chamber of the Board of Trustees of said City, said place be- ing one in which elections have usually been held and being in said precinct. And the said election will be conducted by the inspectors, judges, clerks, and bal- lot clerks, respectively, hereinafter named as follows, to -wit: Inspectors: F. C. Spencer, Max Nebe- lung. Judges: Charles A. Boege, Charles C. Hille. Clerks: Jos. S. Hatfield, Jos. M. Backs, Jr. Ballot Clerks: G. J. Stock, F. C. Rim - pan. Said persons are hereby appointed such officers to conduct such election and con- stitute said Board of Election; and said Board of Election and said officers shall conduct, and are hereby directed to con- duct, said election as by this ordinance and by law provided, and to canvass the votes given and cast at said special elec- tion, and to make and deliver returns th,reof to said Board of Trustees. S=ection 7. The ballot to be used at said special election shall be printed in the following form: MUNICIPAL TICKET. ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS. To vote on a proposition stamp a cross (X) In, the voting square to the right O1 and opposite the answer you desire to give. ALL MARKS EXCEPT THE CROSS (X) ARE FORBIDDEN. ALL DISTINGUISHING MARKS OR ERAS- URES ARE FORBIDDEN AND MAKE THE BALLOT VOID. IF YOU WRONG- LY STAMP, TEAR OR DEFACE THIS BALLOT, return it to the Inspector of election and obtain another, 1. Shall the Cityof An- aheim incur a bonded in- I debtedness of $23,000 to yES pay the cost of improve- ment of, and the con- struction of additions to the City Water Works ana NO distributing system of said City? 2. Shall the Cityof An- aheim incur a bonded in I debtedness of $25,000 to yES pey the cost of improve- ment of, and the con- struction of additions to, NO the City Electric Light Plant and distributing system of said City? 3. Shall the Cityof An- ! , aheim incur a bonded in- YES debtedness of $15,010 to pay the cost of construct- ing a Gas Generating NO Piant and distributing system in said City? 4. Shall the Cityof An- aheim incur a bonded In. debtedness of $3,000 to YES pay the cost of construct- ing concrete cross -walks at the intersections of NO street crossings in said City? 5. Shall theCity of Anaheim iaeur a bonded YES indebtedness of $3,00 to pay the cost of the oiling of the public streets of rl0 said City? Section S. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordi-. nanee and cause the same to be published once, aek for two weeks in the Orange County'laindealer, a newspaper of gen- eral circulation printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim; and published less than six days a week, to - wit: weekly, and shall appear in the fol- lowing issues of said newspaper, to -wit: the issue of Saturday, October 14th, 1905; the issue of Saturday, October 21st, 1905; and the issue of October 28th, 1905. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. I hereby approve the above ordinance this 10th day of October, 1905. (Seal) ' CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing or- dinance was introduced at a regular meet- ing of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 26th day of Sep- tember, 1905, and that it was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 10th day of October, 1905, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Rust, Darling, BerdrOw. Schwenckert, Fletcher. Noes: None. And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees approved and signed said ordinance on said 10th day of October, 1905. EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of the City of Anaheim. sx ORDINMIN NO. An -ordinan^P osllin a ° special elp'ltion iri, the Cit4y. of -Anaheim, rollflty O.f oZ' aneq 5t`lta, Of "aliForrlia, roc tile PllrPosP. of llb— mit ling -to ~ the; qualified voters, of 1 said City sevPral proposi- tions to inmiir a bon Pbt,Pdne€:;,,� to Pay,/ the 'lost of sev- eras; plz>>lim lmzxlimipal improvements in cmd for BRit� 'rit�r the most of ea'lh of which will be too great to be paid out of. the. ordinary, ',annilal inror e and r;ev-3ntie of,%Flid, litY,. , t�Pra,n r i The 0-r Of said `l its f of Anahnirrl did, on the 1?th day of aeptember, 1905, by a vote of Tore than two- thirds off' its members, to -wit' of al" it,'3 Members, dlllr Pas3s3 and a resOlUtion dPterinining that, the D1.1blim interest and publio nerves ity d,emq.ndnd. the a^rplisition, mons3tru-,tion and completion of t 10 follr� Yi11; ?nunimipal ImprovF33aents in and 'o:r SRi(t (:l t,lf of Anaheim, to-7tt 1. T'le improvement of, And. ti18 )nstruotion of additions to, the City Nater Work,3 tinct riistribiitin- system. ►017Pmnnt of, ani. the ^onot ,­t:ton of additiomr- the City El p trim i,i'lllt Plant and distributing Aystem. 3. The cons+ru,-,tion of a rule:'-`LtinZ plant and distributin- 4. ''he ^onstrlxmtioYn of ren^rete mross-i lkss at trlo intor. st-ntimns Of s,,rAe+; mrossings in said it Ir 5. `mrio oiling of the publfir 8treF3t9, of said. pity. And. whereas, the estimated 'lost of said munimi_sal +mrovements is sixty-nine. tllolviR.nd dollars, and sumh lost, :and estiriated 'lost or f' mel 9nd oyery it,r'r1 1J;1l1tion (jr� sn-l'r 'd is anC.l. will .be, too S"rr'nt to "oe pilift out of - the ordinary Minual in'.orne and rr'1lf'Ii1.tr' 'vn�' of 1 3t�1"j�?I1t 7f' trlt> 30 ':i Of `il''' l it".'-lp, t .lp-"'('.of '1.1t`t, till tilr' .1Ci. � x �.iL i e';ll�l-r� -r-o`"f}.�.11tion• 15�Ne),v therefor,,' , thl' F;n`arrl. of Tri i s t F 0f t,ii" ;_7, Yc9{' A JLr'1;'1 r . ord=1.i71 as follows: s sx ORDINMIN NO. An -ordinan^P osllin a ° special elp'ltion iri, the Cit4y. of -Anaheim, rollflty O.f oZ' aneq 5t`lta, Of "aliForrlia, roc tile PllrPosP. of llb— mit ling -to ~ the; qualified voters, of 1 said City sevPral proposi- tions to inmiir a bon Pbt,Pdne€:;,,� to Pay,/ the 'lost of sev- eras; plz>>lim lmzxlimipal improvements in cmd for BRit� 'rit�r the most of ea'lh of which will be too great to be paid out of. the. ordinary, ',annilal inror e and r;ev-3ntie of,%Flid, litY,. , t�Pra,n r i The 0-r Of said `l its f of Anahnirrl did, on the 1?th day of aeptember, 1905, by a vote of Tore than two- thirds off' its members, to -wit' of al" it,'3 Members, dlllr Pas3s3 and a resOlUtion dPterinining that, the D1.1blim interest and publio nerves ity d,emq.ndnd. the a^rplisition, mons3tru-,tion and completion of t 10 follr� Yi11; ?nunimipal ImprovF33aents in and 'o:r SRi(t (:l t,lf of Anaheim, to-7tt 1. T'le improvement of, And. ti18 )nstruotion of additions to, the City Nater Work,3 tinct riistribiitin- system. ►017Pmnnt of, ani. the ^onot ,­t:ton of additiomr- the City El p trim i,i'lllt Plant and distributing Aystem. 3. The cons+ru,-,tion of a rule:'-`LtinZ plant and distributin- 4. ''he ^onstrlxmtioYn of ren^rete mross-i lkss at trlo intor. st-ntimns Of s,,rAe+; mrossings in said it Ir 5. `mrio oiling of the publfir 8treF3t9, of said. pity. And. whereas, the estimated 'lost of said munimi_sal +mrovements is sixty-nine. tllolviR.nd dollars, and sumh lost, :and estiriated 'lost or f' mel 9nd oyery it,r'r1 1J;1l1tion (jr� sn-l'r 'd is anC.l. will .be, too S"rr'nt to "oe pilift out of - the ordinary Minual in'.orne and rr'1lf'Ii1.tr' 'vn�' of 1 3t�1"j�?I1t 7f' trlt> 30 ':i Of `il''' l it".'-lp, t .lp-"'('.of '1.1t`t, till tilr' .1Ci. � x �.iL i e';ll�l-r� -r-o`"f}.�.11tion• 15�Ne),v therefor,,' , thl' F;n`arrl. of Tri i s t F 0f t,ii" ;_7, Yc9{' A JLr'1;'1 r . ord=1.i71 as follows: S-I,tion .1. That a spe^ial election be and the swie is hereby called to be held in the City of Anaheim on t, "S the the day of 1905, to submit, and at whicrl election shall be s;)1blri_i.tte,,d, to t)"te ,l)zalified voters of ;IRR, "',i ty, she f_ollo.gin, Isropositions to in.ur indebtedness by said City, 1. ;TTIe proposition to inr;lzr a bond-ci. indebtedness of tmenty- three thousand doll-ars (`F23101-0..00) :in GOO' "cin of the Unitod StratF's {) ' 1�?rle7'].-q, for t;1H obj not in(! )'lr )r)S8 of j)`ayinv the-,ort of the improvement of, ,and the ^onstruotiono f a(j(tit7;Ims to, the "ity WatRir Works a-rid distributing wystem, The pronositirn jO incur a bonded indebtedness of twenty- five thousand dollars (#25000.00) in Cold "loin of the United Staten of Ame'rina., for t)1e obj ect LInd lmrpose of paying the cost of the, Improvement of, and the constriction of additions to, the City Electric I,i2ht Plant and distributing systom. 3. Tlie pr-)?)osi+.ion to inr;,ir a bonded indr btedness of fifteen thousand dollars ($15000.00) in Gold Coin of the ?Jnite(t of America, for the obj e^,t ani purpose of p.'aying the cost of con- struotinzr a Y,a`4 ginerat.in plant and distributing system. 14A-, Sct�k eA4A/, •t. The proposition to inclxr a bonded indebtedness of three thouc3R. nd dollars (, 3000.00) in Gold "oin of the United states of. Am ri+;a, x"or the obj ect and urliose, of paying the coast of ^,onst.ruct- im; non„,rete cross-walks at the interseitioNof street erdssings in:3"i() j mY P .! r t� t n,r, P i e- tri �,Ss f t'. Pe 5. _:._1 , �):_ rJ"�o9i ,_ ori ,O '? 71 ,�,... ,-, bon(�.e(< .lilt' �) , -�dI"1 ,�.� O_ ..'17" , , tt1cJ'.if3'��1C�. (1 ) L.f �_r�3 ;? 37Q" .�) i) in i()� L �r)in of the Unit t=d ��t.'at,F3�t o:!.' Ameri^? , for the ob j rz^,t, a'ld 1)`_ .rind the Cost of the. oiling } of the ubli” stref-it•3 of s<ai(). "it;. F And Said last anent toned (Tate is hereby fixod as t n, dad;? for hol(x.=i.n,_; said e?1 F;+;ti()n, and the s-,dw, `Iplr'•' a propogitions to incur ,,lt ni!:}.)a.lIndPbteAness- 3'rp IrierF by sublrlitted to sulci vot.(-?2'ii for thei-r- ?t, sa,ir ele nti rail. 3( -f, -tion 2. T11,1 Objelt`3 jyjr.­e os whiih Maid bondedf nm n- I . otiventy-three tholln(i (1.011'�Irs 1 91 IP-OPOtied to ")ra i_1_ is thr. i).Ti)-_rOvp"apnt of, and thn nonstrun.tio'.a ()f pkrl,jiti.OM3 to,, t"rie city 'n,orkf3 -ind of maid 11' t �jr'(� in(ftf1btPdne,'SS, Of. The ObJeIts a -T! b0n,I t,qpyIty_'Piv,e Viollslari,i doll."rr, if3 yroy)osed to 1,I)e inc irr,­d if,, the v en - no t th t of, and til" ,.onstru-ti n o f � Addi 1- J_ I I It 51"11(1 (-jist --,Yitfrq of saidty. I The objelts and purposes for whill' -vaid bonded i)ldebtedness Of fifteen thous.nn do -Irs is -9 p "I I ro� o-p.,(j to be in- irr -d is the -onsturliitlon of a zas tTerleratin-,plant and d_tBtri')11*ti'4Bystem in '71-L,? objwnts ind plur-posos for whill, BRid 1')OnJf3�1 inA() , .1) t p1d. n 01 S S of tr r�P, thousand dollars is 1)rtyposnt to b.- ini,.irr, d is the %.on- ik,3 at vie interse -is of in 'Y-Itrl "Itt!r- 71",(-, objerw.ts and plvr.posra�3 for whin"I qa-Ui_ boaded inJebtedne-8s ,Df tijreq thotsqT1(i doll,.rq is proposp(", to be 'Lwrarreft it -,the oiling of t1if- -p-ibli-I OC Ski( I 'JitY. 3. T1105, P,9ti!-1Rted ",*O -'3t of t,lp irqj)rovpmpnt of, and the o f, 1, . I . 41 1 ,-,onstr1v,,tion - adrlitions tot �,he "ity viter T—)rXia and dlistf-U)Ilt?nim fp,5-3te!ri, hereinbefore r-foarred to, is #j-3000.00; the estillatr-.d 1103t of the i-aprovement Of, and the n01� I f nidi tionn to, the ;,Iity Electric, Li ht PlA)lt 'V1.1 system, hereinbefore referr-ri to, iq 425000.00; the mstimted -,.,oF;t of the construction i)Lqnt and distributinL sy8terq, hereinbeforr, tot is $15000 - -- 00: th''108t 0.7 '"I P., I rl (% 1- "On'. t it- on of ­,onnret.­ to, J, .9 $B000.00; ,39,otion 4. That if t1j(z propogit-ion firstly above, 0-tentioned to ino-lir said i!idebt.'adnt ss in said 3,wi of 1.23000.00t golrt noin aforesqi(i, for V. le objer'­' glad, above mentioliedo ShRl_t bP an-e�pteJ by th,! qll!Rlifif�d voters of spid 'Jity as in thii, orclinamn estilwlterl -1,r),3to of oiliarr the publit! street Of S'Iid" 0-LtY is ,39,otion 4. That if t1j(z propogit-ion firstly above, 0-tentioned to ino-lir said i!idebt.'adnt ss in said 3,wi of 1.23000.00t golrt noin aforesqi(i, for V. le objer'­' glad, above mentioliedo ShRl_t bP an-e�pteJ by th,! qll!Rlifif�d voters of spid 'Jity as in thii, orclinamn and I alir f,*,, ,rovided, then and in,that nRse, bonds of :said t h e.. qmolint of #23o0o.o'o, gol(t -Aoiij as aforesaid, for tha.paymenV of t e 1109-t Of the im-provement of -anti. the (-,On triiation Df*acidic jon&_ C. to :t' "itY -WOrXS, and distributinZ syst-9PI:of sad:; Oicy, 13 liall isSIAe fIS f 0,11OWSp tO—Wit: �,34id bonds shall be ne.g,0tinbj*.An,-f- V- end shall b(,, of 1Ih'I:rRe'.ter knoT.n as seriRls and shall bear the rate Of -interest and be Paid as hereinafter, Provided. Anti if. the Pro.-roosition sw.-,ondly above mentioned to, incvjar, "aid indP310t'd-TIess i)I said SUM Of 425000.00t� as objee-,t and purpoqp. ,-ibov,e menti,)ned, shall ;,) Icept-ed, by, qualifiLmd voters of .9aid (jity, as ,,in thisdilIR or nf, e, 'MId J.,fW Pr?Vided, then and in that Case- i-)OIldS.Of said (,':Lt,.Ir to t1le -'PMMnt--of 425000,. 00 gold, .coin -.as aforesald, for', the payment of,-, the improvement of, and: the oonstrixotion of; R-d(jition ,'tha Cilt74' to—Wit'- said bonds Shall be negotiable in form and F3!1%11,1 tile ,,*haracter known as tiorialeg and rate, of interest and be maid,_ fia hereinafter Provided,,,, And if the ,.proposition. t-Ijirdly Rbove mentioned to ineur,isRid indebtedness. in said sum -of, $15000-00., gold ooin. aw,afornsFAC, for,-. the obj,-pt anr;, pj,jrposP above-mentioned, s)iFtll be acrppted byl.th,*� qJPIifIpd voters Of said OJty,, as in this:,or(iinnnIP and:by-,Iaw: PrQVIdr,d# tlhen,and in that case POnd$�Of ;sRid;(jity;tO:,'Ohe,8twu t-1411111-* of #15000.00,, zold ^join as Afor,sfiRid* for thepaymentof Of -the. oonstramtion of -a gRs,,,generatIng plank ;md, -di system in sqir-1, oity* sliqll issue 33 follows, to—,vit, saki shall be. in -fo--r7q and c,;'iqll of the Rr r serials, anti shall .bea..r Vle.Tate of interest :and be paid as, h#srre- in,ifter provi(jed,., And., if the proposition. fourthly nPovejiention,,)d to,, jrww-ir, j$aICr indebtedness in�tkm-SRV 81MI of $3000-001, gold n-oin as I I I ­' I . for, the ObjeIt a.'M 'w above, I e'pti all be anr*`j*tf: M Oned, shall in _�d the qitaliftwed voters'of said City, as in this ordinanr3e, provided, then and in, th=at ri-il.e bonds of said ,":Lty to tile snoi,,nt of W00.00, gold loin as for the payment of tho 1,08t Of the -,on-Arlif-Ition of ,,onn.rete It the intersections Of street Irossin.7s in Said City, shill if.381101 RI follov,18, to --pit: said bonds sh=a11 be negotiable in form and shall be of the character klnolrrn as serials, 'Ind 9,11-111 bpq-r the rate Of interest and be paid as hereinafter provided ATid if t,jr, Troy p po�Ation fifthl'Y q mentioned to incrir said indebtedness in Said sui-il of 43000-00, gole ooin as aforesaid, for the obje,,.t and mir-pose above mentioned, shall be aooeDted by the qualiPind voters of said City, as in this ordinpknip ',IrO- by law pro- vided, then and in that ,,asz i-)onds of. said City to the amount of 13000. o0, -old. .-lo-in fis3 aforesaid, for the payment of the Cost Of oiling the publii Streets of said city, shall JBSIIPas f')110','IR9 to -wit: said bands 911,111 1) e negotiable in form incl Shall be of the lie rate Of charaoter known -s i-riR199 'inc WiRll bear the be paid as hereinafter provided. Tile bonds authorizod to 10P i.9,,iind purmiRnt to said elnrlti011 shall near intergst fr(.xa their issuance until paid at the, rat(& of five ( 5) per ­Ientiun per qnnLm, pq'.,,rar)lf2,, and the, prinii,pal and Inter-st of said bonds shall be, payable in Gold Coin of the United Stat,19 of Ajaerj-.a in the manner following, that is to say., ong--fortieth -)art of the ihole amount of the principal of said indebt,�dness created under one or more of the Said five propositions Shall be paid Pa, -,h and every Year at the City Treasury of said City of Anaheim on a day and date to be hereafter fixed by said Board of TrllsteeS of said city, together with tiie interest on all ,3iuqs unpaid j,t siv-,h dates: providedt that the inter -.Bt on said bonds shall be Paid Se L payment ent of int(-1r(-r't .1-,U�jlly, 90 that therA, SIV41' De a Pa'.% on all sums then uppRid in. e4n.1i and every half, year, one, of sunh the -'r),,,rIYi.-,nts An --aril year beim at tile, date of payment of the annual inst allraent 0-f tAIIA, prin,,,ipf:tl of su-'h indebtedness as afoTesqid; and provided further, that said interest shall be evi- de,nrifl,d bl.r tilm PrOPI-,r 1011pons attached. to Said bonds, a Separate coupon being att.arh,'•d to.each bond dor Paoli flew ii -annual payment of. , the,, interest to become due on stlah bond. Ancl it I is .further ordered- that the •total indebtedness authors - zed to be created at said election shall be r_ oprPsent ad by bonds, pay#b,1 ,, in, r, for.eaa and t4i4t, aaid bo .8 shall, be issu(X in silnh (Ienoxtin-ation� or cl.onominationss as the, Board of Trustees of saki.. lity of: Anaheim shall authorize, and that said bonds shell be known as Municipal Improvement Bonds. Section. 5., That the manner of holding said especial election and, of voting t4er:e:.,4t for and against inoi rriri�; :said indebtOdness, shall be as3.providerl in this ordin7noe, and that in all particulars not recited herein,,, sash election shall be, held as provided by lavr for holdin" munioipptl ele^tions3 in, ,�uoh munioipality. Said election shall be eonduct.ed ley the Board ,;qf. Elentiori, nonsistingr of two inorteotorsst two mxnxkx judges, two clerks., and two ballot rl erkss, whose duties and powers shall be, the snirae as those of noardB of 11#;ation and of such election. offioerls, respectively, under. the `:, governing municipal eleo;tions, and .int: partsoulars ..not,, covered, rt by, ssu,%,h, law, then under the; .Tesneral election lave of said State. If any of the members of the said Board hereinafter :tined fail to attend. :�t the opening off', the polls on the morning of said election the elector3 of the preninitt hour mi 1 prefiPnt at that may I pp it the p1aoe of any suoh absent member by appointment, as provided by sail. eneTgl ele^,tion 14^79. At said s3peoial eleition the polls shall be opened at 6 o' ola^k ok the riorninZ of the d a -y of svillh elestioh ani. �Iglisst be kept ooPn until 5 o' ^lock in the afternoon of the same day ,q)lAn t'rie polls 131t all be closed Spn,tion 6. That for the purpos3o of said special el ec ion tho said 'lity of Ana zein shall bP and the sane is no,; divided into and regularly ^onsstitut.ed and o3sta-):U>3hzd acs one eleotion preoinet to sass be knovnN1-;nct designgted "Anaheim Municipal Election Precinct," the boundaries of hi(7h prenim,lt sh=s11 be and hereby are fixed as and r at, and o -extensive with, the exterior bmindariPs of the said. ",iter of Anaheim. in said. preninct, to -wit: said lity of Anaheirl, the polls will be held in the '"ity Hall of said"ity, in the roots therein known as the ohamber of the Board of Trustees of said City, said place beim one in lvhioh eleotions have usually been held and being in said preoinot, . And the said election will be oonduoted by the ins_ e.otors, judges, clerks, and. ballot clerks, respectively, hereinafter named as follows, to-qit: Enopen,,tors: cJ�/�• Judges: a. ry 1 frit :d�' •C� — .-CSC . -.3 Ballot "lerks: S-eid persong are her#aby appointed such officers to conduct su-1h F'Iection and ionstitute said Boars of F1eat-ton; an( said Board of Flection and said offiiers shall corkltiot, and are hereby directed to condlait, said elm.^..tion as by this ordinanne and by law provided, and to canvass the votes given and cast at said speeial election, and to make and deliver returas3 thereof to said Board. of Trustees. Section 7. The ballot to bA 1113ed at said special election shall be ,printed in the _following form: VA T, W7 N 11 TPA Av UIRIIM �MTJEl I 11-1-PAT2 P.7.11a'! ON I -T11 J, T11STRUITIONS `0 ar 0 o n q t ria) n, r J.: t7 v,, r AT MARKS EX11'�'PT THE "PR03,3 (X) ARE, A".v;i DIST IN GIJ I SX -11 -LEN G :ARKS Irr"I"q T T' A: 413 y 31' i,"A3 4RE H11 LiLOT , P MAKE T"�',AR Or 0i,"f"VE ZHIS i)7^- )r a 1)ondzi Or t + tot the ty *I'l 2tsaftd Cit'V? 2. Shall the 7ity of Anahn:Lm incur a. bonded oq to debt pay tkin, lost reT rov ..s3t'rrlltirri of qd th mt qL'n:i Aist... By S t em. aat t y 3. Shlr!13. '1`11vi lity in,.n'r %k bonded inrl,­btr.ldne-3s of $1500().00 to pqy the -lost Of Pit -Int, n.nd ci_Jstri— b�itin- sirstem in9,qiA ljit'.v? 11. tr-! 4. S'iq .1 "ity Of Anaheirainour a bo'., -id indpbtedrv?s.-, of A3000.00 t PaY the 'toast Of ionirete iro,3s-ialks at the inter- sect? ons of street iroa.9in--s in sqidt -j*ity? r All.fill'ill innivr a bond_. -1 (! Vie 3 0.'� , -r�,- of -, ,5t_ le S !7pj:L ye.0 Yed ri t t 3. 171 1 1 0-C Of A-_q-qAeiIa,, =in, -t Itisr, Man Six dq7s a �.rv,)ek, ,o -mit: T e "'K I Of to --it* t1l" iss'I'a Of 9RtII7rd-9Y, Or,toobe'r l4th, 145, 'MM thiissu� of 0�- 0-tow ?l 5" t , 14 0, -I v 1905 IZ Pq V's�- 3,:ition 9 Thin, ordinanne 911911 tRkP Pffem j7ij -orryA from qpprol ni it approve the above, ordian 1s vy of motif t 11 p f3i;� tar tri t C%1^t1iI'allicB wag in at aIa2, )yi­,�,tingr of the Q. -1 7 Of T!"Ic>tPes of the Cit;, Of AM- heim helcx on the 26th day of SeT ptembfm ro 1905, V,,at it irmr, duly anl. TiOPt-Id at a Meetin!- of said Board of Trutitees held on the. 10th day Of Orl,"Loobert 19059 by the fol -lowing vote". Alyem: Trustees _00 64JII�.o - 13 c,,Ld� _,, Aa� Noes: And I fl-arther ^e'rtify that the Pre8iripnt of Said Board of Trustees approved and signed said ordian-lp on Said lotil of October, 1905. Clerk of the lity of Anaheim. It anri ITI'331? +'1133 '3-11#1 to Pliblishpd ol-me a weft.k foi� titro 0-C Of A-_q-qAeiIa,, =in, -t Itisr, Man Six dq7s a �.rv,)ek, ,o -mit: T e "'K I Of to --it* t1l" iss'I'a Of 9RtII7rd-9Y, Or,toobe'r l4th, 145, 'MM thiissu� of 0�- 0-tow ?l 5" t , 14 0, -I v 1905 IZ Pq V's�- 3,:ition 9 Thin, ordinanne 911911 tRkP Pffem j7ij -orryA from qpprol ni it approve the above, ordian 1s vy of motif t 11 p f3i;� tar tri t C%1^t1iI'allicB wag in at aIa2, )yi­,�,tingr of the Q. -1 7 Of T!"Ic>tPes of the Cit;, Of AM- heim helcx on the 26th day of SeT ptembfm ro 1905, V,,at it irmr, duly anl. TiOPt-Id at a Meetin!- of said Board of Trutitees held on the. 10th day Of Orl,"Loobert 19059 by the fol -lowing vote". Alyem: Trustees _00 64JII�.o - 13 c,,Ld� _,, Aa� Noes: And I fl-arther ^e'rtify that the Pre8iripnt of Said Board of Trustees approved and signed said ordian-lp on Said lotil of October, 1905. Clerk of the lity of Anaheim. It