176IN THE of the y of Ora State of California, ss. County of Orange COURT of California. being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the Unite States, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the Of Lich the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ltd.. Q 1-7\�...�e _commencing on the)/141% day of 190.4 and ending on the day o 190..1 both days inclusive, and as often du ' said time as id news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: Subscribed and sworn to //before me this day of Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ranting to the Anaheim n ordinance g and Its assignsa�d forgha Gas Come _t and lay down, . to construet ears to maa�at uncle period of fifty Y operate, a p1P0 Iine along certain streets and alleys in the City of herein designated, 'and dand k Ana sald, term to conduct, carry Ing either natural fO m heat; transmit tP`oudh, the same, factured, Pur oses onl together with and power P p ,'incident rights. certain appurtenant an f` the City Of The Board of Trustees Anaheim do roti t s the right, Privilege and .POoq 191 3o epuoq elgnlQe3Ep ie gq7 al esoa patriot eq P[twgs oolzoy, IS pne.euaz.. V `Paaeagdsaa #res$ o►eq all do ae4n1P SAWS eqa plow 'pa3eatld'np eq -jou. asnDu tpYAOX "'S' s SuEIsru 1&"Paniq 890.13 eqL 011vindod ntEEeizre eats anq ,ea.ig eaoadq ise,iEgare IOUe.is gq.Wnoaoq ae god e[c e7deasr e$eM agg7 'irea re.m trne,» x ORDINANCE NO. 176. An ordinance granting to the Anaheim Cas Company and its assigns the right to construct and lay down, and for a period of fifty years to maintain and operate, a pipe line along and under certain streets and alleys in the City of Anaheim, herein designated. and ciw- ing said term to conduct, carry and transmit gas, either natural or m.an•j- f_ctured, through the same, for heat and power purposes only, together with certain appurtenant and incident rights. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right, privilege and franchise is hereby granted to the Ana- heim Cas Company and its assigns, to construct and lay down, and for the period of fifty years to maintain and operate, a pipe line for the purpose of conveying natural or manufactured gas to -__- te�_ used for heat and power purposes along the route and under the streets and alleys in said City of Anaheim de- scribed as follows, to -wit: All the streets and alleys within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except along and under the streets and alleys described irl that certain Ordinance No. 167 of said city, which said excepted streets and al- leys are described as follows, to -wit: Sit- uate in .said City of Anaheim and begin- ning at the intersection of Lemon street with Santa Ana street; thence north on Lemon street to Adele street: east on Broadway from Lemon street to Olive street; east on Adele street from Lemon street to Olive street; west on Center street from Lemon street to Palm street; north on Philadelphia street from Broad- way to the Southern alleys in blocks "B' and "C" of Center tract, and on all alleys and cross streets in the territory em- braced in the line of streets above de- scribed. Together with the right to prop- erly connect and operate said pipe line and to deliver gas to consumers during said period of fifty years, and to carr',. con- duct and transmit natural or manufact- ured gas through and by means of said pipe -line, for heat and power purposes only, and not for illuminating purposes, together with the right to construct and maintain al such traps, manholes, drips, appliances and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of safely and efficiently operating and maintaining said pipe line and supplying gas to consumers for the purposes aforesaid, or to any building or buildings fronting or abutting upon any of the said streets or alleys; provided, that said pipe line shall be con- structed and at all times operated and maintained, and said right, privilege anu franchise is hereby granted and shall be at all times exercised and enjoyed in ac- cordance with and subject to each and every of the terms and conditions in this ordinance. Sec. 2. That the said pipe line shall consist of one main line laid parallel with the streets or alleys, and such other lines of pipe as may be necessary to connect with pipes on proRerty of consumers. That the largest mann pipe to be laid or maintained under this' franchise shall not be more than six inches in ulameter. Said pipe shall be of iron or steel and shall be of sufficient strength to withstand a pres- sure of not less than four hundred pounds to the square inch, and shall be laid with air -tight joints or sleeves, so as to pre, vent escape of gas. Sec. 3. That said pipe line shall be laid at all points not less than eighteen inches below the established grade of the street or alley under which said pipe is laid and shall be so laid as not to interfere with any water pipes laid at the time of laying said gas nipes. All excavations for lay- ing, moving or repairing said pipe line shall be done in such manner as not to interfere with the free use of the street by the public, except such temporary in- terference as may be necessarily incident to the proper prosecution of said work. All excavations shall be made and refilled in compliance with the instructions and to the satisfaction of the superintendent of .5treets of said city, and in conformity with the provisions of the ordinances of said city which may be in force at the time of the performance of said work, and the grantees of this franchise, nr their assigns, shot' comply with all ordi- nances from time to time enacted by the Board of Trustees of said city in refereacc to persons making excavations in the streets of said city, for the pnruose of irsiring the restoration of all streets to a good and perfect condition along said ex- cavations. Sec. 4. That the grantee of t'.,Is fran- cl_is^. or its assibrs sh_ ll linve the right to air_stroct manholes or traps along the Fne of said pipe at such intervals as is best saiteo to the purpose of affording access to said pipe for cleaning or main- t:ining dr;rs, s_id tra.-s or _nanholes to he so upped ,ad covered as to be flush with the street or alley and ;-lot to inter- fere in any way with the use of said street or alley for travel or traffic. See, 5. That in the event of a change of grade, the laying of any sewer, or the making of any other improvements by the said city in any of the streets or alle s along and under which Said pipe' may be laid shall in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of said city render necessary nay change in the position of said pipe, the grantee or its assigns shall, upon ten days' written notice from said Board of Trustees, immediately shift or move the same at his or their own cost and expense. Sec. 6. That the work of constructing and laying down said pipe line shall be commenced in good faitn within not more than four months from the date of the granting of this franchise, and shall be continuously prosecuted thereafter in good faith and shall be completed within riot more than three years thereafter; and if said work be not so commenced, prosecuted and completed within the time and in the manner specified, this fran- chise shall be declared forfeited. Sec. 7. That the said grantee and its assigns shall, during the life of this fnn- chfse, pay to the city of Anaheim, in law- ful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantee and its assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of this fran- chise; provided, no percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of this ordinance, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable annual- ly, and in the event such payment is not made this franchise shall be forfeited. The amount of the gross annual receipts of the grantee of this franchise, and its assigns, arising from its use, operation or possession, shall be deemed and under- stood to be, and shall be, the total gross earnings collected or received or in any manner gained by the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, from the use of said pipe line on account of the carriage or transmission of gas through the same in and under the streets or alleys of said city of Anaheim, and it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, or its as- signs, to file with the City Clerk of the city of Anaheim, at the expiration of six years from the date of.. the granting of this franchise, and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a state- ment made by the grantee, its assigns, or its manager or presiding officer, and verified by trie oath of the person making the same, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected or received or in any manner gained or derived by the said grantee or its assigns during the preceding twelve months from the use of said pipe line and from or on account of the carriage or transmission of gas through the same, and within thirty days after the time for filing the aforesaid statement it shall be the duty 6f the grantee or its assigns to pay to the City Treasurer of said city of Anaheim the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or pos- session of this franchise, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Sec. 8. That the said grantee and its assigns shall be liable for any damage to person or property caused by or in the eo<<struetion or maintaining of said gas pl-ant, or laying said pipe line or fines, and shall hold said city of Anaheim harm- ;ess from any and all damage to persons or property occasioned thereby. Sec. 9. That if, at any time after the co:nuletlon of said gas plant, said gran- tee or its assigns shall for as period of sig_ months fail to maintain said plant and operate the sane in good faith, then and in that case this franchise shall be forfeited. .e.c. 10. That the price for gas to be charged by the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, to consumers shall not at ai;y time exceed one dollar and seventy- five crests per thousand cubic feet; and provided further, that when the consump- tion of gas so furnished to consumers by the grantee of this franchise or its as- signs, shall reach 40,000 cubic feet per d y, the pri•.-;e thereof to consumers stiali not exceed one dollar and fifty cents per one thousand cubic feet. Sec. 11. .,at the grantee of this fran- chise and its assigns, shall not furnish or sell gas under this franchise to con- Suniers for illuminating purposes, nor r,ermit or allow such consumers to use s ie;i gas for illuminating purposes, and if said grantee or its assigns, permit or Flow such use of said gas by consum- ers, this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 12. That this franchise shall not be deemed an exclusive franchise, nor, as an exclusive grant of the rights herein contained; and the Board of Trustees of said city of Anaheim hereby reserve the right to grant such other gas franchise as theymay deem necessary for the best interests of the said city. 2ec. 13. That within ten days after the passage of this orainance said grantee shall file with the City Clerk of said city of Anaheiur a written acceptance thereof and agreement to comply with the terms, conditions and requirements thereof. Sec. 14. That any neglect, failure of refusal to comply with any of the condi- tions onditions of this franchise shall thereupon, after thirty days notice of the said neg- lect or failure from the Board of Trustee, of said city of Anaheim, effect a forfeit- ure thereof, and the said city, by its Board of Trustees, may thereupon de- clare this franchise forfeited and may exclude said grantee and its assigns from further use of the streets or alleys of said city under this franchise, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall re- main null and void and of no effect. Sec. 15. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Orange County Plaindealer, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circu- lated in said city of Anaheim. and there- upon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. (Seal) CHAS. OTTO RUST, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordi- nance introduced at a the Board ofTrussteesof the City of Ana- heim, held on the 9th day of Januar-, 1906, and that it was duly passed at a regular meeting of said Board of Trus- tees held on the 23d da- of January. 1906, by the following vote: gerd- Ayes: Trustees Rust, Darling, row, Schwenckert, Fletcher. Noes: None. I further certify that the President of said Board of Trustees signed said ordi- nance on said 23d day of January. 1906. EDWARD B. MERRITT, Clerk of said City of Anaheim. 27Janit ORDINAN"P, No, 011 An or(linvinie (Y-qntin,, to the Anqheim Qas lompany and its assigns the rierlit to jonrtrjjr,,t and lay dwvn--;­ and for a period of fifty years to maintain and operate, a pipe line Tong and under nPrtnin streets ani alleys in the lity of Ann-hPAm,' herein designated, and during sai(l tervi to iondu-,t t -,arry' and . transmit gas, either natural or- Marm-rqntured, throum the same, for heat s purposeonly, 'Vit'll "'ert n appurtenant and, in,-ident rights, '11h,- 'Roqrrl of 7,1 r 1. 1 s t F11,9s o- t, h e, 3 1 of, All,?.hein (30 oropin -Cl f 0 11 0IFf .9 Seition 1. That the right, p-rivileyp =and franchise id hereby zTqrted to the Annhoira Gas ';ompany and its assigns, to nonst-rrnin.t and lqlr down, I Rrid for the period of f if ty years to maintain and R _T)i,,o--, line for. the -purpose of ionveyin!., natural or manu- 4 ;;as to be used for heat and power: pi posers along the. route .And unripr the fAreets3 and. alleys, in said ty of Anaheim ciewn.ribpd as follows, to- fit* all the street–s'-anct alleys witnin the c6r-.-, porate limits of the City of Anaheim, except along and under the streets and alleys in that certain Ordinance ``fro.' -of said` city, which said excepted� - streets and alleys are descTibed as fol- lows, to -wit: Situate in said City of Ana - beim and beginning at the intersection of Lemon street with Santa Ana street; thence north on Lemon street to Adele street; east on Broadway from Lemon, street to Olive street; east on Adele street from Lemon street to Olive street; west ,on Center street from Lemon street to Palm street; north on Philadelphia street fromBroadway to the Southern' alleys In blocks "B" and "C" of Center tract, and on all alleys and cross streets in the territory embraced in the line of streets above described. Together with the right to properly connect and operate said pipe- line and to deliver gas toconsumers dur- ing said period of fifty years, and to carry, conduct and transmit natural of .manufactured gas through and by means of said pipe -line, for heat And powerl purposes only, and. not for illuminatinr., purposes, together With the, o right to constrijbt and main- tain all such traps, manholes, drips, applian. ces,and- attachments as may be necessary for the P1117POSe of safely and efficiently operat- Ing and maintaining said p line and sup - 998 to 'consumers pipe the pit ses Md, or to any building & balridwino, PDriting or QlMtting. tra4ut-of tj*- said Arpets or aHeya;_provj4e that said Hina I i. its may be ghall be of flieleut atftAgMW Withsaia'd—a ISressure of not less thanur hundred IV square inch, shall 1*64ild With air-dilliints or sleeves, was to pre -o Vent escape 10 1� gas. That said pipeline Shall be held - at street by the gnat Interference as me the proper prosect cavations shall ben ance with the fnsf tion of the s.rril city,.aud in confor: th+e ordinances oft force at the time o work, and the gra their assigns, shall from time to tittle trustees of said,o: making excavatio, for the purpose of all streets to a gc along said excavat That ch or sign sit strue holes or pipe at such inter purpose,hf affords . !,tt}e+tuite�;pr mt fish with he st e fere in any way wi `alley for travel or t Sec. 5. That In grade, the laying c of any other impro any of the streets which said pipe opinion of the Bos render necessary; of said pipe, the shall, upon ten dal Board of Trustees, the same at his or See. 6 That tht laying down said I ed in good faith months from the d franchise, and sh cuted thereafter it completed within I thereafter; and if menced, prosecute gime and in the in chise shall be dedli See. V That.the signs shall, durink pay to the City of i of the United State annual receipts of signs, arising ezatlon or ovidedo no p orr the first fiyr date of this ordina OeA4W sbrlt be pt event such 'payym.it I be forfeit or alleys of sa beuty of or sX the a ty of At gars from t franchise, am every year th the gmatoer* I or presiding o Of the person total gross rec ed or receivec rived by the s ing the precee of said pipe 1 the carriage c the same, and for filing the the duty of.,the to the City ' 'heim the agg aheirn persout ger' 9, r - ."u 4uuir god fait] ise she See, 10. by the gr signs, toe ceed ones sand cub] when the - Ocu. ,. , ..o,., franchise and furnish or jell, gee consumers for nor permit or a"Ifia such gsfor grantee or t use of said ggsa by t shall be- jarfeited.': See. 12 That thli deemed an exciasl44 elusive grant of the and the Board of Tru helm hereby reserve other gas franchise nary for the best into at i Of, such tdr iarlly int id work. 3filled in d to the ty which May be in performance of said if this franchise, or r with all ordinances ed by the Board- of reference to persons ,e streets of s Welty. g the restoration of perfect condition dkof this franchise, re the right to con - acing the line of said is best suited to the ass to said pipe for dri2>e. Ila - or ttffdd co#6V iW Ley and not to inter- tlee of said street or rant of a change of Mer, or the making is by the said city in ya along and under e laid shall in the "_rustees of said city Age in t position e� or assigns Bn notice slain lately shift or move Wn cost and 'expense. of constructing and 3 shall be commene- 'not more than four ;he granting of this oontinuously prose - faith and shall be re than three years York be not so com- .ompletdd within the specified, thiL fran- til be deemed and ,e, the total gross A or in any man - A this franchise, e of said pipe line r transmission of unaer the streets elm,. and it shall of this franchise, .he City Clerk of expiration of six granting of this Eton. of -eseh, and ternoWl made by use of said percentage ross annual .,receipts eration or possession tea and -cow1ptited in provided. sntee# and as- z.Fate the,®ams in ts,case this fran- k for gas to bee j ged ;amhise, or tlt�l� as- ['ftC4 at anytime ea- dydivecentsgpeerthou- dvided further, that fso in nial;ed to of this franchise or 000 cubic feet per tet:- . consumers shall td fifty cents per one- ..,glranteel!• - lois assign$, $hail not ler this franchise to VVy�ibaling purposes,, consumers to' use gpurposes, and if said permct or allow such amerb, this 'franchise tnriizise shall not be inohlae, nor- as anex., ata. herein contained; 9 of saideity of Ana - dight to grant such hey may deem neces Wof the said city. - __ effent . Sec. 13. That within ten days after the passw age of this ordinance said grantee shall file with the City Clerk of said city of Anaheim ar written acceptance thereof and agreement to comply with the terms, conditions and require- ments thereof. sec 14. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of this franchise shad thereupon, after thirty days notice of the said negkeet or failure from Me Board of Trustees o€s&td city of Anaheim, effeet a forfeltare4ereed."and the said city, by it&'Board of iru&fees, ply thereupon declare this franchiaPe f it'd ,e1td may exclude said granteel�and 1� ass s from further use of the atreets o 4 ley& id city under this franchise and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null and void and of no effect. Sec. 15, The fifty Cle4shall eelfy to the paass re Qt otdinlinoe-ands ebal#,*&Rae the to '7P ` lb I if -3, h,,rt OIl,"P I!, t,ilp r9n.;r, ~o'llnter P!aindlea1 f'r 1F'�VBf�?YJF'Y' ?�YiIIt?��, )?lhlihec `�nri 'irrtll`ited 1n r,q.7(I (%-itJ of ?n,j tll„ry`lfter it, f3hpli be In full for: .-,1' `i71(� Prouid ent, Of the BO"Ird Of Trustees Of t�1�, 7itY Of A1:911F'llri. I hereby le-tify thc!lt ti1P fore �:ink O`r(L171 I2^,F? 'r�S int?_od1lfl 9t `a rneetin�r Of the DOa-rr! 0” T-r"t,A Ps Of the "1.t;,r Of Arlq,heiJl, held 07: the !1q Y 0f' J q- Illi.. ,.r � 19�r3, -,,nc!. bast it IVIF; dill -IT r# Y'F'"t_ll`Ir i?1F'F?t:l%1� -r r f `-11,stee,3 fes_ the 2-3� , o : ,� � i l ?3 o a. _ ��. o , , � 71 , ld. o n h , of the fe.11owinl , vote: NnPs �. rF�r1;L-. til"t t?1F• Ur'S1ci'Yl'f Of S?1 O�I'(� of !'Ili.s,s`r?f?;3 SI ;r?!t Ski(` O�'ri.L11`?I1 P, O!^i ,1?]' 3 (.� f f�f L �►, ,_� 1906. Ilerk Of f ti .';i t1r Of 4-YIPIi ?i Me