179.......... .............. ....... 10- o .............. State of California, SS. County of Orange being first duly sworn, deposes and says: at at all times hereinafter mentioned ...he was a citizen of the United St tes, over the age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said county, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published weekly in the city of Anaheim, in said County of Orange,'State of California; that said Orange County Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said city of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the 19 of w ich the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at leastp9>OJ }_ commencing on theme "fin day of �ph� .. k 190 and ending on the __ y r� day of tin !V1 , 190.L.� both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said news- paper was regularly issued. That the dates on which said publication was made were as follows: N�N A 0 n- �, r _ 12 1 — Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 7���ti 190.x+ Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO. 179. An ordinance fixing he fire limits of the City of Anaheim; Vroviding for the kind of buildings to be erected therein; prescribing regulations for the moving of buildings, and requiring plumbing in buildings to be tested. The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section l: That the following described portion of the City of Analieim is hereby declared to be the fire limits of;said city, to -wit: Commencing at the point of Intersec- tion of the center N„a ..,r .e same direction tion -of .the cena south line of-( 17 erly and paral the point of 9 g dine of Clive str the center line distant one hon street to the intersection :of thecentel line of Hermine street;'thence northerly along the center line of Hermine street to the point of intersectionofthe center line of Hermine street and Chartres street; thence westerly along the center line Of Chartres street to the point of in- tersection of the center -lines of Chartres and' Cle_nentine street thence southerly Ji along the center lisle 01 Clementine street to the point of beginning. Sec, 2. All buildings, alterations or en- largement of buildings, hereafter erected or constructed within said fire limits, shall -be made or constructed of brick, stone, or such other material as may be deemed fire -proof by said Board of Trus- tees, provided, however, that said. Board of y Trustees may, in their discretion. on: ill - frame or corrugated iron cuthousese situ- ated within said fire limit>3, Sec. 3. :Before 1 of any building iLeu n to Cityyof AVheim the owner, architect or builder shalt filf c,lth the City Clerk of said city an-appli• cation to do the proposed work, using I blanks therefor to; be furnished =by, saic City Clerk. Such application shall give the location 'of the proposed building, al. teration or enlargement, general dim11- Bions, name of owner, estimate of the cost, for what purpose the building is de- signed, kind of material to be used ` in construction, and shall contain suchother information as required by the form, of application in use. Said Board of Trus- tees shall pass on said application, and if they shall so order, a permit to -do the proposed work shalt be issued by said Clerk upon the payment by the applicant of a fee -of ten cents on each one hun- dred dollars or fraction thereof of -valua- tion 'of the improvement for which such Permit is granted. Sec. 4. No wooden building shall be moved into said filimits. No wooden building now situatree within said fire lim- its shall be removed from itN present o: " cation until a permit therefor is granted by said Board of. Trustees, who mayn their discretiop, grant or refuse such p'Jn mit. of Scity Anaheim, outsiidesaid fire l building osituate aliimits, shall be removed through, across or along any of the public streets oitafleys g% aaid city until a permit a a, y wo ulen Toil nn� iu Ho with the II if the ""a 't�oi�.. 1 trutl llt< Ci c", `t.'U uit, ❑ on 1 ec•ci 1 1 1 rah? h nn t t }lc t tiedby the $o Tt{{! ti l1.11 sh 11 in t o �. -" be v illus a tt<til d.tl � l.:lt x d dtu e d "vii' for wbj is : - sued; 'rd t1 1bala 11de it, if aly, 1. 111 be tvtUr tposrtor Plc 1 ided 1168 e14f, in;' herein crn tame"[ shall 1Rep ptcrent the city of Artabl>i'in 'I _trig n I,, 'mil p, lcoedjn> s, . S3 S to \ he 1 stliPed qS $f+.fie cess of the SUrn so lippbsitt)W-A Sec. 7. TC shnll be giro (Iat htildi s: ally lits o. Anaheim, whit'. ts,!pi 12�as, se«Fr o i Iter plpe%," lame Ofl- ially t .s ed .tit• I t e l dumbing before Such! pi �sed or col c 'ed up . Tllt1;% 1)iro s 1111 con it i in filling thl con..prcaed al., it jetted wttl X11 rise ilial r„nst indicate -% pP east nine pounds and, rornall for n lees 01 :111 two TrourW s.-,vc Plpe stall coosisC- 111 same.-:ith zvattlr trail It i"its to 1:he top of the stack or venl sure to continuo until all sr lhlnilnl cat bo c.,a-nined fa ce'L for -, 1 ,-t pipe sh pipe snail rainain t a btidrttulic pressure or to the square irtclt, -%U to 1.o mairnt,tined for f1fte+ 'the tests required by thea i he m ulc by same Competent- tppolnt'd by the Board of I 1a.1 f- his compensad0, t h.nlc for the time adtu,L1gi making, s it'll tests. 81-16h :lnd Lill oilier eNpenses >hix tc is shall be paid 1) the"Ya n,i!dtl unless tide contra t,; lug provides that such ..M borne by the contractor Sec S. Any building qtr, �:batsoever nature, eonAl erecicd, placed or m®ledt 9 limits designated to SectiY4111`' aina uc coni dry- to to ordioince, is 1 ereby ci11 lie nnts:.nee, and shabe.i moved or abated. Sec. 9. Anv person l)ei" corporation w°ho shall vtdlat refuse to comply with 'MY -:isious of this ordinu4n Co lZuilty of a misdcmcanolt;� N tirn t1 creof sball be fillOd ten dollars nor More tht dn111rs. or he imprisoned. hi Of stud cit;v rot less thoti I mol c. it an fifty days, or be, smd 'I'd . And etCet"1 which any building erected lamed or m^.cd th0 provsiona of this ordinO n uch condition, and reef any ut)ation of this b t.inne shall he considered -A ft new offer e, avid pun'ts#A sectitn. prodded. St"'. 10. ,]1 orciimillees din 1 ices in c onttict FithZd9 of tills ord,t ince aro herEb gee 11. The city Clerk 0 the p sa 'c of this ord an e the s me. to h, jet (n tasty E hollift newt ti<r ee ,easela,l C7M ntY9 u' hs ca told circtti.`ttq;? Anali et m., and t11 rarupo it sho11 take effect dtnui' (Seal.) t" CI i .y 5, C1T'�C president of the Solirdli C 1 y of Atahcim I hereby certify din n c w. ,atroded, to Bmt: d of Trustees o .til Trim helr_I (,,it the 27th s1 5 9 t, and that it was lci4t ndcuted nt a regular e Board of Trilsitees l2Eld d the fdl iYR13 T'letcher. Nor s: Nolte. d I fur he, eertlfY Eft of "'d d I W and of t 1*1- d� din.ulce on the 1'-th (Torii of. the Cl the n: r - de - the .nth - ^d to to:- nZ,gv s rut. w iti11 the, e to 1- v:ts' nnn p of at rnary, til `1' h tha Ince tlnd ti 5711 tutee to b Ch'W of til^ C' t,:hr,ild G 'stihll b, :wood On `tie fir ©f tilts or f thi pub t'd:'tiely re qfirm o t*Iect c 5f th" pro k,bqr feemc X073 Cottvic les.; tha ase itndre 11112 'oty 7a ve 'daa s nc Oth so fide daY , dorm altered, ei 1.. oi.,any ce coptinul day-duril mmhce en, oonstitutit ,Yn til part$` of n E pi[Qvlst6: repeated. all' Celtify ci sh: WOMsprce week ftt3tk.itPrin t e aik�L,, City C x renft tE for' RS7�R', of t ing c ' ting `ieitrua.if Ar of•� pOsfed a n� • of s. - Jamie clay ing, �3erclrc i ��rcaidl "said i'icYt, 1! MRRI i T, 7... taf,'A. n : h c An ordinainie fixing, the firs- lirlits Of the City of Anaheim; providing for the Mind of ili.?d.ingr to be Prected. therein; pr.e— scr.Lbing. re ulgtions for t.h movie o. ' bt.tlldiri�;s,,y and z�er uirin; p11 mlai?:u in builds to 7e tested. The Board of Trust( -,Ps of the of Anaheiin do ordain as fol lows: Seition 1, That the following de cribed-portion of the City of Anaheim is hereby declared to be the fire lii-lit$ of said CitIr, to—wit: ,,,,omClenc,ing at the point of intersection of the center line, of. Clementine Street, and I:hestnut Street, thence along the center line of said "hestnlit Street to the point of intersootion of the eel.ter lines of said. "hestnut Street and Los Angeles street; thence West— Prly in the spine direction to t%lP point, of inter_seetion of the, center line of Claudina Street; thence Northerly along the center_ line of Il6RudiLja Street to a point distant, one hundred and thirty - 0047 five feetliof the South. line of renter Street; thence Easterly and p gyral' e? Ivit}z renter Sty PPt tO the po int of int,ers'Pt'ion of. the -,enter line of Olive Street; thence Northerly clang the center line of Olive Street to a point distant on¢ hundred and twenty—five feet North of the North line of Center Street; thence 1*!est.erly and parallel with Center Street to the intersection of the r,oliter line of Iierlrmine Street; thence Northerly alonc, the center line of Her— mine Street to the point of inters.entionof the center lane of Her- 1rY mine Streetand Chartres Street; theMe along the renter line of Chartres street to the point of intersection of the -,,Pntpr lines ry t,Y1PncP along of ;enter line of 7,hgrtres and .,lementine Street; of ry1pijentine Street to the }point: of. beginning. 301 . ". All 1. ll lel i�:I?,S, qlt ('rRtion, or. nnln.r'.re•;QHnt., of 1�11:i1_t ? 11C;S, heren ft er erent Qd or ^.onst,rii^.t,,-(I ''ithi n ^aiC. fire limit -s, slinll he., sw��+t�c�6y—, =de. or (,onstr,l-ted of briOk aw StOne, o -A ; 1 rovided, ho,vPv r, t 1at Said. ROR-M. of T'r ISteeS Mn -jt, i:ri their (lisirPt i_on, On petition therefor, ;;rant permits for the n.onstr}lr'tion, alteration or enlarge- ment of f'r4MA '6r situated within said fire limits. Se^. 3. Before ^ori4meniin the Prention, alteration, rklarge- ment or repairs ex":"eding twenty dollars n iost ( restoration of plasterin- or painting ex-e.ptpd) of ?rhy building in the ^ity Of. Anaheim, the owner, arihitPi t or builder fihall file with the City Clerk of snip ",it,y an a.ppli^,ation to do ,,he propoiied -rrork, ,sin( blanks therefor to bo f?irnishPd by said. lity llPrk. Stroh applina- tion shall dive t},e to^atio.n Of the proposes) b-dlding, alteration or enlar-ement , enera1 dimensions, name of owner, estimate of the for "fnat pu7m- osP the buildin is 'dPgignedAand sha11 lontq n su^.,h other informat_-ion as required by t?ie form of appli^ation in use. Said Board of Trust, -es shall pass on said apolination, and if they s'1a11 so Order, a permit to do the proposed work s'hall be issued by ga.id Clerk 1.ipon the payrnehlt by the a p_ l-i—Rnt of a fee of ten ^ents on eq -,h one hundred dollars or fra^tion thereof of valuation of the improvement for which su^h permit is ;;ranted. SPI. 4 No wooden bo.ilding shall be moved into said .fire limits. No wooden "building noliv situate within said fire, limits shall be removed from its present .lo^ation •until P. permit therefor is granted by said Board of Trn.stees, lvho may, in their discretion, grant, or refs s;e f311rr1 permit SP 5. No building s3ittlate in 4d1C ' ty of Anaheir^, outside of s?id fire limits, ShI411 be removr,d_Aa,^ross or along Rn.%r of the publi^ streets or alleys of BRid ",ity until a perAiit therefor is granted by 8?id: Boprd of TrllstPea, who may, in their difilretion, gr?nt or refuse Binh ��err'At. SeI. G. Any person to move. any wooden b zilding in said ".ity of. Anaheim shall file with the s".ity ^,1erk an appl iation for a permit therefor, usinrf blank aigpl in, at ions to be furnished by said city Clerk. If the Board of Trustees shall so order, the City clerk shall issue a permit upon recsivinfroM the a Picant a J sum to be fixed by the Boar(! of Trustees,aas a Special deposit .from whir all be der-11a:11,ted th` cost of repairing any daanaZea r. to stgets nor other Ai*t property caused by $he moving of the building for which the permit is is�311ed; and the balance of said deposit, if any, shall be returned to the depositor.Prov Ldoc3 , ho"ve..ver, , that nothing herein contaibed shall be construed to ?revent the "ity of Anaheim from re,,.overin-, by le` a_1_ ?)ro r -n din,,;s, Annh •damage as nay be sustained as aforesaid in excess of the Stun, so (te. o>-"iteci a:i Sec. 7.It shall be the d,ity of any L)erson erecting a buildil anywhere in the City of Ana.heim, t:rhich is provided with gas, server or grater pipes, to have the same officially tPsted, with reference to the plumbin , before such eines are enclosed or covered uj). The test for gas nine shall consist in fill; ng the same with compressed air injected with a pump Tvhose dial Crust indicate a Pressure of at least nine pounds and remain stationary for n&t less than tufo hours. The test for se,ier pipe shall consist in filling the same witil !nater until it rises in the pipe to the, top Of the. stank Or vent, such pressure to continue until all Parts of the. plumbing can be examined for leaks. The test for water pipe shall be that, the pipe shell remain tight under %) hydraulic ;pressure of 150 pounds to the square', inch, such pressnire to be maintained for fifteen Minutes. The tests regnired by this section si a,11 be,mRde by, some competent person to be appointed by the 3oard of Tr,istees, lxrho shall fix his compensation at a price rear 1lotlr for the time actually eM?�loyed in malting su'1h test6. Such compensation and all other PxpensPfi .ilr-'o(i in the tests shA1l be .paid by the owner of the building, unless the contract for the building provides that sun.h cost shall be borne by the contractor. Se^.. 8. Any building or stru•^.tore of t".►hRtsoevpr naturn, ,.on— stru^ted of wood, erected, ,#)laced or moved within the, fire, limits d.esi,,,,nated in Section 1 of this ordinance, iontrwmr to the provis- ions of this ordinan^,e, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and shall be immediately removed or abater,#. Sec. 9. Any person, persons, firm or corporation who shall violate , neglect or. refuse 'to ^omply with any of the. provisions of this ordinance shall be de A1r<'lfb.d guilty of a misdemeainor;" and on ,,on- viotion thereof shall be fined not less than IMMOOdollars, nor More than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the city jail of said City not less than five days nor more thanepqrl days, or be both so fined and imprisoned. And every day during which any build- ing, erected, altered, enlarged or moved in violation of Rny of the provisions of this ordinance I-ontirntes in quih noneit.ion, and ever-, day during which any violations of this ordinance continues, Shall be considered as constituting a. neer offense, and be punished as in this seltion provided. Sec. 10.. All ordinan(,,ps or parts of ordinpnces in conflict w.-Lth the provisions of thin ordingnce are here" )y rP?,e^lF'de Seo. 11. The, Ility clerk shall certify to the passage of this ord.innnce and shall the ceras to be published once in the Orange lounty Plaindealer, a weekly n,=mspaper of general circulation, printed, published and lirlulated in said city of Anaheim,, and there.- upon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in frill force. President of the Board of Trustees of the ^ity of Anaheim, I hereby certify that the fore;;oint-r ord.inanne SIRS introduced at a meeting of the 30"d Of Tru.stF�es of the City of Anaheim hold on the .7th day of February, 1906, and that it TYRS duly Passed and adopted at a regmalar meeting of. said ,3dard Of TrizfitPP.$ held on the 13th day of March, 1906, by the followinZ vote: 01 p� A �i Y't.l fi t e H No es LteelAndI"rUrthe,r nPTtify that the President of said DoRrd of. Gid. cI 5a.id ordinance on the 13th day of }larch 1906. 101) Clerk Of the City of Annhe-lr.,1. 0