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RESOLUTION NO. 95R-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS MORE THAN TWO YEARS OLD WHEREAS, Sections 34090 et seq., of the Government Code of the State of California authorize the destruction of certain records, documents, instruments, books and papers (hereinafter "records") of the City upon approval of the legislative body of the City and with the written consent of the City Attorney, provided that said records do not fall within certain specified categories; and WHEREAS, the following described records under the charge of the Budget and Audit Manager of the City of Anaheim are more than two years old and are documents which are authorized for destruction under the provisions of said Sections 34090 et seq., of the Government Code without making a copy thereof; and WHEREAS, the custodian of records of each record described herein has determined that said documents are no longer needed or required; and WHEREAS, the City Council concurs in the determination of the custodian of records and finds that said records are no longer needed; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney of the City of Anaheim does by the approval of this resolution hereby give written consent for the destruction of the listed records. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the custodian of records of the City of Anaheim be, and is hereby, authorized to destroy immediately, in a lawful manner and without making any copies thereof, the records under his charge, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon destruction of the foregoing records, a certificate of destruction shall be executed and the original thereof filed in the office of the City Clerk together with a copy of this resolution. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 7th day of March , 1995. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVED: 10920.1\EEGAN\February 22, 1995 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certity that the foregoing Resolution No. 95R-35 was Introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 7th day of March, 1995, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: MAYOR/COUNCIL: Tait, Lopez, Zemel, Feldhaus, Daly NOES: MAYOR/COUNCIL: None ABSENT: MAYOR/COUNCIL: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 95R-35 on the 7th day of March, 1995. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 7th day of March, 1995. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 95R-35 was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim on March 7, 1995. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM EXHIBIT "A" ( ~ITY OF ARAHEIM PAGE 1 LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUDIT NUMBER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 1 397 007 Motel Audit Workpapers 87000 M/H #262 09-29-82 01-31-88 2 2216 ARA Leisure ~ Monthly Operating Statements and Dai!y BacK-up Audit Workpapers 89810 01-01-89 12-31-89 3 741ARA Leisure Service/Convention Center Audit Workpapers 88325 01-01-88 12-31-88 4 518 ARA ReiDcation Account Audit Workpapers 88400 04-01-88 09-30-88 5 517 ARA ReiDcation Account Audit Workpepers 8~405 10-01-88 03-31-89 6 2234 ARA ReiDcation Account Audit Workpapers 89400 04-01-89 09-30-89 7 2237 ARA ReiDcation Account Audit Workpapers 89405 10-01-89 03-31-90 8 958 Administration FY 88/89 Administrative 07-01-88 06-]0-89 ? 2313 Administration FY 89/90 Administrative 07-01-89 06-]0-90 10 42 Adventure Inn Audit Workpapers 88012 M/H #324 07-01-88 03-07-89 11 2037 Alamo Inn Binder #1 of 2 Audit Workpapers 90001 M/H #309 04-01-88 0]-31-97 !2 1095 Alamo Inn-Binder #2 of 2 Audit Workpapers 90001 M/H #309 06-01-90 0]-31-91 13 55 Ana-Lin Motel Audit Workpapers 85250 M/R #6 12-01-82 12-31-85 14 57 Anaheim ALoha Trave[odge Audit ~or~papars 89010 M/It #341 09-01-86 07-3!-89 15 63 Anaheim Bed & Breakfast Audit Workpapers 87010 M/H #283 10-01-83 02-29-88 16 66 Anaheim Carriage Inn Audit Workpapers 89020 M/H #339 09-01-86 07-]1-89 17 2525 AnahEim Disposal Audit Workpapars 89750 09-01-89 01-31-90 18 2101 Anaheim Junction, Inc. Audit Workpapers 90010 M/H #239 11-01-87 11-]0-90 19 83 Anaheim OvernJte Trailer Park Audit Workpapers 87045 M/H #152 07-01-84 20 4]4 Anaheim Paul Bunyan Jnt'l Inn Audit Workpapers 88040 M/H #320 07-01-85 09-30-88 21 100 Anaheim Tropic Motel Audit Workpapers 89025 M/R #161 12-0t-86 11-30-89 22 102 Anaheim Vacation Park Audit Workpapers 89030 M/H #~53 03-01-87 02-28-90 23 115 Anchor Motel - CLosed 7~31-86 Audit Workpapers 82670 M/H #217 07-03-80 06-]0-82 24 2007 Apollo Inn Audit Workpapers 90045 M/H #163 06-01-88 05-]1-90 25 2794 Audit GJL[ing-FY89/90 2nd Qtr Administrative 10-01-89 12-]1-89 26 2023 Audit BJ[[Jng-FY89/90 3rd Qtr Administrative 01-01-90 03-31-90 27 2024 Audit Gi[ling-FY89/90 4th Qtr A~ninistrative 04-01-90 06-30-90 28 965 Audit Billings FY 88/89 Ist Qtr Administrative 07-01-88 09-30-88 29 966 Audit Gittings FY 88/89 2nd Qtr Administrative 10-01-88 12-31-88 30 967 Audit Billings FY 88/89 3rd Qtr Administrative 01-01-89 03-]1-89 31 968 Audit Billings FY 88/89 4th qtr Administrative 04-01-89 32 2499 Audit Billings FY 89/90 1st Qtr Administrative 07-01-89 09-30-89 33 2769 Audit £eports 1986 Administrative 01-0!-86 12-]1-86 34 2770 Audit Reports 1987 Administratlv~ 01-01-87 12-31-87 35 2771 Audit Reports 1988 Administrative 01-01-88 12-31-88 ]6 2772 Audit Reports 1989 Administrative 01-01-89 12-31-89 (AFO63094-RI) CITY OF ANAHEIM PAGE 2 LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUDIT NUMBER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 37 969 Audit Sun~naries A~ninistrative 07-01-88 12-31-88 38 2108 Best Western Anaheim Hi[is Motor Inn Audit Workpapers 90050 M/H #183 11-01-87 12-31-90 39 1098 Best Western Anaheim Inn Audit Workpapers 90005 M/H #274 02-01-89 05-31-90 40 2009 Best Western Park Place Hotel Audit Workpapers 90055 M/H #356 06-01-87 05-31-90 41 448 Box Office Settlements Audit Workpapers 88300 07-01-87 06-30-89 42 2109 Brookhurst Lodge Motel Audit Workpapers 90060 M/H #317 02-01-88 12-S!-90 43 2110 Budget Inn Audit Workpapars 90065 M/H #294 06-01-87 06-30-90 44 972 Budget/Program Rpts-FY 87/89 Ac~ninJstrative 07-01-87 06-30-89 45 2014 COT Project Agreement Permanent-Closed 09-10-85 01-21-87 46 2015 COT Project Agreement/Envirosphere 2 of 2 Audit Workpapers 87B57 10-15-87 10-21-87 47 2630 COT Project Audit Audit Workpapers B9B55 Inception 12-31-89 48 2016 COT Project/Envirosphere Agreement Permanent-Closed 07-17-86 07-17-76 49 2796 COT Project/Envirosphere Audit Program/Related Papers Audit Workpapers 87857 01-01-87 12-31-87 50 2633 COFP Audit Reports, Audit Respanses & Re~ated Correspandence Permanent-Clo~ed Inception 12-31-87 51 2631COTP Audit Subcon~nJttee Permanent-Closed Inception 12-31-87 52 2632 COTP Audit Subcon~ittee Memos Permanent-Closed Inception 12-31-87 53 2627 COTP Work Papers Per~manent-CIosed 02-28-86 04-19-86 54 2628 COTP Work Papers Project M~nager Permanent-Closed 02-28-86 04-19-5~ 55 2629 COTP Work Papers Project Manager 1985 Permanent-Closed 06-01-85 02-11 88 56 2635 COTP/PG&E Polser Systems 2 of 2 Audit Workpapers 90857 06-01-85 03-t0-86 57 135 Calico Motel Audit Workpapars 86255 M/H #266 03-10-83 04-30-86 58 559 California Dental Service Group Dental Plan Audit Workpapers 83080 01-01-82 03-31-84 59 558 California Dental Service Group Dental Plan Audit Workpapers 84060 04-01-84 03-31-85 60 139 Candy Cane Motel Audit Workpapers 88075 M/H #14 12-01-85 10-31-88 61 143 Caravan Inn Audit Workpapers 89040 M/H #15 09-01-87 07-31-89 62 145 Carousel Inn Audit Workpapers 89045 M/H #343 11-06-86 11-30-89 63 2218 Centel CcgmmJnications Audit Workpapers 87360 02-01-87 01-31-88 64 2219 Centel Co~ications Audit Workpapers 88320 02-01-88 01-31-89 65 835 Coleman Security/Citations Audit Workpapers 89760 09-01-88 08-30-89 66 2111Co~fort Ir~q Audit ~orkpapers 90070 M/H #234 08-01-87 08-31-90 67 155 C~fort Inn of Anaheim/Fullerton Audit Workpapers 88085 M/H #321 06-19-85 06-30-88 68 2114 Concord )nn Audit Workpapers 90075 M/H #174 03-01-88 02-28-91 69 162 Convention Center Inn Audit Workpapers 89060 M/N #291 06-01-87 08-31-89 70 2169 Convention Eenter Inn Audit Workpapers 90082 M/H #291 09-01-88 06-18-90 71 169 Crown Mote[ Sold 12-31-86 Audit ~orkpapers 86495 M/H #312 12-01-04 01-26-87 72 560 Delta Dental AdrnJn Audit Audit Workpapers 89750 07-01-87 06-30-89 (AFOG3094-R13 CITY OF ANAHEIM PAGE LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DE$CRtPTIOM FOLDER TYPE AUDIT RUMBER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 73 2116 Disnivu lnn Econotodge Audit Workpapers 90090 M/H #361 07-13-87 07-31-90 74 2207 Dow plumbing Audit gorkpapers 86205 07-01-84 75 2204 Oow Ptumbing Revenue Audit Audit Workpapers 84220 07-01-82 04~30-84 76 180 Dunes Motel Audit Workpapers 89065 M/R #23 01-01-84 12-31-89 77 183 Eden Roc Motel Audit Workpapers 88105 M/H #24 12-01-85 11-30-88 78 2153 Embassy Suites Hotel Audit Workpapers 90100 M/H 466 10-15-87 10-31-90 79 955 Engagement Letters FY 87/89 Administrative 07~01-87 06-30-89 80 453 Expo Tach Electrical & Plua~bing AudLt Workpapers 84240 05-01-83 04-30-84 81 452 Expo Tech ELectrical & P[u~bing Audit Workpapers 86210 06-01-84 06-30-86 82 451Expo Tach Electrical & Ptunt~ing Audit Workpapers 88310 06-01-86 06-30-89 83 436 Fantasy Motor Inn Audit Workpapers 89075 M/H #345 12-06-86 09-30-89 84 1044 Fixed Asset Misc Permanent-Closed 07-10-87 07-10-87 85 1045 Fixed Asset Permanent File Permanent-Closed 05-21-85 03-11-87 86 1085 Fixed Asset Syst~ Permanent-ctosed 08-09-83 87 1090 Fixed Asset Syst~ AL~dit Audit Workpapers 86105 06-03-87 08-06-87 88 1087 Fixed Asset System FY86-1 Audit Workpapers 87518 07-0L-85 06-30-86 89 1088 Fixed Asset System FY86-I1 Audit Workpapers 87518 07-01-85 06-30-86 90 1092 Fixed Asset System FY86-111 Audit Workpapers 87518 07-01-85 06-30-~ 91 1093 Fixed Asset System F~86-1V Audit Workpapers 87518 07-01-85 06-30-86 92 1089 F!xed Asset System FY86-V Audit Workpapers 87518 07-01-85 93 1091 Fixed Asset System FY~-VI AudLt Workpapers 87518 07-01-85 94 1084 Fixed Asset System Perm FiLe ¥ot.1 Permanent-Closed 07-~0-87 07-10*87 95 1086 Fixed Asset System-ill Permanent-CLosed 06-30-86 06-30-86 96 1030 Fixed asset Ten~/Perm File Permanent-Closed 01-01-88 12-31-89 97 192 Freeway Motel CLose 8-)1-86 Audit Workpapers ~320 M/R #256 08-01-83 98 199 Go[den Forest Inn Audit Workpapers 89090 M/H ~ 09-01-86 07-31-89 99 202 Go[den Skis Mobile Home Park Audit Workpapers 89095 M/R ~J69 06-01-~ 05-31-89 100 ~120 Grand Hotel Audit Workpapers 90105 M/H #100 0~-0!-88 01-28-91 101 456 Greyhound Expesition Services - Anaheim Convention Center Audit Workpapers 88315 07-01-86 06-30-89 ~02 212 Hacier~a Motel Audit Workpapers 89100 M/H #229 11-01-86 103 214 Harbor Inn ~rave[ndge Audit Workpapers 89105 M/H ~10 12-16-(~5 11-30-89 104 477 Hi[ton at The Park Land Lease Audit Workpapers 84502 07-16-82 00-29-84 105 476 HiLton at The Park Land Lease Audit ~orkpapers 84503 08-]0-84 10-10-84 106 2124 Holiday Inn Audit Workpapers 90110 M/H #106 09-01-87 09-30-90 CITY OF ANAHEIM PAGE 4 LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUOIT NUHDER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 109 6 Hotel Audit ScheduLe & Notification Letters FY 1989/1990 Administrative 07-01-89 06-30-90 110 2027 Hotel Audit ScheduLe & Notification Letters FY 1990/1991 Administrative 07-01-90 06-30-91 111 2 Hote[/MoteJ/RV Park Audit ScheduLes & Notification Letters Fy 1986/87 Administrative 07-01-86 06-30-87 112 225 In~ at the Park Audit Workpapers 89112 M/H //306 10-01-87 09-30-89 113 231 IsLander Motel Audit Workpapers 88130 M/H #92 12-01-85 10-3!-88 114 234 Jack & JiLl Motel Audit Workpapers 82740 M/H #313 01-01-80 12-31-82 115 236 Jo[ly Roger Inn Motor Hot~[ Audit Workpapers 89120 M/H #36 11~01-86 10-31-89 ~16 240 Kampgrounds of America Audit Workpapers 89125 M/N #130 03-01-87 02-28-90 117 2146 Karchers Anaheim Inn Audit Workpapers 89042 M/H #308 10-01-87 12-31-89 118 244 King's Motel Audit Workp~pers 87145 M/H #296 06-01-84 06-30-87 119 246 Kona Kai Mote[ Audit ~nrkpapers 88145 M/H #~44 12-01-85 11-30-88 120 251 LampLighter Hotel Audit Workpapers 89155 M/H #391 09-01-88 08-31-89 I~1 255 LittLe Goy Slue Mete[ Audit Workpapers 82?70 M/N #98 01-01-80 12-31-82 ( CITY OF ANAHEIM PAGE LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUDIT NUMBER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 145 2168 Peter Pan Motor Ledge Audit Workpapers 90162 M/N #53 09-01-89 06-18-90 146 312 Ponderosa Travel Trailer Park Audit Workpapers 88175 M/N #258 08-61-85 07~31-88 147 320 Quality Inn Brookhurst Audit Workpapers 88190 M/H #297 06-01-86 02-28-89 148 323 RaffLes Inn-Anaheim Audit Workpapers 89200 M/H #347 12-30-86 08-15-89 149 2130 Bainbow Inn Audit Workpapers 90165 M/N #292 06-01-87 05-31-90 150 1038 SDR -Autcmated Purchasing - EDP Audit/Yr DeveLoped-1988 Audit Workpapers 88600 01-01-88 12-31-88 151 1037 SDR - Autoelated Purchasing - EDP Audit/Yr Developed-1988 Permanent-Closed 01-01-88 12-31-88 152 1028 SDR - CentraLized Cash Receipts - EOP Audit/Yr DeveLoped-1988 Audit Workpapers 88610 01-01-88 12-31-88 153 1029 SDR - CentraLized Cash Receipts - EDP Audit/Yr DeveLoped-1988 Permanent-CLosed 01-11-88 01-04-89 154 1021 SDR - Con,outer Aided Mapping - EDp Audit/Yr DeveLoped-1988 Permanent-Closed 09-18-88 09-18-~8 155 1031SDR On Line Fixed Assets 1988 Audit Workpapers 88625 01-01-88 12-31-88 156 563 SeLf Funded Medical PLan Audit Workpapers 84040 01-01-84 12-31-84 157 35? SheLlstone Apartment Mote~ Audit Workpapers 89210 M/R #73 08-01-84 05-31-89 158 2140 Sheraton Anaheim Acadit Workpapers 90190 M/H #109 10-01-87 06,12-9~ 159 286 Sixpence Inns of America Audit Workpapers 88220 M/E #115 02-01-86 02-08-89 160 368 Skyview Motel Audit Workpapers 87200 M/H #318 05-20-85 02-29-88 161 2433 Southern CaLif Gas Franchise 1982 Audit Workpapers 82399 01-01-82 12-31-02 162 369 Space Age Ledge Audit Workpapers 89220 M/H #96 12-01-86 09-30-89 163 574 Stardust Motei Audit Workpapers 87210 M/H #78 09-01-84 08-31-87 164 228 StovatL Inn Audit Workpapers 89115 M/R #107 10-01-86 09-30-89 165 375 Sunrise Motel Audit Workpapers 89225 M/N #351 03-10-87 03-31-90 166 493 Szabo Foeds Anaheim HilLs Golf Audit Workpapers 84510 01-01-84 12-31-84 167 492 Szabo Foeds Anaheim HiLls GoLf Audit Workpapers 87700 07-01-85 06-30-87 168 635 Szabo FoedsFAnaheim Stadium Audit Workpapers 7725 06-30-77 06-30-77 169 637 Szabo Foeds/Anaheim Stadi~n Audit Workpapers 7725 03-01-77 06-30-?7 170 599 Szabo Fouds~Anaheim Stadibsn Audit Workpapers 8121 01-01-81 12-31-81 171 619 Szabo Foeds~Anaheim Stadium Audit Workpapers 8121 12-25-81 12-25-81 172 618 Szabo FoodsrAnaheim Stadium Audit Workpapers 83220 01-01-83 12-30-83 173 616 Szabo Foeds~Anaheim Stadit~n Audit Workpapers 84310 01-01-~4 12-31-84 174 2214 Szabo Foeds~Anaheim Stadium Audit Workpapers 86570 07-01-85 175 2215 Szabo Foeds ~AnaheLm Stadium Andit Workpapers 87815 07-01-86 06-30-87 176 2012 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium Audit Workpapers 88815 07-01-07 06-31-~ 177 628 Szabo Foeds'Anaheim Stadium - 1979 Interim FLdr 1 of 5 Audit Workpapers 7906 01-01-79 12-31-79 178 626 Szabo Foeds 'Anaheim Stadium - 1979 Interim FIdr 2 of 5 Audit Workpapers ~906 01-01-79 12-31-79 179 627 Szabo Foeds 'Anaheim Stadium - Cash Receipts/Sales 3 of 5 Audit WorkpaperR 7906 01-01-79 12-31-79 180 630 Szabo FoedsrAnaheim Stadium -Fo[der 1 of 4 Audit Workpapers 7823 09-01-77 10-01-78 (AFB63094-R13 CITY OF ANANEZN PAGE 6 LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUDIT NUMBER NOTEL # START DATE END DATE !8! 631 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium, - Folder 2 of 4 Audit Workpapers 7823 09-01-77 10-01-78 182 632 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium - Folder 3 of 4 Audit Workpapers 7823 09-01-77 10-01-70 183 633 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium - Folder 4 of 4 Audit Workpapers 7823 09-01-77 10-01-78 184 638 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadic~n Audit Program/lCQ/ 1 of 2 Audit Workpapers 7638 03-01-76 02-28-77 185 639 Szabo Foods 'anaheim Stadiun Balance Sheet/Statement 2 of 2 Audit Workpapers 7638 03-01-76 02-28-77 186 651 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium Coalpurer Pintout ADdit Workpapa_rs ?638 05-30-76 05-30-76 187 663 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadit~ Contractual Co~oliance Audit Workpapers 7638 08-20-76 08-20-76 188 655 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadi~a~ Equipnlent Audit Workpapers 7638 05-17-76 05-I?-76 189 624 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadit~n Financial Statements Audit Workpapers 8020 09-29-79 12-26-80 !90 620 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium Folder 1 of 3 Audit Workgapers 8020 09-29-79 12-26-80 191 622 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium Folder 2 of 3 Audit Workpapers 8020 09-29-79 12-26-80 192 623 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadi[~n Folder 3 of 3 Audit Workpapero 8020 09-29-79 12-26-80 193 625 Szabo Foods Anaheim 5tadiL~n Fo:der 5 of 5 Audit Workpapers 7906 01-01-79 12-31-79 194 640 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium General Ledger Audit Workpapers 7638 08-20-76 08-20-76 195 641 Szabo Fouds'Anaheim Stadium General Ledger Audit Workpapers 7638 04-23-76 196 6~5 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadit~m General Ledger Audit Workgapers 7638 06-25-76 06-25-76 197 658 Szabo Foods 'Anaheim Stadium Genera[ Ledger Audit Workpapers 7638 07-23-76 07-23-7~. 198 660 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadicrn Genera[ Ledger Audit Workpapers 7638 05-21-76 12-31-76 199 664 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadi~m~ General Ledger Audit Workpapers 7638 08-20-76 08-20-76 200 634 Szabo Fouds 'Anaheim Stadit~ Genera[ Ledger Audit Workpapers 7725 10-28-77 10-28-77 201 650 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadium Inco~lle Statements Audit Workpapers 7638 04-23-76 04-23-76 202 654 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadium Interim Audit Program Audit Workpapers 7638 05-04-76 05-30-76 203 659 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadium Internal Control & Accounting Audit Workpapers 7638 06-01-71 05-29-76 204 629 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadium Invelltory Control/Count 4 of 5 Audit Workpapers 7877 01-29-79 02-08-79 205 656 Szabo Foods Anaheim Stadium Journal Entries Audit Workpapers 7638 07-23-76 07-23-76 206 667 Szabo Food! Anaheim Stadium Journal Entries ADdit Workpe. pe. rs 7638 08-20-76 08-20-76 207 661 Szabo Food! Anaheim Stadi~ Journal Vouchers Audit Workpapers 7638 04-23-76 04-23-76 208 662 Szabo Food! Anaheim Stadiunl Journal Vouchers Audit Workpapers 7638 06-25-76 06-25-76 209 653 Szabo Food! Anaheim Stadium,, Nisc Papers Audit Workpapers 7638 05-30-76 06-14-76 2!0 666 Szabo Food! Anaheim Stadidm Operating Statements Audit Workpapers 7638 03-26-76 09-30-76 211 671 Szabo Food! Anaheim StaaJc~n Payroll Audit Workpapers 7638 06-24-76 09-07-76 212 64~ Szabo Food! Anaheim Stadi'.~l Payroll Working Papers Audit Workpapers 7638 06-01-76 06-31-7b 213 642 Szabo Food~ Anaheim Studi~T~ Physical inventory Audit Workpapers 7638 05-11-76 06-19-76 214 670 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadi~ Presentation to City Council Audit Workpapers 7638 01-09-76 01-09-76 215 617 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Revenue & Expense Audit Workpapers 32160 1Z-26-82 12-26-82 216 652 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Revenue (A) Working Papers Audit Workpapers 7638 04-3g-76 08-31-76 ~AFO63094-R1) CiTY OF ANAHEIM PAGE 7 LiSTiNG OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEH FiLE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUDIT NUMBER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 217 657 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Revenue (B) Working Papers Audit Workpapers 7638 10-01-76 11-31-76 218 648 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Sates Audit Workpapers 7638 05-30-76 219 668 Szabo Foods/Anaheim StadiLan Sates Receipts Audit Workpapers 7638 04-30-76 09-23-?6 220 646 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Sa[es/inv Reconciliation Audit Workpapers 7638 05-09-76 09-07-76 221 647 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Voucher Register Audit ~orkpepers 7638 06-25-76 06-25-76 222 669 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Voucher Register Audit Workpapers ?638 0?-23-76 08-20-76 223 672 Szabo Foods/Anaheim Stadium Voucher Register Audit Uorkpapers ?638 07-23-76 07-23-76 224 649 Szabo Foods/Anahiem Stadi~ Audit Program Audit ~orkpaper's 7638 04-23-76 06-23-~6 225 621 Szabo Foods/Anahiem StadJL~ Audit Report/Section B Audit Workpapers 8020 09-29-79 12-26-80 226 764 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit Workpapers 7815 U6-24-77 06-30-78 227 765 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit Workpapers 7815 06-24-77 06-30-78 228 758 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audft Norkpa~rs 0t22 01-D1-81 12-31-81 229 757 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit Workpapers 82200 01-01-82 12-31-82 230 756 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit Workpapers 83260 01-0!-83 !2-~1-53 231 755 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit gorkpapers 84180 0!-01-84 232 754 Szabo Foods/Conventio~l Center Audit ~orgpa~ers 85215 01-01-85 12-31-86 233 753 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit gorkpepers 86220 0!-01-86 12-31-85 234 752 Szabo Foods/Convention Center Audit Norkpapors 87365 01 01-87 12~31-07 235 759 Szabo Foods/Convention Center - Fe[Qer 1 of 2 A[~it gorkpap~rs 8034 06-30-79 12-26-80 236 760 Szabo Foods~Convention Center - Folder 2 of 2 Audft Norkpapers 8034 06-30-79 12-26-80 237 766 Szabo Foods~Convention CentEr Audit 2 of 2 Audit Workpapers 7815 06-20-77 06-30-78 238 768 Szabo FoodsrConvention Center DatanEe Sheet/lncom~2 of 2 Audit Workpapers 7708 10-01-75 05-31-77 239 761 Szabo Foods~Convention Center Financial Statements Audit Workpapers 8034 06-30-79 12-26-80 240 762 Szabo Foods~Convention Center Folder 1 of 2 Audit Workpapers 7913 07-01-7~ 06-30-?9 241 763 Szabo Foods~Convention Center Folder 2 of 2 Ab~Jt Workpapers ~913 07-01-78 06-30-79 242 767 Szabo Foods~Convention Center [CQ / Audit 1 of 2 Audit ~orkpapors 7708 10-01-75 05-31-77 243 430 T V Trailer Park Audit Workpapers 89235 M/H #290 02-01-84 01-30-90 244 40? T. V. Motel Audit Workpapers 89230 M/H #85 02-01-84 01-31-90 245 2634 TANC PG&E Permanent-Closed 08-20-~6 08-20-86 246 377 Tampice Motel Audit Workpapers 84286 M/H #79 05-01-81 08-31-84 247 419 Tiffany inn Audit ~orkpapors 88230 M/H #236 06-06-81 07-20-8~ 248 978 Time Reports/Billings 1st Quarter 88/89 Aclnirdstrative 07-01-88 09-30-88 249 982 Time Rapefts/Billings i$t Quarter 89/90 Administrative 07-01-89 09-30-89 250 979 Time Reperts/Diltings 2nd Quarter 88/d9 Administrative I0-01-88 12-31-~8 251 983 Time Reports/Billings 2nd Quarter 89/90 Administrative 10-01-89 12-31-89 (AFO63094-R1) CITY OF ANAHEIH PAGE 8 LISTING OF FILES TO DESTROY 2/09/95 ITEM FILE # DESCRIPTION FOLDER TYPE AUDIT NUMSER HOTEL # START DATE END DATE 253 984 Time Reports/Billings 3rd Quarter 89/90 Administrative 01-01-90 03-31-90 254 2026 Time Reports/Billings 4th Quarter 88/89 Administrative 04-01-89 06-31-89 255 981Tin~ Reports/GJt[Jngs 4th Quarter 88/89 Administrative 04-01-89 06-30-89 256 386 Travelers World RV Park Audit ~orkpapers 89240 M/H #219 08-01-86 06-30-89 25? 388 Tropicana Inn Audit Workpapers 8~235 M/H #84 04-01-86 03-3!-89 258 2590 Utilities Service Orders Procedures Study Audit Workpapers 89896 01-01-89 12-3!-89 259 2138 Vacationland Audit gorkpa~rs 90215 M/H #257 07-01-88 09-30-90 260 109 Watergate Mote[ Audit ~orkpapers 87235 M/H #122 11-07-84 11-30-87 (AFO63094-R1)