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d,,:, 4--o - `z-7 rt � ji 227 ]•rhe paving of that portion of South' poses mentioned in chis- $rdinanc"'e " ••, .�-.; Ordinance No. 22 /�]Yy Los Angeles Street in front of the 210.91, See. & That for the purpose of se- feet of frontage of land owned by said curing and providing for the payment City in Vineyard Lot "G3," on whichi of the principal and interest of sai(t _ An. ordinance, providing for the issu- land is situate the Municipal Electric) bonds, there is hereby' created a fund tol - an,ee of bonds of the City of An ` Light and Water Works, from the Eas- ' be known as "Municipal _ Improvement(. 1 ,a,• terly curb line of , said Street to the Bond 1910 interest and sinking fund." heim In, the sum Of seventy-fivo center line of said street; also the pav That all the money which from time t _ ing of the following described inter- time shall be placed in said fund sha khundred dollars to, pay the COst O�'see ons of streets, to-wit: be and is hereby set apart exclusive) Y� paving certain, street interBCCtion$• Lemon and Center Streets; Clemen-; i for the purpose of meeting all sum tine and Center Streets; Adelaide and ;i coming due for principal and interes in said Ci:y, Helena Streets and Center Street; Palm J on all of the aforesaid bonds which ,rna3 and Center Streets; Resh and Center.; be issued under the proceedings herein- Whereas, :the Board of Trustees of Streets, on Northerly half of Center before recited. That for the purpose o the City of Anaheim, of Its meeting Street; Citron and Center Streets; Ohio paying the principal and interest of said held on the 10th day of March, 1910, by ger i,- Center Streets, on Southerly half bonds, the Board of Trustees of said a vote o€ two-thirds of all its members of Center Street; Illinois and Center city shall at the time of fixing the ge- t Streets, on Souther) half of I Center eral tax levy, and in the manner for' did, by resolution resolve and determine street; West and Center Streets; Wal-' such general tax levy provided, levy ; In due and proper form that the pub- ut and Center Streets, on Souther) and collect annually each year until ;lie interest and necessity demanded the alf of Center Street; Cherryand Ceny such bonds are paid, or until there shall construction and completion of the fol er Streets, on Southerly hlf of Cent be a sum in the treasury of said city dowing described street work in said er Street; Villa Place and Center set aFart for that purpose sufficient. City, to-wit: treets, on Northerly half of Center to meet all sums coming due for princi- The paving of, that portion of Southtreet; Thalia and Center Streets; Ad- pal and interest on, such bonds, a, tax' Los Angeles Street in front of the 21091 Ams and Center Streets, on Souther) sufficient to pay t �l feet of ,frontage of land owned by said }}}��� e annual interest on City in Vineyard Lot "Gw on which alf of Center Street. y i such bonds, and also such part of the , That said bonds shall be negotiable principal thereof as shall become due land is, situate the Municipal Electric n form and shall be fifteen in number before the time for fixing the next gen - Light and Water Works, from the Eas- nd shall be of the sum or denomina- ` eral tax levy. Said tax shall be in ad- 1 ;terly curb line of said Street to the fon of five hundred dollars each, and dition to all other taxes levied for mu- center line of said street; also the pav, shall be numbered consecutive) from'' nicipal .purposes, and shall be collected. "Ing of the ' following described inter- one to fifteen, both inclusive; that the at the same time and in the same man- sections of streets, to-wit: shall be dated Jul 2d, 1910, and bear' ner as other municipal taxes are col Lemon and Center Streets; Clemen* Y --tine and Center 'Streets; Adelaide ansa per annum payable semi-annually on the lected, and forthwith, as collected, shall ` 'Helena streets and Center Street; Palm 2d day of July and the 2nd day of Jan be turned over v and paid into said , I and Center Streets Resh and Center uargg, of every year. Said fifteen bonds Municipal Improvement Bonds 1910 In- shall be payable in the manner follow-« tercet and .Sinking Fund," and be uen Streets, on Northerly half of Center Ing: one of said bonds on thej 2d da for no other purpose than the payment Street; Citron and Center Streets; Ohio y Ya of said bands and accruing interest and Center Streets, on . Souther] half [ of Jul 1911, and one of said lionds on Y the same day and date of each and ev Seo 5. The City Clerk shall s ordti c. of Center Street; Illinois and . Center! ery year thereafter at the office of the' to the passage and adoption of this ordi- `Streets, on Southerly half of Center City Treasurer of said City, together nance and cause the same to be pub- "Street; West and Center Streets; Wal- ;d with the interest on all sums un lished once in the Anaheim Gazette, nut and Center Streets, on Southerly , at such date. Said bonds shall be soba a weekly newspaper of general circula- half of Center Street; Cherry and Cent eta such y in the following form, a sub- tion printed and published in said Citv ;ter Streets, on Southerly half of Cen- United States of America, State ofI of Anaheim, and thereupon it shall tpr Street; Villa Place and Center E; California, County of Orange. Cat take effect and be in full force. Streets, on Northerly half of Center! Y OY rove the above ordinance Street; Thalia and Center Streets; Ad- Anaheim. 66 I hereby app No......... d this 9tH day of June, 1910. `lams and Center Streets, on Southerly, $500.00 C. O. RUST, °half of Center Street. Anaheim, California, July 2d, 1910, president of the Board of Trustees of And Whereas, the President of the, On the........ day of .......... A. D d Board of Trustees of said City did " ..... (Year of maturity) the City ofa the City of Anaheim. ;on the 12th da i! Anaheim., a municipal corporation incor-I I hereby certify that the foregoing or- y of March, 1910, duly porated under, the laws of the State of and legally approve said resolution of i meeting was introduced' at a regular said Board of Trustees; and California, will pay to the bearer at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the ( Whereas,' the said Board of Trustees office of the City Treasurer in said City,, City of1Ana Anaheim thateld was duly on the tpassed did thereafter, at its meeting held on of Anaheim, the sum of Five Hundred of May, t !the 14th day off. April, 1910, by a vote Of in Gold Coin of the United and adopted at a regular meeting of t of two-thirds of all its members, duly States of America, with interest there-'1 said Board of Trustees held on the'- :of pass and adopt an ordinance cabin a' on in like Gold Coin from the date here 9th day of June, 1910, by the following g of at the rate of five per cent. per an- vote: �. special election in said City of ,Anaheim, num, payable semi-annually on the sec- Ayes: Trustees Rust, Gates, Stock to be held on the 2d day of May, 1910, and day of July and the second da of and Nebelung. ,for the purpose of submitting and sub- Januar upon the y Noes: None. mitting to the 'qualified voters of said y' p presentation and sur- j' d; render of the interest coupons hereto ' And I further certify that the Presi- y City the proposition to incur a bonded } indebtedness of seventy-five hundred dol J attached. it j dent of said Board of Trustees ap- lars t This bond is one of a series of bonds j Proved and signed said ordinance ois q pay the cost of the street work of like date, tenor and effect issued by the 9th dal °'EDWARD B. MERRITT, i1910. 4 set forth and described in the 'resolu- I tion aforesaid. Said ordinance is num the City of, Anaheim in pursuance of (seal) tiered 224, and had theretofore been du- the provisions of an Act of the Legis-11 City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. i ,lly introduced at a regular meeting of tied 'An Act authorizing the incurring ) T. of indebtedness by cities towns and mu the said Board of Trustees held on, the nicipal corporations for municipal im- 24th day of March, 1910, and said ordi- nance was. duly poved by the Preai+' provements and regulating the acqui- y apro "dent of said a Trustees on t sition, construction or completion there- 14th day of April, 1910; and bd of," which' became a law February 25th,' -~ t 1901, and of all acts amendatory there- ( t Whereas, said ordinance was thereafe of. 3! ter dt}ly published once a week . for tw¢ It is further certified that all the re- i weeks in the Orange County Flaindeal4 quirements of law and of the ordinances' er, a newspaper of general circulataoi of the City of Anaheim have been fully printed and published in said City e, complied with by the proper officers: ' i Anahelm less than r six days a week, said in the issuing of this bond; that this' aPublication of, said ordinance being made issue of bonds has been duly authorized', »` in said' newspaper in its regular issues, by a vote of two-thirds of the duly: _ of ,Saturday April 23, 1910, and Satur" qualified electors of said City voting on, day, April 3 1910; And the question of such issue at a special. Whaieag, said special election was hel election duly and regularly called and o?i 44Y'Of Malay, 1,410, a held in said City on the 2d day of May, a4 Coin t 1910; and that the total amount of this: - - og>tlarl` , issue, together with all other indebted-' respects a require ness of said City, does not exceed they b u mance `and by law; and limit ? prescribed by the Constitution and, _ W),*%* s, at said election the sa laws of the State of California. proposition ,for incurring a bonded in This bond ceases to bear interest un-` l debtedness by said City and the issu4 less presented at maturity., 4 _ ance of bonds therefor for the purpos4 specified in said ordinance was duly snb' President of the Board of Trustees o— mitted to the qualified voters of said the City of Anaheim,sY t Cit m all respects as required b thip; Y Y q Y d '. provisions of said ordinance calling said Treasurer of the Cit of Anaheim t. election and by law; and Countersigned: Whereas; at said special election mord` than two-thirds of the qualified voters Clerk of the City of Anaheim. r of said City voting at said election That coupons shall be attached to < voted in favor of said proposition 'to' each of said fifteen bonds for the inter-`1 Incur said bonded indebtedness, and say est accruing thereon, and said coupons City has been and now is authorize , g;', shall be substantiallyin the followin and empoweredto incur the aforesai form: r# bonded indebtedness in the sum of sever City of ,Anaheim' ,.. s, a • a :; enty-five hnnarwA Anno*•.a .-A �� construction and completion of the fol- Harr or center arrear; Unerr3 ana cen Soil,( ter Streets, on Southerly half of Cen- be a Sum in the tx easury -t paid city lowing described street work in said ter Street; Villa Place and Center set apart for that purpcSe ufficient City, to -wit: Streets, on Northerly half of Center to meet all su ns coning (tile or pruxl- a tax The paving of that portion of South Street; Thalia and Center Streets; Ad- pal and interest on such bond on Los Angeles Street in front of the '210 91 ams and Center Streets, on Southerly sufficient to T a>� the annual nt lest lit of the feet of frontage of land owned by said half of Center Street. such bonds, and also Such T) due City in Vineyard Lot "G3," on which That said bonds shall be negotiable principal thereof a hall be xne for frvng the next gen- land issituate the Municipal Electric in form and shall be fifteen in number tune h efole tilen Te in not- Light and Water Works, from the Eas- and shall be of thesum or denomina eral tax levy. Said tax shall levied for nw- terly curb line of said Street to the tion of five hundred dollars each, and dition to all other taxes cad center line of said street; also the pav- shall be numbered consecutively from urcit al purl- ycs, and shall be eolle` ll - ing of the following described inter- one to fifteen, both inclusive; that they at the same time and rn flit rinc nl c ,r_ sections of streets, to -wit: shall be dated July 2d_ 1910, and beat- mer ,, other municrprF tare re c ed, Lemon and Center Streets; Clemen- per annum Payable semi-annually on the lIe ed, and tc rthwith as Cull Paul info ..rd tine and Center Streets; Adelaide and 2d day of July and the 2nd day of Jari-� 11P turned over to ,not F>unds 1910 ]r - Helena Streets and Center Street; Palm uary, of every year. Said fifteen bonds "itlunicipal Improvement Fund," arid be 11S,,d I' and Center Streets; hash and Center shall be payable in the manner follow- terest and crashing than the payment Streets, on Northerly half of Center I ing: one of said bonds on the 2d day- for no other pill!)()so accruinginterest. Street; Citron and Center Streets; Ohio of July,1911, and one of said bonds on of said bonds and Cita Uerk stall certil* and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street; Illinois the same day and date of each and ev- I Sec. the and adoption of ilii- urch - and Center Streets, on Southerlyhalf of Center Cry year thereafter at the office of the to the pa-sa,:e be Pu1i- and cause the carne Street; West Center Streets; City Treasurer of said City, together Hance n in the 4nrhelm Casette. and Wal- with the interest on all sums unpaid Its hed once - of general el nut and Center Streets, on Southerly half at such date. Said bonds shall be sub- a weekly newspaper id Cit in card (i13 of Center Street; Cherry and Cen- st S the following form, to -wit: tion printed aril published thereupon it shall ter Streets, on Southerly half of Cen- 3 United United States of America, State fl °f Anaheim, and be, In full force. ter Street; Villa Place and Center Streets, on half of ('enter California, County of Orange. City of take effect and approve the above ordinance .. -Northerly y Street; Thalia and Center Streets; Ad- Anaheim. No......... L herCUv this 9tli day of June, 1910 I i ST, ams and Center Streets, on Southerly$500.0@ a Anaheim, California, July' 2d, 1910. C. O Board of Trustees of I half Center Street. On the........day of D, President of the And Whereas, the President of the Board of Trustees of said Cit did, 3 .. .......A- " "' • .. • (year of maturity) the City of Anaheim, the City of l tif-V fin. I hereby certify that the foxegoin or on the 12th day of March, 1910, duly a municipal corporation incor- porated under, the laws of the State dintnce was introduced at a re alar, Trustees of the and legally approve said resolution of of California, will pay to the bearer at the meeting of the Board of held on the day said Board of Trustees; and office of the Cit Treasurer in said City y nth City of Anaheim that it was dill passed Whereas, the said Board of Trustees of Anaheim, the sum of Five Ifundred of May 1910. and regular meetinb Of did thereafter, at its meeting held on Dollars in Gold Coin of the United and adopted at a e Trustee-_ held on the the 14th. day of April, 1910, by a vote States of America, with interest there- r l said Board of ]910, by tine following of two-thirds of all its members, duly on in like Gold Coin from the date here- 9th day June, pass and adopt an ordinance calling a of at the rate of five per cent, per an- vote: Rust, Cates, St-cl. special election in said City of Anaheim, num, payable semi-annually on the Sec- Ayes: Trustees to be held on the 2d day of May, 1910, and day of July and the second day of a.nd Nebelung. for the purpose of submitting and sub- d for the to the ie Januar upon the y p presentation and sur- woes: None. further certify that the Presi- qualified voters said City the incur bonded render of the interest coupons hereto And I Board of Trustees ap proposition a indebtedness of seventy-five hundred dol attached. dent of Said and signed said ordinance or lars to, pay the cost of are street work This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date, tenor and effect issued by Pr'Q�'Cd the 9th clay of Tune; 1910. EDWARD B. MERRITT, set forth and described in the iesolu_ the City Anaheim in pursuance of (seal) City of Anaheim. tion aforesaid. Said ordinance is num- io the provisions of an Act of the Legis- City Cleric of Said bered 224, and had theretofore been du- tied 'An Act authorizing the incurring ly introduced at a regular meeting of of indebtedness by cities towns and mu - the said Board of Trustees held on the nicipal corporations for municipal im- 24th day of March, 1910, and said ordi- provements, and regulating the acqui- nance was duly approved by the Presi- sition, construction or completion there - dent of said Board of Trustees on the of," which became a law February 25til, 14th day of April, 1910; and 1901, na is am ad of all a' endator the�re- 3 Whereas, said ordinance was thereaf- of. ter duly u y published once a week for two ' It is further certified that all the re- � weeks in the Orange County Ylaindeal- qufrements of law and of the ordinances er, a newspaper of general circulation of the City of Anaheim have been fully printed arid published in said City of complied with by the proper officers Anaheim less than six days a week, said in the issuing of this bond; that this publication of said ordinance being made issue of bonds has been duly authorized 3 in said newspaper in its regular issues by a vote of two-thirds of the duly of Saturday, April. 23, 1910, and Satur- qualified electors of said City voting on day, April 30, 1910; and the question of such issue at a special Whereas, said special election was held election duly and regularly called and on Monday, the 2d day of May, 1910, as held in said City on the 2d day of May, provided by said ordinance calling tho, ''torul 1910; and that the total amount of this 'Same; was duty and regularly held issue, together with all other indebted- and conducted in all respects as required ness of said City. does not exceed the by said ordinance and by law; and limit prescribed by the Constitution and Whereas, at said election the Said laws of the State of California. proposition for incurring a bonded in- This bond ceases to bear interest un- debtedness by said City and the issu- less presented at maturity-. ance of bonds therefor for the purpose specified in said ordinance was duly sub- President of the Board of 7 u .tees of mitted to the qualified voters of said the City of Anaheim. City in all respects as required by the ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, provisions of said ordinance calling said ,,,, Treasurer of the City of Anaheim, electionand by law; and Countersigned: Whereas, at said special election more .... than two-thirds of the qualified voters Clerk of the City of Anaheim. of said City voting at said election That coupons shall be attached to voted in favor of said proposition to each of said fifteen bonds for the inter - incur said bonded indebtedness, and said est accruing thereon, and said coupons City has been and now is authorized shall be substantially in the following and empowered to iricur the aforesaid form: bonded indebtedness in the sum of Sev- City of Anaheim arty -five hundred dollars; and Coupon No..... Bond No..... $12.50 Whereas, all and singular the provis- On the second day of........ (month L ions of the act of the Legislature of of maturity) A. D......... (year of ma - the State of California. entitled "An turity) the City of _Anaheim promises Act authorizing the incurring of indebt- to pay to the bearer at the office of edness by cities, towns, and municipal, the City Treasurer in said City of Ana- corporations for municipal improvements, heim the sum of Twelve Dollars and Fif- and regulating the acquisition, construe- ty cents in Gold Coin of the United tion or, completion thereof' and becomin States of America, for the semi-annual a law February 25th, 1901, and all( interest due -n that date upon its above amendments to said Act, and all ordi-; numbered municipal improvment bond, nances of the City of Anaheim have Dated July 2d 1910. been fully complied with so as to author ize fill,,iS-uC of said bonds; n -w there-� Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. fore, See. 2. That the President of the The Board of Trustees of the City of Board of Trustees of .,aid city, and the Anaheim do ordain is follows: City Treasurer of said city are hereby LI Section 1. That blinds of the City of Anaheim in the suns authorized and directed to sign .111 of of seveniv-five hundred dollars be issued in accordance said bonds, and the Clerk of Said City is hereby authorized and directed to I [. with the provisions of in Act Of the cuuntersign sant bonds and to affix the Lc rslature rt the State of Cal fornia, corporate seal of said city thereto, and I' entitled —An _'Let authorizing the mcurr- the City Treasurer of ,aid city is here - in of in(i<htednc s 1) Citi"s, towns and by authorized and directed to Sign the municipal corporations fur nnnlicrpal im- jUterest coupons of Said bonds. provements, and the acquisi- Sec. 3. That. the proceeds of the sale tiro cunslluc..ion or c.nnille - car +he- of sand bonds shall be placed in the of and beconling a 1 v Lt`(I rl a \ th. treaSur A of Suid city to the credit of a. 1901, and all ancnclne-n?. to sa, Act, fund to be known as the `Municipal anit wleu th.c. avLu l l ., )f tr < it -f I lmproVement B ,•, Bond 1910 Fundand L� 1 Lhc. tn, 11 alit pas - f 1 ll 17 the Shall be applied exclusively to the pill' -- C of the f.)Il )`,\ lIi-, . tl'c 't -wk in : fI" til 1, t--1\11. f, inan-e 140. An o r<A iri-an^r,!sY)rovici :i.ng for the issuance of bonds of the City of Ann.heirl in the six, of seventy --five hundr, dd dollar to ppy the cost of paving certain street intersections in said City. A%ereas, the Bo -Td. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, at its meeting held on the 10th day of March, 1910, by a vote of t.wo—thirds of a.11 its members, did, by resolution resolve and determine in due ,-T;c- Ij7°opF,1 f'ori-,z that ti:eau�lic i Tlter¢;St and necessity demanded ^onstru-- tion -rid complf'tion of the following described street ,�*ork in said City, to -wit: 1'he paving of that portion of South Los Angeles Street in front of the 210.91 feet of fronts a of land owned by said City in Vine- yard, of "G3," on which land is situate the Municipal Electric Light and Water Works; from the Easterly curb line of said Street to the center line of said Street; also the paving Of the following described intersections of gtreetsLemon, toand-witCe: nter Streets; Clementine and Center Streets; Adelaide and Helena Streets and Center Street; Palm and Center Streets; Re and Center Streets, on Northerly half of Center Street; Citron `and Qentec Streets; Ohio and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street- Illinois and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street; West and Center Streets; Walnut and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street-, Cherry and Center Streets,'ou Southerly half of Center Street; Villa Place and Center- Streets, o�} Northeft half of Center Street; Thalia and Center Streets; Adams and Center Streets, on Southerly half of Center Street And 7rhereas, the President of the Board of Trustees of said city did, f ar'h1910duly nd legally approve ^, resolution of said Board of Tructees; and Vill f +i,, the Said Boe'rd. of Trustee:l diri, theres.ftf-T, nt its ;_nff +inr-, lr,l,:z oil the 14t,: n=ay of April, 1910, by a vote, Of two—thirds :?f al? its members, duly pass and IdoPt an ordinance callii:g a, r eacipl e 1e ;ti Qn in s:lxd�4.t • o:" AXi`i iF'iT`,, to be held on- the 2d day of May, 19109 for the purpose of submitting and subn.itti , to the gmnlified votrr: of said) ^7ity the proposition to incur a bonded in— .F�btedness of seventy—five hundred 0.ollars to pay the ^ost of the street work set forth and. described. in the resolution aforesaid. Said ordinance is numbered 224, and had theretofore been duly in— troduced at a regular ineetirig of the said Board of ` r:zste s re-ld on the 24th cA.^y of Mar,^.h, 1910, ^_n said ordinan^e Ifva.s duly approved by the Prr tit f,zit of. said Boar a. of Trusters or the. 14th da,= of April, 1910; an -i Thereas, staid orC:.intaTice Was thereof*""' duly oncf- ,n*E-je'� *o . two neeks in the Orcrlari "ounty Plaindegler, a newspaper of Ueneral ±"i '�7'' `?t"tura rr; rteJ `? r9-mibl.''ne'd i.ri � sac. air' ..- ^ity of Anal. ;ilCl n r,. �: t .. e . err- � r= j � i. c -. o 1E . t.ilcin . ix dAa, d,,,l, �aii l:;ubli , tion ,= i�., nr(Unsncl- bPin ade, to said, ne,?mp, ;per in its re,glllar issues of Saturda$, 1910 , and S aturc rA , Aplr i t 30. rir. special mle ction was held on Monday, the 2d day of May, 1013, as provided by said. ordinance calling the same, and y incl re,;ulnrly held and conducted i:. ,k t.ry tl.li.a n 111 'e. ba, ordilnrmce anti by law; and Fhere,�s, at said election the said proposition for incurring a. bonde, tndrebtednPss by said City and the: issuance of bonds t1le"re- for for tine purpose s �^if t'r3. in alit? ordi.nan,'P was duly submitted to tht' a .l.i.. voters of said City in all respects as requirF.d by th^ provisions of spid ordinance ca.11yng said election and by lair; and at spier special e? } �t ion r.iore. than t�v�7-V irdz� of the qualified voters of said City voting at said said election voted or tf' 1,^.,?'i' .;;aIt.j. b o nd. "(I i n(a.€''?�;i?t,). car sRid City Pi?.-_ been and now is authorized ant_?_ empowered to incur the aforessid. bonded indebtedness in the; suer of seventy -rive hunch_ hid dollars; artd ;nl :areas, all nn(i sin .zlnr tiles provisions of the. Act of the Lecfislature of the State of California, tint-tli-c! 11r+n Act authorizing; tl,e iniurring of izidebted.nes 'by cities, toms, tinct. nunin.ipal cor- porations for muni^_.:pal i_nprove.ments, a.nd reg?zl .ting the. acquisition, construction or compietion thereof"mid beco°InnZ., lw,,, nebruary `15th, !�d a.11 amend lents t0 w-� id_ A..t, and all ordinance;: cif' t11N City of AnaiZf,:i,il have been full► complied with so as to authorizes tine issue of said. bonds; no,:I therefore, `'he Board of Tr i nt ees of the "it ' of Anaheim do ordain as follows: nition 1. `.khat bonds of the City of Anaa:eirt: in the. �:lz.tn of ,event`;-ffve� hundtrec.. d_ol? ar. s bo- issued iii a�< orti.��n f� Leith the pro- vicioiur of an Act of the Legisl=ature of the Stahl of "rt1J.for-I a, entitled "An Act Puthorizing the incurr: m� of inciYatd c rrF�;;s by cities, tol'M, 911'1 T'11111i^iP'a' "rpora.tions for muni^ipal irp-ro;iementsq and regulritir:g the acquisition, con:�ty11»t..'_.3. �, ° ^o cpi--.tion the Of", ',,_,(`r! -m_4 r,p 2 labs February '5ti,, lc3r)1, and all �Mer►dments to S8_i.d kot, and with the ordinances of t1le city of. Anaheim, for the purpose of paying the cost of the following street work in said. City, to—.Mit: That said. bonds shall be negotiable in form erd shall be fifteen jr. nuinber, and shall be of tilt swn or denomination of five hundred dollars each, and stall be numbered consecutively,,one to fif— tean, both inclusive; that they shall be dated Jul$ UA9 ,..1910, •ard bear int crest at tYlf� .ate of five per Dent. per annum payable semi— anx:uslly on thf' ZA day of July and the, 4AAAay of Jantla.ryt of every year. Said fifteen bonds shall be payable in the manner following: one of said bonds on thf' Uil d.ny of July, 1911, and one of said. bonds orf the same day and date of each and every year thereafter at the office of the City Treasurer of said City, together with the interest on all sums unpaid at such date. Said bonds shall be substantially in the following form, to—wit: United States of America, State. of California, County of Orange, City of Anaheim No $500.00 Anphnim, California., JulYblit 1910. On the day of A. U • (year of maturity) thr, "iter of AnahciM, a municipal corperation incorporated under the laws of the State of Caii�'c,rnia, will f,a�r tc the Ue�ar<;r at the, of— fice of the City Treasurer a8 in said City of Aneheim, the L,um of rive Hii.ndr^d Dollars in Gold. Coin of the United States of America, w4 th interest thereon in like Gold. 11,04_11 fro.n the date hereof at the rate of five Per cent. per annum, payable semi—annually on theA day of uruly and. the Ad.ay of January, upon the presentation and sur ander of the interest coupons httreto attached. This bona it one of a series of bonds of like date, tenor and eff e,3t iosued by the -ity of Anaheim in of tie provisions of an Act of the Legiclature of the State of California, enti:l d "An Act authori?ing the incurring; of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations for Duni^ipa.l improvements, and regulat— ing the acquisition, construction or ^orfpletion thereof, tt which be— came a lair lebruary 25t'.., 1901, and of all acts Rnenda.tory thereof. It is further certified that all the re(qui-nments of lave and of the ordinancesof the City or: Anahei:,n have been fully complied with by the proper offi^crs in the issuing of this bond; that this ssua� -oi! , baen duly > authorized by a Vote Of tom—thirds°` .= qualified electors of said "ity voting on the question of such issue at a special s lection duly and. regularly► called and held in said. City on the 2d day of May, 19lo, and that the total amount of this issue, together with all other indebtedness of said City, does not exceed the limit prescrib+�r] by the Constitution and laves of the State of California. This bond ceases to bear interest unless presented at Mt-arity. Pruden of the Board of Trus Pea of the City of Anaheim. Treasurer -of he City of An vin. Countersigned: Clerk of the City of Anaheira. ghat coupons shall be attached to each of said fifteen bonds for the interest accruing thereon, and said coupolis si:all be sub— stantia"LI'r in the follo,.Nin ; form: City of Anaheim. Coupon No. Bond No. __._ $12.50 On the' second d.ay of. ( month of maturity) A.J. (year of maturity) the City of Anaheim promises to pay to the bearer at the office of the City Treasurer in said City of Anaheim the sum of Twelve Dollars and Fifty cents in Gold Coin of the United State of America., for the semi-annual interest due on that date upon its sbove numbered municipal improvement bond. Dated July 2d, 1910. Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. Sec. 2. That the Presid,,! t of the Boprd. of Trustees of said city, and the City Treasurer of said city are hereby authorized and directed. to sign Fill of said bonds, and the Clerk of said City is hereby authorized and directed to countersign said bonds and to affix the corporate seal of said city thereto, and the City Treasur- er of said. city is hereby authorized and directed to sign the inter- .., eat coupons of said bonds. Sec. 3. T3111 A, the pro^e-:ds of the. sale. of sa.ia bonds shall be; placed in the treasury of said city to the credit of a. fund to be know as the "Municipal Improvement Bond 1910 Fund" , and shall -be applied exclusively to the purposes mentioned in this ordinan^e. Sec. 4. That for the purpose of securing and providing for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, there is hereby created a fund to be known as "b:unicipal ImprovementBond� 1910 in- terest and sinking Fund". That all the money which from tirae to time :hall be placed in said fund shall be andis hereby set apart exclusively for the purpose of meeting all sums coming due for prin- cipal and. interest on all of the aforesaid bonds which may be issued under the proceedings hereinbefore recited. That for the purpose of paying the principal and. interest of said bonds, the Board. of Trust- ees of said. city sh?ll at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and in the manner for such general tax levy provided, levy and col- lect annually caa,^h year until such bonds are paid, or until there sa11 be P, sum in the treasury of said city set apart for that pur- pose, sufficient to moot all sums coming due for principal and in- t( -rest on ;.such bonds, a tax ti;ufficient to pay the annual interest on such bonds, and also such part of the principal the.-noff as shall ber+,ome due before the time for fixing the next Zeneral tax levy. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levies? foo muni -i - pal purposes, and small be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other municipal taxers are collected, an(l forth,Tith, as collected, shall be turned over to ane) psieft :into said "Municipal Improvement Bonds 1910 Interest and Sinking Fund", and be used for no other purpose than the, peymer;t of said bona^ and accruing inter- n Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall ^esrtify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance and cause t 1e same to be published. once in the Anaheim Gazette, a i7r-ekly ne,,iB ,aper of general circulation printed anr3 published in said City of Anaheim, and there -upon it shall take effect Find be in full force. I here,bar' P ova the 'ab©vm ordinance this 9th day cit' J'une, 2�Ia. Presi(jent of he Board of Trustees of the City of AnaheiM. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting; of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim held on the 126th day of May, -1910, ?nd that it was duly passed and adopted bIra regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on the 9th day of June, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Tr r t p P s �,,,�� �J a � 'Atw—ac Noes: And I further certify that the President of said Board of Trus- tees approved and signed said. ordinance. on the 9th day of June, 1910. City Clerk of said Ci y�nalieim. l sea.1)