268µ] tl ; i y x i s ?. k s y Iii. s "iii 'W •g f�':y� " JoAr &__V IN THE SUPERIOR COU OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. State of California, SS. nt r nge, = ---------- - ----- being first duly sworn, deposes n says: That at all ti es hereinafter mentioned he was a citizen of e United States, over th age of 21 years, and a res- ident of said coun y, and was at and during all said times the principal clerk of the print r and publisher of The Orange County Plain Dealer, a newspaper of ge eral circulation, printed and published weekly in the Cit of Anah ' , in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Orange aunty Plain Dealer is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dissemination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anahei In said unty and State at regular intervals for more than one year pr eam, t�first< publication of the notice herein mentioned; that h —__ --- - of which the annexed isrin copy, was ublished and printed in said newspaper at least ---------- --- ° ` = �9 -------- commencing on the - `-----------day of 19 and ending on the __- -=i_ day ° ----------- I 9_� A - 19_�A_-. both days inclusiv oftendduring�s id time as said nevJ�s- Pa re ularl tissued. hat the d, Son which said publication Per was g Y was made were as follows: _____,--------------- k y 1 -t _______ ___________ _____ ___ _ ___________ _ _ --10 -------------- _ ,, Subscribed and sworn. to before m this_ -.3' ___ __ e d of -------- ------------- -------- -----19/- --- ---- ----------------------------- Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. . 7 TA nNA S?RE=T. SANTA F STREET FROfbI— ifAST GENTEI� AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING STREET TO EAST CYPRESS THE GRADE OF CERTAIN STREET; SABINA STREET FROM POINTS IN THE FOLD VI IG EAST CYPRESS STREET TO DESCRIBED STREETS IN TME EAST SYCAMORE STREET; TO - CITY OF ANAHEIM, TO-WIT:I' PEKA STREET FROM EAST EAST NORTH STREET FROMi CENTER STREET TO EAST CY- NORTH LOS ANGELES STREET) PRESS STREET; PAULINE TO THE EASTERLY CITY LIM-! STREET FROM EAST CYPRESS ITS; WEST NORTH STREET! STREET TO EAST SYCAMORE FROM NORTH LOS ANGELESI STREET; NORTH ORANGE STREET TO NORTH WEST STREET FROM EAST CENTER STREET; WiLHELMINA STREET STREET TO EAST CYPRESS] FROM NORTH LOS ANGELES; STREET, NORTH ATCHISON STREET TO NORTH LEMONi STREET FROM EAST CHARTRESI STREET; EAST ALBERTA; STREET TO EAST CYPRESSI STREET FROM NORTH LOS AN -1 STREET; SOUTH ORANGE 1 GELES STREET TO NORTH OL -1 STREET FROM EAST CENTER IVE STREET; WEST ALBERTAIII STREET TO EAST SANTA ANAII STREET FROM NORTH LOS AN -1 STREET. GELES STREET TO NOR i rF I The Roard of Trustees of the City of Ana - LEMON STREET; EAST ADELE i heim do ordain as follows: I Section i. Throughout this ordinance the STREET FROM PAULINE Northeast corner shall be understood to mean the junction of the North and East curb STREET TO NORTH ORANGElines of intersecting streets; the Southeast STREET; EAST CYPRESS corner shall be understood to mean the junc- tion of the South and East curb lines of STREET FROM PAULINE intersecting streets; the Southwest corner STREET TO NORTH ORANGE I shall be understood to mean the junction of the South and West curb lines of the inter - STREET; WEST CHARTRES secting streets; and the Northwest corner shall be understood to mean the junction of STREET FROM RESH STREET I the North and West curb lines of the in- tersecting STREET; streets. The "City: Limits" shall be understood to mean the City Limits of WEST CENTER STREET FROM the City of Anaheim. Section z. The grades in this ordinance ITS INTERSECTION WITH shall be understood to be the distance in feet above the datum plane One hundred NORTH LOS ANGELES STREET fifty-two and three -hundredths (152.03) feet AND SOUTH LOS ANGELES below the standard bench mark on the iron door plate at the Northwest corner of the STREET TO ITS INTERSECTION Metz Block as heretofore established by Or - WITH NORTH LEMON STREET dinance No. 98, entitled, "An ordinance es- tablishing a datum plane and designating AND SOUTH LEMON STREET; I bench marks therein," passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City on I WEST CENTER STREET FROM I the roth day of July, 1894. Section 3. The grade of East North Street ITS INTERSECTION WITH from North Los Angeles Street to the East - NORTH HELENA STREET AND erly City Limits is hereby established as 1 1 follows: At the intersection of East North SOUTH HELENA STREET TO ITS Street and North Los Angeles Street, the 1 Northeast corner shall be as already estab- t INTERSECTION WITH NORTH lished by Section 15 of Ordinance No. 26o _ PALM STREET AND SOUTH of this City, and the Southeast corner shall t be as already established by Section 6 of PALM STREET; THE NORTH Ordinance No. 191 of this City. .At the intersection of East North Street a CURB OF WEST CENTER and North Olive Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already estab- e STREET FROM ITS INTERSEC- i lisped by Section 1r of Ordinance No. aa6o a TION WITH THE EXTENDED l of this city. The Southeast and Southwest C corners s..all 1 e as already established by WESTERLY LINE OF NORTH Section 14 of Ordinance 210 of this city. At e THALIA STREET TO ITS Ii�;TER- the intersection of Past North Street and b North Orange Street the grade shall be as I �- SECTION WITH THE EXTEND. already estaoiished by Section 6 of Ordinance No. 26o of this city. At the intersection of l 11 ED CENTER LINE OF ADAMS East North Street and North Fast Street, STREET; PEARL STREET FROM the East curb of North East Street at its intersection with the extended North curb NORTH WEST STREET TO line of East North Street, shall be as already tv i established by Section 4 of Ordinance 60 b CARLETON AVENUE; DIAMOND i of this city. The East curb of North East Street at its intersection with the extended ic STREET' FROM .NORTH WEST I South curb line of East North Street shall STREET TO CARLETON AVE- be as a'ready established by Section 4 of I ° Ordinance 26o of this city. The Southwest NUE; OAK STREET FROM and Northwest corners shall he as already fr establisheu by Section 4 of Ordinance 260 is 30UTH LEMON STREET TO of this city. SOUTH PALM STREET; CHEST- I Section 4. The grade of West North Street I -v I from .orth Los Angeles Street to North w NUT STREET FROM SOUTH LOS � West Street is hereby established as follows: by At the intersection of West -North Street ANGELES STREET TO SOUTH and North Los Angeles Street, the Smith- C PALM STREET; THIRD STREET west corner snall be as already established re 1 y Section 6 of Ordinance 191 of this .city. z3 SOUTH FROM SOUTH LEMON the -Northwest corner shall be as already I So established by Section 15 of Ordinance 26o STREET TO SOUTH HELENA I of this city. At the intersection of West I is STREET; EAST BROADWAY Worth Street and North Lemon Street, the Le - grade shall he as already established by Sec - STREET FROM SOUTH ATCHI- tion zo of Ordinance 26o of this city. Se \t the intersection of West North Street Sc SON STREET TO SOUTH EAST and North Palm Street the grade shall be t l as alread established b Section z of Or- CI STREET; WEST BROADWAY dinance 260 st this d byty. re STREET FROM SOUTH WEST .�At the intersection of West North Street � �t STREET TO WALNUT STREET and North Citron Street the grade shall be I sh STREET; as already established by Section 30 of Or- of ELM STREET FROM SOUTH LOS dinance 26o of this city. At the intersection of West North Street So ANGELES STREET TO SOUTH I and North West Street the Northeast corner air PALM STREET' EAST SANTA shall be One hundred thirty-eight and 6o -coo, na 1 (138.6o). The Southeast corner shall be as - ANA STREET FROM SOUTH OL- already established by Section rz of Ordi- I fro nance 231 of this city. IVE STREET TO SOUTH LOS I Section 5. The grade of Wilhelmina Street Pa ANGELES STREET' WEST SAN- from North Los Angeles Street to North I o STREET; Lemon Street is hereby established as fol- 1 TA ANA STREET FROM SOUTH lows: At the intersection of Wilhelmina tali Street and North Los Angeles Street the this LOS ANGELES STREET TO WAL- East curb of North Los Angeles Street Stn NUT STREET' EAST WATER t its intersection with the extended North ,ba STREET; J line of Wilhelmina Street shall be as already .STREET FROM KROEGER l established by Section 15 of Ordinance 26o 11A of this city. At the East curb of North Sou STREET TO SOUTH ORANGE Los Angeles Street at its intersection with as STREET: WEST WATER theriextended South r line `of Wilhelmina Street din uc r _iirl =ce 1x, 1. ;ty. At ca,t ��:id Ncr t = i sc icn .,f East Cyprc _ ,Street and I A nth (h nge street. tine Northeast and n,o of this cii + .� tl e st corners shall be a already es- a e_t tourers t hi bed by S ctic n 4 _ f Ordinance .ance, 3r of by `,e, >>i rs ti city. the Soutlitt est and Nor"!wesr At ttc ion 15c c_ ie dr all be a 21 Cady established by and .'.rites phi :pec trio n 6 of Orlin nce 26n of this cuv. a rd \ orthwest j Section o 'Phe rade of West Chartres c,tabli<hed by St trom 1{,,,s}1 Street �o North C _ion -i of this cite. 7 Street is 1 enel,v established as follows: At Iva Atreei at 1 th • intersection of \\ e t lhartres Sheet and l ten de<1 center 12 sh Sircet the grade shall be as already Str-et, shall t esttbli hed -v Section 9 of Ordinance 211 Section i3 of C I of this cit 'lt tie inter ection cf INe_ t j At the i ltel Char -les S r e e and North C Aron Sheet, Street and Sou' the Aortlne t mid So is -cat corner hall east aid Nmtl- be a: aireacy cstabhsl ed 1 v Section 8 of ready estabhshc (h Imalrce zio of this city. The West curb n6o oI this cit of North Citron Street at its intersection Santa Ana Stre ndth the extended center line of \Vest Char- extended ceote: trey Street shalt be as already established shall be as alre by Section 8 of Ordinance 210 of this city. 1 of Ordinance Section ir. The grade of West Center tersection of ti c. from t inter ection with N lith Los S0 1th Lo Ang Angeles Street and 10nth Los 'An 'es Street Sumhrast Borne to s intersection with 1 orth Lemon Street lili _II by Sectio ana So.,th I emon Street i he eby estab- city lished as follows: At Tire Intersection of I Section 3. T \Vs t Center Street and South Los Angele'A Street from Sc Sheet the Southwest corner shall be as NVilirut Street i already established by Section 14 of Ordi- lows: nance 26o of this eit1,, At the intersection At the inters of West Center Street and North Los An- Street and Sou geles Street, the Northwest corner shall be I Southwest and as already established by Section 15 of Or- I already establisl dinance 26o of this city. At the intersetion I nance 16o of thi. of West Center Street and South Lemon West Santa An Street, the Southeast corner shall be as aI- I Street the grad ready established by Section 2z of Ordinance i lished by Sectioi 26o of this city. At the intersection of West city. At the int Center Street and North Lemon Street the Street and Sot Northeast corner shall be as already estab- Northeast anu A lisped by Section 22 of Ordinance 26o of this + already establislu city. 169 of this city. Section 12. The grade of West Center Santa Ana Stree Street at its intersection with North Helena extended center Street and South Helena Street to its inter- ! Street shall be section with North Palm Street and South Section 21 of O Palm Street is hereby established as follows: I At the inters At the intersection of West Center Street Street and Soutl and South Helena Street the Southwest cor- east and i%orthv ner shall be as already established by Section ready established 3 of Ordinance 169 of this city. At the in. i69 of this city. tersection of West Center Street and North Santa Ana Stre Helena Street the Northwest corner shall be the extended ce as already established by Section 22 of Or- Street shall be dinance 26o of this city. Section 21 of Oi At the intersection of West Center Street At the interse and North Palm Street the Northeast corner Street and South shall be as already established by Section 7 be as ,already e of Ordinance i6o of this city. At the inter- Ordinance 2ro of section of West Center Street and South Palm tion of West S< Street, the South east corner shall be as al- Citron Street, the ready established by Section 7 of Ordinance established by S 6o of this city. of this city. A Section 13. The grade of the North curb Santa Ana Street ine of West Center Street from its intersec- grades shall be ion with the extended Westerly line of Section 34 of Or( North Thalia Street to its intersection with I the intersection he extended center line of Adams Street is ax d Walnut Stn hereby established as follows: already establishes The North curb line of West Center Street zio of this city. t its intersection with the extended West- Section 24. T rly line of North Thalia Street shall be as 1 Street from Kroe; head established by Section 7 of Ordinance 1 Street is hereby 6o of this city. The North curb of West the intersection 'enter Street at its intersection with the hroeger Street th xtended center line of Adams Street shall I as already establi e as already established by Section 3 of dinance z6o of t )rdinance 231 of this city. of Ii.,tCnd Strec N( Section 14. 'Che grade of Pearl Street from the extendegered Ns -orth West Street to Carleton Avenue is Street shall be ereby established as follows: Section 9 of Ordi At the intersection of Pearl Street and the intersection c 'cirth West Street the Southwest and North- South .Atchison est corners shall be as already established Northwest cornea Y Section 12 of Ordinance 23r of this city. tablished by Secti At -the intersection of Pearl Street and I thus city. At the Street and South arleton Avenue the grade shall be as al- shall be as ahead Cady established by Section i1 of Ordi- o{ Ordinance 260 ance 231 of this city. Section 15. The grade of ,Diamond Street Section 25. 'I'll orn North West Street to Carleton Avenue Stree, from South hereby established as follows: South Lemon SCre At the intersection of Diamond Street and Poll ts'and t the orth West Street, the Southwest and North- ; est corners shall be as already established I Southwest corner Section 12 of Ordinance 231 of this city. hshea by Section At the intersection of Diamond Street and this city- The We arleton Avenue, the grade shall be as al- geles Street at its adv established by Section 11 of Ordinance tended North lips r of this city. shall be as already Section 16. The grade of Oak Street from of Ordinance 260 of I nth Lemon Street to Seath Paten Street tion of West Wate hereby -established as follows: Street the Southeast -At the intersection of Oak Street and South I redfirty-sixand 10 mon Street, the Southwest and Northwest i curb line of South. rnei shall be as already established by Twenty-one and etion r of Ordinance 16o of this city. At e intersection of Oak Street and South I the extended hill ementme Street the grade shall be as al- I shall be One hill adv established by Section 2 of Ordinance I (146.00) feet. 9 of this city. At the intersection of Oak Section 26. The reet and South Helena Street the grades I from South Los all be as already established by Section 3 Lemon Street is Ordinance i69 of this city. lows: At the intersection of Oak Street and At the intersectio nth Palm Street, the grade shall be as I South Los Angeles Cady established by Section 10 of Ordi- Northwest corners nee 16o of this city.. tablished },y Sectio Section 17. The grade of Chestnut Street this city. m South Los Angeles Street to South At the intersectio 1m Street is hereby established as follows: South lemon Strs At the intersection of Chestnut Street and shall be One hull uth Los Angeles Street the Southwest and (146.5°) feet and tl rthwest corners shall be as already es- I be One hundred ft lished by Section 14 of Ordinance 260 of feet. s city. At the intersection of Chestnut Section z7. The g eet and South Lemon Street the grade from South Los All 11 be as already established by Section erly City Limits of Ordinance rho of this city. follows: At the in t the intersection of Chestnut Street and Street and South th Clementine Street the grade shall be Northeast and Sout already established by Section 2 of O- already established ance 160 of th;. e;r.. rI., dinance 260 of tbis city ready established by Section 2 of Ordinance 14 An feet. STREET FROM SOUTH WEST \t the intersection of West North Street 69 oS this city. At rile intersection of Oak ion �6. The gr: !and North Citron Street the gn-de shall be treet and South Melena Street the grades Ir°111 South Los An STREET TO WALNUT STREET; as already established by Section 30 of Or- `1'a'1 be as already established by Section 3 1-enion Street is her ELM STREET FROM SOU I H LOS dinance 26o of this city. of Ordinance 169 of this city. lows: At the intersection of West North Street At the intersection of Oak Street and At the intersection , ANGELES STREET TO SOUTH I and North West Street the Northeast corner ``ath Palm Street, the rade shall be as South Los :Angeles tit shall be One hundred thirty-eight and 6o-ioo already established by Section 10 of Ordi- Nm'thwest corners sl PALM STREET; EAST SANTA (138.60). The Southeast coneshall be as nance 16o of this city. tablished by Section ANA STREET FROM SOUTH OL- aheadv established by Section 12 of Ordi- Section 17. The grade of Chestnut Street this city. nance 231 of this city. from South Los Angeles Street to South At the intersection c IVE STREET TO SOUTH LOS Section �. The grade of Wilhelmina Street i Palm Street is hereby established as follows: South Lemon Street from North Los Angeles Street to North I At the intersection of Chestnut Street and shall be One Iundre ANGELES STREET; WEST SAN- Lemon Street is hereby established as fol- South Los Angeles Street the Southwest and j (146.5o) feet and the TA ANA STREET FROM SOUTH lows: At the intersection of Wilhelminall Northwest corners shall be as already es -be be One hundred forty Street and North Los Angeles Street the tablished by Section 14 of Ordinance 26o of feet. LOS ANGELES STREET TO WAL- East curb of North Los Angeles Street this city. At the intersection of Chestnut I' Section 27. The gra( NUT STREET; EAST WATER at its intersection with the extended North street tbanas South Lemon Street the grade' from South Los Ange line of Wilhelmina Street shall be as already y established by Section I y y Limits is STREET FROM KROEGER I established by Section 15 of Ordinance 260 a of Ordinance 16o of this city, Hollows: At the inter of this city. At the Fast curb of North At the intersection of Chestnut Street and `Street and South Lo STREET TO SOUTH ORANGE' Los Angeles Street at its intersection with South Clementine Street the grade shall be �INortheast and Southea the extended South line of Wilhelmina Street as already established by Section 2 of Or. ��already established by STREET; WEST WATER shall be as already established by Section dinance 16g of this city. nance 16o.. of this city STREET FROM SOUTH LOS AN- 15 of Ordinance z6o of this city. The South- trice intersection of Chestnut Street and I East South Street at s west corner and the Northwest corner shall .South Helena Street the grade shall be as l�twenty-eight and 84-100 GELES STREET TO SOUTH be as already established by Section 1g °f I already established by Section 3 of Ordi- the East line of Sout: Ordinance z6o,of this cit nance 169 of this cit At the intersection of LEMON STREET' STUECKLE v' Chestnut Street andSouthPalm Street the �(1g8�go)efeet eandrithe STREET; At the intersection of Wilhelmina Street I Northeast and Southeast corners shall be as. AVENUE FROM SOUTH LOS AN- and Zeyn Street, the North curb of Wil- I already established b outh Street at a point GELES STREET TO SOUTH LE M_ helmina Street at its intersection with the j nance 16o of this city. Section to of Ordi= �1ght and 84-100 (388.f extended East line of Zeyn Street shall be Section 18. The Y East line of South Los grade of Third Street be One hundred forty -r ON STREET; EAST SOUTH as already established by Section 18 of Or- South from South Lemon Street to South feet. The South curb dinance 260 of this city. The Southeast and Helena Street is hereby established as fol. at a STREET FROM SOUTH LOS AN- Southwest of shall be as already es. lows: Point. Seven hundr GELES STREET 1O THE EAST -'tablished by Section 18 of Ordinance 26o of At the intersection of Third Street South � los XngelesEStreet, sl this city. Tlie North curb of Wilhelmina and South Lemon Street the Southwest and Yorty-nine and 95-1oo t ERLY CITY LIMITS; WEST Street at its intersection with the extended Northwest corners shall be as already es- South curb of East So SOUTH STREET FROM SOUTH establishedWest line oby eyn ectSoneei8shofllCbe as rdinancee26o thislcity. At thelntersectionOrdinance "Thrd StreetS7817) Fast eof rice LOS A(vtaELES STREET TO WAL- i of this city. _At the intersection of Wilhel- South and South Clementine Street the grade los Angeles Street sh mina Street and North Lemon Street, the shall be as already established by Section 2 fty and to -1o0 NUT STREET; PYTHIAS AVE- Northeast and Southeast corners shall he as of Ordinance 16g of this cit (1$010) NUE FROM CRONE AVENUE TO already established by Section 20 of e a At the intersection of Th rd Street South and tSouth �Olive Street o nance 26o of this city. The West curb of and South Helena Street the grade shall be already established by DAMON AVENUE; AMSTUTZ Forth Lemon Street at its intersection with as already established by Section the extended South line of Wilhelmina Street nance i6q of this cit 3 of Ordi- nance 26o of this city. AVENUE FROM CRONE AVE -shall be as already established by Section zo Section 1g. The Y- of East South Street I of Ordinance 26o of this city. The West curb' - grade of East Broadway Street the grade shall NUE TO DAMON AVENUE' of North Lemon Street at its intersection Street from South Atchison Street to South lished by Section g of 1 East Street is hereby established as follows: city. SOUTH THALIA STREET FROM with the extended North line of Wilhelmina At the intersection of East Broadway Street I At the intersection o Street shall be as already established by and South Atchison Street the Northeast and South East Street t WEST CENTER STREET TO Section 20 of Ordinance 26o of this city. ano Southeast corners shall be as already already established by Section 6. The grade of East Alberta established by Section 4 of Ordinance r 1 of mince 26o of this cit WEST BROADWAY STREET; Street from North Los Angeles Street to this city. The Southwest and Northwest9cor- Section 28. The gra NORTHNorth Olive Street is hereby established as ners shall be as already established by See- Street from South Los THALIA STREET FROM follows: tion g of Ordinance 16o of this city. At Walnut Street is hereb) WEST CENTER STREET TO LIN. At the intersection of East Alberta Street I the intersection of East Broadway Street and lows: and North Los Angeles Street, the North- South Orange Street, the grade shall be as At the intersection of COLN AVENUE; VILLA PLACE east and Southeast corners shall be as al- already established by Section 16 of Ordi- and South Los Angeles l ready established by Section 6 of Ordinance nance 210 of this city. At the intersection of west and Northwest cot FROM WEST CENTER STREET TO LINCOLN AVENUE; CHEn.,Y 191 of this city. At the intersection of East East Broadway Street and South Vine Street, ready established by Sect Alberta Street and North Claudina Street the grade shall be as already established by 166 of this city. At the STREET FROM WEST the grade shall be as already established Section 17 of Ordinance 210 of this city. At South Street and South CENTER by Section 12 of Ordinance 210 of this city. y the intersection of East shall a Street and Northeast corner shall be STREET TO WEST BROADWAY 'fit the intersection of East Alberta Street Bush Street, the grade shall be as alread set -en ad North Philadelphia Street the grade established by Section r8 of Ordinance 21u be One hundred feet; the o STREET; WALNUT STREET shall be as already established b Section of this city. 13 of Ordinance 210 of this city.y. At the At the intersection of East 'Broadway Street s zutawast�o�er shall be FROM WEST CENTER STREET intersection of East Alberta Street and North' and South Rose Street the (146.80) f TO WEST SANTA ANA STREET' Olive Street, the Fast curb of North Olive as already established by Secttiione1 shall Soioor shall be One hu STREET; Street at its intersection with the extended, dinance 210 of this city. 9 (e int feet. SOUTH WEST STREET FROM center line of East Alberta Street shall be At the intersection of East Broadway Street and t SouthlnPalmtlStreet as already f WEST CENTER STREET TO dinance 2ioeofathis ciity. TheSection S uthwest nd and South East Street ,ythe Sectgrade 2oshall Obe r- .as allrea y estaof blis ertyby as already established b ir WEST SANTA ANA STREET Northwest corners shall be as alread es- dinance 210 of this city. of"R'est South Street and tablished by Section 1q of Ordinance z o of Section 20. The grade of West Broadway the grade shall be t d SOUTH PALM STREET FROM this city, Street from South West Street to Walnut Section 29 of Ordinance 2 Section 7. The grade of West Alberta Street is hereby established as follows: the intersection of West WEST BROADWAY STREET TO Street from North Los Angeles Street to CHESTNUT STREET; NORTH Y re the intersection Street West Broadway South West Street the gr North Lemon Street is hereby established Street and South West Street the grade shall ready established by Sectio as follows: At the intersection of West be as already established b g of H�tENA STREET FROM WEST Alberta Street and North Los Angeles Street, Y Section 260 of this city. At the i' the Southwest and Northwest corners shall Ordinance 210 of this it Street and At the 1 Walnut SouthSStree an oWaln ts] CENTER STREET TO WEST CY- be as already established by Section 1g of tion of egtadeo�dall be as already estab- Street, the r established b Section PRESS STREET; NORTH CLEM- Ordinance 260 of this city. At the inter- lisbed by Section 7 of Ordinance 23,ofthis this city. Y 3 c section of West Alberta Street and "Zeyn ENTINE STREET FROM WEST Street the grade shall be as already estab. Section 21. The grade of Elm Street from from Crone 29 he to ] lished by Section 18 of Ordinance 26o of this grade CENTER STREET TO WEST CY• city. At the intersection of West Alberta South I,os A Angeles as follows; Palm terrebyoesoblished Pythias full PRESS STREET; NORTH LEMON Street and North Lemon Street, the North- StrAt the eet is hereby South Los Angeles ion of Elm Street and nuc the grade shall be east and Southeast corners shall be as al- genes Street the Southwest and fished by Section 36 of =STREET FROM WEST SYCA- ready established by Section 20 of Ordinance Northwest corners shall be as alread es- 260 of this city. tablished by Section 14 of Ordinance i6o of Avenuethis t enAt th d Damon Avenu MORE STREET TO WILHEL- Section 8. The rade of East Adele Streete inters this city. At the intersection of Elm Street be as already established MINA STREET; NORTH CLAUD- from Pauline Street to North Orange Street and South Lemon Street the is hereby established as follows • At the as already established by Section ii s ofll Or Ordinance . of this city INA STREET FROM EAST CHAR- intersection of East Adele Street -and Paul- dinance 160 of this city. 30• the grade of be TRES STREET TO EAST SYCA- tablished me Sthe treet Setion rade shall Ordinance of as already es• At the South Clementinection Street�fthe lm Street and hereby frona Crone establ sheduastfoll this city. At the intersection tionof East Adele as already established by Section de of all e Avenue the f Amstutz At MORE STREET; EMILY STREET Street and North Orange Street, the South- y. FROM EAST CENTER STREET west and Northwest corners shall be o al. nance i in this cit grade shall f At the intersection of Elm Street and this � city. Attlthe on interse TO EAST SYCAMORE ready established by Section 6 of Ordinance South Helena Street the grade shall be as Avenue and Damon Avenu ORE STREET; 26o of this city. already established by Section NORTH PHILADELPHIA STREET StSeetion 9. BaThe Street to North Orange 169 of this cit 3 of Ordinance O in already. established Cypress Y• At the intersection of Elm Ordinance 26o of this cit FROM EAST CENTER STREET Y established as follows: At street and South established b' the grade Section Street is hereby shall be as already 31• The grade TO EAST SYCAMORE STREET• the intersection of East Cypress Street and of Ordinance 210 of this city, Y Section ro Broadway " West Center Pauline Street the grade shall be as alreadySection 22. The grade of East Santa Ana follows: Y Street is hetet MELROSE STREET FROM EAST of established by Section intersection of East Street from South Olive Street to South At, the intersection of Sc $ of Ordinance East Los' Angeles Street is hereby established as and West Center Street t] CENTER STREET TO EAST SAN- Cypress Street and North Atchison Street follows: the grade shall be as already established b At the intersection of East Santa Ana sheSoutd by Sections shall be _-. Y Street and South Olive Street the North- oity. Y 7 of Ord e 16o of this "city. At st Cypress Street and the Northeast and ll be as already es - of Ordinance 231 of awest and Northwest 1lready established by 26o of this city. 1de of West Chartres -eet to North Citron ished as follows: At A Chartres Street and shall be as alreadv 9 of Ordinance 2fo intersection of West North Citron Street, ,utheast corners - shall led by Section 8 of city. The West curb =t at its intersection er line of `Fest Char- ts already established ance l`2toof this city. ade of West, Center cion with North 'Los th Los Angeles Street North Lemon Street reet is hereby estab- t the intersection of I South Los Ang ele corner shall be as Section 14of Ordi- At the intersection and North Los An- nwest corner shall be by Section r5 of Or - At the intersetion t and South Lemon orner shall be as ar- ction 22 of Ordinance intersection of West th Lemon Street the be as already estab= Ordinance 26o of this ade of West Center n with North Helena is Street to its inter- Im Street and South established as follows: West Center Street et the Southwest cor- established by Section this city. At the in- ter Street and North hwest corner shall be by Section 22 of Or - West Center Street the Northeast corner iblished by Section 7 s city. At the inter- itreet and South Palm .orner shall be as al- lction 7 of Ordinance e of the North curb eet from its intersec- d Westerly line of, its intersection„ with of Adams Street is - follows: d West Center Street the extended West- ia Street shall be as ection 7 of Ordinance North curb of West ntersection with the '',dams Street shall ed by Section 3 of :ity. of Pearl Street from Carleton Avenue is I lows : if Pearl Street and Southwest and North - ss already established Ince 231 of this city. of Pearl Street and rade shall be as al - Section ii of Ordi e of Diamond Street to Carleton Avenue I rs follows: Diamond Street and j Southwest and North - s already established lice 231 of this city. Diamond Street and rade shall be as al - :tion i1 of Ordinance { of Oak Street from South Palm Street s follows: ),ak Street and South. )west and Northwest 1 -eady established by j 16o of this city. At C Street and South rade shall be as al - :tion 2 of Ordinance intersection of Oak �a Street the grades-) blished by Section 3 Is city. of Oak Street and grade shall be as Section io of Ordi- e of Chestnut Street les Street to South stablished as follows: Chestnut Street and et the Southwest and IT be as already es- , of Ordinance 26o of �- east and Northwest corners shall be as al- ready established by Section 15 of Ordinance 16o of this city. The Southeast and --..South- west corners shall be as already established by Seetion 15 of Ordinance 2fo of this city. At the intersection of East Santa Ana Street and South Philadelphia Street, the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 14 of .Ordinance 16o of this city. Th9 South curb of East Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the ex- tended center line of South Philadelphia Street, shall be as already established by Section 13 of Ordinance z6o of this city. At the intersection of East Santa Ana Street and South Claudina Street, the North- east and Northwest corners shall be as al- ready established by Section 13 of Ordinance 160 of this city. The South curb of East Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of South Claudina Street shall he as already established by Section 13 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the in- tersection of East Santa Ana Street and South Los Angeles Street the Northeast and Southeast corners shall be as already estab- lished by Section 12 of Ordinance n6o of this city. Section 23- 'The grade of West Santa Ana Street from South Los Angeles Street to Walnut Street is hereby established as fol- lows: At the intersection on of West Santa Ana Street and South Los Angeles Street, the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 12 of Ordi- nance i6o of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Lemon, Street, the grade shall. be as already estab- I lished by Section it of Ordinance i6o of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Clementine Street the North at ant. Northwest corners shall be as alread established by Section 2 of Ordinance i6g o this city.. The South curb of West Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of South Clementine Street shall be as already established by Section 21 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Helena Street, the North- east and iorthwest corners shall be as al- ready established by Section 3 of Ordinance i69 of this city. The South curb of West Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center lirie of South Helena Street shall be as already established by Section 21 of Ordinance 260of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Palm Street the grade shall be as,already established by Section io of Ordinance 210 of this city. At the intersec- tion of West Santa Ana Street and South Citron Street, the grade shall be as already 'established by Section 8 of Ordinance 2io of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South West Street the grades shall be as already established by Section 34 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the: intersection of West Santa Ana Street and Walnut Street the grade shall -be as already established by Section .3 of Ordinance 210 of this city. Section 24. The grade of East Water Street from Kroeger Street to South Orange) Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of East Water Street and Kroeger Street the Northeast corner shall be as already established by Section 9 of Or- dinance 26o of this city. The West curb of Kroeger Street at its intersection with the extended North line of East Water Street shall be as °already 'established by Section 9 of Ordinance 26o of this city- At the intersection of East Water Street and South Atchison Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already es- tablished by Section 7 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the intersection of East Water Street and South Orange Street the grade shall be as already .established by Section 5 of Ordinance 26o of this city. Section 25. The grade of West Water Streez from South Los Angeles Street to South Lemon Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of West Water Street and South Los Angeles Street the Southwest corner shall be as already estab- lished by Section t4 of Ordinance 26o of this city. The West curb of South Los An- geles Street at its in with the ex- tended North line of -East Water Street, shall be as already established by Section 14 of Orklinance 260 of this city. At the intersec- tionf West Water Street i and South Lemon Stre the Southeast corner shall be one hund- red rty-six and 10-100 (146.10) feet: The East curb 'line of South Lemon Street at a point Twenty-one and 75-100 (21.70 feet north of the extended South line of Vineyard Lot G4, shall. be One hundred forty-six and oo-roa 0 6.00) feet. Section 26. The grade of Stueckle Avenue from South Los Angeles Street to South Lemon Street is hereby established as fol- lows: At the intersection of Stueckle Avenue and South Los Angeles Street the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already es- tablished by Section 14 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of Stueckle Avenue and South Lemon Street the Northeast corner shall be One hundred forty-six and so -too (146 -so) feet and the Southeast corner shall be One hundred forty-six and 6o -too (146.6o) The grade of East South -os Angeles Street to the At the intersection of South Thalia Street and West Broadway Street, the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 32. The grade of North Thalia Street from West Center Street to Lincoln Avenue is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of North Thalia Street and West Center Street, the Northeast and North- west corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance i6o of this city. At the intersection of -North Thalia Street and Lincoln Avenue, the Southeast , and Southwest corners shail be as already estab- lished by Section io of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 33, The grade of Villa Place from West Center Street to Lincoln Avenue, is hereby established as follows: At the in- tersection of Villa Place and West Center Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the inter- section of Villa Place and Lincoln Avenue, the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section lo of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 34. The grade of Cherry Street from `.'est Center Street t0 West Broadway io-tdwa v Street is hereby established as follows At the intersection of Cherry Street and West Center Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of Cherry Street and West Broadway Street the Northeast and North- west corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 35. The grade of Walnut Street from West Center Street to West Santa Ana Street, is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Walnut Street and West Center Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Chest- nut Street the Northeast and Southeast cor- ners shall be as already established by Sec- tion 9 of Ordinance 231 of this city. The West curb of Walnut Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Chestnut Street shall be as already estab- lished by Section 9 of Ordinance 231 of this city. At the intersection of Walnut Street and West Broadway Street the grade shall be as already Ostablished by Section 7 of Ordinance 231 of this city. At the intersec- tion of Walnut Street and West Santa Ana Street the grade shall be as already estab- lished by Section 3 of Ordinance 210 of this citSecy. tion 36. The grade of South West Street from West Center Street to West Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of South West Street and West Center Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already estab- lished by Section 7 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of South West Street and Chestnut Street the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already estab- lished by Section 9 of Ordinance 231 of this city. At the intersection of South West Street and West Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinance 210 of this city. At the intersection of South West Street and West Santa Ana Street the grades ohall be as already established by Section 34 of Ordinance 26o of this city. Section 37. The grade f South Palm Street from West Broadway Street to Chestnut Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of South Palm Street and West Broadway Street the Northeast corner shall be as already .established. by Sec- tion 9 of Ordinance i6o of this city. 'Che Northwest corner shall be as already-estab- lished lreadyestab-lished by Section 5 of Ordinance 210 of this city. The West curb of South Palm Street at its intersection with the extended center line of Third Street South, shall be as al- ready established by Section to of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of South Palm Street and Chestnut Street, the South- east corner shall be as alreadv established by Section 10 of Ordinance 16o of this city. The Southwest corner =hall be as already estab- lished by Section 8 of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 38. The grade 'of North Helena Street from West Center Street to West Cypress Street is hereby established as fol- lows: ol-lows: At the Intersection of North Helena Street and West Center Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already estab- lished by Section 22 of Ordinance 26o of this city. The East curb of North Helena Street at a point One hundred fifty-one (151) feet I North of the North line of West Center ! Street, the grade shall be as already estab- lished by Section 24 Of Ordinance 26o of this city, and the West curb opposite thereto I shall be as already establisl}ed by Section 24 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the intersection of North Helena Street and West Chartres Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 6 of Or- dinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of North Ifelena Street and West Cypress Street the Southeast and ' Southwest corners shall be as already es- tablished by Section it of Ordinance 210 of this city. Section 39. The grade of North Clementine Street from West Center Street to West Cy- press Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of forth Clementine Street and West Center Street the Northeast 1!=r:per Northwest coiner shall be as al- f corn r hl t 1 h r e sal be Ore l u d ed fifty-five and 3o -foo (155.30) feet; the Southwest corner shall be One hundred fifty-five and :o -,no. (15.10) feet. Section 43. The grade of North Philadel- phia Street from East Center Street to East .ycanlore Street is hereby established as fol- lows: At the intersection of North Phila- delphia Street and East Center Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 17 of Cr- dinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of North Philadelphia Street and East Char- tres Street, the grade shall be as already es- tablished by Section 6 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of North Phil- adelphia Street and ,East Cypress Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinance too of this city. At the intersection of North Philadelphia Street and East Adele Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 4 of Ordi- nance 16o of this city. At the intersection of North Philadelphia Street and East Syca- more Street, the - Southeast corner shall be,;; One hundred fifty-six (156) feet; the South- i west corner shall be One hundred fifty-five and So -loo (155.80) feet. [lection 44. The grade of -Melrose Streetj o Last Banta from East Center Street .beet tAnal, Street is hereby established as follows: At; the intersection of -Melrose Street and East Center Street, the Southeast and Southwest: corners shall beas already established. by. Section 8 of Ordinance 16o of this city: At li the intersection of 'Melrose Street and East Broadway Street, the grade shall be as a1,-1 ready established by Section 9 of Ordinance, i6o of this city. At the intersection of Biel=l rose Street and East Santa Ana Street, the;' Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 15 of Or- dinance 210 of this city - Section 45. The grade of Santa Fe Street from East Center Street to East Cypress Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Santa Fe Street and East Center Street the Northeast and North- west corners shall be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance i6o of this city. At the intersection of Santa Fe Street and East Chartres Street, the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section 6 of Ordinance' 16o of this city. At the intersection of Santa Fe Street and East Cypress Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already es tablished by Section 5 of Ordinance 16o of; this city. Section 46. Therade of Sabina Street flom East Cypress Street to East Sycamore Street is hefeby established as follows: At the intersection of Sabina Street and East Cypress Street, the Northeast and North- West corners shall be as already established, by Section 5 of Ordinance i6o of this city-' At the intersection of Sabina Street and East Adele Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 4 of Ordinance' 16o of this city. At the intersection of Sa- bina Street and EastSycamore Street, the Southeast corner shall be One hundred fifty- eight and 70-100 (158.70) feet; the Southwest corner shall be One hundred fifty-eight and - 50 -100 (158.50) feet. Section 47- The grade of Topeka Street from East Center Street to East Cypress Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Topeka Street and East Center Street, the Northeast corner shall be One hundred fifty-fiveand Soaoo 055.8o) feet. The :Northwest corner shall be as alfeady established by Section 8 of Or- dinance 16o of this .city. At the intersection of Topeka Street and East Chartres Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 6 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of Topeka Street and East Cypress Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinance 16o of this city. Section 48. The grade of Pauline Street from East Cypress Street to East Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of Pauline Street and East Cypress Street the -Northeast and North- west corners shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of Pauline Street and East Adele Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 4 of Ordinance 16o of this city. At the intersection of Paul- ine Street and East Sycamore Street the Southeast corner shall be One hundred fifty- nine and 8o -too (i5q,8o) feet; the Southwest corner shall be One hundred fifty-nine and 60 -too 059.6o) feet. Section 49. The grade of North Orange Street from East Center Street to East Cy- press Street is hereby established, as follows:..._ At the intersection of North Orange Street and East Center Street the Northeast corner shall be as already established by Section 3 of Ordinance 191 of this city. The Nort11- west corner shalt be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance i6o of this city. At the intersection of North Orange Street and East Cypress Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already estab- lished by Section 6 of Ordinance 26o of this city. Section 50, The grade of North Atchison Street froin East Chartres Street to East Cy- press Street is hereby established as follows: At the intersection of North Atchison Sheet and East Cypress Street, the South- west and Northwest corners shall be as al- ready established b� Section 6 of Ordinance t6o of this city. The East curb of North .Atchison Street at its intersection with the extended center line of East Chartres Street shall be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the intersection of North Atchison Street and Past Cypress Str - t, the South - a t and South est corns t 0 o us muecx[e Avenue a Point One hundred fifty-one — ` lot ordinance 1g1 of this cite uTheecNorth. from South' Los ngeles Street to South North of the North line of WestS�Center I Fest corner shall be as alr city. established; Lemon Street is hereby established as fol Street, the rade shall be as alreadyestab- by Section 8 of Ordinance 16o Lf this ^City, lows: lished b Section At the intersection of North Orange Street At the intersection of Stueckle Avenue and 'city, and the WestofcOb Ordinance 260 of this and East Cypress Street the Southeast and: shall ka as already opposite hereto Southwest corners shall be as already' estab- South Los Angeles Street the Southwest and Or established by )Section Northwest corners shall be as already es, of dinance. 260 of this citg city' by Section 6 of Ordinance' 26o -of this tabl shed by Section 14 of Ordinance 26o of At the intersection of North Helena Areet y' this " city, and West Chartres Street the -grade shall be Section 5o. The grade of North Atchison At the intersection of Stueckle Avenue and as already established by Section 6 of Or._ Street from East Chartres Street to East Cy South Lemon Street the Northeast corner dinance i6o of this city. press Street is hereby established as follows: shall be One hundred forty-six and 50-10o At the intersection of North Helena Street At the intersection of North Atchison (146-�0) feet and the Southeast corner shall and West Cypress Street the Southeast and Street and East Cypress Street, the South - be One hundred forty-six and 6o-ioo (146.60) Southwest corners shall be as already es- west and Northwest corners shall be as 1 feet tabl- h d It I erection 27. The grade of East South St to ,from South Los Angeles Street to the E U erly City Limits is hereby established follows: At the intersection of East So of Street and South Los Angeles Street me 'Northeast and Southeast corners shall be r• .already established by Section 12 of O nance 16a of this city. The South curb East South Street at a point Three hund s. twenty-eight and %loo (�,84) feet East 1, the East line of South os Angeles St ,f shall be One hundred forty-eight and go - e (148,9o) feet and the South curb of E S South Street at a point Three hundred eig z e;ght and 84 -loo (!-84) feet East of East line of South Los Angeles Street,Poe s t feet. The uSouth fcurbnofeEat 05-100 outh (St i at a point :Seven hundred nineteen: and 17- (91%17) feet East of the East line of So Los Angeles Street, shall be One 'hund 1 forty-nine and 95 -loo (149,98) feet and South curb of East South Street at a po f Seven h�tndrtif seventy-nine. and r7 - (779•t7) Easy of the East line of Sot Los :An Street shall he One hu,;.ir fifty, and 10-100 01 0,1o) feet. At the intersection of East :=ont:1 Str and South Olive Street the grade shall be already established by Section 10 of Or -nance 260 • of this city. At the intersects of East South Street • and __South Oran Street the grade shall be as already esta !shed by Section 5 of Ordinance 26o of t city, At the intersection of East South Str and South East Street the grade shall be already established by Section 3 . of Or nance 26o of. this city. Section z8. The grade of West Sou Street from South Los Angeles Street Walnut Street' is hereby established as fo Iowa: At the intersection of West South Stre and ,South Los Angeles Street, the South west' and Northwest corners shall be as a ready, established by Section 12 of Ordinanc 160 of this city. , At the intersection of We South Street and South Lemon Street th Northeast corner shall be One hundred fort seven (147) feet; the Southeast corner she be One hundred forty-seven (147) feet; th Southwest corner shall be One hundred fort six and 8o' -zoo (16:8o) feet; the Northwes corner shall be One hundred forty-six an 8o -loo 046.8o) feet. At the intersection of West South Stree and South Palm Street the grade shall b as already established by Section 25 of Or- dinance z6o of this city. At the intersectio Of West South Street and South Citron Street the grade shall be as already established b Section 29 of Ordinance 26o of this city, A the intersection of West South Street an South West Street the grade shall be as al ready -established by Section 34 of Ordinance in of West Northeast as already ince 2zo of Section 29. The grade of Pythias Avenue from, Crone Avenue to Damon Avenue is hereby, established as follows: At the in- tersection of Pythias Avenue and Crone Ave- nue the grade shall be as already estab- lished by Section 36 of Ordinance 26o of this city., At the intersection f Pythias Avenue and Damon Avenue, the grade shall be as already established by Section 35 of Ordinance 26o f this city. Section 30. 4Fhe grade of Amstutz Avenue, from Crone Avenue to Damon Avenue is. tersectionestablished Amstutz follows: Avenue and the in. Crone Avenue the grade shall be as already estah- lished by Section 36 of Ordinance 26o of this city. Al the intersection of Amstutz Avenue and Damon Avenue the grade shall 3e as already established by Section 35 of ordinance 260 of this city. Section 31. The grade of South Thalia street from West Center Street* to West Broadway Street is hereby established as oilows: At the intersection of South Thalia Street nd West Center Street the Southeast and ionthwest corners shall be as already estab- !sf ed by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this K'ty is a by Section 11 of Ordinance 210 of ready established by Section 6 of Ordinance reet this city. 160 of this city. 1'he East curb of North ast- Section 39, The grade of North Clementine Atchison Street at its intersection with the as Strget from West Center Street to West Cy- extended center line of East Chartres Street', nth press Street is hereby established as follows: shall be as already established by Section 8 the At the intersection of North Clementine of Ordinance z6o of this city. as Street and West Center Street the�Northeast At the intersection of North Atchison' rdi- corner and Northwest comer shall be as al- Street and East Cypress Street; the South. of ready established by Section 2z of Ordinance east and South west corners shall be as a]. red �O of this city. The East and West curbs 'ready established by Section 5 of Ordinance of of North Clementine Street at a point One 16o of this city. Sir hundred fifty-one (15 i) feet North of the Section 51. The grade of South Orange '00eet North line of West Center Street shall be as Street from East Center Street to East Santa est already, established by Section 23 of Ordi-' Ana Street is hereby established as follows.: hty- nance 260 of this city. At the intersection of South Orange Street the At the intersection of North Clementine ner hall eEast enasrStreet, the already established eby cor Sec- hall Street and West Cnartres Street, the grade tion eet shall di as already established by Section 6 Southwest comer shall be asof Ordinance igr of this already es ab- 100 of Ordinance se of this city. lished by Section 8 of Ordinance 16o of this 10o At the intersection of North Clementine city. At the intersection of South Orange. utjl Street and West Cypress Street the South- Street and East BroadwayStreet, the red east and Southwest corners shall be as al- shall be a; already establihed by Sectionadx6 the ready established by Section 11 of Ordinance of Ordinance 210 of this city. At the inter- int 21S of this citx section of South Orange Street and East Section grade of North Lemon Santa Ana Street the Northeast and North. 100 40. rhe Sou St;Pet from West Sycamore Street to Wil- west corners shall be as already established e -llina Street is hereby established as fol- by Section 15 of Ordinance 210 of this city, lows: Section 52, All ordinances or parts of as At the intersection of North Lemon Street ordinances in conflict with the provisions of i- and West Sycamore Street the Northeast this ordinance are hereby repealed. di- corner shall be ,One hundred fifty and 7o-ioo Section 53• The Citpp Clerk of the City, on (150.70) feet and the Northwest corner shall of Anaheim shall ce'Vtify to the ge be One hundred fifty and 45-100 (150.45) feet. this ordinance and cause the samaes to be b- The East curb of North Lemon Street at a ppublished once in The Orange County, his point Two Hundred twenty-four and Plaindealer," a newspaper of (224.75) feet north of the center line of West lation, printed, published and gcirculatedeneral r in, eet Sycamore Street, shall be One hundred fifty- said City of Anaheim, and 3o days frgm and as one and 8o-ioo (151,80)- The West curb of after its final passage it shall take effect and Ord North Lemon Street opposite thereto shall be in full force. be One hundred fifty-one and 6o -loo (151.6o) The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap- th feet. At the intersection of North Lemon pproved and attested by me this 26th day of to Street and West Albert Street the Northeast December, A. D. 1913• 1- and Southeast corners shall be as already es- (Seal) M. tablished by Section 20 of Ordinance 26o of President of the Board of Trustees of Gthe et this city. City of Anaheim, - At the intersection of North Lemon Street Attest: 1' and -Wilhelmina Street, the an and EDWARD B. MERRITT, e Southeast corners- shall be as already estab- y Clerk of the Cit of Anaheim, Wes lished by Section 20 of Ordinance of Cit s y 1this city. The West curb of North Lemon STATE OF CALIFORNIA,] 1 Street at its intersection with the extended , County of Orange, )ss e South line of Wilhelmina Street shall be Cit, of Anaheim, tas already established by Section 20 of Or- I I> Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the dinance 26o of this. city. The West curb of +Cit North Lemon Street at its intersection with I y of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the d the extended North line of Wilhelmina Street foregoing ordinance was introduced at a t shall be as already established by Section 2O meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the lith day of Decem• e of Ordinance 26o of this city, her, 1913, and it was regularly passed and Section 41, The grade of North Claudine I adopted at a regular meeting of said Board n Street from East Chartres Street to East of Trustees held on the 26th day of December, , Sycamore Street is hereby established as fol- 1913, by the following vote: y lows: Ayes, Trustees Nebelun At re the intersection of North Claudina and Cook. g, Stark, Harmer d Street and East Chartres Street, the North. Noes, Trustees, none, east and Northwest corners shall be as al- Absent and not voting, Trustee Gates, ready established by Section 6 of Ordinance And I further certify that the President f 160 of this city. the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana - At the intersection of North Claudine heir signed said ordinance on the 26th da Street and East Cypress Street the grade of December, 1913, y shall be as already established by Section 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have here-. of Ordinance 160 of this city, unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said At the intersection of North Claudine city this 26th day of December, 19z3 - Street and East Adele Street, the (Seal) EDWARD B. MEitRITT, shall be as already established by Sechond4, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ofOrdinance the cinte sectionhisofitNoraudma Stomach Trouble Cured, Street and East Sycamore Street,pthe (Soh - east corner shall be One hundred fifty-four and 6o•1oo (154.60) feet and the Southwest corner shall be One hundred fifty-four and If you have any trouble with 45-100 (154.45) feet. y011r Section 42. The stomach you should take Chamber- from East Center Streets to fEasmily Street Sycamore !sin's Tablets. Mr. P. J. Kiote of Street is hereby established as follows: East Center Streetlon the Noof rtheast and Street North At the Edina, MO.. 8 ays: "I have used a west corners shall be as already established great many different medicines fol' by Section 17 of Ordinance 26o of this city. At the intersection of Emily Street and East stomach trouble, but find C Chartres Street the grade shall be as already bamber- established by Section 6 of Ordinance 160 la'n s Tablets more beneficial than of this city„ At the intersection of Emily Street and East -Cypress Street the grade any other remedy I ever used." For shall be as already established byy Section 5 of Ordinance x6o of this city. At the ;n- sale by all dealers.—`jan tersection of Emily Street and East Adele Street the grade shall be as already estab• lished by Section 4 of Ordinance 16o of this Tom Ingram was in Los An city, At the intersection of Emily Street I $elea and East Sycamore Street, the Southeast yesterday relative to business. r r. 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i1a 2u'8* I P, r, IT�,. Ile L J. 0 OP OI! �!ItiDZ - 7-, 2 . , Lili-alu LQ_ "Ij;.ZASC. >JZ' IJ -6 L�; Ii, .21 -ii; C;flly 0 Im AD.L I-) A. ziis -Liilly li'0��Illi LOS r'ZILLT T`� r�'! �,Tli LOS CITY I,ILjITS; �17LLI uOLILL To jjoZjH WEST ST11EZT; I LLELvrijoaTij LOS LA3,7 J1 iLt�T, 311 �,�T 2"ROW ES STREET To NORTH L7L,-, �4. i -,TL-, ST &LBLIZ-� I Old j - .L i: " NJ 2 '1 0 illi LOS Sri', -11, STi. lET x-,"RObi, 14011TH LOS STREET TO iiO.&TH L.&LO14 D­Tl�l; Fla,ST A.DZLE, STi T 2.&bLIiJk STREET To ijoilTij OiA iGLSTREET; RiLlfGE, P'i-�,UT11,a STREET TO ORTH 0 Cli?RLSS, SIREET I ZEST CliaRTRES STRLT PROIIJ BESH STREET TO iiORTH QITROI; STI, T; L jj', R ITS 3 ­T.L!Z`LCTIOh -41TH NORTH LOS -�ii- ,iZST CZNTL, R STi T 01,�L I - 10 TMS GXELES Sll,'IaLZT LM SOUT1.111. LOS STIlLiZi, I -L.LLi Ila .f ID L&L 2REL E T10ii "'#ITH 11,02TH' LE,!dOAT.'4* STR.I'�`T OU ii T S cEiii-nij SmRLLT 220h. ITS TjER31jGTIOD WITH -113ORTH HomzllL STREET R A14D SOUTH HEIZLI� STRZILT TO 11"S TH U 0 TH STREET AND SOUTH P.&L- ST ELT, "-,HE liO-12H Cj]�B 011' LSTI CENTERRE.��,T "1 iL r;p7, LID ",'11�31JZRLY LIVE ITS jj;131�3,-1 �;,Jjo�j .wIT' .11 i n "T OF NORTH TH.LLI.L STIUI"AT TO ITS I11TERSEWITH ITH THE ZZ.TENDED �TEI a NORTH 11i[EST �411,w i LIlil" 01' &DAKS STREET- P:iliiill, ST' FROI STREET TO CAaLZTO1; AVZNUZ; STREET FROMI NOI.Tii`�'2'ST Jz LEbi-Oli STREET 3,TR,,JjBT TO CARIALT01i -,�V:ILL-UL; Q -6Z STREET "ROL S,)- ' J21i TO SOUTH 13kTIC, STREET; CHESTLUT STREET PRO11 SOUTH LOS ANGELES i STREET TO SOUTH 2A�Lllil STREET; Ti -1121) STRIMIT -Sauzjj� FROLI SOUTH LEM- ON STRELT TO S �TN E�i " &1 16 �P, � In - Ria tr , S I I SCUTT4 a.TCHT-0011 STREEN TO SOUTH ff'TSTR3ST,,. 2A u a AA",. - 1, C,/viLOS a.NGLL_.&o' 10 !:.el" SIT T -, Zi�Lli 3 T.6. ALA ISTIEZEET 2ROL1 SOUTH OLIVE STRZZT TO SOUTH LOS ti11TGLLZ-4 ST21LET: ` LST SANTA STE T IliiROIL SOUTH LOS ZGEL:LS STREET TO lv�.�,IJT v i STREET; EAST 4M1iTSR STREET 21101� ZaOJEAGT.:�R STREIET TO SOUTH ORA11GFA STREET; ZESTW'.LTZR STREET FRO111 SOUTH LOS i0fG.&LES STREET TO SOUTH IM'joij STREET; STUECELL AVLNUZ 2ROK SOUTH LOS ANGELES STREET TO SOUTH LE,1,'1011 STREET; ZiiST SOUTH STREET 11ROL.' SOUTH LOS. .aNGELES STREET TO THi; EASTERLY CITY LIMITS; ",WEST SOUTH STi LT FROL SOUTH LOS I'd iGEIES Sl.l&:,,T TO -kv , AIT1UT 3111L1,113T; FYTHIAS AVEZUK FRO11", cilci4zi xLvauJL To D -6110.N Zl!�;NUB; A11STUTZ AVENUE FROM CRONE 'IT! NUE TO D,611014 AVENUE; SOUT-1i THALI:, Srji1jLjLj 1' ODI CENT I' STRzsll TO -WEST STlL3ti`T; NORTH THAILa, ST1i3ZT FRO14 ,NEST CLLINTFAR STREET TO 1,114 0 0 11 ELV&NL UZ: VILLA 21.6.CE 111101 -WEST 014;.,yTER STIE T TO LITICOLTI AVENUE; CT !:2Y STRE.&T 11ROld WEST CEETZE STR:4;ET TO,,-Wwg BROADWAY STREET; lZa-TANUT STREET PROD11 1.73ST CENTER STREET TO VEST S. iITTA ANA STREET; SOUTH 'v7EST STREET 4PROY1 'WEST CZNTZR STREET TO ­iBST Slil',TTA ANA STREET; SOUTH E&IIII STRElET TROY - "ST BROAI)Vl�` STREET TO CZZST11UT STREET; NORTH 11ELFINil ST '_ET it"F,01 �i',TZST C414TTLa ST11tOT TO WEST CY22.,TSS STREET; 1.11ORIH CL.! NTIiE STREET ' "I'W11 ER -Q:1TSTR�ZT TO "TEST GY2RES3 STREET; NORTH IdXON ST',IBT .LPROV WEST SYCAIuORE STREET TO Iff'ILHEILT-INA STRE'W; NORTH CLAUDINA STREZT FROM E.&ST `01: ri.RTRZS STREET TO EAST SYCAIVITORE STREET; EMILY STREET FROLI &M.- GEITTEd STREET TO ELST SYC�L.:ORL STREET; NORTH PHILLDELPHIA STREET FRO1,41 LAST CEMER STREET TO E.LiST SYCAM-2 ORE STREET; MELROSE STRZ&T FROM UST CENTER 3T2 I TO EAST SlilITA A" STREZ T; SATITA FE kllEZ! FROL QST wi=Ea STREBT ZiST CYPRESS STIUM, SAJUNA, S FROM UST E -A -ST SYC.&MORE STIE 4 T; T 'P2 23S STREALT • 21, UST- 2 j N C) O.iLS T CY FZ.,,& mi c, NJL1 CHA.aTRES STREET TO PROM EAST CEN TER ST 1 The board of Trustees of the City of Ana lleim do ordain as 2 fellows: 3 o1lows.- 3 Section 1. Throughout this ordinance the Northeast corner shall 4 be understood to mean the junction of the North and East curb 5 lineo of intersecting streets; the Southeast corner shall be der 6Wtooa to rile an,the junction of the South and East curb lines 7 of intersecting streets; the So -nth 179st corner shall be under - 8 stood to mean the junction of the South and 'west cur*# lines of 9 the intersecting streets, and the Northwest corner shall be 10 understood to mean the junction of the forth and 'Xost curb 11 lines of the intersecting streets. The "City Limits" shall 12 13 14 15 16 17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 be understood to mean the City Limits of the City of Anaheim. Section 2. The grades in this ordinance shall be understood to be the distance in feet above the datum plans One ligndrod fifty two and three hundredths (152.03) feet below the standard bench mark on the iron door plate at the Northwest corner of the Metz Block as heretofore established by Ordinance No. 98, entitled, "An ordinance establishing a datum plane and desig- nating bench marks therein," passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City or, the 10th day of J-aly, 1894. Section 3, The grade of East North Street from North Los Angeles Street to the Easterly City Limits is hereby estab- lished as follows: at the intersection of East North Street and North Los Angeles Street, the Northeast corner shall be as already established by Section 15 of Ordinance No. 260 of th#sCity and the Southeast corner shkll be as already established by section 6 of Ordinance No. 191 of th*5 City 31 At the intersection of East North Street and North Olive Street 32 the Northeast and north west corners shoal be as already estab- t I, d� 1 j Section 5. The grade of Wilhelmina Street from North Los Angeles 2Street to North Lemon Street is hereby established as follows: At 3 the intersection of Wilhelm nares d North Los Angeles Street the 4 East curb of.North Los Angeles Street at its intersection with the 5 extended North line of Wilhelmina Street shall be as already estab 6 ' lished by Section 15 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the East 7 j curb of North Los Angeles Street at its intersection with the shall be 8 oxtended South line of Wilhelmina Street as already established by 9 ;section 15 of Ordinance 260 of th05City The Southwest I 10 corner and the Northwest corner shall be as already established by 11 Section 15 of Ordinance 260 of this city. 12 At the intersection of Wilhelmina Street and Zeyn Street, the 13 I North curb of Wilhelmina Street at its intersection with the ex - r 14 tended east line of Zeyn Street shall be as already established by 16 Section 18 of Ordinance 260 of this City. The Southeast and 16 Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 18 17* of Ordinance 260 of this city. The north curb of Wilhelmina Stree, 18 at its intersection with the extended nest line of Zeyn Street 19 shall be as already established by Section 18 of Ordinance 260 of 20 this city. At*the intersection of Wilhelmina Street and North 21 Lemon Street* the northeast and southeast corners shall be as al - 22 ready established by Section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city, 23 The (test curb of North Lemon Street at its intersection with the 24 extended South line of Wilhelmina Street shall be as already es - 25 tablished by Section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city. The West 26 curb of North Lemon Street at its intersection with the extended 27 North line of Wilhelmina Street shall be as already established 28 1 by Section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city. 29 Section 6. The grade of East Alberta Street from North Los 30 Angeles Street to North Olive Street is hereby established as 31 follows; - 32 At the intersection of East Alberta Street and North Los Angelo 4 -� 1 Street. The Northeast and Southeast corners shall be as already as - 2 tablished by Section 6 of Ordinance 191 of this city. At the 3 I intersection of East Alberta Street and North Claudina Street the i 4 I grade shall be as already established by Section 12 of Ordinance Ili 5 210 of this city. 6 At the intersection of East Albertaand North Philadelphia 7 !Street)( the grade shall be as already established by Section 13 1 8 ; of Ordlizanee 210 of this city. At the intersection of East Alber- 9 to Street and North Olive Street, the East curb of North Olive 10 Street at its intersection with the extended center line of East 11 Alberta Street shall be as already established by Section 14 of i 12 Ordinance 210 of this city. The Southwest and Northwest corners 13 shall be as already established by Section 14 of Ordinance 210 of 14 this city. 15 Section 7. The grade of West Alberta Street. from North Loss 16 Angeles Street to North Lemon Street is hereby established as 17 follows:- At the intersection of West Alberta Street and North 18 Los Angeles Street. The Southwest and Northwest corners shall be 19 as already established by Section 15 of Ordinance 260 of this City 20 At the intersection of West Alberta Street and Zeyn Street the 21 grade shall be as already established by Section 18 of Ordinance 22 260 of this city. At the intersection of West Alberta Street and 23 North Lemon Street. The Northeast and Southeast corners shall be 24 as already established by section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this Cit 25 Section 8. The grade of East Adele Street from Pauline Street 26 to North Orange Street is hereby established as follows:- At the 27 intersection of East Adele Street and Pauline Street the grade sh 28 be as already established by Section 4 of Ordinance 160 of this 29 City. At the intersection of East Adele Street and North Orange 30 Street the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already. 31 established by Section 6 of Ordinance 260 of this city. 32 Section 9. The grade of East Cypress Street from Pauline Strew 1 to North Orange Street is hereby established as follows: At the 2 intersection of East Cypress Street and Pauline Street the grade 3 shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of 4 this city. At the intersection of East Cypress Street and North 5 6 j 7 8 i 9 a 10 11 12 13 j 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?9 30 31 32 Atchison Street the grade shall be as already established by See - tion 5 of Ordinance 160 of this city, At the intersection of Baet'� Cypress Street and North Orange Street, the Northeast and South- east corners shall be as already established by Section 4 of Ordin- ance 231 of this city. the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 6 of Ordinance 260 of this City. Section 10, The grade of West Chartres Street from Rosh Street to North Citron Street is hereby established as follows: - At the intersection of West Chartres Street and Rosh Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinance 210 of this city. At the intersection of West Chartres Street and North Citron Street, The Northeast and Southeast corners shall be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance 210 of this City. The West curb of North Citron Street at its intersection with the extended.center line of West Chartres Street shall be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance 210 of this City Section 11. The grade of West Center Street from its intersec- tion with North Los Angeles Street and South Los Angeles Street to its intersection with North Lemon Street and South Lemon Str is hereby established as follows:- At the intersection of West Center Street and South Los Angeles Street the Southwest corner shall be as already established by Section 14 of Ordinance 260 of this city.. At the interdection of West Center Street and North Los Angeles Street, the Northwest corner shall be as alrea of this city. established by Section 15 of Ordinance' 21V At the intersection of West Center Street and South Lemon Street, the Southeast corn shall be an already established by Section 22 of Ordinance 260 o 16- 1 this city. &t the intersection of ', , 41, eat Center Street and North 2 Lemon Street the y_orthaast corner shall be as already established 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 by Sectio.-ci 22 of Ordinance 260 of this City. Section 12. The grade of ,Vest Center Street at its intersee- tion viith 1.'7orth Helena Street and South ITFIelanal Street to its in- t(Brsect-ion 4vith Eorth 2alm. Street �?Izid South Palm Street is hereby established as follows:- �t the intersection of ;lest Cazter Street and South Helena Street the Southwest corner shall be as already i established by Section 3 of Ordinance 169 of this City. "t the intersection of -Vast Center Street and North Helena Street the 11orthwast corner shall be as already eGt-�.,blished by Section 22 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of ",Tact Cent -or Stroat Laid North Palm Street the Northeast corner shall be as already established by Section 7 ,of Ordinance 160 of this city.,.,'. -.t the intersection of )%ot (;enter Street and South Palm Street, the Southeast corner shall be "s est,.�blished by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city* Section 13. The grade of the North curb line of 'iVest Center Street from its inter,,z*ction with the extended `,Vesterly line of North Thalia Street to its intersection with the ext-orided 4 line of Adams Street is hereby established as follows:_ Thje, North curb line of Wast Center Street at its intersection with I&v extended Viesterly line of 1',orth Thalia Street shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. The 14orth curb of West Cant -or Street at its intersection with the extended center line of "-dams Street -.hall be as already astabli ad bir Section 3 of Ordiii.ance 231 of this city. Section 14, The Crade of.Pearl Street from North 'West Street to Carleton iivena& is hereby established as follovig-.- jit the intersection of Pearl Street and North V;eot Street the Southwest and !Iorthwe3t corner-, shall be as aready established by Section 12 of Ordinance 231 of this City. -7- 1 At the intersection of Pearl Street and Carleton Avenue the gradin 2shall be as already established by Section 11 of Ordinance 231 3 of this city. 4 The Grade of Diamond Street from North West Street Section 15. 5 to Carleton Avenue is hereby established as follows: - 6 At the intersection of Diamond Street and North West Street, 7 the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already establish - 8 ed by Section 12 of Ordinance 231 of this city. At the internee -- i 9 tion of Diamond Street and Carleton Avenue, the grade shall be as 10 already established by Section 11 of Ordinance 231 of this City. 11 Section 16. The grade of Oak Street from South Lemon Street to 12 South Palm Street is hereby established as follows: - 13 the intersection of Oak Street and South Lemon Street, the 14 Southwest and Northwest co rners shall be as already established 15 o1 fh s�y 0, by Section 11 of Ordinance 16gt the intersection of Oak 16 Street and South Clementine Street the grade shall be as already 17 established by Section 2 of Ordinance 169 of this City. At the 18 intersection of Oak Street and South Helena Street the grades shall 19- be as already established by Section 3 of Ordinance 169 of this 20 City. 21 At the intersection of Oak street and South Palm Street, the 22 grade shall be as already established by Section 10 of Ordinance 23 160 of this City. 24 Section 190 The grade of Chestnut Street from South Los 25 Angeles Street to South Palm Street is hereby established as 26 follows: - 27 At the intersection of Chestnut Street and South Los An - 28 geles Street the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as 29 I already established by Section 14 of Ordinance 260 of this City. 30 At the intersection of Chestnut Street and South Lemon Street 31 the grade shall be as already established by Section 11 of Ord - 32 inane 160 of this city. At the inters-octio"I'l of Chest -nut Street and South Clel-.,,antine 2 Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 2 of 3 Ordinance 169 of City. 4At the intersection of 011e,LYa -.Lad South Helena Street the �--raa* tA, L) 5 Shc.11 be U, <,l a: eL-t(9 7 e, s, ,u- b 1 i s 1 -1 (.,a by Section 3 of Orqil'lw'i,ca 169 of 6 IlleC -LIt -C lu U Chest] 11 t t Balm this %Jity. .0tio of 'tj St r,, 0 F'j.j South 7 Street the port'_( east and southe4-,.st corners shall be E-,!3 Ulrady as - 8 tablished by Section 10 of Oi-di:,I--i--,-ice 160 of this City. 9 Section 18. The grade of 17,hird Street ;oath J--., So,,.th Lemon 10 Street to South Tlolon�-,t Street is hereby eotablis",'Led follows:- at the intersection of third Street South a -a nd South. A. Lemon Street 12 -�er3 already eotablished the Sout2-rVeot al,1L1 71ortjjV,'Te-co ri shall be a7 13 W! by Section 11 of Orcti: arlce 160 of t' i:s, City. t 14 tion of Third Street South w -td South Uleii,)entine Str,3et the -rude 15 shall be as alredy * s"LLabli shad by Section 2 of Ordinance 169 of 16 this city. 17 tit the intersection of "I'llird Street South and South Helena Street 18 the grade slhall be as -�iready establia'laed by Section 3 of Ordinanci 19 169 of this city. 20 Sectio -n 19. The gr,,16_e of East 3roadwL,-y St -resit from South Itchis- 21 on Street to South L4a2-L-. Street is hereby established as follows: - 22 11"t the intersection of East Bro.-dway Street and South Atchison 23 Stre*t the Northeast and Southec,,,.st corners shell be as already 24 establi,.3hed by Section 4 of Ordinance 191 of this cityi The 25 Southwest and 1,1orthwe3t corners oh -all be as .-lreday ert'vblislled 26 by 3actiol-a 9 of ordinance 160 of this City. it the intersect - 27 ion of East Broadvvay I -D -treat wid- South Street, grade sha: 28 be as already est-,',bliqhed by Section 16 of Ordinazice, 210 of this 29 City. Lt the iiiters,-.-ction of East Broadway Street and. goiith Vine 30 Street, the grade shall be as already estuablioj-.Led by Section 17 31 of Ordinance, 210 of this city. At the intersactioia of E"stu* Broad - 32 Dtreot wnd Bush Street, the gr, -,de shall be a- already astablisl Way Street 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ed by Section 18 of Ordinance 210 of this City. At the intersection of East Broadway Street and South Rose Street !the grade shall be as already established by Section 19 of Ordin- ance 210 of this city. At the intersection of East Broadway Street and South East Stre ;the grade shall be as already established by Section 20 of Ordin. lance 210 of this city. Section. 20. The grade of West Broadway Street from South West Street to Walnut Street is hereby established as follows;. At the intersection of West Broadway Street and South West Stre ;the grade shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinanc 210 of this city. At the intersection of Pest Broadway Street and i Walnut Street, the grade shall be as already established by Sectio 7 of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 910 The grade of Elm Street from South Los Angeles Street to South Palm Street is hereby established as follows:. At the intersection of Elm Street and South Los .Angeles Street the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already establish. ed by Section 14 of Ordinance 260 of this City. At the intersec- tion of Elm Street and South Lemon Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 11 of Ordinance 20 of this city. At the intersection of Elm Street and South Clementine Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 2 of Ordinance 169 of this city. At the intersection of Elm Street and South Helena Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 3 of Ordinance 169 of this city, At the intersection of Elm Street and South Palm Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 10 of Ordinance 210 of this city. Ea't Section 22. The grade o.LAanta Ana Street from South Olive Stree to South Los Angeles Street is hereby established as follows; - At the intersection of East Santa Ana Street and South Olive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 j 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Street the ltorthvast and Northwest corners shall be as already establishsa by Section 15 of Ordinance 160 of this city, Tke South East and Southwest comers shall be as already established by Section 15 of Ordinance 210 of this City, At the intersection of 9� '''East Santa Ana Street and South _Philadelphia Street, the North east and Northwest corners shall be as already established by i j Section 14 of Ordinance 160 of this city. The South curb of !East Santa Axa Street at its intersection with the extended center (;line of South Philadelphia Street, shall be as already established j` by Section 13 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of East Santa Ana Street and South Claudira {Street, the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 13 of Ordinance 160 of this City, the iSout h curb of East Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center line of South Clandina'Street, shall be as already established by Section 13 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of East Santa Ana Street and South Los Angelee Street] the Northeast and Southeast corners shall be as already establish' ed by Section 12 of Ordinance 160 of this City, we sst Section 23, The grade of/Santa Ana Street from South Los Az- geles Street to Walnut Street is hereby established as follows:. At the intersection of gest Santa Ana Street and South Los Angeles Street, the Southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 12 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Lemon Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 11 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Clementine Street the Northeast and North- west corners whall be as already established by Rection 2 of Ord- inace 169 of this city. The South curb of West Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the extended center lime of South Clem- entine lementine Street shall be as already established by Section 21 of Ordinance 260 of this city. lil. i At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Helena I 2 � Street, the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already 3 established by Section 3 of Ordinance x.69 'of this city. The 4 � South curb of West Santa Ana Street at its intersection with the 5 extended center line of South Helena Street shall be as already 6 established by Section 21 of Ordinance 260 of this city. P 7 i At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Palm 8 !Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 10 9 of Ordinance 210 of this city. At the intersection of West Santa r I I 10 !Ana Street and South Citron Street, the grade shall be as already 11 established by Section 8 of Ordinance 210 of this City. At the 12intersection of West Santa Ana Street and South Fest Street the I 13 f grades shall be as already established by Section 34 of Ordinance 14 260 of this City. At the intersection of West Santa Ana Street 15 land Walnut Street the grade shall be as already established by G R 16 Section 3 of Ordinance 210 of this city. 17 m Sectioa 24. The grade of East Water Street from Kroeger Street Y 18 Ito South Orange Street is hereby established as follows;- At the 19 intersection of East Water Street and Kroeger Street the Northeast kF 20 corner shall be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinano 21 260 of this city. The West curb of Kroeger Street at its inter. 22 section with the extended North line of East Water Street shall 23 be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinance 260 of this 24 City, At the intersection of East Water Street and South Atchison 25 Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already 26 I established by Section- 7 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the 27 intersection of East Water Street and South Orange Street the grad 28 j shall be as already established by Section 5 of Ordinance 260 of 29 , ' this city. 30 Section 25. The grade of West Water Street from South Los An- 31 geles Street to South Lemon Street is hereby established as fol- 32 lows;- At the intersection of nest Water Street and South Los 1 teles Street the 3o-atliwast corner shall be ca already established"'; 2 by Section 14 of Ordinwice 260 of this City. The West curb of 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 South Loo Street t i-Lvz-,- inter„ectioll with the extended 17oa-1-11 line 0, 34aat Water Strc�ot, shall be a�3 already cot-ablished U U 0,IA17 C, /I the inter�-�,ectioll of ;lestby Section 14 of Ordinallce 230A. U 3treet ro.,d South Lumoil Street t --le Slycit'liez..�--vIi-a cor--,�ier til 11 be One hundred forty six and 10-100 (146.10' feet. The east curb line of South Lemon Street at a point Tvve--(ity one and 75-100 (21.75) feet north of the IQ of Vij%IQ T - rd Lot G4, rz,1lall be One hundred forty six Laid 00-100 (146.00) feet. Section 26. The of Staec7--le i,,,venaa from, South TGG �� g-6182 Street to South Lamc-rL Street jS iler0"b"T --2 follows; - .at the int-araection of St-aachle iiveUR0, WId South Los .inteles Street, - tlae S)o-o�th-waU- 11ort'I'Taest Ibe LLsa already established by Sectiou 14 of Ordillance, 260 of thin city. ,A -U- the ill -i ter.-ecti-o-11 of �Ivo=e -1 a So"Ah Lemon Str,30t the Eorthea,;t corner ;3hull be one 'UrkIndred forty six w -id 50-100 (146.50) feet and the Southea,�t corner be One hundred forty is z.�a a 60-100 (146.60} fQa41-* Section 27. The Lc,,rI-,de of 3v<,;t- South S-'U-rae-'U- from South Lop, -PP elaz street Dt, J, e City Z1i 1 L c 1 .Iereby af-Qllow:It I -Ii -le of Ezj,,4u- 70 atii Street and SolUth Loi �iIrSa1a2 Street -bile cori,aro shall be ao already aict-O'blichod by Section 12 of Ordina-ilce 160 Df city. The 0 rZrb 01 3a2,t S-:L;:7aat at a poilat TI-Iree, '-,M,,.-Idrad twenty GiE,",lt a]. -,d 84--l"DO (328.84) feet -LuLSt 01' E 1 0 ,-- ,- -,t, lir-a of Tn- alw�- Street sh,,07 One CI r L mor of So-ath 0 1,1B 910 e t a o utcarb !A- U (.,ht- ��id 8/1-100 ' e e'! env-L,.L! L02; A41��Q-Lel- 11 be 0 -le !-�.,a-� dreJ forty tt 17* L 06 -loo (1119.06), T'lle Sout-1-1 cufb Of Bapt Solath t a on SG, e0 t c� --OLL-1,_fired lli-ie C,. 17-100 (719.17) foot of tl,-Ie e Styl 1,0,- j -i - 11 be 0i"Le 7 U :_a 100 (14K.0) Z,ct and "Ile Soutla Garb of East 30-at.,l S,U-ruec at a. point SQVQI-& gnu-°:.c:rad _vel -Lt, Y i 17-100 7'79.17 -it; z i t of the Laot li-Ile of South L02 Ci.a ,ale -I Street be Osieh�audred -13- 1 iAt the intersection of East South Street and South Olive Street 2 ' the grade shall be as already established by Section 10 of Ordin- 3 ance 260 of this city. At the intersection of East South Street 4 and South Orange Street the grade shall be as already established 5 by Section 5 of Ordinance 260 of this city. 6 f At the intersection of East South Street and South East Street 7 c the grade shall be as already established by section 3 of Ordin- 8 x' ance 260 of this city. 9 'a Section 28. The grade of West South Street from South Los Angeles Street to 10 Walnut Street is hereby established as follows; 11 At the intersection of West South Street and South hos Angeles �I 12 Street, the South West and Northwest corners shall be as already a 13 established by section 12 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the 14 intersection of West South Street and South Lemon Street the North 15 r i East corner shall be One hundred forty seven (147) feet; the South 16 east corner shall be' One hundred forty seven (147) feet; the South 17 1west corner shall be One hundred forty six and 80--100 (146.80) fee 18 the Northwest corner shall be One hundred forty six and 80-100 19 (3.46.80) feet. 20 At the intersection of West South Street and South Palm Street 21 ii the grade shall be as already established by Section 25 of Ordi, 22 260"-pf this city. At the intersection of West South Street and 23 South Citron Street, the grade shall be as already established by 24section 29 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of 25 y West South Street and South West Street the grade shall be as al - 26 ! ready established by Section 34 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At' 27 ' the intersection of West South Street and Walnut Street the forth. s 28 east and southeast corners shall be as already established by 29 F Section 3 of Ordinance 210 of this city. 30 j Section 29. The grade of Pythias Avenue from Crone Avenue to 31 Damon Avenue, is hereby established as Iollows:- At the intersect 32 ion of Pythias Avenue and Crone Avenue the grade shall be as al- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ready established by Section 36of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of Pythias Avenue and Damon Avenue, the grade s; be as already established by Section 35 of Ordinance 260 of this city. Section 30. The grade of Amstutz Avenue, from Crone Avenue to Damon Avenue is hereby established as follows;- At the intersect- ion of Amstutz Avenue and Crone Avenue the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section 36 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of Amstutz Avenue and Damon Avenue the grade sha be as already established by Section 35 of Ordinance 260 of this city. Section 31. The grade of South Thalia Street from 'West Center Street to West Broadway Street is hereby established as followst At the intersection of South Thalia Street and West C -inter Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already establish- ed by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of South Thalia Street and Fest Broadway i Street, the northeast and northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 32. The grade of North Thalia Street from West Center Street to Lincoln Avenue is hereby established as follows,- At the intersection of North Thalia Street and West Center Street, the northeast and northwest corners shall be as already establi ed by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersect- ion of North Thalia Street and Lincoln Avenue, the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as al%eady established by Section 10 of Ordinance 231 of this city. Section 33. The grade of Villa Place from gest Center Street to Lincoln Avenue, is hereby established as follows;- At the inter- section of Villa Place and West Center Street the northeast and no-wthwest corners shall be as already established by section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of Villa Plac -1�5- I 1 and Lincoln avenue, the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be 2 as already established by Section 10 of Ordinance 231 of this city. 3 Section 34. The grade of Cherry Street from '?est Center Street 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to West Broadway Street is hereby established as follow. -o:- At the intersection of Cherry Street and West Center Street the soutl east and southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of Cherry Street and West Broadway Street the northeast and north- west corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ord - ince 231 of this city. Section 35. The grade of Fra7nut Street from 41est Center Street to West Santa Ana Street, is hereby established as follows:- At the intersection of Walnut Street and West Center Street the Southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Chestnut Street the northeast and southeast corners shall be as already established by Section 9 of Ordinance 231 of this city. 1 �1��i7UT w The :nest curb of Wvgt Street at its intersection with the ex- tended center line of Chestnut Street shall be as already estab- lished by Section 9 of Ordinance 231 of this city. At the in- tergection of Walnut Street and West Broadway Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 7 of Ordinance 231 of this city. At the intersection of Walnut Street and Wast Santa Ana Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 3 of Ordinance 210 of this city. Section 36. The grade of South West Street from West Center Street to West Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows At the intersection of South West Street and Uest Center Street the southeast and southwest corners shall be as already establish, ed by Section 7 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersee- tion of South Wiest Street and Chebtnut Street the southwest and Northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 9 0 -16a- Ordinance 231 of this city. 2 At the intersection of South West Street and West Broadway Street! the grade shall be as already eotablished by Section 5 of Ordinumv 4 ; �210 of thio city. 5 At the intersection of South west Street and West Salta Ana 6 13treet the grade shall be an already established by Section 34 of 7 1 Ordinance 260 of this city. 8 Section 37, The grade of South Palm Street from West Broadway Street to Chestnut Street is hereby established as follows: - 10 It the intersection of South Palm Street and West Broadway Street 11 �lthe Northeast corner shall be as already established by Section 9 12 of Ordinance 160 of this city. The Northwest corner shall be as 13 already established by Section 5 of Ordinance 210 of this city, 14 !The west curl of South Palm Street at its interzection with the 15 !extended center line of Third Street South, shall be as already 16 i �establiohed by section 10 of_Ordinance 160 of Qis city. At the IV intersection of South Palm Street and Chestnut Street, the South - 18 east corner .-,"Inc-11 be as already established by Section 10 of Ord- - , 19 011vic?-7X, jinance 16ir Thk Southwest cornet shall be as already established 20 iby Section 8 of Ordinance 231 of this city. 21 Section 38. The grade of North Helena Street from Went Center 22 Strut to West Cyproso Street is hereby ootablished as follows;- 23 At the intersection of Torth Helena Street and West Cantor Street 24 i the northeast and northwest corners gball be as already establish - 25 ed by Section 22 of Drdinance 260 of this city. 26 The east curb of North Helena Street at a point one hundred fife y 27 one (151) feet North of the North line of West Center Street, the 28 grade shall be as already asta,blizhad by Section 24 of Ordinance 29 260 of thin city, and the west curb opposite thereto shall be 30 as already established by Section 24 of Ordinance 260 of this city 31 At the intersection of North Helena Street and West Chartres 32 Street the grade shall be as alraddy established by Section 6 of -17- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of North Helena Street and 'Rest Cypress Street the southeast and Southwest corners shall be as already established by Section 11 of Ordinance 210 of this city. Section39. The grade of North Clementine Street from 'Jest Center Street to West Cypress Street is hereby established as fol- lows=- At the intersection of North Clementine Street and West Center Street the northeast corner and northwest corner shall be as already established by Section.22 of Ordinance 260 of this dity. The east and westlcurbs of North Clementine Street at a point One hundred fifty one (151) feet North of the North line of West Center Street shall be as already established by Section 23 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of Forth Clementine Street and West Chartros Street, the grade shall be as alrea#y established by Section 6 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of North Clementine Street and West Cypres Street,th* South East and S4kthwest corners ahall be as already established by Section ll,of Ordinance 210 of this city. Section 40. The grade of North Lemon Street from West Sycam- ore Street to Wilhelmina Street is hereby established as follows;� at the intersection of North Lemon Street and West Sycamore Stref# the North east corner shall be one hundred fifty and 70-100 (150.170) feet and the North west corner shall be One hundred fifty and 45-100 (150.45) feet. The East curb of North Lemon Street at a point Two hundred twenty four and 75-100 (224-4-`:75) feet north of the center line of West Sycamore Street, shall be one hu-ndfted fifty one and 80-100 (151.80)t-" The West curb of North Lemon Street opposite thereto shall be One hundred fifty one and 60-1 (151.60) feet. At the intersection of North Lemon Street and I' West Albert Btreet the North east and southeast corners shall be as already established by Section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city. -10- At the intersection of North Lemon Street and Wilhelmina Street, 2 the northeast and southeast corners shall be as already establish - 3 ed by Section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city. The west curb of 4 North Lemon Street at its intersection with the extended South 5 line of Wilhelmina Street shall be as already established by See - 6 tion 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city. The West curb of North 7 Lemon Street at its intersection with the extended North line of 8 Wilhalmina Street shall be as already established by Section 20 of Ordinance 260 of this city. 10 111 Section 41. The grade of North Claudina Street from East Char - 11 1� � tres Street to East Sycamore Street is hereby established as fol - 12 1' lows:- 13 ows:- 13 1! I At the intersection of North Claudina Street and East Chartres 14 Street, the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be as already 15 established by section -6. of Ordinance 160 of this city. 16 At the intersection of North Claudina Street and 34st Cypress 17 Street the grade shall be as already established by Section 5 of 18 Ordinance 160 of this city. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 At the intersection of North Claudina Street and East Adele Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 4 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At _the intersection of North Claudina Street and Last Sycamore Street, the southeast corner shall be One hundred fifty four and 60-100 (154.60) feet and the southwest corner shall be One hun- dred nifty four and 45-100 (154.45) feet. Section 42. The grade of Emily Street from East Center Street to East Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows:- At the intersection of Emily Street and East Center Street the nor east and 171orthwest corners shall be as already established by Section 17 of Ordinance 260 of this city. At the intersection of Emily Street and East .Chartres Street the grade shall be as al- ready established by Section 6 of Ordinance 160 of this city. -19- 1 iAt the intersection of Emily Street and East Cypress Street the 2 'grade shall be as already established by Sedtion 5 of Ordinance *3 '160 of this city. it the intersection of Emily Street and East 4 Adele Street the grade shall be as already established by See - 5 i�,tion 4 of Ordinance 160 of this city. ,it the intersection of 6 Emily Street and East Sycamore Street, the southeast corner shall 7 Abe one hundredfifty five qnd 30-100 (155,30) feet- the southwest 8 !:corner shall be One hundred fifty five and 10-100 (155-10) feet Section 43. The gra,16 of North Philadelphia Street from East 10 ICenter Street to East Sycamore Street is hereby established as I 11 (follows:_ At the intersection of North Philadelphia Street and 12 East Center Street the Northeast and Northwest corners shall be 13 as already established by section 17 of -Ordinance 260 of this city 14 Chartres 15•-. A the intersection of Yorth Philadelphia Street and East 15 - Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 6 of 16Ordinance 160 of this city, At the intersection of North Philadel-. 17 phia Street and East Cypress Street, the grade shall be as already 18 established by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the 19 jintersGction of North Philadelphia Street and East Adele Street, 20 Ithe grade shall b+s already established by Section 4 of Ordinance 21 160 of this city. At the intersection of North Philadelphia Street 22 and J%st sycamore Street, the southeast earner shall be One hun- 23 southwest corner shall be one hun- 'dred fifty six (156) feet; the so 24 1 Idred fifty five and 80-100 (155-80) feet. 25 Section 44. The grade of Mielrose Street from East Center 26 Street to East Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows: - 27 At the intersection of Melrose Street and East Center Street, the 28 3,owtkeast and southwest corners shall be as already established 29 by section 8 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection 30 of yelrose Street and East Broadway Street, the grade shall be as 31 already established by section 9 of Ordinance 160 of this city. 32 At the intersection of 11elrOse Street and East Santa Ana St-reet, 2D- 1 the northeast and northwest corners shall be as -already establish - 2 �`F led by Section 15,of Ordinance 210 of this city. 3Section 45. The rade of Santa ',:7,e Street from East Center 4 iStreet to East Cypress Street is hereby established as follows: - 5 jAt the intersection of Santa Ile Street and East Center Street the 6 northeast and northwest corners shall be as already established 7 'by Section 8 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection 8 iof Santa Fe Street and East Chartres Street, the grade shall i 9 ibe as already established by Section 6 of Ordinance 160 o -L'-' this 10 lcity. 11 Lt the intersection of Santa Iie Street and East Cypress Street 12 !the southeast and southwest corners shall be as already establish - 13 led by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of this city. 14 Section 46, The grade of Sabina Street from East Cypress Street 15 to East Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows:. 161, At the intersection of Sabina Street and Last Cypress Street, 17 i1the northeast and northwest corners shall be as already establish - 18 ed by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersec- t 19 �.tion of Sabina Street and East Adele Street, the grade shall be 20 jas already established by Section 4 of Ordinance 160 of this city. 21 'At the intersection of Sabina Street and East Sycamore Street, the 22 southeast corner shall be One hundred fifty eight and 70-100 (158. 0) 23 Ifeet; the southwest corner shall be one hundred fifty eight and 24 M-100 (158,,'50) feet. 25 Section 47* The grade of Topeka Street, from East Center Streel 26 Ito East Cypress - Street is hereby established as follows: 27 At the intersection of Topeka Street and East Center Street, 28 the northeast corner shall be one hundred fifty five and 80-100 29 (155.80) feet. The northwest corner shall be as already estab- 30 lished by Section 8 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the inter - 31 section of Topeka Street and East Chartres Street, the grade shall 32 be as already established by Section 6 of Ordinance 160 of this City. At the intersection ofTopeka Street and Bast Cypress - 2CL- 1 Street the southeast and southwest corners shall 2 be as already es#ablished by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of this 3 city. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 48. The grade of Pauline Street from Bast Cypress Street to last Sycamore Street is hereby established as follows: - At th'e intersection of Pauline Street and Bast Cypress Street the northeast and northwest corners shall be as already establisheg by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of Pauline Street and East Adele Street, the grade shall be as already established by Section 4 of Ordinance 160 of this city. At the intersection of Pauline Street and East Sycamore Street the southeast corner shall be One hundred fifty nine and 80-100 (159,80) feet; the Southwest corner shall be One hundred fifty nine and 60-100 (159.60) feet. Section 49, The grade of North Orange Street from Bast Center Street to East Cypress Street is hereby established as follows; At the intersection of North Orange Street and Last Center Street the northeast corner shall be as already established by Section 3 of Ordinance 191 of this city. The northwest corner shall be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance 160 of this city At the intersection of North Orange Street and East Cypress Stree the and Southwest corners shall be as already establis ed by Section 6 of Ordinance 260 of this city., Section 50. The grade of North Atchison Street from East Chartres Street to East Cypress Street is hereby established as follows;- At ollows:- At the intersection of North Atchison Street and Bast Cypress Street, the southwest and northwest corners shall be as already established by Section 6 of Ordinance 160 of this city. The east curb of North Atchison Street at its intersection with the extended center line of East Chartres Street shall be as already established by Section 8 of Ordinance 260 of this city. -22- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 As 31 32 kt the intersection of 14orth Atchison Street and East Cypress Street, the southeast and southwest corners shall be as already es -1 I tablished by Section 5 of Ordinance 160 of this city. Section 51. The grade of South Orange Street from East center Street to East Santa Ana Street is hereby established as follows-.- At the intersection of South orange Street and East Center Street, the southeast corner shall be as al ready established by Section 1 3 of ordinance 191 of this city. The southwest corner shall be as already established by section 8 of Grdinance.160 of this city. At the intersection of South orange Street and East Broadway , Street, the grade shall be as already established by section 16 of ordinance 210 of this city. At the intersection of South Orange Street and Last Santa Ana Street the northeast and Horth - west corners shall be as already established by Section 15 Of ordinance 210 of this city. Section 52. All Ord irLances or parts of ordinances in confliCt with the proviziOrIO of -Uhi,� ordinance are hereby raiDealed. Section 53. The City Clerk of the City of Anaiieim shall certi- fy and cance the Same to be 1,)-ab- fy to the -_pag3aC-,e of this -0 i - pi,��Anaealerll a T-11 lishea once in "The Orange newspaper of Zen - d. cir-- City O -L eral ci r"I -�)rinted-' p -L7 -a t 11� I ar f)ac,--re jt ;shall tti—he effect c -d. be in e r f -all- fo rc e. The foregoing Ordir.Lance tea by me jz -igned, approved and att3o thi,,i 26th da;; of December, A. D. 11.913- '151 *W. president of the B arch- of a Attest. City Clark of the City of Inaheim- 0 ..;23- Tr�',3-teez Of the City of Anahe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Co-anty of Orange. j SS. City of ,!.naheim. 1, Edward B. M-erritt, City Cler.L of -the City of Anaheim, do he--,.-eby certify that the foregoing ordinaxice was _-jjtro,11_-,-_ced at _ meet of the Board c--' Tir-.-_��tees. o' the City of 1u_'aheim, held on -1 CZ, the 11th day of DeLember, 1913, rind , it -'Vas _,-,)a-4sec! asna ado-pted at a reg lalar mes,-[-Jing of 2aid Board Of Tr'astea-s held on u the 216th au.7 of December, 1913, by the folioii-.Lc vote; I e: .&yes, Traztees Noeo, Tra�azteeo .ilbsent and not voting ,a.na I f-urth e r certify that the k.reoide.,Lat of the Board of f -a T mlr'is,tees of the Citj c_� �L� i a h e i.,, n i p id ordi ice on the 26th day of December, 1913. IN WITNESS 'vFI13REOF I have here-udato set my hay aaiai affixed L ti -a of -aid citUY thj_t_ day o" Decelaber' 1913. -24-