290(y r J`4�7 (p H. G. Ames .� CITY ATTORNEY ANAHEIM, - CALIFORNIA Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California ORDINANCE 290 close AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AN- t1HE}M ADOPTING 3PNCIFZCATIONS: F'Ihn FOR' THE CONSTRUQTIO14 OF UN- All DERGRO INDCONDU S FOR WIRER ty i OR Ci1BLER V,� lei THE�TRANS-, insul ie �.. '� ...... ....... ......being first duly sworn, deposes and j: That at all times hereinafter mentioned .he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print- ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination ,of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for inor-6 than one year preceding the first publication o`off the notice herein mention- Y& ention- ed; that the ... 471. �,e.... . d S.... 2..,Y ........ ............ of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ............................................days, commencing on the ..............day of .............................191.., and ending on the .........day of .............................191.., both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: ... ......... ..... ... ...... ...................................................... The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: RECTION.1 That all conduits, , for wires, or cables used in the transmission for once with Width and The grog cut to thl at least tb between, tl sides of ft sufficient -I protection at least 24 face of 'tb Line and The line between n ,;curves,.�rq c or telegraphic messages, or usmission of electricity or of orgy by means of wires or n the City of Anaheim, to be OR,, constructed or laid un or across any of the public nues, alli ys, lanes, courts- or n the City of Anaheim, shall nstructed and laid in accord :he following specifications. Depth of Excavation: id shall be excavated -in -open required depth. A space of m'(3) inches Shall be allowed sides of the conduit and the trench.. The depth shall be allow the top of the conduit lank or coilclette� to be placed. nches below they finished sur strait. , " •a da.:aT?naenh e (1-4) nomi it. teria stan< C. I mech shall 'InC009 ,.,wider Teri In 'Afapsanq,L uAto; ul ssau lsnq..sulloL'sul", SUM lassos$ ej VMS !uolublS ,1 •r � gaja 8ulueaa dePuoptl 113Ma uo�l2ul;unH, 1 01 Peso onl m73gstul 0 aalty 9sTjq P17V AL79gsulls0: •g •y Wlk �a;t& pub iaitisy .3 'H AdEb Poe dogB� ;y •�dl p" �31a aq3 10aldoed eql ao 118tuagsinooaa 911l saA.lasep "pIIe' 3x$1° . `Ptreltllnog aql ul )sa 9tll Io auo.Q ul' .2uldolaeep sl puvq sitLL •jg8tuol cul POW0 "ptlnti �ttsagl[ eta do lu0j. ul 3aa0noo P�a4t�l V 8el2 ' f lTtA pTMq X,113.uclagsu aQ ® -RIP Pine ssa �ry.ppy�, aviii ,N ............ ...................AIJI.V�Vs �� SUBSC.IRIB'OR.N to bet re me this • • • • •�, 6 .......day of j... ...........191 ?: . Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. state of California ORNIA, County 11 Orange, .... ...... ...... ......being first duly That at all times hereinafter mentioned he was ,nd ser �nited States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident d was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and ..... ...... . —to Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print - weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, a; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein spaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- al and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- 'na fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all wspaper had been established, printed and published in the eim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more receding the first publication of the notice herein mention - A-70(CA ......... ............ .... A . ........ ........ .................................... ............ •........ .....................................of which the nted copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at ............. ....... days, commencing ............. on the f y of ......... ................... 191. ., and ending on the y ay of ............................ 191.., both days inclusive, d ring said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that aLe following dates, to -wit: x S. ...... .................. 15 .......................................................... ............ ........................ q . ............ al SUBSCRIB JX SWORN t�. betQre me this ..... (i .. ...... . ........ ............... Notary Publi S,fy d iund.red foot toward one c if r the bottom line of con( e and thoroughly cox le 3. Qg ORDINANCE 290 close daJ..Wood... plugs, care being ex- ercisedSl t, obstructions re -0n -in no AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AN- the ducts. AHEIM ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS Fibre FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF UN- All nauita shall be ftrsi fivall- DERGROUND CONDUITS FOR WIRES OR CABLES USED IN THE TRANS- ity lat MI' thoroughly saturated with 4JIs,ishall be MISSION OF TELEPHONIC OR TEL- EGRAPHIC MESSAGES, OR FOR THE nsum= 41W Ix he vc compaot,"d Is r fed tco'281el' �atlon into layers when -ge . li%hr- W"shalt TRASMISSION OF ELECTRICITY, enheit. "-"Thi be eraight and OR ELECTRIC ENERGY BY MEANS the not any' I& OF WIRES OR CABLES UNDER, ALONG OR ACROSS ANY OF THE point *We" A, eight of inch frOW.-A. ircle7" our. PUBLIC STREETS, AVENUES, AL- ',��,nfkk face salbef d other LEYS, LANES, COURTS OR PLACES obstruld'trons 8o t WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. six (36.), 8 In le tl,.u,, (1-4) of -'an-',' less 411' The Board of Trustees of the City Of nominal,41W tulta can bd D ed`thi'ov1$h, Anaheim do ordain as follows: It. The lusulating properties of tile, ma- terial all'n enable e fibte tubb to',With- SECTIONA That all conduits, for stand 4" puncture toot Of 30,000 Volts A. wires, or cables used In the transmission C. Fli*o tubes shall stand the following of telephonic or telegraphic messages, or sectid,of von"it: mechat4V test. A a for the transmission of electricity or of shall I* heated to a temperature Of, � 160 electric energy by means of wires or , degreesfthrenhelt and rernalb" 'sit,' that cables within the City of Anaheim, to be hereafter built, laid un- temperature for one hour. A, 111an ' r1l 'two two I constructed or der, along or across any of the public be im lately placed, onch saddle cks on, tifty.,'(60) Inch centers streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, courts or and s3, withstand �a`: , 4 of three,. II '(050) places within the City of Anaheim, shall hundre4 t 061tv applied at be built, constructed and laid in accord- the ceil4r,71thout breaking Or changing ante with the following specifications. the crgL-*eiftoh of the bore more than Width and Depth of Excavation: The shall be excavated In open one-eil luph.� 1 Layinip ground cut to the required depth. A space of 911sv* 140'"d I In Uow. I =wA bed of con - RA at least three (3) inches shall be allowed between the of the conduit and the crete 4 J#, thlek- *1 than sides nese chO, or, the 3� sides of the trench. The depth shall be maxim 7 nest of" Lubes sufficient to allow the top of the conduit to be shall I1ft the tienleveled -1 t t., f' '-Of, protection plank or concrete placed at least 24 inches below the finished sur- off an A tubes leaving- �one. face of the street. Line Grade Trench: ch (1) int and 'Otitsilde and of The line of all trenches shall be straight three e the tube ''of the 1 trench. The I � between manholes wherever possible, if space - d I Pace a t U, three, (3), curves are unavoidable, they shall be of Inches '044T ' not less than 60 feet radius and shall be to manholes as I ;,.t 0a. e =th, (1) in placed as near practi well r cable. The bottom of the trench shall be tubes > d ireedy al)ove I free from dips or irregularities and shall the ft spaced in Lite same have a descending grade of at least 3 man inches per hundred feet toward one or both manholes. Any excavation made below the bottom line of conduit founda- cornpi a Ara the to "0; duits I tion shall be refilled with good earth and If trete yer of coiioretec thoroughly compacted. three SWW'be placed Spoil Banks. The materials excavated and those on th w t.of,W� work le"K used in construction shall be so placed that free access may be had at all times be co rftur(4 VJ* concrete and "thick to all parts of the trench and to all fire c <0 Ind 00i In - nese s n I e*t, of tubes on hydrants in the vicinity. All materials the b OfW00, shall be neatly piled and trimmed so as Fibre to inconvenience as little as possible the travel, or the adjoining residents. The 1. tubes lopforo'her Ing public ,streets, pl be d , In ,Allalleys, railroads and pri- vate ways shall be kept open for the us- hot c W#,�_14L -", ' I 6,the travel. joints be used In suffidlent ual All surface materials from excavations, quanti,, n 'leakageo$ ten in the tube. wa including pavement, gravel, oil, soil, turf, Latera etc, shall be carefully removed and kept Late 4 40, FA14L, In t1j46in separate to be used In repairing and re- surfacing the streets, trench te be alleys or grounds. Shoring and Bridging: m X"e 0 Where excavations unduly inconven- a n AJ*era4Ift4' wroug ience or Interfere with the occupants of I premises along the line of construction, Whe are 111.LJ4 In ptiie such excavations shall be covered with trench the coastruc lb suitable bridges to give the occupants main opportunity to leave and enter their top of to torttitaAtion nd. be= premises. Whenever necessary, the ex- neath on coner- W reosotedf cavatlons shall be bridged in a proper I plank. and secure manner so as not to Interrupt In Se travel. Due care shall be taken against the Wh trenchare laid In a ale caving in of the sides of the trenches width vepi by shoring, or bracing. dee e Lite _T Repaving and Resurfacin All eras i ink le Pavement disturbeg: shall be re- placed in accordance with the require- ty-fou below the A* the st menta of the City of Anaheim for that Multip ed 'Ctvy Duct k" Ise class of work. Excavations in all un- The Afty duet, 0, Paved streets or alleys shall be refilled to grade of the original surface. when 'not'' All side -walks, curbs, cross -walks, manhole frames or work of any kind dis- well a less t Ad extend at, thr turbed shall be replaced in at least as(3) in good condition as before commencement of work. Vitri tected Surplus Materials: plank te J, All surplus materials and rubbish re- thickn "tD that maining after the excavations have been refilled and the work completed shall of the Stand be removed. Barriers and Lights: Barriers shall be provided around ex- PI Stan or- slier cavations and a sufficient number of red wro ug x F joint 11 J be lights maintained during the night to us shall properly guard the publie against dang- er and acciden notices and Proper _b lead are , signals shall be given the public as to the must tion re 6*=p any state of the street during the prog- ress of the work. preven Vitrified Duct Conduits: Vitrified eruct conduits shall be firstQt The r uglEt` i' pipe e it quality material, burned hard and thor- Lal du t so, (30) in oughly vitrified so the duct when well erals dried out shall not absorb more than standa five (5) per cent of its weight when im- wroug P merged in water at a temperature of All from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit for do not twenty-four hours The inside dimen- sion of the ducts s611 be three shall b and one- half by three and one-half (3 1-2x3 1-2) vanize The Inches. The thickness of the outer walls rified c shall be at least five -eights (5-8) of angRl able inch, and the Inner walls shall Abe not less than 7-16 of an Inch thick at All I hole or ¢ `toward then their thinnest Place. All ducts shall be the to A - - - - - - - - - - sound and free from cracks, soft spots, eying stones, gravel, brakes, or any particle below of burned clay or dirttt.1h.A f.,th! nu sucrate materials .from excavatio including pavement, gravel, oil, soil, to Y etc. shall be carefully removed and ke separate to be used in repairing ands d surfacing the streets, alleys or ground Shoring and Bridging: Where the unduly inconve ;p ience or interfere with the occupants Premises along the line of constructio s- such excavations shall be covered wi suitable bridges to give the occupa,n 5 opportunity to leave and enter the premises. Whenever necessary, the e cavations shall be bridged in a prop t- and secure manner so as not to interru travel. r- Due care shall be taken against `t caving in of the sides of the trench by shoring, or bracing. O. Repaving and Resurfacing: n All pavement disturbed shall be 're placed in accordance with the require menta of the City of Anaheim for th un al paved class este streets or allef work. ys shall be rons In efille IS to grade of the original surface. All side -walks, curbs, cross -walk manhole frames or work of any kind dis turbed shall be replaced in at least a 1S good condition as before commencemen ;t of work. Surplus Materials: maining after hlus e materialsand ns havehre bee r- refilled and the work completed steal a- be removed. Barriers and Lights: Barriers shall be provided around ex- cavations and a sufficient number of re Y lights maintained during the night t d properly guard the public against dario er and accident. Proper notices an signals shall be given the public as t the state of the street during the prog- Y ress of the work. )f Vitrified Duct Conduits: e Vitrified duct conduits shall be firs hor- ()uglily Material sou the d duct when and twell dried out shall not absorb more than d five (5) per cent of its weight when im- mersed in water at a temperature "of from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit for e twenty-four hours. The inside dimen- sion f half bythe thr err andcts one-half three(3 and onL. 1-2x3 1-2) S inches. The thickness of the outer walls inch, beat the least innereights walls(5 hall an be 1' not less than 7-16 of an inch thick at g their thinnest place. All ducts shall be sound and free from cracks, soft spots, stones, gravel, brakes, or any partici s a of burned clay or dirt attached to the surface. 2 The inside corners shall be rounded to a three -eights (3-8) of an inch radius and the outside to a three-fourths (3-4) of ano duct shall fiber beveled onadius e the d inside s of the that the dimensions at the ends shall be at last five -eights (5-8) of an inch more than the inside dimension of the the I proper. The ends of all ducts shall be Perpendicular to the sides. Interior walls of ducts with square t holes shall be free from unbroken blist- ers or other projections which are more t than one-eighth (1-8) of an inch in thick- ness and such unbroken blisters or other 3 projections shall not extend out from t. the cornet, so that there will be less than two and one-half (2 1-2) inches of flat t surface on the interior walls. e of the ducts shall be free he if' from dents nner cor other obstructions. f All multiple duct conduits shall be pro- vided with at least two (2) dowel -holes not more than fifteen thirty-seconds (15-32) of an inch in diameter and not less than eleven thirty-seconds (11-32) of an inch in diameter. The outside walls of multiple ducts shall be scarified t or roughened for at least two (2) inches on each end. The insulating properties s of the material shall enable it to with- stand a puncture test of 30,000 volts A., e Foundation: bed ducts a Ofaeonarete trleastle rth three (3) inches in thickness and six (6) inches wider s than the maximum width of the ducts 1 shall be first laid in the trench, leveled off and tamped to grade. Laying Ducts: 4 The vitrified ducts shall then be set in place in such a manner that the ends 9 shall abut each other and form a true. • smooth line of tubes and firmly held in i place by steel dowel -pins. A strip of burlap previously dipped in a neat ce- surround t henjointsrtar and laplat least six (6) inches on the top of the duct, and extend at I least two (2) inches on each side of the 1 joint. The joint on the side and top of t the duct shall then be plastered with a t 1 three-fourths (3-4) inch layer of ce- ment mortar consisting of one (1) part 1 cement and two (2) parts sharp sand. thickness layer of to insurer of the an even necessary ng c shall be placed between each succeed- ing layer of ducts. The multiple sec- t '. tions shall be laid so as to break joints t and so placed that there shall be no n e:houlders or offsets in the bore. a Tamping and Placing Top Protection: u...+..•o,t w Prevent any leakage of w, ns, ter into the interior of the tube. rf, Laterals: Pt Laterals whether laid in the ma; e- trench or in a separate trench shall t s. multiple vitrified clay duct, fibre duct or standard galvanized or sheradize n- wrought iron pipe. Of In Main Trench: wal it trench nduring laterals the reconstructionIn e ofnrth is main conduit, they shall be placed at th it top of the conduit formation and be x- neath the protection concrete or creosote er plank. Pt In Separate Trench: Wheharat e trenchnthett enchrsh aidberrOf suffrcien es width to >ermit of convenient laying an deep enough to make the top of the lat eral or protection Plank at least twen ty-four (24) inches below the surface o the street. at Multiple Vitrified Clay Duct Laterals: d when laid ts of in aysep reteltrenchtshallab well surrounded with cement mortar no s, less than one (1) inch in thickness an extending a distance of at least three s (3) inches each side of the joint. t Vitrified clay laterals shall be pro• tected on top by means of a creosotec plank one and one-half (1 1-2) inches it thickness and of a width equal to that n of the conduit structure. 1 Standard Galvanized or Sheradlzed Iron Pipe Laterals: Standard galvanized or sheradized d wrought iron pipe with screw joints shall o be used. The threads and couplings shall be thoroughly painted with red d lead before the pipes are joined. Care o must be taken to prevent any obstruc- tion remaining in the pipe which would prevent the pulling in of cables or wires. The radius of all bends of wrought iron t pipe connecting the vertical and horizon- tal ducts shall be not. less than thirty (30) inches. The vertical runs of all lat- erals on poles or buildings shall be of standard galvanized, or sheradized wrought iron pipe. All ends of wrought iron pipe which do not terminate in a manhole or vault shall be capped with a sheradized or gal- vanized iron cap. The connection of iron pipe with vit- rified clay ducts shall be made with suit- able "conduit castings." lloa erals vault, and shall be sorplaced d the man- holethat the top of the lateral or protecting cov- ering shall be not less than 24 inches below the finished surface of the street. Location of Manholes: the laws o Except thesSta Stateotherwise California, manded holes may be built or constructed at such Points on or along any such conduit as may be necessary for the laying, install- ation, construction, inspection or repair of any such conduit or of said wires or cables to be placed or laid therein, or the operation of any telephone, telegraph, electrical or other system, with which any of such wires may be connected or Of Wallch they may form a part. Dimensions; dimension Of manholes shall beT in the line of the conduit containing the greater number of ducts. All man- holes shall have an inside measurement of not less than four (4) feet at the max- imum Points between the side walls and between the end walls, and not less than five feet (5) at all points between the floor and the top of the ceiling. Rectangu- lar intermediate two-way manholes shall be built according to the following di- mensions, to -wit: At all points where the conduit con- tains s 'lot snots essrrthan ducts, (6)rn feet feet] Inth width,] with aot e sp ceaof not less than five (5) feet at all points between the floor and the ceiling thereof. At all points where the conduit con- tains not less than five (6) nor more than twelve (12) ducts, the manhole shall be not less than six and one-half (6 1-2) feet in length and not less than four (4) feet in width, with a space of not less i than five (5) feet at all points between the floor and the ceiling thereof; At all points where the conduit con- tains not less than thirteen (13) nor more than hole shallbenotrless4than eighth(8)rrrfeet 1 I length and not less than four (4) feet n width, with a space of not less than five (5) feet at all points between the t floor and the ceiling thereof; holes Rectangular beofherate followingon man- dimen- c cions: o At all points where the conduit con- s al ns not more than four (4) ducts, he nd one-half Manhole l(6 al- 2) benot in lengthss , and o not less than four (4) feet in width, with a space of not less than five (5) feet F at all points between the floor and the eiling thereof; At all points where the conduit con- ains not less than five (5) nor more than welve (12) ducts, the manhole shall be of less than eight (8) feet in length, nd not less than four (4) feet in width, 8, with a space of not less than rivet root e four (24) inches by twenty-six . (B) t ' ches, clear measurement, if rectae�gfi. d lar in shape. The manhole frames shell be so placed that the top of the cove shall be flush with the finished grade of n the street. e Floors '-'Ms. Manholes, Drainage: I The concrete floors of all manhoii" shall be at least three (3) inches thick g and shall be well tamped into place. ,A one ((1) inch fo t long, shallen sewer be pla ed sump in th floor of all manholes, at the lowest point, t `or drainage purposes. I Cable Supports and Pulling in Irons, Idanhoie walls shall be provided Whit cable supports. Pulling in irons shall i1,' I placed in the walls opposite each dnet'd ,trance and below the duct level. Forms: All forms for concrete structures shish be so placed and supported as to prevelilt moving, or springing. The inside of all forms shall be of smoothly dressed lung - her and shall be so used as to give a smooth and even surface to all exposed`; Portions of concrete structures. Walls and Tops of Manholes: All side wails and tops of concrete manholes shall be of sufficient thickness and reinforced with woven wire mesh, twisted steel rods or steel I beams so as to safely provide for all loads which may be placed upon them because Of soil conditions or street traffic. Concrete: For• the foundation, protection and en- casements of ducts, the concrete shall be composed of tkte following pro tionsp One (1) part by measure of cement 'Three (3) parts by measure of clean, sharp sand. Six (tl) parts by measure of broken stone, or screened gravel of well grad - ea saes varying from one fourth (1-4) inch minimum to two (2) inches max- imum. For manhole construction the concrete shall be composed of the following pro- portions: One (1) part by measure of cement. Two (2) parts by measure of clean, sharp sand. Four (4) parts by measure of broken stone or screened gravel of well graded' sizes varying from one fourth (1-4) ineh. minimum to two (2) inches maximum.. .. All mortar for protection and cement-' Ing of joints shall be composed of tt" following proportions: One (1) part by measure of cement. Two (2) parts by measure of clean, sharp sand. Mixing Concrete: Tne materials entering the concrete shall It thoroughly mixed and inorpor-; ated while dry so as to form a homar gene us in of the ingredients. Af4 ter the materials have been turned at least two times dry, water shall be ad-` ded in a fine spray in such quantities as to being weta uniform ts the whole mass turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of hav- 1119 set or that has become unfit for good work from standing too long or from any other cause. No remixing of concrete shall be allowed. After the concrete is thoroughly mixed it shall be tamped' in place without delay. All sand, grav- el, ur crushed rock used in construction shall be dumped on planks. Protection of Concrete: Ali concrete joints and concrete struc- tures shall be carefully protected front too rapid drying out by covering with moist earth, or by frequent sprinkling. gement: None but the best quality of Portland 1 :ement shall be used. All cement must ion orm tusual r and testing asrecornmended by the, vmerrcan Society of Civil Engineers, i ./Access to the Street: The right rs reserved to the city and o the owners of public utilities and fran—'. X111 esose to enter upon the street for the,.k purpof making repairs or changes hat may become necessary by the work. SECTlOiVL. All Ordinances and parts f ordinances in conflict with the pro- s of this ordinance are hereby re- aled. e SEC'T'ION 3. The City Clerk of the 'ity of Anaheim shall certify to the pas - age of this ordinance and cause the same be puol"fied once in the Anaheim azette, a weekly newspaper of general irculation, printed, published and cir- ulated in the City of Anaheim, and thirty ays and alter after its final passage it ra.11 take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap- roved aha attested by me this 8th day J uly, A. 1). 1915. resident of the Board) 0H. COO f Trus ees of the City of Anaheim. ttest: EDWARD B. MERRITT, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 'ATE 2 'Ali ORDJNAjIICII; OF ME,' CITY OF ArjAjj!!jjI ADO-PTLING sp'LCIFICATIO-TIS FOR T TSTRUCTIO 1-11�24 3 OR CABLES USED IN 4ito Ht CO -I 1,1 OF UNDERGROU14D COIMUITS 1 - a TRA6N,:3MjSSIOIT OF TELEPHONIC OR ZZEGRAIMC MSSAGESt OR MR TIS , I, TRAIISITISSION OF, BLP,,GTRjCjrTY OR E140TRIC EMI RGY By NZANS OF i.110"S 4 OR CABLSS UM)ER, ALONG OR ACRDSS ANY OF HD PUBLIC STREWS 'AV Inz S, T- rl 5 1AMEYSI, LAIIESIryV 6 7 The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do, ordain as follows: 8 rEICTION 1. That all conduits, for wires, or canes used in the 9 transmission of telephonic or telegraphic messaCes, or for the traija- 10 mission of electricity or of electric energy by means of Wires or 11 cables within the City of Anp�jeim, to be hereafter built, construC-� 12 ted or laid -Luider, along or across axq of the public streets, aver-'� 13 U88, alleys, 1Eneo ,,,/or plL�-oes within the City of Anaheim, shall be 14 ;,,built, constructed and laid in accordance with the followinr, 0,0801 15 fications: 16 IWIDTR AND DEPTH OF EXCLIZION: 17 The rground shall be excavated in open cut to the required de- pth, 18 A Space of at least three (3) inc hos shall be allowed between the 19 sides of the conduit and the sides of the trench. The depth shall 20 be sufficient to allow the top of the conduit protectionlank or zj concrete to be -placed at least 2611 inchea below the finished surface zz of the street. 23 !Lirz AND GRADE OF TREIETCH: 24 I -Phe line of all t re ne he s shr,13- ire q,-tr,-)J-Cht between manholesher4- 25 'ever possible, if our7e s are unavoidable, they shall be of not 19so; 26 .�than 60 feet radius and shaal be placed as near to manholes as prod - 27 ticable. The bottom of the trench shall be free from dips or irre�- 8 ulcrit ies and shall have a descending Z.,rade of at least 3 inches 29 per hundred feet toward one or both ma4holes. Any excavation made 30 below the bottom. line of conduit found,,, -tion surf l be refilled with 31 food earth --,nd thoroughly comp acted. 7 32 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 zo zi zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :SPOIL BANKS: The materials excavated and those used in construction shall be so placed that free access may be had i_�t all times to all parts of the trench and to all fire hydrants in the vicinity. All mater* ials shall be neatly piled and trimmed so as to inconvenience as little as possible the public trW,81, or the adjoining residents* All streets* alloys, railroads and private ways shall be kept open for the usual travel. All surface materials from excavations, including pavements gravel, oil, sojjq turf`, etc. shall be carefully removed and kept 4 separate to be used in repairing and resurfacing the streets, al 1e or grounds. SHORING AND BRIDGING: whore excavations unduly inconvenience or interfere with the occupants of promises along the line of construction, such exca- vations shall be covered with suitable bridges to give the occu- pants opportunity to leave and enter their promises. rilhenover necessary, the excavations shall be bridged in a pxoper and secure manner so as not to interrupt travel. Due care shall be taken against the caving in of the sides of the trenches by shoring, or bracing. REPAVING AND X,!',SURFAOLff_G.'. AU pavement distuabod shall be replaced in accordance with the requirements of the City of An&heim for that class of work. Excavations in all unpaved streets or alloys shall be refilled to grade of the original surface. All side -walks, curbs, cross -walks, manhole frames or work of any kind disturbed shall be replaced In at least as good conditioz as before commencement of work. .SURPLUS All surplus materials and rubbish remaining after the exeava- tions have been refilled and the work completed shall be removed* 1 BARRIERS & LIGHTS: 2 Barriers shall be provided around excavations and a sufficient 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 niusber of red lights maintained during tho night to properly ward the public against danger and accident. Proper notices and sign shall be given the public as to the state of the street during the, progress of the work. VITRIFIED DUCT CONDUITS: Vitrified duct conduits shell be First quality material, burned; hard and thoroughly vitrified so the duct when well dried out she; not absorb more than five (5) per cent of its weight when immerse, in water at a temperature of from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit for twenty four hours. The inside dissension of the ducts shall be three and one -hila by three and one-half (aNX*) inches. The this nesse of the outer walls shall be at least five-eighths (5/8) of a inch, and the inner Valls, shall be not less' than. 7%16 of an inch thick at their thinnest place. All ducts shall be round and free from cracks, sort spots, stones, gravel, brakes, or any particles of burned clay or dirt attached to the surface. The inside corners shall be rounded to a thz^ee-eighths (3/8) o an inch radius and the outside to a three.-Courthss (3/4) of an incl radius. The ends of the duct shall be beveled on the inside spa that the dimensions at the ends shall be at least five-eighths t (5%8) of an inch more than the inside dimension of the the prope�. The ends of all ducts shall be perpendicular to the sides. Interior walls of ducts with square holes shall be free from unbroken blisters or ether projections which are more than one- eighth (1/8) of an inch in thickness and such unbroken blisters or other projections shall not extend out from the corner so that there will be less than two and ane-h,.1f (21) inches of flat sur- face on the interior walls. The inner surface of the ducts shall be free from dents or oth4r .2 obstructions. s ,All multiple duct conduits shall be provided with 3 4 5 least two (2) dowel -holes not more than fifteen thirty-seconds (15-32) of an inch in diameter and not lees than eleven thirty- seconds (11-32) of an inch in diameter. The outside walls of Mul- tiple ducts shall be scarified or roughened for at least twO (2) inches on each end. The insulating properties of the material sh 1 enable it to vithattand a puncture test of 30,000 volts * Ce 6 7 MUTIDATION: 8 In laying multiple vitrified ducts a bed of concrete at least � 9 three (3) inches in thickness and six (6) irider than the :inches 10 t\ width of the ducts shall be first in the trench, leveled off 11 12 13 14 15 16 and tgmped to Crade. JAYING DUCTS: - The vitrified ducts shall than be set in place in such a manner! that the ends shell abut each other and form a true smooth line of! tubes and firmly held in place by steel dowel -pins, strip of burlap previously dipped in a neat cement mortar shall completely 17 surround the joints and lap at least six (6) inches on tle t'G-ln 18 of the duct, and extend at least two (2) inches on each side of this 19 joint. The joint on the side and top of the duct shall then be 20 plastered with a three-fourths (3/4) inch layer of cement mortar i 21 consisting, of one (1) part cement and t� (-11 part sharp sand. 2 A layer of mortar of the necessary thickness to Insure an evenii il 23 j bearing shall be placed between each succeeding layer of duct s. 24 The multiple sections shall be so laid as to break joints and so 25 placed that there shall be no shoulders or offsets in the bore, 26 TAMPING AND PLACING TOP PROTECTION: 27 After the cement has thoroughly set, dirt shall be placed at 28 3the side of the in sufficient quantities so that when it is 29 thoroughly tamped the surface is brouZ7ht to a level with the top 30 J!! of the ducts, Care must be taken in placing the dirt and tamping 31 the same so that the cement. joint is not injured. A layer of cont 32 crate three (3) inches in thickness shall then be placed over the ducts pro jecting at least three (3) inches on each side of the due 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The concrete top protection may be omitted and a creosoted plate, one and one-half (1 1/2) inches in thickness and of a width equal to the ma=imum width of the conduit, placed centrally upon the top course of the conduit. IkIII-DIC, L: A mandrel equipped with a heav-­ rubber or lecather washer of a ir size sufficient to forra a continuous contact with the interior surd face ofthe ducts sholl be drawn through eaoli duct as the conduit is laid so as to reiaove Ul dirt or T)rojectiono of mortar that mayl be in the ducts. The inside of ,-,ll ducts shall be clean and free from all ob- etractions. PLUGGILIG DUCTS: The and of ducts shall be firmly stopped with wooden plugs when the work is left at night, or at any, time. After conduit rM from manhole to manhole have been completed, all ducts shall be closed with wooden plugs, care being exercised that no obstructioz remain in the ducts. FIBIE CONIDUIT: All fibre conduits shall be first quiality material tbwwoughly saturated with insulating compound. The walls shall be compact and incapable of separation into lagers when heated to 212° Fahr- enheit, The bore shail be straight and the cross-ceotion shall not vary at any point more than one -eig=hth (1/8) of on inch from a true circle. The- inner surface shall be free from dents or othO obstructions so that a mandrel thirty six (36) inches in length of one-fourth (1/4) of an inch less diameter than a nominal sized tube edu be passed through it. The insulating properties of the material shall enable the fibre tube to withstand a puncture test 010 309000 Volts A. 0. Fibre tubes shall stand the following mechar ical test. A section of conduit shall be heated to a temperature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit and remain at that temperature for one hour. It shall then be immediately placed on two (2) inch SaUle 1 2�'blocks on fifty (50) inch centers and shall withstand a load of 2 three hundred firt;y (350) pounds applied at the center without 3 breaking or chaxiC.iiZ -the cross-section o -E' the bore more than one - 4 eighth (1/8) inch. 5 J� I-CYLLIG FIBZ! CODDUI.L: In lwyinc fibre coinduit a bed of, concrete at lea-st three (3) 7 ir.Lches i1a 'U-Ilic:aiess taid siax (6) inclios wider than the maxim -am widt] 8 of the nest of -tube.-, shall first be laid in the trench leveledoff 9 and t=, ped to grade. A layer of tubes shU1 then be placed, leav- 10 ing one (1) inch space between each tube o;id three (3) inches be - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tween the outside tube and the side of the trench, The space be- tween the tubes and three (3) inches outside of the outside tube, and one (1) inch above some, shall be gilleditYi well rammed con" crete. A second layer of tubes shall then be placed directly aboV4 the first layer and qpaced in -the sam manner. Concrete shall the ,'be placed completely filline, the space surrounding the tubes. What' the last layer of conduits is placed and surrounded with concrete, an additional layer of concrete three (3) inches in depth shall be placed on the top of the nest of tubes. The work shall be so done that each tube shall be complete surrounded with concrete -A three (3) inches in thickness shall surround the nest of tubes on I the bottom, top and sides. PIBIM, TUBE JOINTS: The Joints of ,.,21 fibre tubes before being, placed together be dipped in a hot compound suitable for sealing the joints and be used in sufficient quantities to prevent any leakage of water into the interior of the tube. LAPTLRALS: Laterals whether laid in the main trench or in a selMrate tr fibducts, shall be multiple vitrified clay ductrq .,,/or standard galvanized or sheradized wrought iron pipe, __6__ 117 Marl Tllt,'PTC H; lerhen laterals are laid in 'u-1110 main trench during the constn)-atiqn U _L 3 o If' -W-he main conduit, theybe lop of at the the conduit 4 formtiozz and beneath the protection concrete or creosoted plank. 5 JY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tihen lateral: ase 1�-ald in a S e I r Q. t 0 t X'G I 10th h e trench -shall be convenient laying and deep enough alafficient width to pen.,ait o to make the top of the Juiteral or protection plank at least t,70nt Y4 four (24) inches below the surface of the street, ITULTIPLE VITRIFIED CLAY DUCT- LAZ`]RUS& The joints of vitrified cla�r duct laterals, when laid in a sep-1 -Luidod with A*=Mt mo r t less! crate trench, shall be well sarro rt a no than one (1) inch in thichness acid extending a distance of at least three (3) inches each side of tlie joint. Vitrified clay 14ta als shall be , Orotecte d,,by means of a Oreo— noted plank one and one half (1-111) inches in thickness and of a width equal to that of "U'lie cona:ait structure. S 11 SMRADIZED IRON P11?2; LATZ&QS: TANDARD GALVAJIMZ 0. standard galvanized ,or sheradized wrought iron pipe With screw joiiTus shall be used. rrac t1ireads �, d couplings shall be thoro'U& ly painted rich red lead before t1le riper tLre joined. Care mist be taken to p—revent any obstruction in the pipe which would prevent the pulling in Q:, or wires. The radius of all bends of rrouCht* iron pix,e co=iectin�- an U _, the vertical a d horiz- ontal ducts shall be not less than thirty (30) inches. The vert runs of al laterals on poles or buildings shall be of standard galvanized, or sheradized wrou�,;',A; iron pipe. All ends of wrouZht iron pipe which do not terminate in a mahole or vault shall be capped with a ShOradized or galvanized iron cap. ) V-0 ri The connection of ri-ea pi-,i.,)e with vitrified clay ducts shall be made with suitable "conduit castings". tyins- 4 GIU12 OF LA:OLI�US: 5 All laterals shall slope toward the manhole or vault. and shall i ,be so placed that '11-1he 'Vol; of the lateral or protecting covering 7 shall be not less than 2,1 inches below the finished surface of the 8 street,, LOCAIIION OF i� HOL&-$: Lzeept as otherviise -,)rovided b- the laws of the State of Calif- :,ornia, manholes may be built or constructed at such points on or 1';along any such conduit as ma,7 be necessary for the laying, instal 2 ,3 ation, construct -ion, inspection or repair of wxy such conduit or 1�of said wires or cables to be placed or laid therein, or the oiler_ 4 �i 15 �iation of any telephone, telef.,,raph, electrical or other system,, 1'with which any of such wires may be connected or of which they 17 "Mqy form a part* 18 DI "­ NSIONS: 19 The long dimension of mahole:5shall be in the line of the condui� ;'OontaininE; the greater number of ducts. .4.11 manholes shall have inside measurement of not less than four (4) feet at the maximum 2P ;;points bet-aeen the side walls and between the and walls, and not 23 than five(5) feet at all points between the floor and the 4 ','top of the coiling, intermediate two-way manholes s', Z5 U 7 29 30 31 ibe built according to the followine dimensions, to -wit: I At all points where t -ho conduit contains not more than four duds, ithe manhole shall be not less 11-1han sly. (6) feet in length and not iless than four (4) feet in width, with a space of not less than I,five (5) feet at all points botmeen the floor and the coiling the reo f At all points where the conduit contains not less than Five (5) 32 �;i,nor more than twelve (12) ducts, the manhole shall be not less th six and one-half (e) feet in length -jud not less than four (4) feet In width, with a space of not less thin five (5) feet at all points between the floor and the ceiling, thereof; 4 At all points where the conduit contains not less than thirteen 5 (13) nor more than Twont-T-four (42)4) ducts, -manhole shall be no S 7 8 9 10 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2", 22 23 24 25 26 27 ze 29 30 31 I' Less than eigb (8) feet In lenE�,th and not less than four (4) feet `i in width, with a space of not less thi-n 'Live (5) feet at all paint] between the floor and the ceilinf� theroof; Rectangular in-berne(liate jiuictilon m�jiholes shall be of the fol- lo-vvin(,, dinens.-Itons: it all points vrhere the conduit cont,-�Una not more then. four (4)11 , ducts, the manhole shall be not thaj-L sig arra one-half feet in length, said not less than four (4) feet in width, with a space of not leas thwi five (5) feet at all points between the i floor and the ceiling thereof; At all. points where the conduit contains not less than five (5)i nor more than twolve (12) ducts, the manhole shall be not less th eight (8) feet In length, and not leqc.* than four (4) feet in widt: with a space of not less than rive (5) feet at all points between the floor and the ceiling thereof; all points where the condlait cort--irto not loss t','.,,,n thirteen (13) nor more than twenty-four (24) ducts, the manhole shall be not less them nine (9) feet in lensh, sand not less than four and One-half (4?-) feet in width, 'with a e,-: of not levs thin six (6) feet between the floor and the ceiling thereof. B R I C K MUM LE 8 Brick manholes shall be constructed of w1zle. sound, hard bric with rectangular surfaces axid straiC.ht edges. They must give a o ringine, sound when struck together and shall be uniform in qualit and of standard dimensions. All brick shall be thoroughly wet imediately before binge Each brick shall be laid in a full and close joint of cement most 0 �r 1 ,,All joints on the inside of the structure shall be neatly struok 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and pointed. The outside of € brick structures sh€a.l be x ►atiyall ,plastered with cement mortar one half Qj) an inch thick. 4STC1, TF HDLES - Concrete manholes shall be built of reinforced cement concrete and shall be of the d%nsions hereinbefore specified. Yi MO MAS 912 COL All manholes shall be provided with cast iron frames and coverer i - _. ..:. _.. . • a • h,:,`_..:...,.rmrrt;.aWr.F,:��fk,Yil','1�`k�rrNi#�tYkt�rirf�+i.i;•..kJf.. _ s e ,�: �:. s.. opening to outer air be less than twelity- six (26) inches in dito s if circular in shap4, or less than. twenty-four (24) inabos by ti ty- six (26) inches, clear measurement, if rectangular in sheer's The manhole frames shall be so placed that the top of the cOV$r shall be flush with the finished grade of the street. PLOORS Cid` RTUU NA The eonarete floors of all manholes shall be at least three (3 inches thick and shall be well tapped into plaoso A siz (6) luoh It - open sewer pipe map bola, one (1) foot long, shall be pla0#1 this floor of ,all manholes, at the lowest Pe' t= -fOr drainage PUZ- HOME Ranhole walls shall be provided with cable supporter. Pulling 3 irons shall be placed in the walls opposite such duct entraoO and below the ducat level. '.11 forms for concrete structures shalt be so plaoed and euppo3 ed as to prevent moving- or springing. The inside of all forms shall be of smoothly d.re s se d lumber and shall be so used as to 91: a smooth and even surface to all exposed portions of done"ter tti.re �r 1 f LZ8 +t+,,n TRPS iT 4 4 1 All side walls and tops of concrete manholes shall be of suf'- 3 icient thickness and reinforced with woven wire mesh, twisted ste s 4 ods or steel l beams so as to safely provide for all loads wbi oh 5 be placed upon them because of soil -conditions or street traf- 6 ic. 7 tnvriv",nrr+. 8 For the Touudation, protection and encasements of ducts. the coxa 9 rete shall be composed of the following proportion, 10 One (1) part by measure of cement. 11 Three, (3) parts by measure of oleint sharp sand, 12 Six (6) parts by measure of broken stone, or screened gravel of 13 ' al graded sizes varying from one fourth (1/4) inch minimum to 14 16 (2) rhes maximum. _. For maxi ble construction the concrete sh.a1„1 be compo sod of tb propo Aions. 17 one (1) part by measure of cement„ 18 Two (2) parts by maaware of clean sharp sando 19 Four (4) p a,rt s by measure of broken stone or screened gravel of 20 01.1 graded sizes varVing from one fourth (1/4) inch minimum to 21 (2) inches maximum. 22 mortar :dor protection^vf joints 23 shall be composed of the following proportions* 24 one (1.) pari; by measure of cement. 25 Two (2) parts by measure of olsaz4 sharp sand. 26 27 1 The materials entering the co nc rete shall be therougbly mixod 28 and incorporated while dry so as to farm a homogeneous mixture of 29 the ingredients. After the materials have been turned at toast to 30 tis dryv water shall be added in a fine qpxW in such quantities, 31 as to produce a uniform writ mass. Wye being 'yet the► wbolo mass 32 sball b,* turned over at ;oast twice more* No aonorets shall be uo 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I R 16 17 18 19 20 21 ZZ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 'that shows evidence of having got or that has b000mO unfit for ,goad work from standing too long or from any other cause. No X* - 0 -f ;,mixing e -P concrete shall be allowed. After the concrete is thor- ;toughly mixed it shall be tamped Al in place without delay'.l sand; !graNvel, or crushed rock used in construction shall be dump* on All concrete joints and concrete structures shall be da fully' protected fXam too rapid drying out by covering Tvith moist earth, or by frequent sprinkling. al.8 Nona but the best quality of 2ortland cement shell be us*4* All cement must conform to the usual standard of inspection and to as reoanmenda& by the American Society of Civil LngirAerso 43§2 TO TBE STRESTI- The right is reserved to the city and to the owners of publiG utilities and frsnohiaea to enter upon the street for the purpos* of making repairs or chanZes that may become neogssaX7 by UP W03* ;LCT ION' 2# All ordiinns s and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SL,OTj 3, The City Clerk of the City Of Aaahsiz shall 00zti# to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be public ones in the Anaheim Gazette. a weekly newspaper of general oirou. lation. printed, published and circulated in the City of AU010im, and thirty days from and after its final passage it shall tam Of - foot and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance is signa&* approved and attested by MO 9 o A. Do 1915* this day of 4 M ffeF­Board O:V TMM38 of thk City Of AAabOiM* Attest. UITY-GlOrk of VU* GIVV 0-7-AXAMiM* *& 4W U-- 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 ' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STAZS OF CALIFJIMA, } 00U."XI OF WWIGEW Sq. CITY OF .111ANWIM— � I, Eduard B. MOrrittt Ci.t7 Cleft cf tbo City Of AU&baft„ do hereby certify that the foregoing ord.i.naxe a Was introduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City Of Anaboimj, head o the day of A, Do 19161 and that the s e was pass*d sad adopted at a regular moeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, he+l.d on the 34*h day of , A. B. 1916s by tb$ fol- lowing vote; AYES: TRUSTER « C�aC NOES TRU'ST'EES. ABORT AXD sMTINO; TRUSTEESt v AAd I I'grther certify that the president of the Board of Tr 8 tees of the City of Anaheim signed said oriLinance on the 24*U day of twts A. Do 191.5. IN ,611 ITUSS w'I` � ..4U I have harounto set my had and affixod the vffioial seal of the City of Anaheim, thio e6" day of r A& D. 1:x.5• n