3270� �I�T�iNC � IyO.;�;��,
Affidavit of Publication
In the Superior Court of the County of Orange
State of Californiasti
is . HOLDfP7(3" A GP/NER.AL.
;y ELECTION TN IS Ci � -01.
T 4
HEIM_ OAT fiiiE &LC � id
IN, APRIL, ' 11118,
1- 8th DAY GOP,' r1PRSI:, 1918 is
The Board of Trusteei7
:r Anaheim -do ordain as fol
Vs. SECTION 1. That a ;genua
election be held in, the -City"'
on the second ,MondaY,in. d��
l wit, on the 9th- �.'df r v�
b t . Q n' roY°ra 9
i * t�
Defendant ''
�rnrek wroz r goo , cga �a a
Trustees for the ' v �• odna
2. One City Clerk f
f- years.S. One City fireais ¢ m a0
1l v4 o w ,a �4y ° da
two Years. ,
STATE OF CALIFORNIA; ss• a election therh. ar
County of Orange, T election pre-elnc
known and desi o �rti4m f oA."&?',r ,--b
Pei �smY
tinct Numbo� vv°Ar� d d {+� o err 'e r �,
ber 8,,,vrYO0P7
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being first duly cineta a o�d�r° p���°�'eaTlier da
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sworn, deposes nd says: That at all times hereinafter mentioned .he was Pie �r J�od vow° Asn,
a citizen of the United States, over theage of eighteen years, and a resident intern r 0 ow- � a �a �ac�P ould be of More pr
of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and v mJ„ o e o° uV verage household
"' �� Pf ° rin e output of ' all tb
proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of :general circulation, print- Vol?��
i ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, - in said County of Orange, 11
soz u Q;.
State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times hereins''� anon ' bbaned and diplon
mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- a 'aaruled 'tYl is naw'in t
semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- ray sOZ ga11 BOY}eu4 might not
atter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all / a11pil .�sp1a.I rotein, calories,
said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the _}pea¢ eAl aoj Wolasubpe:aA 1�
said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for mord 11ze — IVoo, TB anadde 01 $a?3 on, but when it
than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- � s alsl as 91T 2111&01 e botto ,0; .1i 1
nfl"nf 'the s de:'me
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annexed is a printed cop was published and printed in said newspaper at tl2nagpls `ems VAX, �.
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tTn3 q, tri
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and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; tha ha4l 08 fl; ;goo
is to say on the following4ates, to -wit: lri0-qj. ft, AOV(r
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before me this ...w .. ..............day of
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Notary Public in and for Orange County, California.
8th DAY OF APRIL,1918.
The Board of Trustees of the City of
Anaheim do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. That a general municipal
election be held in the City of Anaheim
on the second Monday In April, 1918, to -
wit, on thf 8th day of April, 1918, for
the purpose of electing the following of-
fcers of the said city, to -wit:
1. Three members of the Board o*
Trustees for the term of four years.
2. One City Clerk for the term of two
3. One City Treasurer for the term of
two years.
SECTION 2. For the purpose of said
election there are hereby est£blished ten
election precincts in said city, to be
known and designated as "Precinct Num-
ber 1," "Precinct Number 2," "Precinct
Number 3," "Precinct Number 4," ' Pr;ee
inct Number 5," "Precinct Number 6."
"Precinct Number 4," "Precinct Num-
ber 8," "Precinct Number 9," and "Pre-
cinct Numbdr 10."
The boundaries of said election pre-
cincts are fixed and established respec-
tively as follows:
Precinct Number 1:—Beginning at the
intersection of the North City Limits of
the City of Anaheim and the extended
center line of North Palm Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of North
Palm Street to the intersection with the
extended center line of West Cypress
Street; ,thence Easterly along said cen-
ter line of West Cypress Street to its
intersection with the extended center
dine of North Clementine Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of North
Clementine Street to its intersection with
the center line of West Center Street''
thence Westerly along said center line of
West Center Street to its intersection
with the West city limits of the City of
Anaheim; thence North along said city
limits to the Northwest corner of said
City )f Anaheim, thence Easterly along
the North City Limits ofthe City of An-
aheim to the place of beginning.
Precinct Number 2: -Beginning at the
intersection of the North City limits of
the City of Anaheim and the extended '
center line of North Palm Street; thence
Southerly along said Center line of North
'Palm Street to its intersection with the
extended center line of West Cypress
Street; thence Easterly along said can
ter line of West Cypress Street to its In-
tersection with the extended center line
of North Clementine Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of North
Clementine Street to its intersection
:with the center line of West Center
Street; thence Easterly along said can-
er line of West Center Street to its in-
;tersection with the center line of North
•'Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly
along said center line df North Los An-
ageles Street to its intersection with the
I, enter line - of East Sycamore Street;
"thence Easterly along said center line
of East Sycamore Street to its intersee-
,tIon with the extended center line of
,'Ndrtt Claudtna'; Street", lying between
:+Blocks Four and Five (4 & 5), Rothaer-
itnel's Addition as shown on a map re-
corded in Book 4, Page 82, Miscellaneous
Maps of Orange County, California;
thence 'Northerly along the center line
of said North Claudina Street and said
center line extended to its intersection
with the Northerly city limits of the City
of Anaheim; said
city limits line to the placeriof beginning.
Precinct Number 3:—Beginning at the
intersection of the North City Limits of
the City of Anaheim and the extended
center line of North Olive Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of North
Olive Street to its intersection with the
center line of East 'Sycamore ' Street;
thence, Westerly along said center line of
East Sycamore Street to its ifitersection
with the extended center line of North
Philadelphia Street, lying between
Blocks C and 1> Heimann and George
Page 249,MiscellaeousoRec-
e-ords of Los Angeles County, California;
thence Southerly along the center line of
said North Philadelphia Street to its in-
tersection with the center line of East
Center_ Street; thence Westerly, along
said centerline of East Center Street to
its intersection with the center line of
North Los Angeles Street; thence North-
erly along said center line of North Los
Angeles Street to its intersection with the
center line of East sycamore Street;
thence FA*teriy along said center line
_... a.,...,.....,.m a —t 'tri its inter-
dina Street and said Center line extended
to its intersection with the Northerly
city limits of the City of Anaheim; thence
Easterly along said Northerly City Limits
to the place of beginning.
Precinct Number 4:—Beginning at the
Intersection of the Northerly City Limits
of the City of Anaheim, and the extend-
ed Easterly line of North East Street;
thence Southerly along said Easterly line
of North East Street to its intersection
with the center line of East Center
Street; thence Westerly along said cen-
ter line of East Center Street to its in-
tersection with the extended center line
of North Philadelphia Street; thence
Northerly along said center line of North
Philadelphia Street to its intersection
with the center line of East Sycamore
Street; thence Easterly along said cen-
ter line of East Sycamore Street to its
intersection with the center line of North
Olive Street; thence Northerly along said
center line of North Olive Street to its
intersection with the Northerly City Lim-
its of the City of Anaheim; thence East-
erly along said City Limits line to the
place of beginning.
Precinct Number 5:—Beginning at the
Intersection of the center line of West
Center Street and the extended Center
line of South Citron Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of South
Citron Street to its intersection with the
Southerly City Limits of the City of An-
aheim; thence Westerly along said City
Limits line to its intersection with the
East line of Walnut Street; thence South
along said East line to the center line
of Ball Road; thence West along said
center line of Bail Road to its intersec-
tion with the West City Limits of the
City of Anaheim; thence North along
said City Limits to its intersection with
the extended center line of West Cen-
ter Street; thence Easterly, along said
center line of West Center Street to the
place of beginning:
Street to 'its intersection with the cen-'
ter line of South Orange Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of South
Orange Street to the Southerly City Lim-
its of the City of Anaheim; thence West-
erly along said City Limits to the inter-
Wtion with the center line of South Ol-
ive Street; thence Northerly along said
center line of South Olive Street to its
intersection with the center line of East
Santa Ana Street; thepce Westerly along
said center line of East Santa Ana Street
to its intersection with the ,extended cen-
ter line of South Philadelphia Street;
thence Northerly along mttd center line
of South Philadelphia Street to its inter-
section with the center line of East Cen-
ter Street; thence Easterly along said
center line of East Center Street to the
place of beginning.
Precinct Number 10: --Beginning at the
Intersection of the extended center line
of East Center Street and the East line
of South East Street; thence Southerly
along said East line of South East' Street
to its intersection with the South City
Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence
Westerly along said South city limits line
to its intersection with the extended cen-
ter line of South Orange Street; thence
Northerly along said center line of South
Orange Street to its intersection with
the center line of East Water Street;,
thence Westerly along said center line
of East Water Street to its intersection
with the center line of Kroeger Street;
thence Northerly along said center line
of Kroeger Street to its intersection with
the center line of East Center Street;
thence Easterly along said center line of
East Center Street to the place of be-
SECTION 3. That the following named
persons are hereby appointed as Boards
of Election of said respective precincts,
to serve in the capacity herein designat-
ed and to conduct said election ,as re-
quired by law:
Precinct Number 6:—Beginning at the
Precinct Number 1
intersection of the center line of West
Inspector—John A. Eymann.
Center Street and the extended center
Judge --John B. DeWitt.
Clerks—Albert D. Lrickson and Robert
line of South Clementine Street; thence
C. Hein.
Southerly along said center line of South
Clementine Street to its in6reection 'with
Citron Street to its intersection with the
the center line of West Santa Ana Street;
Precinct Number 2
thence Easterly along said center line
inspector ---John S. Sheridan.
,of West Santa Ana Street to its inter-
Judge—Hugo Strodthoff.
section with the center line of South
Clerks—Frank Dyer and Roger C. Dut-
Lernon -Street; thence Southerly along
said center line of South 'Lemon Street
inteirsection the extended center line
,to its intersection with the Southerly
Precinct Number 3
City Limits of the Cityof, Anaheim;
llispeet4x—William H Chambers.
The polling place in an
Number 3 shall be a,; Ingra
No. 228 North Los Angel
The polling place in an
Number 4 shall be at No.
ter Street in the Bushard
The polling place in an
Number 5 shall be at F
cigar factory at No. 1154
The polling place in an
Number 6 shall be at the F
at No. 554 West Center Si
The polling place in an
Number ?, shall be at F
office at No. 114 South
The polling place in an
Number 8 shall be at No. 1
dina Street in the Duckwo
The polling place in an
Number.N, shall be at the 1
Building at No. 410 me
Street; and
The polling place in an
Number 10, shall be at th
Gibbs Lumber Company at
Vine Street.
SECTION 6. That said
be held and conducted
with the general electior
State of California, in so t
have been made appiicabl,
SECTION 4. At such ell
must be opened at six c
morning of said 8th day
and must be kept open unt
in the afternoon of said
polls shall be closed, exca
by Section 1164 of the P(
the State of California.
SECTION 9. Notice o
shall be given by the Cit
said City by publishing i
of in the "Anaheim Gaze
newspaper of general ci:
lished and circulated in
two successive weeks pri(
tion, Nhich said notic
the character of said
names of the offices
on and filled at such
number and location of tl
einiets, places where the
located, the names of th(
posing the several Boari
the day when said electio
and the time when the
opened and the time wher
be closed.
thence Westerly along said South ity
Limits line to its intersection with the
Ju e—Fred Gruenemay.
Clerks—Fred. 'C. Rimpau and Herman'
SECTION 10. The Cl
center line of South Citron Street; thence
L. Backs.
certify to the passage of
Northerly along said center line of South
and cause the same to be
Citron Street to its intersection with the
in the "Anaheim Gazet
center line of West Center Street; thence
Precinct Number 4
newspaper of general ei
Easterly along said center lino of -West
Inspector --James P. McCarter.
lashed and circulated In t
Center Street to the place of beginning.
Number 7:—Beginning at the
Judge—MAx Nebelung.
Anaheim, and thereupon
it be in full force
inteirsection the extended center line
Clerks—Harry C. Huff and Ben Stroup.
shall ar
The foregoing ordinance
of West Center Street and the extended
Precinct Number 5
• proved and attested by m
center line of South Los Angeles Street;
Inspector—Robert Quarton.
of February, A. D. 1918.
thence Southerly along said center line=
Judge --Frank Arnold.
J. J. Sc
of South Los Angeles Street to, its inter-
Clerks—Romberg Jansen and Mas
President of the Boar
section with the Southerly City Limits
of the City
line of the City of Anaheim; thence West-
erly along said Southerly City Limits line Precinct Number 6
to its, intersection with the center line Inspector—J. Durward Hunton:
of South Lemon Street; thence Norther- Judge—Carl Pressel.
ly along said center line of South Lem- Clerks—Frank C. Goodrich and Card
on Street to its intersection with the Vanatta.
center line of West Santa Ana Street;
thence Westerly along said center line
of West Santa Ana Street to its intersec-
tion with the center line of 'South Clem-
entine Street; thence Northerly along
said center line of South Clementine
Street to its intersection with the cen-
ter line of West Center Street; thence
Easterly along said center line of West
Center Street to the place,, of beginning.
Precinct Number M—Beginning at the
intersection of the center line of East
Center Street and the eaten ed center
line of South Philadelphia Stre t; thence
Southerly along said center ane of
South Philadelphia Street to it inter-
section with the center line of East'Santa
Ana Street; thence tasterly along" said
center line of East Santa Ana Stre++��t to
Its intersection with the center lint of
South Olive Street; thence South9rly
along said center line of South Olive
Street to the Southerly City Limits of
the City of Anaheim; thence Westerly
along said City Limits line to its interi.
section with the center line of Southl
Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly
along said center line of South Los An-
geles Street to its intersection with the
center line of East Center Street; thence
Easterly along said center line of East
Center Street to the place of beginning.
Precinct Number 7
Inspector—Daniel+,�D. Clemmer.
Judge—Louis E. Miller.
Clerks—C. Albert Zimmermann and F.
K. Gresswell.
Precinct Number 8
Inspector --J. B. Rea.
Judge—John Warren.
„ Clerks—Eldon Stark and E. D. Jones.
Precinct Number 9
Inspector—William E. McCann.
Judge—Oliver Hill.
Clerks—Stephen Rimpau and Dean Has-
Precinct Number 10'
Inspecto David Bertsch.
Judge-1V�illard M. Criss.
Clerks—Alvin F. Nowotny and Michael
F. Thorn.
City Clerk of the Cit
County of Orange
City of Anaheim
I, Edward B. Merritt, Cl
City of Anaheim, do here
the foregoing ordinance
at a meeting of the Board
the City of Anaheim, he
day of February, 1918, and
was regularly passed and
regular meeting of said 1
tees held on the 28th da
.1918, by the following vol
Ayes, Trustees Sehnelde
worth and Dwyer.
Noes, Trustees None.
Absent and not voting,
I further certify that ti
the said Board of Trusti
ordinance on the said 281
ruary, 1918.
unto set my 'hand and aff
the said City of Anaheim
of February, 1918.
SECTION 4. The compensation of said (SEAT.)
persons_ composing said Boards of Elco EDWARD B.
tion is hereby fixed at five dollars ($5.00) City Clerk of the City
SECTION S. That the following polling
places for said election are hereby es-
1 mw., ....nL..o ..te..din -nnA 4'nr Poaninnt
SECTION 1. That a general municipal ,
of North East Street to its intersection
said center line oi` Eael'Santa Ana. Street
election be held in the City ofAnaheim
with the center line of East Center
to its intertion,with the,extended cen-
at 1i
Ionthe second Monday in April,. 1918, to-
wit, th8 8th day of April, 1918, for
Street; thenceWesterly along Bald cen-
ter line of South Philadelphia Street;
the purpose of electing the following of-
ter line of Ekst Center Street to Its in-
tersection with the extended center line
thence Northerly along paid ;enter line
of South Philadelphia. Street to its inter- Nuza
Peers of the said city, to -wit:
of North Philadelphia Street; thence
section with the center line of East Cen- offic
1. Threp members of the Board o*
Northerly along said center line of North
ter Street; thence Eaaterly along said Strel
Trustees for the term of four years.
Philadelphia Street to its Intersection
center line of East Center Street to the Tli
2. One City Clerk for the term of two
with the center line of East Sycamore
place of beginning. Nun
g years.
3. One City Treasurer for the term of
Street; thence Easterly along said cen-
ter line of East Sycamore Street to its
Precinct Number 10:—Beginning at the Tb
two years.
intersection with the center line of North
intersection of the extended center 1�1na Nom
SECTION 2. For the purppops�e of said
election there are hereby est8bliahed ten
Olive Street; thence Northerly along said
center line of North Olive Street to. its
of East Center Street and the East Nun
of South East Street' thence �ttherly
selection precincts in said city, to be
intersection with the Northerly City Lim-
along said East line of South East Strest
;known and designated as "Precinct Num-
its of the City of Anaheim; thence East-
to Its intersection with the South City Til
!ber l," "Precinct Number 2," Precinct
erly along said City Limits lin® to the
Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence Nun
Number 3," "Precinct Number 4," Pr;e--
place of beginning.
Westerly along said South city limits line Gibb
cinct Number 5," Precinct Number 6."
Precinct Number 3." 'Precinct Num-
"Precinct "Pre-
Precinct Number 5:—Beginning at the
to its Intersection with the extended cen-
ter line of South Orange Street; thence
ber 8," Number 9," and
intersection of the center line of West
Northerly along said center line of South
cinct Number 10."
Center Street and the extended Center
Orange Street to Its intersection with
line Fast Water Street&,_ with
The boundaries of said election pre-
cincts are fixed and established respec- ,
line of South Citron Street; thence
southerly along said center line of South
the center of
thence Westerly along said center rine Stat)
tively as follows:
6 Precinct Number 1:—Beginning at the
Citron Street to its Intersection with the
Southerly City Limits of the City of An-
of East Water Street to its In ti«n hav®
with the center line of Kroeger treat; retell
intersection of the North, City Limits of
aheim; thence Westerly along said City
thence Northerly along said center line
'the City of Anaheim and the extended
Limits line to its intersection with the
of Kroeger Street to its intersection with
center line of North Palm Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of North
East line of Walnut Street; thence South
along said East line to the tenter line
the center line of East Center, Street; muni
thence Easterly along said center line of wolf
Palm Street to the Intersection with the
of Ball Road; thence West along said
East Center Street to the place of be- and'
in t
extended center line of West Cypress
center line of Ball Road to its intersec-
Street; ,thence Easterly along said cen-
ter line of West Cypress Street 'to its
tion with the West City Limits of the
City of Anaheim; thence North along
SECTION 8. That the following named by 9
intersection with the extended center
said City Limits to its intersection with
persons are hereby appointed as Boards the,l
line of North Clementine Street; thence
the extended center line of West Cen-
of Election of said respective precincts,
Southerly along said center line of North
ter Street; thence Easterly along said
to serve In the capacity herein designat-
Clementine Street to its intersection with
center line of West Center Street to the
ed and to conduct said election .as re- shall
the center line of West Center Street`
place of beginning.
auired by law: said,
thence Westerly along said center line of
West Center Street to its intersection
with the West city limits of the City of
Precinct Number 6:—Beginning at the
Precinct Number 1 newt'
Anaheim; thence North along said city
intersection of the center line of West
Inspector—,John A. Eymanu. two;
Judge --John B. DeWitt.tion,
limits to the Northwest corner of said
j City of Anaheim; thence Easterly along
Center Street and the extended center
line of South Clementine Street; thence
Clerks.—Albert D. k rickson and Robert Mej
the North City Limits of the City of An-
-Southerly along said center line of South
Clementine Street to its intersection with
C. Heir. nand
aheim to the place of beginning.
the center line of West Santa Ana
Precinct Number 2 num
Precinct Number 2:—Beginning at the
thence Easterly along said center line
Inspector—John S. Sheridan. Vint:
Intersection of the North City limits of
of West Santa Ana Street to Its inter-
Judge -Hugo Strodthoff. 1
the City of Anaheim and the extended
section with the center line of South
Clerks—Frank Dyer and Roger C. Dut. nos
center line of North Palm Street; thence
Lemon Street; thence Southerly aieng
to=y the '1
Southerly along said Center line of North
said center line of South 'Lemon Street
Palm Street to its intersection with the
to its intersection ,with- the Southerly
Precinct Number 3 .'Ope
extended center line of West Cypress
City Limits of the City of Anaheim;
i tor- WUUQM_jL-4ftKrribers bw
Street; thence Easterly along said cen-
thence Westerly along said South City
ter line of West Cypress Street to its in-
Limits line to its intersection with the
Clerks—Fred. &lmpeu and H erman�
tersection with the extended center line
center line of South Citron Street; thenc
line Sout
L. Beeks ce
of North Clementine Street; thence
Northerly along said center of
a >4
Southerly along said center line of North
Citron Street to its intersection with the
to 1
Clementine Street to its intersection
center line of West Center Street; thence
precinct Number 4 newl
with the center line of West Center
Easterly along said center lineF of 'West
Inspector --James P. McCarter. lishd
Street; thence Easterly along said cen-
Street to its in-
Center Street to the place of beginning.
Precinct Number 7:—Beginning at the
Judge—Max Nebelung. Anal
Clerks—FZarry C. gulf Ben Stroup. it"rrnnj
ter line of West Center
tersection with the center line of North
intersection of the extended center line
,Los Angeles Street; &hence Northerly
Los An-
of West Center Street and the extended
center line of South Los Angeles Street;
Preclact Number 5 • pr
along said center line f North
=geles Street to its intersection with the
thence Southerly along said center line=
JuA¢e--..Frani!; Arnold.
center line • of East Sycamore Street;
center line
of South Los Angeles Street to, its inter,
section with the Southerly City Limits
Cle�r`ke—Romberg Jansen and Mai
.thence Easterly along said
Of East Sycamore Street to its intersec-
line of the City of Anaheim; thence West -
tion with the extended center line of
erly along said Southerly. City Limits line
Precinct Number 8 Attq
North Claudina Stree , lying between
to its, intersection with the center line
Inspector --J. Durward Hunton, E
Blocks Four and Five (4 & 5), Rothaer-
of South Lemon Street; thence Norther,
Judge --Carl Pressel. 1
mel's Addition as shown on a map re-
ly along said center line of South Lem-
Clerks -.Frank C. Goodrich and Carl
corded in Book 4, Page 82, Miscellaneous
on Street to its intersection with the
Vanatta. STA
Maps of Orange County, California;
center line of West Santa Ana Street;
thence 'Northerly along the center line
of said North Claudine Street and said
thence Westerly along said center line
of West Santa Ana Street to, its intersec-
precinot Number 7
Inspector—Daniel-,D. Cletnmer. I,-;
center line extended to its intersection
tion with the center line of South Clem-
Judge—Louis E. Miner. City;
with the Northerly city limits of the City
entine Street; thence Northerly along
Clerks—C. Albert Zimmermann and F. the
of Anaheim; thence Westerly along said
said center line of South Clementine
K. Gresswell. at 0,4,¢
limits line to the place of beginning.
Street to its intersection with the ten-
ter line of West Center, Street; thence
Precinct Number 3:—Beginning at the
Easterly along said center line of West
Precinct Number 8 was&
Intersection of the North City Limits of
Center Street to the place, of beginning.
Inspector= -J, B. Rea. regi
the City of Anaheim and the extended
center line of North Olive Street; thence
Precinct Number S: Beginying at the
Judge—John .Warren. tees
Clerks—Eldon Stark And E. D. Jones, 191
Southerly along said center line of North
intersection of the center line of East
Olive Street to its intersection with the
Center Street and the extended center
Precinct Number 9 wo
center line of East Sycamore ' Street;
line of South Philadelphia Street* thence
Inspector—William E. McCann.'
thence Westerly along said center line of
Southerly along said center of
Judge --Oliver Hick A
East Sycamore Street to its iiiteraectlon
South Philadelphia Street to its
Clerks—Stephen Rimpau and Dean Has -
I l
v with the extended center line of North
section with the center line of ants
Ana Street; thence Easterly along said
son. the
Philadelphia Street, lying between
Blocks C and D, Heimann and George
center line of East Santa Ana Street to
Precinct Number 10 °
Addition, as ehown , on a map recorded
its intersection with the center line of
South Olive Street; thence Southerrly
Inspector�-�-David Bertsch. r I2
In Book 2, Page 249, Miscellaneous Rec-
ords of Los Angeles County, California;
along said center line of South Olive
Judge =lard M. Criss.
Clerks—Alvin F. Nowotuy and Michael antq
the i
thence Southerly along the center line of
Street to the Southerly City Limits of
the City of Anaheim; thence Westerly
F. Thorn. of 1
said North Philadelphia Street to its in-
tersection with the center line of East
along said City Limits line to its inter-,
SECTION 4. The compensation of said
Center. Street; thence Westerly, along
section with the center line of South
Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly
persons composing said Boards of Elec
said center line of East Center Street to
Its intersection with the center line of
along said center line of South Los An-
tion is hereby fixed at five dollars ($5.00)
each. �..
North Los Angeles Street; thence North-
geles Street to its intersection with the
erly along said center line of North Los
center line of East Center Street; thence
Easterly along said center line of East
SECTION 5. That the following polling
Angeles Street to its intersection with the
East Sycamore Street;
Center Street to the place of beginning.
places for said election are hereby es -
center line of
? thence Easterly along said center line
of East Sycamore Street to its inter-
line of
Precinct Number 9:—Beginning at she
point of intersection of the center line of
The polling placer in and for Precinct
section with the extended center
North Claudine Street, lying between
East Center Street and the extended canter
NThe 1 shall be at the Anaheim Uniori
, High School Building at No. 315 West i
Blocks 4 and 5, Rothaermei's Addition as
in Book 4,
line of Kroeger Street; thence Southerly
along said center line of Kroeger Street
l renter Street
shown on a map recorded
Page 82, Miscellaneous Maps of Orange
to its intersection with the center line
' The polling place in and fon Precinct
County, California; thence Northerly
of East Water Street; thence Easterly
cefrter line of East Water
Number 2 shall be at M. G. Anlauf's
Ishop at No. 115 North Lemon Street.
f along the center line of said North Ciau-
along said
the City of
1; 1918, to -
1918, for
Mowing of
Board of
four years.
xm of two
le term of
ise of said
bushed ten
ity. to be
in pre- '
at the
mits of
atsCypress center line of Ball Road to its mtersee-
reet %its tion with the West City Limits of the
led center City of Anaheim; thence North along
ret; flatter said City Limits to its intersection with
le S once the extended center line of West Cen-
ter Street; thence Easterly along said
action with
ter Street":` center line of West- Center Street to the
neer line of ; Place of beginning.-
the City of Precinct Number 6:—Beginning at the
Id city : intersection of the center line of West
if said Center Street and the extended center
along line of South Clementine Street; thence
of An. Southerly along said centerllne of South
Clementine Street to its int�reection with
the center line of West Santa Ana Street;
thence Easterly along said center line
,of west Santa Ana Street to its Inter-
section with the center line of South
Lenion"Stmet;" thence Southerly along
,said center line of South 'Lemon Street
dina Street and said Center line extended
to its intersection with the Northerly
city limits of the City of Anaheim; thence
Easterly along said Northerly City Limits
to the place of beginning.
Precinct Number 4:—Beginning at the
intersection of the Northerly City Limits
of the City of Anaheim, and the extend-
ed Easterly line of North East Street;
thence Southerly along said Easterly line
of North East Street to its intersection
with the center line of East Center
Street; thencgg�Westerly along said cen-
ter line of East Center Street to its in-
tersection With the extended center line
of North Philadelphia Street; thence
Northerly along said center line of North
Philadelphia Street to its intersection
with the center line of East Sycamore
Street; thence Easterly along said cen-
ter line of East Sycamore Street to its
intersection with the center line of North
Olive Street; thence Northerly along said
center ,line of North Olive Street to its
intersection with the Northerly City Lim -
Its of the Cityof Anaheim; thence East-
erly along' said City Limits line to the
place of beginning,
tinct Number 5:—Beginning at the
lection of the center line of West
s •Street and the extended Center
of South Citron Street; thence
ierly along said center line of South
1 Street to its intersection with the
ierly City Limits of the City of An-
i; thence Westerly along said City
s line to its intersection with the
line of Walnut Street; thence South
said East line to the center line
t,ll Road; thence West along' said
at the
nits of
to its intersection with the Southerly
City Limits of the Cit} of Ani
thence Westerly along said Sobtt
Limits line to its Intersection wit
center line of South Citron Street;I
Northerly along said center line of
Citron Street to its intersection wi
center line of West Center Street;
Easterly along said center Iine1 of
Center Street to the place of begs
Precinctt Number 7; -Beginning
thence Southerly along said center line
of South Los Angeles Street toe its Inter,
section with the Southerly City Limits
line of the City of .Anaheim; thence West-
erly along said Southerly City Limits line
to Its, intersection with the center line
of South Lemon Street; thence Norther-
ly along said center lana of South Lem-
on Street to its intersection with the
center line of West Santa Ana Street;
thence Westerly along said center line
of West Santa Ana Street to its intersee-
tion with the center .line of ;South Clem-
Street to its intersection with the cen-
ter line of West Center Street; thence
g at the
Easterly along said center line of West
Limlte of
Center Street to the placi, beginning.
t; thence
Precinct Number M—Begi`nping at the
of North
intersection of the center lige of East
with the
Center Street and the eaten ed center
Street; :
line of South Philadelphia Str thence
er line of
Southerly along said center ne of
South Philadelphia Street to 1 inter -
of North
section with the center line of East I ante.
I George
Ana Street; thence Easterly alonip said
center line of East Santa Ana Stre\t to
the center line of
ous Ree-
its intersection with
South Olive Street;: thence Southslrly
along said center line of South
er line of
Street to the Southerly City Limits \of
to its its.
the City_ of .Anaheim; thence Went.
Street to'itz intersection with the cen-'
ter line of South Orange Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of South
Orange Street to the Southerly City Lim-
its of the City of Anaheim; thence West-
erly along said City Limits to the inter-
Wtion witli the center line of South Ol-
ive Street; thence Northerly along said
center line of South Olive ' Street to its
Intersection with the center line of East
Santa Ana Street; thajice Westerly along
said center line of East Santa Ana Street
to its intersection with the .extended cen-
ter line of South Philadelphia Street;
thence Northerly along ftttd center line
of South Philadelphia Street to its inter-
section with the center line of East Cen-
ter Street; thence Easterly along said
center line of East Center Street to the
place of beginning.
Precinct Number IM—Beginning at the
Intersection of the extended_. center line
of East Center Street and the East line
of South East Street; thence Southerly
along said East line of South East' Street
to its intersection with the South City
Limits" of the City of Anaheim; thence
Westerly along said South city limits line
to Its intersection with the extended cen-
ter line of South Orange Street; thence
Northerly along said center line of South
Orange Street to its intersection with
the center line of East Water Street;
thenes Westerly along said center line
of East Water Street to its intersection
with the center line of Kroeger Street;
thence Northerly along said center line
of Kroeger Street to its intersection with
the center line of East Center Street;
thence Easterly along said center line of
East Center Street to the place of be-
SECTION L That the following named
persons are hereby appointed as Boards
of Election of said respective precincts,
to serve In the capacity herein designat-
ed and to conduct said election . as re-
quired by law:
Precinct Number I
Inspector --John A. Eymann.
Judge—John B. DeWitt
Clerks—Albert D. Nrickson and Robert
C. Hein.
Precinct Number 2
Inspector—John S. Sheridan.
Judge—Hugo Strodthoff.
Clerks -Frank Dyer and Roger C. Dut-
Precinct Number 3
__ins illiam Ii Chambers.
J'u a—Fred Gruenemay.
Clerks—Fred. C. Rimpau and Herman'
L. Backs.
Precinct Number 4
Inspector --James P. McCarter.
Judge—Max Nebelung.
Clerks—Harry C. Huff and Ben Stroup.
Precinct Number 5
Judge --Frank Arnold.
Ci rks—Romberg Jansen and Max
Precinct Number 6
Inspector—J. Durward Hunton.
Judge—Carl Pressel.
Clerks—Frank C. Goodrich and Carl
Precinct Number 7
Inspector—Daniel.. D. Clemmer.
Judge—Louis E. Miller.
CIerke--C. Albert Zimmermann and F.
K. Gressweli.
Precinct Number 8
Inspector=J. B. Rea.
Judge—John Warren.
Clerks—Eldon Stark and E. D. Jones.
Precinct Number 9
Inspector—William E. McCann.
Judge ---Oliver Hill.
Clerks—Stephen Rimpau and Dean Has-
Precinct Number 10'
Insppeecto David Bertsch.
Ju==Iard M. Criss.
Clerks—Alvin F. Nowotny and Michael
F. Thorn.
SECTION 4. The compensation of said
rrsons composing said Boards of Else
ti r.Cnmis hereby fixed at five dollars 05.00)
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 3 shall be at Ingraham's Garage,
No. 228 North Los Angeles Street.
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 4 shall be at No. 405 East Cen-
ter Street in the Bushard Building.
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 5 shall be at Frank Arnold's
cigar factory at No. 1154 West Center
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 6 shall be at the Fremont School
at No. 554 West Center Street.
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 7, shall be at F. K Gresswell's'
office at No. 117 South Los Angeles',
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 8 shall be at No. 116 Soutn Clau-
dins• Street in the Duckworth Building.
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 9, shall be at the Primary School
Building at No. 410 East Broadway',
Street; and
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 10, shall be at the office of the `
Gibbs Lumber Company at No. 145 South
Vine Street.
SECTION 6. That said election shall'
be held and conducted in accordance
with the general election laws of -the
State of California, in so far as the same
have been made applicable to such mu-
SECTION 7. At such election the polls
must be opened at six o'clock in the
morning of said 8th day of April, 1918,
and must be kept open until seven o'clock
in the afternoon of said day, when the
polls shall be closed, except as provided
by Section 1164 of the Political Code of
the State of California.
SECTION 9: Notice of said election,
shall be given by the City Clerk of the•
said City by publishing a notice there-
of in the "Anaheim Gazette," a Weekly
newspaper of general circulation, pub-
lished and circulated in said city, for
two successive weeks prior to said elec-i
tion, which said notice shall state;
the character of said election the,
names of the offices to ,be votedd,
on and filled at such election, the?
number and location of the several pre
cinhts, places where the polls shall be
located, the names of the persons com-
posing the several Boards of Election,
the day when said election shall be held
and the time when the polls shall be!
opened and the time when the polls shall
be closed.
SECTION 10. The City Clerk shall
certify to the passage of thig-ordinance,
and cause the same to be published once'
in the "Anaheim Gazette," a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, pub-
lished and circulated in the said City of
Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter
it shall be in full force and effect.
The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap-
proved and attested by me this 28th day
of February, A. D. 1918.
President of the Board of Trustees
of the City of Anaheim.
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim.
County of Orange )ss.
City of Anaheim )
L. Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the
City' of Anaheim, do herdby certify that
the foregoing ordinance was introduced
at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the City of Anaheim, held on the 19th
day of February, 1918, and that the same
was regularly passed and adopted at a
regular meeting of said Board of Trus-
tees held on the 28th day of February,
,1918, by the following vote:
Ayes, Trustees Schneider, Cook, Brun*
worth and Dwyer.
Noes, Trustees None.
Absent and not voting, Trustee Stark.
I further certify that the President of:
the said Board of Trustees signed said
ordinance on the said 28th7day of Feb-
ruary, 1918.
unto set my'hand and affixed the seal of
the said City of Anaheim, this 28th day
of February, 1918.
City Clerk of the City of .Anaheim.
a general municipal of North East Street to Otaintersection mid center lin® oj`Eas Banta -Ana Street
'.he City of; Anaheim with the center line of East Centerto its intersection with the extended cen-•
t I
n April, 1918, to- Street; thence Westerly along said cen ter line of South Philadelphia Street;
of Aprit
8,for ter line of East Center Street to its in thence Northerly . alo�tg omId center line
ngthefongof- tersection with the extended center line of South Philadelphia Street t its Inter-
_,to-witof North Philadelphia Street; thence section with the center line of East Cen-
oftherd or Northerly along said center line of North ter Street; thence Easterly along- said
e term of four years. Philadelphia Street to its intersection center live of East Center Street to the
for the term of two with the center line of East Sycamore place of beginning.
uer for the term of Street; thence Easterly along said cen-
ter line of East Sycamore Street to its
intersection with the center line of North
the par as of said Olive Street; thence Northerly along said
rreby eo blished ten center ,line of North Olive Street to. its
a said city, .to be intersection with the Northerly, City Lim-
d as "Precinct Num- its of the City of Anaheim; thence East -
umber 2," Precinct erly along said City Limits line to the
a Number V' "Pre -1 place of beginning.
'recinct Number A
L "'Precinct Num
ember 9," and "Pre -
said election pre-
established respec-
I:—Beginning at the
forth, City Limits of
n and the extended
Palm Street; thence
center line of North
ntersection with the
B of West Cypress
erly along said cen-
ypress Street 'to its
he extended center
ntine Street; t}ience
center line of ,North
its intersection with
West Center Street'
ig said center line of
to its intersection
limits of the City of Precinct Number 6:—Beginning at the
xth along said city intersection of the center line of West
west corner of said Center Street and the extended center
fence Easterly along line of South ,Clementine Street; thence
s of the City of An- Southerly along said center; line of South
A be@8nning. Clementine Street to its intersection with
the center line of West Santa Ana Street;
1:—Beginning at the thence Easterly along said center line
Vorth City limits of of 'West Santa Ana Street to its inter-
n and the extended ' section with the center line of South
Palm Street; thence Lemon Street; thence Southerly along
Center line of North said center line of South 'Lemon Street
ntersection with the. .to its intersection ,with the Southerly
e of West Cypress City Limits of the City of Anaheim;
:rly along said cen- thence Westerly along said South City
rens Street to its in- Limits line to its intersection with the
extended center line center line of South Citron Street; thencq
is Street; thence Northerly along said center line of South
center line of North Citron Street to its intersection with the
:o its intersection center line of West Center Street; thence
to of West Center Easterly along said center line of 'West
arly along said cen- Center Street to the place of beginning.
iter Street to its in- " Precinct Number 7:—Beginning at the
center line of North intersection of the extended center line
of West Center Street and the extended
center line of South Los Angeles Street;
thence Southerly along said center line=
of South Los Angeles Street to, its Inter-
section with the . Southerly City Limits
line of the City of Anaheim; thence West-
erly along said Southerly City Limits line
to its intersection with the center line
of South Lemon Street; thence Norther-
ly along said center line of South Lem-
on Street to its intersection with the
center line of West Santa Ana Street;
thence Westerly along said center line
of West Santa Ana Street to its Intersec-
tion with the center line of 'South Clem-
entine Street; thence Northerly along
said center line of South Clementine
Street to its intersection with the cen-
ter line of West Center Street; thence
Easterly along said center line of West
Center Street to the place, of beginning.
Precinct Number 5:—Beginning at the
Intersection of the center line of West
Center :Street and the extended Center
line of South Citron Street; thence
Southerly along said center line of South
Citron Street to its intersection with the
Southerly City Limits of the City of An-
aheim; thence Westerly along said City
Limits line to its intersection with the
East line of Walnut Street; thence South
along said East -line to the center line
of Ball Road; thence West along` said
center line of Ball Road to Its intersec-
tion, with the West City Limits of the
City of Anaheim; thence North along
said 'City Limits to its intersection with
the extended center line of West Cen-
ter Street; thence Easterly along said
center line of West Center Street to the
place of beginning;
hence Northerly
to df North Los An-
ntersection with the
t Sycamore Street;
ng said center line
treet to its intersec-
aded center line of
reef, lying between
ie (4 & 5), Rothaer-
hown on a map re -
age 82, Miscellaneous
:ounty, California;
ong the center line
lina Street and said
I to its intersection
;sty limits of the City
Westerly along said
e place of beginning.
at the
,I.rth City Limits of
m and the extended
Olive Street; thence Precinct Number -8: Beginning at the
center line of North intersection of the center line of East
intersection with the Center Street and the extended center
Sycamore Street; line of South Philadelphia Street* thence
ag said center line of Southerly along said center tine of
at to its intersection South Philadelphia Street to its 'Inter -
center line of North section with the center line of East Santa
t, lying between Ana Street; thence Easterly along said
3etmann and George center line of East Santa Ana Street to
on a map recorded its intersection with the center line of
); Miscenaneous Rec- South Olive Street; thence South#rly
s County, California; along said center line of South Olive
mg the center line of Street to the Southerly City Limits of
phis, Street to its in- the City of Anaheim; thence Westerly
. center line of East along said City Limits line to its inter -
ice Westerly. along section with the center line of South
Coast Center Street to Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly
h the center line of along said center line of South Los An -
Street; thence North- geles Street to its intersection with the
ter line of North Los center line of East Center Street; thence
stn Sycamore withthe
Streetgt said center
place of beginniinng
ong said center line
Street to its inter -
:tended center line of
:rest, lying between
:haermel's Addition as
recorded in Book 4,
sous Maps of Orange
thence Northerly
ie of said North Clau-
Precinct Number 10:<—Beginning at the
Intersection of the extended . center line
of. East Center Street and the East Ihm
of South East Street; thence Southerly
along said East line of South East' Street
to its intersection with the South City
Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence
Westerly along said South city limits line
to its intersection with the extended cen-
ter line of South Orange Street; thence
Northerly along said center line of South
Orange Street to its intersection with
the center line of East Water Street;
thence Westerly along said center line,'
of East Water Street to its Intersection
with the center line of Kroeger Street;
thence Northerly along said center line
of Kroeger Street to its intersection with
the center line of East Center,: Street-
thence Easterly along said center line of
East Center Street to the place of be-
SECTION & That the following named
persons are hereby appointed as Boards
of Election of said respective precincts,
to serve In the capacity herein designat-
ed and to conduct raid election as re-
quired by law:
Pro --[net Number 1
Inspector—John A. Eymann.
Judge -John B. DeWitt.
Clerks—Albert D. hrickson and Robert
C. Heln. +
Precinct Number 2
Inspector --John S. Sheridan.
Judge—Hugo Strodthoff.
Clerks—Frank Dyer and Roger C. Dut-
` Precinct Number 3
Inspector- WUUam--4LDhanibers.
The "polling place in and for Pseolnet
Number 6 shall be at the Fremont School
at Na 654 West Center Street.
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 7, shall be at F. K. Gresawell's^
office at No. 117 South Los Angeles
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 8 shall be at No. 116 Soutn Clau-
dine. Street in the Duckworth Building.
The polling place in and for Precinct'
Number .l, shall be at the Primary School.:
Buildit�`at No. 410 East Broadway,
Street, askv
The polling place in and for Precinct
Number 10, shall be at the office of the
Gibbs Lumber Company at No. 145 South
Vine Street.
SECTION 6. That said election shall
be held and conducted in accordance;'
With the general election Jaws of the
State of California, in so far as the same;
have been made applicable to such mu
nicipalitte L
SECTION 7, At such election the polls'
must be opened at six Welock in the
morning of " said 8th day of April, 1918,
and must be kept open until seven o'clockf
in the afternoon of said day; when thgE
polls shall be closed, except as providedir
by Section 1164 of the Political Code of
the State of California.
SECTION S Notice of said election;"
shall be given by the City Clerk of thea.
said City by publishing a notice there-",
of in the "Anahetm Gazette," a weekly,
newspaper of ge:heral circulation, pub
and circulated in said city, fore
two successive weeks prior to said else
tion, *hieh said notice shall state;
the character of said election thei
names df the offices to ,be voted,
on and filled at such election, then
number and location of the several pre
tincts, places where the polls shall be.,
located, the names of the persons com-k'
posing the several Boards of Election,;;.
the day when said election shall be held#:
and the time when the polls shall be"
opened and the time when the polls shallt
be closed-'
Judge—Fred Gruenemay.
Clerks—Fred. -C. Ulmpau and Hermani, SECTION 10. The City Clerk shall"
L. Backs 1 certify t he passage obf thth—� or l ante
Precinct Number 4
Inspector—James P. McCarter.
Judge—Max Nebelung.
Clerks—Harry C. Huff and Ben Stroup.
cause—same o e pu s once
In the Anaheim Gazette," a weekly,:;
newspaper of general circulation, pub-
lished and circulated in the said City of
Anaheim, and thereupon and thereafter
It shall be in full force and effect.
The foregoing ordinance is signed, ap
Precinct Number 5 • proved and attested by me this 28th day .
Inspector---RobertQuartn. of February, A. D. 1918.
Judge—Frank Arnold J. J. SCHNEIDER,
Clerks—Romberg Jansen and Mas President of the Board" of Trustees
Boege. of the City of Anaheim.
Precinct Number 6
Inspectr—J. Durward Hunton:
Judge—Carl Presses.
Clerks --Frank C. Goodrich and Carl
Precinct Number 7
Inspector—Daniel. D. Ciemmer.
Judge—Louis E. biller.
Clerks—C. Albert Zimmermann and F.
K. Gresswell.
Precinct Number 8
Inspector—J. B. Rea.
Judge—John Warren.
Clerks—Eldon Stark and E. D. Jones.
Precinct Number 9
Inspeotor—William E. McCann.
Judge—Oliver Hili.
Clerks—Stephen Rimpau and Dean Has-
Precinct Number 10
Inspector�-�-David Bertsch.
Judge—�Wlllard M. Criss.
Clerks—Alvin F. Nowotny and Michael
F. Thorn.
SECTION 4. The compensation of said
persons composing said Boards of Elee
tion is hereby fixed at five dollars ($5.00)
SECTION 5. That the following polling
places for said election are hereby es-
Precinct Number 9:-33eginning at .the Wlecer in and for Precinct
t of intersection of the center line of Number i shall The polling pla at the Anaheim Union
st Center Street and the extended center High School Building a Anaheim
715 West
Ithe of Kroeger Street; thence Southerly Renter Street
along said center line of Kroeger Street
to Its intersection with the center line The polling place in and for Precinct
of East Water Street; thence Easterly ,fqumber 2 shall bet M. G. Anlauf's
along said ceftter line of East Water shop at No. ' 115 North Lemon Street.
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. '
County of Orange )ss.
City of Anaheim )
I,- Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the
City of Anaheim, do herdby certify that
the foregoing ordinance was introduced'
at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the City- of Anaheim, held on the 10th j
day of February, 1918, and that the same
was regularly passed and adopted at a
regular meeting of said Board of Trus-
tees held on the 28th day of February,
,1918, by the following vote:
Ayes, Trustees Schneider, Cook, Brun•
worth and Dwyer.
Noes, Trustees None.
Absent and not voting, Trustee Stark.
I further certify that the President of
the said Board of Trustees signed said
ordinance on the said 28th7day of Feb-
ruary. 1918.
unto set my'hand and affixed the seal of:
the said City of Anaheim, this 28th day
of February, 1918.
City Clerk of the City of . Anahelm.
0RDINdNCL. NO. v .
Tom:: CITY OF a11A11UIM, ON T1121 32CO11D 14 ON�a IN "PRIL, 1918, TO -WIT,
ON TIIv: 8TH DAY OF AP. -LUL, 1918.
The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as fol-
SZCTION 1. That a general municipal election be held in the
City of Anaheim on the second 11onday in April, 1918, to -wit, on
the 8th day of April, 1918, for the purpose of electing the follow-
ing officers of the said city, to -grit
1. Three members of the Board of Trustees for the term of four
ye ars .
2. One City Clerk for the term of two years.
3. ' One City Treasurer for the term of two years.
34CTION 2. For the purpose of said election there are hereby
established ten election precincts in said city, to be known and
designated as "Precinct Number 1,'"., "Precinct Number 21" "Precinct
Number 3," "precinct Number 4,'* '*Precinct Number 5,0 'Precinct
Number 6,11 "Prec iris: t Number 7,* '*Precinct Number 8," *prec inc t
Number 9," and Precinct Number 10,'*
The boundaries of said election precincts are fixed and estab-
lished respectively as follows;
Precinct Numberl; Beginning at the intersection of the Worth
City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the extended center line
of North Palm Street; thence Southerly along said center line of
North Palm Street to the intersection with the extended center
line of west Cypress�'Streed thence 11'asterly along said center
line of West Cypress Street to its intersection with the extended --
center line of North Clementine Street; thence Southerly along
said center line of North Clementine Street to its intersection
with the center line of Wiest Center Street; thence Westerly along
said center line of West Center Street to its intersection with
the West city limits of ..the City of Ama eim; thence North along
I said city limits to the Northwest corner of said City of Anaheim;
2 thence :Masterly along the North City Limits of the City of Anaheim
to the place of beginning,
4� Precinct Number 2; Beginning at the intersection of the
North City limits of the City of Anaheim and the extended center
6 ) line of North Palm Street; thence Southerly along said Center line
7 of North Palm Street to its intersection with the extended center
8 line of West Cypress Street; thence 3asterly along said center
9 -line of west Cypress Street to its intersection with the extended
10 center line of North Clementine Street; thence Southerly along
11 said center line of North Clementine Street to its intersection
12 with the center line of West Center Street; thence easterly along
13 said center line of ?'Jest Center Street to its intersection with
14 the center line of North Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly a-
15 long said center line of North Los Angeles Street to its inter-
.. . _ _,._
16 section with the center line of East Sycamore Street; thenceMast-
17 erly along said center line of East Sycamore Street to its inter-.
1`8 section with the extended center line of North Claudina Street,
19 lying between Blocks Four and Five (4 Rothaermelis Addition
20 as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page 82, Miscellaneous Maps
21 of Orange County, California; thence Northerly along the center
22 line of said North Claudina Street and said center line extended
23 to its intersection with the Northerly city limits of the City of
24 Anaheim; thence Westerly along said city limits line to the place
25 of beginning,
26 Precinct Number 3; Beginning at the intersection of the North
27 City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the extended center line of
28 North Olive Street; thence Southerly along said center line of
29 North Olive Street to its intersection with the center line of East
30 Sycamore Street; thence Westerly along said center line of East
31 Sycamore Street to its intersection with the extended center line
32 of North Philadelphia Street, lying between Blocks C and D, Hei-
mann and George Addition, as shown on a map recorded in Book
2, Page 249, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, Califor-
nia; thence Southerly along the center line of said North Phila-
delphia Street to its intersection with the center line of Last
Center Street; thence ;lesterly along said center line of East
Center Street to its intersection with the center line of North
Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly along said center line of
North Los .Angeles Street to its intersection with the center lino
of .vast Sycamore Street; thence masterly along said center line
of East Sycamore Street to its intersection with the extended cen-
ter line of Dorth Claudina Street lying between Blocks 4 and 5,
Rothaermel's Addition as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page
82, T:Tiscellaneous Maps of Orange County, California; thence North-
erly along the center line of said North Claudina Street and 4a.id
Center line extended to its intersection with the Northerly city
limits of the City of Anaheim; thence Easterly along said Norther-
ly City Limits to the place of beginning.
Precinct Number 4; Beginning at the intersection of the
I.1 T?ortherly City Limits of the City of Anaheim, and the extended
Easterly line of North East Street; thence Southerly along; said
Easterly line of North :Bast Street to its intersection with the
center line of Bast Center Street; thence Idesterly along said cen-
ter line of Nast Center Street to its intersection with the extetd,
ed center line of North Philadelphia Street; thence Northerly
along said center line. of Taorth Philadelphia Street to its inter-
section with the center line of Nast Sycamore Street; thence Zast
erly along said center line of East Sycamore Street to its inter
section with the center line of North olive Ntreet; thence North-
erly along said center line of North Olive Street to its inter-
section with the Northerly City Limits of the City ofAnaheim-,
thence Easterly along said City Limits line to the place of be-
- 3 -
1 precinct Number 5: Beginning at the intersection of the center
line of West Center Street and the extended Center line of South
3 Citron Street; thence Southerly along said center line of South
4 Citron Street to its intersection with the Southerly City Limits
5 of the City of Anaheim; thence VIesterly along said city limits
6 line to its intersection with the fast line of Y, lnut Street;
7 thence South along said cast line to the center line of Ball Road;
8 thence ;Jest along; said center line of Ball Road to its intersec-
9 tion with the West city limits of the City of Anaheim; thence
10 North along said City Limits to its intersection with the extended
it center line of West Center Street; thence U4asterly along said
12 center line of gest Center Street to the -place of beginning,
13 Precinct Number 6: Beginning at the intersection of the cen-
14 ter line of West Center Street and The extended center line of
15 South Clementine Street; thence SoutherlyLj said center line of
........ ..
16 South Clementine Street to its intersection with the center line
17 of West Santa Ana Street; thence Masterly along said center line
18 of West Santa Ana Street to its intersection with the center
19 line of South Lemon Street; thence Southerly along said center
20 line of South Lemon Street to its intersection with the Southerly
21 City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence iYesterly along said
22 South City Limits line t'o its intersection with the center line
23 of South Citron Street; thence Tiortherly along said center line
24 of South Citron Street to its intersection with the center line
25 of West Center Street; thence Lasterly along said center line of
26 ±Fest Center Street to the place of beginning.
27 ,precinct Number 7: Beginning at the intersection of the ex_
28 tended center line of -West Center Street and the extended center
29 line of South Los Angeles Street; thence Southerly along said
30 center line of South Los Angeles Street to its intersection with
31 the Southerly City Limits line of the City of Anaheim; thence Rest -
32 erly along said Southerly City Limits IdnA to its intersection
with the center line of South Lemon Street; thence Northerly along
said center line of South Lemon Street to its intersection with
2 the center Line of West Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along
3 said center line of ;;est Santa Ana Street to its intersection with
4 the center line of South Clementine Street; thence Northerly along
5a said center line of South Clementine Street to its intersection
6 with the center line of ;Nest Center Street; thence Easterly along
7 said center line of 1617,ast Center Street to the place of beginning.
g Precinct dumber 8: Beginning at the intersection of the cen-
9 ter line of East Center Street and the extended center line of
10 South Philadelphia Street; thence Southerly along said center
11 line of South Philadelphia Street to its intersection with the
12 center line of East Santa dna Street; thence Easterly along said
13 center line of East Santa Ana Street to its intersection with the
14 center line of South olive Street; thence Southerly along said
15 center line of South olive Street to the Southerly City Limits of
k 16 Ithe City of Anaheim; thence Westerly along said City Limits line
17 ,-to its intersection with the center line of South Los Angeles
lg Street; thence Northerly along said center line of South Los An -
19 geles Street to its intersection with the center line of East Can -
20 ter Street; thence Easterly along said center line of East Center
21 Street to the place of beginning.
22 Precinct Number 9: Beginning at the point of intersection of
23 the center line of East Center Street and the extended center line
24 of Kroeger Street; thence Southerly along said center line of
25 Yroeger Street to its intersection with the center line of East
26 Water Street; thence Easterly along said center line of East dater
27'^ Street to its intersection with the center line of South orange
28 Street; thence Southerly along said center line of South orange
29 Street to the Southerly City Limits of the City of Anaheim; thence
30 i7esterly along said City Limits to the intersection with the cen-
31 ter line of South olive Street; thence northerly along said center
32 line of South olive Street to its intersection with the center
line of East Santa Ana Street; thence westerly along said center
- 5 -
line of East Santa Ana Street to its intersection with the extend-
ed center line of South Philadelphia Street; thence Northerly a-
long said center line of South Philadelphia Street to its interse
tion with the center line of Hast Center Street; thence Easterly
along said center line of East Center Street to the place of be-.
Precinct Number 10: Beginning at the intersection of the ex,
tended center line of Nast Center Street and the East line of
South East Street; thence Southerly along said past line of South
East Street to its intersection with the South City Limits of the
City of Anaheim; thence Westerly along said South city limits
line to its intersection with the extended center line of South
Grange Street; thence Northerly along said center line of South
orange, Street to its intersection with the center line of vast Aa-
1dr Street; thence Westerly along said center line of 3ast eater
,Street to its intersection with -'the center line of Kroeger Street;
thence Northerly along said center line of Kroeger Street to its
intersection with the center line of 3ast Center Street; thence Ma
Orly along said center line of past Center Street to the place of
SECTION 3. That the following named persons are hereby appoint
ed Us Boards of .,.ection of said respective precincts, to serve
in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election
as required by law.
Precinct Number 1:
Precinct Number 3;
Inspector �,Y�f d4
A. z::: (.
Precinct Number 4,
Clerks C
J666,- 114�W
Precinct Numbe 5,
Inspector o
Precinct Idum er
Judge a
Precinct -Number 7.
Inspector ��,�,��
�� C
Judge Y1a14Acd�
► 1.'c/rtt.l
Precinct !,lumber S.
Inspector Act
A Aj
Precinct Number 9.
Inspector ���
(� )f.,f/ P
Cu..�[ .
m``bi,,e r 10.
- 7 -
SfiCTICI? 4. The compensation of said persons comnosint said
Boards of Meetion is hereby _fixed at five dollars (',"e5.00) each.
S CTI0Y 5. That the following polling places for said elec-
tion are hereby estab7 ished:
The lolling place in and -t-'or ilrecinct Ilumber 1 shall be at
the Anaheim Union High School Building at No. 715 West Center
The polling »lace in and for I recinct Eurnber 2 shill be at
Iii. G. �Lnlauf l s shop at Tro. 115 T Orth Lemon Street,
The polling place in and for Precinct T_laznber 3 shall be at
.n grahamis Garage, No. 228 North Los ingales Street.
The polling place in and for Precinct Number 4 shall be at
No. 405 ast Center Street in the Bushard Building.
The polling glace in and -for Precinct Number 5 shall be at
rank srnold's cigar factory at No. 1154 Center Street.
The pollinZ place in and for Precinct Eumber 6 shall be at
the Fremont School at 1 o. 554 Wast Canter Street.
The polling place in and for Precinct 13umber 7, shall be at
�. KT. Gresswall'-s office at 11o. 117 South Los ingeles Street.
The polling place in and for Precinct Number 8 shall be at
Eo. 116 South Claudina Street in the Duckworth Building.
The polling place in and for Precinct Number 9 shall be at
the Primary tichool Building at No. 410 mast Broadway Street; and
The .polling place in and for precinct Number 10 shall be at
the office of the Gibbs Lumber Company at No. 145 South Vine Street
tii:Cl'IOiVY 6. That said election shall be held and conducted in
accordance with the general election lavYs of the State of Cali-
fornia, in so far as the same have been '.lade applicable to such
S4CTIQN 7. At such election the tolls must be opened at six
o'clock in the morning of said 8th day of April, 1918, and must
be kept open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
- 8 -
when the molls shall be closed, except as provided by Section
1164 of the Political. Code of the State of California.
S CTIOT 9. 1 otice of said election shall be given by the
City Clerk of the said City by publishing a notice thereof in the
"Anaheim Gazette," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, pub -
lashed and circulated in said city, for two successive weeks prior
to said election,vihich said notice shall state the character of
said electi01 the names of the offices to be voted on and filled
at such election, the number and location of the several precincts
places where the polls shall be located, the named of the persons
composing the several Poards of :flection, the day when said elec-
tion shall be held and the time when the polls shall be opened
and the time when the polls shall be closed.
34CTION 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in the
"Anaheim gootvtoo w a Weekly newspaper of general circalat,ioxi.,�
lished and circulated in the said City of Anaheim, and thereupon
and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect.
The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested by
me this 29 day of illebruary, A. L. 1918.
S£ o • en o e Board o Trustees
o e City of Anaheim.
City Clerk of the City of jinaheim.
- 9
when the molls shall be closed, except as provided by Section
1164 of the Political. Code of the State of California.
S CTIOT 9. 1 otice of said election shall be given by the
City Clerk of the said City by publishing a notice thereof in the
"Anaheim Gazette," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, pub -
lashed and circulated in said city, for two successive weeks prior
to said election,vihich said notice shall state the character of
said electi01 the names of the offices to be voted on and filled
at such election, the number and location of the several precincts
places where the polls shall be located, the named of the persons
composing the several Poards of :flection, the day when said elec-
tion shall be held and the time when the polls shall be opened
and the time when the polls shall be closed.
34CTION 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
of this ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in the
"Anaheim gootvtoo w a Weekly newspaper of general circalat,ioxi.,�
lished and circulated in the said City of Anaheim, and thereupon
and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect.
The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested by
me this 29 day of illebruary, A. L. 1918.
S£ o • en o e Board o Trustees
o e City of Anaheim.
City Clerk of the City of jinaheim.
- 9
CITY 02' .hNAF.!!'IM - )
I, ;dward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of .Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a
meeting of the Board of Trustees of the . City of Anaheim, held on
the 11th day of February, 1918, and that the same was regularly
passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees
held on the 19 day of February, 1918, by the following vote;
Aya s , Trustees '11:6d„ri; J . �C,y3,1.w,
Noes, Trustees
Absent and not voting, Trustees
I further certify that the President of the said Board of
.t= -
Trustees signed said ordinance on the said z8 day of February,
_._._,_- _.. _ _ _ ,__... fi., ... _ .._ ----- _
IN WITNTSS WH:uRZF I have hereunto set my hand and affimed
the seal of the said City of Anaheim, this 'z$ day of February,
1c.�c.vaa_� %3 • i1iL
City ler o e y o dna e
- 10 -