400 (2)Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Oral State of California Plaintiff VS. Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. County of Orange, .... /` ....... .. ...... being first duly sworn, deposes and says:That at all times her mentioned .he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print- ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation, and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mentioned; that the ....`-!............ c��e.....� .... K....... �........................... ............... ..... .............................................I................. of which the annexed is a printed copy, � �w�as� published and printed in said newspaper at least.... ....w"�`'.................... , commencing on the 3,1. !A';.YL ..... day of.. ._--V...............19P, and ending on the ..............day of .............................191... e, t t: r���-"�•..�.t.l;. . l9.L. !.................. I Subscribed and Sworn to before me this -_7 _!1_day of --- - - ------------194_ Notary Public in and for Orange County, California. ORDINANCE NO 400 tersection of the Center line of North thence Southerly along said Easterly inches, the .buil An ordinance of the City of Ana - Los Angeles Street and the Center line of South Olive Street to the and sixth storie, fine of 'West Adele Street; thence place of beginning. and the buildin heim 'fixing and prescribing the fire Westerly along the Center line Of SECTION 10: That the boundaries story twelve (12 limits of said City; providing for the West Adele Street to its intersection ,of Division "3" of Fire District Number Of all buildin kind of buildings• to be erected therein with the extended, Westerly line of "T' be and the same 'are fixed and es- eight stories tI and prescribing a penalty for the vio• 'Original Building Lot 9 as shown on t'a,blished as follows, to -wit: lotion thereof. map rcordPd in Book 4, of Deeds, at basement walls 63 The Board of Trustees of the City of Pages 629-'0 Record's of Los Angeles Beginning at the Southeasterly con- story shall be tv Anaheim do ordain as follows: County, California; thence Southerly ner of Lot 1, Sunrise Tract as ahowtt , es, 'the building SECTION 1. That there shall -be and along the extended Westerly line on a map recorded in Book 3, Page 36, and third stori< are hereby created two fire districts of Building Lot 13, and said Westerly Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Or- I inches, the buil semen the City of Anaheim and the line extended and along the Wester- ange County, California; thence North- 1 fourth and fifth same shall be and are hereby desig- I ly line of Building Lot 17 to the North- erly along tg the terly line i said Lot inches, the b nated as "Fire District Number 1" and easterly corner of Building Lot 22; 1, and along the Easterly line of Let six)th and savant "Fire District Number 2," and the ex- thence Wester'ly along the Northerly 2, of said Sunrise Tract to the North_ I inches and the I terior boundaries of "Fire District line of said Building Lot 22, and' along easterly corner of said Lot 2; thence eighth story, tWe Number 1" and "Fire District Number the Northerlyline of Building Lots Westerly along the Northerly line of I said, Lot 2, to the Northwesterly cnr.. I The thickness, 2," be and are flier are hereby fired 23-24 to the Northwesterly corner of tion prescribed and established :as the tire limits of said Building Lot 24; thence Souther- ner of said Lot; thence Westerly to the Northeasterly corner of Lot il, to minimum thickr the City of Anaheim. ly along the Westerly line of said Sunrise Tract; thence Westerly p'ermi'tted under 'SECTION 2. That "Fire 'District Building Lot and along said Westerly y par- nothing herein < Number 1" be and the same is hereb fine extended to the Northwesterly cor- allel to the Northerly line of East Y the construction divided into four (4) divisions which ner of Building Lot 2i8, all of afare3aid Chartres Street; to the Northwester- ly corner of Lot 12 of said, Sunrise greater thickness shall be severally known and designat_ Building Lots being shown on said Tract; thence Southerly along the The word "sto ed as divisions of "Fire Districtmap recorded in Book 4,.of deed: at Westerly line of said Lot 12, to a used in the -Ordir Number i" and shall be numbered Pages 629 and 630 records of Los Northerly line of East Chartres'Street- to mean and inch consecutively from ane (1) to four (4) Angeou les Cnty, California; thence thence Eaa'terly along said Nortberlq bebween the •fl bath inclusive and that the bound- W'es�terly along the extended Norther- line to the lace of beginnin building or struct aries of said division of "Fire Disuict ly line of said Building Lot 28, and p g• Slding or r 1 Numbed 1" are hereafter fixed, and along the Northerly line of Lot 7; SECTION 11: That the boundaries established in Sections three (3) to Block "K" of a. subdivision of the of Division "4" of Fire District hum- Provisions of Sec six (6) both inclusive of this Or- said Lot "D5" as shown on a map re- her `t2" be and the same are fixed dinance the follo dinance. corded in Book 17 at Page 72 of blis- and established as follows, to -wit: str'uction shall be SECTION 3. That the boundaries of cellaneous Reoords of Los Angeles Beginning at apoint on the North- fogs and structu Division "1" of "Fire District Number ('County, Califeenia; to the Northwest- erly line •of East Adele Street 111.5 No. 1, and Fire D Fart 1" be and the same are fixed and es- erly corner of Raid Lot 7; (thence South- feet Easterly from the Easterly line than 800 fefe walls tablished as follows, to -wit: erly along the Westerly line of said of North Los Angeles Street; thence et in le tercepted at int Commencing at the point of inter- Lot and along the Westerly line o° Northerly parallel to said Easterly section of the Center line of West Lots 8, 9, and 10 of said Block "K line to the Southerly line of East fess' by cross w Center Street and the Center line of and' along said. Westerly line extended Sycamore Street•; thence Westerly height and thick less than 12 in South Palm Street; thence Southerly to the Southerly line of the 16 font along said Southerly line and along along the Center line of said South alley running Easterly and Westerly the Southerly line •Of West Sycaaaore upper 1two stories. through Blocks "K" 'T' nd "H" as two stories below Palm Street to the Center line of Oak a Street to a point 130.25 feet Westerly be 4 inches thick Street; thence Easterly along the Cen- shown on said subdivision of Vineyard from the Westerly line of North Los the two stories ne: ter line of Oak Street to the Canter Lot "D5" thence Westerly along said Angeles Street; thence Southerly par - line of South Clementine :Street; thence Southerly line to the Center line of allel to said Westerly line' to the Residences may Southerly alongthe -Center lino of North Palm Street; thence Soutierly Northerly line of West ,Adele Street; for the top stor3 the South Clementine •Street to the Can- along said Center line of North Palm thence Easterly along said' Norrly for the first story ter line -of Chestnut Street; thence 'Street to the Center line of `Vest line and along the Northerly line of Buildings of onr Easterly along the Center line of Center 'Street of West Center Street East Adele .Street to the place of over 500 square f Chestnut Street to the Center line of Center Street; thence Easterly along beginning. built of 8 inch wa South Lemon Street; thence Sough- the Center line of West Center StreetAll buildings ex< erly along the Center line of South to the Center line of North Los, Angel- SECTION 12: That the boundaries structed of .brick, of Division "5" of Fire District Num - Lemon Street to the Center line of 'es ,Street; thence Northerly along the ber"2" be and the same are hr.reby 'blocks or hollow West Broadway Street; thence East- Center line of North Los Angeles fixed and established us follows, to- walls not less tha erly along the Center line of Wes= Street to the place of beginning. wit: and at leash two Broadway Street to the -Center line SECTION7: That Fire District Beginning at the intersection of the all pointe. Except of South Los ,Angeles Street; thence Number "2" be and, the same i3 'Southerlyline of West aided' in Section ll Northerly along the Center line of hereby divided into six divisions which Cypress Street all basements shall Soufth Las Angeles Street to the shall be severallyknown and deal=net- and, the Westerly line of North Lemon thicker than the •w, h Street; thence Southerly along said SUMMON 16. T Center line of West Center Street; ed as divisions of "Fire District Num- Westerly line to , the Northerly line of thence Westerly •along the Center ber 2" and shall be numberedcon- West Chartres Street; theWest- fications shall app tion, alteration of, line of lWest Center •Street to the secutively from one (1) to six (6) both eriy along said Northerly linence to the pair of all, buildin place of `'beginning. inclusive; and that the boundaries Easterly dine of the 15.5 foot alley No 1 and Fire Dis ,SECTION 4: That: the Boundaries of the Six Divisions of Fire District running Northerly and Soutlaerly of Division two (2) of fire d'istric' Number "2" .are hereinafter fixedand through Block "G" of a subdivision Footings shall be number "1" be and the same are established in .Section eight (8) to of Vineyard Lot "135" as shown or a er in thickness the hereby fixed and established ac fol- thirteen (13) both inclusive of this map recorded in Book 17, Page 72, the salve. laws, to -wit: Ordinance. Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles All partitions axe Commencing at the point of enter- SEG"T'ION 8: That the boundaries of County, California; thence Northerly titions shall be of section of the Center line of South Division "I" of Fire District Number 'along the Easterly line of said 15.5 plaster not less the Los Angeles Street and the Center "2" be and the same rare fined and foot alley to the. Southerlyline tSf Studs shall be no . of East Broadway Street; thence- established as follows, to -'wit: West Cypress 'Street; thence Easterly x 4 inches for be, Easterly along the Center line of East Beginning at the along said Southerlyline to the lace the two topmost s1 Broadway Street to the point of g point of iateriec• of beginning. p than 2 inches. x 6 intersection of the Center line of East tion of the Southerly line of Chest- g• partitions below Chestnut Center line of the twenty (20) foot Broadway 'Street and the extended nut Street and the Easterly line of SiECT'IDN 13': That the boundar- Lot 4, Street subdivision as ies of Division "6" of Fire District storree. Number "2 be and the same are Nott' -bearing part alley running Northerly and Souther) shown on a map recorded. in Boon 6 Southerly hereby fixed and established as less than 2 inch x 3 through Block "A" 'Center Tract as Page 3'S, Miscellaneous Maps, Re^ordg y shown on a map recorded' in Book 14, of Orange County, California; thence follows, to -wit: page 1�Temporary partici ", Miscellaneous Records of Los Southerly along the Easterly line of Beginning at the intersection Of of T. and G. Wall Angeles County, California; thence said Lot 4, to the Southeasterly corner the S-outherly line of West Chartres materials provided of said Lot; thence Southerly to the Street and the Easterly line of North their area in glass o Northerly along said Center line int Clementine !Street; thence Easterly In all buildings o said Center line extended to "the clot Northeasterly corner of Lot 5 of - p of intrsection Vineyard Lot "E5" of the Langen- along the Southerly 'line of said West more in height, the of said Center line and Chartres 'Street to the Westerly line which are divided the extended Southerly line of Lot 18, Berger 'Tract as shown on a map re- have 'all halls, corrid Black A, Center Tract as shown on corded In Book 1, Pages 551 and 562. of the 15.5 foot alley running North - of erly and' Southerly through Block "K„ •all stairs lathed said map; thence Easterly along said Miscellaneous Records of Los Angel- of a, subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D5" composition lath a: ,Southerly line and said Southerly line as 'County, California; thence South- as shown on said map; thence South- less than _t inch t extended, .and along the_S3utherly line pits so cull 6la94sita auz 2uoln A1.14 erly along the Westerly' line of said titions and coiling of Lot 34, Block B, Center Tract as Lot 55 to the Northerly line of West metal lathed and p] 16,5 foot alley to the Northerly line shown on said map to the Westerly Broadway Street; thence Easterly of the 16 foolt wile g y All elevator or of line of the twenty (2d') foot alley along said Northerly line to the Test_ Y running Easter) through from :floor ,.,,,,,;-- ,...,....,,.._,...._� �-__a- . - . ,.-,_. . ____-- ^-_-_ and Westerly through Blnek K" '.he Cin+Pr line of uas nut Street and t e as ies �of Division "6" oY re s,. � Non-bearing par t ons Broadway Street and the extended Loa, 4, Chestnut Street subdivision as Number "2" be and the same are les, than 2 inch x 3 iitch s Center line of the twenty (20) foot shown on a map recorded- in Boom 6 hereby fixed and established as Temporary partitions n alley running Northerly and Southerly Page 3:5, Miscellaneous Maps, Re-ords follows, to -wit: of T. and G. Wall boars through Block "A" 'Center Tract as of Orange County, California; thence Beginning at the intersection of materials provided same shown on a map recorded' in Book 14, Southerly along the Easterly line of the Southerly line of West Chartres their area in glass or 1/4 0 page 13, Miscellaneous Records of Los said Lot 4, to the Southeasterly earner Street and the Easterly line of North In all buildings of thr Angeles County, California; thence of said Lot; thence Southerly to the Clementine Sfreet; thence Easterly more in height, the upP Northerly along said Center line ant' Northeasterly corner of Lot 55 of along the Southerly 'line of said West which are divided into said Center line extended to the point, Vineyard Lot "E'15" Of the Langen- Chartres Street to the Westerly line have all halls, corridors a of intsection of said Center line and berger Tract as shown on a map re- of the 15.5 foot alley running North- of all stairs lathed wil the extended Southerly line of Lot 13, corded in Book 1, Pages 551 and 5552. erly and, Southerly through Block 'K" composition lath and p Block A, Center Tract as shown on Miscellaneous Records of Los Angel- of a subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D5" less than inch thick said map; thence Easterly along said as shown on said map; titions and ceilings of Southerly line and said ,Southerly tine es County, California; thence South- thence South- extende.d, and, along the Southerly line V! 5;5 jo, null ,ilaalse,S aq1 Suols SIXa erly allong the Wes-terl-y line sof said metal lathed and plaster of Lot 34, Block B, Center Tract as Lot 5'5 to the Northerly line of West 115:5 foot alley to the Northeriv line All elevator or other tBroadway .Street; thence Easterly of the 16 foot alley running Easterly shown on said map to the Westerly (through from .floor to f] line of the twenty of foot alley along said Northerly line to the ;Test- and Westerly through Block "K"; metal lathed or composit erly line of South Lemon Street' thence Westerly along the Northerly plastered on both sides running iNTortherly and. Southerly in ,thence Northerly along said Westerly line of said 1'6 foot alley to the Ea,3ter- have fireproof doors. said Block B; thence Northerly along line to the Southerly line of Chost- ly line of North Clementine StrePt; The words "Tempora said Westerly line and said Westerly nut Street; thence Westerly along line extended Northerly to a point dis- thence Northerly 'along said Easterly as the same are used Cant One Hundred' Thirty-five feet said Southerly line of Chestnut I line to the place of beginning. ante are defined to m et to the place of beginning. SECTION 14. The specifications in placed in a building South of the South property line of Stre East Center 'Street; thence Easterly Beginning at the point of Inter- Sections 14,15, and 16., 'of this Orli- manently attached th( and parallel with East Center Street section of the Southerly line of WeW nance contained are 'hereby adopted rnanner that the same Broadway Street and the Easterly as the specifications for the con- moved without damage to the Center 'line of South Olive line of Building Lot 50 of the Town struction, alteration -of, addition to Ing. Street; thence Northerly along the of Anaheim as the said Lot is shown or repair of all the buildings or SECTION 17. 'The fo Center line of South Olive Strep to Recorded in Book 4, of fications shall apply to the Center line of East Center Street; on a map, structures hereafter to be made in Deeds at Pages 6'29 and 6!30, Records Fire District No. 1 and Fire District tion, alteration, addition thence Southerly along the Center line of Los Angeles County, California; No. 2 and the Specifications in Sec- all buildings and gtrucl of East Center Street to the Center thence Southerly along said Easterly tions 17 and 18 of this Ordinance are District No. 1, to -wit: line of South Los -Angeles St eet; Line and along the Eastrly line of are hereby adopted' as the specifi�a- Roofs may be of fr thence Southerly along the enter Line Building Lot 54, and said' Eas�crlr trans fior the construction, alteration tion and shall be cove] of South Loa Angeles Street to the line extended' and' along the Ea�aterly of, addition to or repair of all bnfld,- position roofing or equ place of beginning. line of Building Lots 58 and 62, and ings or structures in Fire District No. material. SECTION 5: That the boundaries said Easterly line extended to a, point 1 and Fire District No. 2 respectively. Private garages and of Division "3" of fire district. Num- 198 feet iSoutherly from the Soutberly All exterior walls in Fire District may be built of corru. ber "1" be and the same are fixed and line West of Santa Ana Street; thence No. 1 and, Fire District No. 2 shall be wood or iron frame an established as follows to -wit: Easterly parallel to said Soutlinrly constructed of brick, concrete, con frame the same shall b Commencing at the point of in- line to the Easterly line of ,South Los brete blocks or hollow Mile and shall felt from any other buil tersection of the Center line of East Angeles !Street; (thence Southerly be of the thickness, to -wit: moved or removed if any Center 'Street and the Center line of along said Easterly line to a point In all buildings having a height of is built within 10 feet North Olive Street; thence Northerly 360.9 feet Southerly ;from the Souther- not to exceed one story, the basement 'Section 18. Notwitl along the Center Line of North ly line of East Santa Ana Street; walls shall have a thickness Of six- provisions of Section 1 Olive .Street to a point 135 feet North- thence Easterly parallel to said South teen (1'6) inches and the building wall dinance, the following erly from the present Northerly line erly line 155 feet; thence Northerly of twelve (12) inches. struction shall be perm of Fast Center Street; ;thence Wester parallel to the Easterly line of South Of all buildings having a height of Ings and structures in ly parallel to said Northerly line of Los Angeles Street to the Northeaster- two (2) stories the basement walls No. % to -wit. East Center 'Street to the Center line ly corner of Lot 1, Konig Subdivision as shall have 'a thickness of sixteen (16) All buildlWs cons. of Emily Street; thence Northerly shown on a map recorded in Book 6, inches, the first story of the building District No.//, 2 shall I along said Center line of Emily Street Page 20, Miscellaneous Maps, Record's wall sixteen (16) inches, and the the same as -buildings f to its intersection with the Center line of Orange County, California; thence second story of the building wall No. 1; with the followin€ of East Chartres Street; thence W est- Northerly to the Southeasterly ^or- twelve (12) inches. Exterior walls, 'back erly along :said Center line of Fust her of Lot 3, Block "N" Center Tract Of all buildings 'having a heigst of less than 30 feet back ChartresStreet to its intersection xvith as shown on a map recorded in Book three stories, the basement -walls shall may be of frame const; the Center line of Nath Claudina 14 Page 13, Miscellaneous Records of have a thickness of twenty (2'0) inches, ed solid with one in( Street; thence Northerly along said Los Angeles County, California; thence the first and ,second, stories of the covered wilth metal lat Center line of North Claudina Street Northerly along the Easterly line of building walls sixteen (16) inches, and tion lath and plastere to a point 138.75 feet Northerly from said Lot 3 to the Southerly line of the third story of the building wall, plaster not less than _,I the Center line of East Chartres Street; East Broadway Street; thence West - twelve (12) inches. Other exterior walls n thence Westerly parallel to said Cen- erly along said Southerly line, and Of all buildings having a height of construction sheathed u ter line of East Chartres Street 146.50 along the Southerly line of West four (4) stories the basement walls inch lumber and cover feet to the Easterly line of Lot 13, Broadway Street to the place of and the building walls of the first lath or composition latl Block "D" of Vineyard' Lot. "D-3" as beginning. story shall have a thickness of twenty not less, than i. inch thi, shown ,on a map recorded in Book 34 SECTION 9: That the boundaries of (20) Inches, the building walls of the plaster. of Deeds at page 592, Records of Los Division "2" of Fire District Number second and third stories, sixteen (16) -SECTION 19. 'The f, Angeles County, California; thence fications shall apply ,tc Northerly along said Easterly line and "2" be and that same are fixed inches and' the building walls o[ the along the Easterly line of Lots 12,11, and established as follows, tO-wit: fourth story, twelve (12) inches. tion, build'ngs ninaFireo 10,9,and 8 of said Block "D and said Beginning at a point on the Easier- Of all buildings having a height of 'Easterly line extended, and, along the ly Line of South Olive Street 135 feet five (5) s't'ories, the basement walls Easterly line of Lots 61, 60, 59, 58 Southerly from the Southerly line of shall have a thickness of twenty -Your Roofs may be coven 57, 56, 55 and 54 Block "E" of Heinman East Center ,Street; thence Easterly (24) inches, the building walls of gated iron. ilt and George Addition as shown on a parallel to said 'Southerly line of East the first and second statics twenty Small garages or on line map recorded' in Book 2, Page 249 Center Street, is the treet; thence thirdinches, fou fourth building sixteen (16), tan eufrom otherwithoultrega �buildi of Miscellaneous Records. of Los An- of South Atchison Street; sgeles aid Easterly ly lineifextended to along the aopoiant13001 feetong sSouth aid Westerly fr mnPthe sorv,to and htwelvel (12) nches. the fifth for EanyOperson, ifirm N Center line of East Adele Street ;th-mce Southerly line of East Center Street, I Of all buildings having a height Of either as awns, \'con Westerly along said Center line of East tence erEasterly ly 1 ne of East aCenter Streetlel, to said to ith- six stories- hbasement othe j build ngwal softhe fi st story ilial suffer,tcause orpermit Adele Street to the Center line of Westerly line of South Vine Street; have a thickness of twenty-four (24) constructed any additia North Los Angeles Street; thence thence Northerly along said Westerly I inches, the building walls of the sec- or repair of, any build Southerly along the" Center line of North Los Angeles Street to the of line and said Westerly line extended and and third stories, twenty (20) in- in Fire District No. ter line of East Center Street; the to a point 198 feet Northerly from the chts, the building walls of the f�*�rth trict No. 2 not in coni Northerly line oflsast Center Street; and the stories, sixteen (16) inches specifications herein c Easterly along the Center line of thence Westerly parallel to said and the building walls Of the sixth SECTION 21. It sh, 1 East Center Street to the place of N.orither'ly line of East Center Street; story, twenlve (12) inches. the City Manager of t beginning. to the Westerly dine of Santa Fe Of all buildings having a height of heim, or any Deputy + SECTION 6: That the boundaries Street; thence Southerly along said seven stories the basement walls ehali for the City Marshal of Division four (4) of Fire Di;atrict Westerly line to a point 125 feet have a thickness of twenty-eight (28) City Marshal to enter Number 1" be -and, the same are Northerly from the Northerly line of inches, the building walls of the first vate premises, in Firs hereby fixed' and established as fol- East Center Street; thence Westerly and second stories twenty-four (24) Or Fire District No. 2 lows, to -wit: parallel to said Northerly line to the inches, the building walls of the of inspecting any cons Commencing at the paint of in. Easterly line q North 'Olive �StPeet; tbir4 �' ,a fourth stprle.a twautY (20) such prenlisao ntld' it r the Center` "1mc, of rest to its Intersection tdeti Westerly line of I* but 9 as shown on i BBook 4, of Deeds, at itecords of Los Angeles nia; thence Southef y ,ended Westerly line : 13, and said Westerly and along the Wester— ng Lot 17 to the North - of Building Lo: 22 ly along. the Northerly Tiding •Lot 22, and along tine of Building Lots %rth*esterly corner of 24; thence Souther - Westerly line of said ad along said, Westerly I the"Northwesteriv cor- Lot 2S, all of aforesaid " shown on said n Book 4, -of deede at l $9U records of . Los a 41ifornia: th :nee B,riidfing Lot 88, and rrtherly line of Lrt 7; a subdivision of the' is shown ,on a map re - 17 at Page 72 of Riffs- trdg of Los Angeles nia; to the 'Northu'ost- ad Lot 7; thence South - Westerly line of said the Westerly line of 10 of said Block "K" Westerly line extended rly line of ,tho 16 foot Easterly and. Westerly s ,K,, 'Z„ � and "H'• as subdivision of Vineyard roe Westerly along said to the :Center line of kreet; thence Scut; ierly ,ter line of North Palm Center line Lof West of West Center Street thence Easterly along ,of West Center Street ine of North Los- Angel - ice Northerly along the t North Los Angeles lace of beginning. I: That Fire Digt,rict W and the same 13 into siffi divisions which ily."known and designat- of 17tre Distariet Num - all be numbered con- i one'(1) to six (6) both that the b6on,3aries Melons of Fire District s hereinafter fixed and Section •eighGt '(8) to both ; inclusivie of tl;ts of dt of Sater ec- lin© of Cheat- lasterly line of subdivision , as 'dedd, in Bolt 6 thence Southerly along said Easterly l inches, the .building walls of the fifth for -any person, firm or corporation to Jim of South Alive Street to the and sixth stories, -sixteen (16) inches interfere with such officer or prevent plate of beginning. and the building walls of the seventh him from inspecting such premises. SBMON 14: That -the boundaries story 'twelve (12) Inches. SECTION 22. Any person or per - corporation who :hall of Division "3" of Fire District Number. -Of all buildings having a height of sons, firm or or refuse to comply "2" be and the same are fixed and es- eight stories the thickness of the violate, neglect the of this toeblished as follows, to -wit; basement walls and walls of the first story shall be twenty-eight (28) inch- with any of provisions Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of Beginning at the Southeasterly cor- ner of Lot 1, Sunrise Tract as shown, es, Ithe building walls of the second a misdemeanor and shall be punished than Three on a map recbrded in Book �, Page 36, ! and third stories, twenty-four (24; by a fine of not less Hundred ($3'00:0'0') Dollars or by im- Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Or. inches, the building walls of the prisonment in the City Tail of said ange County, California; thence North- fourth and fifth -stories twenty (20) City' not exceeding three months, And erly along theEasterly line of said hot • 'Lot i inches, the building walls of the every day, or fractional pant of a day 1, and slong the Easterly line of slidth and seventh stories sixteen (16) during Which any such violation of 2, of said sunrise Tract to the North- inches and the building walls of the this ordinance shall continue, shall easterly corner of said Lot 2; tLence eighth story, twelve (12) inches. be deemed to constitute a separate Westerly along the.Northerly line of The thickness, of walls in this sec- and shall be punishable as in said Lot 2, to the 'Northwesterly cor- tion prescribed shall be deemed the offense this section provided. ner of said Lot; thence Westerly to the Northeasterly corner of Lot ii, of minimum thickness of construction under this Ordinance and SECTION 23. Ordinance 179 , ed "Ann Sunrise Tract; thence Westerly par- permitted nothing herein contained to prohibit the City of Anaheim, enttitlill Ordinance fixing the fire limits of the allel to the Northerly line of East the cons'trn.eton of such walls to a city of Anaheim; providing for the Chartres :Street, to the Northwester- ly ,corner of Lot 12 of said', Sunrise greater thickness. "story" is kind of buildings to be erected therein; Tract; thence Southerly along the The word storas the same used in 'the Ordinance shall be deemed prescribing regulations for the moving p g of buildings, and. requiring plumbing in Westerly line of said Lot 12, to s t Northerly line of East Chartres' Street, to mean and include the vertical space "buildings to be tested," passed and thence Easterly along said Northerly between the floors, or levels of a building or structure. adapted by the Board of Trusters of said cit y on ithe 13th day of March, line to . the place of beginning. SUCTION 15. Notwithstanding the 19'0'6 and a:l other ordinances and SECTION 11: That the boundaries provisions of Section 14 of this Or- parts of ordinances in conflict with ,of Division 114" of 'Fire (District Num- 2 'e and the trams are fixed bei "T" bn dinance the following described con- the provisions of this ordinance are andestablished'ean as foIIows, to -wit: si ruction shall be permitted in build- lugs and structures in Fire District hereby repealed. SEtC'TION 24. 'The City Clerk of the Beginning at a point on the North- No. L and Fire District No. 2, to -wit: City of Anaheim ,shall certify to the erly line of East Adele Street 111.5 Exterior walls that are not more passage of this ordinance and, cause feet Easterly from the Easterly line than 80 feet in longtth, or 'that are in-" the same to be published- once in the of North ,Loa Angeles Street; thence tercepted at intervals of 80 fent or Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of gon- Northeriy parallel to said Easterly less, by cross walls of the Baine eral circulation, printed, published and line to the Southerly One of, East height and thickness, shall not be circulated in said city and thirty days Sycamore Street; thence Westerly less than 12 inches thick for the from and after its final passage it shall a'Hong said Southerly line and along upper two stories. The walls of each take effect and be in full force. the Southerly line of West Sycatuore Street to a point 1$0:25 feet Westerly two stories below the upper two snall be 4 inches thicker than the walls of The foregoing Ordinance was passed from the Westerly line of North Los the two stories next above. and adopted at a regular meeting of Angeles Street; thence Southerly par -inch allel to said Westerly line to the Residences may have 8 .� >lls the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim; held on the 24th day of "Northerly line of 'West Adele Street; for the top story and 12 inch walls March, 1921, and is signed, approved thence Easterly slong, said Northerly for the ait story. fir Buildings of one story having not and attested by me this, 24th day of line and along the Northerly line of East Adele Street to the place of over boo square feet in area may be 'March, 1921. (Seal) WM. STARKbeginning. built of 8 inch walls. All buildings except residences con- President/ of the Board of Trus -tees ithe City or Anaheim. SECTION 12: That the .boundaries of Division "5" of Fire District Num- strutted of brick, concrete, concrete til `blocks or hollow e ,shall have fire of Attest: EDWARD B. MERRITT ,City Clerk of the iCity of Anaheim. ter"2" be and the same are hezeby walls not less than 12 inches thick, 11 fined and established, as follows, to- and, at leash two feet -above roof at STATE OF CAT.AFORNIA wit: + all points. Except as otherwise p*o- COUNTY OF ORANGE Beginning at the intersection of the vided in Section 14 of this Ordinance, CITY OF ANAHEIM 'Southerly line of West rens Street all basements shall have walls 4 in^hes • as. and, the Westerly lite of North Lemon thicker than the walls above the same. I Edward B. Merritt. City Clerk of Street; theme Southerly along said SEC'TI'ON 16. 'The following spec'.- . the City of Anaheim, do hereby eer- Westeriy line do this Northerly line of fications shall apply to the construe- tify that the foregoing Ordinance No. West Chartres Street; thence Fest-- tion, alteration of, addition to o. re -400 was introduced at the meeting of erly along said Northerly line to the ' pair of all buildings in Fire Dit _,4 the Board of Trustees of the City of Easterly line of the 15.5 foot alley No 1 and Fire District No. 2, to-?vi+t: Anaheim, held on the 10th day of running Northerly and Southerly Footings shall be 75 per cent great- .March, 1921, and that the same was through Blocjc G" of a subdIvieion er in 'thickness than the walls above passed and adopted at a regular meet - of Vineyard 1A 'V5' as shown or a the sante. ing of the Board of Trustees of said map 'recorded in ' Book 17, Page 72, All partitions except temporary par- city held, on the 24th day of March, M49oeilaueous .Records of Los Angeles titions shall 'be of studs covered with ;1912:1, by the following vote: 'Ouuaty; esiifornla; thence Northerly plaster not less than 1inch thick. AYES: TRUSTEES STARK, BACKS along the_ Easterly line of said '15.5 Stubs be not less than 2 it rhes CATES, MANN and 'GGIB�BS fjley 10 tha- Southerly line bf shall x' a inches 'for bearing partitions in ;GES: Trustees, NONE t Cypress Street, "thence Easterly the two topmost stories, and not less ABSENT AND NOT VOTING NONE:' along said Southerly line to the place than 2 inches x 6 inches for bearing And I further certify ithat the Pres - of beginning. partitions below the two topt«ost ident of the Board of Trustees of SECTION 13': That the boundar- stories. the City of Anaheim, signed and ap- les of Division "6" of mire District None -bearing partitions to be of not Droved said Ordinance On the 24tt Number "2" be and the same are leas than 2 inch x 3 ineh studs. day of March, 1921. hereby fixed and established as Temporary partitions may be rnad: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have follows, to -wit: of T. and G. Wall board or 3irnilar hereunto set my hand and affixed the i Beginning at the intersection of maiterials provided same have 4 of corporate seal of said city, this 24t1 the• ,motherly line of West Chartres their area in glass or 1/4 open. dray of March, 1921. e.Dasterly line of No*th In all buildings of three stories or (Seal) EDWARD B. MERRI'fT. (S ,,.theiiCe Eas`orly more in height, the upper stories of City C'lerk'of the City of Anaheim West Which are divided into rooms,, shall Y 1, La, porridors and the soffitq tet' ' OP D Southerly dine of Chest - and the Easterly line of tnut Street subdivision as I 4 map recorded -in Book 6 [scellaneous Maps, Regards County, California; thence •long the Easterly line of to the Southeasterly earner ; thence Southerly to the •ly corner of Lot b:, of tot "E5" of the Langen- A as shown on a map re- 3ook 1, Pages 551 and 5552. us Records of Los Angel - California; thence South - [I Sla01saa 0141 guolu .il.10 the Northerly line of West ;Street; thence Easterly Northerly line to the West - f South Lemon Street, therly along said Westerly Southerly line of Chest- thence Westerly along herly line of Chestnut ie place of beginning. at the point of inter - the Southerly line of `vest Street and the Easterly (ding Lot 50, of the Town i as the said Lot is shown Recorded in Book 4, of 'ages 629 and 6330, Records igeles County, California.; itherly along said Easterly long the Easterly line of lot 154, and said, Eastorly ',ed and, along the Ea>,terly idling Lots 58 and 62, and -ly line extended to a• point utherly from the Soutberly rf Santa Ana Street; thence )arallel to said Soutltcrll' Easterly. line of South Los treet; thence Southerly Easterly line to a point 6outherly from the Souther - East Santa Anja Street: terly parallel to said South '55 feet; thence Nortnerly the Easterly line of South s Street to the Northeaster - Lot 1, Konig Subdivision as i map recorded In Book 6, iscellaneous Maps, Record's County, California; thence :o the Southeasterly cor- 3, Block "N" Center Tract )n a map recorded in Book 1, Miscellaneous Records of s County, California; thence along the Easterly line of to -the Southerly line of [way Street; thence 'l pat said Southerly line, and Southerly line of West Street to the place of J 9: That the boundaries of P' of Fire District Number d that same are fixed shed as .follows, to -wit: g at a point on the Ea.scer- south Olive Street 135 feet 'rom the Southerly line of rr Street; thence Easterly said 'Southerly line of East eet, to the Westerly line Atchison Street; thence t,long said Westerly line to ) feet Southerly from the tine of East Center Street; terly parallel to .said Swith- East Center .Street to the ine of South Vine Street; ttherly along said Westerly Ad Westerly line extended M feel. Northerly from the line ofEastCenter Street; 'esterly parallel to said line of East Center Street; lesterly line of Santa Fe ,nee Southerly along said line to a point 125 feet from the Northerly lire of ;r Street; thence 'Westerly laid Northerly line to the f!N �1' 'Nat°th 01rve .rt1'e^•t; SECTION 13: That the bojmtizr Its of Division "6" of Fire Itistrict Number "2" be and the same are hereby fixed and established as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the intersectsn of the Southerly line of Went Cartres Street and the Easterly line of Nortb Clementine (Street; thence Eas`.orly along the Southerly dine of said west Chartres Street to the Westerly line of the 15:5 foot alley running North- erly and- Southerly through 'Book "K" of a subdivision of Vineyard U t "D5" as shown on said map; thence South- erly along the Westerly line Of said 115:5 foot alley to the Northerly line of the 1,6 foot alley running Easterly and Westerly through Block "K"; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said 16 foot alley to the Ea,ater- ly line of North Clementine Street; thence Northerly 'along said Easterly line to the place of beginning. SECTION 14. The specifications in Sections 14,15, and 16, of this' Ordi- nance contained are 'hereby aKopted, as the specifications, for the con- struction, alteration of, addition to or repair of all the buildings or structures hereafter to be made In Fire District No. 1 and Fire District' No. 2 and the Specifications in Sec- tions 17 and 18 of this Ordinance are are hereby adopted, as the speciflea- tions for the construction, alteration of, addition to or repair of all build- ings or structures in Fire District No. 1 and Fire District No. 2 respectively. All exterior walls in Fire District No. 1 and Fire District No. 2 shall be constructed of snick, concrete, con crete blocks or hollow tide and shall be of the thickness, to -wit: In all buildings •having a height of not to exceed one story, the basement walls shall have a thickness fld six- teen (16) inches and the building wall of twelve (1.2) inches. Of all buildings having a height, of two (2) stories the basement walls shall have a thickness of sixteen (16) inches, the first story of the building wall sixteen (16) inches, and the secol story of the building wall twelve (12) inches. Of all buildings having a heig:it of three stories, the basement walls shall have a thickness of twenty (20) inches, the first and second, stories of the building walls sixteen (16) inches, and the third story of the building wall, twelve (12) inches. Of all buildings having a he(grt o1 four (4) stories the basement wails and the building walls of the first story shall have a thickness of twenty (20) inches, the, building walls of the second and third stories, sixteen (16) inches and, the building walls ; of the fourth story, twelve (12) inched. Of all buildings having 'a height of five (5) stories, the basementJ, walls shall have a thickness of twenty-four (24) inches, the ;building walls of the first and second stories ,twenty (20) inches, the building walls' of the third and fourth stories sixteen (16), and the building wails of the fifth story, twelve (12) inches. Of all buildings having a height of six stories, the basement walls and building walls of the first story shall have a thickness of twenty-fopr (24) inches, the building walls of the sec - end, and third stories, twenty (20) in- chts, the building walls of the, fzrnrth and fifth stories, sixteen (116) inches and the building walls of the sixth story, twenlve (12) inches. Of all buildlings having a height of seven stories the basement walls shall have a thickness of twenty-eight (28) inches, the building walls of the first and second stories twenty-four (24) inches, the building walls of the T as 1p tion Ing 1pfiAitions to be,of npt is 3 In" studs. +y partitions may may be madp Vt�,%j% hoard or, 3imidar aavit$ed same have �i of p glass•or Y4 open. tidings of three stories or Bight, the upper stories of ;divided into roomsy shall 110 corridors and the soffitc re, lathed with meta': or 'lath and ptla ore4. not iac#t thicka1J[d-all -par- ctoiiinus' of"first Floor id and plastered: for or other shafts cutting fm floor, to floor shall be d or eoinposition lathed an( 4 beth, sides. Same shall sof doors,; as ' "'Temporary 'partitions" ne are, used In this nrdirf- defined, to mean partitions a• building sand- not per- aattaehed thereto in such a the name may be re- but damage W 'nch build - ON 17. The 'Hallowing apeci- &ball apply to the, construe ration, ;addition to or repair of Ings and gtructures in Fire wb,'1. to -wit: may be of frame constme- shall be covered with com- roofing or equally fireproof gated. iron on 1 if on wnod' t at least 10I Ing; and to be ixther building of the saint. � ;tan,ding: the of this Or- escribed con 'ted in build - Fire District No. 2,10 -wit. Alli bus s constructed in Fire District N2 shall be constructe8 ! the same as :buildings in Fire District No. 1'','wtth the following exxceW rs;— Exterior walls back of a point not _less than 3o feet back from the front] may be of frame construction sheath- !, ed solid with one inch lumber and covered wfth metal lath or composi- tics lath and ;plastered with cement plaster not less thank inch think. Other exterior walls may be of frame ,construction ,sheathed solid, with ono, =in�¢Zt him'ber and, Hoovered with metal I to$b or positton lath and plastered nod less=a„j inch thick with cement l �t Xg.. Thu following speci- f4!¢tt1 . I[�ati[ &ppiy Yao the construe- tl 'sirs' fit, clition to Or repair z of b liirl$s in ire District Ne. 2. o rbs Cbvererd, with corru- i or ;outbuildings may beE bu&ilt rr<itiot>3t-regard to the dis-- Swprfoft 20.. It shall be unlawful fol *Boit, firm or corporation, either -,-”,as , own6�,. 1,00nl jractor, agent,, stervavt or employee to make, or to suffer, csuse'or permit to be made, or oonstructod any addition to, alteration or repair of, any building or structure in; Fire District No. 1 or in Firo Dis- trill No. 2 not in conformity with the specifications herein contained. SERMON 21. ,It shall be lawful for the City Neat Ager of the City of Ana- heim",ar ally Doputy City* Manager or for the Oity Marshal or any Deputy City Marshal to enter upon any gri.. Mate trel in Fire District NO. 1 lir Fire 01striet No. 2 for the purpose of, inaftec g any construction work on ORDINANCE YO. 400 W f?,s follows: An Ordin7mce of the City of An,-,]:,leim fixing find prescribe in the, fire of said City; "or tlne 'ii-irid of lhlild- -itl-lirl the City of Anaheim, -nd thr-, r�P,,rif- FghRll be and t-o 1,-:- sr 7 f or *he vi u 1r), t i on the --,- e of thf, fire of tlrc ('J of -na-heizu T'he T)onrd, of of I City of Anaheim do ord,.ir. ". - i -- f?,s follows: 11 PT"'CTION 1: ',Iereby crpqtod tyro -'ire -itl-lirl the City of Anaheim, -nd thr-, r�P,,rif- FghRll be and -)r� Tle-reby deqip-nYa.ted "Fire Di«trict IT-in.,qber !I' and "Fire Dis- sr trict TITU,nb,(,--r 2", and the extf-,rior bcponervi e« of "Fire 111 and 71 -strict 211 1he ;a,nd they f thf, fire of tlrc ('J of -na-heizu 9ECT1,011T 2: Tliat "Fire District T�uraiber 111 be and sawe i!,R- her3eby divided into four (4)divisions which shall be r e v, erFally iArno,->n and designated Fi,-3 61i viF-,i0n5 Of llFJY-( 7)istrict uml,,FAr and ,Qiall "le nu�-Liberpd, one (1) to four (4) br, th a,nd tll,,,-4,t the !--o,,mdn,riem of sn-i(l, devisianes of Fire t 4 t 7 J-1ereafter fixed -md est bli-3-Led in �*,ection-,m t,hrpe (3) to mix (6) both inoliiFive of this Ordinance. -.0TION 3: That t1rie of 7)ivision Ill" of "_Fire t ric t N' ')er 111 be and tl)f--e fixed and estp,blisled as f 011O;Us t 0 ;wYj. t CoiL,Iiencing- point cJf intersection of the 11 it? of "est reenter' "Areet omd the, (';enter linx. o47 South Palm Street thence '7)Outhe-L-1y -.lonL the Center linp o South Palm 9t re,,?t to the* Celltzr I-ine0' -k Strent; thence "I'amterly alonE the Center of Qa,k Stree-t to the Center line of South C3.M-r,,i!,,ntine `Street; thence F,outherly ;Rlon�the. -"enter l z ne 0 f o, ith e �,,a ,e n- ,ine to the_Center line Of Chestnut Street; thence ng the 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Cent,,7!r Tine of Chestnut Streot to the :Ienter lire of (,outh Ler.rnm Stro&�,t; thence 'Sout,-,erly !-�.Iong; the Center line of South Le.,tion ")treet to tTip 17"enter 1� ne Of ''e.q.t �Iron,dw.qy Ic'.treet; along the Center line of Toot Stree', to the Center line of Sou"L*­h ',,os AnEOles '1-11'-reet; t'qence 1"Torthe-21- -along, the renter Tin- of "OtIth Tos Anteles `'street to the. renter line of 1,1emt Center "trent; t;-,ence ­t­terly ^,.l one Vrw� Center Tirn, of Ce=nter F;treet to the -place o beginning, )ECTIOIT 4: Tli,3t the oure,.f-,ries o-.'-' ivi-Jon two (2) of fire diqtrict 11111 be and the a.— fixed and esti- 'bI_ _L 4 shed _ as folloivs, to-,:vit: Comfienoim.- at the intersection of the center Line* of, South 1,o," Angele-.k Strect and the Center line of Fast Broad- way Street; tllenne p.long the '-enter lire of Broadway Ftre,�t to the point of iritersection of the Center Tire of E.mt Broadway Street and the extended Center line of the. t7renty (20) loot 9,1101, r-_1n-,-,Jni-­ 'orthp.riv 9,nd P)outl ierly t'l-rour--h, T lock "All (`onter Tract f:.s 7,7­,-)Trn o a, .iqp rfloorded Jza -!-'ook 14) 13 1r e I I ra.n e ou s Zecords of I r)s kngeles Coubty, califomia,; thence 71'. ortherlir -,long said "Tenter line and. said renter Tine extended to the point of in- t,ArqectI-.Qn of Center l ie and the extended Southerly I i-ne of Lot 18 -:)lock A Center Tract as -,,-n on said map; thence `a,t I A61off along said 9,outhor',1y line !-md said Souther'YAe-Ictended, and along t'he Southerl.- line of Lot 34$ 'Rlock T.', Center Tract as shown on saAd to the "'eqterly line of the tw�-nty (20) foot ..alley rimning AT 0 rt I'I e --,- 1 y and .')outherly in snAd j'Ijlock B; thence lTortherly -.long_ "easterly line and !3,9,id Westerly Ij.-IP e. --,tended lortherly to 19. -point di at t "Ire "711)ndr(--,d 711hirtlY-five feet South of the South -property lirle of fast renter Street; tl-cn(-c "asterly and narallel with Bast I " Street; thence Nor - Center Streit to the center Iiije of f7outh Olive; t1horly Plm, the Center line of. c')-cuth Olive '-)treet to the renter I I Ce.nter C"trept; line of East., thence �Iont1re Cent ­r line of ��ast Center 2 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 `',treet to the line of -Foi-it?) Log z%nCele,,-, Street; thence L -t to i- te oljth.erly ,�.'Iong the o11P �7 ol i t)i 7-o .9 AnE, e Te r, �!, t r e,l of beF.-inning. S2",ICTION 5: That the boundaries of 71)ilrision "3" of fire district 711�imbrr 111-11 be and +.3r fixed ­4.nd established as 111'0110ws, to—vit: =a,t the noint 07 intersection of the -enter line of East Center lcl)treet and the `enter line of J'Torth Olive Stre thence 711ortherly -.1onw the Cl,-nter Sine of ortlpi oni-ve Street to a point T35 fei-;t JITortherly fram the l-,re—mt 1,,or+lierly ]i! -Ie of T,ajt Center Street; 1 thence ",re-.4terjir narall.el to said 11"ortherly line of Fast Center Street to the Center lite of _10juily Street; thence T" o r t"nerly 91one,'-, s --),id Center line of Emily Street to its intersection ih t',,(-- Center lihe o -J' East Cha ong Street-; t.1q,(.: said (enter line of East Clhartree r. est to its intersection with I the "enter line of North Clal)eina Street; thence "Portherly ",long said Center tine Of. 17orth Street to a point 138.75 feet N 71, 7 1 Center ortherl, fr0rn the '"enter line olf' 'Raftt Chartres Street; thence; rest tI 1+G .50 e rl -v to `7ei7t Pr I f T`,ast M a rtres 11treet 4i-2" f C. to the 7.9.ste-cly line of Lot 13, '=lock I'D" 0.1. Vineyard R -a-- a; * t D ?.s on fi map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at page 5920ecords of _Taos ArCel.'7- County, California; thenct,: IFortherly alon,, said ,5terly lire and ;,lonf, the a4t@rly line of Lots 12, 11, 10,, 9 q.nd 8 of said Block I'D" and said "jasterly line extended, and along the 56 Easterly line of Lots 61 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, and 54 Plock ITIII of Heinman and George Addition aq s*ho-rn on a sap recorded in Book 2, Page 249 of _"liscellaneotig '.ecords of Taos Angeie,County, California, and along said T'Iam.terly lime extended to the Center line of Fast Adele Street; thence "'esterly1,lon�__- said denter lineof Fast ", ast Adele Street to the Ce nto.%r lint: of North T1_,o*i AnEemle s Street; thence South, wrly along-; the Center line of North Los Angeles Street to the Cente K1- 2 3 -��At 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 �23 24 26" 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 line o'° Fast Center Street; thence easterly rlonEr the Center line of *Past Oenter Fltreet -'(-o the place of beginning. SECTION 6: That the boundaries of -ivision four (4) of Fire District T,,.'umber "I" be and the ral-rije P -r- fixed and established aq follows, to --'it: CoLmiending at tie -,noi-nt of intersection of the Center 0 f 'j line orth Los.Angeles Street �4.nd the Center line of Adele Stro-et; thence 'Westerly .9.lonF the Center line of "Fest Adele Street to its intersectio -,-i Tvith the extt-nded. "Iesterly line-, of Original Building Lot -9 as shown on map recorded in Book 4, of Deeds, at Pages 629-630 !'mcoxds of Los Angeles County, California; thence Southerly along the extended "'Jesterly line- of said IBuilding T,ot 9, r and along said -­ef�terlv line, and along the ".e , sterli line of '"wild. ins- lot 13, a,nd said line extended and alonf: the 'Westerly ,line, of _Uildinp� T,ot 17, to the corner of 7­1111ildins- Lot 22; thence along the Northerly line of Paid Building Lot 22, and -along the ITortherly line of Building Lots 23-24 to the `�j 'Y re t�lort)-)040"i-rly corner of said T--uilelin - Lot 24; thence- Southerly ,t -).long the —esterly line of said uildir4s Lot, and along. said Vlest- erlv line extended to the 'Torthwesterly corner of Building 1#t 28, 0.11 of aforesaid. Buildinr- Lots being; shown on said map -recorded in L� Book 41, of Deeds at PaE--es 629 and 620 records of Lo, . s Angeles Coun- ty, California; thence 7esterly -,.long the extended 11. ortherly line of said Puilding I,ot 28, and along the 111ortherly line of, Lot 7, Block "KII of a s,,ibdivision of the said Lot "D511 as shown on a map recorded in Book 17 at ?'age 72 of iscellaneous Pecords of Los jAngeles C.ounty1v California; to the '_ 'orthwesterly corner of said Lo 7; thence Southerly a,long- the, 77esterly line of said Lot and along 4114/ 4�4117 -r.71W wW&J-Ar,-6, 11,40 rXINWepleal -/V the "Te-,)terly line of Lots 8, 9, ind 10 of said. Plock ",K" the 4 ``Ioutherly line of tne "16 foot --,lley runnini, F�asterly and Westerly t'-.1rou'r-h. Blocks IIK" "I" and IIH" as sho�lm on said s-L),Ibd.ivis,jojj of Vine yard Lot "D511; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to the 4 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -��At 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 �23 24 26" 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 line o'° Fast Center Street; thence easterly rlonEr the Center line of *Past Oenter Fltreet -'(-o the place of beginning. SECTION 6: That the boundaries of -ivision four (4) of Fire District T,,.'umber "I" be and the ral-rije P -r- fixed and established aq follows, to --'it: CoLmiending at tie -,noi-nt of intersection of the Center 0 f 'j line orth Los.Angeles Street �4.nd the Center line of Adele Stro-et; thence 'Westerly .9.lonF the Center line of "Fest Adele Street to its intersectio -,-i Tvith the extt-nded. "Iesterly line-, of Original Building Lot -9 as shown on map recorded in Book 4, of Deeds, at Pages 629-630 !'mcoxds of Los Angeles County, California; thence Southerly along the extended "'Jesterly line- of said IBuilding T,ot 9, r and along said -­ef�terlv line, and along the ".e , sterli line of '"wild. ins- lot 13, a,nd said line extended and alonf: the 'Westerly ,line, of _Uildinp� T,ot 17, to the corner of 7­1111ildins- Lot 22; thence along the Northerly line of Paid Building Lot 22, and -along the ITortherly line of Building Lots 23-24 to the `�j 'Y re t�lort)-)040"i-rly corner of said T--uilelin - Lot 24; thence- Southerly ,t -).long the —esterly line of said uildir4s Lot, and along. said Vlest- erlv line extended to the 'Torthwesterly corner of Building 1#t 28, 0.11 of aforesaid. Buildinr- Lots being; shown on said map -recorded in L� Book 41, of Deeds at PaE--es 629 and 620 records of Lo, . s Angeles Coun- ty, California; thence 7esterly -,.long the extended 11. ortherly line of said Puilding I,ot 28, and along the 111ortherly line of, Lot 7, Block "KII of a s,,ibdivision of the said Lot "D511 as shown on a map recorded in Book 17 at ?'age 72 of iscellaneous Pecords of Los jAngeles C.ounty1v California; to the '_ 'orthwesterly corner of said Lo 7; thence Southerly a,long- the, 77esterly line of said Lot and along 4114/ 4�4117 -r.71W wW&J-Ar,-6, 11,40 rXINWepleal -/V the "Te-,)terly line of Lots 8, 9, ind 10 of said. Plock ",K" the 4 ``Ioutherly line of tne "16 foot --,lley runnini, F�asterly and Westerly t'-.1rou'r-h. Blocks IIK" "I" and IIH" as sho�lm on said s-L),Ibd.ivis,jojj of Vine yard Lot "D511; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to the 4 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ."enter line of ::North Palm Street; thence ctoutherly along said Center line f=4 `-'orth Palm Street to the Center line of ,:!est Center Street; thence 7'asterly along, the.7e,.Aer line of Center "tree to the Center line of Iforth Los Angeles Street; thence 17ortherly alon�­ the "enter line of -.�brtll Anuilltes Streot to the place of beginning. SECTION 7: Th,�t .-'ire 11211 be and the same i-,- Iriereby di-,`Ld(��d i -Ito �_Jx wl'ich V,e -;ev,�rrally k -I !'Fire 7,��ltrict Nu ler 211 and shall _),nd 6e.9irzn:9,ted diTiSic),,,,�_ o'L L 11. Ie red consecutively from one (1) to six (6) lbotl-i incl�.)aive; a,nd that t= -)e bolinc­Ilriee of,Six Divi.sion-of Fire District '!'u1i0ber 11211 are he-ninafter fixed Rnd emta,blished in ­ecticr-3 eight (E;) to thirteen (13) both inclusive of tltig Ordinance. s ­ivis�ion "Il of -.,,ire SECTION 8: That t? -n :ir-J, of ��, L 0 T`umlb,,-r 11211 'he ,and -.rF-, fixed an(! 'L�!-led as follows, t 0 _17i t : , I Beginning e t1hnoint of 14- , rr�ention of the r�outlllr.11 ly )11' O're3tnut "treet and the 7'asterly line of . of 4, Chestnut Street ­J.un n.!, Fk )n �1. _reap re -corded in took 6, 'Page 35, -i scell �ine uus '!ccordo of County, California; t1hence 'COW -1 Oo�_Itherly along the 7 lin-. of said '; of 4, to the South wrly co'rn-I­­.- of Ijot; tl--ence to the ITort.heasterly cott ner of -Lot 55 of Vineyard Tot IIE511 of the T,RnL-_­e_nT)erEer Tract as sho-vm on c:i, nap recorded in Book 1, _Pages 551 and 552, _','iqcf­ll,, Records of geles County, California; tho-noe Southerly along Vie Ra9t'rly 'Line of saJ -1 ,Ot 55 f-0 tllw rly I ivie. of I-ert Broadway thence `I'amterl-v T.lon:- t ­id ­orth.erly Ito .1 12YIt' 4P!@= --the 1 1,, '- a &- ­�terly line of 'Iouth Le).-iion Stree-u; t'-Ie"Ice ''ort' -,early alonrsaid 'e,ster7.y line tui tIlp 'o�ith_rly li,-,e of ('11eetnut ',treet; thence t PrIv alonr, said X*XXAjwjx t)W Southerly line of Che -A -t - nut Street; 4 3-4 d "44*34641;y 'ina to the -pl�,ce 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ."enter line of ::North Palm Street; thence ctoutherly along said Center line f=4 `-'orth Palm Street to the Center line of ,:!est Center Street; thence 7'asterly along, the.7e,.Aer line of Center "tree to the Center line of Iforth Los Angeles Street; thence 17ortherly alon�­ the "enter line of -.�brtll Anuilltes Streot to the place of beginning. SECTION 7: Th,�t .-'ire 11211 be and the same i-,- Iriereby di-,`Ld(��d i -Ito �_Jx wl'ich V,e -;ev,�rrally k -I !'Fire 7,��ltrict Nu ler 211 and shall _),nd 6e.9irzn:9,ted diTiSic),,,,�_ o'L L 11. Ie red consecutively from one (1) to six (6) lbotl-i incl�.)aive; a,nd that t= -)e bolinc­Ilriee of,Six Divi.sion-of Fire District '!'u1i0ber 11211 are he-ninafter fixed Rnd emta,blished in ­ecticr-3 eight (E;) to thirteen (13) both inclusive of tltig Ordinance. s ­ivis�ion "Il of -.,,ire SECTION 8: That t? -n :ir-J, of ��, L 0 T`umlb,,-r 11211 'he ,and -.rF-, fixed an(! 'L�!-led as follows, t 0 _17i t : , I Beginning e t1hnoint of 14- , rr�ention of the r�outlllr.11 ly )11' O're3tnut "treet and the 7'asterly line of . of 4, Chestnut Street ­J.un n.!, Fk )n �1. _reap re -corded in took 6, 'Page 35, -i scell �ine uus '!ccordo of County, California; t1hence 'COW -1 Oo�_Itherly along the 7 lin-. of said '; of 4, to the South wrly co'rn-I­­.- of Ijot; tl--ence to the ITort.heasterly cott ner of -Lot 55 of Vineyard Tot IIE511 of the T,RnL-_­e_nT)erEer Tract as sho-vm on c:i, nap recorded in Book 1, _Pages 551 and 552, _','iqcf­ll,, Records of geles County, California; tho-noe Southerly along Vie Ra9t'rly 'Line of saJ -1 ,Ot 55 f-0 tllw rly I ivie. of I-ert Broadway thence `I'amterl-v T.lon:- t ­id ­orth.erly Ito .1 12YIt' 4P!@= --the 1 1,, '- a &- ­�terly line of 'Iouth Le).-iion Stree-u; t'-Ie"Ice ''ort' -,early alonrsaid 'e,ster7.y line tui tIlp 'o�ith_rly li,-,e of ('11eetnut ',treet; thence t PrIv alonr, said X*XXAjwjx t)W Southerly line of Che -A -t - nut Street; 4 3-4 d "44*34641;y 'ina to the -pl�,ce 5 1 2 4 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of inning. .T�eginning at the point of of the Southerly line of "rest Broadway '."treet and the Easterly line - of Building ot 50 of the Town of Anaheim as the said Lot is shown oi, a map, Recorded in Book 4, of Deeds at Pages 629 i,nd 630, 7ecordeq o -L` ifornia; tl�-rn­ Floutherly along P!, -Aid Fast - An& -les 0�.,unt,.V, erly line and slonf__- the jl',astcrly lin- c DuildinG of 54, a, :j&i Easterly line extended and along: the J-51amterly line of BuildinE. Lots 58 and 62, and said Easterly line extended to a. point 198 feet Southerly from the So; -.t"rerly line- of '"est Ana Strf>i-t; "=!Fsterl.y to said Southerly line to the -Easterly line of South Los Angeles street; -'E-,'Dence along 8flid F,?,sterly line, to a noint 360.9 feet 11outherlY from the Soul lre-­ly �! - 'i-1,, to s,­�id t; ther.,ce "asU I o� 7`ast IF,.,- 7,� feet; t)enop- "ort'f-,_er7_1r n e I o the lFa s t e r line of c)outh Los Angeles `',treet to the, corner of ko " , .ion gasFOw -jon on m�m c frt-orded in Book 6 Lot 1, _K_- 2—a-, Sibd ijr4..,5,' t I 20, '.iscell.n.neow! llp p , 7(_zcords, of Granre (!o-onty, re11f07'2 i, ti,lence 71Tort lherly +o the corne2., c):" Tot 3, Plock Ityll Cent,, -r Trp -(-,t as s` own on riiqp _rccorded in 7.00k 14 , Page 13 ell.-_1,n,-ous "ecordq 0Los 'County, Califorria; thence .17orth- � i /o-/ a .�O r ,!y -,lonE In e 7,,��, n - 0 f st- e r 11 1 o n i d loutherl,r liar , and along the Southerly 'line of T , .e -St "treet to the pl,-),cc of bef7inni.ng. `ZECTION 9: Th -,,t the-- b,dundarii� of 7-ivision 1120 O,f7Y1r* Di's,trict 112-311 be, vnd. t Yat -c, f i-Xed U sh" ar 01101n7m, to-l'v.L 1-3 e, C, i n n i n Er o 41 it Y! t] r) uth Olio re �. a 7treet 135 fe(,-,-.t Southerly frai the S'outl_jearly li o East t 1) Center rallel to said F7,outherly linfof rjamt I I Center "",tre et ; to the. "'st-s, terly 1 inte of ' outh Atc Pi F, on :street; 2 3 6 7 8 20 22 23 24 25 26 � I ,, thence Southerly _110n�' n�*?,I(A 'iesterly lii-ic- to a, point 300 foot LS outher.1 -r 17treet; thence Center frwwL?',tT3e 'o,,iti-terly c ��­- 0� P t 1,aster'ly parallel to Southerly line of (lerter Street to erg %ii7� the "'est, I ne of South 41be4q;i-"ien- 'treet; thence 1-ortherly --),long said "'esterly line and said "'r-sterly line Extended to a. point 198 feet "' ortherly frorfi the ort,erly line of East Center Street; thenc"m ' 'r terly parallel to -'lid 17ortherly line of 11"ast Cenf., Streejj to the "'eoterly lir(t, of "'antes ".!-'e Street; tl7ence Southerly /Z� F. 1YVr11'?er1.Y e.lonsaid "'este_-,-ly linc, to,a-,,) ,oint fee f-oL7, the ?Tort --rly 1-ine,4to the ',),s li­- of---orth Olive Street; thence outh erly along --,id "R,9terly line MMOM4. n4liq 11 _.- I,— I V _r - - i � I— C, South Olive Street to the place of berginning, ``;ECTION 10: That the boundaries of ""'ivieion 113" of Fire District 3'luinber "2* be.and the said are fixed !-,,nd es,"<_,,blished as e P inninE-_ ,?,t the S0Ut1rAeDF5t C r I 3T corner of 1,ot 1, Sunrise Tract as 1 uT on iapp r, ­,corded in Book 3, Page 36, Liscel"Laneous _pm, 10 o f c, ra n E. e 11 (",�,.Iifornia; 12 the 13 'past Chartres street; tre t; e 14 15 "liortberly -line to 16 30 17 That 18 Division "411 of Fire 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 � I ,, thence Southerly _110n�' n�*?,I(A 'iesterly lii-ic- to a, point 300 foot LS outher.1 -r 17treet; thence Center frwwL?',tT3e 'o,,iti-terly c ��­- 0� P t 1,aster'ly parallel to Southerly line of (lerter Street to erg %ii7� the "'est, I ne of South 41be4q;i-"ien- 'treet; thence 1-ortherly --),long said "'esterly line and said "'r-sterly line Extended to a. point 198 feet "' ortherly frorfi the ort,erly line of East Center Street; thenc"m ' 'r terly parallel to -'lid 17ortherly line of 11"ast Cenf., Streejj to the "'eoterly lir(t, of "'antes ".!-'e Street; tl7ence Southerly /Z� F. 1YVr11'?er1.Y e.lonsaid "'este_-,-ly linc, to,a-,,) ,oint fee f-oL7, the ?Tort --rly 1-ine,4to the ',),s li­- of---orth Olive Street; thence outh erly along --,id "R,9terly line MMOM4. n4liq 11 _.- I,— I V _r - - i � I— C, South Olive Street to the place of berginning, ``;ECTION 10: That the boundaries of ""'ivieion 113" of Fire District 3'luinber "2* be.and the said are fixed !-,,nd es,"<_,,blished as e P inninE-_ ,?,t the S0Ut1rAeDF5t C r I 3T corner of 1,ot 1, Sunrise Tract as 1 uT on iapp r, ­,corded in Book 3, Page 36, Liscel"Laneous _pm, F c -cord o f c, ra n E. e 0 o County, (",�,.Iifornia; thence *J','ortherly along t'j')e 7:9,ste 1-1), line of said Lot 1, and calone,, the _T"'psterly line of 2, of said Sunrise Tract to the corner of said Lot 2; thence Westerly alonL--., the 1,ortherly line of said T .1 -lot 2, to the I'Tortb­­,esterly corner of said Lot;- tjh(c noe "­emterly to the Yortheast- er1j* corner of T.ot 11, of said Sunrise Tract; thence ".'esterly par - ailed to the 'Tortherl-wr line of East Chartres Strett, to the North- westerly corrfer of Lot 27, thence Southerly n,lonE; the 'Westerly 28 line. -of maid L,ot _!t: to the '.ortherly line of 'past Chartres street; tre t; e 29 s-,_zid "liortberly -line to the -.01--).ce of beginn-in 30 SECTION 11: That the boundaries of Division "411 of Fire 31 T District 1juinber 112" be and the sa re ar* fixed and eqt'q..'L.jlished as 32 7 1 2 3 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fol lows, to—!it: peginning -at .9. point (-.)rj the 11�qortherly I irate of Fast Adele Street I11.5 feet Easterly fv,oj,,,l the 'Yr�sterly 1-ino of 31orth Los Angeles Street; thence Northerly 3 el to -aid "astei-ly lint to the lirre of T'.ast IIyc,­),more street; t1rence 171,esterly P-.Iong "outherly lire and alon,,,-,, tli.e, Southerl-T line of Test Syc,Imore Street to a -noint 130.25 feet from the `.*vlesteray line of North Los AngcleF, Street; thence to m�{.id "'est- erly Lire to the-mW*et*=3fy line of "est Adele Street; thomce TI-Iast- erly =Ion[,- s),id 7-ortherly line and -alolq-,, the IT ortherly line of Fast Adele Street to the place of ber-inning. SECTION 12: That the boundnries of 'Division "5" of Fire Di*trict 11"umbfar 11210 be and the s, -e li-ereby fixed !?,nd eQtqblish- ed !-e follows, to—mit: Be i n r-, Fit the,,-item-,ection, of ti -,e Southerly line of est Cypress Street P.nd the -lestf-rlY line- of 'orth T;eIrIon Street; thence Flouthr-Sly =dons s -A, -'em _ 0. t -4- 0 e t�-,rly liras c p 1 T rth rly line of "rest 071�_PIrtrer, Street; thence "'e-sterly tilonE I'Tortherly line to the Fasterly line' of the 15.6 foot rimnim, 7ortherly -And Southerly through Block "GII of P. F­ubdi-TTision of 7ineycl_ird 1-,ot IID511 PIro-mn rm a SJ a-_PF�Fe 72 i , L-_�c(-,,IIP.neous ec- " p rrcorded in 7ook 17, orris of 'I'Jos Angeles County, Cqlifornia; t1hence Jl'ortherly C-�lnng the Ra,stFrly line of sq -id 15.5 foot to the Soutberly line of ',*rest Cy-,presm Street; thence "-I.sterly along *aid Southerly line to the place of bt-Ti-nning. SFCTIQN 13: That the boundariem, of I _)ivisjon 1161, of Fire -�istrict !"umber 112" -be and the samie are Y)ereb- fixed and est -- ed. as follows, to_­,rit: Peginning at the intersection of the `"�outherly line of 7,Tett Chartres Street and the 7a,.qterlv line of north Cleeuleritine, `'treet; thence T]amterly along, they Southerly line, of s,-tid 71?-_st Char- tref-7 strt to the ''east Al line of the, 15.5 ",c),bt T running 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Nort'r.{erly n� `outherly t-l-rou---h '_'lock_ "Y7 of a "ine MrdT. of I'D 5 " as s 1-1 nn ic! gimp; t `-1 ciac e71' c nt her! '7 alomM t Ina -0 "Yesterly line o- -,c,,id 15,5 foot -.!ley to ti -he :`ortherl-,T line o -C the t!"ron-h -1�lock- 16 T o o t � I I c mn -1 t e r i Y � 7, t e r 1 7 t1ence �.lon,­ i -l -.e 1-crtr-erly line r." „,E id 16 foot alley to e men"- J_e once iortherly -, "I t 4 -reel Ll omr .:yid LLj',:,s t e rl Y 11 ine t o t �-lace of be -inning. �'ECIIL'ICTY 14. '.'he 61)ecificalu-ions inec � i-; s 14, 15 and 16 of this ordinance contci,-led Lre 'hereby ado,,. ted. t -.e s-,,­)ecifica-1U-iCni -or tu}_,e LIteration-of., addition to or _1110C-i� -,...ir of all buildings or Stxnc t Lire s hereafter to be made in --,ire District No. 1 and ':ire District _1`o. 2 &nd the s­',eci-LLic&-tic,,ns ija `ections 17 and 18 oi�' V -.-is Ordinance are hereby a(9o-;,ted `,e s4-,ecificatic,ns for, the bonstr'uctAc.a, alteration c ­f', addition to or -rexpair--o-f al -I buildings or sstri.icti%res in Ii-LIe District T o. i ac tiire District No. 2, resillective1y, All e�,t&rior v.,,:i'7_1s ic.'i -'ire District i: o . 1 a d --ire District T"o. 2 'ke cc­_trL1cUed of !-Iricl�i, cone--,-ete, concrete or hollo,,-, the si-LIT be ti -e th-icknees, to -wit: In A-1 build :.nes )Elvi,rr a heiMht c-1 not to eyceed one ,-.tory, tle bL,,oe­ent S 7e a ti-ickness of, si-,,,teen (16) inches arid tl;e bnildi,ig .all of t� . :elve (12) inches. Of all 'hnild- Infrs '­aving a height of two ( 2 ) sit ories t he 'h,-_,,se1.­ent v,, -ills shall 1f.ve a thickness of si:steen (16) inches, the first story of the building v. -all sixteen (16)-, inches, aid story o"' t' -c baildi],Iv.-L11, tvl-elve (12) inches. -If all buildings h.&vi_-vr a `eight of `iree -tories, the bEsement valis s114, .-enty 420) inches, the h.ve a thickness of ti ,t --id second stories of t',e building siyteen (16) inches, I and t,M, third story of the buildin0o- wall# uYvelve (12) inches., Of all buildings havl-ta height o-4' f6ur (4) stories, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the base-ent i -,-alts anc u -'-,e buil di-ig walls of t Y,e fir; -'',t story shall have a tfickness of tventy (20) inches, the building i-�alls of the. second and t' ird stories,.--i--:-teen (lu) inches �-.nC t' -,e wall z of t' c fourth tory, tv.el.ve (12) inches. '! all 1)Ilildins h4ving E height of sive (5) stories, the Ieer.eiit l.1s r':a1_1_ hv thickness o t%>e :t'T-:eon (24) inches, t -e bni.l0.inc7 tcal_ls of t e - ir.t i -C second -stories twenty (20) inches, t''re building i-.-alls of tl e t t...i-rd Lzid fourth -t ories sixteen i-1ci'les (1J), -iC t- ',,c -oniZdi:1'?' walls of the fifth ::;tory, tv.elve (12) inches. Of all buildings h_.ving a height o' r i--- stories th+_e -.se -'ent v;alls ai-d building ;ills of t' -e first story shall ve a thickness of t�,-eaty�four ("4) inches, 'J _e b, -,,i? -ding walls of the second and third stories, twenty (20) inches, the building walls o:L t%;e fount and fi-i:th stories, t:iy teen (16) inches a& the building i;ills o_L' the sil�th story, tz-elve (12) inches. Of all bili-I_dings IiLving a height of seven stories the base.lent clls shill h<-ve a t �icklness of tv..enty-eight (28) inches, the building ;;cells of the first seco :d stories tc�enty-four (24) inches, the building 1�-alls of tf-�e third and fourth ,stories tl enty (.530) inches, the building w",,Ils of t'nc filth --.r. si7-th. stories, Sixteen (16) inches and the bi-ilO ing calls of tree seventh 2 tory, twelve (12) inches. Of all buildings havi l7 a height of eight stories the thickness of t} -,e bL. eraent walls ane' v,—Ills of the firs -t �Itory shall be tv.enty-eight (28) inches, t . e building ,:Ells c,-_" the second anc t-ird stories, ttienty-four (24) inches, t',e building . alts of the fourth anis- fifth stories tti:ent-.,r (20) inches the build ing `galls of the sixth a -id seventh stories sixteen (16) inches and the building t;slla of the eighth story, ti;elve (12) inches. she thickness of walls in t'r:is section prescribed shall - 10 - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 be deemed the ­,inimum '51hickness c,-!, construction permitted tinder th, Ordinance 1r nothino- 'herein contained to ­:ro'ribit the constructi 'of eu("!, V' -'ills to t •re�.ter e s s 'A"'he v,-ord "Storyll as the is .-,seCi in t, -,e Ordinance shall be deemed to ,-ern i-c,,c71_,ide "')-�e vert s1 s1;ace bet--�,-een the floors or levels of a Irti.ilding or strti-ctnre. SECTION 150 Tot with standing '�he -provisions of "ection 14 o- this ord i nunc e tlri e -1-o lio v,,i n7 described c(,zis, traction shEll 1 be pe=i tt e,,1 in. buildings and st ract tires in ---',ire District 1To . 1 and lire D i1st r ic t iso. 2, t o -v it: `7aterior wall- tth-,t 'at Ere not more 80 feet in length, 11, " (j CD orU Lt intervals c -T' 80 feet eet or less bcross walls o--' the same •h,eic-ht L-nc,. thickness'-_� sl,,all be not less than 19 inches thick for 15 he ti.,ser t v. o _- t ori es she walls of each two 1titories belo,,- tie ti,.i,er ty;o �,e 4 inches tricker than the Iv;al-s of the two stories aeYt ')e-idence-- -,ay hrave 8 inch walls for the top story and U 12 inch v.-alls for 11-e fir,,Dt story. Buildings of one 1 -tory -'ravil-i- not cuer 500 tqu'are -feet in area may be built of 6 inch calls. All build!rrs cyce-t res.dences shall h�'-ve _!'ire ills not less than 12 inches t!hicks end at least 2 feet Lbove roof at a! I I-oints. &E, otl-crvijzc 'iec'*iC;.-L 14 c�� t'..._ 0_ Ordi- U X --,aance� all basem.ents Shall h,­.ve jalls 4_,er than the i_lje)-�eS t"iC]7 walls Lbove the same, SECT TIP1r 16. Trie follo',,-_J_ng s.! ecifications shL,11 Lm,.ply to the construction, &I terLtion o4, addition to or re -''.air of all buildings U in -,ire District 1o. I and '-,'ire District 1',T o. 2, to -wit: footings shell 'e 75 cent greater in thickness t()'an 0 P CD I the Yalls above t' -e same. _'.11 IErtitions eyce-L't temporary 1�zrtitions shall be of (studs covered vcit}) -- �& .fL:,laster not less than inch thick. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 be deemed the ­,inimum '51hickness c,-!, construction permitted tinder th, Ordinance 1r nothino- 'herein contained to ­:ro'ribit the constructi 'of eu("!, V' -'ills to t •re�.ter e s s 'A"'he v,-ord "Storyll as the is .-,seCi in t, -,e Ordinance shall be deemed to ,-ern i-c,,c71_,ide "')-�e vert s1 s1;ace bet--�,-een the floors or levels of a Irti.ilding or strti-ctnre. SECTION 150 Tot with standing '�he -provisions of "ection 14 o- this ord i nunc e tlri e -1-o lio v,,i n7 described c(,zis, traction shEll 1 be pe=i tt e,,1 in. buildings and st ract tires in ---',ire District 1To . 1 and lire D i1st r ic t iso. 2, t o -v it: `7aterior wall- tth-,t 'at Ere not more 80 feet in length, 11, " (j CD orU Lt intervals c -T' 80 feet eet or less bcross walls o--' the same •h,eic-ht L-nc,. thickness'-_� sl,,all be not less than 19 inches thick for 15 he ti.,ser t v. o _- t ori es she walls of each two 1titories belo,,- tie ti,.i,er ty;o �,e 4 inches tricker than the Iv;al-s of the two stories aeYt ')e-idence-- -,ay hrave 8 inch walls for the top story and U 12 inch v.-alls for 11-e fir,,Dt story. Buildings of one 1 -tory -'ravil-i- not cuer 500 tqu'are -feet in area may be built of 6 inch calls. All build!rrs cyce-t res.dences shall h�'-ve _!'ire ills not less than 12 inches t!hicks end at least 2 feet Lbove roof at a! I I-oints. &E, otl-crvijzc 'iec'*iC;.-L 14 c�� t'..._ 0_ Ordi- U X --,aance� all basem.ents Shall h,­.ve jalls 4_,er than the i_lje)-�eS t"iC]7 walls Lbove the same, SECT TIP1r 16. Trie follo',,-_J_ng s.! ecifications shL,11 Lm,.ply to the construction, &I terLtion o4, addition to or re -''.air of all buildings U in -,ire District 1o. I and '-,'ire District 1',T o. 2, to -wit: footings shell 'e 75 cent greater in thickness t()'an 0 P CD I the Yalls above t' -e same. _'.11 IErtitions eyce-L't temporary 1�zrtitions shall be of (studs covered vcit}) -- �& .fL:,laster not less than inch thick. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3.1 32 511Cs s?ia.11 .)e not less than -2" x 4" for i;earing parti- tions i'n tti'.c top -post .stories, ricl nou less t'han 2" x 6" for i�e�r - :rt itii ns 1—low "re t-. o to :-:lost t oriel. Ston -bearing part it ions to be of not less than 211x34' st .,or,- orary yJartite ..,de c= T. an,c, T. ll board 011 similar materialsJroviddd same h- ve c" t -e it area in glass o 4 open, . In 4111 bizild_i.nf-rs of', t'�ree stories or more in -eizht, the r.LL per t ories of which are divided into rooms, shall h, -Ie all hall , corridors Jnr the soffits of all stairs lat.red with metal or lat }-. artd -,last eyed not less then inch trick, Gnd all part it ions zd ceilings of first floor metal !,-.uhed and -plastered. X1.1 elevator or other si^afts cutting through from floor Zip asri�ioia to _"loon h ll ".oe metal lathed an lu ,-Led ani? I;lasteyed on both sides. Same s.'n.all ln4ve fireproof doors. TI..e words "Terilorary pa,:,titions" a the sage are used in tris Ordinance are c_e-Cined to mean artit ions ��!Lced in a bui?_d .ng arid nct - erma..nentl;� attac'i ed thereto ELin ;such manner j. ;., t e sa ie ma, J e rFr r�rec� r:1thouu c�€ r� ge tc Mich T)ui eiing SECTION 17. she followin�17 s ecificatirns sha�_l a�plY tr t -je con;-truction, alteration, addition to or e1,air of all buildings and. ,truct ;gyres in .'ire District '�7o. 1, t o-F;it : Roofs mL be of frame construction and s'iall be covered ti;ithccomposition roofing or equa11Z7 fireproof material. 'rivate otitbuildings gay be built of corru- gated iron or v.00d or iron _frame an, if on, �, ood frame the same shin pe a c leL>. t 10 feet frn -:: any other building, and to be moved, or eroved if a -y rtzildirl io built 1.it_nin 10 feet o -f' the same. BECI'IClI 18. TTotz;ith'Jtand_ng the provisions of ^ection 14 of ti,is Ordin`:nce, folloL Ing described construction shall 14 �-permitted LazJl11�C'nJS ana st'rilcttires in .'_dire District 'lo. 2, to -wit : - 12 - 1 11 biiildl ngs consluruct ec! iia, district 1(o. 2 shall L 2 he constructed 'u- hI.e am e as built nes in fire C, is triTToct with .3 t h e f ol 1 owi np�, e7c e-,:tions;- 4 tir,ns4 Ixt eri or i,:,,ills "I-acL c,- ­cin-1- i-xt "L ,�_,s I-11an 30Feet 5 u than -Pro- t 1-ie front mLL- r,-� e c�,nstructic_n s-1-teathed solid back e o -L 6 one inch lumber arc- with1 cot-erect .pith met,_­-,J_ _TLth or lath 7 and ­,IaE teres -it's cement not le tl,-2 .n inc;,_ thick.. Other e,-�terior v,alls may ',-,,e o-r constri-,cti-on 9 sheat ieat,ed solid -,-itL) one inch Tum'.er covered v;i'u-'-) Y"Iel"L.1 lath or 10 41W 4" VV7 lath and not less t&n -I- inch -U'Ack v.-ith ce.,ment 11 plLct er. 12 SEC TOIT 19. The following specifications shall apply to I 13 L,re construction, alteratirn, addition to or repair of buildings 14 lin Fire District _i'o. 2, to-wit: 15 �­e covered :.-it'r terra,:-:ted iron. �T 16 ;mall ,ara�es or outbuildings may be built ..ithout reg :rd 17 to t1e 'i<,!taince -mom other buildings. .18 ':)EJC111IOrq 20. !t shall be aniavftil for any 111e on, firm 19 or cor-i',oration, either as ci�:ner, contrEctor, a,7e-nt, servant or 20 eml.loyee to make 7 or to stiffer, cense c2 ;err�it to be m-ade,,or con- 21 striTctO map mi-Im Ske . ........... any adCLitionf 22 to, Iteration cr -_--eiair b­_1ldi'11­ or-,,trncture in "ire 1i n -- 23 District 11o. I or in _�'ire Dis-11rict '-',o. 2 ,yet t L, conformity ith the 24 specifications herein contained. 25 5E0,2 101,11 21. It shell be lawful 'or tl-.,e Cit,, M,-;,m,.-er of 26 tu h) e �Ji t y r4i' na h e i m, c, -y 1) e;-In, rt i t Vr T antger or or Ue "ity 27 *T C it 7 '1,7 ,-_arst-iLl or ,-.,(Iy deputy tC ei-_-Jer af)on any -c�rivEte prem- 28 ises *1.,-1. -`ire District Flo. 1 or --,-'ire District T 02 for the -"Durpose 29 of inspecting any constri_i_ctioi-.! ..-ork on uch :re.mises Lnd it shall 30 be Unl,--,,ful _2'-_)-L, person, fir,­* or cC1,:r_;1.o:-Ltion to interfere with 31 such officer or nrevent him, from ino7i.,ect-1-mg snch premises, 32 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 '"EC TION 22. -,.,ny 1erson or ersons, firm or corf,or&tion v;ho shLID- violate, nel-lect- cr refuse to CC)r:lj)Jj any Of the provisions o-` shall `)e 0.eern-od guilty of a midjden-,ean- or &iie) s'l-lall he -.,.is he r7 by (a fine n�,t t ':-,an ;'-I hree TI undred L ($30G.00) Dollars J,' -v; lrison�_lent t'ie mit, Jail of 2aid j, t y not e_­ceea�ng J-T-Iree mnt]-i,-wAi.01. elrer-: �&V, C'r fr`_CtiOn2'1 rt Of a day ilnri!-i- which fany Snch viol"Ion of t1his crdina_rLce s,'r-all con - 8 Il inue, s be d e e --io --- t0 (3 4j i t ut e a ;se ;arm,e o_ fe se and s,, all N 10 .12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 be i s haT) I e n t s e c t J 0 n -, r o -%r i d e a SECTJONI 23* CrdiiiL.nce No. 1-79 o "Ity Of 'naheim, 0 ,-' , �- 'I '. 1 -1 1 entitled "An Ordin�_�Iice fix1liS -�irc tine city of n,�Ana- heim; providi_- for the !.ind o -.P bulilain-�s to be erected therein; prescribing re -al., --tions for 'Ule !=' v-:!_nv of buildings, and requiring J?lumbin� in buildings to be -tested," 1-I)w-Sed &nd adopted by the. jBoard of `rntt,'Uees of Prdt cit:- ctlt'r.e lZt-11 d -L T o -E17, I.-archt 1906 n jail other ordinances and ­'�rts of ord-InE.nces in conflict t,itl-1 the provisions F tIlis ordin�:,nce L.re hereb7 repealed. "CIIII0111 24* `ie Cit- (;lerlk of 'U'',e Jity Of nEheim shall certify to 1,as'3a-7,-e c-' ti is, ordin,--._-i .ce and cQnse t1he same to be na --­er ,,rC -e.,-neral cir- ablished once in 'J" -,e �I. heim G,­,.zette, L newsl �a cul._.tion, ,,rinted, ­nblished circullEted in sl --:id cit,; and trirty oiays _', m ar�I roc , ­ card after it,; final ;_ as -4..-e It shall t L ke ef-fect and be in full IfForce, 2h.e foregoing Ordinance v,.as :passed and adopted at a regu- lar -meeting of the _-,:Ioard of rustees c,w the City of inaheiril, held on the xq d -y o" Larch, 19219 and is si-ned, L -:-.roved and attested by me this z4 day o' 11arch, 1921, -SIL h�!� President of the -board of Trustees ATILE"T 0 t he t Of Anaheim. 73. -Gity Clerk of the Oity of t,neheim, - 14 - 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 15 16 A17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -'TATE 0 F C4`111 ' 0 IRN I A COUNTY 017 01"ANG79 ss. CITY r;7 1"11-11AFIE ILI, T inaheim, I, 6ward -3. "erritt, 10it, I'l-r1r. c' `ie "i t 1-,, 0 do hereb,7, certifyL. re��-o-*,,,.,, cr Cr.'. inall-,ce -,"o. 400 �,-as intro - L d,,--,-ced at a meeti-i'm r -f t?^c, 'oarcl i�f "rust-ees of e City o: -P Anahbimt 'D head cn. t 1-1 e 10t h C-tay of '..arch, 19 t "f L.,J- tie sa.e was �Ias,!ed and ,-dortell at a regular meeting cf ''-e '2card 0 � T Trustees of said Tic? - city held on tile 7-4 day r1.1arch, !-c21, the following vote: AYES: mrti2tees )en NOES: Trustees AB,c;'EL4'T A.7,11D NOT VOTING: Trt< tees And I -further certify that t,,e --resiaeat of the 3, and of ITrastees of the City cfo Anaheim, signed and approved eaid Ordinance c. t he day of I; arch, 1921, IN I '-" INIES'S 77FTMMIMP, I rave hereunto set my hand and affilzed. L& the corporate "-eal of said city, this 2-* day of 1.7,archt 1��1, City Clerk o7 tlae City of nahe im, - 15 -