406 (2)AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange. ss. F. N. Ryneason ------=- r ------------------------------------------- ----- of said county, being first duly sworn, says:—t ark citizen of the United States, and of the St. fornia, over the age g eighteen years; that5he h est in, nor isfhe a pitrty�to the matter herein that3he is the prix. EkIincipal ---- lerk-to._the.-..._..-. : n_.heim Daily Herald a .................. dallY.-newspaper printed, publish culated in the said County of Orange; that sai .......- ------Anaheim-.Da: ily Her .ld is a newspaper of general circulation with a I subscribers, and is published for the disseminat local and general news and intelligence of a ge acter; that it is not devoted to the interests o: for the entertainment of a particular class, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of a thereof; that it has been printed and published of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cal more than one year next preceding the first publication hereto attacb2d; that the OrdinanceNo. 406 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- of which the annexed is a printed copy, was p said newspaper at least_ .... 0011 @a the , and that said ---•-•-•-------------_U.rdint.Sh w was published on the following date, .......................... A-.0st---2'7.th------921--- --- ----- ------------------------- ------------ Subscribed and sworn to be;'Qre met is........� , 19 Notary Pula out of the ordi-($1•000.00r,"QTS;' T"" '� nary annual income and revenue of IInumbered three (3) shall be of t e� said city; (denomination of five hundred thereof on or befo e And also determining that the pub- I ($500.00) dollars, ando _ IiY WTT"N lic interest and necessity demand the lbearing a number which is multiple cit hS8 WHE acquisition by the city of Anaheim of 'of, three (3) shall be of th denomi- 3' of Arm , the following municipal improvement, (nation of five hundred ($5010 dol- ° be signed (viz.: a certain fire a 1lars, and all of said 'bonds bearin a '�cipalitg #„`� apparatus for said g the !city, to -wit: a portable fire pump. the number not a multiple of ttree sha1L;Y� cost of the acquisition of which said lee of the denomination of Oe -thous- said city, and tb-be � 1whicmunicipal ol improvement was estimated land ($1,000.00) dollars. the clerk of said city, i h it five thousand Said bonds shall be so nu tiered as ($5,000.00) dollars,( ate seal of said city said cost was and is too great to make two one thousand ( ,000.00) thereto; and said city,l _ to be paid out of the ordinary annual 'dollar bonds, - and one five undred + the coupons thereto i IN THE BOARD OF TRUSTUS OF ncome and revenue of said city; and ($500:00) dollar bond; payble' each numbered consecutively IN'THE, MATTER OF ` INGUR� Board o year. the treasurer of said et THE `CI7°1" •Of.,IYtVAkiEIM ,: i WHEREAS, the •president of the That the second of said s yes shall f Trustees of said city, who is be fifty in number of the a mina-�l ........... ............... ONE OR � M'ORE ' B4O14DED tFe executive of said municipality,( tion of one thousand ($1,90 ) dol- i President of the Bo - DEBTS BY THE CITY OF ;ANA- diy , on the 12day of May, 1821, duly I lars each and shall be number from of the City of An approve said resolution of -_ ., , � and one to fifty, both inclusive. "OSES: TION BY S ION OI HER.); of Trustees; and' That the thin. of said seri shall Treasurer of the Cil OSES�T� CONSTRUCTION AND said Board of the `� . legally said $oaf d-. of bo thirty -1 next ei_.n�thQ de 1~ BUILD l x ;, IVAL Trustees. of, said city of Anaheim did I tion of one thousand ($1,000..) dol- �$FS; T t (N: Ajf3fJ! thereaftel, at its meeting held on the I lars each and shall be number from � City Clerk of the Ci 10MI?i, t %1 ,)3Y- SAID..0 _T OF 9th day of June, 1921, by a vote of ' one, to thirty both inclusive. � That interest Cowper i,XV - AWE- more than two-thirds of all its mem- That the fourth of said ser shall tacked to each of sai '.THE �bITY WATER hers, duly pass and adopt an ordi be five in number of the deno nation and seventy-five bond WORKS AND WATER DISTRIBU- nine calling, and ordering a special ,of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars each installment of, int ,ION., S S _VM OE SAW CITY:;. election in the said city of Anaheim, each and shall�be numbered m one on such bond up t� `HE CQ�1S�'FAUCTIDN _ AND CC k-' to be held on the 19th day of July, i to five both inclusive. thekeof, why eh said in 'I ETIQN F�F,AP -'IT W8 TO'„r1X ,1921, for the purpose of submitting The bonds in each series all be shall" be numbered cot 1XTEl�fSSbIV$ F 't'E . SEV>J to, the qualified electors of said city, paid in the order of their mbers ginning at number one IYSEM'OF SA CITi; AND THF,Ithe following propositions for incur- consecutively in the follow man• be substantially, in the ►C UIb TION O, k'I$F� PI'A1 r =.I"ring indebtedness by said" city, to -wit: ner: of the first of said seri bein to -wit "U b A a iT , FIRST. A• proposition to incur a a series of ninety bonds, two,,,f said No ..._ (An bonded'.. indebtedness by the cit of bonds" of the denominationf one, On the 15th day of viz.: a containii room or and o , l' officers, 'b9arcYs and.,ti nals of said -city; ror k'for.the h ing and safe keeping..of prisoaer said q#y: toy be;. used,:fop the ;per of a city jail 'and iaand qua( for the. housing of, fire .apparatu said city aild for the necessary commodation of members o, --.its department. viz.: the acquisatio�p,.nestruc#%n completion of extepsiong andimp rnents to the water works "of city, consisting, of the, Aritling water well for said city,. Wil; the stallation. of casing theroip, Ahe-- quisition of a water, pump to -ne o ated therein, the acquisition, cgmt tion and installation of water m and pipes and the acquisition. and stallation of fire_ hydrants, for city; Also providing for the issuance redemption of bonds of the city 1. Anaheim to the amount of seventy- thousand ($1,004.04) dollars, h and "(month of inaturity) t� e is- .five thousand ($75;000.00) dollars for one of said bonds of the den `nation (yearofmaturity), th R th" the purpose of the construction and of five hundred ($500.00) dol s' shall -heim promises to. pay we completion by the, city of Anaheim of be paid on the 15th day of , ctoter, at the office of the cit for the following municipal improvement, 1922, and two of said one ousandthe city- of Anahein And viz.: a building for municipal zuses, ($1,000.00) dollar bonds and�one of ......... in Gold Coir z� of containing offices for city officials, a said five . hundred ($500.0 dollar, States of America, ti belit, room', or chamber for the holding of bonds upon the ` 15th day of October interest due of ases, meetings of the Board- of Trustees of each and every year ther ften at. bond). No ...................... ls, a and other officers, boards and tribe- the office of the city treasur of said to which coupon is,at&- rof, pals of said city, rooms far the hoes•• city, together .withinteres on all Section 2. That the te es ing and safe keeping of prisoners of sums unpaid a such date, ntil the the Board of Trustees - said city to be used for the purpose, principal and ikerest on a14 of sod Anaheim; being the e) utas- of a city jail and rooms and quarters ninety. bonds and the moneA thereby municipality, ,and the s of for the housing of fire apparatus of represented shall .have been aid, the, I of said city, are her' pose said city- and for the necessary ac- same being and constituting an an- and directed to sign ters commodation of members of its fire nual payment of the sum of twenty- herein provided fer, an( S of departrnent.r .five hundred ($2,500.00) dollars on of said city is hereby ac- SECOND. A proposition to incur the principal of said . bonds, which (directed to countersign fire_ a bonded indebtedness by the city of said sum in�ss not less than -onll-fortieth affix the corporate seal Anaheim to the amount of fifty thops- part of said indebtedness. Anaheim thereto, and and ,and ($50,000.00) dollars for the, pur- Of the second of said series, beurer of said city.is her of; pose of the, acquisition, construction ing a series of fifty (50) bonds afore- and directed to sign th i*Aq and completion by the city of Ana- said, .two of said ,bonds shall "bo paid pons of said bonds b heitn of the following municipal im- on the 15th day of, October, 1922, and name printed or lithos om- provement, viz.: the acquisition, con two upon the 15th day of October of ion; and said bonds sha the, struction and'completion of extensions each and every year thereafter,at thelby said City clerk to eht, and improvements to;the water works office of. the city treasurer of said er in suchamount g , of said city, consisting of drillina city, together with interea�on all { Trustees of said pity We-: e water well for said city and* the in- sums unpaid at', such date until the ; time determine. said. stallation -of casing therein, the ae- principal and interest on all of said Section 3. For the of a quisition of 'a water pump to be oiler- I fifty bonds and the money thereby ing the principat., in ated therein, the acquisition, construe- I represented shall have been paid, the bonds, the Board gf Ac- tion and installation of water mains i same being and constituting an an- city of Anaheim shall per- and pipes and the acquisition and in-Inual payment of the sum of two fixing the general to (mate- "stallation of fire hydrants for saH thousand ($2,000.00) dollars on the manner for such gears sans cityprincipal of said bonds, which said vided, levy and collecit ilia THIRD. A proposition to incur a, sum is not less than one- fortieth part funds hereinafter: p sial bonded indebtedness by the city of !of said indebtedness. nually, each year, Anaheim to. the amount of thirty) Of the third of -said series, being a are paid, or until4. and *housand ($30,000.00) dollars for the series of thirty (30) bonds aforesaid, in the treasury of purpose of the construction and com- one of said bonds shall be paid on for th4.purpo4e sta c ` ,nn of thiy thous- plet,on b the city of Ana .. --- i --p Y -_- � _-- �Anaheit l in the Y y of the the 15th da of October, 1922, and' and ($ 0,000) dollars, for the purpose following municipal irnpiov;ement,ione upon the 15th day of October of ,of the construction and completion by viz.. the acquisition and con,;ti;uctionjeach and every year thereafter, at the,, the cite o!' Anaheim of the following I of additions to and extensions of the office of the city treasurer of the city municipal improvement, viz.: the a, -I sewer system of saki city consisting (of Anaheim, together with the inter- quisition anal construction of addit,onslof the acquisition construction and in- est on all'sums unpaid at such date to and extensions of the seNver system !stall ation of sewer pipes, man holes, until the principal and interest on all of said city consisting of the acquisi-flush tanks, and all other necessary,of said thirty bonds and the money !tions, construction and installation of�materials therefor and all necessary thereby represented shall have been sewer Pipes, man holes, flush tanks, l appliances Nvith which to equip andpaid, the same being and constituting and all other necessary materials complete said additions to and ex- an annual payment of the sum of one therefor and all necessary appiiancesItensions of said sewer system. thousand ($1,000.00) dollars on the ,with which to equip and complete FOURTH. A proposition to incur principal of said bonds, which said said additions to and extensions ola bonded indebtedness by the city of sum is not less than one -fortieth part said sewer system; Analicim to the amount of five thous-lof said indebtedness; Also providing for the issuance and redemption of bonds of the cit;, ,of Anaheim in the sum of five thous- and ($5,000.00) dollars, for the pur- pose of the acquisition by the city of ,Anaheim of the following municipal improvement viz.: a certain fire axr- paratus for said city, to -wit a port - and ($5,000.00) dollars for the pur-; Of the fourth of said series, being pose of the acquisition by the city of -a series of five (5) bonds, aforesaid, Anaheim fol• the following municipal one of said bonds shall be paid on the I improvement, viz.: a certain fire ap- 15th day of October, 1922, and one on panus for said city, to -wit: a port- the 15th day of October of each and able fire pump, every year thereafter, at the office of Said ordinance ins number 402 and the city treasurer of the city of Ana - had theretofore been duly. introduced together with the interest on 'd 'h sums becoming due for th" and interest on all said be sufficient to pay the annu on said bonds, and also su the principal thereof as sr due before the time for next general. tax levy. I shall be in addition to all levied for municipal purl shall be collected at the and in the same manner a: nicipal taxes are collecte collected shall be forthwit] the respective funds for same was levied and collec The taxes so collected f" ment of -the principal and the series of ninety bonds: provided for shall be paid to be known and designate heim Municipal Building E est and Redemption Fun fund is hereby created an able fare pump; I at a regular meeting of the said , all sums unpar at sue c a e, un a collected for the payment < All Board of Trustees held on the 26th the principal and interest on all of icipal and interest on sail tho rued by cap special��elec�tionl held in.day of Al y, 19`21, and said ordinaw.e said five (5) bonds and the moneylbonds first herein provide I _ thereby represented shall have been said city on the 19th day o July, 1921. was duly approved by the president The paid into said fund ane WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees faro tem of the Board of Trustees of paid, the same being and constituting shall be used for the pays of the city of' Anaheim, at its regular I said cit who was the executive of an annual payment of the sum of one sums to become due for tl meeting held in. said city on the gl2th I said municipality, on the 9th day of � thousand ($1,000.00) dollars on the � and interest on said bonds !principal of said bonds which said sum other purpose. day of bIa.'v, 1921, by a vote of more June, 1921, and P p than two-thirds of the members of 's not less than one -fortieth part of The taxes so collected fi said Board of Trustees did pass and,1( said ordinance was said indebtedness. ment of the principal and adopt a resolution determining thatjduly published once a day for at least Section 2. Said bonds shall be sub- ' the series of fifty bond: the public interest and necessity of seven days in the Anaheim Daily Istantially in the following form, to- herein provided for shall b said city a Anaheim l demand the con- least lcxday a weele in saidssu y of �[ Bond United States of Ames, a� as "Anaheim Water � Work a fund to be known and structron and coin letion by the city of Anaheim of the following mumci Anaheim,a ment Bond, Interest and r p 'June 13t, 1921, June 14th, 1921, State of California, Fund," which fund is her( al improvement, viz.: a building for., Tune 15th, 1921, June !6th, 1921, City of Anaheim. municipal uses, containing offices for'and all taxes collected fo city officials, a room or chamber for !June 17th, 1921, Jane 18th, 1921, (Nature o Bond). ment of the principal and the holding of meetings of the Board'• and Jane 0th, 1921, and Anaheim, California, October 15th, said series of bonds secor of Trustees and other officers, bo ards l WHEREAS, at said special election, 1921. provided for, shall be pai" and tribunals of said city, rooms for';rnoa,e than two -thuds of the qualified On the 15th day of October, A. D. fund and said fund shall 1 the housing and safe keeping of pris-'electors of said city voting at said ............... the city of Anaheim, n mu-!theayment of the sum, oners of said city to be used for the special election, voteare the dd in favor of all nicipal corporation incorporated un-; for principal and purpose of a city jail and rooms antiiof the propositions aforesaid, and for der the laws of the state of Califon said bonds and for no oth quarters for the housing of fire ap-the incurring of all of said bonded nia, will pay to the bearer, at the The taxes so collected f< paratus of said city and for theidebt as aforesaid, and office of the city treasurer of said ment of the principal and necessary accommodation of. members' WHEREAS, all and singular the i city of Anaheim, in tithe said city of the series of thirty bonds tl of its fire department, the cost of the I provisions of an act of the Legisla- Anaheim, the sum of dol- in provided for shall be 1 construction and completion of which;ture of the state of California ell- i1ars, with interest thereon at the rate fund to be known and de: said inunici ai improvement was esti-titled, "An Act authorizing the in -'of six per cent per annum from the, «Anaheim Sewer Extension cp mated at cc�venty-five thou and curring of indebtedness by cities, date hereof, payable semi-annually, ($75,000.00) dollaes, which said cost towns and municipal corporations for'on the 15th day of April and the 15th terest and Redemption Fir as and is too great to be paid out I munici al improvements, and regu- day of October of each year that this, fund is hereby created an w pcollected for the payment c of the ordinary annual ircone anIllating the acquisition, construction oribond is to run, upon the presenia-�cipal and interest on sail revenue of said city of Anaheim; and completion thereof which became a';tion and surrender of. the interest bonds thirdly herein "{arc also determining that the public in-law- on the 25th day of February,�coupons hereto attached. Principal be paid into said fur terest and necessity demand the ac- j 1901, and all acts supplementary and interest payable in Gold Coin of fund shall be used for the quisition, construction and completion i thereto and amendatory thereof, and the United States of America._ i the sums .to become due fc by the city of Anaheim of the follow -'the law and the ordinances of said � This band is issued in pursuance of! ing municipal improvement, viz.: the city have been fully complied with so the provisions of an Act of the Legis-'fo anti other purpose. said acquisition, construction and comple- as to authorize the issuance of said l lature of the state of California, en- The taxes so collected fc tion of extensions and improvements bonds; titled, "An Act authorizing the in-IMent of-th, 'pr cipaY� to the water works of said city, consist -I curring of indebtedness by cities,!the series o five bonds fou ing of the drilling of a water well for NOW TH oI OREees of the city towns, and municipal corporations for'in provided for shall be I said city, and the installation of can- The I3 municipal improvements, and regulat- o; •Arriahcim do ordain as follows: ling the acquisition, construction andlfund to be known and de, ing therein, the acquisition of a water Section 1. That bonds of the city g q I Anaheim FA Pump Bon pump to be operated therein the a��of Anaheim, in the stun ,`'.one hun-completion thereof, which became a,land Redemption Fund," wh quisition, construction and instapa- law February 25th, 1901, and all acts tion of water main's and pipes and,"" and sixty thousand 0160,000.00) supplementary thereto and amenda-thereby created and all taxe the acquisition and in$tallatioa of fire be issued in accordance with tory thereof., for the payment of the pr - the provisions of an Act of the Legis-� Jinterest on said series of bo. hydrasti fon, consctr ctionlnandsc of pleellature of the state of California, en- It is further certified that all the,ly herein provided for-sh. titled. "An Act authorizing the incur -requirements of law and of� the ordi-into said fund and said aur ment f which sestiaid municipal thousand"" I ing of indebtedness by cities, toNvns: nances of the city. of Anaheim have, used for the payment of tl ($50,000.00) dollars, which said cost�and municipal corporation,, for mull -1 so opli � with by thofpthps�hecome due for the princil was and is too great to be paid out cipal improvements, and regulating; g terest on said bonds and fc of the ordinary annual income an&the acquisitation, construction or corn- !bond; that this issue of bonds has purpose. letion thereof," which became a 1ANv been authorized by the vote of two- Section 4. The series revenue of said city; p thirds of all voters on the uestion February 25th, 1901, and all -acts sup-� q bonds first herein provide And also determining that the pub- plementary thereto and amendatory of such issue at a special election duly, be known and designated lie interest and necessity demand the thereof, and with the ordinances of and regularly called and held in said cipal Building Bonds" an construction and completion by the ;said city. ( city on the 19th day of July, 1921, and I coeds from the sale there city of Anaheim of the following i' That said bonds shall be negotiable that the total amount of this issue; l placed in the treasury of municiquisition land pnstx}uctiorvof additions lin form and shall he iesued in four i !together does nplot nth ltl edagg aggregate exceed said:ebtedness of the credit of a fund to N to and extensions of the sewer sys- � ser'ies. The first. of said series shall fifteen percent of the assessed value �' Municipal Building Fun( icm of said city consisting of the ac-lbha,l1ibe ofety iatiie rdcnomin tinnf of bomb, of all the real and personal property'tj elpurpose forshall be awhich saplied id] quisition, construction and installa of the said city of Anaheim, nor does tion of sewer pipes, man holes, flush, thousand ($1,000.00) dollars each and exceed the limit prescribed by the issued. tanks, and all other necessary mater -;thirty of which shall be of the denoni-'constitution and laws of the state of, The series of fifty bone ials therefor and all necessary ap-ination of five hundred ($500.00) dol therein provided for shall fiances with which to equip and com- Mars each and shall be numbered con- California. and designated as "Water p q' p That before or at the time of in - I` plot; said additions to and cost the elusisecutve; thenarbonc numbereone to d one (1) g Brom the Salle thereof and th of said sewer system, he cost of the! ' Currin the indebtedness evidenced construction and completion of wbrc,l � shall be of the denomination of one hereby provision has .been made for I in the treasury of said " said municipal improvement was esti-'thousand ($1.000.00) dollars, the bond i the collection of an annual tax suf- l credit of a fund to be knov mated at thirtv thousand (�Rn.nnn nnl !numbered two (2) s'riall be of the�ficient to pay the interest on such matedWorks Improvement 7 rvuc. sna -a -nen e(c :iI y ilio r. cin nrnrron— ,f. L C+ 7:.(1 .., l 7i,lU ) F�. it I,( if 1 7 i 1 S ai .l u h anti,a� f e m<r i 1 t rd con l'al o n:a, herein provided for 8hikit� i it 1 `a nu , t ., , l: 1 c t before or at the and designated as "Water .W a e of in- iplete aid a.drtlrns to and extensions �ecutrve from tint to rnu�� n�;tlt in- cath n;�r the indebtednesstimvidenced� t , c,usrvc the bond. nc ialwl � one (1, 1provement Bonds and the o s;trd leave :��eni, "Ile co. =t of he he1.c,b�. iron the sale thereof shall b �consttuction and completion of who �'shail be of the denownia,*o. of one. 1)rovision has been made foriin the treasury of said cit said r municipal irncomple ion was esti- trousand (51.0(;.00) colla,-, therbonci't]te collection of an annual tax suf-� y "` s. all be o� tho'ficr"nt; to pay the interest on such in-'credit of a find to be known Imated at thirty thousand ($:`10.000,00) ntnnbcred two (�) debtedness as At falls due and also Works Improvement Fur i dollars, A: hick _..rid cost Nva . and i renomination of one rousand 061.000.00) dollars and tic bond rro inion to constitute a sinkingfund the same shall be applied ex lire ordr- n� nary great a be paid out of for t;e for the purpose for which sa nary annual income and revenue of numbered three (2) shall tie of t e payment of the principal p denomination of f i e Iundtc „thcreaf on or before maturity. IwT issued. ff'aid girt, �', .�':� hc,n�r.' f ($500.00 dollars, anti The series of thirty bond, Anti trso dct:tnrin ng that U,c pub- ) t I-�i WITNESS WHEREOF, the said herein provided for shall b. bearing ci number h itch i mnitiV c city of Anaheim has caused this bondland designated as "Sewer, E lie interest and necessity demand the of three (°1) shall be, of Ili( denonri 'to be signed by the_ executive of said'Bonds" and the proceeds i ,.cquisition by the city of Analteinr of nation of five hundred ($.;Ot.00) clot-�, municipality the following munietpal imprm ginner, homer rality, to-wit: the president of ' sale thereof shall be lace �viz.: a certain fire apparatus for said lays, and all of said bonds earing the Lo trcl of.'Trurstecs 'of said cit of j trl•asur p Y y of sa( ,. qty to the (city, to-wit: a sortable fire ruts r. the. number not ;� niultrpte of „regi snaliAnalrca.. x d iso by the treasurer cf�a fund tc be crown as "Sr 1 l i be of the denomination of t,v thou said city, and to be countersigned cost of the acquisition of which sa, s $1,000 00 dollars. g ed by l tension Fund," and, the sa �munici al improvement was estimated and ('` ) the clerk of said city, and the torpor- be applie(L exclusively for thf linconic at fivethousand (.$5,000.00) dollars,Said bonds shall he so nutli iec asiate seal of said city to be affixed1for which said bonds were i which said cost was and is too great to make two one thousand (I'm00.00),'thereto; and said city has also caused) The series of five bonds to be paid out of the ordinary annu t dcliar bonds, and one fisc hirnd, td`the coupons thereto attached to be Iherein provided for shall b and revenue of said city; and 0500.00) dollar bond, pay,hic) each numbered consecutively and signed byiand designated as "Fire Pum ,year the treasurer of said city of Anaheim. and the proceeds from the sz WHEREAS, the president of tr c That the second of said c res shall C of shall be placed in the tie of Trustees of said city, oN ho is' be fifty in number of the ccaulur -------.--------- .............._ . e said city to the credit of a ft; �tl'e executive rf said rnun cipalit ,Ition of one thousand ($1,, 0.�") dol-I President o�. the Board of Trustees known as "Fire Pump Fund," 1did, on the 11.clay of May, 1921, fitly falai- each and shall be numb rd fi mn � of the City of Anaheim. same shall be applied exclus: 'ands legally approve said resolution of.one to fifty both inclasivc-•--•---............ ------ ••• the purpose for which saidbor said Board of Trustees; and That the thud of said Seri, shall!, l ieasur-t of the City of Anaheim. issued. lTrusteesZof the city ofcAnaheini did tion ofone,thousand ($1,000.U)lrclol-ICoun e,Nrgned .� � F Th�„i�� „ r t ttf t e �----•........... . ...•-- - �-- -----�-- • ,y o �• passage of this o Ithereaftei, at its mectmg held on the lays each and shall be nunibe,l from, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim and shall cause the same to �9th day of June, 1921, by a vote or one to thirty both inclusive 1 That interest coupons shall be at- lished once in the Anaheim Da trore than two-thirds of all its men -', That the fourth of said cry •-hair,tached to each of said one hundred aid, a daily newspaper,of gen bens, duly pass and adopt an ordi-.he five in number of the dcnoInat on, and ^vent$-five bonds representing culation printed, published an nonce "calling and ordering a specs'. of one thousand (51,000 001 cW11 n s cac installment of inte-est to accrue lated in said city and thereul election in the said city of 4naheie a 'each and sh lt,be numbere,l frim once on Stich bond up to the maturity thereafter the same shall take to be held on the 19th day; or July!to five both inclusive, thereof, Nvliich said interest coupons an] be in full force, 1921, for the purpose of submitting The bond n each evi(-s, tall bei shall be numbered consecutively, be- ".he foregoing Ordinance T ito the qualified electors of said cit paid in the order of their iAmber- ,ginning at number one (1) and shall�wa4 passed and adopted by the 1�iing the following propositions for incur consecutively in tire, follot~:in mr an ,be iii ,,artially in the fo1_lowing form, of1xustees of the city of Arrdh indebtedness by net,. of the first o{ said xeric berm Ito-wit: a regular meeting of ,saidBo a series of ninety% bonds, t�� orf sau! , No.--------- --------- (Amount of Bond) Tr tees held on the 25th da sax cit-, .o-«� . F'II:S1'. A proposition �o incur a bonded indebtedness by the city of 'bonds of the denomination of cu+ I On the 15th day of . gn 1921, and the same is ap Anaheim to the amount of seventy-Itnouaand (w' Omij.00) doilies ii z e lnu,nth. of maturity), A. D..attested by ire this 25th five thousand 075,000.00) doll ars for one of said bonus of the deno,-natronl (year of maturity),the city of Ana- A ist, 1921. rthe purpose of the construction an(llof five hundred ($500.00) doll_; slialPheim promises to pay to the bearer completion by the city of Analrein of 11 , paid on the 15th day of toi r at th office of the city treasurer of the following municipal improvement,�1922, and two of said one t)usanct the city of Anaheim the sum of esid6nir viz.: a building for muniuprl uses_ (51,000.00) dollar bonds rndone m -_._ _ in Gold Coin of the United of the city of Anaheim. g y e t r State. of America, the semi-annual AtAD t t: containing offices for cit officials, a ,trill five hundred 05000( ,colla interest due of ................(nature of (S L) EDWARD B. MERE room of chamber for the holding of , bonds upon tine l5t r c ay o octo ren meetings of the. Board of Trustees i of each and every year tr a tea at bowl } No. . .. ....... ... (no. of bond C Clerk of the City of and other officers, boards and tri) u the office or the cit} urasu ( Of s ar.; to uch coupon is attached). ) mals of said city, rooms for the hour •city, together with intere, on all Section 2. That the president of Stat of California, ) Ing and safe keeping of pr isone•s of sum unt;ai:l at such date ;tit the .1 the Boai d of Trustees of -the city of . C my of Orange, ss. said city to be used for the purpose principal and interest on alof si,i(IAnahc:m, being the executive of the ty of Anrheim. ) Iof a city jail and rooms and quarters ninety barrel arc', the nionc�there.�y',munic iality, and the city treasurer I, dward B. Merritt, city c for the housing of fire apparatus of represented shalt have been aid, the of .till city, are hereby authorized the c y of Anaheim, do hereby said city and foe the nese liar-; u. ar'te being and coustitutinl an rn 1 once directed to sign all the bonds that he foregoing ordianet r �commodation of members of its fi ;nual payinent of fire sum o'tw­ ntti beiein provided for, and the city clerk trodu6d at a regular meeting department. five hundred (;;2,500.00) do ars on of said city is hereby authorized and Boardo£ Trustees of the city SECOND. A proposition to fru a thr pct rcila tl of said bony N��h c r 1 girl re c ted to countersign the same and heim 1n the lith day of Augu; and tjat the same was a bonded indebtedness by the city o� - ;id . m iS not less tl an on 'ortietu' affix the corporate seal of the city of -pas; Anaheim to the amount of fifty thou. dart of said indebt dnc,s. Anaheim thereto, and the city treas- adoptel by a vote of more th and $50 000.00 dollars for fire run- I Or the �e.cond >! :aid sow: , nc ur�c� (.f sand city is hereby authorized thirds `of its members at a I� (: ) 1 .pose of the acquisition, eonstnuction ring a aerie i t'iftr (50) bort, afore .:.0 dinette d to sign the interest cou- l meeting thereof held on the f and completion by the city- of Ant ; said. two of said bo ids sl alba pad pian of said bonds by having his! of August, 1921, by ;heim of the following munuitlal 'rrr on the 15t1i d v o October. )22, ani na.rfi printed or lithographed here- vote: proyenient, tri.: the acquisition, can- two upon the 7Fotlr day oI Corer of on; anti said bonds shall be delivered Ayes, Trustees Stark, Backs struction and completion of extenaion�, tach and e eie, year the ee tate at the by said cit. clerk to said city treasur- Mann and Gibbs. i and i.npcovements to the v,ater �1 or' Office of r he city tr easu. e, of s .,l er in such amount as the Board of Noes, Trustees, none. of said city, consisting of drilling a city, together ib inti ie, on all j fru to .s of said city may from time to Absent and not voting, water well ior said city and the, m sums unpaid at such date iti:, the ric oetermine, none. staliation of casing thereii. he pili c ileal and int" cst on al of sires l Section For the purpose of pay- And I further certify that quisition of a Nv iter rmirtl to be opn ftp hoard , :and c nior ( )there b ing the principal and interest of said'dinance was duly and regul �ated t}Sierra fire acgt r�ition const"'Ill n',°e -lull! eve bee raid, t r horde t,'.u, P,oard of Trustees of the proved by William Stark, tl tion and installation of water• main !sa') ,o heirrf: argil o n�tiil _ i an mcity of' Anaheim shall at the time of dent of the Board of Trustee ianr]pis and the au cisition surd rn .vn !Inial par 1 i .1; tiw :r of � fixing the general tax levy and in thecity of Anaheim, on the 25t] stallatron of fire hyydrants for sat I11,110r-anu (5 vUO.(`Oj doilaisr;n thc ;manner for such general tax levy pro- August. 1921. city. principal or said bond.,. Sieh sal i'vid<d, levy and collect for the several IN WITNESS WHEREOF THIRD. A proposition to ince t =.etre is riot lc ih1an one- folrth paint ( fund., hereinafter provided for,,, an-,hereunto set my hand and af: bonded indebtedness by the cit,: of,of ,argil rode r�cdne� 1 e ,e-.lei t nuaily, oaeh year, until such bonds seal of said city this 25t1 s{ Ar.aheim to the amount of ILI' '� CJf lire thnvl o�' ace paid, or until there shall be a sum August, 1921. Ithow,nnd 0,10,00(1,00) doll.ai of shirty` (:10) bond onr:s.r d, in Ile(tr,n4ury of Said city set apaitl(SEAL) EDWARD B. ME purpose of t.ho eonia.rnction ;incl torr,- rine of s;nlel hi,ml : .alt el( hei,ai,l „,t ,o. that. purt,o>;e sufficient to meet all; City Clerk of the City of f Ar- r of the ( the 15th day of October, 1922, and ums becoming due for the principal Il ement. i one upon the 15th clay of October of and interest on all said bonds, taxes ATIUN an uctron'I each and eery year thereafter, at the sufficient to Pay the annual interest IT �� ����� ext4nsrons of til �otfice of the crtY treasurer of the city on said bonds, and also such part of d city consistuit iof Anaheim, together with tilt inter-Iche principal thereof as shall become astruction and in- est on all 'sums unpaid at such date due before the time for fixing the levy. Said taxes L� Sipes, man holes,until the principal and interest on aWilext general tax s OF other nect ssary � of said thirty bonds and the money i shall be in addition to all other taxes nd all necessary i thereby represented shall have been l evie l be for c mound at the same time an l paid, the sand me being and constituting uip -- ch to egan<, ex --- -- - ions to ' ex -,an annual pt.yment of the sum of one and in the same manner as other mas u - IN THE system. thousand ($1,000.00) dollars on ark collectedt shall be forthwith axes are �paiddinto 11 position to incur Principal of said bonds, which for ALD s by tlic cite of sum is not less than one fortieth part t1�� wascleviedf andscollected; which the �I�EIM DAILY `TIER 11 nt of five taxon of said indebtedness; ouh of taxes so rs for the port', oe series five (o)sbondsraforesad �rSiThe f the for tile nby the city o.�ia the series of ninety bonds first herein owing municipal, one of said bonds shall be paid on the p ovided for shall be paid into a fund certain {ire ap- 15th day of October, 1922, and one on to be known and designated o "Ana - to -wit: a Porgy-it�te 15th day of October h each andlheim Municipal Building Bond, Intr- le�-ery year tbereafter, at the office c{' number 402 andch �the city treasurer of the city of Ana -,est and Redemption Fund"; wh.e duly- ntr'ociuced'ibeirn together with the interest on fund is hereby created and all taxes of til Sad all sums unpaid at such date, until collected for the payment of the prin- gdf the ab+h the principal and inter est on all of c ipal nd interest on said series o1 I said the , .ce: s aid fire (5) bonds and the money l onds fust herein provided for shall tilt pre�icfci�tithere'uy represented shall have beenjbe paid into said fund and said fund of (- president of ,Paid, the same being and constituting'shall be used for the payment of the Lie executive ofian annual payment of the sum of one Isums to become due :for the principal e executive day of ithousand ($1,000.00) daBars on the 1and interest on said bonds and for no ,principal of said bonds which said sum other purpose. :is not less than one -fortieth part of The taxes so collected for the pay - ordinance was'said indebtedness.meat of the principal and interest of day for at 1 e ast I Section 2. Said bonds shall be sub the series of fifty bonds secondly j nahe,hn Daily i stantialiy in the following fors", to- � herein provided for shall be paid into l pu',l;s,cd at -wit: �a fund to be known and designatedove-i � in said city of Bond No -.-...- ..._.--- Series No....... as "Anaheim Water Works Impr igular issues of Lmted States of America, irent Bond, Interest and Redemption '6e 14i1r, 1921,;, State of California, �tFund which fund is hereby created ane 16th, 1921, City of Anaheim. ;and all taxes collected for the pay - lie ]-8th, 1921,1; (Nature of Bond). ment of the principal and interest on nd I,Anaheim, California, October 15th, maid series of bonds secondly herein ,pecia; ejection, 1921. provided for, shall be paid into said funansfiord shall be used for )f t]re qualified ' on the 15th day of October, A. d and D. ,the payment of the sum to become voting at said ...1. the city of Anaheim, p mu clue for the principal and interest on in favor of all nrcipan l corporation incorporated u- resaid, and foa ! der the laws of the state of Califa-- I said bonds and for no others Purpose. of said bonded nia, will pay t the bearer, at the The taxes so collected for the pa,y- ioffice of the city treasurer of said -1 meat of the principal and interest of, I lir ul ar th< 'city of Anaheim, in the said city Of i the series of thirty bonds thirdly bere- isla ;Anaheim, the sarin Of _..----- -- dol -;i f til; LeY'., � in provided for shall be paid into ai. alijornia, en Tars, with interest thereon at the rate'Ifund to be known and designated as E ziu the in iof six per cent per annum from the�"Anaheim Sewer Extension Bond In s br cities ,date hereof, payable semi-annually, terest and Redemption Fund," wbrchl1 )rporatrons for'on the 15th day of April and the 15th fund is herebv created and all taxes? ts, ar_d regi day of October of each year that this collected for the paynn�nt of the pro- �.onstruction or bond is to ren, upon the present i cipal and interest on said series of rich became tion and surrender of the interestj k onds thirdly herein provided for,l of Febr nary,', coupons hereto attached. Principal i, shall be paid into said fund and saidi l.sup llenientar� nand interest payable in Gold Coin o�lfund shall be used for the payment Of tbareo£, an,Cthe United States of America. !tile sums to become due for the prin-� ancas ol- said i This bond is issued in pursuance of cipal and interest on said bonds and "plied with Sd the, provisions of an Act of the Legr £or no other purpose. uanit of said iatuie of the state of California, en , The taxes so collected for the pay titled, "An Act authorizing the n 'naent of iii.,; principal and interest of curring of in by cities !the series of five bonds fourthly here s c' the city ;towns, and municipal corporations forin provided for shall be paid into municipal improvements, and regulat ,fund to be known and designated a of Anaheim do ordain as fOlOWs: ing the acquisition, constiuction and i,, Fir" Pump Bond, Interes rein, the acgrisition of a water Section 1. That bonds �' the city completing. 'hereof." «hich hecam i •rod Redemption Fund," which fund i9 ;o be operated therein, �hc a�- i of Anaheim, in the Suni 'one hu Z I law I ebruai y 25th, 1901, and all acts "hereby created and all taxes collected n, construction and rns�alla- oied and sixty diousanci ($1.a0,000.00) �upplementary thereto and amentia -!for the payment of tine principal ani water mains, and pipe and dollars be issued in accord0,rce wathstory thereof. 1interest on said series of bonds fourth uisition and -r;.-callatron of fir^ tl7e provisions of an Act of the Leg It is further certified drat all thelly herein provided for shall be par Sor said city, the cost of the,the of the stale of California, cn Lion, construction and couple ,titled. "An Act au.tiloiizing, till' inctr , i reqs of uiremnts of law and o£ tilt oidi- j into ,diel fund and .said fund si1a11 which said municipal improve -1 i.in of indebtedness ba cine` `ria: ;benn fully conmplied witle city of ibylrthe prop- becomeim have use(l e�due efor the nprincipal and it as estinra�ed at fifty thousand and municipa' corrrnations t? r;auri 0.00) dollars, whxh said co;t'a al improver. and reguiatiag rz office=is for the rssu�ng of tfr tei�st on said bonds and for no othe A is too gacat to be paid out Ithe acqu�sitation, construction or tom- bond; that this issue o; bonds has Il>arpose. letion thereof," which beta re a Ia`' been authorized by the vote of two -I Section 4. The series of ninet ordinary annual income all,, i+ thirds of all voters on the question bord first herein provided for spa e of .:rid city; February 25th, 1901, and all cts sup I be known, and designated of such issue at a special election tial, mated as "Mum also detcrinining that the ptub-�plementary thereto and amendatory cipai Building Bonds" and the lin hest and necessity demand thereof, and Nvith the onliminecs of,and regularly called and held in said etion and completion bye the city 01-1 the 19th day of Joh 1921, and coeds from the sale thereof shall said city. that the total amount of this issue, plated in the treasury of said city f Anaheim of thefollowinm;' I That said bonds shall be ne,�otianle together. with all indebtedness of said the credit of a lural to be known pal improvement, viz.: tare ac- lin form and shall nc r ued .n fou'c,ty does not in t:he aggregate exceed, `'Municipal Building r'und" and tl cn and c�r.,truc�ion of ndditior4! rifteeil percent of the assessed value, 'sanne shall be applied exclusively f ries The first of caul series sh ill i extrxrsu z . - 01, ane a xu �hicl t, r P P tlic purpose for °a t ri �lrhallt be of rthermcnomrn ata,rrt o,. o -e' rich said bonds we t of all �e lea, ant personal cont tv T c`ri consistent of tui ac of the said city of Anaheim nor does issued. on, constracticn anal rnstaLa i,,-}ious.ncl 01,000.00) dollareach and, C sewer n res min !soli i f�ua- it e ci ed the limit pLescr•ibed by the The series of .fifty bonds second and all ��� ler ,ec...ain ate t'.irty of w•); ch shall be uf' tl.e dnoni �acon�n`ntion and laws of the state o� �hercin provided for shall be knot uercPor anal all1. nett; u ion of fire hur.d�ed (y'S00.00l dol-�,Calnorn11 ia. and designated as "Water Works I es lith l.aelr +.o ('quip rn:a r li�r l«, u'h and ;hall be ni:ni, r eo con- Thai h_efore pr oyeirient Bonds" and the procee said additions to and extension :,'nU c corn one ' ui.i in * the inuehtedne5stinevil r nced �',;'rom the .-;ale thereof shall be plat 1 hr;1i m + �o rn net o .,ewee :;tem, ,he cost of tiro a.uiive; t ne bpm nunihcr<ii one s,l),inere.hy� provision has been made fo im the treasury of said cit�.� to t actio 1 quail be of t< der�on nat,wi o1 ore credit of a fi id to be 1mown as "NV n an, cou•a ction of wine`, tido collection of an annual tax ,uf- thru.anu 0a 1'00 00) tic nr4, tile bona t est on such in colli ,;ai u:;rro�enrrmi was e. -4i_ ficin o ]jai the inter, iter Works 1.mp�onomon* Fund,' a a u. �a, _* - tliour„incl ($�i0,0011.00) r ;nohured ,vvo (2) ala t -' o.•l, r 1't alt; dtr+ and also, ,-he rr. - r} 'i �:clnsiee n41 }) 1 �i x' bon l other and necessary naater-_ tmrcy of wn c.' ,-1- `,� r c,te r, --Icongti.tutiou and tati+ of the state d; or an� �� _���� �.,•�.� ination of hundred (4,00.00) dol- California, herein provided for shall be known th which to equip and cam ,tars each and shall be numbered con and designated as "Water Works Inn additions to and extensions secutive front one. to ninety, both in That before or at the time of in -j` ceeds ,,or system, the cost of thelelusive; the bend numbered one (1) curring the indebtedness evidenced �hro171etthe t a13on�tereof and shalh bthe e a and completion of which l shall be of the denomination of one liHereby provision has been made for 1 thousand 1.000.00 dollars, the bond'the collection of an annual tax sof-lin the treasury of said city to the ,pal improvement was esti-� ($ ) credit of a fund to be known as "Wa airty thousand ($30,000.00) intnnbered two (2) sl -al] be of the,ficient to pay the interest on such in- ter Works Improvement P�md," and + l debtedness as 1ft falls due and also, p rich said cost was and rs,denomination of one housan<Ii irovision to constitute a sinking fund tr" sar.ie shall be applied exclusively o be raid out of the ordi i ($1.000.00) dollars; and tlto bond,'1 it income and revenue of i numbered three (3) shall be of the for the pa}� ment of the principal ,for the purpose for which said bonder denomination of f i v e lundred thereof on or 1 efore maturity. IV. -ere issued. deternvning that the pith -1 ($500.00) dollars, and 1' o`''"' band;' IN 1�'IT:tirESS WHEREOF, the said hereinThe ries of thirty bonds thirdly wn and ne e ssity demand the bear pgea 3uinber h ich ithe `de ltiple city of Anaheim has caused this bond andesignate 1 as ided o "Se shall er, Fxtensio r. by the city of Anaheim of, ( ) to be signed by the executive of said Bonds", and the proceeds from th, ration of five hundred ($5011.00) clot-;mmiici ag municipal improvement i1r� and all of said bonds iearin ai pality to wit: the president of s ie thereof shall be placed in the ain fire a g . -the Board of Tri.ttees of said cit of tiasur} of said city to the credit:, pe fire s for said: Xnaheinr, ane, ::.lso by the treasurer of ! a Ffi:md to be known as "Sewer a portable fire pump +he, number not a multiple of tlree shall, acquisition of which saui ne of the denomination of r .e thoa -fsaid city, and to be countersigned byitu�,sion bund," and, the same shall 1 and ($1,000.00) dollars. (the clerk of said city, and the torpor-lbe applied exclusively for the purpose nisandem 5, was) doll estimated late seal of said city to be affixedlfor which said bonds were issued. iusand ($5,000.00) dollars,1 Said bonds shall be so nus�ierec, as cost was and is too g�eat��to make two one thousand (� 000.00);thereto; and said city has also caused; The series of five bonds fourthly out of the ordinary annu 1 dollar bonds, and one five h.'indred I the coupons thereto attached to be herein provided for shall be known revenue of said city- and l ($500.00) dollar bond, pay,blo each � nu nbered consecutively and signed b; and designated as "Fire Pump Bonds" year. the treasurer of said city of Anaheim. I and the proceeds from the sale there- rus,teeseoflsaidcctt of wholis�,beThat fift (lin number of the rcnoimna shallf ,;aid seiies of shall be placed in the treasury of y i ---- -- ---- --------- i said city to the credit of a fund to be ve of said municipahtt-,Ition of one thousand ($1,000.00) dei -1 President of the Board of Trustees;known is "Fire Pump Fund," and the 12day of May, 1921, duly, lags each and shall be numbered from of the City of Anaheim, � sante scall be applied exclusively for approve said resolution ofione to fifty both inclusive. - - -- _ ------------• the purpose for which said bonds were of Trustees; and That the third of said y of Anaheim. series lrall 1 easui er of tine Cit V, the said Hoard of be iliii4y in_namber of tt �teinrmna-;Count rs pert: issued. sa id city of Anaheim did ition of one thousand ($1,000.0) dol �------------ this i nc .a . � i� -. � to y to t rc passage of this ordinance at its meeting held on the,lars each and shall be nurnberxd from City Clerk of the City of Anaheiniland shall cause the same to be pub - June, 1921, by a vote of ',one to thirty both inclusive. That interest coupons shall be at fished once in the Anaheim Daily Her - two -thirds of all its mem-I That the fourth of said seris shall tached to each of said one hundred aid, a daily newspaper of general cir- pass and adopt an ordi- he five in number of the denoiiination; and seventy-five bonds representing cuiation printed, published and circu- �rg and ordering a special 11 of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars i each installment of inte, est to accrue lated in said city and thereupon and the said city of Anaheim, j each and shall.,be, numbered loin oneOn on such bond up to the maturity thereafter the same shall take effect on the 19th day of Jul -,,,!to five both inclusive. jthereof, which said interest coupons aril be in full force, he purpose of subnrittingj The bonds in each series shall W -Shall be numbered consecutively, be -1 The foregoing Ordinance No. 40`. tried electors of saki city,�paid in the order of their nrmbers�girming at number one (1) and shall passed and adopted by the Board ag propositions for incur- consecutively in the following man- be substantially is the following form, of `Trustees of the city of Anaheim, at rdness by said city, to -,i t: net-: of the first of said series, being I to -wit: I a regular meeting of said Board of A proposition to incur a a series of ninety bonds two hf said No. _...-..-... (Amount of Bond) Trustees held on the 25th day of Au- elite -meas by the city o.:,houds of the denomination of cmel On the 15th day of .. ... ------------ gu,4, 1921, and the same is approved o the me amount of Sevnty- thousand -($1,000.00) dollars etch gnu (month of tnatuiit,yJ , A D �- andattested by me this 2,ith�cla, of rid ($75,000.00) dollars for,one of said bonds of the denoiiination (year of maturity), flhe e3+y_of Ani, fqums`, 1921. of the construction and of five hundred ($500.00) doll; "hail he im promises to pay to the roarer bar the city of Anaheiva of �be paid on the 15th day of )ctoi �r, � at the office of the city t,°easurer of I WM. STARK, ig municipal improvement,11922, and two of said one tiousand the city- of Anaheim the sum of 1,-esident of the Board of Trustcos Iding for municipal uses I ($1,000.00) dollar- bonds and one of .---- .. - in Gold Coin of the United of the City of Anaheim. affices for city' officials 1 said five hundred ($500.00 dolly I States of America, the semi-annual Attcst: amber for the holding or honds upon the 15th day of Oetoberlinterest due of---------- -------- .(nature of (SE -L) EDWARD B. MERRITT f the Board of `Prustees of each and every rear therafter a, bond). No.. _..._- .. - .. _ (no. of bond Ci;,� Clerk of the City of Anaheim, ifficers, boards and trrbu- the office of the city Treasure of said 'to h,hich coupon is attached). city, rooms fol the nous- l city, together with interest on all i Section 2. That the president of State of California, ) 'c keeping of prisoners of 1 stuns unpaid at such date, ntit the l th - Board of Trustees of the city oft - Cornty of Orange, )ss. > be used for the purpose principal and interest on al; of s id', Anaheim, being the executive of the I (ity of An iheim. ) it and rooms and goal tris j ninety bonds and the money thea epi} mor u:paiity, and the city treasurer I, Idward B. Merritt, city clerk of ising of fire apparatus of represented shall have been aid, the of said city, are hereby authorized lthe ci,y of Anaheim, oto hereby certify and for the necessary ac. sante being and constituting an an- and directed to sign all the bonds that .he foregoing ordiance was in- n or members of its I'r'e ; nual payment of the sure oltwnnty-' he ein provided for, and the city clerk l troduced at a regular meeting of the ,five hundred ($2,500.00) downs on, of said city is hereby authorized an& Boardof Trustees of the city of. Ana - A proposition to in<ui i the principal of said bone,, w h c h l dii cc ted to countersign the same and hemi cn the 11th day of August, 1921, ,debtedness by the city o` :said suin is riot less tram om;'ortsetn'afiix the corporate seal of the city- of!and tlat the same was passed and the amount of fifty thous 'part of said indebt chte>s Annheiin thereto, and the city b(,,as-l,adoptel by a vote of more than two - 10.00) dollars for the pur-i Of the second of said sexes, he � ui c. of said city is hereby authorized l thirds of its members at a regular e acquisition, construction ling a series of fifty (50) bons afore-�aixl directed to sign the interest cou-'meeting thereof held on the 25th day .tion by the city of Ani , said, two of said bonds shat be pad ! pons of said bonds by having his � of August, 1921, by the following e following municipal m on the 15th day of October, )32, and,nanw printed or lithographed there ,,vote: viz.: the acquisition, con -!two upon the 15th clay of Ctober of on, and said bonds shall be delivecedi Ayes, Trustees Stark, Backs, Gates, Id completion of extensions;eaci and every yea,- theicaftr at the',by said city clerk to said city treasur-l-Alami and Gibbs. cn cut; to the water r ;rotk of t'w city treasn , of said, er in such amount as the Board of Noes, Trustees, none. N consi�tir:g of :city, together with intoe un11 Trustees of said city uhay front time to Absent and not voting, Trustees, for said city nd th,�� in suits unpaid at ueh date rti; tIo tri e (lei Pimme. none. if ening thei ;n, the c p,1rincipal and interest or al Of saki! Section For the purpose of pay- And i fuithen certify that said or - z �, to� pu:;ip to be open- ,civ bonds a.nd i'ie moic .�theich} uhg the piinsopal and interest of said;dnInce was duly and regularly ap- :1, the acquisition. constrac-� I-ep issented shall 1ra.ve bc, npaid, thr!Bonds, tlio Board of Trustees of they proved by,� William Stark, the presi- ratallation or water main,sanu� being and en�titt an an !city a1.' Anaheim shall at the {,ime os'!dent of ilia Board of rosters of said ind theuuisition and in - !nail li`rynt, i nof 1,11i,i, o'-'%o;fixing the general tax levy and in the city of Anaheim, on the 25th day of if fire li.vcirants for sai; Itbo (` a 1,and x,000.001 „u irsen tile'nhanner for such t,rneral lax levy pro- ,August. 1921. iirincipal of said bonds rich said'vided, levy and collect fmr the several 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have A proposition to incur (',sum is not 1<. thin on,�- toroth. part�funcis ]ieieinafter provided fol, an -'!;hereunto sit nr,;- hand and affixed the Prbtedness by the cite oi'of said indebtedness. nuilly, each tear, until such bonds'seal of said city this 25th day of to the '111101111t of tli t Of' the third of said seri :beirrei a <n , paid, or until there :shall be a sura Aurc i ust;, 1921. w:.0,{400.001 diiihti., for ib. :.rile; of tiio tv (.,0) bond. ore,a d, in il,o1ri> isury of :<iirl city' set alinrt (S1.AL) EDWARD tai MERRITT r,d i oI ;rill o- ;dui hr>n+1.7 :;II;k11 i,i,rst+,i +1.r for- that mire' o;e , i,i i'irionl lo n er all i,it,, c11,,!; of" dw CTT;' of Annheim, 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0RDL-:`-711vC`1, i' 0. 406 "In Ordinance providing for the issuance and redemption of bonds of the Jity of .1naheil,'i in the sum of seventy-five -Thousand ( ,75,000.00) Dollars, nor the purpose of the construction and completion by the City of Anaheim of the following municipal improvement, viz: a building g for municipal uses, containing -- offices for City Officials, a room or chamber for the holding of C) meetings of the Board of Trustees and other officers, boards and tribunals of said City,, rooms for the housiln- and safe k0eping 0 of prisoners of said ',".ity to be used for the purpose of a City Jail and.rooms and quarters for the housing, of fire ar-paratus xd of said City and for the necessary accommodation of members of .Lus fire department; Also providing for the issuance and redemption of bonds of the City of Anaheim in the sum of ifty Thousand (t,50,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of the acquAsition, construction and Completion by the City of .',na-heim of the following municipal improvement, provement, viz: teie acquisition, construction and completion of extensions and ii-.orove.,rients to the water works of said City, oonsistin0 - of the drilling of a water well for said City, and (j 1. IN T*L,"-- BJA'-D 0-?' "Y 2 3 IN TIE` OF OIU'; OR L10111- 301-1.1) D :TXEBT� 3Y 'IIP LF CITY 4r 1 0- '1"" -1tj-,)7) 0"' LZUUT-]111 -'10IR 70-J'A'A ; �Jla 1- L-. 1 LJ �J J'l 0'3 107—rn�uCf',ITO d--. 1) 5 Y2. 'I _U' I" I, COQ LT i3y '�Ijl) `T�ly 07 T I TT3- TI -Er. ' Q, r CON .:)T -RUC T 101" COML��j-*� TJ. J7 7 -L,: D )I" Y 0 —)CTY7 )101.11 ',-�SD 7 IF11 � I lj�l 0 1 IT 1-'� 0 V 01" I ON Opti' 2y; rp �j: :-.)12i.ID ClIr :R1 3101, ,S) IR U 0' T" 10 -17D 'J` 10 -1 0? -`;.D'j)ITIO1-T6 TO J�D 11-1, 1, T � )1 0 1,1 -1 -11T 1 1 0:`1 3,A. ID T";' -Z 10 U I:'* I'�` T J)" O. �,,l _A, : ) - ) A V' ) I i - - - -.L"JLU - 0' T D C ITY 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0RDL-:`-711vC`1, i' 0. 406 "In Ordinance providing for the issuance and redemption of bonds of the Jity of .1naheil,'i in the sum of seventy-five -Thousand ( ,75,000.00) Dollars, nor the purpose of the construction and completion by the City of Anaheim of the following municipal improvement, viz: a building g for municipal uses, containing -- offices for City Officials, a room or chamber for the holding of C) meetings of the Board of Trustees and other officers, boards and tribunals of said City,, rooms for the housiln- and safe k0eping 0 of prisoners of said ',".ity to be used for the purpose of a City Jail and.rooms and quarters for the housing, of fire ar-paratus xd of said City and for the necessary accommodation of members of .Lus fire department; Also providing for the issuance and redemption of bonds of the City of Anaheim in the sum of ifty Thousand (t,50,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of the acquAsition, construction and Completion by the City of .',na-heim of the following municipal improvement, provement, viz: teie acquisition, construction and completion of extensions and ii-.orove.,rients to the water works of said City, oonsistin0 - of the drilling of a water well for said City, and (j 1. 1 the installation of casino, therein, the °acq,a i>.or of c v ate 2 -gum,- to be operated therein, the aecuisitio-r., construction and 3 installation of vtt€,.ter m ­.ins and. pipes and tree acquisition_ and i 4 install°tion of fire h77drants for said City; 5 I 111s0 rOVlCtIn,Y 10 th3 i;;. l._ ::1Co t_? rvdC'I?1ptlOn Of bonds I 6 of the City of =.nztheim in the Burn Of shirty 'hous',nd (")O,000.00) 7 ���� Dollars, for tho purpose of the constraction and completion by 8 the City of Anahe inn of the folloviing municip.l improvement, viz: 9 the acquisition and construction of additions to and extensions 10 „ of the sewer system of said City consisting of the acqusitions, 11 construction and installation of: sewer pipes, mar_ holes, flush 12 jj tanks, ,�Lr.id all other neeec-3sary materials therefor and all 13 necessary a-))liancesw;_t,h which to eoni�l and comrlete said ad -di - 14r jl tions to and extensions of said sewer system; -� 15 ii Also-oroviding for the issuance and redemotior, of bonds of 16 ;' the City of Anaheim in the sum of rive 'yhousand (165,000.00) 17 j'� :dollars, for the purpose of the tcqu.isitlon by the City of 18 j, Ana.leim of the follwoing municipal improvement, vi.x: a certain 19 fire apparatus for .paid City, to -wit: a portable fire >ump; 20 I' 21 i' All in accordance with and as authorized by a special 22 election held in said City on the / 9,4. ds.y of July, 1921. 23 24 flfii: n1 _;8 , the hoard of 'ruatee s of the City of t,nhe im, at I 25 its re ular r_leetinU held in said City on the 12th day of ";=a7, 192; ; 26 by a vote of more than two-thirds of the members of said Board i 27 of trustees did nass and adopt a resolution determining that the 28 public interest.nd r±ece; sit of s .id pity of ",raheiri d.emr_d 29 the construction and c oiimiet ion by t;he City of rimae inn of the 30 follwoing municipal improvement, viz: a building for municipal 31 ! uses, containing offices for '-'ity Officials, a room or chamber 32 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 for the holding of moatin�s of the 3oard of Trustees and other officers, boards and tribunals of said City, rooms for the Nous- f I � i in- and safe keepino- of -)ri loner -, of said City to be used for the -aur~nose of a City Tail ar_c rooms arid quarters for the housi.ri of fire, ao>>aratus of :ick ;itTr `a,nCi- i'or 15-117� nese ssary accommo- dation o (° members of its fire d.epartrnent, the cost of the j construction -Ind c ompletior- of which said munic i-, al improvement was estimated at ;_)evenly -five Tiou.sand ( �,-,75,000.CO) :Dollars, i which :said cost was and is too -rectt to be laid. out of the I ordinary annual income and revenue of said ";ity of iri .he iri; and also determining; that the public irit(-reat and necessity demand the acquisition, eonatviaa.tion and completion by the Jity of Anaheim of the followip- municipal improvement, viz: the acquisi- tion, construction ;md completion of extensions and improvements to the water v orbs of s --id ::it;r, consist-in� of the drilling; of a water well for said City, and the installation of ca,sin- therein, the acquisition of a eater)ump to be operated therein, the acquisition, construction and installation of tiva!-,er mains and I pipes and the acquisition and in:3tallati. on df fire hydrants, for said City, the cost of the acquisition, construction and comple- tion of which said municip-,l improvement was e stimateft at I'lifty j Thousand ("E0,000.00) Dollars, which said cost was and is too o,reat to be .id out of the oratdinary annual income and r -venue of said City; And also determinin- that the public interest and necessity demand the construction and completion by the -'ity of ar!aheim of the followin municipal improvement , viz: theacquisition and construction of additions to and extensions of the sewer system of s�.id City consistin-; of the acquisition, construction and installation of sexier pipes, man holes, flush tanks, and all other necessary materials therefor and all necessary appliances j 1 with which to equip and complete said additions to and extensions 2 h of said sewer system, the cost of the construction and completion it 3 1 i of which said municipal improvement wr_zs estimated f at Thirty 4 Thousand (30,000.00) Dollars, which said cost was and is too 5 great to be n ;,id out o1: the ordinary annual income Land revenue 6 i of said. City; 7 I And also determini_n that the-oublin interest and necessity I 8 demand the acquisition by the City of 'naheim of the following 9 municipal improvement, viz: a certain fire apparatus for said 10 i City, to -wit: a portable fire pump; the cost of the acquisition 11 i of which said municipal i::provement was estimated at rive 12 j Thousand (,'51000.00) Dollars, which sai:i cost was and is too area' 13 I to be paid out of the ordinzvey annual incorie and revenue of said 14 II City; and 15 'ips ri;�, the ?resident of the 3oard of Trustees of said 16 City, who is the executive of said municipality, did, on the 17 j' 12th day of Iziay, 1921, duly and legally ar)orove said resolution 18 of said Hoard of Trustees; and 19 I' 1: u: the said Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheiri 20 did thereafter, at its meeting held on the 9th day of June, 1921, I 21 i'' by a vote of more than two-thirds of all its members, duly pass 22 1. and adopt an ordint-ince calling and ordering a special election in 23 the said City of aiahe im, to be held on the 19th day of July, 24 1921, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of ' 25 II said City, the following nropositions for incurring indebted - 26 ! ness by said City, to -wit: 27 �'L-13T. A proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the 28 li City of Anaheim to the amount of =)eventy-five Thousand (f"75,000.0 29 i' Dollars for the purpose of the construction and completion by the 30 City of Anaheim of the following municipal imorovement, viz: a 31 j buildin- for municinal uses, containin- offices 17or City Official 32 i 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;! 30 i 31 �I I' 32 a room or chamber for the holcring of meetings of the Board of Trusties and other officers, boards -ted tribunals of said City, rooms for the housing and safe keening of ;prisoners of said City to be used for the -)urpose of a City Jail and rooms and quarters for the housing of fire a-pparatus of said city .and for the necessary accommodation of members of its faire de )artment. 3I0 ,0. A proposition to incur a bonded. indebtedness by the City o7: Anaheim to the -amount of Fifty Thousand (50,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and j completion by the City of '.n ,heim of the following municipal improvement, viz: the requisition, construction dr_d comb')lotion o extensions and improvements to the water works of said City, consisting of drilling a v✓ater well for s, -,id City -and the instal ation of casing therein, the acquisition of a water pump to be operated therein, the acquisition, construction and installation of water mains and pipes and the acquisition and installation of fire hydrants for said City. '.THIRD. A proposition to incur a bonded in( ebtedness by the City of Anaheim to the amount of TUrty Thousand (,",";'60,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of the construction and completion by t City of .?n,�heim of the following municipal improvement, viz: the acquisition -Ind construction of additions to ✓nd extensions of the sewer system of said City consisting of the acquisition, construction and installation of sewer pines, man holes, flush tanks, and all other necessary materifjls therefor and all neces ap-olianees with which to equip and complete said additions to a extensions of said sewer system. '�IUURTH. "> pro»o.3ition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Inaheim to the amount of. = 1 -)&Id oxdInuA0o is i, or 40% Land h,,.d, thy: rat of ore been duly 2 IntrodU06d At 4 V,;UUr ROO-UnS Of t'tw "aid Burd of 'Zr:,tees 3 'Us j i he id oa tho 46th d&.v of tAy* 19,210 a4d 4aid Ordi44TA00 %dul 4r d by, the "rebldent Pro t4ni of th,i .rd -);f TruiAees Of 5 1: ol SrId ;,xUr.1cipmIlt" On the 9t4 U I 09 jurio* 1921, &.Ld 7h e tty or W 1% A,-','* isaid ox Unu�,aafj Vftw dUlf PU10114 t3d 01i e 'a 8 leaut W�Vo'ti d8ja L14 the "ArmhOIT'i tom;C, 11,1 - -0310L." G MiW41AbPOr 9 'bliehed (,.,t least wi'x (Inyw a week In said (4`1t; o -J.' �4rul Le lttio and U 10 in I"V-As raoxlx Ik. .ue-4 of June l3thq 19U, -� 14 l5th, '.16V*elj J=W 16th. 1921, JuAO 17t3o 191U* JuuO l6tho 2,9410 12 and -Auw fthv 19210 And 13 at said speaif�j alootiou, Qo" than twothires of 14 the valiflod jalootora o:� 4,? -Ad "Ity Votin--- i -A kutLd u;voial 15 ejactio1j, yoted in favor o:f Kil ot4io i.ro-,,o6i -t tons x..;foraaaid, "d 16--aarrin,4; r -.n for t1to L4 of all of o, -Ad bonded debt ua aX-o)v,-4si d 17 all 6ak- iolngul4r 'tha 011 an u W of tho 18 LOA41414tkro- of the ',;rtato 01, .'aiiforniu. J11titlee'. "All !,at 19 authorizinS the Inourrind off" IAdobtodnou;4 by cities, towns and 20 1 �� . 0,0 and re munioiixa corijorationu for =niolyrxi improve tx �A aulat 21 -ins -440 rx'4alatUou, ooxiatruction iDr a=pleti= tho reofl," 22 14w 411 the 2 t daj of Februarj, 1901, txd all veto 23 supplementary tlit)reto a.4ti tw)endt,.torj taroof, , and the law and 2 too orditxtaao� oi 4�;Id hava tieort PalLy oomplied ,Ath ao as 25 to uathorize tho i4au"06 OX said WnIdgf- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Nie Boaril oA" 'Iruatoaa oxo thio 'Jity of 'i'-Iiaholpi do ord"in as Aotlon 1* That bonds of this Joity of Anahatm, in the sum of� Uno Hundred and Axtj Thousand (460,,010*00) 'Doulare be issUed i In aaeordanue with tho provisions of #vn Act of the Lo,;Islature of the :Mato of Oalifornin, entitled, "An Act Er 1 aut[lori.Lin,­ trie incurri'P_ - of indebtedness by Cities, tovaI6 and 2 municlo l cor,`orations for municiixal ii.,i-oroveLion ta, and regulating 3 the acquisition, construction ow complIetion 1 -,hereof," which I 4 I, became a lavas+..bruare;% 25t1i, 1901, and all acts su-ppl,i',aentary i 5 j thereto ancx amend�vtory thereof, laith th_, ordil,_xtces of said I 6 �r U r 7 That said bonds shall be, ne-otiable in :Form . nd shall be 8 issued in four series. The first of o,,tid series ;hall be ninety i 9 in number, 3iXty of which shall be of the denomination of One I 10 Thousand ( 111,000.00) Dollars each and thirty of which shall be 11 of the denomination of °live Hundred (,500.00) Do:ila:cs each and 12 I,I ji shall be numbered cJnsecutive from one to ninety, both inclusive; 13 I! the bond :lumbered one (1) shall rye of the denomina,ion of One 1¢ Thousnad (,.;,'1,000.00) Dollars, the bond numbered Two (2) shall I 15 be of the (renomination of One 1`�Iou6ai-id ( 1,000.00) :Dollars; and I 10 j; the bond %lu,,iab.red three (3) shall be oy. the denomination of I j 1'7 I Five Hundred („'500.00) DO11,aro d_ all other bones bearirn a � 10 number which is a multiple of three (5) shall be of� the denomina- I j 10 i, tion of -_give 'Hund -red (k7500.00) Dollt..rs, and all of said bonds 20 bearing a number not a multi -ole of three shall be of 151ae denom- j 21 ination of One Thousand (;1,000.00) Dollars. j i 22 aid bonds shall be so numbered as to male two One Thousand 23 ('0'1,000.00) Dollar bonds, .nd_ one 'live Hundred (."500.00) Dollar 24 bona., payable each year. I. 25 That the second of said series shall be fifty in number 20 i of the denomination of One Thous .nd (T°1,000.00) Dollars each 27 I' and :shall 'be numbered from one to fifty both inclusive. I 28 I That the third of' s£:.ie_ series shall be thirty in number i 29 of the denomination of One Thousand ('Y1,000.00) Dollars each j 30 �i and shall be numbered from one to ` thirty both inclusive. j i 31 That the f ourt- h of saic series 6he, 11 b -e five in number 32 i of the denomination of One w'housand ('.i 000.00) :Dollars. each 1y i 1 . I I 1 and shall be nuuibored. :iron one t9 five both inclusive. 2 I'he bonds in e c c h series silal l be -paid in the order of the it 3 numbers consecutiveluT in the followin i:Ianiler: of the first of 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 j ii 13 X14 15 16 i, 17 18 19 20 I 21 �� said series, beins a series of ninety bonds, two of s -aid bonds of the der_ornin.tion of One Thous,~,nd ( ;'1,000.00) Dollars each and one of 'bonds of the denomination of =Five :hundred ( T500.00) Doll=ars shall be aid on the 15th day of October , 1922, anc, tv,o o --L" said One Thousand (`"'1,000.00) D011 =.r bonds and one of said 'ive -Hundred (<;'S00.:)0) Dollsr bonds upon the 15th day of October of each and every yo=,r thereafter at the Office of the City Treasurer of Said City, to,-reth,er with interest on all suras Unpaid at svch CLate , until the principal and interest of all 0f sLAd 1ienty bonds ,nd tt.e i.ior_ey thereby represented shall have been paid, tha same be and constituting an annual � ,ymant of the sum of Twp )ntJr-five hundred. ( `;':2,500.00) Dollars on the Principul of 32.id bonds which said siuii is not less than one -fortieth -,-)art of said indebtedness. Of the saeond of seed series, beir_z:) a series of fifty (50) bonds aforesaid, two of said bonds shall be _?aid on the 15th day of October 1922, end tvro upon the 15th day of October of each �.,.r_d every year thereafter at the office 2� j'' of the City mre=a.surer of said City, to: ether R-AI—h interest on { 23 ! all suras un1oL.id atsuch date unt it the prixic ipz:,l and interest 24 on all o:i said fifty bonds exzd the money tli„r b r r : �i ae�xtod 25 sh 11 h>va beexi ,aid, the s xe aero; ,-tci- constituting an annual 26 payment of the s,_Lm of r.wo '_!'hous;.,nd ( "2,000.00) Dollars on the 27 psis c ipu 1 of ss.ic! bonds, v: hick said sum is no i, 1e ss than one- 28% fortieth part o1" s=lid indebtadnesa. 29 Of the of sE.,id serios, b-eir.- a series of thirty )30) 30 bonds aforesaid, one of s.� id ;,hell be ,eaid on the 15th 31 day of October1922,xici one upon the 15th day of 32 October of each and every year there>;fter, -.t ttxe office 8. li II of tho Oitj Trai.soxsr of the it of Anaheim,, together with the 2 on the lilt Interest ou all ,,xma unpnil. at such date until the prinotpal and 3 intarewc, oa all ;)JE' 3rUl thIrty bonels and the money thereby repre_� 4, Santed hall hav,) biie� '.)o14, the sAve being and. oonstitating an 5 WM"I of evr if Ino 1"Mousand U1,000*00) Dollars on 6 the nrinci-pU o -A" sr,.td '-OnA.e, whIch tvticl 3urq is not less than ono.� 7 fortieth oart of 1.menbtednesss; 02 iJu) fourth of *nib aeriefs, beins a series of five (5) day 1 bond*,) al"o-rejuld, ono of said bands shall be paid on the vrith/of 10 H Octobar, 1922, axi(l xne on the l6th day of �: tober of oeoh and every your thoxxi4fter, at the offiee of the Olity Treasurer of than 12 Ott of aiahoim., to tier with the interest on all *me unpaid. a ti 13 such data, uutil the -rtroiivl and interest on all of said five 14 (5) bads and the .,Uoy'�­jy y tharebrepreaented Wiall have boon paidq 1W 15 the &,two boixi4; an(I u�:)ntitit'utine; an annual Payment of the gum of One Thoua,nd (,krl 101.01) Ptollxtrs on the prineirAl of said bonds 17 whlo4 s 1 sum is rot loa�that one -fortieth part of said indebted. 18 no fill 19 eutlon 2. 'Aid, bonds ahall be substantially in the follow.-� o Ing 'oris, to -wit: ----------------- 22 II Vnitod of America, 23 :strata of 11"aliforniag 24- "'Ity of knahqim, 25 (Fature of Bond) 26 Anaheim, tali fornia . Outolhar lith, 1921. 27 On too 15th daj of latobar, A.D* the City of Anahaitz,., 28 a Muai0iPal Oornoration inf.-orporated under the laws of the 6tater 01 29 Califoia* gill.gill.pay to the bearer, at the office of the Oity rn 30 Treasurer of said City of 1,w.ihoim, In the said Jity of ;,maheim', 31 the am of Dollars, vdth Interest thoroon at the rate of 32 ja4v nay. now%+ Vww" A'"Vliklm fvnm the Agate hareg Of payable asmi.wall' on the lilt day of 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 9 �I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 April acquisition, construction and the 15th clay of October of each year that this bond is to run, u -Don the pre sent at i. on and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Principal and interest Dayable in Told Coin of the United Matas of meriea. This bond i s Issued in Pursu`,r ce Ol the )rOvi sior_;-' 0-' ar- Act of the aA�� islaatare o-' the -),ta,a of (Califo-rnia, entitled, "An Act authorizing the incarrin ; of indebtedness by cities, tovras, and municiypal corporations for Inunica ;awl i.;1-,)rOvenlFlnts, and re ulat ink the acquisition, construction <ad cora)letion thereof," which became a law ''ebru ,.ry 25th, 1901, and all acts supplementary thereto and arriendatory thereof. It is furthar certified tlz;at all the requirements of law and of the ordinances o the Cite' 01 .t��jahe J m have been fully complied with by the pro -Per officers for the issuiri� of this bond; that this issue of bonds 11as been authorized by the vote of two-thirds of all voters ori the uostiOp_ of such is;3ue at a special election duly and re;ularly cal led and held in said City on the 19th day of July 1921, ar_d that the total amount of this issue, to;ether z,,vith all indebtedness of said City, does riot in the � LrreLate axceed fifteen par cent of. the assessed value of all the real -:end �ersonNl property of the s, --.id City of -1'.naheim, nor does it exceed the limit -)rescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of. California. That before or at the time of incurrin,v the indebtedness evidenced hereby provision has been. Inde for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on such iruiebtedne ss as it falls due and also, Provision to constitute a sinkinG fund for the .�aymant of the principal thereof on or before maturity. the said City of Anaheim has caused I, this bond to be si ned by the eXecutive of said mfanicipality, to -wit: the resident of the Board of Trustees of said City of Anaheim, and also by the 'Treasurer of said City, aild to 'be counter 10. 2 3 47 5 6 7 it8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ii 19 20 21 22 23 24 ii 25 26 27 II 28 29 30 31 it 32 si,ped by the J'lerk of said 3ity, and the cor-oorate seal of said Ci -y to be -affixed thereto; and said City has also caused the oou-,-)ons thereto attached to be numbered consecutively and signed by the Treasurer of said City of '.nalaeim. President of the Doard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. Countersigned: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 11. 1 ghat int<,rest coupons shall be attached to eac'ri of said one 2 hundred and seventy-five bonds representin each installment of 3 interest to accrue on such bond u -p to the Pzturity thereof, which said interest coupons sh_,11 be n ,,,bared consecutively, 5 I e inning c' -- at number one ( 1) anshall be su 2titally in the 6 j! r followin-; form, to -wit: 7 Tao --------------- (°=unount of :mond) i� On the 15th day of (i, onth of maturity) , ,IA. I D. (Year of m��.turity) , the City of &naheim 10 promises to bay to the bearer at the )ffice of the City Treasur- 11 I e r of the ; ity of tirlahe im the sur.,i of in Cold 12 Coln oJLtrie United-3uates of Ximeri.ca, the semi-annual interest it 13 'i due of (TEatltre Of mond) 1'1io ------------ (n0 � 1 of bond to z izich c.oui)on is attached) . 15 i! i. ;action 2. lniia . tide : re sident o" the Board of wrustee s of 16 I the �,� W,, ofn �,i.�. be in `'t Y�a r , the executive of the murlicip lity, and the :,its Treasurer of said City, are hereby authorized 18 '' and direoted to sign all the bonds herein -provided for, and the 19 City Cleric of s -,id City is hereby authorized and directed to 20 countersign the s-xne and ai`1 ix �- a1 4 t ^' h� eor Corr. �e seg_ of U ie ,ity 21 I of th.-�reto, Iand the t;ity Tr(�=.surer of s,,Ad City is 22 hereby authorized:nct directed to si_n the interest coai>o7is of 23 said bonds by h&vin--,'iis name 1)rinted or lit ho�ranhed thereon; i 24 -.nd said bona-: shall 8e delivered by s= id City Cierk to said 25 ' City Treasurer in such amount as the Said .)o .rd of 11rustees of 26 i said Jity r.1ay frolia time to ti ie determine. 27 Section :5. For the purpose of ,?ayiri theririclnEl <nd 26 i interest of said Donds, the .board of 17ru8tee.3 of the Jiter of 29 �i _snaheim shall at .,.he time of fixing; t'ie Jener€-..1 tax levy and 30 I in the mai-ner for such-eneral tax levy provided, levy and 31 i ; -17,or _r..l_ � _ � . .�_ t , collect �:or the sevaral r.ar_ds her�..1 �...,,..� ?rovicted I-.or,-,nnually, 32 I 12. i i I I, 1 I' each yoar, until such bonds "re -,).:Ad, or until i,iiere shall be 2 a sura in the treesur o.- s<,id pity set ecoart for that our-oose 3 sui�.lcient -o r:,a,, . -.11 suras becoming C. for ne principal and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 interest on all said bonds, taxes suffiec.ient to ;gay the annual interest on said bonds, .nd also such part of the _principal thereof: as sill become due before the time for fixin- the next eneral tax levy. 3'Ad taxes sh=ull be in addition to all other taxes levied for mur_ic -oal and sia it be collected at the same ti, -ie and in the s'-:ilme r(la n no r -:is o t ha r manic i pa l taxes are collected, incl as collected si-,all be fortimith paid into the respective funds for which the s=ore was levied L.nd collected; The taxes so collected for the payment of: the principal first and interest of the series of ninety bonds herein provided for shall ba -r)uid into a fund to be known and desin_ted as "Anaheim :unicipal J)ul'ldin-- -3ond, Interest and Redem?otion ;fund;" which fund is hereby created and all taxes collected for the poayment of the-Orinci-oal and int,,rast on livid series of bonds first herein orovi led for shall be paid into s€;,id fund and s , id fu.:rd 20 sha _l be used for the oa�ymerht of the awns to become due for the 21 urine ioal and interest on said 'bon i.s and for no ocher ;-)Ur-Oose . 22 'he taxes so collected for the _)ajmen.t o E the principal 23and interest of the series of. fiftT bonds secondly herein 24 provided for shall be paid into a fund to be knov;7n and desic'nat- 25 ! ed as "Anahein '.rater-iJorks Improver)ent bond, Interest and 26 fI Redemption '�und," ;.7hich fund is hereby created L.nCt all taxes 27 'j collected for the payrier_t o ' the anr_ interest on seid 28 series of boners secondly herein ;provided tor, shall . be paid 29 II ;I into s:.id fund -:tnd fund shell be used abr the payment of. tii 30 sum to -become due for the ,gine iaal <hld interest on -=..>.id bonds 31 and for no other _)urpose. 32 it 'i 13 i� �I 1 Toa tees so collected for the -payment of the prinei-pal 2 and interest of the series of thirty bonds thirdly herein 3 -provided for sliall ire A�;:ld in -;o iunCt iro 1�flo"n_ and de6i-r?at- 4 ed as "1nahieiin 3'e ver : xtension 3or_d, Interest and Rederr-ption 5 Ound," T. hich fune, is hereby cref:ited anC, =::.11 ta_�as collected nor 6 the -payment of the >prir_cina1 �-tnd i -i„a rest on sL�.iL series of i 7 bonds `liirdly harein provic'ed for, shall be yid into said 8 Fund nd ? i d fund h4 11 &:: used for the �.yment of the sums 9 to beco me clue for tip, -irincinr?1 Lnc. interest on ,ibid bonds and �I 10 k for no othar )ur-,-)oje . I I 11 `1'he taxes so collected for the .pa nnar_t of the Drincidal 12 and intere- 3 of bile series of :rive bonds 'fourt'iiy lierein nrovidec it 13 l' for shall be -pc,id into u. Ia11d t0 be k=no":Jn and design held as 14 11 "Anal"leim 2ir'e lump .mond, interest <`.'.nd edema tion ''und,'f vJhich 15 fund is hereby ore,--,, ted 31�' x.11 twti,�s collected i`or the p�L�n ent 1(3 01 llle prinoipal ,,nd int are i; t ori s=.icy. series of bo P-61. s fourthly 17 herein nrovid.ed for sh .11 be -o lid into said fund :and u :id -fund it 18 shs.,11 be a>Ded for the )-)Gyment of the surds to become due for the 19 ori,. c a—i a rl interest on said bonds :),nd fo:c no other 20 vection 4. �.'lle series of ninety bonds first herein �I. A y ?' � t a f,Tr r 21 provided I:oi scz tl b� : o,:n . ad uesir_.,�ed s ,_ur_icip�jl 22 jl Buildiri-; Bonds" and the -proceeds frorl the s -.le thereof sliall be 23 irl the trawsury of staid C;it,r t -o ;he credit o' fund to I' 24 'I- 1 ft ' vl . `, " , l 'U e n Y - bc lel 0�7:� a5 �;unicipal a3uilCi�_� -: L_nd �,� - �.,h s:. tri sh, Ll e 25 a .,o,)Iied exclusively for t'rie nu.rcose for v,,-hich s: :id bonds we re 26 is>>ued. 27 `'ha series of fift7r bonds aelcondly herain ;provided for ; Lail: 28 pe lo�rl� nd e ed -as d si n .0 "';`:star •;oris Improv ` Trent .)orlds" and 29 t he -proceeds -i fro�the sale thereof shall be7laced in the treasui 30 of said Cit;T to the credit of fund to 'U -(-,known as ".later WorlLs 31 Irr)rovement =:aurid", and the same shall be app 1 ie d exclusively for 32 14. it the purpoas for wh1oh said bonds were is aued* 2 The aeries of thirty bonds thirdly herein provided for 3 shall 1" known and designated aa ",-ieweir Extension Bonds" and 4 the proceeds from the ogle thorn of shall be plaaed In the 5 treasury of said City to the civdit of a fund to be known as 6 11 ";mower Extension Fund," and, the sam shall be applied exalua. 7 ively for the YArposo for whioh said bonds were iasus&, if 8 i; The series of five bonds fourthly herein provided for 9 shall be knovin and designated as "Fire Pump Bonds" and the 10 proosods from the sale thereof shall be p3Aood in the treasury 11 of said City 'Uo the oredit of a fund to be known as "vire 12 Pump 71und", and the same shall be applied ezoluxively for the 13 11 purpose for which said bonds voere issued. if 14 3#0t*A fi# The City Clerk shall aertifl to the passage of 15 this otdinwwe and shall sause the same to be published once 16 in the Anaheim Daily Uerald, a daily newspaper of general 17 II aireAlation printed, published and oiroulated in sAd 01ty and 18 thereupon and thereafter the scine shall take effeet and be in 19 full foree* 20 1 The foregoing ordnance go. 406 was pas d, and adopted 21 by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim# at a rt)gular 22 �L5 meeting of said Board of Trustees held an the day of if 23 I! August, 1921, and the some is approved and attested by me this 24r if -'-t day of August,, 1921. 25 26 President Of this DOM of Trastrei' of the City of Anahe im. 27 If Attet ett 28 City ClAr111110 City 0 29 30 31 it 32 15. 1 �I i. tnte of 174 all forrda t � I 2 1 Bunt � of ° �rhr. �� , � . 3 Ott— of ' t t l . 4, IAward rd ': :x i y "lark oaf' the City of .rawhoirsio d 5 hereby. cert tfy that the forea0iri,6 %,!A1 X# w a introduced at a I 1I 6s�M' Hi , I; Vii, �,;��1 epi t:#,,.� �"3� �'���' �3;�' ,� + � � "� +a � t "" 0 f t.t-A� h a i1 8and i adopted ,j a vote of more thiantwo-hirci of its wmbaro at 9 a re fful r mootin,3 he v o f held on the dad.of Lugu t 1921 ......�.�.. 10 b tho followirli vote 11�i Amo, rut 12 13oss, i i Tr steets �- 1 tt id ii Yid tom,"'' 15 16 ii, And l further eerti4 that said ordiftAoe was dA -'l ' atd 17 v,)z%, lurly &ppreved by 'il3: kr tha ; rooldent of the Board 18 of Truatees of said i3ity of Analiaim, ori the z�day o 19 ii 20 III U VITT Wk .F l hi ve herountt) set V haxid and affixed c� 21 *he seal 0 .Id City this �.» ,aj of A4,4us s 1921 �I 22 23E�ru�Lt� "Ma"N 247 C YV d!�' A .7 A a 25 ' —� 26 27 it 28 29 30 i! 31 ;I 32 iI 16. i