415 (2)e .....'"tee,,. �.�..:vxi si v - _,2 .. , c i I Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California Plaintiff VS. Defendant S'L'ATE OF CALIFORNIA, Cou y of Orange, ss. ........... ........ ..7Stes, . ......... ..... ........being first duly sworn, deposes and sayat all times hereinafter mentioned, he was a citizen of the United over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and proprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and publighed weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of ,Orange, Scate of California; that said Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein rientioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription List of paying subscribers; that -at alt " said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of_ Anaheim, in said County and State at regular intervals for more than one year pr cedinggAthe first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the .. .. /lIf�' :�.. .. .... f .............. .......................... ................................... jof 'which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ......................I ....................time$, commencing on the ............day of •• ...........................192..., and ending on the ..............day of ............................ 192...,both days inclusive. and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: ............................. ..i, .............................................:.=i� ..... �................... SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN t before me day o f e. Not Pu�jnand�ior Orange County, California. ORDINANCE N0.416._ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALLING A SPECIAL j ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF APRIL, 1922, IN CERTAIN UN- INCORPORATED TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGh, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND CO&TIGU+OUS TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY; PRO- VIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUBMIT- TING TO THE ELECTORS RE- SIDIN•G IN SAID TERRITORY THE QUESTION WHP+':THElt SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE, AN- NEXED TQ- INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM, DESIGNAT- ING SAID TERRITORY BY THE NAME OF"NORTH AND EAST ADDITION," ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TER- RITORY, APPOINTING THE I OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR SAID SPECIAL ELECTION, ANP PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLI- CATION OF NOTICE OF SAID SPECIAL ELECTON.. and Range, to. the Northeasterly cor- ner of Lot One (1), said Anaheim Ex- tension; thence Southerly along thio Easterly line of Lot One (1) and Lot Four (4), said Anaheim Extension to - the East and West Center line of said Lot Four (4) ; thence Westerly along said center line to the North a4d South center line of said Lot Four (4), thence Southerly along the said' North and South center line of said lot Four (4) and , the North and South center line of Lot Eight (8), said Anaheim Extension to a point ou the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along said center line to the Easterly line of East Street extended Southerly .across said Santa Ana Street; thence Nortu- erly ,along said Easterly line of South East Street and Easterly line of Nortn East Street to its intersection with the Northerly line of East Nortn street as shown on said map of Ana. helm Extension; thence Westerly along said' Northerly line of East Forth Street to its intersection witu the center line of North Los Angeles Street as shown on said map of Ana- heim Extension; thence Northerly along said center line 1062.8,8 feet to the South line of Section Three (3), Township Four (4) South, Range Te:. (10) West, S. B. B. & M.; thence West along said South line to its intersec habitants to annex .•to, {eco 'r orate iu City of Anaheim? ) and make a part of the City of Anaheim Yes _ ) the said territory, and believes that Shall North and East Ad- •) they prayer of said petition heretofore dition be annexed .to the ) filed, as aforesaid, should be granted City of Anaheim? ) and a special election called within No said territory for the purpose of vbr SECTION 6. The City Clerk of the ing on said proposition, City of Anaheim is hereby ordered ano NOW THEREFORE: directed to givo notice of such elecItion SECTION. 1. A special municipal in "The Fullerton News," a newspaper election shall be held and the, ,same is of general circulation, printed and hereby ordered and called to be held published outside of said City of Ana - within the limitations of the territory heim, but in the County of Orange* described and bounded, as hereinbe- being the County in which the tern - fore more particularly set forth, on tory so proposed to be annexed is Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1922; situate ,at least once a week for a per pursuant to the provisions of an act iod of four successive weeks, next. of the legislature of the State of Cay. ifornia ,entitled, "An Act to provid for the alteration of the boundaries m and for the annexation of territory t municipal corporations, for the incor- poration of such annexed territory in and as a part thereof, and for the dis- tricting, government and municipal control of such annexed territory," ap, proved June 11, 19133 and' all ' acts amendatory thereof and supplemen- tary thereto. And that at said special electionthere shall be submitted to the qualified electors residing within the boundar- ies of said territory, the question of whether said described territory shall be annexed t The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim ordain as follows: tion with the center line of the Cali- o, incorporated in and made a part of said City of Anaheim. WHEREAS; there .was filed with the fornia State Highway; thence Nortn- SECTION 2. That said territory y is , Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- eriy along said center lifie to its in-, hereby designated as "North and East heim, a municipal corporation of the tersection with the center line of Addition," and said territory shall be State of California, on the 12th day North Lemon Street extended norther- referred to and designated upon the of January, 1922, a petition signed by : y acress said California State Higu-, : ballots to be used at said election, as A. A. Mills, and sixteen other elec• way; thence Southerly along saia north and East Addition . Mors residing in the territory herein center line of said North Lemon Street SECTION 3. That the territory after requesting that tae tie to its intersection with the Northerly within the exterior boundaries above it ;described, Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- line of West North Street extendea set forth is located within the voting helm call a special election held westerly across said North Lemon St., Precinct designated East Anaheim within the boundaries -'Of ,that certain a c thence Westerly along said Northerly Precinct, the boundaries of whim inhabited and unincorporated territory lire of West North Street and its ea- said Precinct were fixed by the Boara situate within the County of Orange, tension to the point of beginning, ane of Supervisors of the County of Or- i State- of California, and hereinafter Zi'HER.PAS, said petition had signed ange, State of California -,at a regular meeting of said Board particularly described, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electorb thereto seventeen names ,and was aor e:;aipanied by the aft^idavit,4of A. of Supervisors held, on thy; 8th day of November, 1921, of said territory :the proposition of A. Mills, in which said affidavit ,said A. all as appears in the .book of minutes of the meetings of whether or not the said territory should be annexed to and incorporated A. Mills averred that said petition was signed by less tha'd-.one-fourth in said Soaird of Su- Pervisors in the office "of the County in and made,a part of the said City of •not number of the qualified electors who • Clerk of said Coiiiaty, and the number , of, election preeinc�ts W-1thin said tem-' Anaheim, and, w4fh said territory Tri reside in said ''territory, and that each " "poted to be as uexed and incorporated a, d aii.of said. signatures were signed, igned tory for the Purpose' of � holding said in said city and described in <sald pe- I and subscribed to `said petition in the election shalt :be onq, tition, is particularly descrlbed"all'fo. presence of said affiant, the said A A. "t -And tjxe ,Board . of Trustees does lows; to -wit: Beginning at the point ''Mills, and,that ,said affiant was per iereby precinct,,fhe whole of said ter - of, intersection of the monumentett sonaliy acquainted with each and all ritory into one special election Pre- re- centor cen ,r liri� of. North Palm Street and. of the ersons who si ned , said ' etr p g P cinct to be designated as "Special ..,te northerly line of West North tion, and that said signatures were the Election Precinct No. `1," for the pur- �reet, extended westerly across said oiia fide signatures of the persona pose rf holding said election with lo. North Palm Street as sfiown on a map whose names they nnrnnrtoa r,, hn cation of polling place therein. anu preceding the date of such election, t, which said notice shall set forth anu contain the date of such election, .the o proposition to be submitted at such special election ;to -wit: That it is proposed to annex to, incorporate in and make a part of said municipal eor• poration, the said City of Anaheim the territory sought to be annexed, a description of the territory proposed to be annexed ,the designation of the name and words of identification of said territory as in this ordinance pro- vided for, tq-wit, North and East Ad- dition, the location of the election pre- cinct, the�ggoiling place thereof, the election officers appointed to hold and conduct said election ,the time of the opening of the polls and the time of closing the polls, which shall be from 6 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M. of the day of said election. SECTION 7. The Inspector and Judges of such election shall imme- diately on, the . closing of the polls, count the ballots, make up, certify and seal the ballots and tally sheets of the ballots cast at -said special ele(r' tion in the manner and form provided by law, and shall thereupon deliver the' same to and deposit the same with the City Clierk of the City of Anaheim. SECTION 8. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to procure all supplies that may ,be necessary to properly conduct said especial election. t , Sample ballots containing the maz=e ter required to be printed on the ba: lots rto be used at such election, shale' be supplied to the electors entitled to vote at said election, by the City Clerk of L said City of Ana- heim, but a failure on the pa, of any elector to receive such Sample ballot shall not be held to invalidate the election or effect in any manner the legality thereof. n6 h ted ana, territory.. u III,(, of Wet iv rM,.,-•, t= l c u i'y of Orang,., State of C, ii nia, aid hereinafter t o f to the " point oY � X47 g anti r articularly described, for the purpose T-,,,, F - .�itle:.ition had signedange, State oY Ca] tl e.et'u seventeen names '",eeting}of said I Of submitti g to ii1c qualified elector, ,and was ae held on he 8th da c;;,�:parried by the affidavit of said territory the proposifv`n 3, whether or not the said territor. of A. '.fills, in which said affidavit said A. all as appears in should be anne-�e.d to and inc }rporatea Tills aver, ed that said petition was of tIlO meetings c g by Pervisors in the in and made,a part Of the said City of Anaheim, .ed _,ot less than one-fourth in - nu -ben of the qualified C'Ierk of said Coii': and which said territory pro- posed to be annexed and incorporated electors who reside in said territory, and tha each of election precin( tory 'for in said city and described in said pe- the purp :d all of said s:guatur'es were signed d subscribed to said g election shall be tition, is particularly described as' fo.- lows, to -wit. Beginning at the petition in the P e ^ice Of said affiant, the said A. A. 1 end t1ie d point of intersection of the monum.enteu ;, and that said 'affiant was per sonally acquainted eLeby' Precinct th incl into cent r lin;+_,nf North Palm Street and the northerly iierly line with eachritory persons and of the personan(i all signed said one s c` et to be desi3 of West North rorthth extended westerly across said pets- ti : , and thwt� said signatures were tile Election Precinct N NPalm Street as shown on a map Ona fide signatures of the persona pose Of holding so of Anaheim Extension made by Win. whose names they purported to be, and cation of polling Hammel and filed for record in the or- the names of the flee of the County Recorder of Low WHEREAS, said petition was ac- hereinafter set for Angeles County, California; thence Northerly corn anied by a certificate of J. 1Vt- Paotl_, the County Clerk of the County SECTION 4. T1 in said special elel along the said center line of North Palm Street and its extensio„ Of f1range, Sta State of Californi, .0 is hereby fixed an Northerly to its intersection with he whic.l said J. 11. Backs certified than he had examined the dwelling house of e-ist line Of SeWon Four (4), Town- ship Four (4) South, Range Ten 10 said petition, ana that said seventeen signers of said corner o Ic's and les and North Vi%; -'t, S. B. B. & M.; thence Northerly ^etitil,,i and were the time of signing And the Board o d c along said section line to its iutersec , said registered etielector rard duct oon c1 tion with the center tine of the Cali forma qurlifledid in heosa d County of Orange P'lectterg Precinct State Highway;hthence South ,and WHEREAS, they are hereby ap easterly a�ong the said center line of ih_ California. State after receiving saia Petition, and on the 9th da For Inspector, Al For Judges, Highway to its i }t rsec fen cv tl;. the extended center y of Fen- said B ruary, 1922, Board Trustees A. W Humphrey. y -.e of Part Avenue as shown on a le;;l to examine and did exam- All of the per map of the Mary Goodman tract re­'­,re ne saad A. A -Mills, who then and %: rauied are hereby corded in book Seven r 7), Page Twen- `re test tiad under oath that the fcers of election ty-One (21). Miscellaneous i4laps, Re- R, � s -et forth in said petition and ill his their corn ensation p ords of Orange County, California; affidavit accompanying the same Five ($5.a0) Dollar thence Northerly along said center fine . er` '-rue, and then and there testi- I as tO ;he election. of Parry avenue one hundred" number of qualified elec- SECTION 5. Tha sixty-two and five tenths (162.5) feet, '`r' residing within the boundaries of tion hereby called a to its intersection with the Northerl S said territory hereinbefore described, held shall be held a line extended Westerly, of a certain he ?enainer:e=s of the signatures to the votes thereat r, ; p ;,etition. and all other matters 1 c SA( wn on a map of the Hart conn ,cIed therewith Rib division, vassed and the Recorded in book Seventhereto'g and relating result thereof ascent scent P (7) Pa?a Twenty (20), Miscellaneous . �'"=1e1�upon and declared as here Maps, Records of Orange from the. evidence intro- g County, all particulars not r, ; raliforr a; ?hence Southeasterly along 11 Northerly line of said ucez: at said hearing, and at said insaid Board of. Trustees finds the cording to the laws California alley and its extension Westerly and Easterly to arts as follows: first: providing i ng the holding of sl] That the territory described its intersection with the extended called and held, and Northerly line of that certain east 'n and sail Petition and asked to be an e,e'1 to the City of Anaheim, election shall be and .PF west aL. ey distant 19., feet northerly from the is in- Pbited, territory, and that said terri- is the time requirei The ballots to be center line , o.y t located in the County of Or- ill election shall have La Palma. Avenue, as shown t''%,fie, State of California, on a Map of the Gresswell subdivision re_ and that no in addition to other on thereof lies within the bounQ• by law to be corded in Book Six (0), Page Forty r, of any municipal corporation, ]ovring: seven ""d the, .same is Printed 4' ( ) Miscellaneous Maps, Ree- cf ords or Orange Co t contiguous to the City Anaheim. Instructions ti n y, California; Second : That than one said petition was q O vote on a propos hence Easterly along said Northerly r-i;tined by not less -fourth th8 cross (Ni, in theblan i: line of hey and its:extension Easterly number of the qualified electors res,(.., right of and opposite incl Westerly tr i6 intersection with ing within the territory described desire to the center line of Patt Street as therein, as shown upon the register of give. shown on last described ma.p; thence voters of said County of Orange, and All marks, except th Southerly along said center line of ti� HEREAS, the Board of Trustees forbidden. All diforb€ Patt Street to a ,�, T and erasures are forb: Mint on the Soutn f the City of Anaheim deems it to the ballot void. If you line of Section Three (3) Township the advantage and to the best inter• tear or deface this hal the Inspector of ele ct Four (4) South ,Range Ten (10) Wes,., ests of said territory the noundarfe9 another. Do not mark S. B. B. & M.; thence Easterly aloa,, of which are hereinbefore described, pen. said Southerly line and the Southern and the inhabitants residing therein, Shall North and Eas line of Section Two (2), said township and to the City of Anaheim and its in• dition be annexed to shown on said map of Ana tary thereto. name and words of identification or usion; thence Northerly And that at said special electionthere said territory as in this ordinance .pro- tt center line 1062.98 feet to shall be submitted to ' the qualified vided for 4_4-1t; North and East Ad- 'line of Section Three (3), electors residing within the 'boundar- dition, theiloeatlon of the election pre- Four (4) South, Range TeL ies of said territory, the question of cinct, the*-' �o Iling place thereof, the st,`S. B., B. & M.; thence West whether said described territory shall; election o;fficers appointed to hold and Sid; South line Wits intersee- be annexed to, incorporated in and' conduct said election ,the time of the h the center line of the Cali made a part of said City of Anaheim. opening of the polls; and the time of Mate Highway; thence Nortn- to-, SECTION 2. That said territory is closing the palls, which shall be from Rag said center li4ie its hereby designated as "North and East 6 :o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M. of �n with the center line of Addition," and said territory shall be the day of said election. Deman Street extended norther• referred to and designated upon the SECTION 7. The Inspector and 11 $ said California State Hign- ., ballots to be used at said election, as Judges of such election shall immG- eltce Southerly along Sala Northand East Addition . diately on. the ..closing of the polls, jue`of said �iorth Lemon Street SECTION 3. That the territory count the ballots, make up, certify and Rtersection with the Northerly within the exterior boundaries above is the seal the ballots and tally sheets of Cast tt e Vest North Street set forth located within voting the ballots at said special elek- xte Sta i across said North e precinct designated East Anaheim tion in the manner and form provided Westerly along said Northerly Precinct, the boundaries of whien by law, and shall thereupon deliver the ' Pest North Street and its ea- said Precinct were fixed by the Board same to end deposit the same' witn. Ark of Supervisors of the County of Or- the G'Ity of the City of Anaheim. to the point of beginning, ana ange, State of California ,at a regular SECTIO14 8. The City Clerk of the ,TyiAS, said petition had signed meeting of said Board of Supervisors City of Anaheim is hereby directed'. `seventeen names and was ao- held,on the 8th day of November, 1921., to procure all supplies that may led by the affidavit+of A. A. all as appears in the book of minutes •be necessary to properly conduct said 6 which said affidavit said A. of the meetings of said Board of Su- special election. € averred that.said petition was pervisors in the office of the County t Sample ballots containing the mat- iy not less than.one-fourth in Clerk of said County, and the number ter required to be printed on the bar ,, of the qualified electors who , of, election precincts within said ,terri-' lots to be used at such election, shalt' said ,territory, and that each tory' for the purpose of' ,holding said be supplied to the electors entitled to f said signatures were signed ; election shall Ne one. vote' at said election, by the City pribed to said petition in the.' And *!i Board of Trustees does Clerk of said City of Ana- of said affiant, the said ;A. A. izereby' preci:,.61`t&e whole 61 said ter- heim, but a failure on the par* d that said affiant was per- acquainted with each and all ritory into one special election pre- ,PG;¢n ,o� c nct, to be.-desi.naa. as Spee1a+—_ of any elector to receive such s4mple arsons who signed c said 'pen- t`,haI, 'h ber held''to''invi.1th to Election Precinct No. 1," for the pur- tha said signatures were tae ti pose of holding said election with lo- the election or effect in any manner signatures of the persons ,signatures cation of polling place' therein,.: 'anti the legality thereof. es,they purported to be, anises the names of the election officers as SECTION 9. The City Clerk of the „ hereinafter set forth. City of Anaheim shall certify to the MEAS, said petition was ac SECTPON 4- That the polling place ossa passage of this ordinance and Clause led a certificate of J. in said special election precinct No. i the same to be published once ethe "Anaheim o the County Clerk of the Countyty 8, State of California, in State is hereby fixed and shall be at the � Gazette," a newspaper of general circulation, printed,' publish- old J. M. Backs certified than house of A. A. Mills on the ed and circulated in said city, ` and sxamined the said petition, anis orthea.st corner of North Los An c- g therefrom and thereafter the same id' seventeen signers of said les and North Streets. shall take effect and be in full force. are and were at the time oc And the Board of Election to con- The foregoing ordinance was passed said petition, registered voteres duct the said election in said Special and adopted at a regular adjourned alified glectors in the said Plectron Precinct No-1 shall be and meeting of the Board of Trustees of of Orange they are hereby appointed as follows: the City of Anaheim held on the 1701 ,and REAS, after receiving sai�, For Inspector, Alonzo Alvin Mills. da:; of February, 1922, and the same is and on the 9th day of Fen- For Judges, A. W. Wright and C_0. hereby signed, approved and attested (922, said Board of Trustees Humphrey. by me this 17th day of February, 192 ed to examine and did exam- All of the persons hereinabove (SEAL) I A. A .Mills, who then and famed are hereby appointed such or- WM. STARK, estified under oath that the ticers of election respectively, and their compensation is hereby fixed at President of the Board of Trustees of t forth i said petition and in Five ($5.0'0) Dollars each for said the City of Anaheim . lavit accompanying the samF election. Attest: ue, and then and there testi- SECTION 5. That the special elec EDWARD B. MERRITT, c the number of qualified elec- tion hereby called and ordered be City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ding within the boundaries of held- shall be held and conductedd and :ritory hereinbefore describe d, u'neress of the signatures d,to the votes thereat received and can- State of California, County of Orange, tition, and all other matters vassed and the returns made and the City of Anaheim, SS. ed therewith and relating result thereof ascertained, determined 1, Edward B. Merritt, City,, Clerk of and declared as herein provided,and :i. the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify eupon from the evidence intro- all particulars not recited herein a( that the foregoing ordinance was in- it said hearing, and at saia cording to the laws of the State of traduced at a regular meeting of the id Board of Trustees finds the California providing for and govern- Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- 1 follows: ing the holding of special elections so helm held on the 9th day of January, That the territory described called and held, and the polls for sucn 192, and that the same was passed petition and asked to be an- election shall be and remain open dur• and adopted at a regular adjourneii o the City of Anaheim, is in- 'i'g the time required by'.,law. meeting of said Board of. Trustees of territory, and that said tern- The ballots to be used at said spec- the City of Anaheim held on the 17th located in the County of Or- ial election shall have printed thereon, day of February, 1922, by the follow- tate of California, and that no in addition to other matter require, i_:g vote: thereof lies within the bouna- by law to be printed thereon, the fol- Ayes: Trustees Stark, Backs, f any municipal corporation, lnwing: Cates, Mann and Gibbs. same is contiguous to the City Instructions to Voters. Noes: Trustees, None. eim. To vote on a proposition, stamp x Absent and not voting: Trustees, d; That said petition was not less than one-fourth th8 cross M. in the blank space to the None. )y right of and opposite the answer you ynd I further certify that the Pres- of the qualified electors rest(.- desire to give. ident of the Board of Trustees of the Un the territory described All marks, except the cross (X) are City of Anaheim signed and approvea as shown upon the register of forbidden. All distinguishable marks and attested said ordinance on the if said County of Orange, and and erasures are forbidden and make 17th day of February, 1922. REAS, the Board of Trustees p the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have City of Anaheim deems it to tear or deface this ballot, return it to- hereunto set my hand and affixed thk antage and to the best inter- the inspector of election and obtara seal of said city, this 17th day of Feb- said .territory the ooundarie9 another. Do not mark with pencil or ruary, 1922•, h are hereinbefore described, pen. (SEAL) _ Inhabitants residing therein, Shall North and East Ad- ) EDWARD B. MERRITT, he City of Anaheim and its in- dition be annexed to the ) City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Oj1j)jjN!,5.NC3 NO. 415 2 1 L AN ORDIR.11i:�OF ',"HE CJI�,�.-Y 011, a-��IVG A q ELECTION 7- *"9 TO T33 d3l,�_Jl ON Vcd4w a'1 Y OF 22v IRT 03IRMIN UL'MTTCTR520--_,� TERRITURY I THE COU OF 0.1RARGEV OF CALIFORNIA, AUD COVTIGUOUS IYJ 'alCIN OF ANAIMM, 0-pos TO z VIDIP"T -202,. 111_�L HOL-)IETG OF SUCH E12,"G- B13 L1111TEXED T1 0I1Y; PRO ": - -, T 10 I'l IT -1) 20 1,2Hil" G 'N S TH-H',' "UESTIOET !1.12121MD TO, I11100.R 2OR- M"ED IR, til D Id" 1� 12 0? 131 1-, 1 _J 1,j I Ily 02Y 1-I, S IGr "T23. T ENT G S A, ID D TG 2 J�. E S 12M, BT. I` H I 1v 1:.) T TTORY FY TH' 11'LE 0- AHD EST :'�.TQI� WIT," A D 2011I1,_,'G 2L.L,(JE fN S" IY, kPPOINT- A V S L'E' C 10. E P 7 R `7L I - 14 � j :'D L ` _U 0 ik I E 1z, ��7 (J" T 10 11 , IM PR'0- I NG TH7�`o 0- L__�A'JTIOU i`01�A1I SP 0 11 NOTICE' OT VIDIVTG FOR THE IDUBLIC,'��.'I'IOI" 'JC OF S,1'_ID ElECTION. The Board of Trustees of the City o -JP ajnaheim do ordain as f ollovis: WHIREAS, there was filed Wit the Board of Trustees of the City of a'n"heims a municipal corporation of the State of CalifOrni�# on the 12th day of January, l91-,'2, a petition signed bY IV ls, 9 and sixteen other electors residing in the territory nerein'a er described, requesting ta,:-,t the Board of Trustees of the City of I L -1,1I with Ain the boundaries Anaheim call ��L special election to be h, U of that certl.An inhabited and unincorporated territory situate within the County of Orange, State of California,J.and hereinafter particularly described, for the purpose of submitting tAo the c,ualified electors of Said territory the fro-po-juion of whether or not the said territory should be annexed to and incoroorated L in and made --t part of the said City of iyiaheimt. and which said territory pro-,-;ose(l to be anne_xed and incorporated in said dit, and described in said 9et-ition, is particul.Tly described as follows, to -wit -. Beginning at the ooint of intersection of the yonumented center line of Eorth Palm Street and the northerly line of ",',rest forth Street, extended vve6terl;/ across said 1aorth Palm Street as shown on a map of I -maheim L:,�.-tension made by .1. County ,qm. filed' for record in the Opfice Of the Hammel and filed'' Recorder of Los Angeles County, (California; thence Uortherly along the said center line of ivortjj Palm Street and its Oxten- - Sion Northerly to its intersection with the east line of 1 Section Pour (4), rin0 -j;rs- jir, our (4) South, _bane e'er. (10) "'est, - 2 uw -3. 3.to its L 1.1; therce ',-orthsrly ailoncl SLJ 0, SectiOn lire- 3 intersection with the cc-r_11-er lire of the California State I I' ig h- 4 ti-erce Soat-heu­`­yly --ilorw the s,Al_'. cer.-t-er lire oJ_' the 5:tate 1 0 Z j 1� t e y C t i 0 r t 1, t L e e- -t c r a C- d o r i,- 3.1 t at e i hW J'_ L. C L 6 center lire of '_parry .,ve4rlue as s7lown or. a T, -,a-,-) of t -he Cood- 7 mar tract recorded in book Seven (7), 1)aL'e `_,,-,enty_ore (21), Ids- 8cellanecus 11apst of Cianoe County, California; thence 9 Lortherly alorcy said certl�-r line of I'l-'arry "Ve n Ue one hundred 11; V 10 sixty-two and sive tenths ( 162, 5 ) f ee t , to its intersection with 11alley sholan the 1'ortherly lire, e:�:teraed "',,esterlT , of a certain 12 IT art t co2'ded in Book Seven on a map of the Subdivision, 13'decords of Orange CountCount12age 11�.-,7enty (20), 11iscellareous IL"flps, 14 Ccliforria; thence -.outheasterly alor1l' the '."orthr-j:'17 lire of I V 15and --l"asterly to its inter- , -,--,id alley and its extension "'esterI77 161 stair section. with the eT;:tercled ',�Iortherly lire of that ce tai St 17 and ''est alley, distant 19,6 feet Eortherl, from the center line 18 of 1,a ]palma Avenue, as showr or a 11'ap of the Gresswell vbdivis- 19 (47 ) 7'a ion recorded in Book Six (6), 12alge. .2o rt -y- seven . scellan- 20 sous Laps, of C)r;:m.-e County, California; thence "H.-ast- 21S erly alIcS, c-pon Ad Jortherly line of alley and its extension e-st 22 erly und ','Jesterly to its intersection. ',rith the center lire of 23 patt Street as shown on last described map; thence SoutheYly' 24 alons said center lire of Patt Street to a point on the South 25 line of Section Three (3) Township lour (4) South, 'Ranae n Rance 26 (10) Vies,'U, S. P. B. & 1,11; thence masterly alon- said Southerly .�k &.) 27 line and the Southerly lire of Section Two (2), said to--nship 28and Range, to the rortheasterly corner of Lot One (1), said 29 thence Southerly along the Easterly line of ah.e i m xt e r. cion; o r xa." 14 30 Lot One (1 ) and Lot -F'Our (4), said jxaheim 1].xter Sion to the 31 mast and '�'Iest ".enter line of Said Lot lour (A-); thence 'Wester13 32 2 11 I 1 along said center line to the :orth and South center Line of said 2 l� Lot :Four (4); thence So ache rly along the said 110 rth end South Of .5w id Qnd flee /Y.170fj 11,; C&n&' r Afti. center line,10, of Lot Eight (8), said Anaheim xtension to a point 3 s� e, 4 � on the center line of :east Santa Ana S , treet; thence ",'esterly 5 �I along said center line to the ",asterly lire of ast Street ex - 6 terded Southerly across said Surta x1na atreet; thence Northerly 7 alone said Easterly lire of South east Street a d the a.asterly 8 line of Y?orth East Street to its irtersection frith the '11ortherly 9 line of 2 ast S"orth street a, shown on said reap of-'.naheim '_>x- 10 tension; thence D-esterly alon-o said I'oither•ly line of -mssst north 11 Street to its intersection r-rith the center line of T:orth lis 12 :jrlgeies Street as shoran on said map of ,�.naheim l;xtensior; thence 13 s o rtherly along said center line 1062.88 Leet to the South line 14 of Section 'Three (3), `lownship tour (4) South, Range `l'er, (10) 15 e'6 t, S• B. 3. & T;; thence West alone said :oath line to its 16 intersection with the center line of the California State High - 17 wqy; thence Yortherly along said center line to its intersection 1g with the center lire of north Demon Street extended northerly 19 across said California State �=iighway; thence Southerly along 20 said center line of said north Lemon Street to �s intersection 21 with the Yo rthe rly line of 'Pest 11,o rth St reet lextende d westerly 22 across said T.Torth Lemon Street; thence �lesterly along said rorth- 23 erly line of ;lest r`orth Street and its Extension to the point of 24 be,ginningi and 25 rti�'HERR ►S, said petition had signed thereto seventeen names, 26 and was accompanied by the affidavit of A. A. 1.1ills, in which 27 said affidavit said A. x. Mills averred that said petition was 28 signed by not leas than one-fourth in number of the qualified 29 electors who reside in said territory, and that each and all of 30 said signatures were signed and subscribed to said petition in 31 the presence of said affiant, the said ". A. tills, and that 32 said affiant was personally acquainted c:�ith each and all of the - 3 - 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 persons who siEned said petition, and that said signatures were the bona fide signatures of the persons whose names they purport- Ij ed to be, and S.1id petition 'was accomparied by a certificate of J. M. Bucks, the County ,,Ilc-rk of the County of orange, State of CaliforniLl., in wkich said J. IT.. BaeLks certified that he had ex- amined the said petition, and t7iat said seventeen signers of said -petition are and at the time of signing said petition,ri r.D registered voters and qualified electors in the said Connty of aranse, and after receiving L &a ,aid petition, and or. the 9th day of ,Fe z7, 1922, --aid Board of Trustees -proceeded to examine and did examine said Al. !,'-,ills, who then and there testified under oath that the facts set forth in said petition and in his affidavit accompanying the same were true, and then and there %a testified as to the number of qualified - electors residing within the boundaries of -14aid territory hereinbefore described, the Seraineness of the signatures to said petition, and all other 3 matters connected therewith and, relating thereto* roc — tj ,,Iiereupon from the evidence n'luced at said. hearinly, and at said time, said Board of Trustees finds the facts as follows: First: That the territory described in said petition and asked to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, is inhabited terri- tory, and that said territory is located in the County of Orange, State of California, and that no portion thereoflieswithin the boundaries of any municipal corporation, and the same is contiguous to the City of ..�naheim. Second: That said petition was signed by not less than one- fourth the number of the qualified electors residing within t.144 territory described therein, as shown upon the register of vot- ers of said Count -y- of orange, and IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the Board of 'Trustees of the City of i.naheim deems it to the advantage and to the best interests of said territory the boundaries of which are hereinbefore described, and the in- habitar_ts residircl, therein, and to the City of Anaheim and its inhabitants to arnex to, inco -oo rate in and make a ;Hart of the City of Anaheim, the said territon.7, and believes that the pray- er of said petition heretofore filed, as aforesaid, should be giarted and a s%ecial election called within said territory for the parpoC,e o"" voting 0r said proposition. TTC 7 7_ :�'0 ='d: : B :CTIOS? 1. 1 ;;racial municipal election ;shall be held and the same is hereb-cr ordered find c -,Ile d to be held within the limitations off° the territory described ar_d bour_.ded, as herein- befoxe mors ;,rticul: rly set forth, on �the da y of 1922, parsaa4 to the provis- ions of an act of t e 17,,isla.ture of the State of Califorr_ia, entitled, „ :.ct to -nrovide for the alteration of the boundar- ies of «nd _or the a^YF 'atio?1 of territory to riunicipa.l corpor- ations, for the ir_coiporation of such atrnexed territory it and as a Hart t"r�ereof, and for the dis -rictir , overnrient and mur_ieipal cortrol of so=ch arne:rcd territory," approved June 11, 1913,._nd all acts amendatory thereof and supplerzentary there - and that at.said special election there shall be submitted to the ctual.ified electors residing within the boundaries of said territory, the c+uestion of whether said described terri- tory shall be annexed to, inco r -Borate d in and rade a part of 4- said City of Anaheim. That said territory is hereby d.e signate d as Srz C mTe�� n.uvtlWOF • "Forth and east xdditior_," and said territo ny shall be referred to and designated upon the ballots to be used at said election, as north and.ast Addition. - 5 - 1 SEC1I01' 3. That the territory within the exterior boLLndar- 2 ies above set forth is located. within the voting precinct desi.D.- 3 nated East Anaheim Frecincts the boundaries of which said pre - 4 ciret were fixed b the Board of Supervisors of the County of 5 orange, State of California, at a regular meeting of said Board -lovember, 1921% all as 6 of Supervisors held on the day of 11 7 �,.npears in the book of minutes of the meetings of said 3oard 8 of Supervisors in the office of the county Clerk of 9 said County, and the number of election precincts within said 10 territory for the purpose of holding said election shall be one. 11 ind the Board of 111rustees does hereby precinct the whole of 12 said territory into ore special election precinct to be desig- 13 I nated as "Special Election Precinct iso- I*" for the purpose of 14 holding said election with location of polling place therein, 15 and t I he names of the election o-fic6rs as hereinafter set forth. L 16 SEC TIOII 4, That the polling place in said special election 17 precinct Igo. 1 is hereby fixed and shall be at 18 19 20 And the Board olflzaectic-,m to conduct, the said election in 21 said Special I-Olectior. Precinct !�O, I shall be and they are here - 22 by appointed as f o 1 low S: 23 For Inspector Izo 24 Por Judge and _JI 7T a 25 ill of the persons?he%rein' o�ve r�amed are hereby -n-n 26 such officers of election respectively, and their com-per-sation U_ 27 is hereby fixed at wive 5.00) Dollars each -for said election. 28 32C TIQY 5. That the special election hereby called and 29 ordered to be held shall be held and conducted and the votes 30 thereat received and canvassed ard the returns made and the 31 result thereof ascertained, determined and declared as herein 32 provided, and in all particulars not recited herein according 6 to the laws oi- (y the State of California providing for and govern- 2 1:), ing the holding of special elections so called and held, and 3 the polls for such election shall be and remain open during the 4 I time required by law. 5 The ballots to be used at said special a election sh 11 have 6 printed thereon, in addition to other matter required by lairli to 7 be -printed thereon, the following: 8 I1TS1_1_;_ZTiC1_.'HOrS TO WI MRS'. (x) 9 To vote on a proposition, stamp a cros2s./in the blank space to the right of and opposite the answer you desire to give. 10 All marks, except the cross (x) are forbidden. All distin- aaishable marks and erasures are forbidden and make the ballot 11 void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, re- turn tt to the inspector of election and obtain another. Do 12 rot mark with pencil or pen. 13 Shall Yorth and East Addition be annexed to the City of Anaheim? 14 Yes 15 16 Shall Yorth and Fast Additior be annexed to the City of Anaheim? 17 18 1V o 19 SEC TH oil,, 6. The City Clerk of the City of 'An.aheim is hereby 20 ordered and directed to give notice of such election in "The 21 Fullerton ITews", a newspaper of general circulation, printed, 22 and published outside of said City of Anaheim, but in the 23 County of O-range, being the County in which the territory so 24 proposed to be annexed -is situate, at least orce a week for a 25 period of four successive weeks next -preceding the date of such 44 26 election, which said notice shall set forth and contain the datE 27 of such election, the pro-position to be submitted at such Spec- 28 jai election, to-wit: That it is -proposed to annex. to, incor- 29 porate in and make a part of said .municipal corporation, the 30 said City of 2,,raheim, the territory sought to be annexed, a 31 32 description of the territory proposed to be annexed, the des-ig- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 nation of the name and words of identification of said territory as in this ordinance provided for, to -wit, forth and East Addi- tion, the location of the election precinct, the pollirg place thereof, the election officers <xppointed to hold and conduct seid election, the time of the opening of tY�e polls ar.d. the time of closing the polls, 7'hich shall be from 6 o'clock A. 11. to 7 o'clock 7. Ti. of the day o_' said election_. ECTIOTT 7. The Irspector and Judges of such election shall immediately or the closing of the A)olls, count the ballots, make up, certify and segl the ballots and tally sheets of the ballots cast at said special election in the manner and form provided by lava, and shall thereupon deliver the same to and cYeposit the same with the City Clerk of the City of a�naheim. 33ECT10 8. mhe City Clerk of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to pro cure all supplies that may be necessary to prope ly conduct said special elector_. Sample ballots containing the matter 1`ec?u.ired to be iarinted on the ballots to be used at such election, shall be supplied to the electors entitled to vote at said election, by the City Clerk of said city ofs�raheir, but a failure on the -),"rt of any elector to receive such sample ballot shall. not be held to in- validate the election or effect in ary .fanner the legality there of. ;ECmJ()y 9. The City Clerk of the City of .",raheim shall cer- tify to the ,pass �"e of this or, it ance and cause "Ile' e to be A ub l Pled OT ce In tyle T' iria.heim Gazette", a re JsfE!aer 01- tierer, circulation, ;.�rirted, published µnal circulated in s: id city, and therefrom: t,rnd thereafter the ;ane si-lall take effect and b" in full force* ' �e "ore,goirg ordinar_ce was passed and adopted at a regular meetiY:v of the�«rd of 'trustee of the City of a71:14hEim held on n 16 Is E'dward B. 1,1erritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do 17 hereby certif-y tl-.-at the forecoira ordinarce vv -as introduced at IV AJ lu 18 a regular meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of tile City of �na- 19 heim held or, the 9th day 1922, and that she 20 vias passed arl ado -p' ed at a rs,-ulamc-e-tirz of zaid Board of 21Trustees of the City of tinaheim !-)-,eld. or the /-7 day of 22 ;February, 1922, by the followino- vote: 23 ayes, Trustees CA, 24 Toes, Trustees 25.4a bsent and not voting, Trustees 14- 26 jz,d I farther certify that .,he Eresident of the Board of 27 Trustees of the Uit-�r of Anaheim sicyned arLd ap- 4� -0 _Oroved and attested 28 Said ordinance or. the 1-7 CC- day of1922. February 29 IT h-ve hereunto set niy- hand and affixed 30 the seal of said city, this 7 day of February 1922, 31 32 City clerk of the City of &naheim. 9 1 the /-7 day of February, 1922 and the s<-ame is hereby 2 s i red, approved and attested by rie t'h.iS /7 `� day of February 3 4 2 5 xieSidert Of the "'O'Ird of xu,tee c, oifthe of "rLaheim, 6 7 teat: 8 (F— -, - a 9 City Ole-rF of the it o -f xaheira. 10 11 ST.AIIIE 01-1 12 (-A TT CU TY 021 0 Gill I 13 CITY 02 '114 14 15 16 Is E'dward B. 1,1erritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do 17 hereby certif-y tl-.-at the forecoira ordinarce vv -as introduced at IV AJ lu 18 a regular meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of tile City of �na- 19 heim held or, the 9th day 1922, and that she 20 vias passed arl ado -p' ed at a rs,-ulamc-e-tirz of zaid Board of 21Trustees of the City of tinaheim !-)-,eld. or the /-7 day of 22 ;February, 1922, by the followino- vote: 23 ayes, Trustees CA, 24 Toes, Trustees 25.4a bsent and not voting, Trustees 14- 26 jz,d I farther certify that .,he Eresident of the Board of 27 Trustees of the Uit-�r of Anaheim sicyned arLd ap- 4� -0 _Oroved and attested 28 Said ordinance or. the 1-7 CC- day of1922. February 29 IT h-ve hereunto set niy- hand and affixed 30 the seal of said city, this 7 day of February 1922, 31 32 City clerk of the City of &naheim. 9