426 (2)VS. 0 Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange State of California ORDINANCE No. 426. Plaintiff Defendant STATE OF CALIFORNIA, � ss County of Orange, ... ... being first duly- sworn, deposes and says: That all times hereinafter entioned, he was a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and a restaent of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and •roprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange, State of California; that tsaid Anaheim Gazette is and was at all times herein raentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and •State at regular intervals for more. than one year preceding the first publication of the notice herein mention- ed; that the ... ...:...• �•................... .............................................................qof 'which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least • .........!. / .....times, commencing on the ..............day of ••...........................192..., and ending on the .............. day of ............................ 192...,both days inclusive. and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that. is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: . . .............. AN ORDINANCE OF: rH ANAHtEillM AMEND'^IbNG CERT -0 OF . ORDINANCE 4�Q, PA 9EF? ADOi"rM AND PROVED ON_THE_23%RIi DAY Nor A OF Stri AIN Oil Aly- wee ()F, ��g SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __-_ -z---3_ day of ----- ----------192I-- 77- .............. Notary Public to and for Orange County, California. South Atchison Street; assigns, shalt at, its own cost and ex Southerly alley between East Broad pense, reconstruct impair and replabe way Street and East. Santa Ana Street auy and all side Nralks that may be, at a point approximately awenty-two disturbed or injured by the said (22) feet westerly of westerly line of grantee ill the course of the. construe South Atchison Street; tion of any of its tracks. Said railroad East Santa Ana Street at a point shall conform at all times to the es approximately twenty-two (22) feet tablished grades of East �ycamoro westerly of the westerly line of South Street; Fast Cypress Str e. ,t, Fast Atchison Street.; Cl nf. es Street, East (entcr Street Northerly alley between East Santa Fast Broadway Streetand ilast Sankt Ana 9trept and Fast Water Street at glia Street, so that the top of its rails a po.nr approxin,attely twenty-two (22) •: shall be flush with the rospectivo feet westerly o2 westerly line of South , street. grades at said respE.tive cross- Atchison Street.; in!- and at all points of ero.�sing with Southerly alley between East Santa - oLh :r strecLs, alleys anti ether public Ana Street and East Water Street at a Places within the City of Anaheim said railroad shag] as ncrrly as practicable paint approximately twenty-two (22) conform to tire; t sl iblisht,d grades of feet westerly of the westerly line of said F?.reets, alleys or other public ' ORDINANCE NO. 426. places; i South Atchison Street; tand at all sueh points where East Water Street at a point a1) i it r, not practicable for said railroad AN ORDINANf'F. OF THE CITY OF proximately ten (10) feet west of the I to conform to such grades, approaches ANAHEIM AMENDING CE'R'TAIN wes.ierly line of South Atchison !shall be constructed by the grantee SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE N,O. Street; � hereof with grades not in excess of 430, PASSED ADOPTED AND AP j EastSouth Street at a point ap ),cur per cent, and to the satisfaction, PROVED ON THE 23RD DAY OF i Proximately fifty (50) feet west of the ! of the Superintendent of Streets of MARCH, 1922, AND EN'PITLED; tii�estc rly line of South Orange Street; the City of Anaheim. All repairs made i "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Tn a point in the southerly bound by the said grantee its successors or OF ANAHEIM CR.ANTING TO LOS wry of the City of Anaheim approxi assigns, sliall be made under the -,itj ANGELES & S_IT LAKE RAIL-' mately fifty (50) feet west of the ervision of the S pPerintendent of ROAD COMPANY, A CORPORA -I westerly line of Sout,uh Orange Street; mets of the City if Anrheim. OF HE IGHT TO CN- EOR Including also tine right to cross any I and all street~, alleys and other public I titisignshe saiel tfail STRUCTANrD A PERIOD places along Said route not particular cespors�i of shall to coni_ FIFTY YEARS TO MAINTAIN AND � ly hereinbefore mentioned; and also � )ly with the instr--M � 1 uhs given by said � OPERATE A LINE OF' s PEAM (Route 2) Beginning at a point np� I Superintendent of Streets for neces- RAIiLRO.AD, TOGETHER WITH on the above described route midway j sary repau•s or for paving or maca,d SPUR TRACKS, SIDE TRACKS between East Santa Ana Street and amlzing any of such sti e ets, or shat AND OTHER RAILROAD FACILI TIES, OVER AND ACROSS CER -1 East Water Street; thence in a cher g fail or neglect ir to so construct, repa1 � ,ally southwesterly direction across i or replace said sidewalks or streets as i TAI!N STREETS AND OTHER PUB ser i I private property and crossing and laid aforesaid, for ten (10) days after set- LIC LIC PLACES IN THE CIT)' OF along and upon the following; named i vice of notice tlioreof, upon the Super t ANAHEIM," intendant or Manager or- other officer street,; and alleys at the points here- _ of said grantee, then the: Superinten. t after specified: i dent of Streets of the City of Ana The Board of Trustees of the City! Southerly alley between Fast Santa � heinr may, with suitable assistance or Anaheim du ordain as follows: ; Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordi- .dna Street and East NV,ater Street, at j enter upon said railroad or any per - nance No. 420 of the City of Anahraim. ti point approximately eighty (80) feet inn thereof and do the work and fur passed, adopted and approved on the westerly- of westerly line of South nish the proper ma,terial, and keep an 23rd day of March, 1922, and entitled Atchison Street; itemized account of the cost thereof "An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim Eas` Water Street at a point ap- f which said grant??., its successors or granting to Los Angeles & Salt Lake I)rcxin'atO one hundred seventy-five i assigns, 1, y the acceptance of this Railroad Company, a corporation, the (17^) f,,et westerly of westerly line of, franchise agrees to pay promptly to right to construct and for a period of South Atchison Street; the City Clerk of the City of 'roll fifty years to maintain and operate a Aloirg South Olive. Street, from a lieirn, upon the presentation of the account to the President Manag"r or line- of steam railroad, together with point nn the easterly line of South other o[of said grantee. spur tracks,side tracks and other rail. �Olivsi Street, approximately fifty-five road facilities, over and across cer- :1 Section 1. That said Los Angeles (55) feet northerly of Northeast cor ,F Salt Take Railroad Company shall twin streets and other pubic places in her of the intersection of South Olive i rile with the Clerk of tho Board of the City of Anaheim," be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol SLreei and F.,idt. South Street., to a Trustees of City Anaheim n a 1iws: to re point in the center line of South Olive written accepf.ancc hereof within Street, approximately one hundred I days of the passage of this Ordinance Stiction 1. That the right, privilege j ten (glu) feet Southerly of the south Scc.tion 4. The City Clerk of the. and franchise is hereby granted to i,I, line of East South Street; Citi of Anaheim shall certify to the Los Anga les & Salt Lake Railroad Company, a corporation, organized including also the right to cross any 1i=1' s-,,,,,-,, of this ordinance and cause t,,s d all streets, alleys and other public, � the same to be published once in the under the laws of the State of Utah. places along said route not particular- Anaheim Gazette, a weedy newspaper and duly authorized to transact busi. I hereinbefore mentioned. of general circulation published in the ness in the State of Californa, and to Section That Section 6 of said i City of Anaheim, County of Orange its successors and assigns, to con• Ordinance Na.420 of the Cit of Ani State' of California, and tbirty days struct,an for the clod of fit d l Y (0) ,b ece. i Warred to, be and the' i fl or its passage it shall take effect years from the date henaof to main- sarue is he~aby amended to read as and be in full forte. t.ain and operate a line of standard follmvs: Phe foregoing ordiimnce is signed guage steam railroad; either single or Section G. That the said grantee, approved and atter ed by mo this 28th double track. together with necessary its ;uc t essors or assigns shall use the,day of Sep'ember, 1922. turn outs, side tracks, spur tracks best, material in the construction ofj (SEAL) switches, signals, telegraph and tele. said railroad and will pave the entire I �� AL fi'PARI{, phone lines with poles and other at- portions of the streets used by its I President m' ill(, Board of Trustet_is of tachments for use in connection tracks bet% een the rails and for two! the City of Anaheim. therewith, and all necessary and ap• feet o, eai•h side thereof, and betweenAttest: proprate appurtenances and appli the tracks if there be more than one N:n�V'.1131) li antes and other railroad facilities,for .MFRI.ITJ', the carrying of passen germ, baggage j m as good condition as said streets ('ity Clem of the tri✓ of .%naheim freight, express and mail matter by now are. and will keep the same con. I means of cars and locomotives pro. lantli in repair flush with the streets �, State of Calrtornia ( i 11 aof Oiarrge and with good crossings, the intention'. pelted by steam, upon, along and C i v or anali?nn SS: across certain public streets, high- I be iii to keep the suets along the tracks of said railroad in such-condi- ' 11 Edward B 11e r'tt, C it y Clerk of ways, alleys and other public places t• Che City of Anaheim, cilli, do hr cry cer*i,,y Tion tbat ;lie streets can be used by within the said City of Anabe;m that the fort „ i r s ordinance was in } the public without difficulty and with County of Orange, State of Califor i lila., along the iroduced at a regular nee nig of the, owt, hicles cutting ruts along the routes, the center lines which are next hereinafter partic i"I.,ird of True es of. the City of Ana - side side of the rails of the said railroad; k1c:Ln held on file 14th day of Septern- . ularly described, namely: and Chat certain rail known as the tier 022, and that the name was there ' (Route 1) Be.einninr 14n nnint inI..f r .lby rail, shall be used in all paced «.,,.t.. >1 1 upon Jird over until a regular me, tiro; e,61MIZ, Ltliesrapn unu cele phone lines with 'poles and at, said railroad and Will pave the entirej WM. STARK, other tachments for use in connection portions of the streets used by it,%l President of the Board of Trustees of therewith, and all necessary and ap• tracks between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, and between I the City of Anaheim. attest: TAD urtenances and appli the tracks if there be more than one., EDWARD B .M�EBRIT'T, i ante aand her railroad facilitiesfor the carrying of passengers, baggage in as goad condition as -said, streets City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. freight, express and mail matter by now are, and will keep the same con ,stantly in repair flush with the streets j State of California, Count of Orange means of cars and locomotives pro pelled. by steam, upon, along and and with good crossings, the intention y I ;City of Anaheim, SS: across certain a ig public str ets, high. ways, alleys being to keep the streets along the tracks of said railroad in suoh` condi• ; I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the do hereby and other public places City of Anaheim, certify ,tion that the streets can be used by within the said City of . AnailreFni that the. foregoing ordinance was in, the public witfiout difficulty and with County of Orange, State of Califor. troduced at a regular meeting of, the nia. along the routes, the center lines o"t"chicles cutting ruts along the Beard of Trustees of the'City of Ana• of which are next hereinafter partle side of the rails of the said railroad; keim held on the 14th day of jieptem_; ularly described, namely; and 'that certain rail known as the ber, 1922, and that the same was there. j Trilby rail, shall be used in all paved upon laid over until a regular meeting ! (Route 1) $Esginnin& 4t_a: polnt ash of the Board of Trustees. ria the 28th I the northerly boundary of the L'itq of Anaheim, said being in the -t•)v uch tracks s al be constructed day of S^eptember, 1922, and that at point cen- tier line of I.a NIma Avenue, on the and shall be used in; all streets, al said regular meeting of said Board of.j .south line of the southeast quarter of leys and other public places hereafter Trustees held on, said 28th day of Sep. the southeast ' of Sectio! quarter paved, when the same are paved. tember, 1922, said ordinance was pass- ; Township s South, Range i0 In case the City of Anaheim ,shall ed and adopted ty the following vote: ,Three, ` West, S. B. & M.. Orange County pave or macadamize the streets. across. Ayes: 'Trustees Stark, Stock, Mann a California, 3B. feet, more or less or along which the said railroad shall and Gibbs. he constructed and operated, then the Noes: Trustees,, None. east of the southwest corner thereof: grantee of this franchise, Its s eces Absent: Trustees, Gates. thence in a southerly direction across -ot, or assigns, shall pave or macad. And I further certify that the Pres the south half of La Palma Avenue ami" said road between the rails and ident of the Board of Trustees of the and across private property tv a 111 1—tween the tracks if there be more City of Anaheim signed said Ordi ' point on the north line of North Street, 60 feet, more or less west Of than one, and two feet on each side'nance on the 28th day of Seht:'<mber thereof, with the same material used 1"1922. the west line of (?range Street: thence by be City upon the streets, over and In Witness Whereof, I have here In a general southerly direction across across which the said railroad shall be untoset my hand and affixed the of. private' property and crossing the fol constructed respectively, and shah 'ficial seal of the City of Anaheim, this lowing named streets and alleys at the keep the same in repair flush with. the 22th day of September, 1922 points hereafter specified: streets and provided with' good and .(SEAL) East North Street at. a point ap suitable crossings. Provided further EDWARD B.'MERRITT, proximately sixty (6Q) feet westerly that said grantee, its successors or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. ` of westerly line of North Orange, Street; East Wilbelmi.na Street at a- point approximately sixty-six feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; East Sycamore Street, at a point ap• proximately one hundred and eighty (180) feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; Alley between East Sycamore Street and East Adele Street, at a point approximately one hundred ane ninety-five (195) feet wertWY of westerly line of North Orange Street: East Adele 'Street at a point ap• proximately two hundred two (202) feet westerly of westerly Iine of North Orange Street; I Alley between East Adele Street and East Cypress Street at a point ap proximately. two hundred five (205) feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; East Cypress Street at a point ap- proximately two hundred five (205) feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Atreet; East Chartres .Street, at a point ap• 'proximately twen'tV-two 1(22) feet westerly of westerly line of North Atchison Street. East Center Street, at a point ap- proximately twenty-two (2B) feet westerly of westerly line of North Atchison Street; Northerly alley between East Cen ter Street and East Broadway Street at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet westerly of westerly line of South Atchison Street; Southerly alley between East Cen• ter Street and East Broadway Street at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet, westerly of westerly line of I South Atchison Street; East Broadway Street at a point ap- proximately twenty-two (22) feet westerly of westerly line of 'South Atchison Street; Northerly alley between East Broad- way ,Street and EastiSanla Arta Street at a point approximately twenty-two,1 (02) feet we_s>:erl$ pr weaterty line of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim amending certain sections of Ordinance No. 420, passed, adopted and approved on th 23rd day of March, 1922, and entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim granting to Los Angeles &N Salt Lake Railroad Company, a corporation, the right to construct and for a period of fifty years to maintain and operate a line of steam railroad, together with spur tracks, side tracks and other railroad facilities, over and across certain streets and other public places in the City of An, ahe im" . The B oard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section l of Ordinance No. 420 of the City of Anaheim, passed, adopted and approved on the 23rd day of March, 1922, and entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim granting to Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, a corpora- tion, the right to construct and for a period of fifty years to maintain and operate a line of steam railroad, together with spur tracks, side tracks and other railroad facilities# over and across certain streets and other public places in the City of Anaheim", be and the same is hereby amended to read as:`follows: Section 1. That the right, privilege and franchise is here granted to Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, a corporation, organized under the laws of the -State of Utah, and duly authorizes to transact business in the State of California, and to its suc- cessors and assigns, to construct, and for the period of fifty I 1 (50) years from the date hereof to maintain and operate a line of standard guage steam railroad; either single or double track, to gether with,necessary turn outs, side tracks, spur tracks, switches, signals, telegraph and telephone lines with poles and 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 2 6 27 28 29 30 31 32 other attachments for use in connection therewith, and all necessary and appropriate appurtenances and appliances and other railroad facilities, for the carrying of passengers, baggage, freight, express and mail matter by means of cars and locomotives propelled by steam, upon, along and across certain public streets, highways, alleys and other public places within the said City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, along the routes, the center lines of which are next hereinafter particularly de- scribed, namely; (Route 1) Beginning at a point in the northerly boundary of the City of Anaheim, said point being in the center line of La Palma Avenue, on the south line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Three, Township 3 South, Range 10 'Vest, S. B. B. & Id., Orange County, California, 310.11 feet, more or less, east of the southwest corner thereof; thence in a southerly direction across the south half of La Palma Avenue and across private property to a point on the north line of North Street, 60 feet, more or less, west of the west line of Orange Street; thence in a general southerly direction across private property and crossing the following named streets and alleys at the points hereafter specified; East North Street at a point approximately sixty (60) feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; East Wilhe 1pina Street at a point approximately sixty-six of westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; 't East Syca.mre Street, at a point approximately one hundred and eighty (1� feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; Alley between East Sycamore Street and East Adele Street, at a point approximately one hundred and ninety-five (195) feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; East Adele Street at a point arproximately two hundred two 2. 1 2 3 4 (202) feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; Alley between East Adele Street and East Cypress Street at a point approximately two hundred five (205) feet westerly of wester line of North Orange Street; East Cypress Street at a point approximately two red five 6 (205),feet westerly of westerly line of North Orange Street; 7 East Chartres Street, at a point approximately twenty-two 8 (22) feet westerly of westerly line of North Atchison Street; 9' East Center Street, at a point approximately twenty-two 10 (22) feet westerly of westerly line of North Atchison Street; 11 12 13 14 Northerly alley between East Center Street and East Broad- way Street, at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet wester- ly of westerly line of South Atchison Street; Southerly alley between East Center Street and East Broad - 15,11 way Street at a point approximately twenty-two ( 22 ) feet, westerl 16. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 of westerly line of South Atchison Street; East Broadway Street at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet westerly of westerly line of South Atchison Street; Northerly alley between East Broadway Street and East Santa Ana Street, at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet westerl of westerly line of South Atchison Street; Southerly alley between East Broadway Street and East Santa Ana Street, at a point approximately twenty-two (22) 24 feet westerly of westerly line of South Atchison Street; 25 Fast Santa Ana Street at a point approximately twenty-two 26 (22) feet westerly of the westerly line of South Atchison Street; 27 Nort.erly alley between East Santa Ana Street and East 29 30 31 32 Water Street at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet westerly of westerly line of Southn Atchison Street; Southerly alley between East Santa Ana Street and East Water Street at a point approximately twenty-two (22) feet tiroesterly of the westerly line of South AtcY&son Street; 3. 1 East Water Street at a point approximately ten (10) i:%et 2 west of the westerly line of South Atchison Street; 3 East South Street at a point approximately fifty (50) feet 4 west of the westerly lime of South Orange Street; 5 To a point in the southerly boundary of the City cf Anaheim 6 approximately fifty (50) feet .vest of the westerly line of South 7 Orange Street; ' Including also the right to cross any and all streets, 9 alleys and other public places along said route not particularly 10 hereinbefore mentioned; and also 11 (Route 2) Beginning at a point upon the above described 12 route midway between East SantaAna Street and East Water Street; 13 14: 15. 16 17 18' 19 20 21 thence in a generally southwesterly direction across private property and crossing and laid along and upon the following named streets and alleys at the points hereafter specified; Southerly alley between East Santa Ana Street and East Water Street, at a point approximately eighty (80) feet westerly of westerly line of South Atchison Street; East Water Street at a point approximately one hundred seventy-five (175) feet westerly of westerly line of South Atchi- son Street; 22 Along South Olive Street, from a point on the easterly line 23 of South Olive Street, approximately fifty-five (55) feet north - 24 erly of Northeast corner of the intersection of South Olive,Stree 25 and East South Street, to a point in the center line of South 26 Olive Street, approximately one hundred ten (110) feet southerly 27 of the southerly line of East South Street; 28 29 30 31 32 Including also the right to cross any and all streets, alley, and other public places along said route not particularly herein- before mentioned. Section 2. That Section 6 of said Ordinance No. 420 of the City of Anaheim, above referred to, be and the same is hereby 4. 1! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 amended to read as follows: Section 6. That the said grantee, its successors or assigns shall use the best material in the construction of said rail- road and will pave the entire portions of the streets used by its tracks between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, and between the tracks if there be more than one, in as good condition as said streets now are, and will keep the same con- stantly in repair flush with the streets and with good crossings, the intention being to keep the streets along the tracks of said railroad in such condition that the streets can be used by the i.%ublic without difficulty and without vehicles cutting ruts along the side of the rails of the sd d railroad; and that certain rail known as the Trilby rail, shall be used in all paved streets over, along or across which any such tracks shall be constructed, and shall be used in all streets, alleys and other public places hereafter paved, when the same are paved. In case the City of Anaheim shall pave or macadamize the stz across or along which the said railroad shall be constructed and. operated, then the grantee of this franchises its successors or assigns, shall pave or macadamize slid road between the rails and between the tracks if there be more than one, anal two feet each side thereof, with the same material used by the City upon the streets, over and across which the said railroad shall be 24 constructed respectively, and shall xeep the saime in repair flush 25 with the streets and provided with good and suitable crossings. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Provided further that said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall at its own cost and expense, reconstruct, repair and replac any and all side walks that may be disturbed or injured by the said grantee in the course of the construction of any of its tracks. Said railroad shall conform at all times to the es- tablished grades of East Sycamore Street; East Cypress Streets East Chartres Street, East Center Street, East Broadway Street 5. 1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8'' 9 10 11 or; 13 14 15 16 17 18 M 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and East Santa Ana Street, so that the top of its rails shall be flush with the respective street grades at said respective cross- ings and at all points of crossing with other streets, alleys and other public places within the City of Anaheim said railroad- ` shall as nearly as practicable conform to the -established grades of said streets, alleys or other public places; and at all such points where it is not practicable for said railroad to conform to such grades, approaches shall be constructed by the grantee hereof with grades not in excess of four per cent, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Anaheim. All repairs made by the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be made under the supervision of the Supe rin- tendent of Streets of the City of Anaheim. In case the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to comply with the instructions given by said Superintendent j of Streets for necessary repairs or for paving or macadamizing any of such streets, or shall fail or neglect to so construct, repair or replace said sidewalks or streets as aforesaid, for ten (10) days after service of notice thereof, upon the Superin- tendent or Manager or other officer of said grantee, then the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Anaheim may, with suit- able assistance, enter upon said railroad or any portion thereof and do the work and furnish the proper material, and keep an itemized account of the cost thereof, which said grantee, its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise agrees to pay promptly to the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, upon th presentation of the account to the President, Manager or other of ficer of said grantee. Section 3. That said Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company shall file with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim a written acceptance hereof within 30 days of the passage of this Ordinance. 6. 1 2 3 4 Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper 11 of general circulation published in the City of Anaheim, County 5.,,; of Orange, State of California, and thirty days after its passage 6^ it shalltake effect and be in full force. 7 The foregoing ordinance is signed, approved and attested 811 by me this ;L8 day of September, 1922. 9 10 ll President of the Board of Trustees 12 of the City of Anaheim. 13 Attest: 14 15 City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. 16° State of California) 17 ) County of Orange ) SS 18 City of Anaheim ) 19 I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 20 do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at 21 a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim 22 c t - held on the / ,�f day cf September, 1922, and that the same was _ry_ 23 thereupon laid over until a regular meeting of the Board of 24 A Trustbes on the 2.8 day of , 1922 and that at 25 � said regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on said z,_ 2 clay of September, 1922 said ordinance was passed and adopted by 27 the following vote: 28 Aye s y Trustees: �./C ��� 2l3��. 29 30 Noes: Trustees: 31 ��Absent: Trustees: 32 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.,, 11 12 13 14 15; 16- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 And I further certify that the President of tY."_. Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed said Ordinance on the 29 ct: day of September, 1922. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herrounto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this Z8' day of%��- , 1922. ts- City Clerk of the City of Anaheim.