428 (2)AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Count rass. V of said county, being first duly sworn, says:—that he is a male citizen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no interest in, nor is a party to the matter herein men- tioned; that he is the PRINTER of the, THE ORANGE COUNTY PLAIN DEALER, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in the said County of Orange; that said THE ORANGE COUNTY PLAIN DEALER is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid. subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a gen- eral character; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it has been printed and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cal' ornia, for more than one year next preceding the firqk7aJy of the publication hereto meted; that the of which the annexed is a printed co y, was published in said newspaper at least --------- / ________ _�-_.____ commencing on the ----ti ........day of ----------------------------- 192k, - ---192/x!, and ending on t . %'-'-------day of. 192_ _ and that said_ .Z� ubli hed on the following dates, - Z--= �-----.---- Z7-----• •------------------------- •­------------------------------------- ----------- Subscribed -----• ---------------------------- --- Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... ...... day of_ G'�� 2.2-- 5..- `'.......__ -------------- Notary Pub tc I `` _ LEGAL N6T' 1C ORDDINANCL IV Rti AN ORDINANCE CALLING'4AVD Pr o- VIDING FOR ANI) GIV1rtG NO- TICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF ANANIA, HON TUESDAY, EIM STATE FTHE 128TH t DAY OI' NOVEMBER, 1322 THE OBJECT 'BEING TO SUBMJT TO ' THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF c INSAICURCITY ONE; OR MORE PROPOSITIONSORDEBTSBY"SAID CITY FOR THE v FOLLOWING PURPOSES: THE CONSTRUCTION AND' COMPLE- r TION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL I1IIPROVEMENTS IN SAID CITY; CONSISTING OF THE COMPLE- TION Ob` A BUILDING FOR MU- NICIPAL USES; CERTAIN' j STREET WORK, AND THE COM- PLE:TION OF THE PUBLIC PARK. WHEREAS; :the Boara of Trustees of, is tha City of Anaheim, at a regular ad- 1 dourned mceffilLf held in said. c ity on` the 6th day of, October, 1922,; by a .vote-. of more Char two-thirds of the meta- bers of said hoard of trustees, did Pass 1, 'find adopt a ]resolution determining that the public interest and also the public `nece,gity derm;�nds the completion by the City of Anaheim of a certain mu- nicippal improvement, to wit; the com- Pletion of a certaiAnaheim fO1- r. building in he City j ng offices for city tofficialsal ea r000mlor chamber for the holding of meetings of the Board of Trustees and other of.: flcials, boards and tribunals of said City. rooms for the housing and safe- keeping of prisoners of said city, to �e used for the purpose of a city jail. Khd rooms and quarters for the housing of fire apparatus of said city and for the necessary ac -'On -iodations for rtem- bers of its fire department. The cost of the completion of which Kid municipal improvement was esti- 'slated at Forty Thousand ($40',000.09) Rollars, which said cost was and is ton Creat to be paid out of the ordinary tnnual income and revenue of said cit>. And also determinrng• that the public lterest and also the public necessity lemand 'the construction and comple- ion by the City of Anaheim of a cer- itin municipal improvement, to -wit: tteet work, consisting of grading.arid axing of certain street intersectignv 2 said city, to -wit; tie intersect ion of South West Street nd Chestnut Street, the intersection of Orth Citron Street and West Chartres, treat, the intersection of South Palm treet and Chestnut Street, the inter.' xOtion of South. Palin Street and Oak `"et, 'the intersectlon of North Palm 2€t and West Chartres Street, the tersection of North HElena Street and hest Chartres Street, toe intersection- South He?ena Street and Oak Street, e intersection of South Helena, Street ld Chestnut Street, the intersection ofprove 10th Helena Street and Third Soutli ss all reet, the intersection of North Zeyn. helm, reet and ti4'est Syeam..ore Streetthe Calrtp tersection of North Zeyn Street anti inipro eat Alberta" Street, the intersec ($100, t% of North Zeyn Street and West Unftel llhelmina Strcet, the intersection of One ,at Sycamore Street and North Phila- Doliat Iphia Street, the intersection of Eaxt eipal 14 more Street and Emily Street, tjn red tii e!xsection of East F^namore Stre«, pad b, I North Claudina Strut, and the re- exceed laciM- of certain parts of Lincoln p4yab8 MFInue between North West Street and and i in'esterly boundary line of said ,city. pald 1 e cost of the construction and,cem 06 Rion of which said munici al am- " Wernen was estimated a k e Thousand . it aarar. " . LEGAL NOT1C�` Ol DINANCE NO. '428 AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND PRO= VIDING FOR AND GIVIrZG NO- TICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALIFOR- , NIA, ON; : TUESDAY, THE28TH t DAY OI6' NOVEMBER, 1922, THE OBJEL�T BEING TO SUBMIT TO I THE;, QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY PROPOSITIONS TO INCUR ON&,' OR MORE BONDED 1 DEBTS BY ' SAID CITY FOR THE FOLLOWING PUI2.POSES: THE " CONSTRUCTION AND' COMPLE- r TION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID CITY,, I CONSISTING OF THE COMPLE- I TION OF A BUILDING FOR MU- NICIPAL USES; CERTAIN' 3 STREET WORK, AND THE COM- PLETION OF THE. PUBLIC PARK. WHEREAS; .the-Boara of Trustees of 1 the City of Anaheim, at a regular ad. f journed mee'ttilie held in said. city on the 6th day of" October, 1922,; by a vote Of more tlign two-thirds of the mem- bers of asaid'13oard of Trustees, did pass l' and adopt -'a resolution determining that the public interest and also ,the public neces3ity demands the completion by the City of Anaheim of a certain mu- nicipal improvement, to wit: the coin-' pletion of a certain building in the City of Anaheim for municipal uses, poptain- #ng offices for city officials, a room; or h camber for the holding of meetings of the Board of Trustees and other oPr ficials, boards, and tribunalsof said city, rooms for the housing and safe- keeping of prisoners of said city, to be used for the purpose of a city jail, and rooms and quarters for the housing of fire apparatus of said city and for the necessary ac-omodations for mem- bers of its fire department. The cost of the completion of which said municipal improvement was esti- mated at Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars, which said cost was and is ton great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said city. ` And also determinrng that the public Interest and also the public necessity demand the construction and comple- tion by the City of Anaheim of a cer- tain municipal improvement, to -wit: street work; consisting of grading and paving of certain street intersections in said city, to -wit: the intersection of South West Street and Chestnut Street, the intersection of North Citron Street and West Chartres, ' Street,_ the intersection of South Palm I Street and Chestnut' Street, the inter ;fttiarr of South. Palm Street and Oak *'sect, the intersection of North Palm t tet and West Chartres Street, the 3 intersection of North Helena'Street and West Chartres Street, the intersection 0 of South He'.ena Street and Oak Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and C hp,4tnut Street, the intersection of provements in a s South Helena Street and Third South as are permittdc i Street, the. #nteraection of North Zeyn helm under the Street and ""rest Sycamore the Califor ia, the e: .Street,_ intersection of North Zeyn Street and irriprow ment is (. e West Alberta Street, the intersex ($100,000.00) Dell I tion of North: Zeyn. Street and West United States of i Wilhelmina Strmet. the intersection of East Sycamore Street and North Phila- One Hundreri TI Dollars being tbt delphia Street, the intersection of Eagt cipal of the inde s Sycamore Street and Emily Street, -ts..p •.red therefor; the intersection of East 8^eamore Stream, paid on said indel t and North C#audina Street, acid the re- exceed six per e surfacing_ of certain parts of Lincoln pavable semi -unit 1 -:Avenue between North Nest Street and and interest of at 3 thCp westerly boundary line of said city. raid in gold coin t -'The cost of the construction of America. pletion f which saidmuniprm11SECTION i muni provernenwas estimated atwenty' 2. called al$) by - or public reereatton 't i said City of Ana- ws of the State of riMedcost of w hieh 'Hundred Thousand i, In gold,coin of the merica. said sum of . isund ($100;0o0.00) 14 which said cost was- and #ss brio great to votes thereat t eceiv d and, canvassed be paid .c.ut of 'the ordinary annual in- and the returns thereof made- and the come and revenue of said city. results thereof as alned, determined And also determining that tite public and declared, asx in paovided are in.rest'and also the public necessity aceording to the s' a State of dekhand the construction and comple California, provid to governing tiffs 'of a certain ` municipal . improve elections in the Oita of.l` lieisxl, anis mebt.in; the ,City of Anaheim,, to -wit: the polls for such'electio 94h,411,be and the completion of the public park in remain open dur t t @,;; sgtilred said citycommonly known as "Anaheim by said' laws, and "lk Park including the installation and From .i3 (6; o, g,gai4 Planting thereon of trees, flowers, polis sha31 be one la*ns and shrubbery, and the instaila- must remain •op@lx' ntil en (7) tit►;p, c6nstructign and completion.' of o'clock P. M. of `ai 'day, when tl3ey tits; walks, drives,' parkin and other' shall be closed, °as p�o'vtfled by 1ti lTrovement4• necessary or proper for' Section 1164 of the Political Code of the tt;isilci ai including such iin- State of California. r"a ; tls 3 Y#R q; p>Ieil#c receatiori as The- ballots to bit� Yl.at•sueh sp8c#81 I f !► beim election shall be such as m y, ire ,.e' re - les, +_ t.�,. *—A .t� .ti:A tion C nStra7Cl en Ira nlnl tirr „Q CL '_ 11 O;C 1 eh".E { , t;1 u_ w d.nc park. -kings and other J) -s Provided y Sector 11: ] ,�t t} E ; itical Code of Lha rmproveurents n eessaiy or proper for i State of California. �I r munic ipai park including such rm_ he ballots to be usc3 at such speeia[ �. provement: in aid of public rcccairon ae, y Iare permitted to said City of An he int election shall be ucli as may be ro- quired by law to be used t> � est Baa - unin the laws of the State of Cal fo.- 1 n adto any other matter re- 6 � nia be printed n , quired by law to printed thereon, The cost of the construction and coin- 'shall appear the ?oIIowing: 16 h pletion of which said municipal im-11 MUNICIPAL TICKET" o, provew nt was estimated at One Hun- To vote on any proposition herein- ctred T}iousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, '' after set forth, stamp a cross (X) in which said cost was and is too great the voting square after the word "YES" to be paid out of the ordinary annual or after tyre word "NO". All marks es- y nrcoma and revenue of said City of. An eept the cross (X) are forbidden. Al: 1_. al-ieim• distinguishing marks or e. -sures are t1 NOW THER2�FORE, the Board of forbidden and make the ballot void. If do Trustees of the .City of Anaheim you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this 1' �4 ordain as follows: 3, SECTION 1. A. special electron is Elliot, return it to of Inspector of Election and obtain another. t lS hereby called and ordered to be held PROPOSI- QUESTIONS AND in City at Anaheim, State Cali-i TIONS SUBlvll T IA', TO VOTE 'Tuesday, fornie fornia d la ethe 28th of OF r1,1%+',CTORS: Shall the City of November, 192'l, the object being to Ana►iti*vm incur a bonded debt to 4 )f submit to the qualified elcetors of said the mrtoi nt of Forty Thousand 4 3r city a proposition to incur a bonded in- ($40,000.00) Dollars for the. coin- �1 debtedness by the City of Anaheim to t- pletion by the Cit;; of Anaheim of YES the amount of Forty Thousand ($a0 - 1 certain municipal improvement, )f 000.00) Dollars for the Purpose of the a to-wit: the completion of a cer- completion by the City of Anaheim of tail building in the City of Ana- a certain municipal improvement, viz.: building in heirn for municipal uses, the completion of a certain a officals, fog offices for- city of the City of .Anaheim for municipal use;; boil, ng room of chamber for the containing offices for city officials, a Tt as- meetings of the Beard of Tras- room or chamber for the holding of to s tses and other officials, boards NO �� meetings of the Board of Trustees and other officials, beards and tribunals of and tribunals of said city, rooms for the housing and safelccep.ng said city, rooms for the bousing and Pr city, to ' of prisoners of raid city, to be safekeeping of. Prisoners of said be used for the Purpose of a city jail, used for the purpose- of a city jail, and morns grad quarters for and rooms and quarters for the housing the housing of fila apparatus of of fire apparatus of said city and for said city and for the necessary the necessary accornodations for mem- acco mmodations for members of ♦�S .rN7 bels of its fire department, the esti- iit,, fire department. mated cost which improvement is Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars, iII curring of a bonded debt for tie cur- Jude gold collo of the United States of Amer- a bonded debt to tine amount of forty Thousand ($40, pose not ±Qrkh.4a-:r1 }�rKofipaid�p„ osi- �1) a JSehnof ' G`lbil Ica, said sum of Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000,00) I tions hit" n• ststed. he':ai�tai7 000.00) Dollars being the amount of tiro Dollars for the construction and cross (X) in the voting square to the Duckw Principal of the indebtedness to be in completion by the City of Ana- right,91, the word NO printed opposite The curred therefor the rate of interest to heirn of the following municipal such ropoaition. $aril eroN (X) of why be paid on said indebtedness will be not improvement to-wit: street work, stainp$@ 4h the square to the r bt of, �� consols to exceed six per cent (6%) per annual, consisting of grading and paving d th wotd "TE shall be eounte qs a $ for wl payable semi-annually, the principal to be Of certain street inters !ctions in vote 41r' favar of and to authorize the '*f, ap poin 'ldated and interest of said indebtedness United States aid city, to-wit: the intersection incurring a balldiin indebtedness for paid in gold coin of the of South West Street and Chest- the purpose set f th in. the proposi• In the _ of America, Also to sabmit to the Qualified elec- r.ut Street, the intersection of North Citron Street and West tion opposit t the said cry ( ) is,sf o ped; c _<eroa8 ( j s�m�d' •'- o eqn uirpd tors of said city a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Chartres Street the intersection YES of Palm Street and Chest- in, the votl� S",a,t� 10 tthe, T t Of .. as rile WOrt1 'N shall be era , Irftip Jud, Anaheim to the amount of Twenty-five nut Street, the intersection Stye Aafu o auto not in favor of `and a #andel Clef Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars for the k South Palm Street and Oak n- incurring of a bonded yin F r. Purpose c•f the construction and coni- street, the intersection of North debterize'the for the purpose set forth in The The pletion by- the City of Anaheim of the Palm Street and West Chartres the prneos the proposition,op to whieh sural of wh following municipal improvement, vis; and Street, the intersection of North CfOsa (X) i$ sthBlp+3& co nsol street work, consisting of gradin~ g Helena Street and West Chartres SECTION 4. kok, the; rring of a bonded .debt for the_ pus-,-. ` 3tid�es Htnife -7i ampe' rn Bquare:Lv U40 ri$nc us COnadli?Qated: election "preeipc nS e word "Y S Eha11 be countod as a for whi6ah ha is appointed, are eby te in favor of and to authorime the .apppo uted;Board of Election in ole curring of a bonder indebtedness for ,idated 8ltection .,N*. 2, rvc,' ie purpose set f '- h izi the.'' roposi in tha cutPacity a esigna nd on opposit rto, w ` ch said crRas' ( o eytindytct said e i therei rsr stamped a ni sac ArosB (7i) �uiritd Iaw r the voting square to �i e��Toh J. +Dtlon. e word "NO" *hail be -Dant� ,'' In �r i.Bo DaM _yr ote not in favor of and a #afusal to Car � "Ja rie, .fir # uthorize the incurring of a bonded in- b'brding;. ti. gi3rn ebtedness for the purpose set forth in The ,foile:i Ingg named personjach' he proposition opposite to which such Of whoiil is a qualified elector the ross (X) is stamped. coYisolidated 'election precinct ,l,aand SECTION 4. For the purpose of such ••for. wh he is appointed, a4Ny pecial election the • eleven, voting prey api'itfi Boar d _ lection, in 11- �incts herEtoYore created and eatal� ated -P7e =3, . ve fished by the Board ,of Supervisors of int panty herein design nd be County of Orange as) the eleetiou to. said els ction therein're- recincts for the said City of Anaheim qui by 14,w:�y` ' nd adopted by order of" said Board of 1A�redtor Rrnn rgS Tanaen. pervisors on'the : f th day of Novgm- JudC04 Mrs# B µ;,W .iangd'oi . T. er, 1921, and on the '23rd day of May* jk3radl;ty 922, shall be and are hereby eonselt- Clem rJdks, 3ZtheI IT, Marlil =in ated into four . consolidated election Mrs. ) Ule Borth, Walter Amst recincts, as follows. to -wit: The foll4winS. named person�aeh Anaheim Precinct No. 1 and Anaheim of whom"Id. a qualified elector the recinet No. 2, as tre same were estab- .eoneolidated oleotion precinct an ished by said Board of Supervisors on :for whi he is Rppointpd, .are feb he 8t.h day of November, 1821, and nppointed 13oard� of Election in Qsol nal•eim Precinct No, 11, as estab sit'_. idated Efection Pr#'inct No. 4 ,t ry o by said Boast pf�peraxisrs. h!e 'In ti4, apaetty •.}�en deeit ' 3rd day of Maury ,19"2'X; slhdU nI to�aa et Eafd.,dle�ition th&ein'#e r,me are hereby co>)soiidateel'11l bhali gttired by Iaw. known and designated as 'Cdnsoli- , Inapeabr, bl. fI Metcalf. ated Election Precinct No, 1." dudg*- y -Mons Piice,,- a F Anaheim Precinct Kis $and Aniaheitrt MathAE rnni*f?�:} ilrn rl..` ,diffi;. •F"0 .'«a rW baira oaa signarted as "Consdillated Miectiob t Cha' cttrnfnr hof Weed �Cente'r Sis recincY No. 2' . N C tion Street t aid ci ly. Andh'etm Preeinet No Anshelin l ng p p snd 'for r<cinet No. 6, and An x�i Precirlat idated otiutt s r ndt No: ,2 s o. 1, as the .same were eateblisbed by at ^the 'p'ord Garage, pt No. 320 -der of said Board of Supervisors on Los Angeles Street in said City. he 8th day of November, 1921, shslf The bolting place in and fo and the same are hereby. consoll� *oliditt�>�I'ection Prbcinet No. ted and shall be known and desig- be at the" Franklin -Nash Sales ted as 'Consolidated Election Precinct at No,.232 West aC+anter Street i p• 3". . . City Anaheim Precinct No, 8, ,Anaheim 'rhe pollit!gg place in ani fnr r '•ecinct No. 9, as, . the same .'were -es- Mated Sloctiait P inct No. 4 of blished by order of said Board of at the Brcgtditachetri, on (b.e pervisors on the 8th 'day of'Novem- side of 1�:ast Are *Ely £tt•eet -; er, 1921, and .Anaheim Precinct .No, 10, South Olive= treet %jtnd South !! the same was established by sai'cl Street in af51 Cilg, oard of Supervisors on the 23rd day o i Thea Sty &,'ier•k is herL4b; dirrc ay, 1922, shall be and the`same are, procure a Bapplies that, rcrn� be eroby consolidated and shall be known 8ary to properly and law Yulily c d designated as "Consolidated Mecr said sbecial e,tection. on Precinct No. 4': When the polls are closed tfi� o SECTION ii. The following' named of electton >tball count the ballot ersons, each of, wham is a qualified at sash 81344fal-election and canv{ lector of the consolidated election pre- votes cast respectively for'attd a nct in and for which lie is appointed, each proposition herein states re hegaby appointed Board of Election makle,return th2reof to the Bo, Consolidated l4lection Precinct No., Trustees of the City of Anahe to seiWe in the ,capacity herein desig= time, form.and manner required i ated and to corfdu,ct said elec"tion .ceatsfs *` Ytsa itpr Bred; grin as requir r, by ih,v: vr)ese etcN�l t:tTM' .4,Rol, i Inspector: Chas, M. Ifollingshead. i elee[iuns held in said City of Ara, d y - e d'' 4 'SVCVIO i 9.. If at such special ales tion, it aapposor hist pw r; thiY�E w 1 , 1th�<�te voting at such'eld`cthogh ' ncur Os to favor of. and authorize the incur,- , ring of d h'onded debt' for the purpyos#t ring the proposittonts Set, Porth in a&y of hereW risted. 'then such proposito *,, sits!l be ticettecd to have been acdepte by the electors and bo n',ds will be issus"' to defray, UU6 Cost of the rov en % bpeci ,, in such pproposition to the an tit 'it to tlee'retn u n I. aha}} of rl3i isnd rarteir . }mown 1 ' ` }4i it t ' st oiiz o3 ith�tart o .the ', th I sum be paid e h-4ndcPds1C}�sa wI -Ahd'ea$ry, year -until, u11 Of said bond4 and in " u, shaI l have befn paid, principal tereak Shall bo yaid in gold coin of they, g ', United States of America. SECTION' 7. Toe 39 o"11 -T-1- '16 ,p q �U$1 omet -. Roi;in 1. >lLNisoni tee, i T mple I`ittildunr nl: gt eet'in aaid Ciyf, on the UondaY nes to wit: • . s> ce'eding "It1 election, 1ldoifday..t)W 4th day of I;leoetitber, 19 , at di Of tiler and th oree totcanvasscthe ry turns and rice«tain,:determine snd d'e� clare the -sults of sat$ election. SEC'rTON 9. This Or finance shall be days DD Oranublished ge County Plain r sevenDealer. a in the t newespaper of general: circulai.ion, Pub4, City of 1h,hed six Clays a w - eft in said An holm, and t Or�ttnaipce and at�h Ski r p%irIicatibiu3h51}=b* tion. SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall+' takeeffect immediately.**r foragoilig 'Ordinan Nil. 428 cElgnd.eaaid a A 0Ve3. 01 this ISth 4ay" of Oct'.: 'rAtt7i; IA'b the Board of Tteity of 'An a re, (S ah li eautiYa o' i1AL) saAd . ntcipality. $CTApA.T12 or GALT fi1VTA, �Q1L+1iN(l�i *t, L! CIft Ii l'At;, sa. I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of she'= eta Hereby cer�;ify 4" �. ;_. JL the City Of .A that; the-forewoinW ;Ordinance No.- 42g 11 was introduced at a regular meeting o 't, tea r, the Board of Trustees of the < of d I Anaheim, Heid oit the. 13th day ` ober. 1922, and was finally pas mare than. a two, -thirds mote of hoard of Trustees at a re jiI oed meeting ' oY said Bu.rr�: u a it• Tkustees held an the 18th day of Octb ; 1922, and that •;the vote on thjt-' Ordinance: was as foil passage of,saaid A,FES, Trustees Stark. Stock, Gets $ A "a :!Gibbs. � . 'NOES, Trustees None. ry ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, Trustee .; sk � nn t . e1T iiiiIT1YFS8 WI#EEiiEOF, T hav st hereunto- set my hand and affixed thO the City of Anaheim this 19th id ahs}'of of dap of October, 1922. In LDWAIM 13. MERRITT o CttyOf ""• yrI he City Cisr A of .the % 4� o PurechedOot: E�, 9i,•23,.;8'4,2'5,.�. �, in 2Z. 1 MPr IN A7,11F. N O . 2 AN CiT?T1ItitAA,rF CAS�LIr'C7 AT-M rPOITTpTVG 771P ANID.�r�TITTA'CT ��CTIr! F, C`F A 3 SPE^IAL F'LFrTTOP To RF HELD IN THE ryITY OF V, AHF,IIT, STOF OF rALTF. 0PWIA, nll Tr,rSp .Y, THF 28TH DAY OF YMTV4PFR, 1922, THE ORJF(`T 4 PFING TO SUPVIT TO THF 7,T7ALTFTEn FLFrTGRa OF RAID CITY PPnPOSTTTOV TO TNCUP ONE nP Mn PF PnNDFD DFRTS RY 3ATD ^TTY FOR THF FOLLOTTV(7 5 1 PrTRTr'JE3: THF 'n'13TRr)';TTI)',t V`T) r,OTtPLFT:TnT\I ()P CFRTAT-N' 14rTVICIPAL IVPP('1VFTT7-,VT P! "AIT) ITTY, rf r,'BT TT lrT nr TuF; ^C)T4PLPTT(',''I OF A 6 PrUL ING FCP ^P.PT Ir- 8TPE.TT T!)PY, VID TNF t7(WT�LFF- 7 1 TIQAt 0 77 Pr'RLTr' PAPP. 8 NT-TFRFA.a, the 'Board of Trustees of the I'ity of Anaheim, 9 at a regular adjourned meeting held in said city on the 6th day 10 of October, 1922, by a vote of more than two--thirds of the members 11 of said Roard of Trustees, did ?pass and adopt a resolution deter- 12 mining that the rublic interest and also the public necessity 13 I dernands the corrpleticn by the City of Anaheim of a certain rrunici- 14 pal improvement, to--,nit: the com-letion of a certain building in 15 the ^ity of Anaheir for runiciral uses, containing offices for 16 city officials, .a room or chamber for the holding of resting. of 17 the Raard of Trustees and other officials, boards and tribunals 18 of said city, rooms for the housing; and safekeeping of rrisoners 19 of said city, to be used for the purpose of a city jail, and 20 r for the housing of fire apparatus of said cit � roo.ns and �xuarters y 21 and for the necessary accommodations for members of its fire 22 department. 23 The cost of the completion of which said municipal 24 improvement was estimated at Forty Thousand ('t40,000.00) Dollars, 25 which said cost was and is too great to be paid out of the 26 ordinary annual incor^e and revenue of said city. 27 And also determining that the public interest and also 28 the public necessity der.and the construction and completion by 29 the pity of Anaheim of a certal.n municipal improvement, to-grit: 30 street -pork, consisting; of grading and raving of certain street 31 intersections in said city, to--wit: 32 - l- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the intersection of South Tett Street and. Chestnut Str.Iet, the intersection of North Citron Street and West Chartres Street, the intersection of South ralr?j Street and Chestnut Street, the inter- section of South 'a_lY Street and Cali Street, the intersection of North ralrn Street and Test Chartres Street, the intersection of North Helena Street and Test Chartres Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and Cak Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and ^hes'nut Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and Third South Street, the intersection of North Zeyn Street and Test Sycamore Street, the intersection of Forth Zeyn Street and 'fest Alberta Street, the intersection of North 7eyn Street and Fest Tilhelmina Street, the intersection. of Fast Sycamore 7itreet and north Philadelphia Street, the intersection of Fast Sycamore Street and En'ily Street, the intersection of — East Sycamore Street and 'North ^laudina Street, and the re -surfac- ing of certain parts of Lincoln Avenue between North West Street and the westerly boundary line of said city. The cost of the construction and cormleti on of which said municiral imrrovement -,:eras estimated at Twenty-five Thousand ( 23,000, 00) Dollars, which said cost eras and is too great to be raid out of the ordinary annual inc ore and revenue of said e ity . And also determining that the ??ublic interest and also the rublic necessity demand the construction and completion of a certain rr}unicinal imrrovement in the City of Anaheim, to -;pit: the completion of the public nark in said city commonly known as "Anaheim Park", includin7 the installation and ?planting thereon of trees, flo-irers, lawns and shrubbery, 'and the installation, construction and comrletlon of the walks, ,hives, rarkin7,s and other im?�rover tints necessary or groper for a municiral nark, in- cluding such inrrove rrents in aid of puk)lic recreation as are per- mitted to saij City of Anaheim under the laws of the State of 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28- 29 30 31 32 California. The cost of the construction and completion of which said runicipal irr-provement, was estirra4-ed at One Hundred Thousand (''IOC;,nCO-`x) Dollars, which said cost --Cas and is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of Anaheir. 'INOT TNTRF,F RF, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheirn do ordain as follows: SPITTON 1. A special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in the "ity of Anahqin, State of I&II-fornia, on Tuesday, the 28th day of Movember, 1922, the obiect being to submit to the qualified electors of said city a -proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the 'Jity of Anaheim to the amount of Forty Thcusand Dollars for the nu-'Oose of the completion by the Ility of Anaheim of a certain municinal improve- ment, viz.: the comvpl,�tion of a certain building in the city of Anaheirt-, for municipal uses, containing offices for city officials a room or chamber for the holding of meetings of the Poard of Trustees and other officials, boards and tribunals of said city, rooms for the housing and safekeeping of rrisoners of said city, to be used for th-I ru-.rjose of a city Iail, and rooms and quarters -Lor. the housing of -Ci--e apiaratus of said city and for the necess- ary accommodations for members of its fire department, the estimat ed cost of which improvement is 'Forty Thousand (14n,100.0(1) Dollars, in gold coin of the rnited 3tates of Anerica, said sum of Forty Thousand 'j Dollars being the amount of the ,principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor; the rate of interest to ine raid on said indebtedness will be not to exceed six rer cent per annum, sayable semi-annually, the rrincipal and interest of said irdtbtedgess to be raid in �7o'-jd coin of the 7nited States of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Also tc subrlit to the qualified electors of said city a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Anaheim to the amount of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars for the purpose of the construction and completion by the City of Anaheir.; of the following runic inal imrrovement, viz.: street work, consisting of grading and paving of certain street intersections in said city, to-,.vit: the'` ,tersection of youth Test Street and Chestnut Street, the intersection of Forth Citron Stree and Fest rhartres Street, t11e intersection of South ralr, Street Street and '"hostnut Street, the intersection of South Palr;/and Oak Street the intersection of north 'Cala. Street and Pest Chartres Street, the intersection of Forth Uelena 7treet and 'Jest Chartres Street, the intersection of South T-Teiena Street and Oa!l Street, the inter- section of "ouch Helena Street and Chestnut Street, the inter- section of South Helena Street and Third South Street, the inter- section of North 7eyn Street and Test Sycamore Street, the inter- section of north 7eyn Street and Test Alberta Street, the inter- TI nter- � section of north Zeyn Street and Test Tilhelm.ina Street, the intersection of Fast SyeanoMn Street and Forth Philadelnhia Street, the intersection of Fastyycan_.ore Street and R .ily Street, the intersection of Fast lycanore Street and North ('l.audina Street, and the re -surfacing of certain rarts of Lincoln Avenue between ?Forth gest Street and the westerly boundary line of said city, the estimated cost of which ir^proverent is T7,enty-five Thousand Pollars, in gold coin of the T?nited States of AH -erica, sail sum of Twenty -fie? Thousand (�?5, 000.00' Dollars being the amount of the rrinciral of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor; the rate of interest to be raid on said indebt- edness will be not to exceed six per cent (-�) per annum, payable semi-annually, the nrincinal and interest of said indebtedness to be paid in gold coin of the 'Tnited States of Ar?Priea• 1 Also to submit to the qualified electors of said city a 2 proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Anaheim 3 to the amount of One Hundred Thousand 0100,000.00; Dollars for 4 the purpose of the construction and eoranletion by the City of 5 l Anal-l.eim of the folloYving municipal irlproverient, viz.: the cornple- 6 tion of the --;ublic nark in said city commonly known as "Anaheim 7 Turk", includinm the installation and planting; +hereon of trees, 8 flog;tiers, lawns and shrubbery, and the installation, construction 9and Completion Of tyle xralk'3, :hives, parkings and other improve- -IL necessar�,T or pron4r for a municipal park, includi_pg such 11 improv mnents in aid of public recreation as are permitted to'.said 12 City of Anaheim iinder the laws of the, State of California, the 13 estimated cost cf which imrrover::ent is Cne Hund:rQd Thoi sand 14 (""100,000.00) rollsars, in Told coin of the United Mates of Arneric 15 said sum of nne ��undred Thousand ("'�7.,C0,00)^.00) Dollars being the 16 amount of the rrincipal of the indebtedness to be incurred there - 17 for; the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness will be 18 not to exceed six rer cent (6` 1 rer annus•:, nw�Table semi-annually, 19 the principal and interest of said indebtedness to be maid in 20 gold coin of the United State,3 of :krierica. 21 SECTIMI 2. The special election hereby called and 22 ordered to 'te held, shall be held and conducted and the, votes 23 thereat received ;end canvassed, and � �a returns thereof made and 24 the results th,erpot asci rtain?d, "Ieterr.ined ar.d declared., as here - 25 in provided and according to the la -7s of the State of California, 26 providing for and 7overni;elections in the City of Anaheim, -and 27 the polls for such elections shall be and remain open during the 28 time required by said laws, and as follows: 29 From Six (3) o' clods A. �% 17han said polls shall be 30 on_ened, and laid polls must remain open until Seven (7' o'clock 31 7 ?F Of said day, -*thaYi they '��e.1? be ^losSd, e.xCe+°�t as -oroZT de 32 -5- 1 i 1 by Section 11934 of the Political 'lode of the State of California. 2 The ballots to be used at such special election shall 3 be such as may be re, ui red by lav to be used thereat and in 4 addition to any other matter re-iuired by law to be printed there- 5 on, shall appear thy: following: To snots on any rro-position hereinafter set forth, 8 I stamp a cross (Y) in the vot inn square after the word "YF•S" or 9 aft:.-r the word IIN(I" . All narlcs except the cross (X) are for- 10 bidden. All c-listinguishinn rarks or erasures are forbidden and 11 malre the ballot void. Tf yo-Li -rrongl r staTMp, tear or deface this 12ballot, return it to the Tnspector of flection and obtain another. 130TIFSTIi�~,�� �R�r.nTTrrr�S St? 1'.TT'TFn Tn t'^TF OF FfI,FrTOFS 14 Shall the lity of Ana iein incur a bonded debt to 15 the amount of Forty Thousand ('40, (100.^01 D011a-s 16 for the con-pletion by the ^ity of Anahein. of a 17 certain municipal irmprovement, to--vit: the 18 completion of a certain building in the (Uty of YES 19 Anaheim for municipal uses, containing offices for 20 city officials, a room or charlier for the holding 21 the poard of Trustees and other o� meetings of �h� 22 officials, boards and tribunals of said city, 23 rooms for the housing and safekeering of prison- 24 ers of said city, to be used for the purpose of a stn 25 or the housing city jail, and rooms and quarters for g tib of fire arrraratus of. said city and for the necess- 27 ary accommodations for members of it 28 fire depart- 28 rye nt . 29 30 Shall the "ity of .Anaheim incur a bonded debt to 31 the amount of T,7enty-five Thou.s,.nd (6,25,000.00) 32 - S- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 Dollars for the construction and e om?alet ion by the city of Anaheim of the following municipal improvement, to -wit: streat -work., consisting of grading and navin7 of certain street intersec- tions in said city, to -Tait: the intersection of South Test Street and chestnut Street, the inter- section of North nitron "estreat and gest Martras Street, the intersection of South 'Palrr Street and "hestnut Street, the int.;rsection of South Palm Street and ^ak Streat, tine intersection of North Palm Street and "fast lhartres Street, the inter- section of North Helena Street and ?est lhartras Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and Oak Street, the intersection of South Helena Street and Chestnut ,"street, the intersection of South Melena Street and Third South Street, the intersection of Forth ',ern Straet and Test Syca- more Street, the intersection of 'forth Zeyn Street and 'fest Alberta 7treet, the intersection of Forth Zayn Street and Test Wilhalnina Street, the inter- sedtion of Fast Sycamore Street and North Phila- delphia Street, the intersection of hast Sycamore Street and F ily Street, the intersection of Fast Sycamore Street and North "laudina ?treat, and the res -surfacing of certain marts of Lincoln Avenue bet-xiaen ?Forth Test Streit and the wester- ly boundary line of Said city. Shall the city of Anaheim incur a bonded debt to the amount of One Hundred Thousand 0'100,000.00 ?dollars for the construction and completion by -7- YES 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the City of A nape im of the following r=ic ipal improvement, to -grit: the cormletion of the pub - lis rark in said city cormonly known as "Anaheim Park", including the installation and planting thereon of trees, flowers, lawn^, ar_d shrubbery, and the installation, construction and comple- tion of the walhs, drives, 7arkings and other improvements necessary or pro -per for a munici- pal rark, including; such improvements in aid of public recreation as are -�er:nitted to said city of Anaheim under the lazes of the State of ralifornia. 'SES 110 NITTnN 3. Any quali "ied elector of the 'Jity of Anaheim ;nay vote at said spacial A?.action for or against any or all of the nrorositions here,rith submitted. To vote in favor of and authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the pu--nose set forth in any of the nrorositions herein stated, he shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square to the right of the word "YES" rrinted or"osite such proposition, and to vote against and refuse to authorize the incurring; of a bonded debt for the -purpose set forth in any of said nrorositions herein stated, he shall stamp a cross (x} in the voting square to the right of the word "PO" minted opp-osite such pro -position. Each cross (X), stamped in the square to the r, i7ht of the word 'I'VES" shall be counted as a vote in :favor of and to authorize the incurring of a bonded indebted- ness for the -purpose set forth in the proposition oprosite to which said cross W, is stamped, and each cross W stamped in the voting s ua-'e to +he r ht of the cord "Vnff shall be counted as a vote not in favor of and a refusal to authorize the incurri of a bonded indebtedness for the purpose set forth in the -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 proposition orrosite to which such cross Wl is stamped. SFrTION4. For the purpose of such special election the eleven voting precincts heretofore created and established by the Board of Su?:ervisors of the County of Orange as the elution precincts .for the said City of Anaheim and adorted by order of said Board of Supervisors on the 8th day of November, 12,21, and on the 23rd day of 14ay, 1922, shall be and are hereby consolidated into four consolidated election rrecincts, as follows, to -wit: Anaheim Prec;_nct No. 1 and Anaheim Precinct No. 2, as the same were established by said Board of Supervisors on the 8th day of Wovember, 1921, and Anaheim. Precinct No. 11, as established by said board of Su??ervisors on the 23rd day of May, 1922, shall be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and designated as "lonsolidated Flection Precinct 'No. 1" . Anaheim Precinct N o. 3 and Anaheim rrecinct No. 4, as the same were established by order of said Board of Super- visors on the 23rd day of May, 1922, shall be and the sane are hereby consolidated and shall be kno7n and designated as "(Consolidated 'lection Precinct No. 2". Anaheim Precinct No. 5, Anaheim Precinct No. 6, and Anaheim rrecinct No. 7, as the sarle ~vera established by order of said Board of Surervisors on t' -,,.e 8th day of November, 1921, shall be and the same are hereby consolidated and shall be known and designated as "consolidated Flection Precinct No. 3". Anaheim Precinct No. 8, Anaheim Precinct No. 9, as the same were established lir order of said Board of Supervisors on the 8th day of November, 1021, and Anahe irr Precinct r10- 10, as the same was established by said Board of Supervisors on the 23rd day of May, 1922, shall be and the same are hereby con- 2 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 solidated and shall be known and designated as "Consolidated.` Election Precinct No. 4". • 3FITION 5. The following named persons, each of Whol" is a qualified elector of the consolidated election precinct in and for which he is appointed, are hereby appointed 'Board of Election in Consolidated Election Precinct Vo. 1, to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election therein as required by law: Insrect-or: Judges: Ile rk s: 01 The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of the consolidated election -precinct in and for which he is arrjointed, are hereby appointed Poard of Flection in Consolidated Election Precinct 'N'o- 2, to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct- said election therein as required by law: Inspector: Judges: v'YV, 2aa Clerks: The follo'--Vingr narred persons, each of whoa is a qualified elector of 11 -he consolidated election precinct in and for which he is appointed, are hereby appointed Poard of Election in Consolidated Election Precinct No. 3, to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election therein as requred 17 law: Inspector: Judges: ?t&L.* 'Ilerks: The following named persons, each of whom is a qualified elector of -11-1he consolidated election precinct in and —10— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 for which he is appointed, are hereby appointed Roard of Election in Consolidated Election Precinct Vo. 4, to serve in the capacity herein designated and to conduct said election therein as rewired lir lair: Insrect or:�, `3YtcnL nlerks: L111 The rolling, -place in and for Consolidated Flection Precinct No. 1 shall be at the Anaheim union High School, at the corner of West Center Street and North Citron Street in said city. The polling place in and for Consolidated Flection Precinct No. 2 shall, be at the Fo-rd Garage, at No. 320 North Los Angeles Street in said 11ity. The polling •_rlace in and fog° Consolidated Flection Precinct No. 3 shall be at the Franklin -Yash Tales Poor.!, at 110. 332 'West renter Street in Calci City. The rollingn1.ace in and for Consolidated Flection Preeir_et 11o. 4 shall be at the Froa ILWay School, on the south side of Fast Broadway Street, between South (`live Street and South 'Melrose Street in said City. The pity Clerk is hereby directed to procure all sup -plies that i:i ay be necessary to nroperly and "Lawfully conduct said special election. 'hen the rolls are closed the officers of election shal count the ballots cast at such srecial election and canvass the votes cast resrectively for and aTainst each prorosition herein stated and make return thereof to the 'Foard of Trustees of the City of Anaheir, in time, form and r,.anr_er required for the count- ing, canvassing and returning of votes cast at other special municipal elections held in said City of Anaheim. SFCTTnV 6. If, at such special election, it shell -11- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 _I arrear that two-thirds of all the voters voting at such election are in favor of and authorize the incurring; of a. bonded debt for the purpose set forth in any of t' -_e rropostions herein stated, then such-P:rorosition shall be deemed to have ? een accented by the electors and bonds will be issued to defray the cost of the improvement s-^ecified in such proposition and to the amount stated therein. Such bonds shall be of the form and character known as "Serials" and ta.t least one -fortieth part of the principal sur: of such indebtedness will be paid each and every year until all of said bone? s s ,.all have been raid, rrinciral and interest shall be ,paid in ?old coin of the United States of America. SEOTION 7. The Board of Tru~,tees shall meet at,- their usual palace of meetin , to -wit: at Room V o. 1, Masonic Temrl.e Fuilding at No. 255 Fast ^enter Street in said city, on the N'tonday next succeed'ng said election, to -wit: on Vonday, the 4th day of December, 1912'2, of the hour of seven thirty o'clock F. Ips., then and t!'zere to canvass the returns and ascertain, determine and declare the results of said election. SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall, be rublished once a day for seven (7) da;*s in the Orange County Flain realer, a newsraper of ,meneral circulation, -published six days a week in said City of Anaheim, an, -d this Ordinance and such publication shall be the Notice of Flection. 3FOTTON 9. This Ordinance shall take effect ininediate- ly. The above and foregoing* Ordinance Vo. 6Lr :S is signed, and an roved ben me this _Z.:� day of October., 1922. President of the Board of Trustees of the 17-ity of Anaheim and Executive of s}.idsunicirality -12- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ?TA.TF nF CAI,IF�'R1i'IA, 1 } COUNTY OF 0PAhG71V } 33. CITY �F AN AHF I71. } 1, Fdv!ard 71. T'erritt, pity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing; Ordinance 110. 42..5 was introduced at a regular meeting of the Roard of Trustees of the city of Amaheir', held on the 13_ das,- of Oetoher., 1922, and was finally passed by more than a two-thirds vote of said Roar:. of Trustees at a regular meeting of said Roard of Trustees held on the day of October, 1p22, and that the vote on the passa e of said C"^dinance was as follows: A773, Trustees �,,/� ,Q�� �l(,� � o •``d iL o MOF8, Trustees ARSENT A_IID P7 VOTING, Trustees I1�1 TITNF 3 �MMFRFOF, T 11.ave 'hereunto set my hand and zot-- affixed the seal of the city of Anaheir- this _Ly_ day of Cct ober, 19122. --- i I t y r1 e rig ooh ty of ,na e In f {� 0 - 13_