437 (2)VS. Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange Plaintiff Defendant State of California STATE OF CALIFOR.NIA, Con ty of Orange, ss. ........ '.. ........... .....being first duly sworn, deposes and says That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he was a citizen of the United S ates, over the age of eighteen years, and a reslaent of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and 1•roprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange. State of California; that said Anaheim 'Gazette is and was at all times herein mentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and ,State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding fthe first publication of the notice herein mention- eu ; that the .."' r:'1 -... ! ... .`�• . �. • . ................. . .............................. I.............................hof 'which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at least ..........................••............ ..times, commencing on the ..............day of .............................192..., and ending on the. .............day of ................ •..........192...,both days inclusive, and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: ................... ..I ..... .............. ... SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me this ------3 --_ ORDINANCE NO. 437. AN AND` ",kI CE FQ THE PAYMENT OF TAXES, AND ELECTRIC LIGHT AND l;ATEA RATES IN THE CITY OF AN HEIM., ,- - t The Board of Trustees of the City of 1 Anaheim do',ordain 0 follow$: 1 SUCTION ' 1. That all licenses ano taxes which are now, or which may here after be required to be paid by any ordi- nance, rule ;lar regulation of the City or Anaheim shall be payable, ig',accordance with such ol''dinances ' rules,. or - regula• tions, to trio:arshai and ex-ofticto tax otiector of saliT city, at his office in thu City Hall of the City of Anaheim, located on the Southeast corner of thethtersec- tion of South Claudina and . East. Centep Streets, In the City of Anaheim,- Cqunty of Orange,_ State of Caltfornla. SECTION 2. All •electric light and wa- ter rates flow due, or which may here- afterbecome due, to the City of Ana- heim, shall be payable at the office of thr Rate Collector of said city, at his office in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim, located on the Southeast corner of the in- tersection of South Claudina and East Center Streets, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange., State of California. SECTION 3. This ordinance is not In- tended to modify or repeal, and does not modify or repeal any existing ordinance, rule or reguleLtion of the City of Anaheim, with reference to the time or manner of paying taxes, iicenses, or water or Qlec�' tric light rates, except as herein other- wise provided. SECTION 4 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provis- ions of this ordinance, are hereby re- pealed. SECTTON G. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the pass• age of this ordinance, and cause the samt. to be, published once In the Anaheim Ga zette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, or circulated in said city, and thirty days from and after its final passage, it shall take effect and b, In full force. The foregoing Ordinance- Is signed, ap .»roved and attested by me this 26th day ..,Y' WM. STARK, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. .Attest: EDWARD B..MERRITT, City Clerk of; the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF oTtANGE. CITY OF ANAHEIM, SS: I. Edward B., erritt, City CVak 11CUIili ev"fe;►ee. O�ui u6$01 B vopq ssq Aj93jsq alis •e0601d= U n uO0I1AJ IOU Aq ?q$iu Sspanlvg east 'a aql olui RBaaq o; }dulej;s us gui4at ,I3 2g2nsa sem tiasnX -jaaals seleSuV sor q'IaoK UO . JU931 q utiatisu'o* ain eziat >I -8anq ol, A Idmal1v R'lIm pe2asga Av ;} -uo,yq uenoag.; e8pur eao;eq peu91sa c to 1. day of ---------------.. - r Notary Pub cin and for Orange County, California. VS. Affidavit of Publication In the Superior Court of the County of Orange Plaintiff Defendant State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Cou ty of Orange, ss. .....being first duly sworn, deposes and says• That at all times hereinafter mentioned, he was a citizen of the United Sates, over the age of eighteen years, and a resident of said county, and was at and during all said times the printer, publisher and 1•roprietor of the Anaheim Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, print ed and published weekly in the City of Anaheim, in said County of Orange. State of California; that said Anaheim 'Gazette is and was at all times herein raentioned, a newspaper of general circulation and is published for the dis- semination of local and telegraphic news and intelligence of a general char- acter, having a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers; that at all said times ,said newspaper had been established, printed and published in the said City of Anaheim, in said County and ,State at regular intervals for more than one year preceding the first publications ofthe notice herein mention- /17).. ention- ( ed; that the .." f'1.....lot_...................... .......... .......................................... 'which the annexed is a printed copy, was published and printed in said newspaper at ORDINANCE NO. 4 i AN AND rI LACE FQR THE PAYMENT OF TABS, ANI) ELECTRIC LIGHT AND W:1TER RATE f IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM.. . The Board of Trustees of the City of j Anaheim do' of 0 follow': ' SECTION' 1. That all license'_ ano taxes which are now, or which may here- after be required to be paid by any ordl, nance, rule or regulation of the City of Anaheim. s44ll be payaVe, i}l'A IrdHnce with such 6fdinances,_ rules,. or- regale• tions, to thez�ta.rshal and enc-Offloio tay ^oUeotor of sand city, at his office 1n tha City Hall of the City of Anaheim; located on the Southeast corner of thaahtersec tion of South Claudimd - anal ,East. Center Streets, in the City of Analieim,•'Copnty of Orange,, State of California. SECTION 2. All electric light and wa- ter rates now due, or which may herta- aftel• become due, to the City of Ana - 'helm. shall tie payable at the office of the Rate Collector of said city, at his office in the City Ball of the City of Anaheim, located on the Southeast corner of the in- tersection of South Claudina and East Center Streets, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of California. SECTION 3. This ordinance is not in- tended to modify or repeal, and does not modify or repeat any existing ordinance, rule or regal&tion of the City of Anaheim, with reference to the time or manner of paying taxes, licensee, or water or tlav<' triolight rates, except as herein other- wise provided. SECTION 4 All ordinances and parte of ordinances in conflict with the provia ions of this ordinance, are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 5. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the paub- age of this ordinance, and cause the samt. to be. published once in the Anaheim Ga - zette, a newspaper of general circulation, printed. published, or circulated in saiu city, and thirty days from and after Its final passage; It shall take effect and bL in full force. The foregoing Ordinance is signed, ap proved and attested by me this 26th daN of Aprfr, 1'9S'S: (SEAL) WM. STARK, least ..........................••............ ..times, commencing on the. President of the Board of Trustees of the 192..., and ending on the City of Anaheim. ..............day of Attest: EnwARD B..MERRrTT, ..............day of • ..........192...,both days inclusive, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. and as often during said time as said newspaper was regularly issued; that STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF, is to say, on the following dates, to -wit: ORANGE, CITY OF ANAHEIM, SS: I. Edward ' he err City Clerk of the City of Anaheim' do hereby certify that the foregoing, Ordinance was introduced y, •.............................. at a regular meeting of the Board of a Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the- 12th day, ,of Apill, 1923, and that e the same was•yabsod and adopted at a .............. regular meetfngmof the Board of Trustees / of the City! of Anaheim held on the 26th day of April, 1923, by the following vote:, ....................... ............................... AYES, Trustees Stark, Stock, Gates,` Mann and Gibbs. NOES. Trustees None. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to tees AND NOT VOTING, . Trus- . es None. /e And I further certify that the -Preal- dent of the Board of Trustees of the City of Auaheltn sighed, said _ordinance _on the_ beforeme this - - - _ _j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ day f 26th day of April, 1923. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here• unto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city 1921 , this 26th day Of art. ----------------: 1923. (SEAL) - EgWARD B; MEnnryT g L C City Clerk of the Cit'9 of And AM., . ,........... .� -Y, Notary Pub tc in and for Orange court Callifornia:-a7?njp_ry&' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDI 'AT CETO. If 3 ^7 AN ORDINI'tTTCE FIXT173 mT_TT7' TT`7 APLACE FCR TYE PAYTTE117 OF LICENSES T L I , "D, T TAXES, Al,','T-," El T! 7 C7 P, I C L I '�_Y'77 A. 7' T" WAT77 RA'177','.'3' 17 TT'P, CITY OF ANATFEI" The Eoard of Trustees of t'1"e City of _4.n&hei!-,11 do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That all lice-n.ses and taxes which are now, oi- which -1-nay hereafter be req-,ired to be 'a 411dby any ordinance, rule or reFulation of -11_-'?.e City of Ana'--,,ei 1, shalll be payable, in accordance v,ith such or1ft!_-_­,ancec, rule-., or re-,-ul�,'tions, to the marshal and ex-officia, tax collector of Sc d city, at his office I -he Sout-heast in the City Fall of 151.e City o-1-7 Arahei�-,i, located on t ­on. o-5' 1�outh Clau�ina and 7zett Center corner of -'-'--e intersect Streets, in the City of Count ­,r of Grange, State of Calif- ornia. SECTIO -v 2. A 11 -_ I e c t r i C' 11 LE� - 1- , t a n r-1 iv a t e r rates n o ;J u e or which m.ay 'fereaft,cT beco.,--ie Co -e, -1- L.0 4- U.L-e Ana:hei-,,,^�, shall be payable at tI.,e office Of +_1_jeRFte Codlector of sq,­,iC city, at ',is office in t' -,--,e City Fall of the ^'itv of 1,-na,heL,loca-'U-ed, on t h e'-,, Southeast corner of Lnt-e-rsectio-1 of ',--'!out--h Ciaadina, and. 'A111e:P_t Ana") ­ 'I:, County of Oran;:, -c 'State Center Street -o in the Citi' o.1. of California. 4- SE"ITI-74 3. Thli-, ordi-nance is not .,tended to iiiodig 11 y or. repeal, and toes niot ­,odifv or re--)eal e-,-iotinE,, ordinance, rule or regulation of the City of 1�,-ith reference to t -e ti' -"ae 7J'oe.:-,.-,�,e,s, or water or e3echt or manner 0" taxe,,�, _L tUric li:- rates, exce-pt- 1"�.erein ot11e."r!1J'1SC' '_'.'rovidled. SECTION 4. All a,,n,'l ,D: its of ordinances in UO:Caflict 04 _dip , S ty repealed. _)7 of this cr�,Jnance, L L are here'-,, S E C T I C, " T IF T'r,e City Ci.er': -1 f -�-Jhe of Ana,he-4'� &hall certify to t -7.,_c JaNSa Ow U r,-' 4 -n �n c e and d c au c e th"- sau-,ie to be oublish.ed once in t'ne _'%I7,ette, a nevvspa�.-per of p-eneral Cj rCU1 &4-Z 01,1, in city, a7i6 a', 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0-1 32 thirty days froll'. :n,,f ---`7ter its final --,,assage, it shall tike effect and be in full force. 4. - The foreg-oinp- Crdina-,ce Sij-ned, &-poroved and <F -nested by me this day of President of tine Board of Trustees of � U ,, City -�y of Anahei,.,.-ii 1 � e ",' Attest: ,:;7 11 � / (- d-.,- City Clerk of the City o Anal-'.,eim STATE OF CALIFORNIA, C"'U1,TTY A IT CITY CF ANAn -LJ, �lerK e amity C 0 t'-ity of er-JI-t, � "J 4 - -LF !.� n e i m do herebv certi-.I-",,- t,'L-1�-IF, t','e --f'orelp-cin_, Ord.J'na-nce vas in-'-Toduced at- , I I" 1� e. regular e e t 4 nc o -L' ti -:e '-73oa,rd of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on t: -:e /2-- day of 1223, am, -9 that the same was passed and adopted at a of +11-1e, Bo,-,r'q of Trustees of the C1ty of :kn e on t 17, e z6 ay of 10,23, AYES, Trustees NOES, Trustees j %J ABSENT AT,M IT CT 71707P. T r a. cs t e e s 'n I f" r 'Uhe r c e r -LU., t -h a-'- till' es i d er.t o -P the Board A L� , - U U- C, ", . -' r of Trustees of tine '.' e 3 t of A'.�Iahe �'i'i z, Jp,-- -..ed- ,zai.f ord-L Lance on the day of I:,-; ',r(ZS ITER --,'()F _,-.ave '!�er,'-unto -iiy hi-tnf an(' 4 -T - � I w - ' V rl 1 set � .--. U, I affixed the offic es seal o--:7' ccity , this 26 11t77j . ajT 0 f —Cc.. 1—� , 1023. City C7er.,-. of 4u i -i e 2At,ir.-7--oArahe-j-rq -2-